Pro(lem 1: ,hannon -a#acity .heorem: [15 #oints$ According to the Shannon’s Channel capacity theorem: Channel capacity C = B*log (1 + S/N) Where B = Bandwidth and S/N = Signal to Noise Ratio. Answer the following questions with respect to the Channel c apacity theorem: (1) When the Bandwidth increases what happens! (") When the Signal to #oise $atio increases what happens! (%) When the Signal to #oise $ation S tends to infinity what ha ppens! (') When the Bandwidth tends to infinity what happens! Solution: (1) When the Bandwidth increases what ha!!ens" As the andwidth of the channel increases it is possile to mae faster changes in the information signal therey increasing the information rate and hence the channel capacity cap acity** (#) When the Signal to Noise Ratio increases what ha!!ens" As S increases one can increase the information rate while still pre+enting errors due to noise* ($) When the Signal to Noise Ration S/N tends to in%init& what ha!!ens" As S ,- infinity an infinite information rate is theoretically po ssile irrespecti+e of the andwidth of the channel* chann el* (') When the Bandwidth tends to in%init& what ha!!ens" As Bandwidth ,- infinity infinity the channel capacity cap acity does not approach infinity since with an increase in Bandwidth the noise n oise power also increases*
Pro(lem /: ,hannon an0 Ny&ist e&ations [/" #oints$ Suppose that the spectrum of a channel is etween 1. /0 and 1" /h and an intended capacity of 2 /ps* (1) What should e the S#$ in order to otain this capacity! (") 0ow many signaling le+els are required to otain this capacity! (%) What would e the capacity if the en+ironment en +ironment starts suffering suffering lesser noise and the S#$ goes up to "3 dB* (') Same question question as (") ut for for the capacity capacity in (%)
Solution: B4" /h4"51.67 C42 /ps4251.67 ps (1) What should e the SNR in order to otain this ca!acit&" Shannon8s 9heorem: C4B5log"(1S#$) ;4- "6(C&B),14S#$;4- S#$41< (#) ow an& signaling leels are re,uired to otain this ca!acit&" #yquist 9heorem: C4"B5log"(/) ;4- "6(C&"B)4/ ;4- /4' ($) What would e the ca!acit& i% the enironent starts su%%ering lesser noise and the SNR goes u! to #- dB. S#$(dB)41.5log1.(S#$);4-S#$41.6"*3;4-S#$4realistic? solution*
Pro(lem 2: ,hort Answer 3&estions [/5 #oints$ (1) What do you mean y @ynamic equaliation and what prolem does it tacle! (") Why is it that when you increase the da ta rate of a communications system typically the error rate increases! (%) =plain C or forward error correction scheme with an applicale e=ample* (') What are the ad+antages and disad+antages of Spread Spectrum techniques! (n odeling a gien wireless counications s&stes in which the two node are in an uran scenario with no ?@S !ath 4dditie White 7aussian Noise channel odel is a good guide %or the designer. 3alse: AW# model considers thermal noise ut does not consder the effects of multipath and the lac of ENS path* Dn this scenario the $ayleigh channel model would e appropriate* ($) 3re,uenc& iersit& is achieed & s!reading the signal in tie & sending ulti!le co!ies o% the signal at di%%erent tie instants. 3alse: 9ime di+ersity is e=ploited y sending multiple copies of the signal at different time instantsG frequency di+ersity is used y sending the signal at different frequencies* (') ulti!ath !ro!agation alwa&s i!roes the SNR. 3alse: /ulti,path effect can attenuate the signal recei+ed at the recei+er if the multiple copies recei+ed are out of phase* 0owe+er it can also cause constructi+e interference at the recei+er if the signals recei+ed are in phase hence causing the signal to increase in strength*
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