2.2.1. 2.2.1. A reserv reservoir oir has the the following following inflows inflows and outflows outflows (in cubic cubic meters) meters) for the first first three months of the year. If the storage at the beginning of January is 60 m ! determine the storage at the end of "arch
S j =S 0 +
I −Q ∑ = j
S j =60 +[ ( 4− 8 ) + ( 6 −11) +( 9−5 )] 3
S j =55 m
2.2.2. 2.2.2. #om$u #om$ute te the consta constant nt draft from from a %00&he %00&hect ctar aree reser reservoi voirr for for a 0&da 0&day y $er $eriod iod during which the reservoir level dro$$ed half a meter des$ite an average u$stream inflow of 200!000 m 'day. uring the $eriod! the total see$age loss was 2 cm! the total $reci$itation was 10.% cm! and the total eva$oration was .% cm. (1 hectare * 10 + m2).
500 ha = 5.000.000 m 2 ,utflow e!el dr"p = 0.5 # 5.000.000 = 2.5#10 6 m3
S j = I −Q S j =( 525.000 + 6.000 .000)−( 2.500 .000+ 100.000 + 425.000 ) S j =3.500.000 m
2.2.+. -rom the hydrologic records of over %0 years on a drainage basin of area %00 m2! the average annual rainfall is estimated as /0 cm and the average annual runoff as cm. A reservoir in the basin! having an average surface area of 100 hectares! is $lanned at the basin outlet to collect available runoff for su$$lying water to a nearby community. he annual eva$oration over the reservoir surface is estimated as 10 cm. here is no groundwater leaage or inflow to the basin. etermine the available average annual withdrawal from the reservoir for water su$$ly.
100 ha = 1.000.000 m 2 /eer!"ir area = 500 km2 = 500.000.000 m 2 N"nreer!"ir area = 500 1 = 4-3.000.000 m 2 ,utflow ,!ap"rati"n = 0.13 # 1.000.000 =
Inflow /(n")) = 0.33 # 4-3.000.000 = 159.390.000
22.100.000 m 3
m3 /ain)all = 0.9 # 1.000.000 = 15.300.000 m 3
S j = I −Q S j =( 159.390.000 + 15.300 .000 ) −(22.100 .000 ) S j =152.590.000 m
2.%.2. #alculate the velocity and flow rate of a uniform flow 1 m dee$ in a 0&m wide stream with a$$roimately rectangular cross section! bed slo$e 1 $ercent! and "anning3s n of 0.0%. #hec that the criterion for fully turbulent flow is satisfied.
R =
( 1∗30 ) A = =0.9375 P ( 1 + 30 + 1 )
2 /3
. √ S n
2/ 3
. √ 0.01
v =2.737
m s 3
m Q= v . A =82.11 s
(lly t(r(lent )l"* %riteri"n − 13
n . √ R . S ≥ 1.1∗10 6
− 13
. √ 0.9375 ∗0.01 ≥ 1.1∗10 − 10
≥ 1.1∗10
The )l"* i )(lly t(r(lent7
2.%.12. A rectangular o$en channel 12 m wide and 1 m dee$ has a slo$e of 0.001 and is lined with cemented rubble (n *0.02%). etermine (a) its maimum discharge ca$acity! and (b) the maimum discharge obtainable by changing the crosssectional dimensions without changing the rectangular form of the section! the slo$e! and the volume of ecavation. 4int5 the best hydraulic rectangular section has a minimum wetted $erimeter or a width&de$th ratio of 2.
a 8aim(m di%har&e %apa%ity R =
( 1∗12 ) A = =0.857 P ( 1 + 12 + 1 )
2 /3
. √ S n
2/ 3
. √ 0.001
0.02 5
v =1.141
m s 3
m Q= A ∗v =12∗1.141 = 13.692 s
8aim(m di%har&e %apa%ity *ith et hydra(li% e%ti"n b =2 h A = b∗ h=2 h 2h
h =2.45 m; b =2 h= 4.9 m
R =
( 2.45∗4.9 ) A = =1.225 P ( 2.45 + 4.9 + 2.45 )
2 /3
. √ S n
v =1.45
2 /3
. √ 0.001
m s
m Q= A ∗v =12∗1.45 = 17.4 s
2..2 olve 7rob. 2..1 if the fluid is water. Assume 8m *0.1% m 2's and $ *1000 g'm . #alculate and com$are the laminar and turbulent momentum flues at 20 cm elevation if v * 1.%1 10 96 m2's for water.
"r hear !el"%ity k = 0.4 u 1 Z = ln u ' k Z 0 −6
1.51 ∗10
1 0.4
0.2 0.01
u =2.016∗10
:el"%ity &radient '
du u = dz k ∗ z −7
du 2.016∗10 = 0.4∗ 0.2 dz
du =2.52∗10−6 dz :aminar
ρ∗v ∗du τ = dz
ρ ∗ Km∗du τ = dz −6
τ =1000∗1.51∗10
τ =3.81∗10
τ =3.78∗10
/ati" ") laminar and t(r(lent −4
R =
τ =1000∗0.15∗2.52∗10
h"* that the )l"* i rather t(r(lent.
2..%. he incoming radiation intensity on a lae is 200 ;'m2. #alculate the net radiation into the lae if the albedo is a * 0.06! the surface tem$erature is 00#! and the emissivity is 0./. 4
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