Hydraulic Ramp Pump (Hydram)
March 12, 2017 | Author: danish91 | Category: N/A
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Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Coursework Report Session 2011/2012 HYDRAULIC RAM PUMP Course Code
KMEM 2110
Course Title
Elemental Design of Mechanical Design
Group Members
Mohammad Danish bin Mohammad Ali
KEM 100027
Mohammad Kamal Hariz bin Che Azih
KEM 100028
Mohammad Baqir bin Ali
KEM 100032
Muhammad Faiz bin Jasni
KEM 100033
Muhammad Firdaus bin Zarmani
KEM 100035
Dr Mohd Faizul bin Mohd Sabri
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, first and foremost, we would like to thank Dr Mohd Faizul bin Mohd Sabri for his guidance and support during the time we were working to complete this project and prepare the report throughout this semester and also not to forget Miss Nurul our beloved tutor which continuously give us support to complete the task. Besides that, we also would like to thank our friends that help us throughout the process of this project. We are hoping that all of you will put best consideration and evaluate this project with your entire heart.
1.1 Abstract 1.2 Objective 1.3 Problem Statement 2
6 - 12
2.1 Introduction 2.2 Brief history 2.3 Working principle of hydraulic ram pump 2.4 Theory on hydraulic ramp pump (Hydram) 2.4.1 Energy 2.4.2 Water Hammer Effect 2.5 Applications and limitations of hydraulic ram pumps 3
13 - 15
3.1 Considerations in hydraulic ram pump system design 3.2 Maintenance and service life considerations 3.3 General considerations 3.4 Basic part of a hydram system 3.5 Pipe consideration 3.6 Snifter valve 4
16 - 24
25 - 39
5.1 Suggestion for the future 6
ABSTRACT This project report is about designing a hydraulic ram pump to transfer water from a river into a water tank with given dimensions and conditions. The hydraulic ram pump designed is believed to be the most suitable and efficient for the given conditions based on the calculations performed. For the first step of designing, all the related problems are listed and understand. Then, the specifications, criteria and evaluation of the solutions are developed. This including choosing the most suitable operational working principals for the hydraulic ram pump (hydram), outline of the theoretical background behind the operation and its details calculations, which are being referred to the concept and theory entitles to Fluid Mechanics. This is followed by the details drawing of the hydraulic ram pump by using the SOLIDWORKS software. From the calculations performed, the hydraulic ram pump designed with radius of 0.1m and length of 0.5m has high and reasonable efficiency. Its flowrate to the delivery tank is determined to be 0.00069m3/s and required about 20 days and 3 hours to fill completely the tank at a height of 20m from river flow.
OBJECTIVES 1. To design a Hydraulic Ram Pump which is able to fill a water tank at height of 20m from river flow.
PROBLEM STATEMENT In this project, we are required to design a hydraulic ram pump to fill a water tank at a height of 20m from river flow. The conditions are as follows: River Water (source): Depth = 0.5m Wide = 1.5m Flowrate = 120 /sec Tank (to be filled): Volume = 1200m3
V =1200m3 Water Tank 20.0m 1.5m River
Hydram Q=120 /sec Figure 1: The basic idea of the project.
2.1 Introduction
A hydraulic ram pump (also called hydram) is a pump that uses energy from a falling quantity of water to pump some of it to an elevation much higher than the original level at the source. No other energy is required and as long as there is a continuous flow of falling water, the pump will work continuously and automatically. Provision of adequate domestic water supply for scattered rural populations is a major problem in many developing countries. Fuel and maintenance costs to operate conventional pumping systems are becoming prohibitive. The hydraulic ram pump (hydram) is an alternative pumping device that is relatively simple technology that uses renewable energy, and is durable. The hydram has only two moving parts; these are impulse valve and delivery valve which can be easily maintained.
Ram Pumps have been used for over two centuries in many parts of the world. Their simplicity and reliability made them commercially successful, particularly in Europe, in the days before electrical power and the internal combustion engine become widely available. As technology advanced and become increasingly reliant on sources of power derived from fossil fuels, the ram pump was neglected. It was felt to have no relevance in an age of national electricity grids and large - scale water supplies. Big had become beautiful and small-scale ram pump technology was unfashionable.
In recent years an increased interest in renewable energy devices and an awareness of the technological needs of a particular market in developing countries have prompted a reappraisal of ram pumps. In hilly areas with springs and streams, the potential for a simple and reliable pumping device is large. Although there are some examples of successful ram pump installation in developing countries, their use to date has merely scratched at the surface of their potential. The main reason for this being, lack of wide spread local knowledge in the design and manufacture of ram pumps. Hence, the wide spread use of ram pumps will only occur if there is a local manufacturer to deliver quickly; give assistance in system design, installation, and provide an after-sales service. 6
2.2 Brief History
In 1772 John Whitehurst of Cheshire in the United Kingdom invented a manually controlled precursor of the hydraulic ram called the "pulsation engine". The first one he installed, in 1772 at Oulton, Cheshire, and raised water to a height of 16 ft (4.9 m). He installed another in an Irish property in 1783. He did not patent it, and details are obscure, but it is known to have had an air vessel.
The first self-acting ram pump was invented by the Frenchman Joseph Michel Montgolfier (best known as a co-inventor of the hot air balloon) in 1796 for raising water in his paper mill at Voiron. His friend Matthew Boulton took out a British patent on his behalf in 1797. The sons of Montgolfier obtained an English patent for an improved version in 1816, and this was acquired, together with Whitehurst's design, in 1820 by Josiah Easton, a Somerset-born engineer who had just moved to London.
Easton's firm, inherited by his son James (1796–1871), grew during the nineteenth century to become one of the more important engineering manufacturers in the United Kingdom, with a large works at Erith, Kent. They specialized in water supply and sewerage systems worldwide, as well as land drainage projects. Eastons had a good business supplying rams for water supply purposes to large country houses, and also to farms and village communities, and a number of their installations still survived as of 2004.
The firm was eventually closed in 1909, but the ram business was continued by James R Easton. In 1929 it was acquired by Green & Carter, of Winchester, Hampshire, who were engaged in the manufacturing and installation of the well-known Vulcan and Vacher Rams. The first US patent was issued to J. Cerneau and S.S. Hallet in 1809. US interest in hydraulic rams picked up around 1840, as further patents were issued and domestic companies started offering rams for sale. Toward the end of the 19th Century, interest waned as electricity and electric pumps became widely available.
By the end of the twentieth century interest in hydraulic rams has revived, due to the needs of sustainable technology in developing countries, and energy conservation in developed ones. A good example is AID Foundation International in the Philippines, who won an Ashden Award for their work developing ram pumps that could be easily maintained for use in remote villages. The hydraulic ram principle has been used in some proposals for exploiting wave power, one of which was discussed as long ago as 1931 by Hanns Günther in his book in hundert Jahren.
2.3 Working Principle of Hydraulic Ram Pump
Although hydraulic ram pumps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, they all have the same basic components as shown in Fig. 2. The main parts of a ram pump are hydram body, waste valve, delivery valve, snifter valve, air chamber and relief valve. Ram Pumps have a cyclic pumping action that produces their characteristic beat during operation. The cycle can be divided into three phases; acceleration, delivery and recoil.
No Pressure High Velocity
Figure 2: Showing the flow of water in the hydram body. 8
Acceleration - When the waste valve is open as shown in figure 2, water accelerates down the drive pipe and discharges through the open valve. As the flow increases it reaches a speed where the drag force is sufficient to start closing the valve. Once it has begun to move, the valve closes very quickly.
Delivery - As the waste valve slams shut as shown in figure 3, it stops the flow of water through it. The water that has been flowing in the drive pipe has considerable momentum which has to be dissipated. For a fraction of a second, the water in the body of the pump is compressed causing a large surge in pressure. This type of pressure rise is known as water hammer. As the pressure rises higher than that in the air chamber, it forces water through the delivery valve (a non-return valve).The delivery valve stays open until the water in the drive pipe has almost completely slowed and the pressure in the pump body drops below the delivery pressure. The delivery valve then closes, stopping any back flow from the air vessel into the pump and drive pipe.
Recoil - The remaining flow in the drive pipe recoils against the closed delivery valve - rather like a ball bouncing back. This causes the pressure in the body of the pump to drop low enough for the waste valve to reopen. The recoil also sucks a small amount of air in through the snifter valve. The air sits under the delivery valve until the next cycle when it is pumped with the delivery water into the air vessel. This ensures that the air vessel stays full of air. When the recoil energy is finished, water begins to accelerate down the drive pipe and out through the open waste valve, starting the cycle again. Throughout the cycle the pressure in the air vessel steadily forces water up the delivery pipe. The air vessel smoothes the pulsing in flow through the delivery valve into an even outflow up the delivery pipe. The pumping cycle happens very quickly, typically 40 to 120 times per minute. During each pumping cycle only a very small amount of water is pumped. However, with cycle after cycle continuing over 24 hours, a significant amount of water can be lifted. While the ram pump is operating, the water flowing out the waste valve splashes onto the floor or the pump house and is considered' waste' water. The term' waste' water needs to be understood. Although waste water is not delivered by the ram pump, it is the energy of this water that pumps the water which is delivered.
Very High Pressure No Velocity
Figure 3: Flow of water when waste valve is closed.
2.4 Theory on Hydraulic Ramp (Hydram) Pump
2.4.1 Energy Cars, airplanes, light bulb, water pumps, computers, the human body have all something in common: they need energy to work. This energy can come from many sources such as electricity, fuel, manpower, food. Different technologies are used to transform one source of energy to another. For example, car engines transform the chemical energy of the fuel into mechanical energy allowing wheels to rotate. Another example related to water supply projects is electric pumps: they use electricity to transform electrical energy into potential energy of the lifted water. The potential energy is the energy of every object due to its altitude. The object needs another source of energy to be lifted and will lose its potential energy if it falls. Hydrams are designed to lift water (i.e. give potential energy to the water) from a low cost source of energy. Avoiding using fuel and electricity, the water hammer effect has shown to be efficient and is the principle of hydrams.
2.4.2 Water Hammer Effect The water hammer effect is a phenomenon that increases the pressure of water in a pipe over a short period of time.
Figure 4: Water hammer effect.
If the velocity of the water in a pipe is high enough, a fast closure of the pipe will cause a water hammer effect as shown in Figure 4. The water flowing will be compressed to the valve which has been closed suddenly. As a comparison, if a hundred people run very fast in a corridor and suddenly, they face a closed door, the space between them will be reduced, everybody will touch each other. In the same way, with velocity, water has kinetic energy. By closing quickly the pipe, this kinetic energy will be transformed into pressure. This effect is characterized by a loud noise that is similar to a hammer banging a metal component.
2.5 Applications and limitations of hydraulic ram pumps For any particular site, there are usually a number of potential water lifting options. Choosing between them involves consideration of many different factors. Ram pumps in certain conditions have many advantages over other forms of water-lifting, but in others, it can be completely inappropriate. The main advantages of ram pumps are: Use of a renewable energy source ensuring low running cost Pumping only a small proportion of the available flow has little environmental impact. Simplicity and reliability give a low maintenance requirement Automatic, continuous operation requires no supervision or human input.
The main limitations are: They are limited in hilly areas with a year-round water sources They pump only a small fraction of the available flow and therefore require source flows larger than actual water delivered Can have a high capital cost in relation to other technologies Are limited to small-scale applications, usually up to 1KW, but this requires economical and other considerations.
Specific situations in which other technologies may prove more appropriate are: In terrain where streams are falling very rapidly, it may be possible to extract water at a point above the village or irrigation site and feed it undergravity. If the water requirement is large and there is a large source of falling water (head and flow rate) nearby, turbine-pump sets can provide the best solution. Many ram pumps could be used in parallel to give the required output but at powers over 2KW, turbine-pump systems are normally cheaper. In small-scale domestic water supply, the choice can often be between using a ram pump on a stream or using cleaner groundwater. Surface water will often need to be filtered or treated for human consumption, increasing the cost of a system and requiring regular filter maintenance. Under these conditions, to select a hydram pump, economical considerations compared to other technologies have to be looked at.
3. DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR HYDRAM PUMP 3.1 Considerations in hydraulic ram pump system design
The following factors need to be considered in hydraulic Ram pump system design. Area suitability (head and flow rate) Flow rate and head requirement Intake design Drive system Pump house location Delivery pipes routing Distribution system
3.2 Maintenance and service life considerations: The critical parts that require frequent maintenance are bolts, studs and nuts. Therefore, it is usually preferable to have stainless steel bolts, studs and nuts, even though they are costly and difficult to source.
3.3 General considerations Shape of hydram has little effect on performance Valve design considerations. The correct design of valves is a critical factor in the overall performance of ram pumps. Hence, this needs special consideration. Strength considerations. This determines thickness of hydram body and air chamber.
3.4 Basic Part of a Hydram system From the figure it shows a typical hydraulic ram installation that comprises
Supply pipe (drive pipe)
Impulse valve/ waste valve/snifter valve
Delivery valve
Air chamber
Delivery pipe
Figure 5: Sketch on basic part of hydram.
3.5 Pipe consideration For all pipes being used and the hydram body, the material that we suggested is commercial steel pipe based on the following reason: Strength and flexibility high resistance to direct heat Resistant to very high pressures Easy to install, maintain, operate and connect Perfect for the extension work in pumping stations, riverbanks, steep sloping crossings and reservoirs Feature of withstanding traffic vibrations and shocks
Specifically, the types of steel pipe we suggest to use is Galvanized steel since this type of steel is coated with zinc layer to protect steel pipes from corroding. This form of steel provides resistance to corrosion and rust thereby making it highly preferred to make pipes. This also helps in increasing the overall life term of the pipe fittings as well.
3.6 Snifter valve It is a device to allow the air to enter the air vessel located above delivery valve but below delivery pipe. Is it very important for air to enter because air in the air vessel mixes with water while hydram is running. As a result, the volume of air in the air vessel decreases and this will bring about the reduction in the pump’s efficiency, thus it is important to have snifter valve. In short, snifter valve enable the maintenance of a necessary air level inside the air vessel.
4. CALCULATION Specification of the hydram pump Description
Details 120
Available Flow rate (Q) Supply Head (h)
Expected Lift from river (
Height of Tank from pump (H)
Diameter of supply pipe ( )
0.1 m
Diameter of delivery pipe (
Length of supply pipe ( ) Length of delivery pipe (
0.06m 20m
1. From the given condition, we know that the flowrate,
and the area,
of the river is given
as below, Flowrate of river,
= =
Area of river,
= =
2. Using the information earlier we can find the velocity,
of the river using continuity
Where, = flowrate of the river ( ) = cross sectional area of the river ( = velocity of the river (m/s)
3. We also know that the velocity,
entering the supply is same with the velocity,
of river.
From that, we can use continuity equation to find the flowrate in the supply pipe.
) (
Supply flow rate, Where, and
just 1% from river flowrate
= velocity in supply pipe and in river respectively ( = diameter of supply pipe ( ) flowrate in the supply pipe
4. Next we are going to find the number of beats in the process. Number of beats is the frequency of closing and opening of valve. We assume that both waste and delivery valve has the same frequency i.e. they both open and close at the same amount of time.
Figure 6: The velocity-time relationship in the driveline of a hydram. 17
But first we need calculate
the max velocity of water in hydram,
√ Where = height of supply tank (river) from hydram, 4m M = head loss coefficient, 0.104 g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2 √
)( )
based on the empirical relation between head of supply and the length of supply, it is suggested that
= 2.5 H
= 2.5m x 4 = 10m (
= 1.75 s
= 0.18 s
Where, = length of supply based on empirical head and the length of supply = length of hydram = time take for impulse valve to close or delivery valve to open = time taken for delivery valve to close = height of tank from river h = supply head = maximum velocity
One beat is equal to
1 beat = 1.75 s + 0.18 s = 1.92 s ≈2s Since n is the number of beat per minute
n = 30 beats
5. We then calculate the flowrate of the water flowing at waste valve.
where = flowrate of waste water the radius of waste valve The length of hydram Number of beat
) (
6. Next we calculate the head loss coefficient.
where head loss coefficient Darcy-Weibach Formula friction factor length of supply pipe line diameter of supply pipe velocity in supply pipe acceleration due to gravity,
We have decided to use commercial steel pipe for both supply and delivery pipe. From that we find that the commercial steel has sand roughness,
(m). Thus with
diameter of supply pipe and sand roughness of the pipe, we get
Then we calculate the Reynolds’s Number,
Where, Re = Reynolds’s number (dimensionless number) = density of the fluid (kg/m³) = mean velocity (m/s) diameter of pipe (m) = dynamic viscosity of the fluid (kg/ms)
Here we have, = 1000 kg/m³ = 0.16 m/s 0.1m = 0.000798 kg/ms for water at 30oc
Re = 20050
So using the value obtained, we then find the friction factor for the pipe by referring the value of Re and the ratio of sand roughness to diameter of pipe in moody’s diagram and we find that f in this case to be 0.4.
Finally we can now calculate head loss coefficient, M.
vs = 0.16 m/s g = 9.81 (
) (
7. Next, we will find volume of waste water ( (
We have, = height of delivery tank from water source (river), 20m length of delivery pipe from hydram, 30m diameter of delivery pipe, = length of supply pipe, 20m = diameter of supply pipe, 0.1m = 27.47 m/s M = head loss coefficient, 0.104
)( (
) )(
)( (
) )
8. Then we calculate the volume of delivered water ( (
)( (
) )(
) ,
)( (
) )
9. The delivery flowrate can be calculated as below, ( (
) )
Where, = delivery flowrate (
) obtained earlier, 0.0005
= waste flowrate ( (
10. The efficiency of hydram can be defined as below using D’Rankine formula, (
)( )
=20m H=(
) = (20 +4) = 24m (
) )(
E = 0.483 Therefore the efficiency of hydram is 48.3 %.
Size of Tank = Pumping rate = = =
5. DESIGN When we design a water system using ram pumps, we like to know before we build it, how much water it will deliver to how much head and with what efficiency manually manipulating these parameters using design methodology for different input parameters. After that, we then design the hydram using SOLIDWORKS software which a CAD (computer aided design) software as below.
Figure 7: Isometric view of the hydraulic ram pump 25
Figure 8: Side view of the hydraulic ram pump
Figure 9: Cross-sectional view of the hydraulic ram pump
Figure 10 (a): Sectional view of delivery valve
Figure 10 (b): Sectional view of delivery valve
Figure 11: Outer view of delivery valve
Figure 12: Cross-sectional view of waste valve
Figure 13 (a): Sectional view of waste valve
Figure 13 (b): Sectional view of waste valve
Figure 13(c): Outer view of waste valve
Formed Hex Screw ANSI B18.2.3.2M M10
1) Length : 100 mm 3 Pieces 2) Length : 80 mm 4 Pieces 3) Length : 70 mm 10 Pieces 4) Length : 35 mm 1 Piece
Total : 18 Pieces
Hex Jam Nut
23 Pieces
ANSI B18.2.3.5M M10
Total : 23 Pieces
Narrow Flat Washer
38 Pieces
ANSI B18.22M M10
Total : 38 Pieces
2 Pieces
Total : 2 Pieces
2 Pieces
Total : 2 Pieces
2 Pieces
Total : 2 Pieces
2 Pieces
Total : 2 Pieces
2 Pieces
Total : 2 Pieces
One of the suggestion that can be apply is to use a bigger supply pipe to obtain a large amount of water so that more water can be delivered to tank. In this report we use supply pipe with diameter of 0.1m, and we get only about
flowrate and it is just about
1% of compared to the river’s flowrate. Bigger supply pipe will increase the flowrate, but we also need to increase size of hydram to cope with bigger force that the water carries. It is not necessary to increase the delivery pipe because referring to continuity equation, the flowrate across a pipe is same. Since we already increase the flowrate of water by increasing the diameter of supply pipe, thus with the same diameter of delivery pipe we can get achieve a higher velocity of water flowing to the tank. But if we increase the diameter of supply pipe tremendously we may also need to increase the delivery pipe diameter so that more water can be delivered with high velocity.
We can also try to build a tank near the river to store the water collected from river. This is for us manipulate the velocity of water flowing since we cannot do anything to the river. We know from continuity equation that the property that is shared between the river, and water flowing to supply pipe is the velocity. So if we find any solution to increase the velocity, we could increase the flowrate in the pipe thus increasing the pumping rate of the hydram.
For the most optimum performance of the hydram is to apply both of the suggestion but we need first to consider the necessity of such high pumping rate according to usage of the water delivered. If we were able to deliver a lot of water to the tank, but later we will only just use some of it, then it will be a waste and will cost us high. Thus we first need to identify the necessary amount of water needed. From there we try to adjust so that we can fulfill the demand with the minimum cost.
6. CONCLUSION From the objective stated, we have come out the solutions from the study of our hydraulic ramp pump (hydram), the modifications and assumptions made were counted and the calculations give the exact answers for this project. From the results obtained, we have found out that:a) The best design for our hydram is as shown above in the report. b) In order to obtain the best efficiency for this hydram, the optimum supply head and delivery and supply pipe length is chosen. The efficiency of the hydram is about 48.3%. c) By theory we found that the pumping rate has been found out that is to be
d) And finally, the time taken for the whole tank to be filled is estimated to be 20 days, 3 hours, and 6 minutes.
7. REFERENCES 1) DTU Ram pumps program publication published by university of Warwick. 2) Phyo Min Than, 2008, GMSARN International Conference on Sustainable Development: Issues and Prospects for the GMS, Construction and Performance Testing of the Hydraulic Ram Pump. 3) Prof. Ma Chi of zhejiang University of Technology and Dipl. Eng. Peter Diemer of Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association, 2002, Hydraulic Ram Handbook. 4) David, J.P. and Edward, H.W., 1985, Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, SI (Metric) Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Singapore.
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