Hypnosis Scripts - New 16

January 23, 2019 | Author: Samuel Brefo | Category: Dream, Mind, Consciousness, Emotions, Self-Improvement
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Hypnosis Script for personal use...



... starting to go on that inward journey ... taking yourself  deeper and deeper into you innermost being ... finding that place ... deep inside ... where there is peace ... and calm ... and tranquility ... and you can be curious about that place ... and those comfortable feelings that you are noticing as you come closer ... and closer ... coming to a place of safety ... and comfort ... deep inside yourself ...this place that feels more ... and more ... comfortable ... and safe ... and peaceful ... as you settle yourself down ... deep inside yourself ... ... and you know something now ... that you have been only vaguely aware of up to now ... becoming aware that this place ... deep inside ... has been here for a long ... long ... time ... and as you look around yourself ... taking in the tranquility of the scene ... being aware that this place has just the right kind of light for your needs ... knowing that you are surrounded with soft sounds that soothe and comfort ... feeling gentle wind on your skin ... light perfumes floating on the air ... everything just as you need it for your comfort and peace ... and I want you to take a few moments ... to explore this place ... and you can become aware that this place is ... as small as a grain of  sand ... and ... as large as the Universe ... and as you feel it expand ... and contract ... in time with your breathing ... you can make yourself so familiar with it ... that it will be a place ... that you will want to return to ... time ... and time ...and time ... again ... and in these few moments ... which will, in this relaxed state, be all the time you need ... you become aware ... that somewhere in this place ... set in a safe corner ... there is an eternal spark ... the breath of the Universe ... that is the life force within you ... and you know that this spark was inside you already ... when you woke this morning ... when you were a child ... when you were a baby cradled in someone’s arms ... even when you were in the womb ...this spark came into you at the moment that you were conceived ... and that tiny body grew and became you ... developing inside that safe warm place inside your mother ...taking your rhythm from the stars ... from the planets ... from nature ... naturally developing in the right way for you ... and when you were born ...you knew this place was deep inside you ... and you returned to it easily whenever you needed to ...and you kept returning to this place when you were a child ... and a young person ... and the spark continued Page 1

to guide you ... through your life ... up to the time you came and sat in that chair ... a few minutes ago ...and this spark ... which is deep inside you ...where you are right now ... listening to me ... will continue to guide you ... right up to the end of your life ... and as you breathe your last breath out ... the spark will carry the essence of you ... back to the Universe ... back to your home among the stars ... and the connection is there from the beginning of time ... to the end of  time ... and as you take a few moments ...to gaze around this place of peace and calm and tranquility ... and know that the spark of life is always there ... safely guiding you ...and know that ... at any time you choose to ... in the future ... you can make this journey again ...to this place deep inside you ... and rest in the peace ... and calm ... and tranquility ... breathing to the rhythm of the Universe ... stars all around you ... and the spark of life making the connection ... from the beginning of  time ... to the end of time ... and now ... I want you to slowly retrace your steps ... coming back along the same journey that you took to this place ... and with every step that you take ...on this journey back ... you feel more energized ... you feel light and positive ... you feel alert and clear ... the sounds in the room and around the area are clearer ... the light is becoming brighter ... you are aware of your body in contact with the chair ... your hands on your clothing ... the air in the room on your face ...and every breath you take bringing you back to ... this time ... this room ... this town ... and ready for the rest of  the day that is spread out before you. Protective Shield

And drifting way down relaxed now ... and just allowing your entire body to rest and relax ... and as you go even deeper all distractions just seem to disappear ... I want you to concentrate on your breathing ... breathing in pure relaxation and exhaling all the tension in the body ... feel all of the tension leaving the chest area as you exhale ... feel yourself  relaxing even deeper with each and every breath ... and your breathing is so regular ... so easy and effortless and you are relaxing more and more ... and your entire body is completely and totally relaxing as you drift even deeper down with each and every breath ... and you feel a warm wonderful sense of  relaxation and going even deeper down ...And you may have noticed that some areas of the body are more easy to relax ... and concentrating on the areas of the body that you find to be the most comfortable, very relaxed and concentrating on these Page 2

areas now you are recognizing and realizing what there is about those areas that makes you so comfortable and so very relaxed ... and feeling all the sensations in those areas ... the most relaxed and comfortable parts of your body And allowing ... and feeling the comforting sensations of the most relaxed areas of the body begin to spread ... and as this marvelous warm wonderful feeling of relaxation spreads to other parts of the body the feeling of relaxation becomes stronger and the relaxation spreads out beyond those areas ... and continuing to spread to all the parts of the body you desire to relax deeper and even deeper ... Picture and imagine the relaxation spreading like the rays of sun ... gently warming and relaxing ... like the rings of water spreading from a pebble tossed into a gentle pond ... and the relaxation spreading to every muscle, cell, fiber and bone in you body ... and you are enjoying this tranquil and peaceful relaxation in every part of  your body ... and with every passing moment this feeling of  deep, tranquil and comforting relaxation becomes stronger and every cell, nerve and part of you body knows and enjoys this wonderful sensation ... and this wonderful feeling now goes out beyond the physical confines on your body ... spreading out beyond the skin to form a protective shield around you ... and you can let this feeling spread far ... far ... beyond your physical body ... or keep it close like a second skin ... And since this protective bubble or shield is your own creation you can do with it what you wish ... you can use this shield in any way you want to ... the uses of this shield are limitless ... it can act as a filter, to filter out those feelings or things going on around you ... and filtering situations that are uncomfortable and allowing you to let in those feelings you wish to let in and experience ... and it can act as an amplifier to help you understand people and to help people understand you ... And this protective bubble can be invisible or visible to a few people or as many people as you want it to be ... and you are using this protective shield any way you choose to use it ... and that is okay ... because this shield is your own creation ... and you are using this shield and enjoying comfort in every part of your body ... practicing and using this shield ... and allowing it to spread ... and allowing it to go beyond the confines of your physical body ... and you can experiment with it ... making it as large as you like ... using it as a transport to another place or time ... and the more you use it the stronger it becomes. And realizing now that when I awaken you ... you can return to this place of peace, tranquility and deep relaxation and use this shield any time Page 3

you desire to do so ... and you are using this shield and feeling the relaxation spread to all the parts of your body ...

HEALING WHITE LIGHT SCRIPT ...and NOWwww... I would like you to focus... all your attention... on an area in the middle of your forehead... so that your whole concentration ... becomes completely focused... on a point... in this area... and I would like you to imagine... this point...as a tiny white ball of light... now hovering just in front of your forehead... just floating in mid air... right in front of your forehead... and this tiny white ball of light... is in every way... the size and appearance... of a tiny distant star... a shimmering glowing star... shining brightly in the night sky... radiating energy and light... and you may very soon... feel a slight tingling sensation... or feel a warm comforting glow... as you become aware... of the radiant vibrations... coming from this tiny white ball of light... that shines ever more brightly... as it hovers just in front of your forehead... ...and NOWwww... I would like you to... see this tiny white ball of light... slowly begin to float upwards... just gently lift up into the air... higher and higher... until it reaches a point... about a foot above your head... and as it hovers there... just above your head... I want you to see it begin to grow in size... and as it begins to expand... shining more and more brightly... you become more aware of the radiant quality... of this illustrious object... see the purity of its colour... like the pure white of freshly fallen snow... feel its radiant warmth... like a gentle heat from an open fire... maybe even hear its faint vibrations ... as it grows larger and larger... giving off a more brilliant light all the time... and as it grows to the size of large ball ... you instinctively become aware... of its healing qualities... sensing that its radiant energy can heal disease... quell any discomfort... revitalize and energize anything it touches... and as it hovers there... just above your head... glowing even more brilliantly... you feel yourself drawn to this healing energy... more and more...as you sense its purity... and its inherent goodness... knowing that its healing qualities... have no limitations...and know no boundaries... when it comes to seeking out... and destroying... any disease or discomfort... and you will want to immerse yourself... in this radiant Page 4

energy... to bask in its purity... knowing that you can only benefit... from its wonderful healing properties... ...and NOWwww... as you think of this... the ball slowly begins to open... showering you with its pure healing white light energy... energy that will revitalize you... and balance you... energy that will cleanse and heal every part of you... and as the free flowing stream of energy... begins its downpour... I want you to feel this stream of healing energy... freely flowing down into every part of your body... down through the top of your head... clearing out any negative thoughts or emotions... and installing new feelings of well being and balance as it goes... down your neck and shoulders... relieving any tension or stress there... and all the way down your back... entering every muscle fibre and nerve in your spine... clearing away any toxins that may have gathered there... and as this fountain stream of pure healing white light... continues cascading down... pouring into every last cell... in your whole body... cleansing and revitalizing you... healing and rejuvenating you... you may begin to feel more and more uplifted... more and more alive... than you have felt in a long while... as feelings of health and well being... begin to resonate through your entire system... ...and NOWwww... as the constant stream of energy... continues to pour into your body... just see this pure healing white light energy... freely flowing into every organ... in your chest and stomach... cleansing every artery and vein... purifying the air in your lungs... strengthening every muscle and bone... as it continues its free flow... down into your lower body... into your legs... and all the way down... to the tips of your toes... clearing any wastes or debris on the way... and at this point... you may wish to concentrate the flow of energy... on a certain part of your body... a part that maybe needs a lot of healing... and I will leave you for a short time... so that you can direct the flow of  energy... to where you need it the most......(PAUSE)...... ...and NOWwww... as you continue to allow this pure healing white light energy... this free flowing radiant white light... to permeate every part of you... clearing any blockages... cleansing and purifying every part of you... and I want you to imagine... that the ball above your head... has now grown even larger in size... to about three feet in width... so that its endless downpour of  healing energy... has now completely enveloped your entire body... so that you are now immersed... from the top of your Page 5

head... to the tip of your toes... in this radiant healing white light energy ... completely bathed in this pure source of  radiant energy... that continues its free flow in and around your body... bringing you wonderful feelings of health and vitality... and the knowledge that any time... you can visualize this white light energy... entering your body... and healing every part of yourself... you will continually encourage... feelings of health and well being... in your mind, body and spirit... ...and NOWwww... as the healing process is completed... I want you to see the mass of energy above your head... shrink to the size of a large ball again... and the downpour of energy... begin to slow down ... slower and slower... until it finally comes to a stop... as the large ball above your head gently closes... leaving you radiating with feelings of health and vitality... and a feeling of  well being all over... and at this point you will notice... how much better you feel... both physically and mentally... as well as a feeling of being emotionally uplifted... and as this wonderful healing process comes to its conclusion... I want you imagine the large ball... still floating above your head... slowly begin to shrink in size... smaller and smaller... back to the size of a tiny distant star... then let it begin to descend ... gently floating down... back to the area... just in front of your forehead... where it becomes absorbed... back into your consciousness... and you will become more aware and more aware ... of how uplifted... and revitalized you feel... as your whole system... your mind and body... has been purified and cleansed ...in this wonderful holistic healing process... that you can continue... as and when you need to. Night tape suggestions The Safe Room: You can see that in front of you is a hallway. And as you look down the hallway, you can see a door. That door is a door to a room of your own choosing, in which you will feel safe and comfortable. As we come closer to the end of the hallway, you can see the door more clearly. This door will keep out all the negative messages, the words, the behaviors, that you perceived from your world as a child, which made you feel bad about yourself. There's no room here for such negative messages. Look at the door very carefully, even the doorknob. And know that this is a room of your own choosing, in which you will feel safe, and comfortable. Early positive messages and experiences enter, but all negative messages must stay outside. And now I want you to open that Page 6

door, and then close the door behind you. And look around that room, this safe room, that you can visit any time you wish, by just closing your eyes. Look around, and enjoy what you see there. Now I'd like you to sit, or lie down some place in that safe room, wherever you will be comfortable. And listen carefully to whatever I say to you. There is a life energy inside of you. It is unique to you. It is your life energy, not anyone else's. It is the energy from whence you came. Life energy has only one purpose, to help you reach your potential as an organism. It is protective; it is healing. And since it is healing and protective, it is therefore loving. I want you to experience that life energy of yours, by feeling a light above your head, a light from which issues warm streams of energy, warm streams of energy, that surround you like an imaginary cocoon, soft and pliable, that lets you move about, that protects you, like a cocoon. Feel that life energy also penetrating every cell of your body, surrounding you, and penetrating you. This is your life energy. It represents your true self, your natural self, your essence — whatever you wish to call it. It belongs to no one but to you. It is protective; it is healing, and therefore loving. Within that life energy are no negative messages; they cannot exist there. Feel that positive life energy, coursing through every cell of your body, surrounding and protecting you. That life energy has sometimes been expressed within you, perhaps as a still inner voice, that many of us ignore; words of wisdom inside of us that we don't always listen to, but are really there to protect us. That still inner voice is a nurturing part of you. And that nurturing part is an entity, that exists because it becomes a kind of spokesman, for that life energy, for that healing energy, for that essence, which is you. That nurturing part of  you is capable of healing, both mind, and body. It is capable of helping, healing those parts of you that are not happy, that don't feel good about themselves. And it is possible for that nurturing self, to seek out other parts of you, that are not happy, and help them, help them become happier, help them become more worthwhile in their own eyes, and most of all, help them to feel loved from the inside, not from the outside world. To help this process, it is worthwhile for you to think about that nurturing part within you, and perhaps to visualize that process going on, as you go about your daily business. Visualize the process of that nurturing part helping out those, that are not so happy inside, in a way that comes naturally to you, in your mind's eye. And as you continue to do this, thinking about the nurturing part, you will stimulate that Page 7

aspect of you, and it will become stronger within you. As you go to sleep tonight, you will have a healing dream, a healing dream to heal mind, body and spirit. And that healing, nurturing part will know, what you need in a healing dream. And that healing dream will not only have an effect tonight in your dream, but will affect you during the day as time goes by. And as healing progresses, you will come to feel better about yourself, stronger, more self-confident, and therefore happier. And when you feel happier and better about yourself, the world will respond to you in more positive ways. And now, in a moment I'm going to sign off, and you will find that you will drift into a natural sleep pattern, and when you awaken in the morning, you will be aroused just naturally from this sleep pattern. The Serenity Place Now, as you continue to relax, more and more deeply, just allow yourself to float across time and space. And in a moment, your unconscious mind is going to suddenly take you, to a very special place, that's associated with tremendous feelings of peacefulness, and tranquility, and safety, and happiness. It may be a place you've been before, or some special place that you find yourself in for the first time. And you can just allow such a place to spontaneously come into your awareness now. And as you find yourself there, give yourself the opportunity, to experience all the refreshing feelings of calm, and contentment, and security, and happiness, associated with this wonderful place. And I'm not really sure whether you'd rather just sit and rest back, and look at everything around you, or if you'd rather walk around some, and explore this special place, that's here right now, just for you. And I don't know for sure, the things that will stand out most for you—whether it will be the sounds in this special place, or the beauty of it. Perhaps you'll especially enjoy the sensations and feelings as you touch things, and maybe even the smells will be unusually pleasant. And I wonder if you've already begun to notice the fact, that as you just experience, and enjoy this special place, you soak up and absorb these tranquil feelings. And you can just allow these feelings of  deep contentment, and peace, and calm, to flow, all through you, to all parts of you, allowing all of you to experience these soothing feelings. And as each moment passes in this special place, these wonderful, invigorating feelings increase, and become more a part of you. And you can savor this place, and your enjoyment of it can be heightened, with every moment Page 8

that you spend here. And as you rest here, and recharge your batteries, this experience may remind you of other places and experiences, where you've felt happy, and contented, and filled with peaceful feelings. And in this place of serenity and security, things can come into perspective. You can be aware of actual feelings, with a correct sense of proportion, free from the distortions of a mood or set of circumstances. As you rest in this place, things come into proper perspective. And in this special place, independent of anything that I say, you can receive what you most need right now. Your unconscious mind knows what you most need. And I don't know exactly how you'll receive that. It may be that you gain a new perspective, or just find yourself feeling differently. Or maybe, before awakening, you'll receive from your unconscious, a special gift, of an experience or a memory that gives you the understanding or the perspective or the feelings that you most need right now. Or perhaps, you may hear, what you need. It may be that you hear a still voice, maybe a voice in your mind, or seeming to come from deep inside you, saying what you most need to hear, giving you the suggestions you most need to receive right now. And in a moment now, I'm going to stop talking. And you can remain in this special place of  yours, for as long as you need. You can remain in this place of  contentment, and happiness, and tranquility, for as long as you need, recharging your batteries, and soaking up these feelings, receiving what you need. And there's something that's going to be embedded and remain in your mind: you will know, that you can return to this special place of yours, whenever you need or want to. You will know, that whenever you need to rest, or replenish your strength and energy, that you can put yourself into a deep and peaceful hypnotic state, and return to this place. And when you're ready to awaken, you can drift back across time and space, bringing these wonderful feelings, and this sense of perspective with you. And you'll awaken feeling well; refreshed, alert and clear-headed. And what you have experienced can remain with you, after you have awakened. Now, as I stop speaking, you can continue in this place, receiving what you need, for as long as you like. I know you have a conscious memory of what you have experienced and learned, but your unconscious mind has a much more complete record of everything that you have ever learned or experienced of any significance since you were born. I want to ask your unconscious mind to review all of that material, and it can do that much more quickly and completely than you could do it consciously. Review all of your learning and Page 9

experiences; scan all of them and select only positive experiences and feelings. Review them, and strengthen them, and begin to make them available to you as your inner strength to cope with whatever you need to cope with now. And although you won't be aware of most of this consciously, it will be going on beneath the surface, just as your unconscious mind works on problems and continues to operate beneath your awareness most of the time. Perhaps you will be more aware of some of this, a small sample of it surfacing into your conscious awareness — perhaps an experience, a positive experience, that gives you a good feeling. It may be one that happened last week, last month, last year, or many years ago, but the thought of it makes you feel good about yourself. Then, perhaps occasionally a good feeling will surface, just a positive feeling, a feeling perhaps of being secure, confident, happy; or perhaps this feeling may be unattached to any particular experience, just a good feeling and you can enjoy it again, a feeling of inner strength. You'll begin to feel much better about yourself, and you will have the inner strength it requires to pursue some positive strategies that we have talked about, and where some of these may have been threatening before, now they will represent a challenge to you, and you will feel positive about taking a bit of a risk in meeting this challenge, and feeling good about it. Confidence Building - The Cloud Visualize a normal white, soft, fluffy cloud hovering over your head into which you will be able to place all the reasons, direct and indirect, which you think have contributed to your lack of confidence. These reasons are the unconscious "computer" programs which are maintaining your unwanted behavior. Thus, they need to be erased. Let your mind drift in a pleasantly relaxed way and, whenever any reason for your lack of confidence, no matter how trivial, comes into your mind, put it into the cloud. As you do so, your unconscious mind will put in other reasons of which you are unaware, causing the cloud to become increasingly dark. When you have put in every reason you are able to think of, it will be inky black. Look at the black cloud containing all these negative programs and, as you do so, somewhere behind it you will see a source of light. At first quite dim, it will become increasingly bright. That light is really a sun, the sun of your own desire to be free of everything that has been preventing you from living life to its fullest. The light grows stronger and brighter until it begins to burn away the black Page 10

cloud. As this is happening, you will become increasingly aware of the warmth of the sun so that, as the cloud burns away completely, leaving no trace of either cloud or anything it contained, you will be able to bask in this warmth, feeling the sun's rays penetrating every cell of your body, bringing a wonderful sense of self-assurance and self-confidence. Confidence Building - The Pyramid Imagine yourself back in ancient Egypt, standing in the desert before the cave-like entrance to a large pyramid. As you enter, you find yourself in a downward sloping passageway, well lit with torches. Feeling a sense of security and confidence, you follow this passageway as it takes you deeper and deeper into the heart of the pyramid. At the very end of the passage is a vast storeroom filled with treasures of all descriptions. This is the storehouse of all the vast untapped resources, all the potential for good and for achievement, which you have not yet turned to your advantage. All of this treasure is rightfully yours, for it has been stolen from you through force of  circumstance. However, unless you carry it back into the world outside to enjoy and to share with others, it will eventually be sealed up within the room and lost forever. Naturally, you attempt to gather this treasure, for it is rightfully yours. Yet, you cannot. Some force is preventing you, a force emanating from a huge black statue in the center of the room. This statue, powered by a brilliant jewel embedded in its forehead, is the embodiment of all the negative forces of failure and defeat within you. It has been placed in the room as the guardian of the treasure, making all other guardians unnecessary. To free this vast storehouse of  your potential so that you can become the person you are capable of being, you must first overcome the negative tendencies, the forces of failure and defeat, within you which are acting to prevent this, these tendencies being personified and embodied in the guardian statue. Go to the statue and knock the jewel from its forehead. As it lies on the ground, its lustre fades, so that it looks dark and ugly like a piece of coal. This can be stepped upon and crushed into black dust. Its power gone, the statue may then be pushed so that it falls and breaks into many pieces. You are now free to gather up as many of the treasures as can be carried, taking it with you as you retrace your steps up the passage to the entrance. There is no need to attempt to take all the treasure, for you will be able to return to this treasure room whenever you want to. No matter how much you may take, or how many times you Page 11

return, the room will never be empty. Step outside into the warm sunshine, and return to the world of our everyday life with the treasures you have gathered. These treasures, which can be anything you want them to be, will reveal themselves in new habits, new ideas, and new directions. On any occasion when you feel a lack of confidence in your ability to do something, think of the pyramid and the treasures it contains. As you do, you will feel a sense of confidence, strength,and power surging through you, filling you with the certainty that you are capable of accomplishing the task about which you were doubtful. Confidence Building - The Lake See yourself standing on the shore of a lake, looking out over the water. Where you stand, it is a dreary and depressing scene, the water rough and treacherous, whipped into waves by wind and rain. Yet, the other side of the lake is quite different, with people enjoying the bright sunshine and lively atmosphere. This is the shore of health and normality. Visualize yourself crossing the lake in some way that requires considerable effort. Rowing a boat, paddling a canoe, or even swimming would be possibilities. Not only are the waves and wind to be combatted. Other obstacles will attempt to impede your progress from the shore of dreariness to the shore of  brightness, but these you overcome. If the distance seems too great, or your efforts are exhausting, you can use the islands dotting the surface of the lake as temporary resting places. When you finally reach the bright shore, as you will, you feel a tremendous surge of confidence, a belief in your ability to live your life as you want to, coping effectively and happily with whatever your environment provides. Increasing Determination: The Snowball Picture yourself standing at the top of a tall snow-covered mountain, looking down into a valley below. In this valley is the place you have been attempting to reach. Though your  journey has brought you as far as this mountaintop, further progress towards your objective is blocked, for all along the mountainside are numerous barriers and obstacles. These represent everything standing between you and the attainment of your goals. Bend down and pick up a handful of snow. Examine this. You will find it to be soft and powdery, comparable, in a way, to your own determination which has, at times, lacked firmness and strength. Add more snow, packing it more tightly in your hands, compressing it into a Page 12

snowball which is firm, round, and hard. As you do so, feel your own assertiveness and determination becoming stronger and firmer too, as hard and as firm as the snowball being prepared for its trip down the mountainside. Walk over to a very steep incline at the side of the mountain and gently roll the snowball down it, straight at the obstacles below. Quite slowly the snowball rolls down the mountainside, growing in size as it does so, until it attains the proportions of a large boulder. It then becomes an avalanche, sweeping everything before it as it continues on its journey to the bottom. The way is now clear. As all obstacles have been swept away, you can begin to descend the mountainside where your courage and determination have gone before to clear a path. As you imagine yourself striding purposefully down the mountain, you will know that, in your own mind, your determination is continuing to grow, as did the snowball, until it will become sufficiently strong to sweep away every obstacle in its path. You will then be able to attain whatever goals in life you have set, just as easily as you can now imagine yourself descending that mountainside. Stein's Clenched Fist Technique Now I want your unconscious mind to search through your memories and identify a time when you felt (e.g., confident, happy, peaceful and calm, healthy, needed, accepted, competent, strong). Just allow your inner mind to identify a time when you felt (e.g., confident, happy, peaceful and calm, healthy, needed, accepted, competent, strong), no matter how brief the experience, or how long ago, and no matter how intimate or personal the experience, because it isn't necessary to tell me anything about it if you don't want to. And when your unconscious mind has identified that experience, just allow your "yes" finger to float up. Good. Now I'd like your unconscious mind to take you back through time to that experience. Just allow yourself to drift back to that experience, and when you are there, allow your "yes" finger to float up again. Good. And as you enjoy that experience again, you can begin to sense those feelings associated with it feelings of (e.g., confident, happy, peaceful and calm, healthy, needed, accepted, competent, strong).And when you're aware of experiencing those feelings again, allow your "yes" finger to float up to signal me. That's right. And notice how those feelings get stronger, as you enjoy that experience again, in complete privacy. And now as you feel these feelings, I'd like you to close your dominant hand into a tight fist, and as you Page 13

do so, these positive feelings become even stronger. That's right, just close your dominant hand into a tight fist, as a sign and symbol of confidence and determination. This is the hand that you trust and depend on. And as you clench it tightly, feel the feelings of (e.g., confident, happy, peaceful and calm, healthy, needed, accepted, competent, strong) becoming even stronger. And when you're aware of feeling those feelings even more strongly, just nod your head to let me know. That's right, and just continue enjoying that experience, and these good feelings, allowing them to fill you, and to flow all through you. And as you continue experiencing these feelings, take several deep, refreshing breaths, while your unconscious mind memorizes, all of these wonderful feelings. Because in the future, whenever you close your dominant hand into a tight fist like this, you will feel once again, these feelings of  (e.g., confident, happy, peaceful and calm, healthy, needed, accepted, competent, strong), flowing back over you and filling you. Whenever you want to experience these feelings again, all you need to do is clench your dominant hand into a fist, and this same kind of memory and feelings, will come back into your experience. And now you can feel pleased, and feel a sense of confidence in knowing, that you have learned a method for recapturing these feelings, whenever you need them. Your unconscious mind has memorized these feelings, these experiences, and they will remain just beneath the surface, as inner resources. And because of this conditioning, they will be readily available, whenever you need them. All that you'll need to do is to clench your right hand into a fist, as these memories, and positive feelings, wash back over you. And I'd like you to demonstrate this for yourself now. In a moment, I want you to squeeze that right hand into a confident fist. And as you do so, notice, just notice how one of  these same wonderful memories, and these same feelings, come back into your experience. Go ahead. And enjoy this experience. And the stronger you clench that fist, the more vivid the feelings become, do they not? And I'd like you to appreciate, your own ability, to recapture these feelings, whenever you wish, knowing that they are always there, just beneath the surface for you. Now allow that fist to relax, and allow yourself to drift into an even sounder, and deeper hypnotic state. And now you're going to have an opportunity, to learn another method, which will allow you to even more effectively neutralize the feelings of negativeness, and replace them with feelings of (e.g., confident, happy, Page 14

peaceful and calm, healthy, needed, accepted, competent, strong). In a moment, I'd like you to permit yourself to remember an unpleasant experience, that made you feel negative. It doesn't have to be so unpleasant that it makes you miserable. I don't want you to be that uncomfortable. But allow just enough of an unpleasant memory to come back, so that you begin to feel some of those feelings of negativeness. And when you're experiencing some of those unpleasant feelings, signal me with your "yes" finger. All right. And now I want you to enjoy discovering something, very interesting. I want you to notice, how these negative feelings can be transferred and displaced, into your non dominant left hand, as you close it into a fist. Close your (left) hand into a fist, and as you do so, be aware of how those unpleasant feelings and sensations funnel down, through your shoulder, your arm, your forearm, down into your left fist. Allow all those unpleasant feelings and sensations, those negative emotional and physical knots, to flow down into your left hand fist, condensing and concentrating there. Lock them up tightly in that fist, keeping them there until you're reasonably sure that all of them, or the majority of them, are in that fist, where you yourself have displaced and transferred them. You may not always be able to keep unpleasant feelings from appearing in your mind or body, but you'll be able to transfer them into your left hand fist, where you can control them. And when it feels as if all those unpleasant feelings, are collected into that fist, just nod your head to signal me. Good. Now, since you're the one who put those feelings into that left fist, you're the person who can remove and neutralize them. And I want you to observe how easy it is, to get rid of those feelings, and replace them with positive feelings. I want you to squeeze your right hand into a strong, confident, happy fist. And as you do so, allow your left hand to relax, letting go of all those unpleasant feelings. That's right. Just move those fingers around, allowing all those unpleasant feelings to flow out of  your hand, as if they were just evaporating, or falling onto the floor. And you'll discover that the unhappy memory disappears, and is replaced by a positive one. And you can enjoy that happy memory again, in complete privacy, with that happy fist tightly closed, as a symbol of confidence, and strength, and determination. Enjoy taking several extra deep, relaxing breaths, as you just luxuriate in these positive feelings for a while. And these good feelings will remain with you, far longer than you might expect. You now have a method for controlling your own feelings, and for creating this Page 15

same sense of well-being, whenever you need to. So whenever you feel (negative feelings), just close your (non dominant) hand into a fist. As you do so, you'll feel all those unpleasant feelings and sensations flowing, and funneling, and concentrating into your left hand. And after a short time, when it feels as though all those unpleasant feelings are locked up in that hand, then you can neutralize them. You can get rid of  them, and then replace them with positive feelings, by simply squeezing your right hand into a tight fist, while you open your left hand, and let go of all the unpleasant feelings and sensations. And I want you to really enjoy, all the positive feelings, and wonderful memories that flow over you, and that will increase, the tighter you squeeze that right hand fist. And after a minute of two of clenching that fist, you'll discover that those pleasant, good feelings, will remain with you. Almost as if, by clenching that right hand fist, you've infused your whole being with so many, good feelings, with so much of  those natural endorphin substances from your brain, that for a long time, there's just nothing to bother you, and nothing to disturb you.

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