Human Resources Planning at Tata Consultancy Services Limited

May 5, 2018 | Author: rutuja | Category: Human Resource Management, Human Resources, Employment, Business Process, Economies
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Human Resources Planning at Tata Consultancy Services Limited...


Human Resources Planning at Tata Consultancy Services Limited  About the Company: Tata Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) Tata Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS): is a so!t"are services consulting company# one o! the largest provider o! in!ormation technology and business process outsourcing services in Asia Tata Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is a !lagship s ubsidiary o! one o! $ndia%s largest and oldest conglomerate company# the Tata Tata &roup# "hich has interests in ar eas such as energy# telecommunications# !inancial services# manu!acturing# chemicals# engineering# materials# government and healthcare ' Analysis o! business !actors in Tata Tata Consultancy Services Limited L imited (TCS) The maor !actors that are ta*en into account "hile planning the human resource planning are: +Schedule o! available resources +S*ills o! available resources Some o! the minor !actors: +Personality con!licts among the employees +Attendance History o! the employees +Team player  +"illingness to "or* on given proect  Additional maor !actors: +Production !orecasting +economic conditions "hich may cause the company to lay+o!! or cut+bac*# or increase their "or*!orce

$ssues in Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) The compensation management practices o! Tata Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) have ta*en as the maor issues here h ere Their compensation management system "as based on the ,conomic -alue Added Added (,-A) model .y implementing this model in to the business# the salary o! employees comprised o! t"o parts o! !i/ed and variable The !i/ed salary "ill reach employees "ithout any delay# but the variable part o! the salary "as arrived only a!ter considering business unit ,-A# Corporate ,-A and also individual per!ormance ,-A .ased on this calculation# the employees can earn their salary $n the last 0uarter o! the !inancial year '112+'113# Tata Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) has announced that it is in the critical situation# so as it has planned to slash 45 o! the variable component o! employees% salaries since its ,-A targets

"ere not met by the third 0uarter o! the !inancial year This announcement is not only !or Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) employees but also to th e entire $ndian $T industry '' Assessment o! Human Resource Re0uirements in Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) The Company vie"ed their employees as their assets# so they have more concentrated on the e!!icient utili6ation o! those assets Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) had dra"n criticism !or its compensation structure $n vie" o! the employees# the salaries "ere not on a par "ith industry standards $t has started to loss its employees as not in the situation to !ollo" the ,mployee Stoc* 7ptions (,S7P)# "hich is being !o llo"ed by its competitors ,S7P is one o! th e emerging tools to retain the employees "ith the Tata Consultancy Services Limited !or a long time $n this situation# the management "as collapsed "ith the current policies# and it tends to modi!y the strategies as per their norms in order to meet employees% re0uirements as "ell as the targets setted by the company To overcome the problem occurred# it is suggested by the Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) senior management to constantly *eep the employees% trac* o! the vast intellectual assets# their s*ill sets# the status o! proects on "hich they "ere "or*ing Then# they have started to assess the re0uired number o! people available to be placed in the other ne" proects '8 9eveloping human resource plan in Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) The human resource plan can include the assigned s*ill sets o! the resources !or a proect and the degree in "hich they "ill be used The plan should incorporate "ith the resources# the time and degree o! usage# tas* or areas o! applied resources The !ollo"ing model relies on gap analysis and "hich lin*s the human resource planning to overall business planning

or*!orce Analysis in Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) $t is the process o! analy6ing and understanding the "or*!orce and planning !or proected shortages and surpluses in speci!ic occupations and s*ill sets $n Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS)# "or*!orce analysis should be made based on their proects So that only they can reali6e the needs to assess the !urther re0uirements or improvements "hat is to be made to the current plan

$nternal Scan in Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) hat are the !actors "hich a!!ecting the Tata Consultancy Services Limited internally# that is to be identi!ied Then the re0uired steps can be ta*en to create a solution and to enhance the HR capacity in order to meeting the Tata Consultancy Services Limitedal goals The internal !actors may be as: "or* environment# 0uality o! "or* li!e# relationship "ith their peers;subordinates# etc# $n Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS)# internal !actor "hich a!!ecting HR capacity might be their compensation structure 9e!initely# it "ill lead to create a problem "hile attaining the goals So that# the grievances must be monitored by the management and also they should ta*e preventive measures

,/ternal Scan in Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) ,/ternal scan means all environmental !actors in "hich a!!ecting the "or*!orce capacity# HR priorities and emerging issues

&ap Analysis in Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS)  A!ter scanning the e/ternal !actors# gap analysis can be made $t may consider the current and !uture HR needs

Priority Setting and or* Plan in Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) .ased on Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS)%s priorities# environmental scan# and HR per!ormance related data: maor human resource priorities# strategies to achieve the desired outcome

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