Hypnotic language selling

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Hypnotic Language Patterns In Customer Customer--oriented Selling Using the power of hypnosis to achieve success in business, marketing, sales and negotiation

By Daniel Jones © 2006

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First Edition 2006

Copyright © Daniel Jones 2006

Daniel Jones asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,






otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers or author.

1 First Edition 1

Hypnotic Language P Patterns atterns

One of the most influential parts of the sales process is the language that you use. Throughout these e-books I have shown examples of hypnotic language. Now is time to break the various language patterns down to learn them in a structured way. By giving examples in context previously you will already have a level of familiarity with some of these patterns. Some of these patterns are more likely to be used than others. I have included some of the more complex patterns to allow those dedicated learners out there to have something to play with and expand on. Hypnotic language is a way of communicating that leads to a response in the listener, initially at an unconscious level. Using hypnotic language is like using a special language to talk and build rapport directly with the unconscious mind.

Yes set

The first language pattern that I will cover is the most basic – the yes set. With the yes set you want to ask questions you already know the answer to.

Make sure the answers are always in agreement – yes



your sitting in that chair


you’ve come here today to see me

These statements can only lead to a yes answer if they are true which means that you are increasing rapport, because rapport increases with agreement and understanding. It also builds up a response potential. It gets harder to disagree when you have been repeatedly in agreement. Don’t make all the answers ‘yes’ answers some of them should be implied yes answers

For example:

‘You look like somebody who wants quality in their life? So I’m going to show you this’

It is increasingly hard to answer no when you have answered yes to many questions. One easy way of getting yes’s is to feedback what they say. It sounds like you are clarifying but you are getting yes responses.

Reverse yes set

The reverse yes set is the same as above but always getting ‘no’ answers. By using a mixture of this and the yes set you can break up the questions. If you ask too many yes-set questions or reverse yes set questions the customer can get suspicious at always giving the same answer.

The answers are still all agreement



you’re not standing up


you wouldn’t expect to buy something before you were

Tag questions

With tag questions you say the negative before they do so it encourages a yes

People normally agree even if they disagree because the ‘No’ has already been said. It takes away their need to say no and encourages a yes response because people like things to be even so if a yes is said people don’t mind saying no, but if a no is said people are more likely to say yes.

Don’t use it too often or it sounds manipulative.

Use it when you want a definite yes answer.


Will, will you not?


Do, do you not?


Does, does it not?


Is, is it not?


Can, can it not?….etc

Compound suggestion

Compound suggestions are suggestions where you are pacing and then leading suggestions onto each other, building on the previous sentence

One part compounds onto the next

Link these suggestions with ‘and’ or a ‘pause’

For example:

‘Look at that spot and I will talk to you’ Pace and then lead

For example:

‘While you look at that spot (pacing), I will talk to you (leading)’

Use truisms or statements then lead with a suggestion or further truisms or statements

For example:

‘You can hear my voice (pacing and linked to previous sentence in the last example), and you can listen to something else (leading)’ ‘Some sounds give us special memories (pacing, linked and a truism); you can be interested to discover what images are associated with those memories (leading)’

Use a number of suggestions together one after the other linking them all to guide a customer from where they are to where you want them to be.

For example:


You can look at that phone (p) while I talk to you (l)


you can listen (p) and you can see what you like about the

phone (l)


some of the feature you can find desirable (p) it can be

interesting seeing how useful those features will be (l) Contingent suggestion

Makes one part of the suggestion contingent on the other. One part happens because of the other part of the suggestion. In reality the two parts don’t have to really link it only has to sound like it may link.

You can link unrelated sentences and make them seem related.

For example:

‘Do you want to feel good’ – ‘good let’s take a look at this then’

You can work from conscious to unconscious Or from observable to non-observable Or from reality to trance…etc Or you can simply work from a truism then link with a statement

An example for problem solving might be:

‘As you see that pack of cigarettes on the dining room table, you can think about how disgusting and horrible they taste’

As with the compound suggestions you want to pace and then lead

‘As you’re sitting there with your legs crossed, I wonder what you’re thinking’ ‘Don’t allow the eyes to close until your unconscious mind lets you try to lift your hand’ ‘Take a look at this book, you can think about what you want’

Interspercial technique

Intersperse suggestions. Mark out suggestions to the customer. Dissociate conscious and unconscious. Mark out suggestions to one or the other.

You can dissociate or separate what you want

For example:


creative mind


logical mind


emotional mind




what you want to sell…etc

Embedded commands

These are a part of the Interspercial technique. Marking commands or suggestions as separate from the sentence with either a tonal shift or maybe by pausing before and after the command or with a gesture or movement etc… This causes a pattern that the unconscious mind picks up on and responds to.

For example:

‘Some people find they…relax deeply…in the shower other people find they…drift into a dreamy state…when they are in the bath’

‘I’ll just take you …buy… the display cabinet to show you what is available…buy… far the best products are in their…buy now… you have probably looked around a fair bit to…get what you are looking for here…we hopefully have a few suitable ideas. I know…buy… and …buy this product… is said to be the best choice.’

‘This mp3 player is the one that I would recommend because I’m sure you like me want the best for yourself’

‘We have handouts available at the end over buy the products table.’

‘As you go buy the products table, help yourself to the free handouts.’


A bind is where you offer more than one choice with the same outcome. For a bind you allow the choice to be chosen. Give people illusory conscious choice.

For example:

‘Would you like to sit in the left chair or the right chair to go into a trance’ (Implication is whichever chair you chose to sit in you agree to go into a trance)

‘Which one of these mp3 players would you like’ (Implication that you would like one)

All the forms of binds are of great use in sales because as they appear to offer choice they make the customer feel that they are in control because they are choosing while the whole time they only have one outcome.

Double bind

A double bind has a set outcome, you only ask for the opinion of the customer. They maybe right or wrong about their opinion but it doesn’t effect the result. You offer more than one choice with the same outcome. A double bind can’t be answered consciously.

‘Do you think that left hand will get warm first or will it be the right hand’ (Implication is that one hand will get warm then the other. They can say which hand they ‘think’ will be the first to get warm. They could be right or wrong. All they are asked is for their opinion on what response they will give first.)

Outcome is to get an unconscious response

‘Which phone do you think has the set of options that best matches what you are going to buy’ (Implication that you are going to buy a phone)

Conscious, unconscious double bind

The customer gets asked to do something consciously followed by a double bind, ending with an unconscious response.

This type of bind dissociates conscious and unconscious. By dissociating the conscious and unconscious you begin to create unconscious responses independent of conscious effort. This helps with creating responses that ‘seem’ to just appear in the mind of the customer which leads to them thinking that they came up with it themselves.

‘Look at that hand (conscious response to look), do you think the right hand will lift or the left hand will lift (implication one hand will lift, double bind) as you go into a trance (unconscious response)’

‘Look at that phone while I tell you about it, I don’t know if you will like the special features, or the fact that it is stylish, as you notice what feelings it gives you’

Double dissociation double bind

A double bind where there is no question asked. The choices given sound like they maybe different but there is no need to verbalise an answer, just wait for the unconscious response

‘You can forget to remember the things you forgot or remember to forget the things that you remember’ (Amnesia)

‘You can explore a rigidity without knowing that is there, or know that it is rigid without knowing how you discovered it’ (Catalepsy)

‘You can see things that are not really here or believe that they are here without being able to see them’ (Hallucinations)

‘In hypnotic time a whole hour can seem like a minute as in waking time a whole minute can stretch into an hour’ (Time distortion)

‘You can slowly return to a pleasant memory and forget the future as it passes or discover yourself already in the memory curious about the future’ (Regression)

Reverse set double bind

Like a double bind there is only one outcome but it sounds like you have offered choice. These are said as statements and are useful with ‘resistant’ people. They Sound like you are telling the customer they don’t have to do something yet really presupposing that they will tell you what you want to hear (or do what you want done)

‘I’m sure you’ve got a lot of things you need to tell me but I’d like you to hold something back for now’

‘There are certain secrets you may have so why not hold some of that information back until your unconscious is ready to share it’

Open ended suggestion

Series of choices all with the same result, any response gets the desired outcome.

For example:

‘As you go into a trance I don’t know whether your hand will go up or down or left or right or not move at all’

‘Will your hand go up putting you in a light trance, down putting you in a deep trance or stay where it is as you go into a medium trance’

Not doing suggestions

You say what you want by saying they don’t have to…

‘You don’t have to move your arms, your body or your legs as you go into a trance’


Telling stories, anecdotes etc…

You can set up a specific emotion with a metaphor or perhaps use customer’s comments or metaphors for rapport or use metaphors to lay down patterns unconsciously in the customer.

A story about circling a fort held by an evil invader, not letting food or water get in to the fort and not letting the invaders escape. After a short while all the invaders die could be used to fight warts, verrucas or even cancer.

An example of a story that could be told in a sales situation:

I took my child out the other day. She started to play with this toy. I don’t think at the time that she realised quite how much she liked it but she happily played with the toy as I chatted to someone and I could see that she was discovering more and more about the toy as she played and I could see she was becoming attached to that toy. When it was time to leave the shop she started to scream and just appeared to be drawn to the

toy. The further away we walked the more she wanted it until it became overwhelming so she was bought that toy for her birthday and now she never puts it down. She loves it.


Presuppositions are where you presuppose an outcome using terms like when, after, while, during, as, before, etc. They are useful for making someone think along certain lines and can also be useful for setting up ideas for the customer’s to think about which builds up a future of having that outcome. Sometimes immediately directly presupposing can seem too intrusive or pushy. Sometimes it can be better to start a sentence in a way that sounds harmless. Like starting a sentence with the word would or starting it applying to a third party.

For example:

‘Someone came in yesterday and said this phone is the best phone you can buy’

‘What do you think it would be like to own one of these cars? To get that feeling when you drive along the seafront with that feeling of the wind in your hair’

‘When you buy one of these phones you discover that you have so much airtime for your money, you just find yourself constantly on the phone to friends enjoying the conversations knowing that you can just relax about the cost of the call and just enjoy talking’


Using words that are none specific. They cause the customer to go on an internal search for the meaning. This makes them sound meaningful to all people as they all find their own meaning. Use them regularly. They are words that the person has their own fixed meaning to. Be careful when using them in sales to use the words most associated with ‘ordinary’ speech and use the words that ‘sound’ like they are being used on purpose less or in a very specific way. What I have found is that when salespeople first learn these language patterns,

especially Nominalisations, they over use them, which doesn’t sound right.

For example:

‘I wonder if you can imagine now, what it would be like if you had that car?’ Which to me sounds too ‘hypnotic’

Nominalisations are words with no fixed meaning like:

Curious, wonder, development, relaxing, explore, resources, pleasure, excitement, enjoyment, discover, fun, relax, meets your needs, satisfaction, etc…

‘I’m sure you can imagine what it will be like to discover that even after you have made more calls than normal next month you still have credit spare to use up. I don’t know if you will decide to do something fun or enjoyable to use that credit up, at least you can relax in the knowledge that you have more than enough credit to last the month’.

When selling to groups of people the use of Nominalisations becomes more important. This is because everyone listening to you will then create their own meaning to what you are saying and they will all feel that what you are saying applies to them personally. This can be very important if you are selling advertising or selling on a corporate level with many potential buyers. Each person will create their own personal meaning. Nominalisations are often used by psychics to make the message sound specific to the person receiving the reading even though it could apply to almost anyone.

Using the language of time

Using time in your language is important to place what you don’t want the customer to have in the past and what you do want them to have in the future.

Verb tenses


I dance


I danced


I will dance

All on a time line but static

An example of putting a problem in the past:

Client: I don’t like the way I get talked to

Therapist: You don’t like the way you’ve been spoken to?

This re-frames and puts idea in past.

If you add –‘ing’- this make ideas active like a movie

Static = normally problems Moving = normally not stuck

When a customer is talking about a problem or a reason why they can’t buy something then change what they say when you feedback to them. Make all negatives specific and in the past.

For Example:

Customer: ‘That’s too expensive’ You: ‘It really was, wasn’t it?’ (Uses tag questions and moves into the past) You: ‘But if you look at it now, you might begin to see that in relationship to all the qualities it has; it’s something you can feel good now about’

They say have, you say had

They say has you say was

Make problems static in the past and solutions or resources moving to the future.

Pace and lead problems to the past, and resources to the present and future.

‘What would it be like’ – not on a timeline

‘When’ – now in the future on a timeline and associated

‘Have had’ – now looking back down timeline

‘Now’ – in the present

‘What would it be like, when you have made those changes, as you look back and see what it was like to have had that problem, as you think about it now’

Saying ‘Stop’ is a pattern interrupt. Use it when you want to stop a customer’s train of thought and change it.

For example:

‘Stop for a moment and think now about what it is that you would like to have?’

A pattern interrupt causes a brief trance. If followed immediately with something the customer can understand and follow it usually will be.

Other pattern interrupt words are:

‘Never mind’, ‘hold that thought’, ‘lost in thought’, ‘stop’, ‘now’

Any pattern can be interrupted causing a trance. With practice and observation anyone can do this.

Other examples of causing a trance with a pattern interrupt:

When they sign paperwork interrupt the pattern by giving the pen first (‘can you hold this a minute?’) then the forms to sign.

Handshake induction

Hi, I’m Dan (left hand goes out; customer’s left hand comes to meet it. I take it with my right hand and look at the bridge of the customer’s nose holding the customer’s hand softly and steadily)…you look like someone that makes good decisions…I know how annoying pushy salespeople are… so it is important to me that you don’t…buy a car from me…until…you feel comfortable doing so …I just want to

know that you … enjoy what you buy and let it give you years of pleasure…

Final notes on the use of language

I have covered more about hypnotic language patterns than the average salesperson is likely to need or use. I have done this to allow those that want to study a bit more in-depth the chance to start practising with the ones above. It is useful to begin to use these patterns in everyday life and begin to notice others using them. Learn to watch unconscious cues. And

look/listen/model useful things that others say/do that you can use. Always continue learning.

Some final closing pointers before moving onto a number of examples

Imagine you are in the customer’s internal world, notice where they look to ‘view’ positive images and negative images, be where the positive images are. Notice where people look at their good and bad images – remember you can then play with them, you can push and enlarge their images or pull and shrink their images with your hand gestures. Watch where they look – where they put bad objects – usually down right – don’t slide paperwork into this area because it will be where they associate bad objects, slide it in on the left.

Ask questions like:

‘You know those times where you just walk into a shop to buy something you know you absolutely had to have, and so you bought it’ (then anchor response feeling to this question)

Use ambiguous language, language with multiple meanings

For example:

‘By now’ = ‘buy now’, ‘by and by this product’ = ‘buy and buy this product’

Create a strong desire for the customer to say ‘yes’ by asking questions like below.

For example:

‘You see my point’ (whilst pointing)

‘Can you feel this’ (whilst touching them)

‘Take a closer look at this (using hand gestures to move their internal image nearer), can you feel this will be a good idea’ (touching them and embedding the command ‘this will be a good idea’)

Ask questions the customer will find hard to reply ‘no’ to, questions that don’t necessarily ask for a verbal response or don’t offer a ‘no’ response.

For example:

‘You look like somebody who wants quality in their life?’

‘You don’t look like someone who settles for any old thing’

‘Are you looking to do something intelligent?’

‘Do you like things to last?’

‘Do you want to feel wonderful or do you want to feel bad?’

‘Which one do you like the best?’

Write out all the most common objections you get. Find responses to these and if possible find ways to overcome them before they occur

For example:

A common problem is that family or friends talk people out of what they have bought by telling them they could have got a better deal else where or that they couldn’t afford it so should take it back, etc…

So joke about family and friends trying to make them miserable by talking them out of feeling good about what they have bought. This reduces the chances of it working at changing the customer’s mind because if it occurs the customer was expecting it. Do not know what you are going to say before you say it. Each customer is an individual. If you say something wrong you can always correct it. It is better to be spontaneous and natural than sound rigid and follow a script, which limits your effectiveness. Each time you make a mistake you learn how to sell to more people.

Get images and movies in the customer’s mind

Movies are more compelling. Do this by adding ‘ing’ to words

For example:

‘I don’t know whether or not you can see yourself dressed in your finest clothes, you know, walking into a luxury hotel with this beautiful suitcase, or with a ratty old one with dents in it and stickers all over it, and little tags and tears and so that people know you’re really just a one time tourist as opposed to an elegant traveller’ From Persuasion Engineering by Richard Bandler

Make sure you get the customers FULL attention

If the sale isn’t going well get up, move and say something like ‘that’s how salesmen treat you in other places, that just annoys you, here we do….’ If you don’t move you are going to be in a position that has now got an anchor for bad feelings attached. So it is always best to move in a situation like this if possible.

Always help the customer make good decisions; they will then be happy to refer to you and will like you – not bad decisions, as they will resent you

Remember if you want to sell more you can always compliment a customer (for example in Fashion Stores).

Say something like:

‘You look beautiful in that dress they have chosen, it really brings out the colour of their eyes. In fact you know just the belt that would go with that dress…’

Complete Selection of Examples from all the ee-books

This is the last section of the e-books. I have ended by including a number of examples. I haven’t said what each example is specifically of. You can work it out for yourself or just enjoy learning what you read. Some of these examples have already been shown earlier on in this book but I thought that it would be useful if you could find them all in one place in case you are searching for one that you have read. I feel that it is important to learn from these examples and then create your own. This will help you to be able to use them automatically and unconsciously when they are needed.


I don’t know (psychological implication that you must know) whether you will discover (embedded command) your right arm lifting by itself (embedded command) or (use and to make this a compound

suggestion) your left arm moving (embedded command) before you notice it. (Whole thing is a double dissociation double bind)

Hi, which phone are you looking at?

I can imagine you with that phone. The people that chose to …buy that phone… are those that appear to have a sense of taste and style.

By and … buy that phone… is one of the better one’s.

What does your ideal phone have to be like?

I was just discussing with my colleagues earlier about the excellent service I received the other day when I went out. I was wondering whether there is anywhere you know of that offers good service. (Get in chat about good service and anchor positive emotions)

I’m sure that you want to think a bit more about which phone you like best before you make a decision on which one to buy

I don’t know yet which phone will be the right phone for you so let’s go to the display cabinet and have a look

What amount are you looking at spending on a phone?

Have general chat about what the customer enjoys

Get them to imagine what it will be like to own the phone and to use it, how positively others will view them, how they will feel a sense of status etc… do good mental rehearsal with the customer

Which phone do you think will be the phone that best suits you?

I wonder whether you know yet which phone will be the phone for you?

This phone is …buy… far the best phone for you. I think that you have made a good choice deciding to take a closer look to see if …this is the phone you want to buy… you know I was out the other day and I

saw something that I thought I just …have to have it… you know that I …want it… urge. You know where …you impulse buy… it was such a

good … buy that… I …phone… all my friends to tell them. It was a …three… for one offer so I had to …buy it…

I took my child out the other day. She started to play with this toy. I don’t thin at the time that she realised quite how much she liked it but she happily played with the toy as I chatted to someone and I could see that she was discovering more and more about the toy as she played and I could see she was becoming attached to that toy. When it was time to leave the shop she started to scream and just appeared to be drawn to the toy. The further away we walked the more she wanted it until it became overwhelming so she was bought that toy for her birthday and now she never puts it down. She loves it.

Hi thank you for calling…when you leave a message don’t forget to remember what that message was or…remember to forget it…just stop a minute and think about how easy it is to get lost in thought when you hear people rambling on finding that when you come to talk you forget what was on your mind just a moment ago…listening and trying to understand what I am saying and why I am saying it and how much effort it is to follow, and questions you ask yourself about when I’m going to shut up and let you get back to what you were doing before you called…but I think it would be rude for you to do that before you hear the beep…so don’t hang up until then just relax and becalm, lost in thought like losing track of an old dream or a

name on the tip of your tongue that’s easier to…forget it…and relax as you get off the phone you can always call back and try in vain to leave that message later if you want to feel better…so for now don’t go until you hear the beep……


Hi, which one are you looking at?


I was just looking at that MP3 player


You’re looking at that MP3 player?




Is it for you or for someone else?


It’s for my daughter


For your daughter?




Do you know what sort of MP3 player you are looking

for? Customer: Yes, I want it to be one of those small ones that can easily fit in the pocket; it needs to be able to take memory cards not just

use the internal memory because my daughter listens to a lot of music. It needs to be compatible with a PC and preferably no more than £100 Salesman:

OK, so you want one that is small, that takes memory

cards, that will work on a PC and costs less than £100? Customer:



We have a number of MP3 players that are suitable for

your needs. What sort of age is your daughter? Customer:

She’s a teenager


I’ve got a teenaged sister. When she wants something,

you know about it. She’ll want something so much it’s like the whole world revolves around her getting that one thing. She isn’t happy until she has it. (Anchor) Customer:

Tell me about it. My daughter is the same.


OK, these are the ones I think might suit your

daughter. I suppose we were all like it as teenagers to some extent or another? (Anchor) Even now I know there are times when I see something that I just have to have (anchor) where you feel a desire (anchor embedded command) you know Customer:

Yeah, I get that sometimes when a new Dean Koontz

book comes out. I…


You just have to buy it (anchor embedded command)




Which one of these do you think would suit your

daughter? (Setting off anchor) Customer:

It’s got to be that one


That one. I can offer you half price on a memory card

with that if you would like? Which altogether will be £86 Customer:

Yes, I’ll have a memory card as well


£86 then please


There you go


Thank you (set off anchor)


Thank you


It’s been a pleasure to meet you (set off anchor)


Thank you, for your help


Hi, I am looking to buy a phone. I was wondering

what options you have? Salesman:

OK, what sort of phone are you looking to buy

(embedded commands)


Well it needs to be small and practical and easy to use.

I’d quite like it to be stylish as well if possible. Salesman:

OK, well buy far this is one of the best phones we

have here. Buy and buy this phone is one of the favourites. You seem like someone that knows a good buy, someone that has a sense of style so I thought I would show you this phone. I can imagine you with this phone. It meets your needs and it is at a reasonable price.


Yes, it’s not bad. I don’t know if it is me or not

though? Salesman:

You’re not sure if it is you? All these phones meet

your needs, which one do you think is you? Customer:

Probably one of those two.


You think one of those phones is for you.




Pick them up and get a feel for which one feels right

for you… Imagine what it feels like to be using the phone, what a sense of ease… Who do you think will notice you’ve got a new phone first?……Etc…

‘You know what it is like when you laugh uncontrollably (anchor), you know where it just build and build up inside of you, that sort of state where the harder you try not to laugh the more it builds up, like when you try to fall asleep and find that the harder you try the

harder it is to sleep. I’m sure you can remember one of those times now…etc


I was in a shop earlier on and it was the best service I

have ever received Salesman:

What was it that made the service stand out as being

so good? Customer:

The salesman made me feel so valued as a customer,

he listened to what I asked for and helped me to get it Salesman:

It feels good to be valued as a customer and listened

to, doesn’t it? Customer:

Yes, I’ll definitely be going back there again

‘I’m too stressed to be able to relax and go into a trance.’ I’ll tell them ‘That’s excellent. All the best work is done with the clients that

have some tension there. What I need you to do is just hold on to some of that tension for a while as we do this.’ If a client says ‘You won’t be able to hypnotise me because I’m too strong willed.’ I’ll tell them ‘Your right I won’t be able to hypnotise you, all I can do is guide you into a state of mind that gives you greater control over the inner workings of your mind and body. A state of mind that allows you to control your heart rate, your blood pressure, your breathing and many other processes, but it takes a strong willed person to enter that state fully and completely.’

Client: ‘but I enjoy smoking’ Therapist: ‘yes! (Agreeing) People can learn to enjoy anything; people can enjoy the company of a charming but manipulative psychopath whilst that psychopath works to undermine them. At least you know what the cigarettes are taking from you’

‘I still get some people that come to see me that believed that they couldn’t be hypnotised that they wouldn’t let someone control them. Once they have got an understanding of what hypnosis really is and they

see that it is nothing mysterious and that they are the ones in full control of how deep they decide to go into a trance change occurs rapidly’.

If someone complains about a bad mobile phone network and how there are always problems getting a signal. You can use this by agreeing with how annoying that sort of network is and how you have heard of some of those still out there. That is why you have the phone you have because at least, unlike some other networks they addressed the situation of poor signal so you rarely have signal problems and on the few occasions when you have it has been sorted out quickly.


‘I’ve heard that this network has really bad problems

with signal and that the network is always going down’ Salesman:

‘It is true that in the past we did used to have some

network coverage problems. Sometimes the network needs to be off line briefly for repairs and improvements to the service, which is all necessary maintenance that all the networks have to undergo. We endeavour to maintain the high service that our customer’s expect.’

‘I’m sure you can imagine what it will be like to discover that even after you have made more calls than normal next month you still have credit spare to use up. I don’t know if you will decide to do something fun or enjoyable to use that credit up, at least you can relax in the knowledge that you have more than enough credit to last the month’.

Because you like me want the best for yourself

‘You can take this trance (chance) now to feel good’

‘You can have response-ability (responsibility) to me to help you to choose the one you want’

‘By now’ = ‘buy now’, ‘by and by this product’ = ‘buy and buy this product’

‘Do you want to feel good’ – ‘good let’s take a look at this then’

‘You see my point’ (whilst pointing)

‘Can you feel this’ (whilst touching them)

‘Take a closer look at this (using hand gestures to move their internal image nearer), can you feel this will be a good idea’ (touching them and embedding the command ‘this will be a good idea’)

‘You look like somebody who wants quality in their life?’

‘You don’t look like someone who settles for any old thing’

‘Are you looking to do something intelligent?’

‘Do you like things to last?’

‘Do you want to feel wonderful or do you want to feel bad?’

‘Which one do you like the best?’

Customer; ‘That’s too expensive’ You; ‘It really was, wasn’t it?’ (Uses tag questions and moves into the past) You; ‘But if you look at it now, you might begin to see that in relationship to all the qualities it has, it’s something you can feel good

now about’

‘What’s your new…..going to be like?’

‘What are you buying today’

‘Which one do you like the best’

‘I notice that you were looking at that one’


Alder Harry & Heather Beryl, NLP in 21 days, Piatkus Publishers Ltd, 1999 Bandler Richard & Grinder John, The structure of magic Vol. 1, Science & Behaviour Books Inc, 1975 Bandler Richard & Grinder John, The structure of magic Vol. 2, Science & Behaviour Books Inc, 1976 Bandler Richard & La Valle John, Persuasion Engineering, Meta Publications, 1996 Beattie Geoffrey, Visible thought, Routledge, 2003 Brooks Michael, Instant rapport, Warner Business Books, 1989 Brooks







hypnosis.com Brooks Stephen, The art of indirect hypnosis and minimal therapy, www.indirect-hypnosis.com Brown Derren, Pure effect, H & R Magic Books, 1999 Brown Derren, Absolute magic, H & R Magic Books, 2001 Brown Derren, The devils picture book, Video, www.derrenbrown.co.uk Brown Derren, Trick of the mind 1, DVD, Channel 4, 2004 Brown Derren, Trick of the mind 2, DVD, Channel 4, 2006

Brown Derren, Inside your mind, DVD, Channel 4, 2003 Brown Derren, Derren Brown Lecture , DVD, International Magic, 2000 Cameron-Bandler Leslie & LeBeau Michael, NLP home study guide, NLP Comprehensive, 1984 Griffin Joe & Tyrrell Ivan, Human Givens, Human Givens Publishing, 2003 Johnson Kerry L. Selling with NLP, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 1994 O’Connor Joseph, NLP Workbook, Thorsons, 2001 O’Connor Joseph & Prior Robin, Successful selling with NLP, Thorsons, 1995 O’Connor & Seymour John, Introducing NLP, Thorsons, 1990 O’Hanlon Bill & Beadle Sandy, A guide to possibility land, W. W. Norton & Co. 1999 O’Hanlon Bill & Weiner-Davis Michele, In search of solutions, W. W. Norton & Co. 1989 Richardson Jerry, The magic of rapport, Meta Publications, 2000 Watzlawick Paul, The language of change, W. W. Norton & Co. 1993 Watzlawick & Weakland & Fisch, Change, W. W. Norton & Co. 1974

Copyright Daniel Jones © 2006

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