HydroTest JHA

December 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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JSA Location: Waste Location: Waste Water Area

JSA Facilitator (Name): SYED (Name): SYED N. SHAH

JSA Facilitator (Sign):

JSA Participants: A!ert" Participants: A!ert" R#$a%" Faizal" Ra&es'" ()$ar  A**r#+e% B,Shit ! Area S"pervisor (Name):

Shit ! Area S"pervisor (Signat"re):

(SA Tea t# /#$r #r !e# s/ree$$3 /rtera *r#r t# *r#/ee%$3 t' (SA  YES




S/ree$$3 )e )est#$s st#$s


JSA #a$ar% checklist is available or reerence& NOTE: 'he complete% checklist m"st be attache% ith the JSA& + a similar activity as perorme% in past, a copy o previo"s JSA sho"l% be available&


S/ree$$3 ) )est#$s est#$s

isit to *ob location is ma%e&


+ team is aare o any history o inci%ent ! near-miss on similar  *ob at .-/hem, lesson learne% learne% report (LL0) sho"l% be be available or revie&


+ it is a high risk activity then #S1 Department m"st be involve%&

Note: (SA s'a !e re+a%ate% at a5) 60 %a,s $ter+a .e.  sae &#! /#$t$)es #re t'a$ 60 %a,s. Se7)e$/e # Bas/ (#! Ste*s

For all job steps

P#te$ta I$/%e$ts #r Ha8ar%s99

Slip, trip, fall hazard


Wa,s t# E$ate #r Re%)/e P#te$ta Ha8ar%s

Housekeeping shall be done to ensure work place is clear all the me. All materials shall be removed from site to a safe area immediately aer the work. eep ayes on path. 

!ork inside the orange circle "addional ##$ re%uired area& 

Heat stress


Special ##$'s "goggles& must be wearing to enter the orange circle.

(f heat inde) more than *+ degree, follow heat stress migaon plan.




Job set-up including clearing at site.



!orking without safety precauons - illegal


operaon 

Planning ,Shifing o equipment’s to site 

Skin irritaon during cleaning the area and dust inhalaon

on2compliance of 345 HS$ procedures


7alling ob/ects while handling of e%uipments shiing of e%uipments and tools

Beore !dro-tes"ng

0nauthorized #ersonnel $ntry and in/ury

=efecve tools- $%uipment



 

3efer HS$ safety #rocedure 6 #ermit to work

#h!dro test prepara"on$

(ncomplete #osive isolaon">8>& for hydro test

HS$ orientaon-inducon shall be carried out for all personnel prior to mobilizaon. !ork permit and tool bo) talk prior to start the work shall be received and available on site. ead worker must be present throughout the  /ob. 0se basic ##$ while clearing the area 1ood housekeeping must be provided in all working area and avoid any unnecessary pile of debris or obstrucon materials. !ear dust mask in dust areas.

Wear double hearing protection while operating noisy machines.

4btain a work #ermit 8 other associated permits from permit issuer. $nsure working surface free from obstacles and easy to access for 9)ing the blinds and gauges. :arricade the area with informaon tags where Hydro2test is to be carried out " ;8>&. And follow 345


procedure for that.  

3emove or (solate e%uipments-(nstruments from hydro test line.

 

(ncomplete @uality control and (nspecon

(ncomplete documents to permit Hydro test


E7)*e$t *re*arat#$

Slips and trips 7alling ob/ects while handling of e%uipments shiing of e%uipments and tools from boBom to top. :ody ergonomics

    

D)r$3 H,%r# test

$ntrapped air pockets


 

Water $3

 Press)r8$3 t'e *)* a$% '#%$3 t'e *ress)re at t'e test *ress)re !, )s$3 a$)a *)* #r *$e)at/ *)*

 

=isconnecng of hoses #ersonnel (n/ury and e%uipment damage

(nstall rated blinds and caps on re%uired places. " follow 345 procedure& $nsure all >est "=>&,and all other re%uired welding inspecon completed before hydro test. $nsure and keep copy of an approved test pack by $31 indicang test pressure and other details $nsure all relevant documents "5hecklist signed by staonary engineer and aintenance supervisor&. aintain good housekeeping throughout the /ob (denfy the hazards during >:> Secure the tools properly while liing from ground 0se proper body postures. Seek assistance whenever handling the heavy ob/ects ake sure that all e%uipments and hoses are cer9ed by 345 (nstall whip check in all hose /oints. ake sure that all vents are open posion before. !ater should be 9lled in lowest point in system System shall be purged of air before pressure applied. 7i) one calibrated pressure gauge and a vent top of the pipe line to be hydro tested. tested. ake sure that all vents are open posion before 9lling water ake sure that all hose connecon are properly connected and have whip check in place. Area to be barricaded and restrict access from unauthorized personnel.




 

$)ceeding the ma)imum allowable pressure #ump failure

(n/ury to workers


 

=amage to $%uipment - System caused by e)ceeding the ma)imum allowable working pressure.

0se manual pump or pneumac pump to increase the pressure gradually. All e%uipment must be inspected by 345 with an inspecon tag. eep away from the pressurized segment of the system being hydro2tested. hydro2tested. onitor the pressure gauge from a safe distance away from the potenal source of high pressure $nsure the workers are wearing the re%uired ##$ ever increase the hydro2test pressure more than the ma)imum allowable pressure. (ncrease pressure slowly " Ckg-cm+ per minute&

  

0naBended #ressurised >ool - $%uipment


De*ress)rs$3 t'e s,ste


5hanging the duraon of hydro test

0nsafe depressurisaon of Hydro test water.



Ar !#$3

 

=isconnected of hoses =amage Hose

W$%)* :H#)se;ee*$3


ScaBered aterial


a)imum system testcomponent pressure shall not e)ceed pressure rang of any 7ollow 345 pressure test procedure strictly #ressure gauge should be visible while pumping. =o not leave the pressurised hose or pump unaBended when the hydro2 test is going on. (solate the e%uipment from all source of energy when not in use. =o not change "e)ceed - decrease& the duraon of  hydro test without permission $nsure the safe depressurizaon of hydro2 test Duid."9rst open vent and dr drain ain to #revent any vacuum. All water should be drained in 345 drainage system. ake sure that all vents are in open posion before draining "to avoid vacuum inside pipes& ake sure that all hose connecon are properly connected and have whip check in in place (nspect the hose for damages. $nsure proper wind up 8 housekeeping at worksite.




>he accessories "hoses 8 pump& not being used must be disconnected and stored separately

A%%t#$a A%%t#$ a PPEPPE- (Tick  (Tick the box ‘√’ for YES and ‘X’ for NO and ‘NA’ for Not Applicable)   Di% yo" reer to PP1 6atri78   +s any speciali$e% PP1 re9"ire% or the *ob8

 Are employees traine% on proper inspection o PP1 beore beore "se8  
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