Hwy Pre Int Unittests Answers

August 27, 2017 | Author: Gökhan Çalışkan | Category: Business, Computing And Information Technology
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Hwy Pre Int Unittests Answers...


Headway New

Unit tests answers


6 2  come ​​3  ’m staying ​4  find ​5  saving ​6  enjoy ​

Unit 1  Test A

7 meet ​ 8 feels ​ 9 hope ​ 10 go ​ 11 see ​ 12 met ​ 13 ’ll

1 2 Where were you born

3 Why are you here in Chicago 4 What are you studying 5 What did you do in India / What was your job in India 6 How often do you go back to India

2 2 How much, a

3 4 5 6

How long, h Whose, d How many, i Which, f


7 8 9 10

Why, j Who, c When, e Where, g

3 2 Who’s ​3 Whose ​4 who’s ​5 Who’s ​6 Who’s ​ 7 Whose ​8 whose

7 2 playing  3 win  4 training  5 speak  6 living  7 am  8 eat  9 are  10 use

8 2  good ​​3  terrible ​4  Heavy ​5  busy ​6  high 9 2  a ​​3  b ​4  a ​5  a ​6  b ​7  b 10 2  at ​​3  to ​4  for ​5  about ​6  at ​7  on ​8  in 11 Students’ own answers 12 2 My pleasure.

3 I’m just looking. ​4 Lovely day today. ​ 5 No, sorry. It isn’t.

4 2  running ​​3  use ​4  swapped ​5  ’s ​6  talked ​

Unit 2  Test A

7 catching ​8 feeling ​9 is ​10 couldn’t

5 2 come ​3 live ​4 came ​5 study ​6 like ​7 got ​ 8 have ​9 can ​10 go ​11 going ​12 met ​ 13 getting

6 2  amazed ​​3  embarrassing ​4  amazing ​

1 2  b ​​3  c ​4  b ​5  a ​6  c ​7  a ​8  b ​9  a  ​10  b ​11  c

2 2 shop ​ 3  driving ​ 4  make ​ 5  ’re/are having ​ 6 ’re/are, making ​ 7 ’s/is coming ​ 8 have  ​9  ’re/are making ​10  ’m/am shopping ​ 11  does, come

5 embarrassed ​ 6 interested

7 2  play ​​3  go ​4  speak ​5  does ​6  make ​7  buy ​ 8 Tell ​9 say ​10 pay

8 2  about ​​3  at ​4  for ​5  to ​6  about ​7  on ​

3 2  I do ​3  he does ​4  he/she doesn’t ​5  I do ​

6  I am ​7  they aren’t ​8  she hasn’t ​9  they do ​ 10  I do ​11  I haven’t

8 for

9 2  delicious ​​3  long ​4  heavy ​5  busy ​6  high

4 2  Have you got ​3  have ​4  never have ​

5 don’t have ​ 6 has ​ 7 do you have ​ 8 haven’t ​ 9 have

10 2  b ​​3  a ​4  a ​5  b ​6  b ​7  b 11 2  My pleasure. ​3  I’m fine, thanks. ​

4  Lovely day today. ​5  It doesn’t matter.  ​6  What’s the problem? ​7  Same to you.

5 2 ’s ​3 does, play ​4 doing ​5 ’s chilling ​ 6 ’s practising/’s playing ​7 ’s ​ 8 has ​ 9 does, work ​ 10 works ​ 11 doing ​ 12  ’s taking ​13  does, earn

12 Students’ own answers

Unit 1  Test B

​6 Same to you. 7 Never mind. Perhaps another time.

6 2  love ​​3  thinks ​4  doesn’t matter ​5  own ​ 6 looks ​ 7 don’t believe

1 2  Whose ​​3  Who’s ​4  Who’s ​5  who’s ​6  Whose ​

7 2  text ​​3  download ​4  get ​5  chatting ​6  nothing ​

2 2 Where do you come from?

8 2  optimistic ​​3  envious ​4  depressed ​5  passionate ​

7 who’s ​ 8 who’s

3 Are you married? 4 When did you start learning English? 5 How much English did you know when you came here? 6 Why are you studying English?

3 2  Why, f ​3  Which, h ​4  Whose, b ​5  What, c ​ 6  How many, i ​7  How much, a ​8  Who, j ​ 9  When, d ​10  Where, g

4 2 disappointed  3 exciting  4 disappointing 5 boring  6 bored

5 2  had ​​3  study ​4  were ​5  had ​6  enjoy ​7  live ​ 8 feeling ​9 speak ​10 going

7 football ​ 8 plays 6 afraid

9 2  envious ​​3  passionate ​4  afraid ​5  depressed ​ 6 optimistic

10 2 What time do they get up?

3 What’s your girlfriend’s name?/What’s your girlfriend called? 4 What time does he usually start work? 5 Do you work hard? 6 How often does she see her neighbours?

11 2  10 d ​3  12 e ​4  7 b ​5  8 c ​6  9 a 12 Students’ own answers Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012


Headway New

Unit tests answers  Continued Unit 2  Test B


5 /d/ admired, refused, closed, listened, called

/t/ looked, worked, stopped, laughed, watched, walked /id/ recorded, appreciated, protested, decided

1 2  I do ​3  they do ​4  he isn’t ​5  she doesn’t ​

6  we aren’t ​7  they are ​8  we have ​9  we do ​ 10  he doesn’t ​11  I am

2 2  b ​​3  c ​4  c ​5  a ​6  a ​7  b ​8  a ​9  c ​10  a ​ 11 c

3 2  sends ​​3  ’m walking ​4  play ​5  ’s having ​

6 playing ​7 ’s coming ​8 has ​9 ’re making ​ 10  ’m sending ​11  do, come

4 2  mean, don’t understand ​3  don’t believe ​ 4  thinks, don’t agree ​5  love

5 2  Have you got ​3  have ​4  never have ​

5  doesn’t have ​6  ’ve got ​7  do they have ​8  hasn’t ​ 9 have

6 2 ’s ​3 has ​4 ’s ​5 ’s ​6 doing ​7 ’s having ​

8 are discussing ​9 plays ​10 does, play ​11 doing ​ 12  ’s chilling ​13  ’s practising

7 2  stressed ​​3  satisfied ​4  bitter ​5  jealous ​ 6 refreshed

8 2  positive ​​3  jealous ​4  bitter ​5  refreshed ​ 6 satisfied

9 2  sending ​​3  downloads ​4  get ​5  chats ​6  doing ​ 7 watch ​8 plays

10 2  7 d ​3  11 e ​4  12 b ​5  9 f ​6  10 a 11 2 Do they invite you to their parties?

3 4 5 6

Do your neighbours often make too much noise? Where did you buy that laptop? Have you got a boyfriend? What’s she wearing today?

6 2 What were you doing yesterday evening?

2 2 Why did he leave England?

3 4 5 6 7 8

When did you arrive at the camp? How far did you walk? Where did she meet her companion? What did she do before going to bed? What did you decide to take on the trip? Who did they want to meet?

3 1  saw ​​2  was lying, flew ​3  didn’t go, was ​ 4  was having, heard ​5  stole, was waiting ​ 6  lost, stood up, started

4 2  got ​​3  disappeared ​4  was ​5  had ​6  took ​ 7 reported ​8 were looking ​9 were talking ​ 10 was looking ​11 took ​12 were recording ​ 13  didn’t show

When did they arrive at the police station? What was he wearing? Did she talk to them? Where did the explosion take place?

6 patiently

8 2  badly ​​3  clearly ​4  fast ​5  late ​6  hard ​ 7 completely ​ 8 honestly ​ 9 well ​ 10 slowly

9 2 Do you still see him often?

3 I was quietly watching TV at home / I was watching TV at home quietly, when I heard a really loud explosion. 4 I just got back from holiday tonight. 5 First check your work carefully for mistakes. 6 Does he ever drive fast? 7 I’m only eighteen years old and I already earn $100,000 a year.

10 2 the nineteenth of September, September the

nineteenth 3 the third of May, May the third 4 the twenty-first of December, December the twentyfirst 5 the first of April, April the first

11 Students’ own answers 12 2  at ​​3  in ​4  – ​5  in ​6  in ​ 13 Students’ own answers

Unit 3  Test B 1 1  flew ​​2  was lying, bit ​3  started, finished ​

4  Did you go, did you stay ​5  came, was climbing ​ 6  doing, arrived

1 2  left ​​3  arrived ​4  walked ​5  met ​6  took ​ 7 decided ​8 wanted

3 4 5 6

7 2  fluently ​​3  carefully ​4  badly ​5  bravely ​

12 Students’ own answers

Unit 3  Test A


2 2  beat ​​3  cut ​4  took ​5  bled ​6  went ​7  drove ​ 8 fought

3 2 Who did Manchester United beat in the FA Cup

3 4 5 6 7 8

Final? What did he cut his finger with? How long did the journey take? What did the injured police officer do? Where did she go? Where did you drive? How did the soldiers fight?

4 /d/ lived, died, refused, listened, starred

/t/ walked, stopped, laughed, worked /id/ mended, wanted, recorded, decided

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Headway New

Unit tests answers  Continued 5 2 were talking ​3 saw ​4 took ​5 were recording ​ 6 didn’t show ​7 stole ​8 got ​9 drove  ​10  was wearing ​11  had ​12  took ​13  reported


7 Chemist

2, 4 Supermarket 1, 5 Clothes shop 3, 10 Off-licence 6, 9 Newsagent 8 Café 7

6 2 Why did you go to Shanghai?

3 4 5 6 7

When did they plant the bomb? How did you break your arm? Why weren’t you listening? Who was on strike? Did he pay a fine?

7 2 My son is already thirty years old and he still lives at


4 5 6 7

home. Do you always win easily when you play tennis with your dad? First she checked her emails, then she started work. Always check your work carefully for mistakes. Does he really speak Hindi fluently? We work hard and we party hard too.

8 2 the twenty-seventh of December, December the

twenty-seventh 3 the fifth of July, July the fifth 4 the thirty-first of October, October the thirty-first 5 the second of January, January the second

9 Students’ own answers 10 2  badly ​​3  completely ​4  fast ​5  late ​6  regularly ​ 7 just ​8 well ​9 quietly ​10 easily

11 2  fluently ​​3  passionately ​4  heavily ​5  bravely ​ 6 patiently

12 Students’ own answers 13 2 on ​3  – ​4  – ​5  on ​6  In ​7  in

Unit 4  Test A 1 2  some ​​3  much ​4  some ​5  any ​6  a few ​ 7 any ​8 some ​9 some ​10 any ​

2 2  any ​​3  any ​4  some ​5  many ​6  many ​

7 much ​8 much ​9 a little ​10 a lot of ​11 a few

3 2  No ​​3  no ​4  some, no ​5  some ​6  any ​ 7 where ​8 thing ​9 thing ​10 where

4 1 everyone, somebody

2 nobody, everyone, somebody 3 something, anything, a little 4 anywhere, somewhere, a few

5 1  a ​​2  a, the ​3  the ​4  a, – ​5  – ​6  – ​7  a 6 2 Can you give me the recipe for this delicious soup?

3 4 5 6

I always drink a glass of apple juice at breakfast. We live in the south of England near the sea. Did they come to work by bus? Do you ever use the internet to do your food shopping? 7 I go on holiday three times a year.


8 2  a litre ​3  a kilo ​4  a can ​5  a bottle ​ 6  a slice/a piece ​7  a pair ​8  packet ​ 9  a piece/a slice

9 A ​2  Yes, it’s over there… ​3  Thanks. How much … ​ 4  35p. ​5  Oh, and I’ll have … ​6  OK. That’s … 7  Here you are.

B ​2  What size? ​3  One medium … ​4  And would you like… ​5  Yes, please. ​6  That’s …

10 1 b ​2  c, e ​3  h, g ​4  d, f 11 Students’ own answers

Unit 4  Test B 1 2  where ​​3  one ​4  thing ​5  one ​6  Every ​7  No ​ 8 any ​ 9 some ​ 10 No ​ 11 some

2 2  some ​​3  some ​4  any ​5  many ​6  much ​

7 much ​ 8 Many ​ 9 a lot of ​ 10 a little ​ 11 a few

3 2  any ​​3  many ​4  a few ​5  any ​6  a few ​7  any ​ 8 some ​ 9 some ​ 10 any ​ 11 some

4 2 an, the ​3 – ​4 – ​5 the ​6 – ​7 a 5 2 They have a son and a daughter.

3 4 5 6 7

Do they eat meat? He goes to work by taxi. She’s got a lot of shopping bags to carry. Do you live near the town centre? Happiness is more important than earning a lot of money. 8 Could everyone sit down? It’s time for lunch. 9 This is the first automated restaurant in Europe.

6 1  nothing, anyone ​2  somewhere, everyone, a bit ​

3  anywhere, everywhere ​4  Something, anything, a bit

7 2  a litre ​3  a kilo ​4  a can ​5  a bottle ​

6  a slice/piece ​7  a pair ​8  a packet ​9  a piece/slice

8 2  the ​​3  much ​4  a ​5  Do ​6  ’m ​7  Can/Could ​ 8 of ​ 9 something ​ 10 allergic ​ 11 am ​ 12 every

9 Off-licence 1

Chemist 5, 7 Café 10 Supermarket 2, 4, 9 Newsagent 3 Clothes shop 6, 8

10 Students’ own answers 11 1 f  2 d, g ​3 c, h ​4 a, e Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012


Headway New

Unit tests answers  Continued Unit 5  Test A 1 2  apply ​​3  cycling ​4  celebrating ​5  to have ​ 6 do ​7 learning ​8 hopes ​9 leave

2 2 a Yes, I do. b No, I’d get bored.

3 a Anywhere that’s sunny! b I’d love to, but I’m too busy. 4 a Do you? I hate them. b Can I play too? 5 a Where would they go? b Yes, I do too. 6 a She’d love to. b She loves it!

3 2  ’ll go ​3  ’re going ​4  ’m working ​5  ’re going to ​


7 stay ​8 cooking ​9 go ​10 see ​11 camping ​ 12 love ​13 buy

5 2 They enjoy learning foreign languages.

3 Don’t worry, I’ll give your boss a warm welcome. 4 Would you like to come for a drink with me? 5 I think you are going to pass your driving test this time. 6 Are you doing anything interesting this weekend? 7 I’m looking forward to seeing you.

6 2  down ​​3  out ​4  off ​5  on ​6  at ​7  up ​ 8 back ​9 away

7 2  on ​​3  away ​4  up ​5  round ​6  off 8 2 When does the plane take off?

3 I’ll look this word up / look up this word in the dictionary. 4 We’ve run out of sugar! 5 I fell out with my brother yesterday. 6 He’s going to give up his job when he is 55 so he can spend more time playing golf. 7 She hopes to pick up a bit of Spanish while she’s on holiday. 8 You get on well with your boss.

9 2  away ​​3  up ​4  away ​5  off ​6  back ​7  out ​ 8 up

10 Students’ own answers 11 2  Perhaps. ​3  I think so. ​4  Mmm … maybe. ​ 5  Sorry, no chance. ​6  I don’t think so. ​ 7  I don’t think so.

Unit 5  Test B 1 2  ’m going ​3  ’ll ​4  ’m working ​5  ’s going to be ​ 6 ’ll ​7 ’m staying ​8 ’ll have ​9 ’ll live

2 2  studying ​​3  cycling ​4  to celebrate ​5  to have ​ 6 travelling ​7 learning ​8 wants ​9 leaving

3 2 a No, I don’t. b Yes, I’d love to.

3 a Yes, it’s OK. b Yes, good idea. 4 a I hate it. b I’ll help you.

5 a So do I. b You’ll get bored. 6 a Yes, please. b Do you?

4 2 I enjoy eating foreign food.

3 4 5 6

He’s fed up with his stressful job. They want to work in New York. I’d love to pass my driving test this time. What will you do this summer? / What are you doing this summer? 7 She’s looking forward to meeting you.

5 2  go ​​3  ride ​4  camping ​5  love ​6  surfing ​

7 thinking ​ 8 looking ​ 9 take ​ 10 see ​ 11 stay ​ 12 cooking ​ 13 see

6  ’m coming ​7  ’ll ask ​8  ’ll take ​9  ’s going to

4 2  surfing ​​3  thinking ​4  looking ​5  take ​6  see ​


6 2  back ​​3  at ​4  back ​5  on ​6  out ​7  away ​ 8 off ​ 9 up

7 2  on ​​3  away ​4  up ​5  round ​6  off 8 2  out ​​3  away ​4  out ​5  off ​6  back ​7  round ​ 8 at

9 2 Is the plane taking off now?

3 Joe will look up the bus times/look the bus times up on his computer. 4 I’m going to give up my job when I go travelling. 5 Do you think you’ll pick up any Italian on holiday? 6 She gets on well with her mother. 7 We’ve run out of petrol. 8 Did you fall out with your sister yesterday?

10 2  Definitely not. ​3  I think so. ​4  No chance. ​

5  Sorry, no chance. ​6  Definitely. ​7  Yes, absolutely.

11 Students’ own answers

Unit 6  Test A 1 2  d ​​3  g ​4  h ​5  b ​6  a ​7  c ​8  f 2 2 What’s the food like?

3 4 5 6

What do the children look like? What’s the weather like? What are the buildings like? What are New York taxis like?

3 b 6 ​c 3 ​d 1 ​e 4 ​f 5 4 2  the most exciting, the most important ​

3  the best, the most boring ​4  better, more expensive ​ 5  hotter, as hot ​6  harder than, the best ​ 7  moodier, more ambitious

5 2 ‘What are the shops like?’ ‘They are expensive.’ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

London isn’t as exciting as I hoped. Today is the hottest day of the year. Tokyo has a bigger population than Osaka. Do you earn the most money in your family? Who works the longest hours in your company? Let’s eat here. It’s cheaper than the other restaurant. ‘What is Heinrich like?’ ‘He’s really lovely.’ Today is warmer than yesterday. Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012


Headway New

Unit tests answers  Continued 11 ‘What are the people like?’ ‘They’re very cosmopolitan.’

6 2  happy, sad ​3  easy, difficult ​4  intelligent, stupid ​


Unit 7  Test A 1 2  Have ​​3  have lived ​4  did you do ​5  moved ​ 6  haven’t seen ​7  got ​8  did he do ​ 9  did you inherit ​10  have you known ​11  died

5  rich, poor ​6  awful, lovely ​7  noisy, quiet

7 2  pleased ​​3  louder ​4  cleverest ​5  tiny ​ 6 difficult ​7 terrible

2 3 do, work ​4 have, worked ​5 left ​6 did, meet ​

7 have, known ​8 did, talk ​ 9 talked ​ 10 Do, have ​ 11 did, cost ​ 12 paid

8 2  clean ​​3  interesting ​4  clever/intelligent ​

5 happy/cheerful ​ 6 creative ​7 polite ​8 cheap

9 2  rude ​​3  awful ​4  better ​5  noisy ​6  louder ​

7 messier ​8 most exciting ​9 friendlier ​10 better ​ 11  good as

10 2  b ​​3  a ​4  a ​5  b ​6  b ​7  b ​8  a 11 Students’ own answers

Unit 6  Test B 1 2  more exciting, as beautiful ​3  better, cleverest ​

4  the most beautiful, busiest ​5  wetter than, as cold ​ 6  the hottest, driest ​7  worse, cheaper

3 2  is ​​3  had ​4  finished ​5  moved ​6  began ​ 7 grew ​ 8 used ​ 9 enjoys ​ 10 ’ve, been ​ 11  ’ve, written

4 2  since ​​3  since ​4  for ​5  for ​6  since ​7  for ​ 8 since ​ 9 for ​ 10 since ​ 11 for

5 2 Who taught you to cook?

3 Bangkok isn’t as hectic as he expected. 4 Yesterday was the hottest day of the year. 5 Birmingham has a bigger population than Manchester. 6 Do you earn the most money in your family? 7 Does Bill work longer hours than you? 8 Which is the most expensive restaurant in town? 9 ‘What’s Marlena like?’ ‘She’s very honest and hardworking.’ 10 This week is colder than last week. 11 ‘What are the theatres like?’ ‘They are expensive.’

3 4 5 6

What’s the weather like? What are London taxis like? What’s the food like? What do your cousins look like?

Have you ever won any prizes? Have you watched any cookery programmes on TV? Have you ever thought of moving to the USA? How much money have you made?

5 actor ​ 6 scientist ​ 7 electrician ​ 8 lawyer ​ 9 receptionist ​ 10 farmer ​ 11 politician

7 2  invitation ​​3  behave ​4  explain ​5  inheritance ​ 6 ambitious ​ 7 help ​ 8 critic ​ 9 dangerous ​ 10 successful

8 2  competition ​​3  invite ​4  behave ​5  dangerous ​ 6  critic ​7 inherit ​8  help

9 2 behave ​​3  kindness ​4  danger ​5  compete ​ 6 employ ​7  discussion ​8  collection

10 2 9, e ​3  8, b ​4  10, a ​5  12, f ​6  7, d 11 Students’ own answers

3 2  d ​​3  g ​4  f ​5  b ​6  h ​7  c ​8  a 4 2 What are the buildings like?

3 4 5 6

6 2  photographer ​​3  accountant ​4  decorator ​

2 2 ‘What’s the city like?’ ‘It’s very safe.’


Unit 7  Test B 1 2  for ​​3  since ​4  for ​5  since ​6  for ​7  since ​ 8 since ​ 9 since ​ 10 for ​ 11 for

2 2 What did you do at the weekend?

8 2  unfriendly ​​3  terrible ​4  better ​5  busiest ​

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 2  cheap ​​3  modern/up-to-date ​4  poor ​5  happy ​

3 2 Who taught you to use a camera?

5 b 4 ​c 6 ​d 1 ​e 3 ​f 2 6 2  sad ​​3  old ​4  selfish ​5  good-looking ​ 6 well-behaved ​7 quiet

7 2  pleased ​​3  hotter ​4  huge ​5  most cheerful ​ 6 sad ​7 amazing

6 friendlier/(more) friendly ​ 7 better ​8 good as ​ 9 shy ​10 chatty ​11 untidier/more untidy

6 interesting ​7 polite ​8 big

10 2  b ​​3  b ​4  a ​5  a ​6  b ​7  b ​8  a 11 Students’ own answers

What did he do before he became a politician? Have you ever been married? When did you inherit all that money? I haven’t seen you for months! How are you? My great-grandmother died last year. We stayed here for two weeks on holiday last year. She moved to Barcelona in 2001. How long have you known the Duke and Duchess? They’re charming! 11 They got back from their holiday last night.

3 Have you won any competitions? 4 Have you photographed any members of the royal family? 5 Have you ever thought of doing anything else as a career? Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012


Headway New

Unit tests answers  Continued


6 Have you made a lot of money?

4 2 have, had ​3 did, cost ​4 paid ​5 do, do ​6 ’m ​ 7  do, work  8  have, worked ​9  did, meet ​ 10 have, known ​11 talked

5 2  politician ​​3  electrician ​4  actor ​5  accountant ​ 6 lawyer ​7 farmer ​8 interpreter ​9 scientist ​ 10 artists ​11 musician

10 allergic ​ 11 prescription

12 Students’ own answers

Unit 8  Test B 1 2 Are boys better at making conversation?

6 2  loves ​​3  ’ve/have, been ​4  ’ve/have, written ​

7 2  explanation ​​3  collect ​4  discuss ​5  inheritance ​

2 Students’ own answers

5 runs ​6 had ​7 finished ​8 moved ​9 started ​ 10 grew ​11 used

6 kind ​7 friend ​8 danger ​9 responsible ​ 10 helpful

8 2  discuss ​​3  explain ​4  inherit ​5  kind ​ 6 Danger ​7 responsible ​8 friend

10 Students’ own answers 11 2  9, e ​3  8, b ​4  11, a ​5  12, f ​6  7, d

6  have to ​7  Did, have to ​8  Do, have to ​9  can’t ​ 10  can’t ​11  don’t have to

4 2  don’t have to ​3  have to ​4  had to ​

5  can’t, has to ​6  can’t ​7  Did, have to ​ 8 can’t ​ 9 don’t/didn’t have to ​10 can’t

5 2  loud ​​3  sensitive ​4  competitive ​5  untidy ​ 6 quiet ​ 7 polite ​ 8 sporty ​ 9 chatty ​ 10 boisterous

6 2  sporty ​​3  sensitive ​4  competitive ​5  quiet ​ 6 polite ​ 7 loud ​ 8 chatty ​ 9 boisterous ​ 10 untidy

7 2  national ​​3  have played/have been playing ​

4 worldwide ​ 5 appearing ​ 6 must ​ 7 catch ​ 8 can’t ​ 9 more ​ 10 can’t ​ 11 don’t have ​ 12 must ​ 13 must ​ 14 fit

2 2  b ​​3  b ​4  b ​5  a ​6  b ​7  a ​8  a ​9  b ​10  b ​ 11 a

3 2 Are boys better at playing computer games?

3 Who is better at learning another language? 4 Who can play football the best?/Who can play the best football? 5 Are boys the best at maths? 6 Do you think women are better drivers than men?/ Do you think men are better drivers than women?

4 Students’ own answers

8 2  a ​​3  e ​4  c ​5  d ​6  b 9 2  I haven’t slept … ​3  OK. Let me … ​4  Yes, it does. ​ 5  Well, you have … ​6  No, I’m not. ​ 7  OK. I’ll write …

10 Students’ own answers 11 2  e ​​3  d ​4  c ​5  b ​6  a ​7  f 12 2 T-shirts ​3 jacket ​4 sunglasses ​5 trousers ​

6 jeans ​ 7 gold ​ 8 grandfather’s ​ 9 silk ​ 10 jeans ​ 11 aftershave ​ 12 boots

5 2  comes ​​3  popular ​4  can ​5  outside ​

6 bit of ​7 few ​8 must ​9 must ​10 must ​ 11 behave ​12 have to ​13 train

6 2  j ​​3  i ​4  b ​5  h ​6  a ​7  c ​8  f ​9  d ​10  g 7 2  untidy ​​3  chatty ​4  gentle ​5  competitive ​

6 quiet ​7 sporty ​8 polite, boisterous ​9 sensitive

8 2  denim ​​3  silk ​4  leather ​5  wool ​6  silver ​ 7 cotton

9 2  silk ​​3  shirt ​4  wool ​5  aftershave ​6  skirts ​ 7 scarf ​8 earrings ​9 denim ​10 make-up

10 2  d ​​3  e ​4  a ​5  f ​6  b 11 2 the matter ​3 felt well ​4 aches ​5 hot ​

6 temperature ​ 7 swollen ​8 swallow ​9 infection ​

Who is the best at playing sports? Who can talk about their feelings? Do you think girls are the best at maths? Are women better drivers than men?/Are men better drivers than women?

11 a

Unit 8  Test A 1 2 can’t ​3 didn’t have to ​4 have to ​5 can’t ​

3 4 5 6

3 2  b ​​3  b ​4  b ​5  a ​6  a ​7  a ​8  b ​9  b ​10  b ​

9 2 decide ​​3  critic ​4  dangerous ​5  compete ​ 6 explain ​7  invitation ​8  decision


Unit 9  Test A 1 2  got ​​3  met ​4  was playing ​5  was watching ​ 6 doing

2 2 The driver arrived and we set off immediately.

3 Did it start to rain while you were having your picnic? 4 You didn’t tell me that you had seen the film already. 5 As soon as he saw the monster, he ran off screaming. 6 What were you doing last night when I called?

3 2  c ​​3  b ​4  c ​5  a ​6  b ​7  a ​8  b ​9  b ​10  a ​ 11 c

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Unit tests answers  Continued 4 2  so ​​3  Although ​4  because ​5  although ​6  so 5 2 The train had finally arrived so we got on it.

3 She felt homesick although she hadn’t been away from home for long. 4 Everyone said the autobiography was amazing but nobody had read it. 5 As soon as we had published the book it became a best-seller. 6 Until he spoke I hadn’t realized he wasn’t English. 7 I had just fallen asleep when the phone rang. 8 I whispered my secret to her after she had sworn not to tell anyone./After I had whispered my secret to her she swore not to tell anyone.

6 2  met ​​3  aren’t you riding ​4  put ​5  continued ​

6 rides ​7 walk ​8 get ​9 hadn’t gone ​10 put ​ 11 were walking ​12 decided ​ 13 kicked ​ 14 dropped ​15 fell ​16 drowned

7 2  homesick ​​3  lonely ​4  angry ​5  disappointed ​ 6 scared ​7 amazed ​8 proud ​9 delighted

8 2  delighted ​​3  disappointed ​4  scared ​5  lonely ​ 6 angry ​7 proud ​8 amazed ​9 nervous

9 2  h ​​3  d ​4  a ​5  f ​6  c ​7  e ​8  b 10 2 Dickens has such good characters in his books!

3 I didn’t know you had such a well-known author in the family. 4 I visited Deepak at the weekend. He was so surprised to see me! 5 We had such good weather on holiday. We were so lucky! 6 His behaviour was absolutely awful. I was so upset! 7 London was very busy today. There were so many people there!

11 2 so many ​3 so ​4 such ​5 so ​6 such a ​ 7 so many ​8 so

12 Students’ own answers

Unit 9  Test B 1 2  so ​​3  Although ​4  because ​5  because ​6  so 2 2 He cried after she had told him her secret.

3 Although she had worked hard, she felt nervous about her exams. 4 As soon as I said the words, I knew I had made a mistake. 5 We had just got to the station when the train arrived. 6 Everyone said the book was awful but nobody had actually read it. 7 They had already eaten pizza so they weren’t hungry at dinner time. 8 Until she fainted I hadn’t realized that she was so ill.

3 2  got ​​3  lent ​4  was walking ​5  was reading ​ 6 doing



4 2 We didn’t find the money because the thief had

3 4 5 6

hidden it so well. Did you see the suspect’s face before he ran away? You didn’t tell me that you had eaten supper already. As soon as I heard the cry, I ran to find help. What were you doing last night when I met you?

5 2  b ​​3  a ​4  c ​5  a ​6  b ​7  a ​8  a ​9  c ​ 10 a ​ 11 c

6 2  running ​​3  woke ​4  put ​5  opened ​

6 had to ​ 7 lifted ​ 8 had caught ​ 9 wanted ​ 10 had tied ​ 11 looked ​ 12 passed ​ 13 saw ​ 14 bit ​ 15 Wasn’t I

7 2  f ​​3  g ​4  e ​5  a ​6  d ​7  h ​8  c 8 2  so ​​3  such ​4  such, so ​5  such a ​6  such a ​ 7 so

9 2 such a ​3 so many ​4 such a ​5 so ​6 so many ​ 7 so ​ 8 so

10 2  g ​​3  i ​4  e ​5  a ​6  h ​7  d ​8  c ​9  f 11 2  delighted ​​3  stressed ​4  scared ​5  lonely ​ 6 jealous ​ 7 upset ​ 8 amazed ​ 9 nervous

12 Students’ own answers

Unit 10  Test A 1 2  are often called ​3  won’t be ​

4 aren’t manufactured ​5 made ​ 6 was ​ 7 invented ​ 8 will be ​ 9 been ​ 10 listed  11 Was

2 2 Who was Google founded by?

3 When was the first text message sent? 4 My mobile phone was stolen from my handbag. 5 Many new apps have been added to the phone this month. 6 Was the telephone invented by John Logie Baird? 7 The lights haven’t been switched off yet. 8 The Social Network was directed by David Fincher. 9 Barack Obama was awarded a Nobel Prize in 2009. 10 Around two million iPads were sold in the first two months. 11 A new generation of smartphones will be introduced next year.

3 2  will be employed ​3  was founded ​4  were made ​ 5 completed ​ 6 bought ​ 7 been decorated ​ 8  will be told ​9  throw ​10  were printed ​ 11  were received

4 2 A secure password is needed to access your account.

3 4 5 6

When was the new web browser launched? Nearly anything can be bought on eBay. A huge amount of plastic is thrown away every day. A new pocket-sized mini-computer will be launched. 7 Were any packages delivered this morning? Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012


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Unit tests answers  Continued



8 When was penicillin discovered (by Alexander Fleming)? 9 A lot of things were put in the basement. 10 Bad weather has been predicted for the next few days. 11 Is his blog updated everyday?

6 2  have worked/have been working ​3  founded ​

5 2 is searched ​3 began ​4 introduced ​5 searched ​

7 2 A huge amount of plastic is thrown away every day.

6  were transferred ​7  to share ​8  was prosecuted ​ 9  were shut down / shut down ​10  reopened ​ 11  were developed

6 business

computer phone radio

man, card, news, deal program, virus, laptop card, number, call waves, programme

7 2  business card ​3  radio programmes ​ 4  computer program ​5  phone call

8 2  made ​​3  send ​4  played ​5  make ​6  taken ​ 7 take ​8 done ​9 start ​10 take ​11 done

4  will tell ​5  were made ​ 6  Were, received/Have, been received ​7  throw ​ 8 decorate ​ 9 made ​ 10 was completed ​ 11  was printed

A deal was announced on 14 March 2010. What kind of things are stored in your basement? A cure for cancer hasn’t been found yet. When was the new web browser launched? Good weather is predicted for this weekend! Some mistakes were made in the construction of this building. 9 A secure password is needed to access your account. 10 A new pocket-sized mini-computer will be launched. 11 The boss is kept up to date with what’s going on.

8 2 was shown ​3 were ​4 were invited 

​5  was attended ​6  were told ​7  was ​8  led ​9  find ​ 10 created ​ 11 sold

9 2 Well-done ​3 well-dressed ​4 well-equipped ​ 5 badly-paid ​6 badly-behaved ​ 7 badly-written

10 2  Sorry, you’re breaking up.

3  Can we meet on Saturday instead?  4  I’m not sure. ​5  Speak to you later! ​ 6  I’m trying to get hold of Clara LeRoy. ​ 7  Have you tried her mobile? ​ 8  I don’t have her number. ​9  Thanks for your help. ​ 10  No problem. ​11  That’s great.

11 Students’ own answers

Unit 10  Test B 1 phone

number, call, card business man, news, deal, card radio waves computer website, program, virus, laptop

3 4 5 6 7 8

9 2 I’m afraid his line’s busy. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

It’s ringing for you now. How can I help? Sorry, who am I speaking to? I’m sorry but Dr Pierce is out to lunch until two. Hello, this is Liv from Petersson Gund. Is it urgent? Please ask her to call back as soon as she can. Will do.

10 Students’ own answers 11 2 well-paid ​3 badly-equipped ​4 well-known ​ 5 well-done ​ 6 well-behaved ​ 7 badly-dressed

Unit 11  Test A

2 2  phone calls ​3  Radio waves ​4  laptop computers ​

1 2  Have, installed ​3  have, had ​4  has taken ​

3 2  done/started ​​3  starting ​4  send ​5  playing ​

2 2  has been working ​3  have, been coming ​

4 2 was invented ​3 sold ​4 have been ​5 been ​

3 2  loved ​​3  been seeing ​4  known ​5  cut ​

5 2 Mobiles are often used to take photos.

4 2  have you been driving ​3  hasn’t found ​

5  business news

6 done ​7 make ​8 start ​9 start ​10 take ​ 11 take

6 was ​7 invented ​8 Were ​9 required ​ 10 have been ​11 Isn’t

3 When was the first text message sent? 4 My laptop was taken from my bag. 5 Many new recipes have been added to my website. 6 Was the telephone invented by John Logie Baird? 7 The lights haven’t been switched off yet. 8 Were any special effects used in The X Men films? 9 Which president was awarded a Nobel Prize in 2009? 10 How many iPads were sold in the first two months? 11 I was introduced to you at the British Film Awards.

5  have asked ​6  Has, had

4  has been singing ​5  hasn’t been coping ​ 6  Have, been touring

6 been digging ​ 7 seen ​ 8 had ​ 9 bought ​ 10  been getting ​ 4  have, spent ​5  ’s gone ​6  ’s been taking ​ 7  ’ve been ​8  has been learning ​9  ’ve had ​ 10  have, been ​11  ’ve been hoping

5 2  covering ​​3  has ​4  caught up ​

5 has been touring ​6 is ​ 7 working ​ 8 performed ​ 9 raised ​ 10 been ​ 11 are

6 2 How long have you been working as an actor?

3 Have you made a lot of different films?

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Unit tests answers  Continued

4 5 6 7 8 9



6 2  covering ​​3  have ​4  caught up ​

Are you married? Have you been married before? Have you got/been divorced four times? Is it true (that) you are engaged? How long have you been seeing each other? Where are you going on honeymoon?/Where have you decided to go on honeymoon? 10 Are you planning to have any children? 11 Why not?

10 Students’ own answers

7 2 weighed, born ​3 pregnant, expecting ​4 birth

11 1 b  Yes, I have … ​c  Oh, why’s that … ​

5  been doing ​6  have been touring ​7  am ​ 8 working ​ 9 performed ​ 10 raised ​ 11 been

7 2  of ​​3  alive, dead ​4  death, miss 8 2 birth, weighed ​3  expecting, pregnant ​4  born 9 2  a ​​3  e ​4  d ​5  f ​6  b

d  They’ve decided … ​e  I’m sorry to hear … ​ f  I know. …

8 2 split up ​3 engaged ​4 divorced ​5 widowed ​ 6 honeymoon

9 2 death, miss ​3 died, funeral ​4 of

2 b  Oh mum, I’m so … ​c  I know. But she … ​ d  Well, that’s good … ​e  Well, he’s very tired …  f  Do you know …

3 b  Freddie and I … ​c  That’s fantastic …  ​d  I know. I still … ​e  Have you set a … ​ f  We’re thinking of …

10 1 b  Fantastic news … ​c  A girl … ​

d  And how are … ​e  They’re absolutely … ​ f  Well, give Jenny …

2 b  Wow … ​c  Yes, I … ​d  Have you … ​ e  We’re thinking … ​f  Well, I’d …

3 b  No, but … ​c  What’s been … ​ d  I’m not sure … ​e  Are they … ​ f  Yes, I think …

Unit 12  Test A 1 2  might ​​3  will ​4  will ​5  won’t ​6  won’t ​

7 might ​ 8 might ​ 9 might ​ 10 They might. ​ 11 might

11 Students’ own answers

Unit 11  Test B 1 2 Is it true (that) you’re engaged?

3 How long have you been seeing each other? 4 Where have you decided to have your honeymoon?/ Where are you going to have your honeymoon? 5 Have you been married before? 6 How long have you been acting? 7 Have you made a lot of different films? 8 Who have you been working with this month? 9 Have HBO asked you to appear in a new TV series?/ Is it true that HBO have asked you to appear in a new TV series? 10 Are you expecting a baby? 11 Do you think you’ll be a good father?

2 2  Has, installed ​3  have, lived ​4  have been ​ 5  has asked ​6  Has, had

3 2  hasn’t been coping ​3  Has, been eating ​ 4  has, been writing ​5  ’ve been running ​ 6  has been living

4 2 have been ​3 been seeing ​4 known ​5 cut ​

6 been planting ​7 seen ​8 been going ​9 sold ​ 10 been getting ​11 done

5 2  has, been talking ​3  haven’t found 

4​   have, sent ​5  ’ve missed ​6  has been training ​ 7  ’ve been ​8  have been learning ​9  Have, had ​ 10  have, been ​11  ’ve been hoping

2 2 Are you going to talk to that good-looking girl?





I haven’t decided. I might offer her a drink or I might ask her to dance. When did the dinosaurs die out? I’m not sure. It might have been 50 million years ago or it might have been 60 million years ago. What are you watching on TV tonight? I don’t know. I might watch a programme on the solar system or I might watch a new DVD. What are you doing/are you going to do at the weekend? I haven’t decided. I might go cycling or I might go walking in the New Forest. How are you going to stay in touch? I don’t know. I might email or I might phone.

3 2  ’s, ’ll wear ​3  gets, ’ll go ​4  ’ll cut, use ​

5  ’ll open, get ​6  ’ll see, look ​7  will drive, need ​ 8  get, ’ll go ​9  start, ’ll feel ​10  is, will give ​ 11  ’ll put, are

4 2  didn’t have to, ’d learn ​3  could, wouldn’t be able

4  asked, would, say ​5  travelled, would be ​6  were, didn’t work

5 2  b ​​3  a ​4  a ​5  c ​6  c ​7  b ​8  a ​9  c ​ 10 a ​ 11 c

6 2  should ​​3  live ​4  died out ​5  appeared ​

6 Would ​ 7 isn’t ​ 8 bring ​ 9 look after ​ 10 were ​ 11 produce

7 2  with ​​3  at ​4  from ​5  on ​6  in ​7  to ​ 8 on/about ​ 9 with ​ 10 for ​ 11 by

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Unit tests answers  Continued



8 2  on ​​3  in ​4  on ​5  on ​6  of ​7  at ​8  about ​ 9 to ​10 for ​11 from/to

9 2  c ​​3  h ​4  f ​5  g ​6  a ​7  b ​8  k ​9  j ​10  i ​ 11 e

10 Students’ own answers

Unit 12  Test B 1 2  doesn’t rain, ’ll do ​3  comes, ’ll want ​

4  ’ll hurt, use ​5  ’ll close, get ​6  look, ’ll see ​ 7  will take, ’re ​8  come, ’ll turn ​9  go, ’ll feel ​ 10  will give, ’s ​11  ’ll cook, ’re

2 2  gave, wouldn’t spend ​3  Would, be, ’d be ​ 4  asked, would, laugh ​5  travelled, ’d be ​ 6  were, didn’t play

3 2  c ​​3  b ​4  a ​5  a ​6  c ​7  a ​8  a ​9  b ​10  c ​ 11 c

4 2 died out ​3 appeared ​4 alive ​5 should ​

6 Would ​7 wouldn’t ​8 brought ​9 take care ​ 10 were ​11 need

5 2 won’t ​3 will ​4 will ​5 will ​6 might ​7 will ​ 8 will ​9 might ​10 ’ll ​11 might

6 2 When are you going to see that good-looking boy

again? I’m not sure. I might see him tomorrow or I might see him at the weekend. 3 What are you going to do for your birthday? I don’t know exactly. I might have a party or I might go out for a meal with friends. 4 What are you going to study next year? I haven’t decided. I might study engineering or I might study maths. 5 What are you doing/are you going to do at the weekend? I don’t know. I might watch DVDs or I might play games on my Wii. 6 Where are you going after school? I’m not sure. I might go home or I might go to a friend’s house.

7 2  by ​​3  on ​4  on ​5  on ​6  of ​7  for ​8  for ​ 9 from/to ​10 for ​11 at

8 2  with ​​3  at ​4  on ​5  for ​6  for ​7  with ​8  by ​ 9 with ​10 at ​11 on

9 Students’ own answers 10 2  j ​​3  a ​4  e ​5  d ​6  b ​7  h ​8  f ​9  k  ​10  g ​11  c

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