Hyperion Implementation Questionaries

April 19, 2018 | Author: Rakesh Jalla | Category: Data Warehouse, Enterprise Resource Planning, Budget, Consolidation (Business), Income Statement
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Preliminary Requirements Gathering and Scoping Questionnaire  [Business Cost Control System/Planning S ystem/Planning Automation]

Amit Sharma

l e a r nhype r i on. wor dpr e s s . c om

Sample Preliminary Requirements Gathering and Scoping Questionnaire



The idea of this documentation is to make people familiarize the building blocks of Hyperion Planning, Budgeting and Consolidation process. The document points some important consideration about the first steps towards building a Hyperion Planning process. Understanding the reuirement clearly is the first process towards successful business application. The success lies in how better we understand the business needs and maps the needs to the software tool. The document could be considered as a starting point which can be used in the initial phases of reuirement gathering. This document contains uestions that can help you understand the processes that ha!e to be addressed when you implement Hyperion Planning process to manage and control costs system. By answering these uestions, you can determine many of the factors that are critical for the success of your pro"ect. #n addition, you can use the information that you gather to create a strong foundation for an effecti!e Business $euirements %ocument. Requirement Flo

The uestions in this document reuest information in the following areas&  '. (rganizational )et*up B. Chart of 'ccounts and Hierarchies C. %ata #ntegration and +arehousing %. Performance anagement Process -. Planning, Budgeting, and orecasting /PB0 .

Consolidation #ssues

1. inancial, anagement $eporting and 'nalytics

 'mit )harma Hyperion (B#-- Trainer learnhyperion.wordpress.com aloo2a34yahoo.com

Sample Preliminary Requirements Gathering and Scoping Questionnaire

Organizational Set-up Please answer the following uestions. 5.

%escribe your organization /corporate, di!isions, entities0. #nclude an (rganization Chart.

3. 't what le!el of granularity do you !iew the data in your financial models6 #s it at a lower le!el of than the corporate le!el6 •

#f yes, at which le!el of granularity do you !iew your data6 %i!isions6 unctions6 -ntities6 How are those specificities reconciled to the core business models6 #f rele!ant, could you describe the maintenance flow between those business models6

7. %o you manage specific dimensions at some le!el of your organization6 8.

%o you manage different le!els of granularity and details for dimensions depending on the le!el of the organization /di!ision, entity 906


%escribe a typical data flow, such as internal reporting data flow, from the source of the data to the corporate le!el.

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