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HyperView 10.0 Tutorials
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HyperView Tutorials Introduction .................................................................................................................................................1 HyperView Tutorials ..........................................................................................................................................................1 Finding the Installation..........................................................................................................................................................3 Directory
Animation .................................................................................................................................................4 Loading Model Files - ..........................................................................................................................................................4 HV-1000 Using the Animation Controls - HV-1010 ..........................................................................................................................................................7
Visibility and View Controls .................................................................................................................................................11 Controlling the Model..........................................................................................................................................................11 View - HV-2000 Using the Model Browser - HV-2020 ..........................................................................................................................................................15 Masking Elements - HV-2030 ..........................................................................................................................................................22 Creating Sets (Groups) - HV-2040 ..........................................................................................................................................................26 Using Keyboard Shortcuts and Function Keys HV-2050 ..........................................................................................................................................................30
Result Data Analysis .................................................................................................................................................33 Contouring Results - ..........................................................................................................................................................33 HV-3000 Viewing Deformed Shapes - HV-3010 ..........................................................................................................................................................39 Viewing Iso Values - ..........................................................................................................................................................43 HV-3020 Editing Legends - HV-3030 ..........................................................................................................................................................47 Viewing Vector Plots..........................................................................................................................................................52 - HV-3040 Viewing Tensor Plots..........................................................................................................................................................55 - HV-3050 Transforming and Averaging Stresses - HV-3060 ..........................................................................................................................................................59 Creating Derived Loadsteps - HV-3070 ..........................................................................................................................................................66 Creating Linear Superposition Loadsteps - HV-3080 ..........................................................................................................................................................69 Creating Envelope Loadsteps - HV-3090 ..........................................................................................................................................................74 Generating CFD Plots/Streamlines - HV-3095 ..........................................................................................................................................................79
Querying Results .................................................................................................................................................87 Querying Results - HV-4000 ..........................................................................................................................................................87 Performing Advanced..........................................................................................................................................................90 Queries - HV-4010
Working with Models .................................................................................................................................................96 Creating Section Cuts - HV-5000 ..........................................................................................................................................................96 Using Exploded View - HV-5010 ..........................................................................................................................................................101 Tracking Entities during Animation - HV-5020 ..........................................................................................................................................................105 Tracing Nodes and Components during Animation - HV-5030 ..........................................................................................................................................................108
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Annotations .................................................................................................................................................111 Creating Measures ..........................................................................................................................................................111 for an FEA Model - HV-6000 Creating Notes - HV-6010 ..........................................................................................................................................................117
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Introduction HyperView Tutorials Suggested Order
If you are a new user, it is recommended that you begin with HyperWorks Desktop Environment - HWD-0010 before working on any other tutorial.
File Location
All files referenced in the HyperView tutorials are located in the HyperWorks installation directory under /tutorials/ mv_hv_hg/animation. If you need help finding the installation directory, see Finding the Installation Directory or contact your systems administrator.
Animation Loading Model Files - HV-1000 Using the Animation Controls - HV-1010
Visibility and View Controls Controlling the Model View - HV-2000 Using the Model Browser - HV-2020 Masking Elements - HV-2030 Creating Sets (Groups) - HV-2040 Using Keyboard Shortcuts and Function Keys - HV-2050
Result Data Analysis Contouring Results - HV-3000 Viewing Deformed Shapes - HV-3010 Viewing Iso Values - HV-3020 Editing Legends - HV-3030 Viewing Vector Plots - HV-3040 Viewing Tensor Plots - HV-3050 Transforming and Averaging Stresses - HV-3060 Creating Derived Loadsteps - HV-3070 Creating Linear Superposition Loadsteps - HV-3080 Creating Envelope Loadsteps - HV-3090 Generating Streamlines - HV-3095
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Querying Querying Results - HV-4000 Performing Advanced Queries - HV-4010
Working with the Model Creating Section Cuts - HV-5000 Using Exploded View - HV-5010 Tracking Entities during Animation - HV-5020 Tracing Nodes and Components During Animation - HV-5030
Annotations Creating Measures for an FEA Model - HV-6000 Creating Notes - HV-6010
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Finding the Installation Directory Most tutorials use files that are located in the tutorials/ directory of the software installation. In the tutorials, file paths are referenced as /../. In order to locate the files needed, you will need to determine the path of the installation directory . This path is dependent on the installation that was performed at your site. To determine what this path is, follow these instructions: 1.
Launch the application.
From the Help menu, select Updates. The HyperWorks Update Information dialog opens. The installation directory path appears after Altair Home:. The HyperView tutorial model files are located in /tutorials/mv_hv_hg.
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Animation Loading Model Files - HV-1000 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Load model and result files
Load various solver result formats
Tools To access the Load Model panel: ·
Click the Load Model panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Load Model from the Graphics menu.
The Load Model panel allows you to load the result files along with the model files. If the result file already contains the model definition, it is not a requirement that you load the model file along with the results. However, when only result files are loaded, the component definitions such as name and color are not preserved. The solver definition for component names along with the default color settings are loaded. You can also choose to load only a model or result file.
Load Model panel
Activating the Overlay check box in the panel allows you to load multiple models and their results into a single window. When this option is activated, there are two ways that you can choose which model will be the current model:
From the Model Browser, right-click on the name of the model file that you would like to set as the current model, and select Make Current from the context menu. Note: The Model files View must be active within the Model Browser, in order to access the Make Current option.
You can access the Current Model dialog by clicking on the name of the current model, which is located in the lower right corner of the status bar. Activate the radio button in the Current column to set the model as the current model.
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Supported Solver Result File Formats The following solver result file formats are supported by HyperView: ·
HyperMesh results (RES) file
ADAMS GRA and RES files
LS-DYNA D3PLOT and PTF files
Altair FLX file
MADYMO KIN3 (KN3) and FAI files
Altair MRF file
MARC T16 file
ANSYS RST, RTH, and RMG files
Moldflow UDM file
CFD Ensight ENCAS and CASE files
OptiStruct OP2 file
DYNA DB file
RADIOSS A001 file
Hyper3D (H3D) file
Universal UNV file
In addition to the solver result file formats supported through direct readers, HyperView supports additional solver formats via result translators.
Exercise: Using the Load Model Panel This exercise uses the file bumper_deck.key and the corresponding d3plot.
Step 1: Load the solver input file bumper_deck.key model data. 1.
From the menu bar, select File/New to delete the contents of the current HyperView session.
Click the Load model button,
Click the Load model file browser, , open the file bumper_deck.key located in \demos\mv_hv_hg\animation\dyna\bumper\bumper_deck.key.
on the toolbar.
Step 2: Load the solver results file d3plot for result data. 1.
Click the Load results file browser, open the file d3plot located in \demos \mv_hv_hg\animation\dyna\bumper\d3plot.
Click Apply to load the model file and the results file along with the input data.
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Step 3: Load the solver result file d3plot for both model and results in a new window. 1.
Click the Page Layout button
Select the two window layout
Activate the new window.
Load the d3plot file for model and results in this window.
on the toolbar, to open the Page Layout dialog. , and close the dialog.
Observe the difference in component colors between the two windows.
Step 4: Load the model file alone in a window. 1.
Uncheck the box next to Load results.
Load the bumper_deck.key file for the model.
Click Yes in the pop-up message that appears.
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Using the Animation Controls - HV-1010 In this tutorial you will learn how to: ·
Animate a file
Use the Animations Control panel
Use the LoadCase Selector
View the model on full screen and animate the model
Tools To animate and control the animation rate of your model:
Click on the Animate Start/Stop button
or on the Animation Controls button
Or ·
Select Animate/Animation Controls from Page menu.
Animation Controls panel for transient
You can animate a result file in HyperView by clicking on the Animate Start/Stop button . Based on the analysis type, you can animate a model using the Transient, Modal, or Linear Static animation type. You can also control the rate of the animation through the Animation Control panel.
Exercise: Controlling the Animation This exercise uses the file bumper_deck.key and the corresponding d3plot.
Step 1: Animate the models by clicking the Transient animation button. 1.
Click the Load model panel button,
Load the model file bumper_deck.key and the corresponding results file d3plot located in \demos\mv_hv_hg\animation\dyna\bumper.
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on the toolbar.
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Click the Animate Start/Stop button,
Click the button again to stop the animation.
Click on the triangle next to the button and note the various animation types available.
, to animate the window.
Animation Types
A brief description of each animation type is given below: Transient
Displays the model in its time step positions as calculated by the analysis code.
Creates and displays an animation sequence starting with the original position of the model and ending with the fully deformed position. An appropriate number of frames are linearly interpolated between the first and last positions.
Creates and displays an animation sequence starting and ending with the model’s original position. The deforming frames are calculated based on a sinusoidal function.
Step 2: Animate from time zero to 0.04. 1.
Click the Animation Controls button,
Click the Current time first arrow
Move the Animate end slider to the time 0.04.
Move the slider bar under Max Frame Rate: down, to slow down the animation.
Animate the model.
, to display the page at time 0.
Note the model animates between 0 and 0.04. 6.
Stop the animation.
Click the Animate end forward arrow
until the slider bar reaches the end of the animation.
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Change the animation type to Linear Static
and note the difference in the panel.
Animation Controls panel for linear static
Change the animation type back to Transient
Step 3: Expand the entire graphics area to the HyperView window and animate data using the animation minibar. 1.
From the View menu, select Full Screen for the maximum viewing area possible.
From the View menu, select Animation Minibar. This allows you to control the animation without having to return to the animation control panel, especially when you are in full screen mode.
Animation minibar
Move the animation minibar anywhere on the screen by placing the mouse pointer on the vertical bars on the left and then dragging the mouse.
Animate the model.
Increase or decrease the animation speed by clicking the up or down arrows.
Stop the animation by clicking the Animate Start/Stop button.
Click the right arrow to advance to the next frame or the left arrow to go back to the previous frame.
Manually animate the model by moving the horizontal slider.
Drag the red arrow to the left and animate the model.
10. On the left side of the animation minibar, right-click on the vertical bars and select Close to close the minibar. 11. Deselect Full Screen from the View Menu.
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Step 4: Choose a specific time step using the Load Case and Simulation Selection dialog. The active load case and simulation are displayed in the lower right portion of the status bar.
Loadcase Selector
Click on the LoadCase Selector located on the right corner of the status bar.
Choose Time = 0.03 under Simulation in the dialog.
Click OK.
Use the Current Time arrows to move through the time steps. You can also move through loadcases/subcases and modal shapes using this option.
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Visibility and View Controls Controlling the Model View - HV-2000 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Use the view controls
Use the synchronized view utility
Tools The view control panel allows you to visually manipulate model graphics, plots, and videos. Click the aqua bar on the right to hide or display the view controls. The synchronized view option in the Utilities menu allows you to view the model in multiple windows synchronically.
View Controls The following view controls allow you to manipulate the model view in HyperView. Rotates the model incrementally. You can set the rotation increment in degrees using the text box in the center.
Sets a specific model orientation in relation to the global coordinate system. The Top, Frt and Lft views can be flipped with the horizontal and vertical flip buttons.
Zoom in and out on the model to adjust the view. The zoom factor is set using the Tools menu, Options - Visualization dialog.
Considers the displacement of the model throughout the animation and scales the view such that the entire displacement can be seen. This is useful for viewing animations with very large deformations.
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Up to two user-defined views can be stored and recalled for each window.
Exercise: Using View Controls This exercise uses the model file truck.key and the corresponding result file, d3plot.
Step 1: Use the view controls. 1.
Load the truck.key model file and the d3plot results file from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Click the aqua bar to the right of the view controls to hide the view control buttons.
Click the bar again to display the view controls.
Change the angle of rotation in the view controls panel from its default value of 15 degrees to 30 degrees by changing the value in the text box.
Click the arrow buttons,
to rotate the model about the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively.
Each mouse-click rotates the model by 30 degrees. 6.
Click the curved arrow keys, screen.
Click the magnifying lens icons,
Use the Fit button
Click the Lft button to view the model in the Left view
, to rotate the model about the axis perpendicular to the plane of the
, to zoom in and out.
to fit the model to the window.
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10. Click the Animate Start/Stop button
to animate the model.
Note that some parts/components of the animation are outside the window graphics area. 11. Click Fit All Frames to place all the animation frames within the window frame.
12. Click the Animate Start/Stop button
to stop the animation.
13. Left-click on M1 to assign the view to memory M1. 14. Click Iso to change the view to Iso. 15. Click the recall key, R1, to recall the view stored in memory M1.
Step 2: Change the Window Layout and load files. 1.
Click the Page Layout button
Select the two window layout
Activate the new window.
Load the truck.key and d3plot files in the new window.
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. , and close the dialog.
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Step 3: Change the view in multiple windows simultaneously using Synchronize View. 1.
From the Utilities menu, select Start/Set Synchronization to open the Synchronize View dialog.
The two windows are synchronized.
have the same background color as the windows in the graphic area, indicating that they
Click OK to close the dialog.
Click Front View,
Click Iso View
Right click in the graphics area and select Synchronize View>Start/Set Synchronization (from the context menu).
Click the second window in the Synchronize View dialog to exclude window 2
Click OK to close the dialog.
Click the arrow keys to rotate the models.
, to display the front view for the two windows. and Zoom in
and Zoom out
to change the view.
from synchronization.
Only the model in window 1 in the graphics area rotates. 9.
From the Utilities menu, select Stop View Synchronization to end the synchronization of the windows.
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Using the Model Browser - HV-2020 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Turn components on and off from the Model Browser
Isolate components in the Model Browser
Change the display style and attributes from the Model Browser
Add items to panel collectors using the Model Browser
Change the items which are displayed in the Model Browser
Tools To access the Model Browser: ·
Select Browser from the View menu.
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The Model Browser displays the contents of the current model such as assemblies, parts/components, systems, and sets (groups) in a tree-like structure. It allows you to change the attributes of individual entities, and also control which entities appear in the model display.
Exercise: Using the Model Browser This exercise uses the model file, truck.key and the corresponding d3plot file as the results file.
Step 1: Turning components on and off from the Model Browser. 1.
Load the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck\truck.key model file and the d3plot results file from the truck folder.
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In the Model Browser, click
Right-click on the bed of the truck in the graphics area.
to activate the Show/Hide mode.
The component is hidden from display.
Left-click in the area of the truck bed to show the component. Note Holding down the left mouse button will generate a wire frame highlight of a hidden component.
Expand the tree under Components by clicking the ‘+’ icon in the Model Browser.
Right-click on SHELL: BED, and select Hide. The component is no longer displayed in the graphics area.
Right-click on SHELL: BED and select Show. The component is turned back on.
Select the Components folder.
Click the Display none button
to turn off all components.
10. Expand the Sets folder. 11. Select 1D Set under the Sets folder. 12. Click the Display all
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button to turn on the 1D set.
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Only the 1D Set is displayed in the graphics area.
13. Right-click on the 1D Set folder and select Hide. 14. Select the Components folder again. 15. Click Display all 16. Click Selector
to turn on the display of all components. to activate the selector.
17. Press and hold down the left mouse button over the hood area. 18. Rotate the mouse wheel to select hidden items and select SOLID: RADIATOR. 19. Click Display none
to remove it from display.
Step 2: Isolating components using the Model Browser. 1.
Click on SHELL: BED in the Model Browser.
to activate the Isolate tool.
The component is isolated in the graphics area.
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Right-click on SHELL: CABIN and select Isolate.
again to deactivate Isolate.
The cabin is isolated in the graphics area. 5.
Right-click on the Components folder and select Show. All components are displayed in the graphics area.
Step 3: Changing the display style and attributes from the Model Browser. 1.
Right-click on the Style icon
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Select the Shaded
Right-click on the color box
Select a new color from the color palette.
mode from the display Style pop-up menu. for the SHELL: BED component.
The color of the component is changed.
Step 4: Using the Model Browser to add items to a panel collector. 1.
Select the Contour panel from the toolbar
From the Model Browser, click Selector
to activate the selector.
Select the SHELL: BED component.
Click on the Add To Panel Collector icon
Change the Result type to Stress (t) vonMises.
Click Apply to apply the contour to the SHELL: BED component.
Animate the model and use the Animation Controls to view the contour applied only to the SHELL: BED component.
Stop the animation.
to add the bed component to the Components collector.
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Step 5: Change the entities displayed in the Model Browser view. 1.
Click on the Model files view icon
Click on the Component view icon
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to open the model files view in the Model Browser.
to change the view in the Model Browser to display only components.
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Masking Elements - HV-2030 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Mask elements and components
Unmask elements and components
Tools To access the Mask panel: ·
Click the Mask panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Mask from the Graphics menu.
The Mask panel allows you to mask elements, components, and systems to reduce the number of entities displayed on the screen.
Exercise: Using the Mask Panel This exercise uses the model file, truck.key and the corresponding d3plot file as the results file.
Step 1: Masking and Unmasking elements using the graphics area. 1.
Load the truck.key model file and the d3plot results file from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Click the Mask panel button
Verify that the entity input collector is set to Elements.
Under Action, verify that the Mask option is turned on.
Press the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over a specific area of the model.
on the toolbar.
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Release the mouse button. The elements that were chosen, using the quick window selection mode, are masked and are no longer displayed on the screen.
Under Action, turn on the Unmask option.
Press the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over the area of the model where the elements are currently masked.
Release the mouse button. The elements enclosed in the window are unmasked.
10. Click the Unmask All button, to unmask all elements of the model. 11. Change the entity input collector from Elements to Components. 12. Turn the Mask option back on. 13. In the graphics area, pick the truck bed and the right rear tire of the model. 14. Click the Mask Selected button.
15. Press the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over a specific area of the model. 16. Release the mouse button. The components enclosed in the window are masked. Note: You can also use the quick window selection mode to choose alternate selection methods. 17. Turn the Unmask option back on.
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18. Press the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over the area of the model where the elements are currently masked. Upon release of the mouse button, the masked components enclosed in the window are unmasked. 19. Click the Unmask All button, to unmask all selected components. Note: When you load more than one model using the Overlay option, the Apply to all models option is made available. This option allows you to mask entities across all models when activated. If the Apply to all models option is not activated, the mask is applied only to the active model.
Step 2: Masking elements using the entity input collector. 1.
Under Action, turn the Mask option back on.
Verify that the entity input collector is set to Components.
In the graphics area, pick the roof of the truck.
Click on Components, to access the extended entity selection menu.
Select By Attached from the selection list.
Click the Mask Selected button.
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Click the Reject button. The masked components are rejected and unmasked.
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Creating Sets (Groups) - HV-2040 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Create a set (group) of components
Import and export created sets
View the components of a set
Tools To access the Set (formerly the Create Groups) panel: ·
Click the Set panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Set from the Graphics menu.
The Set panel allows you to create sets (groups) of components, elements, or nodes from the active model that is displayed.
Exercise: Using the Set Panel This exercise uses the d3plot file as both the model and the results file.
Step 1: Create and export a set (group) of components. 1.
Load the d3plot file from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Click the Set panel button
Click Add, to add a set (group).
Right click on Set 7, and select the Rename option from the context menu.
Enter truck 1 into the Rename dialog text box.
Click OK.
on the toolbar.
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Verify that the Selection option is set to Components.
In the graphics area, pick the truck bed and the rear tire of the model.
Click Add to Set. The chosen entities are added to the set (group) truck 1. Observe that the feature lines of the chosen components are the same color as the color that is displayed in the Color box, in the panel area.
10. Add another Set, and rename it truck 2. 11. Pick the side door and the roof of the truck. 12. Click Add to Set. Observe the difference in the feature lines of the components in the set (group) truck 2. Note: If you would like to change the color of the feature lines for the chosen components, simply click the color box and select a new color from the color palette. 13. Change the Draw style to shaded. Observe that the components are now shaded the color defined in the Set panel. 14. Click Import/Export, to export the created sets (groups). The Import/Export Sets dialog is displayed.
15. Under Action, turn on the Export option. 16. Verify that Select format is set to HyperView. 17. Click on the file browser icon
18. Enter groups.txt as the file name. 19. Click Save. 20. Click OK to close the Import/Export Sets dialog.
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Step 2: Import a created set. 1.
From the File Menu, select New to start a new HyperView session. Answer Yes to the question "This operation will discard current data and copy/paste buffer. Continue?".
Load the d3plot results file from the truck folder.
Go to the Set panel.
Click Import/Export, to import a saved set.
Under Action, turn on the Import option.
Verify that Select format is set to HyperView.
Click on the file browser icon
Select the groups.txt file.
Click Open.
10. Click OK to import the selected file and close the Import/Export Sets dialog. Observe that both the truck 1 and truck 2 sets (groups) are imported. Activating either of the check boxes will display the components, feature lines, and colors of each set (group) on the screen accordingly.
Step 3: Viewing the components in a set (group) from the Model Browser. 1.
From the Model Browser, right-click on the Components folder and select Hide.
Right-click on the Sets folder and select Hide.
Expand the Sets folder.
Right-click on the truck 1 set and select Show.
Right-click on the truck 2 set and select Show.
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The truck 1 and truck 2 imported sets are now displayed.
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Using Keyboard Shortcuts and Function Keys HV-2050 In this tutorial, you will learn to: ·
Use Keyboard Shortcuts in HyperView
Use Function Keys for all the Desktop Applications
Tools Keyboard Shortcuts allow you to control the way the model is displayed, its views, and the animation without having to go to the specific panels. These shortcuts become active once you have clicked in the graphics area. Function Keys (F1-F12) allow you to access commonly used functionalities through the keyboard. This is common for all HyperWorks Desktop applications. You can also assign Tcl macros to "empty" function keys.
Exercise: Using Keyboard Shortcuts This exercise uses the result file, d3plot.
Step 1: Using Keyboard Shortcuts to change the view and attributes. 1.
Load the file, d3plot from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Click in the graphics area of the screen.
Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to rotate the model.
With the ‘H’ key on the keyboard pressed, click on the tire and the truck bed to turn them off.
Press ‘T’ on the keyboard to turn transparency settings on.
Press ‘L’ to turn on the feature lines.
Press ‘M’ to turn on the mesh lines.
Press the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ sign to zoom in and out respectively.
Press the ‘F’ key to fit the model to the screen.
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10. Press ‘M’ again to turn off the mesh lines. Except for ‘F’ and ‘H’, all keyboard shortcuts can be toggled on and off.
Step 2: Using Keyboard Shortcuts to control the animation of a model. 1.
Press ‘Insert’ to start the animation.
Press ‘Delete’ to stop the animation.
Press ‘Home’ to go to the first step of the animation.
Press ‘End’ to go to the last step of the animation.
Press ‘Page Down’ to move to the next frame.
Press ‘Page Up’ to move to the previous frame.
Step 3: Using Function Keys. 1.
Press ‘F1’ to open help.
Close the help Window.
Press ‘SHIFT’+ ‘F3’ to add a new page.
Go to the previous page, by clicking the previous page button
Press ‘SHIFT’+’F8’ to add windows.
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on the toolbar.
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Press ‘SHIFT’+’F7’ to reduce the number of Windows. The images below show the remaining options available for function keys.
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Result Data Analysis Contouring Results - HV-3000 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Create a stress contour on all components
Create a contour on specific elements using stress results
Create an averaged stress contour and generate iso surfaces
Contour vector and tensor results resolved in different coordinate systems
Edit the legend
Tools To access the Contour panel: ·
Click the Contour panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Contour from the Graphics menu.
The Contour panel allows you to contour a model and graphically visualize the results. In the Contour panel you can view vector, tensor, or scalar type results.
Exercise: Using the Contour Panel This exercise uses the model file, bullet_local.op2.
Step 1: Create a Stress contour on all components. 1.
Load the file, \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\bullet_local.op2.
Click the Contour panel button
Verify that the Components input collector is active under Selection.
Select Stress(t) as the result type and vonMises as the data component.
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on the toolbar.
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Select Z1 for Entity with Layers. The options for Entity with Layers are: -
Max displays the maximum values between layers Z1 and Z2.
Min displays the minimum values between layers Z1 and Z2.
Extreme displays the maximum absolute values among the layers for each entity.
Z1/Z2 displays the layers for thick shells. These will vary based on the solver type.
Verify that Resolved in is set to Analysis System and that the Averaging method is set to None.
Click Apply. By default, the results are applied to all the model components displayed on the screen. You can also select individual components from the model.
Step 2: Create a contour on specific elements using stress results. 1.
Change the active input collector from Components to Elements.
In the graphics area, pick a few elements on the model.
Click Apply.
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Press the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over a specific area of the model. The contour is applied to the elements that were chosen using the quick window mode. This can be done for other entity types also.
Under Selection, click on Elements and choose All from the pop up selection window. Note: If your solver supports corner data, Use corner data can be activated in order to view corner results.
Step 3: Create an averaged stress contour and generate iso surfaces. 1.
Change the Averaging Method to Simple.
Click Apply.
Click Show Iso Value.
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The color bands reflect the band settings for the legend.
Click in the graphics area and press ‘T’ on the keyboard. This allows you to view the iso surface while seeing the model in transparent mode.
Press ‘T’ again to turn off transparency.
Click Clear Contour.
Step 4: Contour vector and tensor results resolved in different coordinate systems. For vector and tensor results, you can transform the results to a different coordinate system. 1.
Select Displacement (v) as the result type and X as the data component.
Select the Analysis coordinate system.
Click Apply.
Change Resolved in to Global System (proj: none).
Click Apply.
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Analysis system
Global system
Clear the contour.
Change the result type to Stress (t) with vonMises as the data component.
Under Resolved in select User System (proj: none).
Click Projection Rule, select Projection (use projected axis as Sxx), and click OK. The current system changes to User System (proj: x, y).
10. Click on System and then click on By ID. 11. Enter ‘2’ to choose the second user defined system. 12. Click Apply.
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13. Close the dialog box. 14. Click Apply.
Step 5: Edit the legend. 1.
Click Edit Legend to open the Edit Legend dialog.
Click on 4.603E+01 and change the value to 45.0. The numbers will automatically interpolate and change in the preview window.
Click Apply. Observe the legend changes in the graphics screen.
Click Default to return to the default settings.
Click OK to close the dialog.
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Viewing Deformed Shapes - HV-3010 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Apply a scale factor for a deformed shape and animation
Tools To access the Deformed panel: ·
Click the Deformed panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Deformed from the Graphics menu.
The Deformed panel allows you to specify parameters for deformation display. You can use this function to see the motion of your model after analysis. You can display the original structure and the deformed shape to see the total amount of movement, or view the deformed shape by itself. You can also create an animation sequence of the structure’s movement that shows the motion of the structure in a series of frames, based on what the analysis code has predicted the model will do.
Exercise: Using the Deformed Panel This exercise uses the file, deformed.mvw.
Step 1: Deform a model and observe the animation. 1.
From the File menu, open \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\ deformed.mvw.
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Select the Deformed panel from the toolbar
Select Displacement (v) as the result type.
Select Model percent for the scale.
This scales the maximum displacement as a percentage of the model size. This percentage is entered in the Value field. 5.
Select Uniform to scale the model uniformly in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Change the value to 10.
Click Apply.
Animate the model
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Various stages of modal animation. 9.
Stop the animation.
10. Open the Animation Controls panel
11. Change the Angle Increment to 10. 12. Return to the Deformed panel. 13. Select Component as the scaling type. This option allows you to scale X, Y, and Z directions separately. 14. Enter: 0 for X 0 for Y 20 for Z 15. Click Apply. 16. Animate the model. The animation is exaggerated in the Z direction only.
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Various stages of animation in the Z direction.
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Viewing Iso Values - HV-3020 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
View multiple iso values in the Contour panel
View a single iso value in the Iso Value panel using Contour panel settings
View iso values using displacement results
Tools To access the Iso Value panel: ·
Click the Iso Value panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Iso Value from the Graphics menu.
The Iso surfaces can be viewed from the Contour panel as well as the Iso Value panel. Choosing Show Iso Value from the Contour panel will allow you to view the iso surfaces according to the contour legend settings for the applied result type. On the other hand, the Iso Value panel allows you to automatically mask elements based on a user defined value for the result type that is applied in the panel. By using the option Use Contour Settings in the Iso Value Panel, you can view the iso surfaces for the results as applied in the Contour panel.
Exercise: Using the Iso Value Panel This exercise uses the model file, bullet_local.op2.
Step 1: Viewing iso surfaces from the Contour panel. 1.
Load the file, \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\bullet_local.op2.
Select the Contour panel from the toolbar
Contour the model for vonMises stresses, using Simple averaging.
Click Apply.
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Click Show Iso Value, to view the iso surfaces, while remaining in the Contour panel.
Click Clear Iso Value to return to the original shape.
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Step 2: Viewing iso surfaces in the Iso Value panel using Contour settings. After you have created a contour of a model, you can view a single iso surface in the Iso Value panel. 1.
Select the Iso Value panel from the toolbar
Click Use Contour Settings to use the settings that you previously entered in the Contour panel.
Verify that Show values is set to Above.
Click Apply.
Show the model above the iso values and adjust the view using the slider bar.
Move the slider bar under Current value to change the iso value of interest.
Click in the graphics area and press ‘T’ on the keyboard. A transparent view of the part of the model that is excluded from the iso surface is displayed.
Press ‘T’ again to turn off transparent view.
Click Clear Iso to clear the iso values from the model.
Step 3: View iso values using displacement results. 1.
Change the Result type to Displacement (v).
Click Apply.
For Current Value enter 2.468e-06 and press ENTER.
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You are viewing the contour in stresses, however the iso is operated using displacements. The movement of the slider bar is controlling the displacement result values while the stresses are displayed on the iso surfaces.
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Editing Legends - HV-3030 In this tutorial, you will: ·
Edit the legend format
Edit legend colors
Edit the legend fill color
Save legend settings for future use
Tools To access the Edit Legend dialog: ·
Click the Edit Legend button in the Contour, Vector Plot, or Tensor Plot panel.
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The Edit Legend dialog allows you to change the color band, format, and descriptions for legends.
Exercise: Edit the Legend and save the settings This exercise uses the d3plot file as both the model and the results file.
Step 1: Edit the legend format. 1.
Load the file, d3plot from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder
Create a vonMises stress contour using the Contour panel
Click Apply.
Animate the model
Observe the changes in the legend.
Select the Animation Controls panel from the toolbar
Slow down the speed of the animation.
Stop the animation.
Return to the Contour panel.
Click Edit Legend.
10. Change the legend type to Dynamic scale. The legend values automatically change in the preview window. 11. Change the legend position to Lower left and click Apply. The legend moves to the new position. 12. Close the Edit Legend dialog. 13. Animate the model. Observe the legend updates for each time step. 14. Stop the animation. 15. Open the Edit Legend dialog.
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16. Experiment with the following: -
Change the numeric format. The format automatically changes in the legend box.
Change the numeric precision
Change the number of levels. The number of color bands in the legend box automatically changes.
Click the Reverse button. The values are reversed in the legend box. The lowest value is now red; the highest is now blue.
Original levels
Reversed levels
17. Change the legend type to Fixed scale. 18. Click on a number in the legend box and enter a new value. 19. Press ENTER. The edited value is displayed in bold font. The remaining values linearly interpolate. 20. Add a header and footer to the legend. -
Activate the Header check box and enter text in the text box.
Click the font button
Click OK.
Activate the Footer check box and enter text in the text box.
Click the font button
Click OK.
Click Apply to add the legend header and footer to the legend on the screen.
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and change the font type and size.
and change the font type and size.
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Step 2: Edit legend colors. 1.
Change the color of a legend band. -
Click on a color band.
Select a new color.
Click OK.
Change another color.
Interpolate colors between two color bands. -
Click Interpolate.
Click on the first changed color.
Click on a second changed color. The colors between the two selected colors are interpolated.
Click Apply. The new color scheme is applied to the model.
Original colors
Two changed colors
Interpolated colors
Step 3: Edit the legend fill color. 1.
Change the background color of the legend. -
Uncheck the Transparency check box.
Click the Fill color box and select a new color from the palette. Note The Fill color option is disabled if the Transparency option is activated.
Click Apply. The background color of the legend in the graphics area changes to the new color.
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Change the legend background to another color.
Change the legend fill color back to transparent. -
Activate the Transparency check box.
Click Apply. Observe how the background color of the legend is now the same color as the graphics background.
Step 4: Save legend settings for future use. Once you have completed your legend settings, you can save them for future use. Items that can be saved are listed in the Save options section.
Activate the check boxes for the attributes you want to save.
Click Save.
Designate a file name and path. Files are saved in Tcl format.
Click Save.
Click Default to return to the default settings.
Click Apply.
Click Open to open the saved file and load the previously determined legend settings. The contour colors and legend are retrieved just as you saved them.
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Viewing Vector Plots - HV-3040 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
View vector plots with displacement results
Apply display options for vector viewing
Tools To access the Vector Plot panel: ·
Click the Vector Plot panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Vector from the Graphics menu.
The Vector Plot panel allows you to create vector plots that can be used to display any vector data associated to nodes. Examples include displacement, velocity, and acceleration.
Exercise 1: Using the Vector Plot Panel This exercise uses the model file, bullet_local.op2.
Step 1: View vector by component direction. 1.
Load the file,\tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\bullet_local.op2.
Select the Vector Plot panel from the toolbar
Select Displacement (v) as the result type.
Verify that the check boxes for the X, Y, and Z components are checked.
Verify that Selection is set to Nodes.
Change the Resolved in system type from Analysis to Global.
Under Display options select Uniform for Size scaling, Components for Show, and Direction for Color by.
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Select nodes by either of the following methods: ·
In the graphics area, pick a few nodes on the model.
Or ·
Use the quick window selection mode. Press the Shift key and the left mouse button, and drag the mouse in the graphics area, to draw a window over a specific area of the model.
Or ·
Select nodes by collector type.
Click Apply.
Vectors based on direction.
Step 2: View vector by values. 1.
Under Display options select Value for Color by.
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Color vectors based on value.
Select Show: Resultant. The vectors are displayed in resultant direction and their value corresponds to the colors in the legend.
Activate the Show values check box. The value of the vectors are displayed in the graphics window along with the vectors.
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Viewing Tensor Plots - HV-3050 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Plot and view tensors
Select a projection rule for stress transformation and averaging to nodes
Tools To access the Tensor Plot panel: ·
Click the Tensor Plot panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Tensor from the Graphics menu.
The Tensor Plot panel allows you to view tensor plots of stress and strain directions and magnitudes from elemental values.
Exercise: Using the Tensor Plot Panel This exercise uses the model file, bullet_local.op2.
Step 1: Viewing tensors in the analysis system. 1.
Load the file, \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\bullet_local.op2.
Select the Tensor panel from the toolbar
Click in the graphics area and press ‘M’ on the keyboard to display the mesh.
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. 4.
For Result type select Stress (t).
For Entity with layers select Z1.
Verify that Selection is set to Elements for the active entity type.
Verify that Resolved in is set to Analysis System.
Change the Tensor format to Component.
Under Display options, verify that Size scaling is set to Normalize.
10. Verify that Color by is set to Value, to view the tensors by values. 11. Select elements either by collector type or pick them directly from the screen using the quick window selection mode.
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12. Select Color by: Direction and view the direction of the vectors. The legend changes to a category legend to reflect the colors of the directions.
Step 2: Viewing tensors in the global system. 1.
Change the coordinate system to the global system.
Select a projection rule to calculate in-plane stresses. -
Click Projection Rule.
Select Projection (use projected axis as Sxx) to activate the axis options.
The projection rule status is designated next to the coordinate system type in the Resolved in drop-down menu. By default, no projection rule is applied.
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For the primary axis, select the axis you want to project to the plane of the shell elements.
There are six possible combinations of axes. If the primary axis is normal to the shell plane, the secondary axis is automatically used. -
Click OK to accept the settings and close the dialog.
Click Apply to transform all the stress tensors to the global direction using the projection rule.
Activate Average at node.
Click Apply to average the stress tensor to the nodes. Observe that the vectors are located at the nodes.
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Transforming and Averaging Stresses - HV-3060 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Use various averaging methods for elemental stress
Transform your results
Tools ·
The Averaging method can be selected from the Contour panel.
Averaging of elemental results at a node refers to the average of all the element corner results passing through that node. If no corner results are available for an element, centroidal results will be used calculate the average. This option allows you to change the results from being element bound to being nodal bound. The various averaging options are Simple, Advanced, and Difference.
Exercise: Transforming and Averaging Stresses This exercise uses the bd03bkt.op2 file as both the model and the results file.
Step 1: Contouring the model results. 1.
Load the file, \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\bd03bkt.op2.
Select the Mask panel from the toolbar
Verify that the Entities input collector is set to Elements.
Click on Elements, and then select By ID.
Enter the following element IDs into the text box: 108, 16, 12, 107.
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Click Add
Click Return.
Click Mask Selected.
Click on the Reverse button.
10. Click in the graphics area and press ‘F’ on the keyboard, to fit the model to the active window. 11. Select the Contour panel from the toolbar
12. For Result type, select Stress (t) and vonMises. 13. Set Entity with layers to Z1. 14. Activate the Use corner data option. Activating the Use corner data option allows you to view the results at the corners of the elements obtained from the integration/gaussian points. 15. Verify that the Averaging Method option is set to None. 16. Verify that Resolved in is set to Analysis System. 17. Click Apply.
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Observe the discontinuities in the contour around the node that is shared by all four elements.
Step 2: Averaging the elemental stresses using various averaging methods. 1.
Change the Averaging Method to Simple.
Click Apply.
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Note that the discontinuities around the node no longer exist, and you now are able to view the contour as bands. Simple averaging means that tensor and vector components are extracted and the invariants are computed prior to averaging. In this example, the vonMises is computed at the corner of each element for the layer Z1 and then is averaged to the nodes. For additional information - see the Simple averaging topic (located in the Result Transformation and Averaging in HyperView section of the HyperView User's Guide). 3.
Change the Averaging Method to Advanced.
Verify that Resolved In is set to Global System (proj: none).
Click on the Projection Rule button, and turn on Projection (use projected axis as Sxx).
Click OK. The Resolved in system automatically changes to Global System (proj: x, y).
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Advanced averaging means that tensor (or vector) results are transformed into a consistent system, and then each component is averaged separately to obtain an average tensor (or vector). In this example, the stress components xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, xz are computed at the corners and then averaged to the nodes. From this averaged value, the invariants (like vonMises) are computed. These results are more accurate with advanced averaging. For additional information - see the Advanced averaging and Projection Rule topics (located in the Result Transformation and Averaging in HyperView section of the HyperView User's Guide). 8.
Activate the Variation option, and enter 80 into the percentage box.
Click Apply.
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The variation is the relative difference at a node, with respect to all nodes in the selected components.
For additional information - see the Variation Percentage Control topic (located in the Result Transformation and Averaging in HyperView section of the HyperView User's Guide). 10. Change the Averaging method to Difference. 11. Click Apply.
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This option displays the difference between the maximum and minimum corner results at a node. For tensor/ vector components, the corresponding components from each element corner are extracted and the difference is calculated. For invariants, the corresponding invariants are computed from each element corner and then the difference is calculated. For additional information - see the Difference topic (located in the Result Transformation and Averaging in HyperView section of the HyperView User's Guide).
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Creating Derived Loadsteps - HV-3070 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Create a derived loadstep from existing loadsteps
Animate a derived loadstep
Tools To access the derived loadstep utility: ·
Select Create and Edit Derived Loadsteps from the Utilities menu.
This utility allows you to create new loadsteps, referred to as derived loadsteps, using existing loadsteps and their simulation steps. Derived loadsteps are saved to the session file. Using this utility, you can also create linear superposition and envelope loadsteps.
Exercise: Creating Derived Loadsteps This exercise uses the model file brake_disc_complete.inp and the corresponding results file brake_disc_complete.odb.
Step 1: Create a derived loadstep. 1.
Load the model file brake_disc_complete.inp and the results file brake_disc_complete.odb located in \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation.
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From the Utilities menu, select Create and Edit Derived Loadsteps. All loadsteps that exist in the results file are listed.
From the list, select both Increment 0 and Increment 1 in the Dummy_step:Dummy step step.
Click the right arrow button
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, to append the increments to the new loadstep.
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From the list on the left, select all the increments in the CONTACT_STEP:Nonlinear contact step - Press brake pad against disc step.
Append the increments to the new loadstep using the right arrow button
Alternately, you can select only the name of the CONTACT_STEP:Nonlinear contact step - Press brake pad against disc step to select all of its increments when appending. 7.
Click on the Rename button.
Type New Loadstep into the Rename dialog and click OK.
Verify that the Type field is set to Steps.
10. Click Apply to create the derived loadstep. 11. Click on the
button, to view the derived loadsteps that are created.
12. Click on the
button, to view the initial loadsteps in the results file.
13. Click OK.
Step 2: Animating the derived loadcase. 1.
From the Graphics menu, select the Select Load Case option.
Under Load Case, verify that New Loadstep is selected. The increments in the New Loadstep are shown in the Simulation field on the right.
Under Simulation, select Increment 0: Base State.
Click OK.
Animate the model
The model animates through all of the combined increments in the step New Loadstep. 6.
Stop the animation.
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Creating Linear Superposition Loadsteps - HV-3080 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Create a linear superposition loadstep from existing loadsteps
Contour a linear superposition loadstep
Tools To access the linear superposition loadstep utility: ·
Select Linear Superposition from the Utilities menu.
This utility allows you to create linear superposition loadsteps using existing loadsteps and their simulation steps. Linear superposition loadsteps are saved to the session file. Using this utility, you can also create derived loadsteps and envelope loadsteps.
Exercise: Creating Linear Superposition Loadsteps This exercise uses the results files bezel.h3d and bezel_iter2.h3d.
Step 1: Create a derived loadstep. 1.
From the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation folder, load the results file bezel.h3d as both the model and results files.
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From the Utilities menu, select Linear Superposition. All existing loadsteps and corresponding simulations are listed.
Select Subcase 1 (Step_X), Subcase 2 (Step_Y), and Subcase 3 (Step_Z) from the list of loadsteps on the left.
Click the right arrow button
From the derived loadstep table (located on the right side of the dialog), highlight the row containing Subcase 1 (Step_X): Static Analysis.
Enter -0.22 into the Constant scale: field and press ENTER on the keyboard.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the rows containing Subcase 2 (Step_Y): Static Analysis and Subcase 3 (Step_Z): Static Analysis, using a scale value of 1.37 and 0.55, respectively.
, to append these selected loadsteps to the new linear superposition loadstep.
A different scale is applied to each simulation in the linear superposition loadstep.
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Verify that the Type field is set to Linear-Superposition.
Click Apply to create the linear superposition loadstep.
10. Click on the Rename button. 11. Type HyperView_LSP in the Rename dialog and click OK. 12. Click on the
button, to view the linear superposition loadstep that was created.
Highlighting HyperView_LSP will display the three loadsteps which were used to create the linear superposition loadstep in the derived loadstep table area. 13. Click on the
button, to view the initial loadsteps in the results file.
14. Click OK.
Step 2: Contouring the linear superposition loadstep. 1.
From the Graphics menu, select the Select Load Case option.
Under Load Case, select HyperView_LSP.
Click OK.
From the Graphics menu, select the Contour option.
Apply a Displacement(v) contour on all components. By default the displacement magnitude is contoured. Notice that the Mag option is selected in the second Result type drop-down menu (located below Displacement (v)).
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Repeat steps 1 - 3 by selecting Subcase 4 - solver_LSP instead of HyperView_LSP. Subcase 4 - solver_LSP contains results from the analysis. This subcase was set up as a combination of the loads applied in Subcase 1, Subcase 2, and Subcase 3 according to the following linear superposition equation: Subcase 4 = -0.22 *(Subcase 1) + 1.37 *(Subcase 2) + 0.55 *(Subcase 3) Notice that neither the contour nor the min and max values in the legend changed when switching between Subcase 4 - solver LSP and HyperView_LSP. This shows that HyperView calculated the same results in the linear superposition HyperView_LSP loadstep as given by the solver. Note: Averaging can be applied to the results that are calculated in a linear superposition loadstep. The vector and tensor panels can be used to review vectors and tensors from a linear superposition loadstep.
Step 3: Adding simulation steps from another file. 1.
From the Utilities menu, open the Linear Superposition utility again.
Click on the Result Files button, to add loadsteps and simulations from another result file.
In the Update Result Files window, browse and select the result file bezel_iter2.h3d.
Click Close.
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The loadsteps and simulations from the second results file will be added to the list of available loadsteps and simulations and can be used in creating derived loadsteps, linear superposition loadsteps, and envelope loadsteps.
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Creating Envelope Loadsteps - HV-3090 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Create an envelope loadstep from existing loadsteps
Contour an envelope loadstep
Tools To access the envelope loadstep utility: ·
Select Envelope from the Utilities menu.
This utility allows you to create envelope loadsteps using existing loadsteps and their simulation steps. Envelope loadsteps are saved to the session file. Using this utility, you can also create derived loadsteps and linear superposition loadsteps.
Exercise: Creating Envelope Loadsteps This exercise uses the results files bezel.h3d and bezel_iter2.h3d.
Step 1: Create a derived loadstep. 1.
From the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation folder, load the results file bezel.h3d as both the model and results.
From the Utilities menu, select Envelope.
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All existing loadsteps and corresponding simulations are listed.
Select Subcase 1 (Step_X), Subcase 2 (Step_Y), and Subcase 3 (Step_Z) from the list of loadsteps on the left.
Click the right arrow button
Leave the scale values for the selected loadsteps set to the default value of 1.0.
, to append the selected loadsteps to a new envelope loadstep.
In this tutorial the results will not be scaled when creating the envelope loadstep.
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Verify that the Type options are set to Envelope and Max.
Click Apply to create the envelope loadstep.
Click on the Rename button.
Type Envelope_Max in the Rename dialog and click OK.
10. Click on the
button, to view the envelope loadstep that was created.
Highlighting Envelope_Max will display the three loadsteps which were used to create the envelope loadstep in the derived loadstep table area. 11. Click on the
button, to view the initial loadsteps in the results file.
12. Click on the New button. 13. Repeat steps 3 - 11, however this time select Envelope and Min as the Type options (instead of Envelope and Max previously selected in step 6) and also rename the envelope loadstep as Envelope_Min in step 9 (instead of Envelope_Max). 14. Click OK to close the dialog.
Step 2: Contouring the envelope loadstep. 1.
From the Graphics menu, select the Select Load Case option.
Under Load Case, select Envelope_Max.
Click OK.
From the Graphics menu, select the Contour option.
For Result type, select the Element Stresses (2D & 3D) (t) option.
Verify that the vonMises option is selected in the second Result type drop-down menu (located below Element Stresses (2D & 3D) (t)).
For Entity with layers, select Max. Notice that Min option is not available for Entity with layers, this is because the current loadstep is set to a max envelope loadstep.
Click Apply, to apply the contour. The maximum value of stress among all layers is contoured for each element among all three loadsteps used in the max envelope loadstep.
The Envelope trace plot option is now activated. Select Subcase from the drop-down menu, and then click Apply. This option allows you to track the results from Envelope subcases or simulations. Observe how the legend is now only displaying values of 1, 2, and 3. These values correspond to the subcases contained in the current loadstep.
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10. From the Envelope trace plot drop-down menu select None, and then click Apply to return to the stress contour. 11. Click on the Clear Contour button. 12. Repeat steps 1 - 10, using Envelope_Min in step 2 (instead of Envelope_Max) and Min in step 7 (instead of Max). Note: Averaging can be applied to the results that are calculated in an envelope loadstep. The vector and tensor panels can be used to review vectors and tensors from an envelope loadstep.
Step 3: Adding simulation steps from another file. 1.
From the Utilities menu, open the Envelope utility again.
Click on the Result Files button, to add loadsteps and simulations from another result file.
In the Update Result Files window, browse and select the result file bezel_iter2.h3d.
Click Close.
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The loadsteps and simulations from the second results file will be added to the list of available loadsteps and simulations and can be used in creating derived loadsteps, linear superposition loadsteps, and envelope loadsteps.
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Generating CFD Plots/Streamlines - HV-3095 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Generate cross sections for contour plotting of flow variables (for example, velocity or pressure)
Generate streamlines starting from a surface or line
Tools To access the CFD Plot/Streamlines panel: ·
Click the CFD Plot panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select CFD Plot from the Graphics menu.
This panel allows you to generate streamlines using any available nodal vector field (typically a velocity field). Velocity fields are directly written to H3D files by many solvers such as: Radioss, HyperXtrude, Moldflow, etc. Velocity fields and other scalar and vector data fields are also saved in EnSight format by most CFD solvers.
Exercise: Generating Streamlines and Cross Sections for Contour Plotting This exercise uses the results file ensightb.case.
Step 1: Create multiple section cuts and contour the model. 1.
From the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation folder, load the results file ensightb.case as both the model and results files.
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Select the Section Cut panel from the toolbar
Verify that Define plane is set to Y Axis.
Verify that Display Options has the Cross section option turned on.
Click Add.
A cross section band is displayed on the screen.
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Note You can use the Define plane slider bar (located under the Y Axis button) to move the position of the section cut. 6.
Click the Contour panel button
Select UVW(v) as the result type and click Apply.
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on the toolbar.
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Return to the Section Cut panel
Click the Add button.
10. Select Z Axis for the plane and click Apply.
11. Deactivate the section cuts by removing the check marks from their respective check boxes. Note If the section cuts are not deactivated, the streamlines will also be cut and you would only be able to see the points where the streamlines hit the cross section. 12. Return to the Contour panel
13. Click the Clear Contour button. Note If the contours are not cleared, all of the streamlines would appear gray and they would not be colored according to the contour variable.
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Step 2: Create a 'line' streamline. 1.
Turn off the display of several components (BC3_wall ID 7, cells of cell type 1 ID 1, and cells of cell type 2 ID 2) using the Model Browser, so that the inside of the flow domain is displayed in the graphics area.
Select the CFD Plot/Streamlines panel from the toolbar
Click Add, to add a new set of streamlines.
Select Line as the Rake type.
Specify N1 and N2 by picking two nodes on the BC1_inlet ID 4 component on the model.
Enter 10 into the Number of seeds text box.
Select Downstream from the Integration mode drop-down menu.
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Click the Create Streamlines button (located in the lower right corner of the panel).
Under Display options, change the Streamline size to 7 and hit ENTER on the keyboard.
10. Activate the Draw as tube option.
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Step 3: Create an 'area' streamline. 1.
Add another streamline.
Select Area as the Rake type.
Select the BC1_inlet ID 4 component on the model.
Specify the Number of seeds as 40.
Select Downstream for the Integration mode.
Click Create Streamlines.
Click the Contour panel button
Select UVW(v) as the result type and click Apply.
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on the toolbar.
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Rotate the model and view the streamlines with the contour applied.
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Querying Results Querying Results - HV-4000 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Query contoured results
Tools To access the Query panel: ·
Click the Query panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Query from the Graphics menu.
The Query panel allows you to view and export properties, as well as other information, for all nodes, elements, components, and systems contained in the active model. Once the model has been contoured, you can also access the Query panel directly from the Contour panel by clicking on the Query Results button.
Exercise: Using the Query Panel This exercise uses the model file, truck.key and the corresponding d3plot file as the results file.
Step 1: Contouring the model and querying the results. 1.
Load the truck.key model file and the d3plot results file from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Select the Contour panel from the toolbar
Contour the model for vonMises stresses.
Click Apply.
Animate the model
Stop the animation.
Select the Query panel from the toolbar
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Verify that the entity input collector is set to Elements.
Click the
icon to deselect all items in the Option list.
10. Select the following four items in the Option list: Element ID, Contour(Stress), Load Case, and Simulation Step. 11. In the graphics area, pick a few elements on the model.
Observe the table in the panel shows the element id, the corresponding contour value, the load case, and the simulation step for each of the selected elements. 12. Return to the Contour panel
13. From the Averaging method drop-down menu, select Simple. 14. Click Apply. 15. Click on the Query Results button, located in the lower right hand corner of the Contour panel. You are taken directly to the Query panel. 16. Verify that the entity input collector is set to Nodes. Once the results are averaged, the values become nodal based and are no longer elemental based. This change is reflected in the Query panel entity input collector. 17. Deselect all items in the Option list except for the following four items: Node ID, Contour (Stress), Load Case, and Simulation Step. 18. In the graphics area, pick a few nodes on the model. 19. Click on the Export button (located in the lower right corner of the panel), and save the table as query.csv. The Export option allows you to save the data that you have queried as a .csv file, which can then be used for further study, preventing the need to query the same data again.
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20. Highlight a few rows in the table. 21. Right-click on the highlighted rows.
22. Select Copy from the list of available options. You can now paste the copied rows into a text editor or a spreadsheet application.
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Performing Advanced Queries - HV-4010 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Query results based on a contour value
Create sets (groups) of the queried entities
Tools To access the Advanced Query dialog: ·
Click the Advanced button from the Query Panel menu.
The Advanced Query panel allows you to query components, elements, and nodes based on a value in the legend of an applied contour. This allows you to filter your model to display entities of interest for the contour that you have applied. You can also create sets (groups) of the data that you have queried, thereby preventing the need to query the same data multiple times.
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Exercise: Using the Contour Panel This exercise uses the model file, truck.key and the corresponding d3plot file as the results file.
Step 1: Contour the model. 1.
Load the truck.key model file and the d3plot results file from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Select the Contour panel from the toolbar
Contour the model for vonMises stresses.
Click Apply.
Animate the model
Stop the animation.
Select the Animation Controls panel from the toolbar
Use the Current time slider bar to display the time 0.034996.
Step 2: Using the Advanced Query dialog to query results. 1.
Select the Query panel from the toolbar
Click on the Advanced button, located in the lower right corner of the Query panel.
Verify that the User defined option is turned on.
Verify that the Apply to options are set to All and Components.
For Value, verify that >= is selected and enter 400 into the text box.
Verify that the Warning Threshold option is activated, and enter 80 into the text box.
This option allows you to view entities that are in the range above the threshold value, which is determined by the numerical percent that you have entered. In this case the threshold value will be 320, as it is 80% of 400, and the table will show the values in the range between 320 and 400 in blue.
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Verify that Loadcase is set to Current Simulation.
Click Apply.
Note: the feature lines are now displayed on the model. 9.
Click inside the graphics window and press "L" on the keyboard. The feature lines are now turned off.
10. Click on 5.324E+02, which is the first value located in the Max Value column.
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11. Click on other values in the Max Value column, and observe the graphics area. The component with the element that has the maximum value that you selected will be displayed.
Step 3: Creating and viewing a set (group) of queried entities. 1.
Click on the first value in the Max Value column (5.324E+02).
Click on the Create Set button. The Create Group dialog is displayed.
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Enter vonMises>=400 into the Group label text box.
Click OK.
Close the Advanced Query dialog.
Select the Entity Attributes panel from the toolbar
Verify that the Auto apply mode option is activated.
Click Display: Off.
Click All.
10. Select Sets from the Entity drop-down menu. 11. Click Display: On. 12. Click on vonMises>=400. The components in the set (group) are displayed on the screen.
Step 4: Using the Advanced Query dialog to query Top N elements. 1.
Select the Query panel from the toolbar
Click on the Advanced button, located in the lower right corner of the Query panel.
For Apply To, select All and Elements.
For Value, select Top N and enter 50 into the text box.
For Loadcase, select Current Simulation.
Click Apply.
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The top 50 elements of the model are shown in the list. 7.
Click on the Create Set button.
Enter vonMises Top 50 into the Group label text box.
Click OK, and close the Advanced Query dialog.
10. Activate the Browser from the View menu (if not already displayed). 11. Turn off the display of all components by clicking 12. Select the Set panel from the toolbar
13. Activate the checkbox for the set (group) vonMises Top 50. The elements that were listed in the advanced query panel are displayed on the screen. Note:
If the Show ID option is activated, the element IDs will be displayed on the screen also.
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Working with Models Creating Section Cuts - HV-5000 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Create a section cut along a plane
Create multiple section cuts along different planes
Create a deformable section cut
Tools To access the Section Cut panel: ·
Click the Section Cut panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Section Cut from the Graphics menu.
The Section Cut panel allows you to cut planar or deformable sections through a model, so you can view the details inside a model.
Exercise: Using the Section Cut Panel This exercise uses the model file, truck.key and the corresponding d3plot file as the results file.
Step 1: Create a section cut along a plane. 1.
Load the model file truck.key and the d3plot results file from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Select the Section Cut panel from the toolbar
Verify that Define plane is set to Y Axis.
Verify that Display Options has the Cross section option turned on.
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Click Add. A cross section band is displayed on the screen.
Move the slider bar under Define plane locations on the model.
Move the Cross section slider bar
Turn on the Clipping plane option.
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to view the cross section at different
to adjust the width of the cross section.
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Click the Reverse button, to view the opposite side of the section cut.
10. Click in the graphics area and press ‘T’ on the keyboard, to view the model in transparent mode. 11. Press ‘L’ to view the feature lines. 12. Press ‘T’ and ‘L’ again to turn off transparent and feature line views.
Step 2: Create and view multiple section cuts. 1.
Add another section cut.
Select X Axis for the plane.
Verify that the Clipping plane option is turned on.
Click Apply, to create a section cut in the X direction, with respect to the previously made section in the Y direction.
Reverse the clipping plane to view the other side of the section cut.
Turn on transparency.
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Use the slider bar under Define plane to increase or decrease the clipped section.
Step 3: Create a deformable section cut. 1.
Animate the model
Select the Animation Controls panel from the toolbar
Slow down the speed of the animation.
Return to the Section Cut panel
, and observe the animation of the model.
The model appears to be passing through a plane that has been defined at the point where the section was created. This is due to the fact that this is a Planar section cut, therefore the plane of the model does not move with the model. 5.
Stop the animation.
Use the Load Case And Simulation Selector to select the first time step.
Click OK.
Under Deform mode, turn on the Deformable option.
Click Apply, to view a deformable section cut. HyperView remembers the location of your reference cut. The section cut is deformed relative to the time listed in the Time column. At the time you create the deformable section cut, the cut remains planar. When you animate, the section cut starts deforming.
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10. Animate the model and observe the section cut. Note that in this case, the sectional plane moves with the model.
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Using Exploded View - HV-5010 In this tutorial, you will: ·
Perform an automatic explosion
Translate a part/component
Translate a portion of the model
Explode the model from the selection center
Explode the model from the model center
Tools To access the Exploded View panel: ·
Click the Exploded View panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Exploded View from the Graphics menu.
The Exploded View panel allows you to explode models so you can adjust your view of the model.
Exercise: Using the Exploded View Panel This exercise uses the d3plot file as both the model and the results file.
Step 1: Perform an automatic explosion. 1.
Load the file, d3plot from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Click the Contour panel button
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on the toolbar.
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Contour the model. -
Select Stress (t) for the result type and vonMises for the data component.
Select Simple averaging using the analysis system.
Click Apply.
Select the Exploded View panel
Activate the Automatic Explosion radio button.
The model automatically explodes based on pre-defined settings for center of gravity, direction, and magnitude.
Step 2: Translate a part/component. 1.
Click Add.
Pick the truck bed from the model on the screen.
Change the Direction to Z Axis.
for several seconds and observe the movement of the truck bed.
The truck bed is translated upward.
Animate the model
Animation shows the simultaneous movement of the entire exploded model.
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Stop the animation.
Step 3: Explode the model from the selection center. 1.
Add another explosion.
Select Explode from selection center.
Use the quick window mode to select the front end of the model. The front end automatically explodes.
Step 4: Explode the model from the model center. 1.
Add another explosion.
Select Explode from model center.
Verify the Scale factor is set to Uniform.
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Change the Scale factor to Component.
1 for X 0 for Y 0 for Z 7.
to move the selected components in X direction only.
You can activate the radio button on the list of exploded views during a presentation. The model is displayed based on the saved exploded view that is activated.
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Tracking Entities during Animation - HV-5020 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Track an entity during animation
Contour displacement results relative to a defined tracking system
Tools To access the Tracking panel: ·
Click the Tracking panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Tracking from the Graphics menu.
The Tracking panel allows you to track any entity during an animation with respect to a node, a plane, or a component.
Exercise: Using the Tracking Panel This exercise uses the model file, truck.key and the corresponding d3plot file as the results file.
Step 1: Load and animate a file. 1.
Load the truck.key model file and the d3plot results file from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Click the Fit All Frames button on the View controls panel. This view considers the displacement of the model throughout the animation and scales the view such that the entire displacement can be seen in the graphics area of the screen.
Choose the left view of the truck, by clicking the Lft button.
Animate the model
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Open the Animation Controls panel
and slow down the animation.
Observe the animation without any tracking system defined. The whole truck moves forward as it is animated. 6.
Stop the animation.
Step 2: Define a tracking system with respect to a node. 1.
Click the Tracking panel button
Click Add, to add a tracking system.
Change the name of the system.
on the toolbar.
Right-click on Tracking System 1 (or anywhere within the Tracking Systems list).
Select the Rename option from the context menu. The Rename dialog is displayed.
Enter System 1 into the Rename text box.
Click OK.
Verify that the Track option is set to Node.
In the graphics area, pick a node located on the top left corner of the truck bed.
Animate the model. Observe how the animation varies, with the tracking system that was created. The truck is animated with regard to the node that was chosen.
Stop the animation.
Step 3: Contour displacement results relative to a defined tracking system. 1.
Click the Contour panel button
Verify that Result type is set to Displacement and that the data component is set to Mag.
Click Apply.
Under System, activate the Use tracking system option
Click Apply.
on the toolbar.
Observe the changes in the contour, as well as the Legend values that are displayed.
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Animate the model.
Stop the animation. This allows you to view the selected result with respect to the tracking system that was created.
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Tracing Nodes and Components during Animation - HV-5030 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Trace a component during animation
Trace a node during animation
Tools To access the Tracing panel: ·
Click the Tracing panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Tracing from the Graphics menu.
The Tracing panel allows you to trace a node, component, system, or a line during an entire animation or through selected time steps of an animation.
Exercise: Using the Tracing Panel This exercise uses the model file, truck.key and the corresponding d3plot file as the results file.
Step 1: Trace a component during the animation. 1.
Load the truck.key model file and the d3plot results file from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Choose the left view of the truck, by clicking the Lft button on the View controls panel.
Click the Tracing panel button
Under Trace, turn on the Component option.
on the toolbar.
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Pick the rear tire of the truck. Or If you know the ID of the component that you want to trace, you can enter it from the input collector.
Click Component and select By ID.
Enter the ID.
Click Apply.
Close the dialog box.
Verify that Tracing mode is set to From first step. This allows you to trace the selected component from the first step of the animation through the time step where the animation is stopped.
Animate the model
Stop the animation.
Observe that the rear tire has been traced from the first step of the animation through the time step where you stopped the animation.
Open the Animation Controls panel
and change the current time.
Note that the trace changes accordingly.
Step 2: Trace a node during animation. 1.
Go back to the Tracing panel.
Delete the component that you have traced.
Under Trace, turn on the Node option.
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For Tracing mode, select All steps. This allows you to trace the node you have chosen from the first time step of the animation through the last time step of the animation, irrespective of where you have stopped the animation.
Pick a node on the tire. Since you have already animated the model, the node trace is generated automatically.
Change the Tracing mode to From first step. Observe the change in the trace that is generated. Note: If you only want to trace the last few time steps, change the Tracing mode to Last and choose the number of time steps which you are interested in.
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Annotations Creating Measures for an FEA Model - HV-6000 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
View the Minimum and Maximum values of results applied
Create a Measure group
Plot a Measure created
Tools To access the Measure panel: ·
Click the Measure panel button on the toolbar
Or ·
Select Measure from the Graphics menu.
The Measure panel allows you to measure the distance between nodes, position of coordinates, relative displacement, relative angle, and angle between nodes. It also allows the measure of nodal and elemental contour values.
Exercise: Using the Measure Panel This exercise uses the d3plot file as both the model and the results file.
Step 1: Create a measure for the minimum and maximum results. 1.
Load the file, d3plot from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Select the Contour panel
Contour the model for vonMises stresses using Simple averaging.
Click Apply.
Animate the model
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from the toolbar.
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Stop the animation.
Open the Measure panel
Check the Static MinMax Result box.
The minimum and maximum values are displayed across all time steps. 9.
Under Display options, uncheck the Transparency check box. The measure is displayed on a background. The minimum and maximum values are displayed across all time steps.
10. Uncheck the Static MinMax Result box. 11. Check the Dynamic MinMax Result box. The minimum and maximum values are displayed for each time step. 12. Animate the model. Observe the values change on the screen. 13. Uncheck the Dynamic MinMax Result box. 14. Stop the animation.
Step 2: Create a measure for the distance between two nodes. 1.
Click Add to create a new Measure Group.
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Verify that Distance Between is the option for measure type.
Verify that the Magnitude, ID,and System boxes are checked.
In the graphics area, pick one node on the roof of the truck and another node at the front end of the truck. The distance between the two nodes is displayed.
Under Display options, activate the Transparency option. The measure is now displayed with a transparent background.
From the Format drop-down menu, select Fixed.
Set the Precision setting to 2. The measure is now displayed in a fixed format with 2-decimal digit precision.
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Animate the model. The distance between the two nodes is updated with the animation.
Stop the animation.
10. Uncheck the Measure Group 3 box.
Step 3: Create a measure for nodal results using a live link. 1.
Add a measure.
Select Nodal Contour for measure type. This option becomes available when a nodal contour has been applied.
Select two nodes on the screen.
Select one of the nodes in the list.
Under Create curve, verify that Place curve on is set to Preview Plot.
Click Apply.
Close the Plot preview.
Using the CTRL key, select both nodes in the list.
Change Place curve on to New Plot.
10. Activate the Live link option. The Live link option updates the curve as the model is animated. 11. Click Apply.
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12. Animate the model. A cursor moves along each curve. 13. Stop the animation. 14. In the Contour panel change the Result type to Displacement(v) and click Apply. Observe the change in the plot window.
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15. Animate the model. The Live link option updates the plot for the new contour applied.
16. Stop the animation.
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Creating Notes - HV-6010 In this tutorial, you will learn how to: ·
Edit the model info label
Create notes
Use notes to query data
Tools To access the Note panel: ·
Click the Note panel button
on the toolbar.
Or ·
Select Note from the Graphics menu.
The Note panel allows you to create, edit, and attach notes to the animation window or to model entities. This is useful for such purposes as labeling items, describing trends, and relaying additional information. If you have a contour applied, the notes panel can also be used to query data and perform math operations using Templex.
Exercise: Using the Note Panel This exercise uses the d3plot file as both the model and the results file.
Step 1: Editing the model information label. 1.
Load the d3plot file from the \tutorials\mv_hv_hg\animation\truck folder.
Click the Contour panel button
Contour the model for vonMises stresses.
Click Apply.
Animate the model
Stop the animation.
Click the Note panel button
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on the toolbar.
on the toolbar.
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Verify that Attach to is set to Window.
Deactivate the Model Info checkbox, located in the Notes list. The model information label, located in the top right portion of the graphics area, is no longer displayed.
10. Activate the Model Info checkbox. 11. In the Description box, delete {window.frame} and {window.simulationstep}.
12. Click Apply. The frame number and simulation step time are no longer displayed in the model information label. 13. Select Frame Number from the Field names drop down menu.
14. Click on the Insert Field button. Observe that {window.frame} is added to the Description box. 15. Select Simulation Title from the Field names list, and insert it.
16. Click Apply.
Step 2: Creating and attaching a note to the window. 1.
Click the Add button, to add a note.
In the Description box, delete the text Note 2, and enter this note is attached to the window as the new description.
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Altair Engineering
Click Apply.
In the graphics area, click on the note and drag it to a different location on the screen.
Click on the Color box,
, and select the color red from the color palette.
Observe that the text and the border of the note are now red.
Step 3: Attaching a note to an entity and querying a result. 1.
Click Add.
For Attach to, select Entity.
Change the entity type to Element
In the graphics area, pick an element on the model to attach the note to.
Delete the text Note 3, from the Description box.
Select Entity contour value from the Field names list, and insert it.
Select Contour datatype from the Field names list, and insert it.
Deactivate the Anchor to screen option.
Click Apply.
The note displays the contour value of the chosen element, as well as the result type that has been contoured. 10. Animate the model. Observe how the note moves with the model. 11. Stop the animation. 12. Activate the Anchor to screen option. 13. Animate the model. The note is anchored to the screen and does not move as the model animates. 14. Stop the animation. 15. Enter {{entity.contour_val}/2} into the Description box. 16. Click Apply.
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The new value is computed and displayed in the note.
16. Deactivate the check box next to Note 3. The note is hidden from display in the graphics area.
Step 4: Attaching a note to multiple entities. 1.
Click Add, to add a note.
In the Description box, delete the text Note 4, and enter this note is attached to multiple components as the new description.
For Attach to, select Entity.
Activate the Multi select option.
Change the entity type to Components.
In the graphics area, click on the bed, the door, and the roof of the truck.
Deactivate the Move to entity option.
Click Apply Notice that three new notes (one for each part/component) are created and added to the Notes list. Also, a line is visible from the note to each part/component.
HyperView 10.0 Tutorials Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering
Altair Engineering
Click on Note 4 in the Notes List.
10. Activate the Move to entity option. Observe that the note is now placed on the component and the line is removed.
Altair Engineering
HyperView 10.0 Tutorials Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering