HW Data Service Worshop 1st Part

August 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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GP-Huawei Data Service Workshop part I (BSC6000V900R008C12) www.huawei.com


HUAWEI Confdential


Contents Channel Allocation and Basic Parameters Paramete rs BasicPS Concepts Channel Allocation Algorithm Dnamic Channel Conversion Algorithm Basic PS Parameters


HUAWEI Confdential

Page 2


Basic Concepts Channel #pe PCH t'%e $ased on t"e a%%liations 6 GP$S channel% dediated channel% dediated (o& t"e G7PS se&+ies 6 &GP$S 'ormal channel% *sed channel% *sed $' $ot" GP7S se&+ies and EGP7S se&+ies 6 &GP$S Priorit channel% *sed channel% *sed (o& EGP7S se&+ies %&e(e&a$l' and (o& GP7S se&+ies !"en t"e "annel is idle 6 &GP$S Special channel% dediated channel% dediated (o& t"e EGP7S se&+ies PCH t'%e $ased on t"e se&+ie *sage 6 Static channel channel al!a's *sed (o& t"e PS se&+ies 0onfg*&ed as a PCH1 6 Dnamic channel channel *sed (o& t"e CS8PS se&+ies 0onfg*&ed as a (*ll9&ate TCH1 !ulti-Slot Capa"ilit An MS is alloated !it" ti#eslots $ased on t"e %&io&it' o( t"e &e)*est se&+ie t'%e. T"e #ai#*# n*#$e& o( ti#eslots t"at a&e alloated to an MS !"ose #*ltislot lass is -- is as (ollo!s In t"e ase o( a se&+ie t'%e t"at is o( to% o& #iddle %&io&it' in t"e *%lin/, t"e n*#$e& o( alloated ti#eslots is 3 0do!nlin/1  2 0*%lin/1 i( t"e EA is not s*%%o&ted4 t"e n*#$e& o( t"e alloated ti#eslots is 2 0do!nlin/1  3 0*%lin/1 o& - 0do!nlin/1  3 0*%lin/1 i( t"e EA is s*%%o&ted. In t"e ase o( t"e se&+ie t'%e t"at is o( to% %&io&it' in t"e do!nlin/, t"e n*#$e& o( t"e alloated ti#eslots is 5 0do!nlin/1  - 0*%lin/1.


HUAWEI Confdential

Page 3


Basic Concepts Packet $esource Channel resource A T:; an o*%' #*lti%le "annels, and t"e signals o( #*lti%le MSs an $e #*lti%leed to one "annel. A"is resource In Fix mode, t"e "annel is $o*nd to t"e %&i#a&' lin/ 0-< /$it8s1 a(te& onfg*&ation and t"en a%%lies (o& $inding ot"e& lin/s a(te& t"e s*$se)*ent ode ad=*st#ent. In Flex mode, t"e "annel is $o*nd to t"e %&i#a&' lin/ a(te& t"e "annel is ati+ated &at"e& t"an a(te& it is onfg*&ed. I( no A$is &eso*&e is a+aila$le, t"e "annel annot $e alloated. Block resource  T"e $lo/ &eso*&e &eso*&e &e(e&s to t"e n*#$e& o( $lo/s &ese&+ed (o& t"e MS d*&ing d*&ing MAC s"ed*ling. s"ed*ling. (S) resource A US; "as t"&ee $its and t"*s an identi(' MSs n*#$e&ed * to +. +. H*a!ei *ses t"e US; !"ose +al*e is > (o& &ese&+ation. ;o& ea#%le, t"e US; o( t"e 77:P $lo/ is set to >. #)I resource A T;I "as f+e $its and t"*s an identi(' MSs n*#$e&ed * to ,. , . 32 T;Is a&e a+aila$le &es%eti+el' in t"e *%lin/ and t"e do!nlin/. #AI resource  T"e TAIand TAI is at"e &eso*&e t"at "annels. T"e sa#eI(T TAI AI *sed !"en T:;t"e eists $ot" " t"e *%lin/ do!nlin/ inalloates t"e :SC
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