DATA MINING FOR BUSINESS ANALYTICS Section 99: Spring 2015 Due: Saur!a" Saur!a"## Apri$ 1%# 2015# &a' Homework #4
_______________ (put your name above)
Total grade: _______ out of ______ points
This assignment will give you hands- on experience in building text classication models, using the application of email spam ltering !ou will use "e#a to convert the textual data (emails) into feature vectors and build text mining models for automatic spam ltering The email messages you will use were delivered to a particular server between $ %pr &'' and *ul &'' The target variable represents whether an email is either spam or ham (non-spam) +ollow the directions and answer any uestions !our report should not be verbose, but should present your results clearly and professionally .aveat: /sing large sets of words, building the models and evaluating them with cross-validation reuires a lot of memory The assignment as#s you to save your data les before each "e#a run 0n the in-class lab at the beginning of the semester, you should have increased your heapsi1e 0f for some reason you get memory2heap errors anyway, try restarting and avoiding having any other applications open, except where indicated 0f you have problems for more than 3 or 4' minutes, contact the T% or me--don5t spend time being frustrated with that6 4 7n the blac#board, you will nd a le called spam_data_Text.arf , which contains all the emails in our dataset and is in a format ready-to-input by "e#a 0f you were to open this le in "ord8ad or some other capable text editor, you would see that each instance is 9ust a string of the email text (between single uotes), with the target variable at the end Thus the ar le has two variables for each instance: the text string, and the target variable (called ;class;), which ta#es on two values, spam and ham To be able to build spam ltering predictive models, we need to convert the email texts into feature vectors and engineer the features !ou can do this by following the steps below: 4)
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