I Ching, DNA, RNA

March 23, 2017 | Author: ben2korbel | Category: N/A
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Includes documents: 1. Generation of DNA Codes & the Hexagrams of I Ching from the Principle of Existence by Hup...


Preprint Hu, H. & Wu, M. Generation of DNA Codes & the Hexagrams of I Ching from the Principle of Existence


Original Work

Generation of DNA Codes & the Hexagrams of I Ching from the Principle of Existence Huping Hu* & Maoxin Wu ABSTRACT In this short paper, the authors briefly discuss their preliminary thoughts on the coding of DNA and the hexagrams of I Ching based on the principle of existence. It is shown that one may mathematically generate the DNA codes from the principle of existence. It is further shown that one may also mathematically generate the hexagrams of Chinese I Ching from the principle of existence. Key Words: DNA, triplet codon, coding mechanism, I Ching, hexagrams.

1. Introduction The current state of Central Dogma of molecular biology first articulated in 1958 and later restated in 1970 by Francis Crick (1958, 1970) is shown in the following diagram (source: Wikipedia):

From the perspective of evolutionary biology, it is widely believed that life was first RNA-based before becoming DNA-based. However, there are still many unanwered fundamental questions on the origin, nature and mechanism of RNA/DNA as discussed below.

Correspondence: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D., QuantumDream, Inc., P. O. Box 267, Stony Brook, NY 11790. E-mail: [email protected] Note: The content of this paper has appeared in DNA Decipher Journal, Volume 1 Issue: pp. 001-010 (2011). QuantumDream, Inc.


Preprint Hu, H. & Wu, M. Generation of DNA Codes & the Hexagrams of I Ching from the Principle of Existence


In the early eighties of the 20th Century, the herein first author had asked and tried to answer some of these questions: (1) whether each code position of the triplet codon has unique meaning; (2) whether the triplet codon is intrinsically connected to the three dimensionality of space; and (3) whether the four bases, A, T, C & G are intrinsically connected to the four dimensionality of spacetime. Indeed, he thought that he had found the answers to these questions and wrote two unpublished papers. On reflection, the premises and conclusions in these papers were perhaps premature and/or immature just as he was young and immature himself. However, his passion to try to discovery answers to these questions plus many more such as those listed below has remained very strong. This short paper perhaps mark a new biginning for the authors. In particulars, the following are some of the mysteries associated with DNA/RNA: (1) How A, U, C, G and A, T, C, G became the four bases/letters of genetic language? Why just four? Were they due to random chance as commonly accepted/believed or were their selections somehow guided by some kind of intelligent force or field? (2) Why the RNA/DNA codon is triplet? Was it again just random chance or was deeper principle involved? In other words, does each code and/or code position in the triplet codon has certain meaning? (3) Why the coding of amino acids by the RNA/DNA codons are degenerate? (4) Are there further coding principles and/or mechanisms involved in forming the RNA/DNA sequences? (5) What are all the functions of DNA? How does DNA perform all these functions? (6) Is DNA a program of a quantum biocomputer? How does this biocomputer compute?

2. Possible Coding Mechanism Based on the Principle of Existence The herein authors have recently put forward the principle of existence (Hu & Wu, 2010). Based on this principle, one may mathematically generate the DNA code as follows:

1 ei 0

ei 0 ei 0 ei 0 eix ix eiy iy eiz iz eix eiy eiz e ix e iy e A T G Condon T A C Anticoden etc.



where x, y & z are hypothesized to be three parameters for coding information in each DNA strand/sequence and the following selections and mappings are used at the code level: eix is allowed to have the value +1, +i, -1 or –i respectively at the code level eiy is allowed to have the value +1, +i, -1 or –i respectively at the code level QuantumDream, Inc.


Preprint Hu, H. & Wu, M. Generation of DNA Codes & the Hexagrams of I Ching from the Principle of Existence


eiz is allowed to have the value +1, +i, -1 or –i respectively at the code level


e-ix is allowed to have the value -1, -i, +1 or +i respectively at the code level e-iy is allowed to have the value -1, -i, +1 or +i respectively at the code level e-iz is allowed to have the value -1, -i, +1 or +i respectively at the code level Mapping:

1, i, 1, i

A, C , T , G


Also see Figure 2 below:

Figure 2 The above selections and mappings produce the 43=64 codons and anti-codons of DNA respectively. In this coding system, {A, C, T, G} as a set have the following algebraic properties:




C2 ...






A2 T 2 An



where n=1,2,3,4,… Further hypothesizing that x, y & z are three parameters encoding spatial information of a protein in a DNA strand, one may find meaning for each code position of the triplet codon and possible QuantumDream, Inc.


Preprint Hu, H. & Wu, M. Generation of DNA Codes & the Hexagrams of I Ching from the Principle of Existence


connection between the triplet codon and the three dimensionality of space. However, these are just preliminary hypotheses/speculations at this point.

3. Generation of Hexagrams of I Ching There are many metaphysical discussions about the connections of DNA code and the Chinese I Ching. Applying the principle of existence (Hu & Wu, 2010), one may generate the hexagrams of I Ching as follows:

1 ei 0

ei 0ei 0ei 0

eix eiy eiz eix eiy eiz

eix ix eiy iy eiz


eix eiy eiz e ix e iy e

ei ei ei

__ __ __

Upper Trigram


__ __ __

Lower Trigram

e ei ei




where x, y & z are hypothesized to be three parameters for coding information in I-Ching before the separation of the outer aspect and the inner aspect; α, β & γ are three parameters for coding information of outer aspect; ψ, φ & χ are three parameters for coding information of inner aspect; and the following selections and mappings are used at the hexagram/code level: eiα is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, or -1 respectively at the code level eiβ is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, or -1 respectively at the code level eiγ is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, or -1 respectively at the code level


e-iψ is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, or -1 respectively at the code level e-iφ is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, or -1 respectively at the code level e-iχ is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, or -1 respectively at the code level

1, 1


__ Yang , _ _ Yin

The above selections and mappings produce the 26=64 hexagrams of I-Ching. QuantumDream, Inc.


Preprint Hu, H. & Wu, M. Generation of DNA Codes & the Hexagrams of I Ching from the Principle of Existence


In this coding system, {Yang, Yin} as a set have the following algebraic properties: Yang + Yin = 0


To accommodate “Changing Yang” and “Changing Yin,” the following expanded selections and mapping can be used: eiα is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, +i, -1 or –i respectively at the code level eiβ is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, +i, -1 or –i respectively at the code level eiγ is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, +i, -1 or –i respectively at the code level


e-iψ is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, +i, -1 or –i respectively at the code level e-iφ is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, +i, -1 or –i respectively at the code level e-iχ is allowed to have the value (collapse to) +1, +i, -1 or –i respectively at the code level

1, i, 1, i

Yang , Changing Yang , Yin, Changing Yin


The above selections and mappings produce the 46=4096 hexagrams of I-Ching which include the Changing Yang and Changing Yin. Therefore, the 64 DNA Codons and their corresponding anti-codons belong to a subset of the 4096 hexagram set. In this expanded coding system, {Yang, Changing Yang, Yin, Changing Yin} as a set have the following algebraic properties:

Yang Yin Changing Yang

Changing Yin

Yang 2

Yin 2 ...

Changing Yang

Yang n

Yin n

Changing Yang




Changing Yin Changing Yin






where n=1,2,3,4,…

4. Conclusion In this short paper, the authors have briefly discussed their preliminary thoughts on the coding of DNA and the hexagrams of I Ching based on the principle of existence. It has been shown that one may mathematically generate the DNA codes from the principle of existence. It has been QuantumDream, Inc.


Preprint Hu, H. & Wu, M. Generation of DNA Codes & the Hexagrams of I Ching from the Principle of Existence


further shown that one may also mathematically generate the hexagrams of Chinese I Ching from the principle of existence. Therefore, this paper perhaps mark a new beginning of the authors’ voyage of trying to solve the mysteries associated with DNA. We urge that all genuine truth seekers join the efforts. In closing, let us remind ourselves the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of silence or to take the tranquilizing drug of innocence. Now is the time to make paradigm-shifting progress in biological sciences & DNA research. Now is the time to rise from the dogmas of random chance and chaos of evolutionary biology to the sunlit path of living universe. Now is the time to lift Science from the quick sands of arrogance, close-mindedness & intolerance to the solid rock of sacred path to truth. References Crick, F. (1958), On Protein Synthesis. Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. XII, pp. 139-163. Crick F. (1970). Central dogma of molecular biology. Nature 227 (5258): pp. 561–3. Hu, H. & Wu (2010), M., Prespacetime Model of Elementary Particles, Four Forces & Consciousness. Prespacetime Journal, Vol. 1 (1) pp. 77-146. Also see http://vixra.org/abs/1001.0011

QuantumDream, Inc.


I Ching , DNA and acupuncture 1. Introduction After years of travelling through Europe, the Middle East, Australia and Asia, I came back to Holland with a new look on health, medicine and curing strategies. In each country people had a different view on what the best way was to help in case of illness and diseases. What had to be avoided in one country, could be taken as a cure in another one. It took me many years to understand the mechanisms behind these contra dictionary examples. The solution was not to search for the differences, but more to look at the resemblances between the different systems and find out if there might be a greater similarity which could explain why one culture mentioned one thing and an other the opposite. For several years I studied all kinds of different ancient and modern systems. In the end I found an interesting similarity between the I Ching, the book of changes, probably the oldest book in the world and the DNA code, the code of life found in the West. In this way I started to treat people with the knowledge of the I Ching and the DNA with a new kind of acupuncture strategy. In this article I will explain some amazing examples of the similarity between the two systems. 2 . The I Ching, The Book of Changes. 2 .1.1. Historical truth Being probably the oldest book in the world, this book belongs to the Woe Ching, the 5 classic works of the Chinese culture. I or Yi means change, transform, the chameleon and Ching or Ying means classic book, in China it’s also known under the name Zhouyi, meaning the changes or transformation in the time of the Zhou dynasty. The I Ching is a book that was used for divination. Divination is the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means. It has its roots in the Bronze age in China. The people in that time used animal bones which they heated in a fire, from the cracks that appeared they could “read” what time could bring. From this time the four famous ideograms which are used in the basic text , Yuan, Heng , Li and Zhen , date. These four ideograms stand for many things like the four seasons but also for fundamentality ,prosperity, advantage and genuineness. The I Ching which we use today is from the 8the century BC. by the people of the Zhou dynasty who used it for divination to overthrow the Shang dynasty. 2.1.2. Mythical truth . According the legend the hexagrams(the 6 line code of the I Ching) are the work of Fu xi. Fu Xi was a legendary leader and the first Emperor of China who lived from 2852 till 2737 BC. One of the stories is that he walked besides the Yellow river and saw a dragon horse rising out of the water with special signs. Seeing this he was inspired to make the hexagrams. He also invented writing, marriage, mapped constellations and taught people to fish with nets. He is also known as the inventor of the Early Heaven sequence.


Another legendary figure in the I Ching is King Wen, who was imprisoned for seven years by “ Zhou the Tyrant” the last emperor of the Shang Dynasty. During the time he was in prison he had several insights that would change the I Ching forever. He is known as the inventor of the Later Heaven sequence and of the names and numbers of the Hexagrams. After his death in 1135 BC one of his sons, the Duke of Zhou wrote the commentaries of each of the 384 lines. This made the I Ching complete as we know it at this moment. 2.2. I Ching cosmology In the beginning there was nothing, it was even the time before nothing. When we started to name the nothing, we named it the beginning. The one, the middle point of the circle. The circle itself is the border of the oneness, the yuan, the name of emptiness. The wu-ji.

Then there was a division into yin and yang .With this we could name differences like man, woman, night and day, dark and light, sun and moon. But we wanted to make a bigger variation, and there were te four forces. Now we could

name the season: spring,


, autumn

and winter

By adding a extra yin or yang line we got the eight trigrams the eight ba gua, the eight spirits.


Thunder Water






These 8 spirits are like nature guiding powers they are present in every country and culture and always stay the same. A trigram is the expression of Heaven, Man and Earth, top line Heaven, bottom line Earth and middle line Man. The triple warmer concept. The trigrams have a very broad range of meanings. For instance wind itself is invisible but is felt indirectly on our skin but it is also The Gentle or the eldest daughter and the undecided. Each trigram has several qualities. Some look obvious others are quit obscure. By placing the eight trigrams on top of each other we have the sixty-four hexagrams. The top trigram is the expression of the outside and the bottom the inside. With these 64 hexagrams we have the description of everything there is in reality. The hexagrams have all different names given by King Wen. The translation of hexagram 32 Héng is Constancy, and that is trigram thunder on top and trigram wind at the bottom. So there is an invisible energy of wind on the inside and a powerful explosive energy on the outside. This is the expression of longstanding processes like a job or a marriage. By the process of divination one gets an answer from the I Ching, this process works on the level of resonation, intuition is triggered and one understands what the I Ching is trying to tell. When one line or more lines change from yin into yang or vice versa , the hexagram changes into an other hexagram. All sixty-four hexagrams can change into each other, for 2

every line there is a different line text. So the I Ching can give 4096 different answers. It is something like mathematics not with numbers but with words and images. (fig .1.)

































































Figure 1. Hexagram Table ; 64 different hexagrams – horizontal upper trigram , vertical lower trigram.

3. DNA In 1954 Watson and Crick found the structure of life, which they called DNA. That’s short for Desoxyribonucleic acid. In the nucleus of the cell there are 23 pairs of chromosomes. They are the carriers of the genetic material. The structure of these chromosomes is built by long chains of DNA. DNA are long spiralling chains, like endless turn staircases. The sides are made from sugars and phosphates and the staircases from hydrogen-bonded base pairs. There are 4 types of base pairs known in nature. Thymine (Uracil in RNA), Adenine, Cytosine and Guanine.

Thymine(T) is always opposite of Adenine(A) and Cytosine(C) always opposite of Guanine(G). People have about 3 billion base pairs. On 30.000 till 50.000 of the genes in humans there is information about the genetic structure. The rest of the DNA has a different function. Three of these base pairs make a amino acid and is called a triplet. These amino acids are the building blocks of life. There are sixty-four combinations of base pairs possible, and twenty-two amino acids. Several different combinations make the same amino acid.(fig .3.)

Figure 2. DNA structure



A amino acid AAA - Lys AAC - Asn AAT - Asn AAG - Lys CAA - Gln CAC - His CAT - His CAG - Gln TAA - Stop TAC - Tyr TAT - Tyr TAG - Stop GAA - Glu GAC - Asp GAT - Asp GAG - Glu

C amino acid ACA - Thr ACC - Thr ACT - Thr ACG - Thr CCA - Pro CCC - Pro CCT - Pro CCG - Pro TCA - Ser TCC - Ser TCT - Ser TCG - Ser GCA - Ala GCC - Ala GCT - Ala GCG - Ala


amino acid - Lle - Lle - Lle - Met - Leu - Leu - Leu - Leu - Leu - Phe - Phe - Leu - Val - Val - Val - Val

G amino acid AGA - Arg AGC - Ser AGT - Ser AGG - Arg CGA - Arg CGC - Arg CGT - Arg CGG - Arg TGA - Stop TGC - Cys TGT - Cys TGG - Trp GGA - Gly GGC - Gly GGT - Gly GGG - Gly


Figure 3. Genetic code Table. In RNA Thymine(T) is replaced by Uracil(U).

4. DNA and I Ching Dr Marie-Louise von Franz wrote the first time about the astonishing relations between the I Ching and DNA in a article” Symbol des Unus Mundus”. In 1973 Martin Schonberger wrote his book “ Verborgenere Schlussel zum Leben- Weltformel I Ging im genetische Code” . I this book he describes the many similarities he found between the DNA and the I Ching. DNA A : Adenine T : Thymine C : Cytosine G: Guanine Three letters form a code 64 possible triplets, who form the 22 possible amino acids The direction in which the code words are read is strictly determined Plus and minus double helix Two of the triplets have the name and function ; to begin and to end.

I Ching Moving yin (6) Stable yang (7) Stable yin (8) Moving yang(9) Three lines form a trigram 64 possible hexagrams, which form the oracle The direction in which the hexagrams are read is strictly determined Yang and yin are the basic elements Two hexagrams have the name before and after completion

Figure 4. DNA and I Ching table

In the TAO of Chaos by Katya Walter written in 1994, she describes other very interesting similarities. Besides the astonishing relation in the structure of sixtt-four she finds also something on an other level. An important diagram in the I Ching is the so called Ho Tu, the diagram of the Yellow River, said to have originated with Fu Shi. This map is also very important for acupuncture.


When we look at the dots we find, Wood, 11. Water 12, Metal 13, and Fire 14 together 50 and in the middle 5 for Earth. In total 55 dots.

Figure 5. Ho Tu or Yellow River Map

Looking at the DNA base pairs we have Cytosine 11, Adenine 13, Thymine 13, Guanine 13 together also 50 and Hydrogen Bonds 5. In Total 55 atoms.

Figure 6. DNA base pairs

5. I Ching and Acupuncture In Yi Jing of Wu Jing Nuan, a well known I Ching translator and a Chinese Doctor writes: “One of my instructors told me to be an Yi, a Chinese Doctor, one must understand the Yi of Yi Jing. There are two sequences in the I Ching that are also used in acupuncture. The sequence of the Early Heaven and Later Heaven. Also known under the name Fu Xi and King Wen sequence. The Early Heaven expresses the situation before Men is born on Earth, everything is in perfect harmony and there is no real cycle. The diagram of Later Heaven is cyclic. There is a start and an end. The Father(trigram Heaven) and Mother(trigram Earth) have taken a step back and are not on the top positions anymore. The Early Heaven is Yang compared to the Later Heaven which is more yin. Both have a relation with the 5 phase theory. The two of them also have a relation with the meridians. Figure 7, 8 and 9 are from the Early Heaven sequence. The numbers follow the Tai Qi figure. From 4 the energy goes through the levelling axis where the source Energy flows. Figure 7. Early Heaven sequence


In the source the Energy is changing from Yang into Yin. In figure 7 the Yang starts with Element Wood ;1 - Gb towards 8 - Liv. Yin ends with Water Bl - 1 and Ki - 8. So the energy from the beginning is the same as the last one in the end Water. Wood is the power of the beginning, the start. Water is the energy where life is stored, it is a contracting force. So the Energy of the beginning and ending have the same source. The beginning is like the end and the end like the beginning, the everlasting circulation. Heavenly movement.

Figure 8. 5 Phases

Figure 9. 5 Phases - Elements

Figure 8 and 9 are the 5 phases-elements and the Yang and Yin meridians and there energy movements.

Figure 10 is the King Wen, Later Heaven sequence. The cycle starts with trigram Thunder in the East, the start of the year; springtime. And ends with trigram mountain in North-East direction. This is a full cycle of a year. It starts with Wood and ends with Water. The trigrams Earth and Mountain belong to the Element Earth, and express a period of transition.

Figure 10. Later Heaven sequence with 5 phases

The Early Heaven sequence is yang and the Later Heaven is yin. This is also visible in the acupuncture points which are related to the 5 elements.


Gb - 44 Bl - 67 Gb – 41 Bl - 65 Gb – 43 Bl - 66 Gb- 34 Bl - 40 Gb- 34 Bl - 40 Gb - 41 Bl - 65 Gb – 38 Bl - 60 Gb – 44 Bl - 67


St - 45

Co - 3

St - 43

Co - 2

St – 44

Co - 11

St - 36

Co- 2

St - 36

Co- 3

St - 43

Co - 5

St - 41

Co- 1

St - 45

3W – 1 SI - 1 3W – 3 SI - 3 3W – 2 SI - 2 3W –10 SI - 8 3W-10 SI - 8 3W – 3 SI - 3 3W – 6 SI - 5 3W 1 SI - 1

Liv – 4 Ki - 7 Liv – 1 Ki - 1 Liv – 8 Ki - 10 Liv – 3 Ki - 3 Liv – 3 Ki - 3 Liv- 1 Ki - 1 Liv – 2 Ki - 2 Liv – 4 Ki - 7

Lu - 8

Sp - 5

Lu - 11

Sp - 1

Lu - 5

Sp - 9

Lu - 9

Sp - 3

Lu - 9

Sp - 3

Lu – 11 Sp - 1 Lu - 9 Lu - 10 Sp – 2 Sp - 3 Lu - 8 Sp - 5

Ha – 4 Pe - 5 Ha – 9 Pe - 9 Ha – 3 Pe - 3 Ha – 7 Pe - 7 Ha - 7 Pe - 7 Ha – 3 Pe - 3 Ha – 8 Pe - 8 Ha – 4 Pe - 5

Figure 11. 5 Element Acupuncture points Table ; Horizontal upper trigram: Early Heaven Vertical lower trigram : Later Heaven

6. Conclusion Both DNA and I Ching describe reality. With DNA Western scientists have gone so deep into the matter that they found a level that was expressing life in a way men could understand how it works. Thousands of years ago Chinese philosophy found a metaphysical and magical instrument, the I Ching, that also describes life. Western scientist zoomed in and Chinese philosophy zoomed out. There is still a lot of work to be done to join these 2 different ways of looking at reality. But Chinese Medicine and Western science have a common structure at the basis of their systems. I will end with a quotation of Ken Wilber, a Western philosopher who already wrote about the bridge between Western and Eastern culture. From his book Paradigm Wars: “The world has got do what the world has got to do. Just we had to farm the physical – by learning agriculture and then industry – before we could collectively move to the mental, so now we have to farm the mental – information and computers and technology – before we go beyond it to the spiritual. All in its own time. Frankly I think the world is moving along at a handsome clip”. Used literature: The I Ching or Book of Changes by Richard Wilhelm and Cay F. Baynes DNA and the I Ching – Tao of life by Johnson F.Yan The I Ching & the Genetic Code – The hidden code to life by Dr. Martin Schonberger Yi Jing by Wu Jing-Nuan Tao of chaos by Katya Walters Paradigm Wars by Ken Wilber Mandate of Heaven by Steve Marshall Frank Roosen from Tilburg, the Netherlands May 2007 7


I-Ching ::: Experience Encoded


  Decoding the I­Ching Chakra Divination  Spectral Element Translations Translating Elements  Druid Elements to Chinese Elemetns Other I­Ching Translations Fu Hsi Circle Translation Synaptic Transcription Spherical Interrelation I­Ching, Genetics, & Time Genetic RNA Mandala Radial Sequence

INTRODUCTION TO READING THE I-CHING & TRANSLATING IT'S SECRETS The I­Ching is an ancient Chinese divination system. Early legends cite that the trigrams were discovered by a farmer on the shell of a turtle, and that in seeing them, he suddenly could predict everything that would happen in the future. Chinese Emperors would have the classic reading form of three coins tossed daily, and then hear reports from around the kingdom, detailing what had happened. These reports were then recorded with the hexagram that was revealed in the coin toss, and kept in massive manuals that eventually became many of the I­Ching parables found in "The Book of Changes" today. The I­Ching is based on simple energetic principles, and the dynamics between Yin and Yang. When fully understood, these dynamics reveal everything about our experiences in time, how they change, and what they mean. In the following information, you will find some new ways of using and interpreting the hexagrams in a way that is immediately applicable to your life now, instead of stories about the lives and cultures of people who lived thousands of years in the past. It is my hope that you begin to discover the nature of these energetic permutations through your own experiences, as I have.

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I­Ching Spectrum of Elements .:. Click to Enlarge  contact Adam Apollo | back to Top 





So how do you reconcile two cultures with 5 different Elements? You have the Druid, Wiccan, Earth Religions: Fire ­ Air ­ Earth ­ Water ­ Spirit




I-Ching ::: Experience Encoded And you have Chinese Philosophy: Fire ­ Metal ­ Earth ­ Water ­ Wood 1. Identify the differences: Air ­ Spirit ­ Metal ­ Wood 2. Look at the root symbolism: Air ­ Intentionality, focus through breath, air goes forth and moves the water, trees... Spirit ­ Encompassing energy, living force, containing all elements and transcends... Metal ­ Will, forged from fire and water, metal slices through to carry the mind forth... Wood ­ Life, growth, the organic element interweaving through the others... 3. Look at the similarities: Air ­ Fire & Water make Air, Intentionality, Wind of the Mind (breath) Metal ­ Fire & Water forge Metal, Will is intentional, Sword of Mind Spirit ­ Life force that unifes elements... Wood ­ Life force that makes air, drinks water, eats earth, and gives to fire...

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4. Note the differences: In the Druid's 5 Element model, Spirit is transcendent of the other Elements... In the Chinese 5 Element model, Wood is equal to all other Elements... Druids are referring to actual Physical elemental forms: solid, liquid, gaseous, etc... Chinese are referring to vibrations of Energy, qualities of Chi (Life­Force)... 5. Reconcile: If the Chinese are saying that these 5 Elements are qualities of a Chi or Life­Force energy, than the Chi is "transcendent" to the 5 Elements, just like Spirit is transcendent to the 4 Physical Elements in the Druid model. This means that if you look at each of these systems side by side, the Druid model is a 4 Element + 1 Transcendent model of Physical experience, whereas the Chinese model is a 5 Element + 1 Transcendent model of Emotional or Energetic experience. 6. Conclusion: Druids ­ 5 System describing Physical experience Chinese ­ 6 System describing Subtle, Emotional, or Energetic experience 7. Further Development: Recognizing the Chinese system with a Spirit (Chi) element allows a clear translation into understanding the full 8 Element Pakua Chinese system. As two of the 8 Elements are Infinite (Heaven ­ Infinite Yang, Earth ­ Infinite Yin), the 6 System can now display the actual permutations and interactions between these two Infinite Polarities. 8. Final Model:  (completed after drawing above, Mountain & Earth switched...also the Will, Love, Mind are referring to each of the transcendent Trinities...final model below...for further translation of Wood to Lake, and Spirit to Thunder, just ask!) Druid 5 Fire ­ Air ­ Earth ­ Water ­ Spirit Chinese 6 Fire ­ Metal ­ Earth ­ Water ­ Wood ­ Spirit Chinese 8 Fire ­ Wind ­ Mountain ­ Water ­ Lake ­ Thunder ­ (Heaven) ­ (Earth)


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I­Ching Fu Hsi Translation .:. Click to Enlarge




I-Ching ::: Experience Encoded

Synaptic Transcription .:. Click to Enlarge

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I­Ching Spherical Inter­relation .:. Click to Enlarge This is the largest version I've seen, and I found it in an interesting passage researching the Mathematical connections between Hesiod's "Theogony" and the I­Ching. There is no direct reference to the Sphere as an image, as far as I can tell, but it is included at the bottom of the passage. However, through my own studies of the I­Ching, and internal revelation concerning its sacred patterns, I have divined some information regarding this image. I'm also providing some corrections here, directly from the author of the image, Lothar Teikemeier. Most notable initially is the pattern of Hexagrams and "Hexagram­Sets" in each Vertical Circle: From the Top Down: 1 Hexagram ­ Heaven (Above) 6 Hexagrams (Top Circle) 12 Hexagrams (Upper Circle) 3 Hexagrams (Inner Upper Circle) The center of the Upper Circle is a Trinity that is included on this circle level, making 15 total on this layer. These are Hexagrams 15, 29, and 52. This makes a total of 22 Hexagrams in the Upper Field. 12 Hexagrams ­ 6 Pairs (Outer Center Circle) 6 Hexagrams (Inner Center Circle)




I-Ching ::: Experience Encoded 2 Hexagrams ­ Fire over Water & Water over Fire (Core) This makes a total of 20 Hexagrams in the Equatorial Core. 3 Hexagrams (Inner Lower Circle) 12 Hexagrams (Lower Circle) 6 Hexagrams (Bottom Circle) 1 Hexagram ­ Earth (Below) Thats 22 in the Upper Sphere, 22 in the Lower Sphere, and 20 in the Core or Equator, forming the 64 Hexagram Set of the I­Ching. If those numbers don't mean anything to you, here's the same Top Down Pattern, linking Chakric Vibrations: Star Seed 1(Above) Sacral 6(Top Circle) Heart 12(Upper Circle) Throat 15 (Upper Circle with Outer and Inner Together) 22 Crown Total (see 21 Vibrational Matrix for Crown Chakra plus Heaven 1) Heart 12 (Outer Center Circle) Sacral 6 (Inner Center Circle) Heart or Core Star 2 (2xHex=12)(Core) 20 Crown Total (see 20 Solar Seals of the 13 Moon Calendar and Mayan Tzolkin) Heart 12 (Lower Circle) Sacral 6 (Bottom Circle) Earth Star 1 (Below) 22 Crown Total (see 21 Vibrational Matrix for Crown Chakra plus Earth 1) Now if you are still not familiar with these references, I recommend studying some Flower of Life and Seed of Life information, and also look into the nature of I­Ching as a model of Space­Time "permutation." Lothar also says, "For reasons of the analogy between Sepher Yetzirah and I­Ching it's necessary to insist, that there are 22 above, 22 below and 20 (= 10 pairs) in the middle. But naturally ... it might well be, that another system­maker on the world took another reading in consideration of the same mathematical conditions." Also see this page for another construction method for the Spherical form of the I­Ching. Enjoy!    

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Now Available ­ I­Ching GEAR!

I­Ching Law of Time RNA Mandala




I-Ching ::: Experience Encoded

I­Ching Yin­Yang Radial Patterning These images are from the Planetary Art Network's discourse on the relationship between the Genetic Code, the Law of Time, and the I­Ching. It is an excellent reference and starting point, and I will be providing further assessments and translations here soon.  

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