Hyundai HFC6 Gen Mar Gen Man1

March 10, 2017 | Author: Miguel-WilfredSusanLim | Category: N/A
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Download Hyundai HFC6 Gen Mar Gen Man1...


CAUTION The information contained in this book is intended to assist operating personnel by providing information on the general characteristics of the purchased equipment. IT DOES NOT relieve the user of the responsibility of using accepted engineering practices in the installation, operation and maintenance of this equipment.


1. Construction of Brushless A.C Generator


1.1 Component 1.2 General 1.3 Composition

2. Excitation System (Operation)


2.1 Mode of Operation (SPRESY 15) 2.2 Operation (SPRESY 15) 2.3 Maintenance (SPRESY 15) 2.4 Mode of Operation (6 GA 2491) 2.5 Operation (6 GA 2491) 2.6 Maintenance (6 GA 2491)

3. Maintenance


3.1 Installation & Inspection Check List 3.2 Flange-Type Sleeve Bearing (for ring lubrication system) 3.3 Flange-Type Sleeve Bearing (forced lubrication system) 3.4 Rolling-Contact Bearings (series 02 and 03) 3.5 Coupling A-Type (single-bearing generators with flanged shaft and one-part fan wheel) 3.6 Coupling B-Type (single-bearing generators with lamination plate) 3.7 Coupling (double bearing generator) 3.8 Air Filters 3.9 Terminal Box 3.10 Disassembly of A.C. Generator (Fig. 39, 40 and 41) 3.11 Cooler 3.12 Cooling-Water Failure Emergency Operation

4. Trouble Shooting


4.1 Excitation Part for SPRESY 15 4.2 Excitation Part for 6 GA 2491 4.3 Main Machines and Exciters (HF. 5 and 6) 4.4 Bearing Part 4.5 Operating Procedure & Check Sheet for Trouble Shooting

Safety Notes


The warnings �DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, NOTICE, NOTE� are used to draw the user’s attention different points: DANGER This warning is used when an operation, procedure, or use may cause personal injury or loss of life. WARNING This Warning is used when an operation, procedure, or use may cause a latently dangerous state of personal injury or loss of life.





4) Position of rotor in longitudinal direction (Fig. 37)

3.8 Air Filters

After generator is completely coupled, position of rotor

1) Air filter cleaning period

shall be checked in longitudinal direction by opening the

The cleaning period depends on the site conditions.

bearing cover and comparing the measurement with the

The cleaning of the filter is requested if the record of the

value, A specified inside of the cover as shown on Fig. 37.

stator winding temperature (using the stator winding

This value has been marked at the factory as required to

sensors) indicates an abnormal increase in temperature.

be kept when coupled with the engine considering bearing gap measured.

2) Air filter cleaning procedure �

Fig. 37 Checking the position of rotor

The filter element (flat or cylindrical) is immersed in a tank of cold or warm water (temperautre less than 50℃). Use water with detergent added.

A±0.5 mm

Shake the filter gently to ensure that the water flows through the filter in both directions.

Shaft end

Fig. 38 Installation for air filter

Bearing end Required dimension A specified inside of bearing cover Bearing cover

[Type I]

3.7 Coupling (double bearing generator)

Air filter mat

1) Fitting the coupling element The coupling element must be balanced separately before fitting the machine shaft. A residual unbalance of coupling element should be less than class G 2.5 grade to ISO standard.

2) Without axial end play at bearing The alignment must take the tolerance of the coupling element into account. The axial, radial and angle tolerance are to be acceptable by coupling element property.

[Type II] Air filter mat

3) With axial end play at bearing In this case, the axial position of the rotor assembly was adjusted during the initial test at the factory. The generators are delivered with a magnetic center gauge at the drive bearing side with a groove on the shaft and must be kept in the rotor position during the alignment with the prime mover. [Type III]

40 >




3.10 Disassembly of A.C. Generator (Fig. 39, 40 and 41) �

Fig. 39 For single bearing type A.C. generator {Ⅰ}





1. Take away bolts ①, ② 2. Take away support ring (upper part) ③ 3. Take away bolts ④, ⑤ 4. Take away bearing upper part ⑥ 5. Take away bearing shell ⑦ and oil ring ⑧ 6. Take away bolts ⑨ and support ring under part ⑩ 7. Take away bolts ⑪ and bearing under part ⑫ 8. Take away endshield ⑬, ⑭

{Ⅱ} 9. Insert protective sheet ⑮ 10. Take away bolts � 11. Draw out fan �

{Ⅲ} 12. Hang the shaft end with rope both side. 13. Shift the rotor toward anti-coupling side. (shaft journal should be protected from any damages by wrapping in cloth)

{Ⅳ} 14. Shift the rotor assembly to anti-coupling side as left description. 15. Hang the rotor assembly at its center position by the rope. 16. Take away the rope of coupling side.

{Ⅴ} 17. Take away the rotor out of the stator.

42 >




Fig. 40 41 For For single doublebearing bearingwith typelaminated A.C. generator plate type A.C. generator

{Ⅰ} 11










7 8 9






1. Take away bolts ①, ② 2. Take away support pieces ③ 3. Take away bolts ④, ⑤ 4. Take away bearing upper parts ⑥ 5. Take away bearing shell ⑦ and oil ring ⑧ 6. Take away bolts ⑨ and bearing under part ⑩ 7. Take away end shield ⑪


8. Insert protective sheet ⑫ 9. Take away bolts ⑬ 10. Draw out support ring and fan ⑭, ⑮


{Ⅲ} 11. Hang the shaft end with rope both side. 12. Shift the rotor toward anti-coupling side. (shaft journal should be protected from any damage by wrapping in cloth )

{Ⅳ} No touch with the coil end part (see note No.12)

13. Shift the rotor assembly to anti-coupling side as left description. 14. Hang the rotor assembly at its center position by the rope. Take away the rope of coupling.


Place sleeper



{Ⅴ} 15. Take away the rotor out of the stator.


44 >




3.12 Cooling-Water Failure Emergency Operation

The following supplements the machine description and the module for the closed-circuit cooling.

1) HFJ 5, 7 & HSJ 7 Type

Should the cooling water supply fails, the machine can be

(1) Changing over to oepn-circuit cooling

changed over to an open cooling circuit (Fig. 45), as

Generators have a facility for emergency operation if the


cooling water supply fails. �

Fig. 43 Cooler removal [Type I]

[Type II ]

2 4



① Cover ② Gasket for 1 ③ Cooler housing

④ Gasket for 5 ⑤ Air to water cooling element

Fig. 44 Normal operation with air-to-water closed-circuit cooling

Drive end

① Air vent with cover closed. ② Enclosure cover. ③ Air vent with cover closed. ④ Air-to-water cooler.

46 >




2) HFJ 6, 7 & HSJ 7 Type

�Detach the cover (No. 2) from the opposite side the

(1) Changing over to open-circuit cooling

cooling water connections, insert the air-stop plate

On failure of the cooling-water flow, the following

(No. 3) and secure with the screws provided.

operations are required to convert the generator for emergency operation with open cooling.

(2) Changing over to closed-circuit cooling

The electrical version of the generator remains

Operation should be changed back from emergency to


normal operation with air-to-water closed-circuit cooling

�Detach louvered covers (No. 4) together with the

as soon as possible in the reverse sequence described

closure plates (No. 5) at the drive and non drive ends,


remove closure plates and attach louvered covers in their original positions (Fig. 48). �

Fig. 48 Normal operation with air-to-water closed-circuit cooling

Drive end

Non drive end

② Cover for No 1. ④ Louvered cover (emergency operation). ⑤ Closure plate.

Fig. 49 Emergency operation with open cooling circuit following failure of the cooling water supply

Drive end

① Air-to-water cooling element. ③ Air-stop plate (emergency operation). ④ Louvered cover (emergency operation).

48 30 V

Terminal 15-14

about 1 V

about 10 V

about 1 V

about 10 V

Fault location (Fig.14)

Regulator module

Firing module

Firing module

Regulator module

If the remnant should not be adequate for exciting the generator, a D.C. voltage (6 to 24 V) must be connected to terminals F1 and F2 (+ to F1, - to F2) for a short time. Please note that the terminals F1 and F2 start carrying a voltage as soon as self-excitation sets in. When ordering spare parts please, state the type and serial number of the generator, as they are shown on the rating plate.

Instruction Manual




Table 4-2. Fault diagnosis chart for thyristor voltage regulators

Reference value setter [VR]

● �


Blocking fail

Gate electrode fail

� �

No voltage built up

Narrow voltage control range

● ●

● ●

● �

� �

� � � �

Lower resistance

� �

� �

Different resistances

� ●

Wiring link wrong point


● ● �

Smaller reactor gap

Rectifier transformer [T6]


Steady rectifier [V1]


Burnt or internal defect

Rotating rectifier [V2]



Internal short circuit

Improper tap setting

� �

● ● ●

● � ●

Wiring link wrong point

Internal defect

50 >



Trouble Shooting

4.3 Main Machines and Exciters (HF. 5 and 6) DANGER Hazardous voltage Will cause death, serious injury, electrocution or property damage. Disconnect all power before working on this equipment.

Table 4-4. Fault diagnosis chart for excitation equipments, main machines and exciters

Speed deviating from set point

Excessive deviation from rated power factor


● ●

Incorrect operation, e.g.paralleling with 2nd generator in phase opposition









● ●

Main machine Inter-turn fault Exciter

Main machine Winding discontinuity Exciter

Defective rotating rectifier

No remanence

● Inter-turn fault

Winding discontinuity

Inter-turn fault


Faults on excitation equipment

Single-phase current transformer

Winding discontinuity

Inter-turn fault

Winding discontinuity

Open or short circuit


Capacitor Defective rectifier

52 >



Trouble Shooting

4.5 Operating Procedure & Check Sheet for Trouble Shooting

Exampls) �Full load zero (0) power factor = 4% droop. �Full load rated power factor (0.8 P.F) = 2.4% droop. �Unit power factor (1.0 P.F) = Generator voltage


is not dropped.

Hazardous voltage Will cause death, serious injury, electrocution or property damage. Disconnect all power before working on this equipment.

2) Parallel running (for manual synchronizing) ①

After load testing of each generator, start No. 1 single running and proceed to items ①

1) Single running

,② ,③


and ⑥


4.5 1)

Start No.1 Engine at its rated speed.

Adjust No.1 generator voltage to its rated value at

If the synchro scope indicates a synchronized position, insert the No. 2 circuit breaker carefully.

no-load using reference value setter (V.R), which is mounted on control panel side. After adjusting the


voltage to its rated value, check the generator voltage If synchronization fails, the generator can be damaged by a transient current. Please refer to synchronizing instructions of the switch board maker.

using a digital tester at switch board side. Repeat ①

and ②

of 4.5 1) for No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4

generators. After completion of the no-load setting, read the

indicated value on the panel and record the results ③

according to Table 4-7.

Increase the load constantly from zero (0) to a rated load.

Circuit breaker 'ON'.

Increase the load constantly from zero (0) to a rated

Record the results according to Table 4-9.

load (as much as possible) and record the results NOTICE

according to Table 4-8. Repeat ⑤

and ⑥

of 4.5 1) for No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4

generaters. In general, the droop compensating method is used for

our generators for parallel running.

A. Parallel running of No. 3 and No. 4 generator: The method is the same as No. 1 & No. 2. B. If the power factor and KVAR are unbalnced after completion above the procedure, consult the generator manufacturer using Table 4-9.

Generator voltage should be dropped in proportion to the magnitude of the load. �

Table 4-7. Single running Item

Ship No.

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4


R.P.M. or Hz Voltage ※ After match the no-load voltage of each generator, don’t adjust generator voltage (before, during and after parallel running)

Table 4-8. Single running Item

Ship No.


Volt (V)

R.P.M. (Hz)

Current (A)

Power Factor


kW / / / /

Volt (V)

R.P.M. (Hz)

Current (A) / / / /

Power Factor / / / /


EACH GEN. (No. 1, 2...)

Table 4-9. Parallel running Ship No. Item No.1 & No.2, No.1 & No.3, No.1 & No.4, each condition. No.1, No.2, No.3 & No.4,

, , , ,

, , , ,

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HHIS-WZ-RE-005-04 ’06. 05. Designed by ADPARK

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Lianzhong Avenue, Xinba Scientific and Technologic Zone, Yangzhong City, Jiangsu Province, China.(212-212) (Jiangsu Hyundai Nanzi Electric Co., Ltd.) Tel. 86-511-842-0666, 0212 Fax. 86-511-842-0668

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