Hvac Reference Data Guide

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Reference Data Guide

Version 2007 (7.0)

January 2007


Copyright Copyright 2002-2007, Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization. Portions of this software are owned by Spatial Corp. © 1986-2007. All Rights Reserved.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents Preface.................................................................................................................................5 SmartPlant 3D Documentation Set...............................................................................6 Administrative Guides ........................................................................................................ 6 User's Guides ...................................................................................................................... 7 Reference Data Guides ....................................................................................................... 8 ISOGEN Guides ................................................................................................................. 9

Documentation Comments .........................................................................................10 What's New in HVAC Reference Data.......................................................................11 HVAC Reference Data: An Overview............................................................................12 HVAC Sheets: An Overview ...........................................................................................13 HVACSpec Sheet ............................................................................................................. 15 ManualDamper Sheet........................................................................................................ 19 MotorDamper Sheet.......................................................................................................... 22 Rect_FlatFlange Sheet ...................................................................................................... 24 Round_FlatFlange Sheet................................................................................................... 26 Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet ................................................................................................ 28 Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet ............................................................................................. 30 Round_Sleeve Sheet ......................................................................................................... 32 Rect_Sleeve Sheet............................................................................................................. 34 Round_Weld Sheet ........................................................................................................... 36 Rect_Weld Sheet............................................................................................................... 37 Round_Rivet Sheet ........................................................................................................... 39 Rect_Rivet Sheet............................................................................................................... 40 FlatOval_Weld Sheet ........................................................................................................ 42 FlatOval_Rivet Sheet ........................................................................................................ 43 DuctSmokeDetector Sheet ................................................................................................ 45 SamplingTube Sheet ......................................................................................................... 46 Horn_Strobe Sheet ............................................................................................................ 47 SurfMountIcover Sheet..................................................................................................... 48 SM1PipingTap Sheet ........................................................................................................ 50 SMRoundBranch Sheet..................................................................................................... 52 SMRectangularBranch Sheet ............................................................................................ 53 RoundTee Sheet ................................................................................................................ 54 RectTee Sheet ................................................................................................................... 56 HVACElbow Sheet........................................................................................................... 58 RoundElbow Sheet............................................................................................................ 60 HsqrThroatElbow Sheet.................................................................................................... 62 BellMouthRound Sheet..................................................................................................... 64 BellMouthRFO Sheet ....................................................................................................... 65 Division2 Sheet................................................................................................................. 66 DivisionW3 Sheet ............................................................................................................. 68 AirFilter Sheet................................................................................................................... 70 AirFilterHumidifier Sheet................................................................................................. 72

HVAC Reference Data Guide 3

Table of Contents AirCoolingCoil Sheet........................................................................................................ 74 HvacSpecDefaults Sheet................................................................................................... 76 PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet ...................................................................................... 78


4 HVAC Reference Data Guide


Preface This document is a reference data guide for the SmartPlant® 3D HVAC task. The purpose of this document is to describe the reference data delivered with the software for this task. Reference data includes both catalog data and specification data. Catalog data includes the parts that you place in the model, such as piping components and equipment. Specification data includes the rules that govern how those parts are placed and connected.

HVAC Reference Data Guide 5


SmartPlant 3D Documentation Set The SmartPlant® 3D documentation set is available as Adobe® PDF files. The content of the PDF files is the same content as online Help. To access these PDF documents in the software, click Help > Printable Guides. The documentation set is divided into four categories: •

Administrative guides contain information about installing, configuring, customizing, and troubleshooting SmartPlant 3D.

User's guides provide command reference and how-to information for working in each SmartPlant 3D task.

Reference data guides define the reference data workbooks. Not all tasks have reference data.

ISOGEN guides

Administrative Guides Project Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the databases, creating permission groups, backing up and restoring project data, assigning access permissions to the model, managing interference detection, defining and managing locations for Global Workshare, controlling duplication and consolidation of plants, tools for synchronization, regeneration of report databases, and version upgrade. SmartPlant 3D Database Integrity Guide - Provides information about the error messages in the database integrity reports, including meaning, cause, and possible corrective action. SmartPlant 3D Global Workshare Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the software and the databases to work in a workshare environment. SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide - Provides instructions on installing and configuring the software on both the client and server computers. SmartPlant 3D/IntelliShip Programmer's Guide - Provides information about custom commands, naming rules, and symbol programming. SmartPlant 3D Integration Reference Guide - Provides information about installing, configuring, and using SmartPlant 3D in an integrated environment. SmartPlant 3D Interference Checking Guide - Provides information on installing, configuring, and using the interference detection service.

6 HVAC Reference Data Guide

Preface SmartPlant 3D Interpreting Human Piping Specifications - Provides information about how to interpret human piping specifications so that you can create the corresponding piping specification in the software. SmartPlant 3D Plant Design System (PDS) Guide - Provides all information needed to use PDS with SmartPlant 3D. Topics include referencing active PDS projects in SmartPlant 3D, exporting PDS data and importing that data into SmartPlant 3D, converting PDS reference data to SmartPlant 3D reference data, and converting EDEN symbols to Visual Basic symbols. SmartPlant 3D Release Bulletin - Provides what's new, hardware/software requirements, and support information for the current release. SmartPlant 3D Troubleshooting Guide - Provides information on how to resolve errors that you may encounter in the software by documenting troubleshooting tips, error messages, and to do list messages.

User's Guides Catalog User's Guide - Provides information about viewing, editing, and creating reference data and select lists (codelists). Common User's Guide - Provides information about defining workspaces, navigating in the model, precision input, filtering, manipulating views, and running reports. Drawings and Reports User's Guide - Provides information about creating drawing and report deliverables. Electrical User's Guide - Provides information about routing electrical cable, cableway, cable tray, and conduit. Equipment and Furnishings User's Guide - Provides information about placing equipment. Grids User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating coordinate systems, elevation grid planes, vertical grid planes, radial cylinders, radial planes, grid arcs, and grid lines. Hangers and Supports User's Guide - Provides instructions on placing piping, duct, cableway, and conduit supports in the model. HVAC User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing HVAC duct. Piping User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing pipe and placing valves, taps, and pipe joints. Space Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing volumes (such as drawing volumes, obstruction zones) in the model. HVAC Reference Data Guide 7

Preface Structural Analysis User's Guide - Provides instructions for defining loads, load cases, load combinations, and the importing and exporting of analytical data. Structure User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing structural members such as: beams, columns, braces, slabs, openings, stairs, ladders, equipment foundations, and handrails. Systems and Specifications User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating systems and their hierarchies and selecting which specifications are available for each system type. SmartPlant 2D Symbols User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating cross section symbols.

Reference Data Guides Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about reports reference data. Electrical Reference Data Guide - Provides information about electrical cable, cableway, cable tray, and conduit reference data. Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide - Provides information about equipment reference data and name rules. Hangers and Supports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about hangers and supports reference data. HVAC Reference Data Guide - Provides information about HVAC reference data. Piping Reference Data Guide - Provides information about piping reference data including piping specifications, piping specification rules, piping parts, piping symbols, and name rules. SmartPlant 2D Symbols Reference Data Guide - Provides information about the twodimensional symbols used in all tasks. SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide - Provides instructions about the Bulkload utility, codelists, and the reference data common to several disciplines. SmartPlant 3D Symbols Reference Data Guide - Provides information about the Visual Basic Part Definition Wizard and the three-dimensional symbols used in all tasks. Space Management Reference Data Guide - Provides information about space management reference data.

8 HVAC Reference Data Guide

Preface Structure Reference Data Guide - Provides information about structural reference data and name rules.

ISOGEN Guides AText Reference Guide - Provides information about alternative text for isometric drawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN®. Option Switches Reference Guide - Provides information about the ISOGEN option switches for isometric drawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN. Symbol Keys Reference Guide - Provides information about the symbol keys for isometric drawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN.

HVAC Reference Data Guide 9


Documentation Comments Send documentation comments or suggestions to [email protected].

10 HVAC Reference Data Guide


What's New in HVAC Reference Data Version 2007 •

No changes.

HVAC Reference Data Guide 11

HVAC Reference Data: An Overview

HVAC Reference Data: An Overview In the HVAC task, reference data contains the rules and the parts necessary for placement of routing in the duct system. These rules help in selecting the proper part for the application and limiting parts availability based on routing conditions. HVAC provides duct-sizing capability to determine the proper duct sizes. This duct sizing provides a list of duct cross sections and sizes valid for the specification for the specific design criteria. A recommendation is to set preferred components as part of the specification and as the defaults. The HVAC software uses several standard data tables to produce correct modeling. An administrator can add new rows to these tables or edit existing rows. After adding or editing rows, the administrator must bulk load the information into the Catalog Database for the new information to take effect. The interfaces for the HVAC and Cableway tasks are very similar. Reference data determines the values that populate the various dialog boxes in both tasks. Compared to Cableway, the values in HVAC deal more with duct components, like nozzles and branches. For example, to create new routes, the reference data for the HVAC task populates the New Duct Run dialog box, while the reference data for the Cableway task populates the Create Cableway dialog box. The software selects default components based on your input during a session for routing duct. For the proper configuration, the default or preferred components include the duct cross section, duct size, duct material, material thickness or gage, and the end or port connections. Related Topics • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13

12 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

HVAC Sheets: An Overview The HVAC.xls workbook contains the reference data for the HVAC task. The sheets that are unique to HVAC.xls are described below. For more information on common sheets, see the SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide accessible from the Help > Printable Guides command. HvacSpec - Lists the specification names of HVAC specification objects. For more information, see the HVACSpec Sheet, page 15. ManualDamper - Defines reference data for manual dampers. For more information, see the ManualDamper Sheet, page 19. MotorDamper - Defines the reference data for motor dampers. For more information, see the MotorDamper Sheet, page 22. Rect_FlatFlange - Defines reference data for rectangular flat flanges. For more information, see the Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24. Round_FlatFlange - Defines reference data for round flat flanges. For more information, see the Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26. Rect_FlatFlangeVA - Defines the reference data for rectangular flat flanges with depth inclination. For more information, see the Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28. Round_FlatFlangeVA - Defines the reference data for round flat flanges with depth inclination. For more information, see the Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 Round_Sleeve - Defines reference data for round sleeves. For more information, see the Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32. Rect_Sleeve - Defines reference data for rectangular sleeves. For more information, see the Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34. Round_Weld - Defines the reference data for round welded connections. For more information, see the Round_Weld Sheet, page 36. Rect_Weld - Defines the reference data for rectangular welded connections. For more information, see the Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37. Round_Rivet - Defines the reference data for round riveted connections. For more information, see the Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39. Rect_Rivet - Defines the reference data for rectangular riveted connections. For more information, see the Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40. FlatOval_Weld - Defines the reference data for flat oval welded connections. For more information, see the FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42.

HVAC Reference Data Guide 13

HVAC Sheets: An Overview FlatOval_Rivet - Defines the reference data for flat oval riveted connections. For more information, see the FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43. DuctSmokeDetector - Defines the reference data for duct smoke detectors. For more information, see the DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45. SamplingTube - Defines the reference data for sampling tubes. For more information, see the SamplingTube Sheet, page 46. Horn_Strobe - Defines the reference data for visible and audible warning signals. For more information, see the Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47. SurfMountIcover - Defines reference data for surface-mounted covers. For more information, see the SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48. SM1PipingTap - Defines reference data for one surface-mounted piping tap on an HVAC duct for instrument assembly. Halfin is one-half inch nominal pipe diameter. The part can be a piping 0.5" piping tap that is either socket- welded or femalethreaded. The tap is mounted on a duct surface. For more information, see the SM1PipingTap Sheet, page 50. SMRoundBranch - Defines the reference data for a surface-mounted round branch. For more information, see the SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52. SMRectangularBranch - Defines the reference data for a surface-mounted rectangular branch. For more information, see the SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53. RoundTee - Defines reference data for round tees. For more information, see the RoundTee Sheet, page 54. RectTee - Defines the reference data for rectangular tees. For more information, see the RectTee Sheet, page 56. HVACElbow - Defines reference data for HVAC elbows. For more information, see the HVACElbow Sheet, page 58. RoundElbow - Defines the reference data for round elbows. For more information, see the RoundElbow Sheet, page 60. HsqrThroatElbow - Defines the reference data for square throat elbows. For more information, see the HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62. BellMouthRound - Defines the reference data for a bell mouth. For more information, see the BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64. BellMouthRFO - Defines the reference data for a bell mouth with a flat oval outlet. For more information, see the BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65.

14 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Division2 - Defines reference data for a division feature, a component that divides the HVAC rectangular duct into two ducts along the width of the duct. The division feature has three ports: the original duct port and the resulting two ducts ports. For more information, see the Division2 Sheet, page 66. DivisionW3 - Defines the reference data for a division feature, a component that divides the HVAC rectangular duct into three ducts along the width of the duct. The division feature has four ports: the original duct port and the resulting three duct ports. For more information, see the DivisionW3 Sheet, page 68. AirFilter - Defines the reference data for an air filter. For more information, see the AirFilter Sheet, page 70. AirFilterHumidifier - Defines the reference data for an air filter humidifier. For more information, see the AirFilterHumidifier Sheet, page 72. AirCoolingCoil - Defines the reference data for an air cooling coil. For more information, see the AirCoolingCoil Sheet, page 74. HvacSpecDefaults - Lists the names of the specifications that you can use while working with the HVAC reference data. For more information, see the HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76. PermissibleDuctThickness - Defines the reference data for permissible duct thickness. For more information, see the PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78. Related Topics HVAC Reference Data: An Overview, page 12

HVACSpec Sheet The HVACSpec sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the specifications that are available to you for HVAC routing. Currently, the workbook contains two specifications: Spec-0 and Spec-1. SpecName - Type the specification name of the HVAC specification objects (for example, Spec-0). Service - Type a description of the service for the HVACSpec object. An example is NoService. PressureClass - Type the pressure class of the HvacSpec object. Examples are LowPressure and MediumPressure. HvacPartGenerationBasis - Specifies whether breaks on the feature boundary are enabled or disabled. Type 1 to disable breaks or type 2 to enable breaks. Based on this value, the software determines if the continuous feature that you are routing is terminated in case of a spec break.

HVAC Reference Data Guide 15

HVAC Sheets: An Overview LiningMaterial(Type/Grade) - Type a phrase that describes the type or grade of the lining material. InsulationMaterial(Type/Grade) - Type a phrase that describes the type or grade of the insulation material. DuctMaterial(Type/Grade) - Type a phrase that describes the type or grade of the duct material. Note •

The duct material is defined in the Material sheet of the AllCommon.xls file.

Shapes - Type the name of the shape of the object. Options include Rectangular, Round, Oval, and FlatOval. PartNumber - Type the phrase that identifies the part number. Examples include: •








RECTFF - Rectangular flat flange

ROUNDFF - Round flat flange


RectSleeve - Rectangular sleeve

B-100 - B represents bend.

TA-100X80 - T represents tee. 100x80 is a reducing tee. Header is 100mm diameter of the round tee, Width, Branch is 80mm to arrive at the bend width.



SM1PTapSWhalfin - Surface-mounted piping tap on a duct surface that is socket-welded. halfin is one-half inch nominal pipe diameter

SM1PTapFThalfin - Surface-mounted piping tap on a duct surface that is female-threaded. halfin is one-half inch nominal pipe diameter


16 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview •

































RectWeld HVAC Reference Data Guide 17

HVAC Sheets: An Overview •











Round Bellmouth 300x250

RoundxFlatOval Bellmouth 355x1450

SectionName - Identifies the outfitting cross section (OCS). Examples are OCS-4X4, OCS-6X4, OCS-8X4, OCS-6X6, OCS-10X4, OCS-8X6, OCS-7X7, OCS-14X4, OCS-8X7, OCS-16X4, OCS-10X6, OCS-8X8, OCS-9X7, OCS-12X6, OCS-10X7, OCS-9X8, OCS-10X8, and OCS-14X6. Note •

The section name is defined in the OutfittingCrossSections sheet of the AllCommon.xls file.

Related Topics BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 •

18 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview • • • • • • • • •

Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 RoundTee Sheet, page 54 SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

ManualDamper Sheet The ManualDamper sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the manual dampers that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number assigned to the manual damper. The software uses the part number at placement when the part name is automatically generated. An example is PDS-100. Tip •

Part numbers for manual dampers must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

SymbolDefinition - Type the definition of the Visual Basic symbol that you are creating for the manual damper. An example is PDSHRoundDamper.HRoundDamper. FaceWidth - Type the width of the face for the damper. FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the damper. ComponentType - Type the component type for the damper. PartDescription - Type a description for the damper. An example is Manual Damper Part. DryWeight - Type a dry weight for the damper. DrycogX - Type the offset distance along the x-axis for the dry center of gravity of the damper. DrycogY - Type the offset distance along the y-axis for the dry center of gravity of the damper. DryCogZ - Type the offset distance along the z-axis for the dry center of gravity of the damper. WaterWeight - Type the water weight of the damper.

HVAC Reference Data Guide 19

HVAC Sheets: An Overview WaterCogX - Type the offset distance along the x-axis for the wet center of gravity of the damper. WaterCogY - Type the offset distance along the y-axis for the wet center of gravity of the damper. WaterCogZ - Type the offset distance along the z-axis for the wet center of gravity of the damper. Width - Type the width of the damper. DamperLength - Type the length for the damper. Thickness - Type the thickness for the damper. FlangeWidth - Type the width of the flange for the damper. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port as listed on the HvacSpec sheet. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for Nozzle 1. The AllCodeLists.xls workbook contains mappings between numbers and components. For example, the number 11 in the Nozzle EndPrep column on the ManualDamper sheet corresponds to the flat-face flanged end, as specified in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook. Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. The number of actual nozzles present on a cableway run can vary. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component.

20 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 21

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

MotorDamper Sheet The MotorDamper sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the motorized dampers that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number assigned to the motorized damper. The software uses the part number at placement when the part name is automatically generated. An example is MRD-URD-100 (MRD represents motorized damper. URD represents non-motorized damper.) Tip •

Part numbers for Motor dampers must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

SymbolDefinition - Type the definition of the Visual Basic symbol that you are creating for the Motor damper. An example is PDSMotorRoundDamper.CMotorRoundDamper. FaceWidth - Type the width of the face for the damper. FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the damper. ComponentType - Type the component type for the damper. PartDescription - Type a description for the damper. An example is Motorized Round Damper 100mm diameter model URD Ultra-Zone. Width - Type the width of the damper. DamperLength - Type the length for the damper. Thickness - Type the thickness for the damper. FlangeWidth - Type the width of the flange for the damper. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port as listed on the HvacSpec sheet.

22 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for Nozzle 1. The AllCodeLists.xls workbook contains mappings between numbers and components. For example, the number 11 in the Nozzle EndPrep column on the MotorDamper sheet corresponds to the flat-face flanged end, as specified in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook. Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. The number of actual nozzles present on a cableway run can vary. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 23

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

Rect_FlatFlange Sheet The Rect_FlatFlange sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook organizes facts for rectangular flat flanges. PartNumber - Type the part number for the flange. An example is RECTFF for rectangular flat flange. Tip •

Part numbers for rectangular flat flanges must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the coil. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the coil. ComponentType - Type the component type for the rectangular flat flange. PartDescription - Type a description for the rectangular flat flange. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the rectangular flat flange. Width - Type the width of the duct. Depth - Type the depth of the duct. Clearance - Type the clearance for the rectangular flat flange. FlangeWidth - Type the width of the flange. Thickness - Type the thickness for the flange. CompressedGasket - Type the thickness for the compressed gasket. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection -Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on).

24 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 25

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

Round_FlatFlange Sheet The Round_FlatFlange sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the round flat flanges that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the flange. An example is ROUNDFF for round flat flange. Tip •

Part numbers for round flat flanges must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the round flat flange. An example is PDSRoundFlatFlange.HROUNDFF. FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the coil. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the coil. ComponentType - Type the component type for the round flat flange. PartDescription - Type a description for the round flat flange. Width - Type the width of the duct. Clearance - Type the clearance for the round flat flange. FlangeWidth - Type the width of the flange. Thickness - Type the thickness for the flange. CompressedGasket - Type the thickness for the compressed gasket. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of for the particular nozzle port.

26 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 27

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet The Rect_FlatFlangeVA sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook organizes facts for rectangular sloped flanges. PartNumber - Type the part number for the flange. An example is Rect_SlopedFlange for rectangular sloped flange. Tip •

Part numbers for rectangular flat flanges must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the coil. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the coil. ComponentType - Type the component type for the rectangular flat flange. PartDescription - Type a description for the rectangular flat flange. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the rectangular flat flange. Width - Type the width of the duct. Depth - Type the depth of the duct. Clearance - Type the clearance for the rectangular flat flange. FlangeWidth - Type the width of the flange. Thickness - Type the thickness for the flange. CompressedGasket - Type the thickness for the compressed gasket. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection -Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on).

28 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 29

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet The Round_FlatFlangeVA sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook organizes facts for round flat flanges with depth inclination. PartNumber - Type the part number for the flange. An example is Round_SlopedFlange for round sloped flange. Tip •

Part numbers for rectangular flat flanges must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the coil. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the coil. ComponentType - Type the component type for the rectangular flat flange. PartDescription - Type a description for the rectangular flat flange. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the rectangular flat flange. Width - Type the width of the duct. Clearance - Type the clearance for the rectangular flat flange. FlangeWidth - Type the width of the flange. Thickness - Type the thickness for the flange. CompressedGasket - Type the thickness for the compressed gasket. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection -Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port.

30 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 31

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

Round_Sleeve Sheet The Round_Sleeve sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the round sleeves that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the sleeve. An example is ROUNDSLEEVE for round sleeve. Tip •

Part numbers for round sleeves must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the round sleeve. PartDescription - Type a description for the round sleeve. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the round sleeve. An example is PDSHRoundSleeve.HROUNDSLV. Width - Type the width of the duct. Clearance - Type the clearance for the round sleeve. Length - Type the length of the round sleeve. Thickness - Type the thickness for the sleeve. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the sleeve width for the nozzle.

32 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 33

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

Rect_Sleeve Sheet The Rect_Sleeve sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook organizes facts for rectangular sleeves. PartNumber - Type the part number for the sleeve. An example is RECTSLEEVE for rectangular sleeve. Tip •

Part numbers for rectangular sleeves must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the rectangular sleeve. PartDescription - Type a description for the rectangular sleeve. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the rectangular sleeve. An example is PBSHRectSleeve.HRECTV. Width - Type the width of the duct. Depth - Type the depth of the duct. Clearance - Type the clearance for the rectangular sleeve. Length - Type the length of the rectangular sleeve. Thickness - Type the thickness for the sleeve. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the particular nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port.

34 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the sleeve width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 35

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

Round_Weld Sheet The Round_Sleeve sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the round welds that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the weld. An example is RoundWeld for round weld. Tip •

Part numbers for round sleeves must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the round weld. PartDescription - Type a description for the round weld. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the round weld. An example is SP3DHVACRoundWeld.CHVACRoundWeld. Width - Type the width of the duct. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the sleeve width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component.

36 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Related Topics • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

Rect_Weld Sheet The Rect_Sleeve sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the rectangular welds that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the weld. An example is RectWeld for rectangular weld. Tip •

Part numbers for round sleeves must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the weld. PartDescription - Type a description for the weld. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the weld. An example is SP3DHVACRectWeld.CHVACRectWeld. Width - Type the width of the duct. Depth - Type the depth of the duct.

HVAC Reference Data Guide 37

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the sleeve width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

38 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

Round_Rivet Sheet The Round_Rivet sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the round rivet connections that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the rivet connections. An example is RoundRivet for round rivet. Tip •

Part numbers for round rivets must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the round rivet. PartDescription - Type a description for the round rivet. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the round rivet. An example is SP3DHVACRoundRivet.CHVACRoundRivet. Width - Type the width of the duct. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the sleeve width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle.

HVAC Reference Data Guide 39

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

Rect_Rivet Sheet The Rect_Rivet sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the rectangular rivets that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the rivet. An example is RectRivet for rectangular rivet. Tip •

Part numbers for rectangular rivets must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the rivet. PartDescription - Type a description for the rivet. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the rivet. An example is SP3DHVACRectRivet.CHVACRectRivet. Width - Type the width of the duct.

40 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Depth - Type the depth of the duct. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the sleeve width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48 •

HVAC Reference Data Guide 41

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

FlatOval_Weld Sheet The FlatOval_Sleeve sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the flat oval welds that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the weld. An example is FlatOvalWeld for flat oval weld. Tip •

Part numbers for flat oval welds must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the weld. PartDescription - Type a description for the weld. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the weld. An example is SP3DHVACFlatOvalWeld.CFlatOvWeld. Width - Type the width of the duct. Depth - Type the depth of the duct. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the sleeve width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle.

42 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

FlatOval_Rivet Sheet The FlatOval_Rivet sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the flat oval rivets that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the rivet. An example is FlatOvalRivet for flat oval rivet. Tip •

Part numbers for flat oval rivets must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the rivet. PartDescription - Type a description for the rivet. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the rivet. An example is SP3DHVACFlatOvalRivet.CHVACFlatOvRivet. Width - Type the width of the duct.

HVAC Reference Data Guide 43

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Depth - Type the depth of the duct. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the sleeve width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48 •

44 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

DuctSmokeDetector Sheet The DuctSmokeDetector sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the duct smoke detectors that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the object. An example is SL-2000-P for an SL-2000 Photoelectric detector. Tip •

Part numbers must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the object. PartDescription - Type a description for the object. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the object. An example is GSCADHVACSurfMount.Cover. CrossSectionShape - Type the cross section shape for the object. Thickness - Type the thickness for the object. Cover - Type the cover dimension for the object. Holelength - Type the hole length dimension for the object. Holebreadth - Type the hole breadth dimension for the object. Covercornerradius - Type the cover corner radius for the object. Gripdistance - Type the grip distance dimension for the object. Handlelength - Type the handle length dimension for the object. Related Topics • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34

HVAC Reference Data Guide 45

HVAC Sheets: An Overview • • • • • • • •

RectTee Sheet, page 56 Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 RoundTee Sheet, page 54 SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

SamplingTube Sheet The SamplingTube sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the sampling tubes that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the object. An example is STS-100 for an STS-10 foot long sampling tube. Tip •

Part numbers must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

PartDescription - Type a description for the object. Related Topics • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

46 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

Horn_Strobe Sheet The Horn_Strobe sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the horn/strobe warning signals that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the object. An example is SHP24-1575W for a white 24VDC horn/strobe smoke visual and audible warning signal. Tip •

Part numbers must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

PartDescription - Type a description for the object. Related Topics • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 47

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

SurfMountIcover Sheet The SurfMountIcover sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the surfacemounted inspection covers that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the surface-mounted inspection cover. An example is Icover400x600. Tip •

Part numbers for surface-mounted inspection covers must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the cover. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the cover. ComponentType - Type the component type for the surface-mounted component. PartDescription - Type a description for the surface-mounted cover. An example is Inspection cover. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the surface-mounted component. An example is PBSHVACSurfMount.Cover. CrossSectionShape - Type the designation for the shape of the cross section. Examples of possible shapes are Rectangular, Round, Flat Oval, and U-Shape. Thickness - Type the correct measurement value for thickness of the surfacemounted component. cover - Type the correct measurement value for the cover. holelength - Type the correct measurement value for holes in the cover. holebreadth - Type the correct measurement value for breadth of holes in the cover. covercornerradius - Type the name of the cross section associated with the surfacemounted cover. gripdistance - Type the value for the grip distance for the surface-mounted cover.

48 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview handlelength - Type the value for the handle length for the surface-mounted cover. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52

HVAC Reference Data Guide 49

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

SM1PipingTap Sheet The SM1PipingTap sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the reference data for one surface-mounted piping tap on an HVAC duct for instrument assembly. PartNumber - Type the part number for the surface-mounted piping tap. Examples include: •

SM1PTapSWhalfin - A surface-mounted piping tap that is socket-welded (represented by SW) and has .5" (represented by halfin) nominal piping diameter

SM1PTapFThalfin - A surface-mounted piping tap that is femalethreaded (represented by FT) and has .5" (represented by halfin) nominal piping diameter Tip

Part numbers for surface-mounted piping taps must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

ComponentType - Type the component type for the piping tap. PartDescription - Type a description for the piping tap. An example is Rect_Sleeve. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the piping tap. An example is PBSHRectSleeve.HRECTSLV. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the piping tap. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):Npd - Type the nominal piping diameter for the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):NpdUnitType - Type the unit type for the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):EndStandard - Type the coded end standard for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):ScheduleThickness - Type the schedule thickness for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PressureRating - Type the pressure rating for the nozzle.

50 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i)FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i)PipingPointBasis - Type the piping point basis for the nozzle. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52

HVAC Reference Data Guide 51

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

SMRoundBranch Sheet The SMRoundBranch sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the surface mounted components with round nozzles that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the round branch. An example is SMRoundBranch1. PartDescription - Type a description for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width of the damper for the object. FaceDepth - Type the face depth of the damper for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the round tee. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the round tee. An example is SP3DHvacSMRoundB.CHvacSMRoundB. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

52 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

SMRectangularBranch Sheet The SMRectangularBranch sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the surface mounted components with rectangular nozzles that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the round branch. An example is SMRectangularBranch1. PartDescription - Type a description for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width of the damper for the object. FaceDepth - Type the face depth of the damper for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the object. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the round tee. An example is SP3DHvacSMRB.CHvacSMRB. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 53

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

RoundTee Sheet The RoundTee sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the round tees that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the round tee. An example is TA-100X80. PartDescription - Type a description for the round tee. FaceWidth - Type the face width of the damper for the round tee. FaceDepth - Type the face depth of the damper for the round tee. ComponentType - Type the component type for the round tee. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the round tee. An example is PBSHRoundRTE.HRoundRTE. Width - Type the width of the duct. BWidth - Type the width of the bend. HLength - Type the length for the round tee. BLength - Type the length of the bend. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port in the particular nozzle. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle.

54 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 55

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

RectTee Sheet The RectTee sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the rectangular tees that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the round tee. An example is RectTee1. PartDescription - Type a description for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width of the damper for the object. FaceDepth - Type the face depth of the damper for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the object. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the object. An example is SP3DHRectRTE.HRectRTE. Width - Type the width of the duct. Depth - Type the depth of the duct BWidth - Type the width of the bend. BDepth - Type the depth of the bend. HLength - Type the length for the round tee. BLength - Type the length of the bend. PlaneOfBranch - Type the angle of the bend. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port in the particular nozzle. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle.

56 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 57

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

HVACElbow Sheet The HVACElbow sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the elbows that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the elbow. An example is HVACElbowFo. PartDescription - Type a description for the elbow. An example is variable shape and angle elbow. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the elbow. ComponentType - Type the component type for the elbow. DryWeight - Type the empty weight of the elbow. You must specify the type of units when you enter this value. WaterWeight - Type the water weight of the elbow. You must specify the type of units when you enter this value. DryCogX - Type the center-of-gravity location for the elbow along the X-axis when the elbow is empty. DryCogY - Type the center-of-gravity location for the elbow along the Y-axis when the elbow is empty. DryCogZ - Type the center-of-gravity location for the elbow along the Z-axis when the elbow is empty. HVACShape - Record a description for the shape of the elbow. Width - Type the width of the elbow. Depth - Type the depth of the elbow. CornerRadius - Type the corner radius for the elbow. ElbowCurveRadius - Type the curve radius for the elbow. Angle - Specify the number of degrees in the angle for the elbow.

58 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview PlaneOfTurn - Specify the plane for a turn in the elbow. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CROSSSECTION - Identify the cross section for the nozzle. OCS-4 is an example. The HvacSpecDefaults sheet lists the valid cross sections. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the particular nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Related Topics BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 •

HVAC Reference Data Guide 59

HVAC Sheets: An Overview • • • • •

RoundTee Sheet, page 54 SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

RoundElbow Sheet The RoundElbow sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the round elbows that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the round elbow. An example is B-100. PartDescription - Type a description for the round elbow. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the round elbow. FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the round elbow. ComponentType - Type the component type for the round elbow. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the round elbow. Width - Type the width of the round elbow. ElbowCurveRadius - Type the curve radius for the round elbow. Angle - Specify the number of degrees in the angle for the round elbow. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):Id - Identify the cross section for Nozzle 1. OCS-4 is an example. Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Identify the cross section for the particular nozzle. OCS-4 is an example. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle.

60 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 61

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

HsqrThroatElbow Sheet The HsqrThroatElbow sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the square throat elbows that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the elbow. An example is HVACsqrThroatElbow01. PartDescription - Type a description for the elbow. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the elbow. ComponentType - Type the component type for the elbow. DryWeight - Type the empty weight of the elbow. You must specify the type of units when you enter this value. WaterWeight - Type the water weight of the elbow. You must specify the type of units when you enter this value. DryCogX - Type the center-of-gravity location for the elbow along the X-axis when the elbow is empty. DryCogY - Type the center-of-gravity location for the elbow along the Y-axis when the elbow is empty. DryCogZ - Type the center-of-gravity location for the elbow along the Z-axis when the elbow is empty. Width - Type the width of the elbow. Depth - Type the depth of the elbow. Throat1 - Type the dimension for the first throat. Throat2 - Type the dimension for the second throat. PlaneOfTurn - Specify the plane for a turn in the elbow. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CROSSSECTION - Identify the cross section for the nozzle. OCS-4 is an example. The HvacSpecDefaults sheet lists the valid cross sections.

62 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the particular nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HVAC Reference Data Guide 63

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

BellMouthRound Sheet The BellMouthRound sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the round bell mouths that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the object. An example is Round Bellmouth 300x250. PartDescription - Type a description for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the elbow. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the object. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

64 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

BellMouthRFO Sheet The BellMouthRFO sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the bell mouths with round necks and flat oval outlets that you want in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the rivet. An example is RoundxFlatOval Bellmouth 355x1450. Tip •

Part numbers must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

PartDescription - Type a description for the object. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the object. FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the object. ComponentType - Type the component type for the object. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the rivet. An example is SP3DHVACFlatOvalRivet.CHVACFlatOvRivet. Width - Type the width of the duct. BellMouthOutletWidth - Type the width of the bell mouth outlet. BellMouthOutletDepth - Type the depth of the bell mouth outlet. BellMouthHeight - Type the height of the bell mouth. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the sleeve width for the nozzle.

HVAC Reference Data Guide 65

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

Division2 Sheet The Division2 sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the reference data in the Catalog for a division feature, which is a component that divides the HVAC rectangular duct into two ducts along the width of duct. The division feature has three ports: the original duct port and the resulting two ducts ports. PartNumber - Type the part number for the division feature. An example is DivisionW2. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the division feature. FaceWidth - Type the face width of the damper for the division feature. FaceDepth - Type the face depth of the damper for the division feature. ComponentType - Type the component type for the division feature. PartDescription - Type a description for the division feature. Width - Type the width of the division feature.

66 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Depth - Type the depth of the division feature. Cell - Type a description of the cell associated with the division feature. CellDimension - Type the dimension of the cell for the division feature. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Identify the cross section for the particular nozzle. OCS6X4 is an example. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28

HVAC Reference Data Guide 67

HVAC Sheets: An Overview • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 RectTee Sheet, page 56 Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 RoundTee Sheet, page 54 SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

DivisionW3 Sheet The DivisionW3 sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the reference data in the Catalog for a division feature, which is a component that divides the HVAC rectangular duct into three ducts along the width of duct. The division feature has four ports: the original duct port and the resulting three ducts ports. PartNumber - Type the part number for the division feature. An example is DivisionW3-01. SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the division feature. FaceWidth - Type the face width of the damper for the division feature. FaceDepth - Type the face depth of the damper for the division feature. ComponentType - Type the component type for the division feature. PartDescription - Type a description for the division feature. Width - Type the width of the division feature. Depth - Type the depth of the division feature. Cell - Type a description of the cell associated with the division feature. CellDimension - Type the dimension of the cell for the division feature.

68 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview CellDimension3or4 - Type the dimension of the cell for the third or fourth division feature. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Identify the cross section for the particular nozzle. OCS6X4 is an example. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the flange width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 •

HVAC Reference Data Guide 69

HVAC Sheets: An Overview • • • • • • • • • • •

RectTee Sheet, page 56 Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 RoundTee Sheet, page 54 SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

AirFilter Sheet The AirFilter sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the air filters that you want to have available in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the air filter. An example is AirFilter400x200x180. Tip •

Part numbers for air filters must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the air filter. An example is PDSAirFilterR.CAirFilterR. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the damper. FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the damper. ComponentType - Type the component type for the air filter. PartDescription - Type a description for the type of part. An example is Air Filter 400x200 x180mm. Width - Type the width of the duct. Depth - Type the depth of the duct. Clearance - Type the clearance for the air filter. Length - Type the length of the air filter. Thickness - Type the thickness for the air filter. FlangeWidth - Type the width for the flange.

70 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the particular nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the air filter width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics • BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 HVAC Reference Data Guide 71

HVAC Sheets: An Overview • • • • • • •

Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 RoundTee Sheet, page 54 SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

AirFilterHumidifier Sheet The AirFilterHumidifier sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the air filter humidifiers that you want to have available in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the air filter humidifier. An example is AirFilterHumidifier400x200x275. Tip •

Part numbers for air filter humidifiers must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the air filter humidifier. An example is PDSAirFilterHumidifierR.CAirFilterHumidifierR. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the damper for the air filter humidifier. FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the damper for the air filter humidifier. ComponentType - Type the component type for the air filter humidifier. PartDescription - Type a description for the type of part. An example is Air Filter Humidifier400x200 x180mm. Width - Type the width of the duct for the air filter humidifier. Depth - Type the depth of the duct for the air filter humidifier. Length - Type the length of the air filter humidifier. Thickness - Type the thickness for the air filter humidifier.

72 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview FlangeWidth - Type the width for the flange. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the particular nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the air filter width for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 •

HVAC Reference Data Guide 73

HVAC Sheets: An Overview • • • • • • • • •

Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 RoundTee Sheet, page 54 SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

AirCoolingCoil Sheet The AirCoolingCoil sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the air cooling coils that you want to have available in the Catalog. PartNumber - Type the part number for the air cooling coil. An example is AirCoolingCoil400x200x350. Tip •

Part numbers for air cooling coils must be unique throughout the entire Catalog.

SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the air cooling coil. An example is PDSAirCoolingCoil.CAirCoolingCoil. FaceWidth - Type the face width for the damper for the air cooling coil. FaceDepth - Type the face depth for the damper for the air cooling coil. ComponentType - Type the component type for the air cooling coil. PartDescription - Type a description for the type of part. An example is Air Cooling Coil 400x200 x350mm. Width - Type the width of the duct. Depth - Type the depth of the duct. Length - Type the measurement of the length of the air cooling coil. Thickness - Type the measurement of the thickness of the air cooling coil.

74 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview FlangeWidth - Type the measurement of the width of the flange. Tip •

For the remaining properties, (i) indicates an integer corresponding to a nozzle number assigned to the cross section. This method avoids a lengthy listing for all possibilities, like Nozzle(1):CrossSection, Nozzle(2):CrossSection, and Nozzle(3):CrossSection for three possible nozzles. When you type the nozzle properties in the workbook, substitute a number for i to assign the nozzle to the appropriate property.

Nozzle(i):CrossSection - Type the related CrossSection object for the port. Nozzle(i):EndPrep - Type the coded end preparation for the particular nozzle. Examples of end preparations include Threaded, Screwed, Plain End, Welded, Bolted, Female, Male, and Ferule. In the reference data, a number represents each type of end preparation (for example, 1 for Threaded, 2 for Screwed and so on). Nozzle(i):Thickness - Type the thickness of the nozzle port. Nozzle(i):FlangeWidth - Type the width for the nozzle for the air cooling unit. Nozzle(i):FlowDirection - Type the flow direction for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):PortDepth - Type the depth of the port for the nozzle. Nozzle(i):CptOffset - Type the offset value for the component. Related Topics BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 •

HVAC Reference Data Guide 75

HVAC Sheets: An Overview • • • • • • • • •

Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 RoundTee Sheet, page 54 SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

HvacSpecDefaults Sheet The HvacSpecDefaults sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the defaults in specifications that are available to you for HVAC routing. Currently, the workbook contains two specifications: Spec-0 and Spec-1. SpecName - Type the name of the HVAC specification (for example, Spec-0). TransAngle - Type a description of the transition angle. An example is 90 degrees. TurnType - Type the name of the type of turn feature. BendDiaMulti - Type the multiplier that you want the software to use for calculating the bend diameter. BendAng1 - Type the maximum number of degrees allowed for the first bend angle when associated with NumMiters1, or the corresponding default number of miters for angles. An example is 60 degrees. BendAng2 - Type the maximum number of degrees allowed for the second bend angle when associated with NumMiters2, or the corresponding default number of miters for angles. An example is 60 degrees. BendAng3 - Type the maximum number of degrees allowed for the third bend angle when associated with NumMiters3, or the corresponding default number of miters for angles. An example is 60 degrees. NumMiters1 - Type the number of miter cuts required for angles in the first mitered elbow. NumMiters2 - Type the number of miter cuts required for angles in the second mitered elbow. NumMiters3 - Type the number of miter cuts required for angles in the third mitered elbow. RectDWRatio - Specify the ratio of the depth to the width of the rectangular cross section.

76 HVAC Reference Data Guide

HVAC Sheets: An Overview OvalDWRatio - Specify the ratio of the depth to the width of the oval cross section. MinstraightLength - Type the minimum length to allow for a straight feature. MaterialType - Type the material type for the HVAC component. Examples are CarbonSteel, CastIron or Concrete. The combination of the values in the MaterialType and MaterialGrade columns must be unique. MaterialGrade - Type the material grade for the HVAC component. Examples are Fine, Annealed, or Tempered. The combination of the values in the MaterialType and MaterialGrade columns must be unique. Thickness - Type a value for the thickness measurement for the duct material. Tightness - Type a value for to indicate the water-tightness of the HVAC duct. Related Topics BellMouthRFO Sheet, page 65 • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • DuctSmokeDetector Sheet, page 45 • FlatOval_Rivet Sheet, page 43 • FlatOval_Weld Sheet, page 42 • Horn_Strobe Sheet, page 47 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet, page 78 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Rivet Sheet, page 40 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • Rect_Weld Sheet, page 37 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • Round_Rivet Sheet, page 39 • Round_Sleeve Sheet, page 32 • Round_Weld Sheet, page 36 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SamplingTube Sheet, page 46 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48 •

HVAC Reference Data Guide 77

HVAC Sheets: An Overview

PermissibleDuctThickness Sheet The PermissibleDuctThickness sheet in the HVAC.xls workbook defines the thickness of various duct materials that you want in the Catalog. MaterialType - Type the material type. MaterialGrade - Type the grade for the material. PermissibleDuctThickness - Type the thickness dimension for the material. Related Topics • BellMouthRound Sheet, page 64 • HsqrThroatElbow Sheet, page 62 • HVAC Sheets: An Overview, page 13 • HVACElbow Sheet, page 58 • HVACSpec Sheet, page 15 • HvacSpecDefaults Sheet, page 76 • ManualDamper Sheet, page 19 • Rect_FlatFlange Sheet, page 24 • Rect_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 28 • Rect_Sleeve Sheet, page 34 • RectTee Sheet, page 56 • Round_FlatFlange Sheet, page 26 • Round_FlatFlangeVA Sheet, page 30 • RoundElbow Sheet, page 60 • RoundTee Sheet, page 54 • SMRectangularBranch Sheet, page 53 • SMRoundBranch Sheet, page 52 • SurfMountIcover Sheet, page 48

78 HVAC Reference Data Guide


Index AirCoolingCoil sheet, 74 AirFilter sheet, 70 AirFilterHumidifier sheet, 72 BellMouthRFO sheet, 65 BellMouthRound sheet, 64 Division2 sheet, 66 DivisionW3 sheet, 68 DuctSmokeDetector sheet, 45 FlatOval_Rivet sheet, 43 FlatOval_Weld sheet, 42 Horn_Strobe sheet, 47 HsqrThroatElbow sheet, 62 HVAC, 12 HVAC reference data What's New, 11 HVAC workbook, 13 HVAC.xls, 13 HVACElbow sheet, 58 HvacSpec sheet, 15 HvacSpecDefaults sheet, 76 ManualDamper sheet, 19 MotorDamper sheet, 22 PermissibleDuctThickness sheet, 78 preface, 5 Rect_FlatFlange sheet, 24

Rect_FlatFlangeVA sheet, 28 Rect_Rivet sheet, 40 Rect_Sleeve sheet, 34 Rect_Weld sheet, 37 RectTee tab, 56 reference data, 12 Round_FlatFlange sheet, 26 Round_FlatFlangeVA sheet, 30 Round_Rivet sheet, 39 Round_Sleeve sheet, 32 Round_Weld sheet, 36 RoundElbow sheet, 60 RoundTee tab, 54 routing duct, 12 SamplingTube sheet, 46 SMRectangularBranch tab, 53 SMRoundBranch tab, 52 spreadsheets HVAC, 13 surface-mounted inspection covers, 48, 50 SurfMountIcover tab, 48, 50 What's New HVAC reference data, 11 workbooks HVAC, 13

HVAC Reference Data Guide 79

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