Hypnotica's Guide to Getting Laid

February 4, 2017 | Author: Rey Johnson | Category: N/A
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how to get laid...


Hypnotica’s Guide To Getting Laid By Hypnotica © 2005-2013. All Rights Reserved, Third Edition, Revised 2013 © Hypnotica, 2013. All illustrations created by the author. The right of Hypnotica to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under current legislation no part of this work may be photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, published, performed in public, adapted, broadcast, transmitted, recorded or reproduced in any form by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright owners.

WHAT READERS HAVE SAID ABOUT PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS BOOK "...What a fantastic way to get laid, your methods are the most effective I have ever tried." Tyler Graham, Colorado, USA

"...Reading your book filled me with confidence to build new and better relationships with women. I just wanted to say that it truly is a must read for anyone that wants to improve their sexual skills and have excellent relationships. Worth its virtual weight in gold!" Raj Singh, Glasgow, Scotland

"...The ebook has been so helpful in transforming my life and getting me hot women! Thanks!" Michael Gillette, London, England

"I've just never seen anyone write such a brilliant guide on dating before... it's not only helped me with women but I genuinely feel more happy as a person now. I don't take myself so seriously anymore and just feel like a weight has been lifted off my dick!" Thomas Sprudzans, Brisbane, Austraiia

How To Talk To Anybody Without Fear Of Rejection 21 Secrets To Co "Your book is fun, genuine and highly entertaining. It has helped me to flourish effortlessly with my social interactions -both personally and professionally. I'd like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for sharing your wisdom."

Dean Arcan, London, England

"Just wanted to thank you for the good information you provide, it has changed my life in a more positive way. I used to be the worst when talking to women, but now it’s different; now I can talk to women about sex for ages -keep it up!" J.C. Velazquez, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

"Your book actually got me through a recent cougar trip... I owe you big time!" Coren Maloney, Bangkok, Thailand

"Thanks a lot for your fascinating insights and useful tips. I've been doing similar stuff myself for years, but you've come up with new suggestions that make me smile -reading your work is inspiring!" Nathan Thomas, Dunedin, New Zealand

"...I have recommended this book to my 22 year-old son and will be telling my pastor about it too! You come across as a friend who has actually gone through, and overcome, the fucking problems that I've encountered." M. Stefanelli, Brighton, England

My name is Hypnotica and simply chatting with the woman sitting next to me on a plane, standing next to me in a line, or crushed against me at a rock concert, has allowed me to: • Meet new women, including the girl of my dreams • Network with powerful female politicians. • Create a harem consisting of hundreds of new women. • Amass a string of personal invites to travel across the world. • Hang out with celebrities in London’s hottest nightspots. Develop a successful life with no outlay for resources. • Keep my schedule full of fun sexual engagements

Laziness is the father of invention. Don't know who said it first, but it's true.

Think about it... do you really like to work HARD and struggle to get things you want?

I don't. Which is why I sat down years ago and figured out an easy way to do what is called 'seduction'. But I don't think of my method as seduction. Here's why... Encyclopedia Britannica defines seduction as

follows: "Refers to any act of persuasion that leads to sexual intercourse." Sexual intercourse = Good thing! Act of persuasion = work. Bad thing! Persuasion is another word for convincing. And if you have to convince a woman to sleep with you, you are doing things the hard way. Being in the convincing business sucks. What if instead, you only gave your valuable time to women who ALREADY want to sleep with you?

Wouldn't that make your life easier? All you would have to do, is not fuck things up! This is the core of my method. Think about it... you don't have to dress like your going to Burning Man, you don't have to memorize lines or canned routines, and you don't have to spend hours in loud nightclubs. So at this point you might be wondering... how do I do this Mark? There are 2 secret ingredients, today I'll show you the first one. Secret Ingredient #1: Train Your Brain!

You need to train your subconscious mind to 'scan' for women who already want to have sex with you. Now I realize this may sound weird, but you already have this ability. Fact is, if you fall in the range of average guy, there have been multiple women you encountered in daily

life, who thought about having sex with you. The problem is you don't PAY ATTENTION. The good news is, your mind already works this way. Chances are good you've probably done this before, but it in a different way. Example: You buy a new car. Then you begin to notice how many other people are driving the same model car. Did everyone suddenly run out and buy that car? No! It's because the car became important to you. Your subconscious is being the happy helper it is and is pointing the other cars out to you. (Women go through this when they buy an accessory like a new handbag. But It's not a happy experience for them to notice other women with the same item.) So how do you train your own brain? You can do what I refer to as "give it a cookie". When your subconscious does something for you, like remind you to grab your keys as you are walking out the door... give it a cookie.

It's as simple as saying "thank you subconscious". Then spend a few minutes every day visualizing a woman who is looking at you like you are the desert tray.

Do this for 21 days and your subconscious will start sending you signals to notice women. And when it does, remember to say thank you.

If you want to speed this process up... use trance. Trance is the best learning environment we know. If you've been to one of my seminars, you already know how to do this. If you haven't, here are some recommendations for you: Hypnotica’s Slave Training Project: Click Here

© Copyright, Hypnotica Ltd , 2013

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