Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning Main Manual
Short Description
Descripción: In conclusion, I love high – intensity, conditioning – style kettlebell workouts. I always will. But I thin...
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
Strenuous physical exercise can be a dangerous activity. There are inherent risks in any physical activity, intense fitness training is no exception. The use of professional instruction is recommended before entering into any type of sport or physical exercise. You should become knowledgeable about the risks involved and assume personal responsibility for your actions. The information contained within this manual may or may not be accurate and is open to interpretation.
© 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 2 htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
Contents About The Author … !ntroduction … " #orkout $verview … % #orkout A … & #orkout ' … () *ardio +rogramming … (( +rogram -A … ( /xercise 0ibrary … (" 'onus Section ( 1 2ettlebell *hallenge #orkouts … 3 'onus Section 4 2ettlebell *ombo #orkout … " 'onus Section 3 4 ()x() 2ettlebell #orkout … 5 *onclusion … % Additional 6esources … 7
© 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 3 htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
&bo't Forest Vance ( The Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning )rogra% 8orest 9ance has a :aster of Science in ;uman :ovement and is a *ertified 8itness metcon?1style workouts. :an, awesome. ! gotta doto a workouts like this more often? Sick, ! know. 'ut, !=ll bet you have similar thoughts yourself after a good workout. !t=s Eust how us cra@y fitness peeps roll. suck you in?, and get away from doing basic, heavy, effective strength work. You undulating periodi@ation? model. ! have used this template myself, and with hundreds, if not thousands, of in1person training clients, over the years with great success. This basically means that you hit different training modalities 4 both heavyGmax strength training 4 not in specific, dedicated phases,and buthigher ratherrepGconditioning1style all over the course of work a single week. !t allows most folks to make solid, continuing gains 4 in both strength AA?, on the following page, is your max strength workout. #orkout >'?, detailed right after it, is your metabolic conditioning workout. You are going to plug these sessions in according to the template on the previous page. ! have also detailed exactly what to do for your interval cardio sessions as well. 8ollow this program for four to six weeks, then switch to another one. BSee the back of the manual for more program recommendations.C :ake senseM *ool. 0etDs get to it.
© 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 4 htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
/oro't & 5*a6 Strength /oro't7
This workout is all about low reps with high weight. You are going to want to stop 1 or 2 reps before failure so pick a high enough amount of weight that will get you there in about 5-8 reps. First get in a goo! warmup with "oint mobility e#ercises an! static stretches in if you nee! them. Then : 2ettlebell 'ulgarian Split SKuat B"17 reps each sideC 2ettlebell +ress B"17 reps each sideC
$n the press start with a clean to the shoul!er. Then press up 5-8 times from the shoul!er. %!eally you&ll !o a clean an! switch o'er to the other si!e for 5-8 more reps. "17 +ull Jps :odification F !nverted 6ow
%f you aren&t (uite able to !o a pull up mo!ify the e#ercise by !oing an in'erte! row with either a bar or a suspension trainer. Ho this workout in a circuit fashion, resting as much as needed between moves to lift as much weight as possible. Ho the entire circuit 15 times.
)ake sure to en! your workout with some static stretches.
© 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 8 htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
/oro't 9 5*etabolic Conditioning7
*nlike our ma# weight !ay this workout maintains a high le'el of intensity with much less rest. This workout has three pairs of e#ercises. +et ayou timer for, 5 secon!s minutesofan! !obetween as manyeach roun!s pair of e#ercises that can. rest set of of that e#ercises. 1st Set SKuat to $verhead +ress with 2' B5 each sideC (1(" !nverted 6ows
im for four roun!s with perfect form. 2nd Set % 'urpees (" Two ;and 2ettlebell Swings
+et a goal of hitting 5 roun!s in 5 minutes. 3
2ettlebell 8igure 7 to ;old B( each sideC ( +lank to +ush Jps
+et a goal of hitting / roun!s in 5 minutes. )ake sure to en! your workout with some static stretches.
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Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
Cardio )rogra%%ing +erform to days er ee o# high intensity inter$al training. 8or both interval days, youDll start with a five minute warm1up at an easy intensity. Then you&ll rotate between two !ifferent inter'al workouts on alternating !aysF !nterval workout ( 1 F5) N high intensity, F5) N low intensity, five rounds total !nterval workout 1 F3) N high intensity, F3) at low intensity, ten rounds total 8inish each interval cardio workout with a five minute easy cool1down period +erform one day er ee o# long:slo:distance ;reco$ery< cardio Beasy heart rate, O 3) mins., something youen"oyC !n total, youDll do three days per week of DcardioD. !deally youDll do this on your non1strength training days 4 as outlined earlier 1 but the %ost i%ortant thing is ='st to get it done.
00Fin! of Forest&s best-selling eooks an! programs books an! 343&s apparel an! recommen!e! pro!ucts at http:forest'ance.comstore00
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Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
)rogra% >(& ;ere are answers to some freKuently asked Kuestions about the programF
6: 7ow !o % bump up the weights9 % am using in my workouts &! Incororate strength or into yo'r o$erall ro'tine, and 'se the rincile o# rogressi$e o$erload. Simply put, you need to strive to use more weight in your workouts over time. !f you are pressing a (k today for three sets of eight reps today, try to get nine, eight, eight with it next time. Then nine, nine, eight. Then nine, nine, nine. Then maybe ten. Then maybe bump up the weight. /tc. T;!S is why we want to stick with the same workout and exercises for at least four to six weeks, 'T#. +A6T!*J0A60Y if gaining strength is our goal. !f we change things up more freKuently than that, there is no way to measure progress and see if we are getting better at specific exercises.
6: 7ow often shoul! % change up my workouts &! ?$ery #o'r to si6 ees. !f you are not the type that gets easily bored with your workouts, you could actually probably do the same workout even eight, ten weeks, or more. As long as you are making progress on the routine you are doing, you can Band shouldC keep doing it.
6: 7ow !o % scale up or !own an! a!apt things for a more basic - or more a!'ance! - fitness le'el &! Here are so%e rogressions #or so%e basic e6ercises incl'ded in the Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning rogra%. I ha$e listed the% in order #ro% easiest"%ost basic $ariation, to hardest"%ost di##ic'lt $ariation! © 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 12 htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning • •
split sKuat1bulgarian split sKuat1bulgarian split sKuat with weight inverted row1band assisted pull up1standard pull up1pull up with kb on foot burpee with hands elevated, no Eump at top 1 burpee with no Eump at top 1 burpee with Eump at top 1 burpee with Eump at top, push up on the floor hands elevated push ups1knee push up1standard push up 1feet elevated push up
6: ;hat if % tra'el often an! !on&t ha'e access to any e(uipment &! )lan ahead, and or aro'nd it. 8or your real strength days, it is best to have access to your 2'Ds. So plan those one to two days per week for when you are home, or will have access to kettlebells. Then, you can do body weight 1 based workouts for your metabolic conditioning days when you are on the road. You can also do interval cardio when you are on the road 1 running is the simplest way, or Eust using simple body weight 1 based movements BEumping Eacks, burpees, mountain climbers, etc.C ! travel about once a month or so 1 in anywhere from three to seven day stretches 1 and this system works great for me. ! am able to stay on track with my workouts and even make progress while ! am away.
© 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 13 htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
6: ;hat if % only ha'e three !ays per week to train swoop? it upto eye level. You should be palming the Dbell with one hand, and have your hand on the handle of the Dbell with the other. +ass the 2' back between your legs, keeping your back flat and minimi@ing rotation in the torso and rest of the body. Switch hands while the kettlebell is back behind you, and bring it back up to the starting position. *omplete on both sides, and you have done one rep.
© 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 1htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
9'lgarian Slit SA'at
This is much like a split sKuat or lunge 4 you Eust have your back foot elevated. :ake sure your weight is through the heel of the front foot, your knee is tracking over the toe, and the shin angle of the front foot stays vertical.
© 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 1 htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
)lan to )'sh B 0ay flat and lift the hips along with the stomach and chest off of the floor 4 you=ll end up in a +ush Jp 4 type body position, but you=ll be resting on your forearms. 6emember, your abs should be braced like you=re bracing for a punch in the stomach, your upper and lower body should be Ptight=, and you should be able to breathe normally at the same time. To do a plank to push up alternate between the plank and push up position.
© 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 1 htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
)'ll B"Chin B Start from a full hang. Iet tight Hrive your elbows towards the floor and use your back muscles to pull hard. 'ring your chin over the bar and touch your neckGupper chest. Slowly lower to your starting position and repeat for reps. 2ipping yourself over the bar is not advocated because it doesnDt build functional strength. You also need to have active shoulders when you are in the dead hang, donDt let yourself drop. #hen you come up over the bar, your chin comes all the way over the bar to help with this movement. !f your head is elevated, it will help pull your chin over the bar. Your elbows should be tucked behind your body as you perform the pull1up. The chin up is the same move as the pull up except your palms are facing towards you. The picture below is a neutral grip pull up. +alms are facing in.
© 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 14 htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
Kettlebell Sing
Start by performing a simple sumo deadlift with the kettlebell between the feet. This is the movement you need to get down before you move on to a full blown swing. 8ocus on pulling your butt back behind you with your hip flexors and moving through the hips instead of sKuatting. The deadlift and the sKuat are two very distinct and different movements. Your back should stay completely flat and you should feel a stretch in the back of the legs if youDre doing the movement properly. $nce you have the deadlift down, you can try a half swing. Two things to think aboutF make sure youDre Dhike passingD the weight back between the legs on the downswingQ again, this movement is like a deadlift, not a sKuat. Try to get the bottom of the kettlebell to face the wall behind you as you hike pass it back. Then, snap the hips and swing the weight up. !f youDre doing it right, the arms are loose and the legs are doing the Eob of lifting the weight. !tDs not a sKuat and front raise, itDs a hip snap. The knees lock out and the hips come all the way through 4 the force is then efficiently transferred to the upper body. #hen you feel comfortable with the half swing, you can progress to the full swing. The mechanics of this movement are the same as the half swing, the hip snap is Eust more powerful and the Dbell should swing up to about shoulder height.
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Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
The burpee is one of the greatest total1body conditioning exercises of all timeQ it can be performed with nothing, but your own body weight, it works nearly every muscle in your body and reKuires very little space. Start the burpee in a standing position. Rump your feet back and land in a push1up position. Ho a push1up, Eump your feet forward and Eump in the air. 6epeat for reps
© 2013 Forest Vance Training, Inc. 20 htt!""#orest$ance.co%
Hybrid Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning
SA'at to $erhead )ress To perform the sKuat, start with your feet between hip and shoulder width apart, and your toes pointed straight ahead or slightly out. #eight is back through the heels, chest is tall, and shoulder blades are pushed down and back. Sit back as if you=re sitting on a chair. The lower legs should stay completely vertical. !magine that you are stuck in cement up to your knees. !n the rack sKuat, the kettlebell is simply racked on one sideQ this adds a uniKue core and stabili@ation challenge to the exercise.
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