Created By : Rupam Majumdar Reviewed By: Amit Sharma Contact Point : i!p"con!ulting#gmail"com learnhyperion"wordpre!!"com
Objective 1. 2.
Problem and Challenges Why Wh y Hy Hype peri rion on Fin inan anci cial al Ma Mana nage geme ment nt
3. . #. $.
Wha hatt is Fin inan anc cia iall Ma Mana nag geme ment nt !teps "o "orr monthly Cl Clo osing Financia iall Co Consolid ida ation %dvantage o" HFM
Objective 1. 2.
Problem and Challenges Why Wh y Hy Hype peri rion on Fin inan anci cial al Ma Mana nage geme ment nt
3. . #. $.
Wha hatt is Fin inan anc cia iall Ma Mana nag geme ment nt !teps "o "orr monthly Cl Clo osing Financia iall Co Consolid ida ation %dvantage o" HFM
Problem and Challenges Many &nance e' e'ec(tives ec(tives "ace the da(nting tas) o" consolidating their company*s &nancial and operating res(lts (sing spreadsheets that are di+c(lt to maintain and a(dit. !ome are enc(mbered ,ith c(stom reporting sol(tions that don*t scale or address global re-(irements ,hile others are dependent on general ledger/based approaches that can*t p(ll data "rom n(mero(s transactional systems ,itho(t signi&cant 0 s(pport. What is needed is a single version o" the tr(th/one vie, o" &nancial and operational res(lts integrated "rom m(ltiple systems / ,itho(t delays.
Why HFM With Hyperion Financial Management one o" Oracle*s per"ormance management applications one can improve the closing and reporting process and red(ce internal control ris)s. Financial managers move "rom the role o" score)eeper to one o" b(siness partner delivering &nancial analysis that s(pports strategic and operational management decisions. With p(rpose/ b(ilt "eat(res Hyperion Financial Management is the cornerstone o" s(stainable compliance "rame,or)s and helps b(sinesses comply ,ith stringent reporting reg(lations.
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