Hydrodynamics of Ship Propellers-Cambridge OceanTechnology Series 3

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This book deals with flows over propellers operating behind ships, and the hydrodynamic forces and moments which the propeller generates on the shaft and on the ship hull. The first part of the text is devoted to fundamentals of the flow about hydrofoil sections (with and without cavitation) and about wings. It then treats propellers in uniform flow, first via advanced actuator disc modelling, and then using lifting-line theory. Pragmatic guidance is given for design and evaluation of performance, including the use of computer modelling. The second part covers the development of unsteady forces arising from operation in non-uniform hull wakes. First, by a number of simplifications, various aspects of the problem are dealt with separately until the full problem of a noncavitating, wide-bladed propeller in a wake is treated by a new and completely developed theory. Next, the complicated problem of an intermittently cavitating propeller in a wake and the pressures and forces it exerts on the shaft and on the ship hull is examined. A final chapter discusses the optimization of efficiency of compound propulsors. The authors have taken care to clearly describe physical concepts and mathematical steps. Appendices provide concise expositions of the mathematical techniques used. The book will be of interest to students, research workers and professional engineers (naval architects) in propeller dynamics.

CAMBRIDGE OCEAN TECHNOLOGY SERIES 3 General Editors: I. Dyer, R. Eatock Taylor, J. N. Newman, W. G. Price


Cambridge Ocean Technology Series 1. Faltinsen: Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures 2. Burcher & Rydill: Concepts in Submarine Design 3. Breslin & Andersen: Hydrodynamics of Ship Propellers


John P. Breslin Professor Emeritus, Department of Ocean Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology

and Poul Andersen Department of Ocean Engineering, The Technical University of Denmark


PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP, United Kingdom CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, United Kingdom 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia © Cambridge University Press 1994 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published 1994 Reprinted 1996 First paperback edition 1996 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication data Breslin, John P. Hydrodynamics of ship propellers / John P. Breslin, Poul Andersen, p. cm. - (Cambridge ocean technology series; 3) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Propellers. 2. Ships-Hydrodynamics. I. Andersen, Poul, 1951- . II. Title. III. Series. VM753.B68 1993 623.8'73-dc20 93-26511 CIP ISBN 0 521 41360 5 hardback ISBN 0 521 57470 6 paperback

Transferred to digital printing 2003









Brief review of basic hydrodynamic theory Continuity Equations of motion Velocity fields induced by basic singularities Vorticity

1 1 2 7 17


Properties of distributions of singularities Planar distributions in two dimensions Non-planar and planar distributions in three dimensions

26 26 33


Kinematic boundary conditions



Steady flows about thin, symmetrical sections in two dimensions The ogival section The elliptical section Generalization to approximate formulae for families of two-dimensional hydrofoils A brief look at three-dimensional effects

46 51 54


Pressure distributions and lift on flat and cambered sections at small angles of attack The flat plate Cambered sections


Design of hydrofoil sections Application of linearized theory Application of non-linear theory


Real fluid effects and comparisons of theoretically and experimentally determined characteristics Phenomenological aspects of viscous flows Experimental characteristics of wing sections and comparisons with theory

57 62 66 66 74 86 87 103 111 111 117 vii




Cavitation Historical overview Prediction of cavitation inception Cavitating sections Partially cavitating hydrofoils Modification of linear theory Supercavitating sections Unsteady cavitation

128 128 130 140 142 151 156 159


Actuator disc theory Heavily loaded disc Lightly loaded disc

162 166 187

10 Wing theory


11 Lifting-line representation of propellers Induced velocities from vortex elements Generalization to a continuous radial variation of circulation Induction factors Forces acting on the blades and the equation for the circulation density

207 209 219 222

12 Propeller design via computer and practical considerations Criteria for optimum distributions of circulation Optimum diameter and blade-area-ratio determinations Calculation procedures Pragmatic considerations

227 227 235 239 252

13 Hull-wake characteristics Analysis of the spatial variation of hull wakes Temporal wake variations

262 264 270

14 Pressure fields generated by blade loading and thickness in uniform flows; comparisons with measurements Pressure relative to fixed axes Comparisons with measurements

272 272 281

15 Pressure fields generated by blade loadings in hull wakes


16 Vibratory forces on simple surfaces


17 Unsteady forces on two-dimensional sections and hydrofoils of finite span in gusts Two-dimensional sections Unsteady lift on hydrofoils of finite span Implications for propellers

315 315 327 332




18 Lifting-surface theory Overview of extant unsteady theory Blade geometry and normals Linear theory A potential-based boundary-element procedure

334 334 337 340 368

19 Correlations of theories with measurements


20 Outline of theory of intermittently cavitating propellers A basic aspect of the pressure field generated by unsteady cavitation Pressure field due to cavitating propeller Numerical solution of the intermittently- by

1 dv T

80 ~Ut~

r 2WT


Figure 1.4 Flow due to a vortex.

(j)v — — 6 + a constant



Again, the constant can be ignored as we are only interested in derivatives of v.


Brief Review of Basic Hydrodynamic Theory

In rectangular coordinates, r y y = — tan"1 2TT x

y ; —7T < tan"1 — < K x

To make 0V single valued we define it in the region excluding the cut, cf. Figure 1.5. Then on the upper bank of the cut

r 2 and on the lower bank

r 2 Figure 1.5 Cut along negative x-axis.

.'. the jump in (j)v across the CUt is

A(j)y = (j)y+ — (j)y- = T


To show that 0V satisfies the Laplace Equation, consider the form in polar coordinates, namely






= 0


As yd/dr = SySin0/27rr2, showing that the radial velocity is an odd function of 0 directed outward (away from the "source" in the region 0 < 0 < IT and inward — toward the "sink" in the region -w < 0 < 0), cf. Figure 1.7. This agrees with our exFigure 1.7 Flow due to a vertical upward—directed dipole. pectations. For a vertically downward directed dipole, change the sign. Consider a line distribution of downward dipoles along the negative xaxis having uniform strength d = M


• +

— lim





+ r



^x + r



+ O(£2) 2 3 2

[x + r ] /

Defining the dipole moment strength by (1.66)

we obtain Sxx


4TT [X2 4- r 2 ] 3 / 2

as the potential of an x-directed dipole at the origin with axis in the positive x-direction. This can be achieved directly by differentiation of the source. To secure the positively directed x-dipole at the origin place a source at x = x \ y = z = 0. Then d

M 7



\{x - x') 2 + r2j

x1 = 0

where the derivative is evaluated at x1 = 0 after differentiation. Then


x' = 0

Then formally replacing M by Ex we have (1.67). In general to achieve a dipole whose axis has the direction cosines n x , n y , n z at any point (x',y',z') apply the following operation =


d nx { O'

1- ny

d d'



1 (y-y')2




where Sx = n xS, Sy = n yS, Sz = nzS Dipoles may be distributed on lines and surfaces in the same manner as sources.

VORTICITY We have seen previously that by manipulating the equations of motion (Equations (1.8) to (1.14)), terms arise which, together, are identified as components of a so-called vorticity vector

C = fi + m + ct the components of which are given by velocity gradients, i.e., (x)-. (z)-(y) dw












(x) - , (y) -


Here we see that the operations are in cyclic order and the numerators are in acyclic or reverse alphabetic order. To give a more physically based exposition of the role of vorticity we can examine the excursions in the velocity components between two neighboring points (x,y,z) and (x + &, y + Jx2. We note in passing that (j) is discontinuous across the disc i.e.


lim 0(x,O) = - x -> 0+ 2


lim 0(x,O) = 4- -


x -> 0-

lim - ^ - = +1 x -4 0+ Ixl lim


- ^ - = —1

x -> 0- | x |

This jump in the potential, namely

0(O+,O) — 0(0-,0) = —K (1.93) is true all over the disc and is a basic property of surface distributions of dipoles. More about this later.

To calculate u = d(j)/dx say for x > 0 x

Kd U =



u =



+ R2]3/2


We now compare this with what is obtained from Biot-Savart, cf. (1.85). Cds = Oi + /cdy'j 4- ftdz'k = Oi —


R = xi + (y-y')j 4- (z-z')k = xi — (r s i n ^ R sin7!)j + (r cos7—R cos7!)k

Figure 1.13 Circular ring vortex.



#(x,r,7;0,R,7') = |JZ| ds = + dy1 = - R dz1 = — R si Then 27T

-R C0S7dy Rsin7d7 —(r s i n 7 - R sin7') r COS7- R COS71 fl(x,r,7;0,R,7l)3 (1.96) The x-component is KR

f 2w (-r —r COS7 cosy+R cos27f-r sin7 siny-fR-sin2y) Jo

(1.97) 1

Recalling that cos(7— 7 ) = COS7 cosy + COS7 siny we have in general ~D r27r


u(x,r,7) = —



COS(T-7 ! )] 3/2

We may reduce the complication of this integral by noting that it is the negative of the partial derivative of 1/R with respect to R d

u(x,r,7) = 4J


r2 + R2 -2Rr cos(7 - 71)

Evaluating along r = 0 ACR2

u(x,0) = Z



This is seen to agree with (1.95) and while not proving the theorem of the equivalence of vortex filaments and distributions of normal dipoles over surfaces spanning the vortices, the foregoing exercise does provide support. We may now turn to an examination of the properties of surface distributions of singularities in two and three dimensions.

2 Properties of Distributions of Singularities

In this chapter we determine the basic behavior of the velocity fields of the various singular solutions of Laplace's equation when they are distributed or "smeared" along lines and surfaces of finite extent. Their properties are particularly important on the lines and surfaces as they will be repeatedly used to generate approximate flow envelopes about thin hydrofoil sections in two dimensions and about slender bodies and lifting surfaces in three space dimensions.

PLANAR DISTRIBUTIONS IN TWO DIMENSIONS Source Distributions Source distributions are useful in generating section shapes symmetrical about the long axis. It is therefore important to understand the connection between the source density and the velocity components induced by the entire distribution of sources. From the foregoing, the potential of a line of sources in two dimensions is from (1.35) 1 r a :— m(x') In \(x 2?r

- x 1 ) 2 + y2 dx1




,y U

y x' >



dxJ Figure 2.1 Line distribution of sources.



Planar Distributions in Two Dimensions


The axial component of velocity is U=

£ dx


;H 2TT

m(x')—lnj(x-x')2 + y2dx' J_ a



m ( x ' ) ( x - x 1) 1 —— 1 2 2 dx _ (x - x ) + y


We note that u(y) = u(—y), an even function as expected physically. It will be seen later that we shall make use of u(x,0). Setting y = 0 in (2.3) provides formally m(x') V x - x


• dx1


This integral does not exist in the ordinary sense because l/(x — x1) becomes singular and hence requires a special definition as devised by Cauchy and termed by him, "principe valeur" or principal value3. The bar indicates the Cauchy principal value, often designated in the literature by P.V. /( ) or P/( ). From the foregoing we learn • The axial component of a source distribution along the x-axis is symmetric in y or an even function ofy. • On the axis itself the axial component depends on the entire distribution, i.e., all source elements contribute. The " athwartship" or y-component (from 2.1) a

m x

( ') (x - xM 2 + v2 x x ) + y ai Here we observe that v(x,y) = —v(x,y), i.e. it is an odd function of y. When we ask what is the value of v on the distribution, i.e., on —a < x < a, y = 0 at first we may say zero because y -> 0 in the numerator. However at y = 0 the kernel function becomes (x — x1)"2 and the integrand tends to "blow up". Thus we suspect a "battle" going on between the vanishing of the numerator and the infinity of the integrand as x1 passes through x and so we have to "creep up" on this limit by the use of a transformation. See Mathematical Compendium, Section 4, p. 507 and sequel.


Properties of Distributions of Singularities

Let x — x' = y tan/? Then dx1 = - y sec2/?d/? /? = tan" 1

x — x1

Then (2.5) becomes

Figure 2.2

y f t a n " 1 V m(x - y tan/?) y sec2/? v x,y = - - \ — . \* dfi 27rJ tan - 1 x±a y2 sec2/?


Now consider the field point P to descend from above, so y -> 0+. As x < a we see that tan"1 (x—a)/y -» — x/2 and tan"1 (x+a)/y -» TT/2. m(x—y tan^) -» m(x) independent of /? and hence m(x) lim v(x,y) = - - 1 - 1

d/? =



Analogously as y -> 0., tan"1 (x-a)/y -» TT/2 and tan"1 (x+a)/y -» - 7r/2 and hence / ^= rhm v(x,y) y -» 0 -





Thus velocity normal to the source sheet jumps and the value depends only on the source density at that point and not upon an integral over the distribution. The source density is given by m(x) = v(x,0+) - v(x,0.) = Av(x)


Thus if there is some way of obtaining Av then m(x) is known. It should also be noted that for | x | > a v(x,0) = 0


Planar Distributions in Two Dimensions


These results can be secured by purely physical arguments. We can see that for small y, source-elements at a distance from the adjacent element can induce only very weak normal velocity and as y -> 0+ we see that the flow through an elementary control surface is simply as depicted in Figure 2.3. By continuity we have m(x) ru A v+(x)& = ——Sx or

v-(x)&c =

v 7

~rr 1U-





» X


V.(x) = - — -


Figure 2.3

From the vertical asymmetry it is obvious that for all points y = 0, |x| > a the vertical component is zero. It is also to be noted that as P is moved far with respect to 2a then


xf a m ( x f ) d x ' - ^ ! _ ^ 27T



x2 + y2

v -4 u -> 0


Vertical Dipole Distributions

The potential induced by a line distribution of vertical dipoles along the x-axis is 1 d f a 1 (2.14) (y-y 1 ) 2 dx y'=0

As (2.15) has the same structure as the transverse velocity developed by sources (2.5) then the behavior of the potential is the same, save for sign, as we seek , the jump in . For | x | > a


(xfi±) = 0


As 0(x,y) is an odd function of y, the y-derivative is an even function of y and hence the vertical or transverse velocity is continuous through the dipole sheet. Thus l(x - »')' - y']



and v(x,0+) =

ff;y(x') 1 d [ a 0+ m .-. I = -


and as n -» 0-, n/1 n | -+ — 1 yielding m 1= - -


Thus , m = ± 2

1 f 4TT J S


d 1 daR

dSf ; on the surface


Now d


cos (n,


where the angle (n,R) is that between the normal n and the vector R drawn from the foot of the normal to any variable point on the surface. When the surface is planar the angle (n,/2) = TT/2 and the integral term vanishes. However regardless of the curvature of the surface we have that



— = m dn].

the source density


so when the jump in the normal velocity is specified then the source density is known. Thus for the distribution of sources • The potential itself is continuous through the surface. • The tangential velocity is also continuous. • The normal velocity is discontinuous. The presence of the integral term in (2.43) can be understood physically because on the curved surface the sources elsewhere can contribute to the normal velocity at any point in addition to the contribution of the local element as depicted in Figure 2.5.


Properties of Distributions of Singularities

Figure 2.5 Normal velocity induced by source element.

Distributions of Normal Dipoles We have seen that dipoles can be "constructed" by differentiating the source potential with respect to the dummy variables and in the direction desired. Hence for normal dipoles on a curved surface we have


If 47T J s

- I dS 1 an1 R\


Here an has the dimension Iength2/second. But since field point coordinates (x,y,z) and dummy point coordinates (xf,y?,zf) always enter as differences within R we can write d


and then the potential of the surface distribution of normal dipoles has the same structure as that of the normal velocity induced by a surface distribution of sources (except for sign) I f d = —\an— 4TTJS

fll - dS'


da [R\

We may then write that


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