Huawei: H13-511 - V4.0 Exam
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Huawei H13-511_V4.0 H13-51 1_V4.0 Exam HCIA-Cloud Computing V4.0 Exam
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Product Questions: 253 Version: 7.0 Queston: 1 In Huawei FusionCompute, the administrator can view the DVS port to which the virtual machine is connected. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 2 When creang a port group in Huawei FusionCompute, F usionCompute, the following operaon is wrong A. Set the VLAN ID to "5000" / 1-4094 total 4096 0-4095 B. Set the name of the port group g roup to "ceshi" C. Set the port type to "Ordinary" // access ordinary trunk relay D. Add "This is the test port" in the descripon
Answer Ans wer:: A Queston: 3 In Huawei FusionCompute, adjusng virtual machine specicaons is not supported when cloning a virtual machine. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 4 The memory and CPU resources used by virtual machines in Huawei FusionCompute can only be provided by the same cluster. Therefore, the maximum available compung resources for virtual machines cannot exceed the sum of resources available to all hosts in the cluster
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Answer: B Queston: 5 The following opons are characterisc of the era of cloud compung 1.0 (mulple choices) A. Agile applicaon development and life cycle management B. Focus on virtualizaon virtuali zaon products C. Standardizaon and automaon of resource services D. Use virtualizaon virtuali zaon technology to improve resource ulizaon
Answer: B. D Queston: 6 In Huawei FusionCompute, the role of the uplink is. A. Assign an IP address to the virtual machine B. Connect virtual and physical networks C. Manage virtual machine MAC addresses D. Detecng the status of the virtual network card
Answer: B Queston: 7 The following descripon of cloud compung is correct A. Cloud compung is a technology that enables IT resources to be obtained anyme, anywhere, conveniently,, and on demand conveniently B. Various IT resources resources in cloud compung need to be paid to use C. IT resources resources obtained in cloud compung need to be used through the network D. In the process of obtaining IT resources, users need to repeatedly negoate with cloud compung service providers
Answer: A Queston: 8 In the development of the Internet, there are many milestone events. The order of the milestone events in the following opons is normal.
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A. The establishment of TCP / IP protocol specicaons-ARPANET is born-www is ocially open to the public-DNS is born B. www is ocially open to the public-the birth of DNS-the establishment of TCP / IP protocol specicaons-the birth of ARPANET C. The birth of ARPANET-the establishment of TCP / IP protocol specicaons-the birth of DNS-www is ocially open to the public D. The birth of DNS-the establishment of TCP / IP protocol specicaons-the birth of ARPANET-www is ocially open to the public
Answer: C Queston: 9 Cloud compung is the product of the development of the Internet and compung technology, so cloud compung must be inseparable i nseparable from the network. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 10 The descripon descripon of the relaonship relaonship between Host Machine and Guest Guest Machine Machine is corr correct ect (mulple choice) A. Aer using virtualizao virtualizaon n technology technology,, one guest machine can use the resourc resources es of mulple host machines at the same me. B. Aer using virtualizaon technology, a guest machine can only run on the host machine that created it C. Aer using virtualizaon technology, a Host Machine can only run one Hypervisor D. Aer using virtualizaon vi rtualizaon technology, technology, mulple guest g uest machines can run on one host machine
Answer: C. D Queston: 11 The following are compung virtualizaon (mulple choices) A. CPU virtualizaon B. Network virtualizaon C. Memory virtualizaon D. I / O virtualizaon E. Disk virtualizaon
Answer: A. C. D
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Queston: 12 KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) virtual machine can run on other virtualizaon plaorms aer format conversion on. A A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 13 In the Huawei FusionCompute architecture, what belongs to the Host Machine role is A. CNA B. UVP C. KVM D. VRM
Answer: A Queston: 14 In the following descripon, the advantages of virtualizaon are (mul-select) A. Aer using virtualizaon, mulple virtual machines can run on one physical host at the same me. B. Aer using virtualizaon, the CPU ulizaon uli zaon of a physical host can be stabilized at about 65% C. Aer using virtualizaon, virtual machines can be migrated between mulple hosts D. Aer using virtualizaon, vi rtualizaon, mulple applicaons can run on the operang system of a physical host.
Answer: A. C Queston: 15 The following descripon about KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is i s correct (mulple selecon) A. KVM is type II virtualizaon B. KVM is a type I virtualizaon C. KVM is a module in the Linux kernel D. KVM is an open source virtualizaon technology
Answer: A. C. D
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Queston: 16 In KVM-type virtualizaon, the following descripon is correct (mul-select) A. Guest OS can be Windows B. Guest OS can be Linux C. Host OS can be Windows D. Host OS can be Linux
Answer: A. B. D Queston: 17 In Huawei FusionCompute, users can manage VMs in mulple ways: A. Log in to the virtual machine directly for management B. Use the graphical interface for management aer logging into CNA C. Use the graphical interface for management aer logging in to VRM D. Use the command line to manage aer logging in to CNA
Answer: A. C. D Queston: 18 Virtualizaon technology can improve the ulizaon of hardware resources, reduce operaon and operaon and maintenance costs, and cloud compung also has these advantages. Therefore, cloud compung and virtualizaon technology are inseparable. // Cloud compung is not equal to virtualizaon A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 19 Compung virtualizao Compung virtualizaon n has dierent dierent classi classicaon caonss from dierent dierent perspec perspecves, ves, which can be divided into type I and type II virtualizaon, and can also be divided into full virtualizaon and paravirtualizaon. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A
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Queston: 20 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following followi ng can only be used as non-virtuali non-virtualized zed storage: storage: () A. NAS B. FusionStorage C. local disk D. SAN
Answer: B Queston: 21 The weakest data data redundancy of the following RAID levels is () A. RAID 1 B. RAID 6 C. RAID 0 D. RAID 5
Answer: C Queston: 22 Which of the following is not included in the NAS NA S architecture? A. Volume management module B. Status vericaon module C. le system D. Network interface
Answer: D Queston: 23 For scenarios such as archives that need to store large amounts of data for a long me, but do not need to read frequently, it is recommended Type of disk? A. SAS disk B. NL-SAS disk C. SATA disk D. SSD disk
Answer: C
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Queston: 24 A SATA disk is a disk using a parallel interface type, and a SAS disk is a disk using a serial interface type. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 25 In RAID 5 and RAID 6, the number of failed disks is A. 3, 2 B. 2, 1 C. 1, 2 D. 2, 3
Answer: C Queston: 26 The following can achieve computer virtualizaon in the era of cloud compung 1.0 and improve resource ulizaon A. KVM B. Xen C. Hyper-v D. OpenStack
Answer: B Queston: 27 Aer KVM uses Viro, the descripon of the I / 0 forwarding process process is correct [mulple choices] A. I / 0 requests are sent directly directly from the front-end driver to the back-end driver B. I / 0 requests are no longer forwarded forwarded via QUEM C. I / 0 requests will be more eciently forwarded D. I / 0 requests need to be forwarded by the KVM module
Answe Ans wer: r: A. C Queston: 28
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If an enterprise uses a hybrid cloud, the devices that cannot be used as the demarcaon point between public and private clouds are A. Core switch B. Firewall C. Virtual switch D. Flow cleaning equipment
Answer: A. C Queston: 29 Open source virtualizaon technologies are all type I virtualizaon, and closed source virtualizaon technologies are all type II virtualizaon A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 30 The following descripon about the characteriscs of type I (bare metal) compung virtualizaon is correct [mulple choices] A. Applicaons can run directly on VMM B. Hypervisor runs directly di rectly on physical hardware hardware C. Both applicaons and virtual vi rtual machines can run directly on the Host OS D. Applicaon cannot run directly on Host Machine
Answer: B. D Queston: 31 In Huawei FusionCompute, the correct step to delete storage resources is 1. Delete or virtual machine disk 2. Disassociate the host 3. Delete storage resources resources 4. Destroy data storage A. 3 ---> 2 ---> 4 ---> 1 B. 2 ---> 4 ---> 1 ---> 3 C. 1 ---> 2 ---> 3 ---> 4 D. 1 ---> 4 ---> 2 ---> 3
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Answer: D Queston: 32 To congure the IP SAN for the host, you usually need to congure the host on the storage device to enable the host to be mapped on the IP SAN Shoot. A. ISCSI ISC SI Target Target B. ISCSI Server C. ISCSI Client D. ISCCSI Iniator
Answer: D Queston: 33 The essence of the Internet of Things is the Internet. As long as hardware or products are connected to the network, data interacon can be called the Internet of Things A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 34 In Huawei FusionCompute, FusionStorage can be used as a virtualized storage A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 35 In Huawei FusionCompute, when a compute node is powered o, the system can have HA on the computer node. Aribute virtualizaon is pulled up on other computer nodes. Among the following opons, it is not necessary to implement this funcon: A. The virtual machine m achine is not bound to the host B. The source and desnaon compung nodes use shared data storage, C. The cluster to which the compute node belongs opens HA D. Virtual machines with HA aributes on the compute nodes all use the same network segment IP
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Answer: D Queston: 36 In compung virtualizaon, the operang system running in a virtual vi rtual machine is called Host OS. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 37 With the development of AI technology, almost every technology now involves arcial intelligence. Which of the following is now AI? Applicaon area? [mulple choices] A. Appease the robot B. Voice recognion C. Image Idencaon D. NLP (Neuro-Linguisc Programming)
Answer: A. B. C. D Queston: 38 In Huawei Fusioncompute, administrators can discover storage devices by scanning or manually refreshing. A.TURE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 39 In Huawei FusionCompute, when a host in the cluster fails, the virtual machine on that host will automacally Automac migraon to other hosts in the cluster
Answer: B Queston: 40
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The following are CIFS CI FS descripons that are correct A. CIFS supports mul-user access B. CIFS has low requirements for the reliability of network transmission. It can use both TCP / IP and UDP protocols. C. CIFS requires clients to have special soware installed D. CIFS retains le format characteriscs
Answer: A Queston: 41 In Huawei FusionCompute, if the server has a small number of physical NICs, you can consider merging mulple planes. , Using a VLAN to logically isolate each plane A A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 42 The following descripon about the cluster, host and virtual machine in Huawei FusionCompute is incorrect A. Determine whether the hosts belong to the same cluster depends on whether you use unied shared storage B. A cluster is made m ade up of mulple hosts and their associated storage and network resources C. Virtual machines machi nes can be migrated across clusters D. Hosts can be moved between dierent clusters
Answer: C Queston: 43 In Huawei FusionCompute, the conguraon mode of the most storage-ecient virtual machine disk loading is A. General B. Independent-persistent Independent-persistent C. Streamline D. Independent-non-persistent Independent-non-persistent
Answer: C
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Queston: 44 The following descripon about virtualized storage and non-virtualized storage is correct A. Virtualized Vir tualized storage is more secure than non-virtualized storage B. Virtualized Virtuali zed storage is beer than non-virtualized storage C. Read and write wri te performance of non-virtualized storage is beer than virtualized storage D. Non-virtualized storage scales beer than virtualized vi rtualized storage
Answer: C Queston: 45 Which of the following technologies or equipment cannot isolate broadcasts A. Router B. VLAN C. Hub D. Firewall
Answer: C Queston: 46 Memory reuse technology is a prerequisite for QoS implementaon of memory resources. A.TURE B. FALSE
Answer: A
Queston: 47 What is incorrect about the VIMS le system descripon below? D A. VIMS is compable with FC SAN, IP SAN, local disk B. VIMS is the technical foundaon for advanced features such as thin disks, snapshots, and storage migraon C. VIMS is a high-performance cluster le system D. VIMS is a universal storage virtualizaon le system
Answer: D Queston: 48
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The SAN provides the host with a "bare disk" without a le system. What le system is built on it depends enrely on the host's operang system. A. TRUE B. TRUE
Answer: B Queston: 49 The following descripon about the dierences between physical switches and virtual switches is incorrect (B) A. virtual switch runs on a physical server, and the physical switch has separate hardware hardware B. The virtual switch cannot operate on the VLAN tag, and the physical switch can operate on the VLAN tag C. A virtual switch cannot be congured with a Layer 3 interface, and a physical switch can be congured with a Layer 3 interface D. Virtual switches also require certain hardware hardware resources for their normal operaon
Answer: B Queston: 50 In Huawei Fusion Compute, Compute, the following descripon descripon of the number correspon correspondence dence between virtual machines and DVS is correct (mulple selecon) A. When a virtual machine has a network card, the network card can only be associated with one DVS B. When a virtual machine has mulple network cards, each network card can be associated with a DVS C. When there are mulple NICs in a virtual machine, mulple NICs can be associated with the same DVS. D. When a virtual machine has a network card, the network card can be associated with mulple DVSs.
Answer: A. B. C Queston: 51 The conguraon of a Huawei switch port is as follows: Interface (GigabitEhernet 0/0/1) Port link-type trunk Port trunk allow-pass vlan 16 17 According to the above conguraon, the following statement is correct (D)
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A. Data frame containing vlan 16 label will be stripped and forwarded when passing through the port B. Data frames that do not contain any labels are dropped when passing through the port C. When a data frame that does not contain any tags passes through the port, it will be tagged with VLAN 16 or VLAN 17 and Forward D. Data frames containing VLAN 17 tags will be tagged and forwarded as they pass thr through ough the port
Answer: D Queston: 52 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following incorrect technical descripon of CPU QoS is (C) A. The role of "reservaon" is to ensure the lower limit of the compung power of the virtual machine, that is, how much resources are used at least B. "Shares" is used to calculate resources based on the relave CPU share values of mulple virtual machines when compung resources are insucient. Source balance and adjustment C. is usedthe to specify the maximum number of hosts to achieve control of the virtual machine D. "limit" By adjusng "Reservaon", "Share", "Restricon", CPU resource usage
Answer: C Queston: 53 In Huawei Fusion Compute, to facilitate unied management, each DVS must be congured with a management IP address. A. TRUE B. TRUE
Answer: B Queston: 54 Arcial intelligence intell igence is a new research and development theory, theory, method, technology and a applicaon pplicaon system used to extend extend arcial intelligence. intelli gence. Technical science, the following statement about arcial intellig intelligence ence is wrong (D) A. Arcial intelligence is not social B. Arcial intelligence is an unconscious mechanical physical process C. Arcial intelligence does not have the dynamic creavity unique to human consciousness D. Arcial Arcial intellig intelligenc ence e is a techno technology logy fo forr items items to ex excha change nge inf inform ormao aon n throug through h networ network k connecvity
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Answer: D Queston: 55 In Huawei FusionCompute, when a virtual machine installs an operang system by mounng a local image le, the administrator can close the VNC window at any me without aecng the reading of the image. A A. TRUE B. TRUE
Answer: A Queston: 56 The following incorrect descripon of memory reuse is (B) A. memory reuse technology can make the sum of virtual machine memory specicaons larger than the sum of physical server specicaons B. memory reuse technology technology can make the total total memory used by virtual machines larger than the total memory of physical server specicaons C. Aer the C memory reuse funcon is enabled, the memory reuse rate is inversely proporonal to the actual memory usage of each virtual machine. D. memory reuse single technology includes memory m emory bubbles, memory swap and memory sharing
Answer: B Queston: 57 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following descripon of the virtual machine HA is correct (mulselecon) ABC A. Virtual machine HA funcon can quickly restor restore e business when a failure occurs When system B. detects the blue screen of the virtual machine and congures the processing strategy as HA. the system will choose another normal compung node for reconstrucon virtual machine C. Aer HA is enabled in the cluster, cluster, virtual machines can be rebuilt on other hosts aer a host failure As long as resources are reserved in the D cluster, virtual machines with HA aributes can be rebuilt on other compung nodes when a fault occurs success
Answer: A. B. C
Queston: 58
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Which of the following scenarios is not applicable to snapshots? B A. Business Destrucve Test B. Long-term preservaon of business data C. Business Patch Upgrade D. Major business changes
Answer: B Queston: 59 Which of the following technologies on a switch can increase link speed? A. LDAP B. LACP C. VLAN D. VXLAN
Answer: B Queston: 60 The following incorrect descripon of virtualizaon is (mul-select) (m ul-select) A. network virtualizaon vi rtualizaon refers to distributed virtual switches B. Storage virtualizaon refers to distributed storage C. In cloud compung, IaaS layer virtualizaon can be divided into compung virtualizaon, storage virtualizaon, and network virtualizaon D. Compung virtualizaon includes CPU virtualizaon, memory virtualizaon, and IO virtualizaon
Answer: A. B Queston: 61 CPU virtualizaon technology can be divided into full virtualizaon, paravirtualizaon, soware virtualizaon, and hardwar hardware-assisted e-assisted virtualizaon. A. TRUE B. TRUE
Answer: A Queston: 62 In Huawei Huawei Fusion FusionCom Comput pute, e, virtual virtual machin machines es usi using ng non-vir non-virtua tualiz lized ed stor storage age do not suppor supportt the
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snapshot funcon. A. TRUE B. TRUE
Answer: B Queston: 63 IoT devices can be connected to the Internet and can be controlled via the Internet. A. TRUE B. TRUE
Answer: A Queston: 64 Some virtualizaon technologies are open source, and some are closed source. The same is true for cloud compung management plaorms. Open source cloud compung management plaorms need to be implemented impl emented using open source virtualizaon virtuali zaon technology. technology. A. TRUE B. TRUE
Answer: B Queston: 65 In Huawei Huawei Fusion FusionCom Comput pute, e, in addion addion to congu conguring ring stac stac ro route utes, s, DVS DVS also sup suppor ports ts mulple mulple dynamic routes. A. TRUE B. TRUE
Answer: B Queston: 66 In Huawei FusionCompute, the default alarm level does not include () A. Normal B. emergency C. hint D. secondary E. important
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Answer: A Queston: 67 Create a virtual machine by imporng it in Huawei FusionCompute. The following le formats are not supported () A. ova B. qcow2 C. ovf D. vmdk
Answer: D Queston: 68 The conguraon of a Huawei switch port is as follows: Interface GigabitEhernet 0/0/1 Port link-type access Port default vlan 16 According to the above conguraon, the following statement is correct A. This port will wil l add a VLAN 16 tag to the data frames that pass by B. This port allows only data with vlan 16 tags to pass through. C. The port will strip the VLAN 16 label of the passing data frame and forward it. D. The port will not do any operaons on the data frames passing by by..
Answer: C Queston: 69 In Huawei FusionCompute, to improve VRM reliability, which of the following deployment methods is recommended? A. acve / standby standby deployment B. single node deployment C. hybrid deployment D. acve-acve deployment
Answer: A Queston: 70 Which of the following is not a feature of big data 4V
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A. Value B. Varitey C. Valid D. Volume
Answer: C Queston: 71 Which of the following followi ng statements about the relaonship between cloud compung and the Internet of Things is incorrect? i ncorrect? A. Without cloud compung support, the Internet of Things cannot perform data transmission transmission B. Cloud compung is the corners cornerstone tone of the development of the Internet of Things, and at the same me, the Internet of Things connues to promote the development of cloud compung C. Cloud compung can provide enough storage space for massive data of the Internet of Things D. If there is no cloud compung as the basic support, the work eciency of the Internet of Things will be greatly g reatly reduced
Answer: A Queston: 72 Storage virtualizaon technology can improve storage ulizaon and provide storage resources for mulple virtual machines. A. Yes B. wrong
Answer: A Queston: 73 In Huawei FusionCompute, which of the following acons takes eect immediately? A. Read and write directly to the newly bound disk B. Install Tools C. Disk capacity reducon D. Remove the network card
Answer: D Queston: 74 The virtual switch plays an important role in communicang between virtual machines and is an indispensable component
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A. Yes B. wrong
Answer: A Queston: 75 The following descripon about making templates in FusionCompute is incorrect . A. "Virtu "Virtual al machin machine e to templat template" e" is to dir direct ectly ly conver convertt a virtual virtual machine machine int into o a tem templa plate, te, all parameters use the current conguraon of the virtual machine The virtual machine will no longer exist aer conversion B. When using a virtual machine to make a template, the status of the virtual machine can be "running" C. "Clone a template as a template" is to copy the template as a new template and support adjustment of some parameter conguraons, which can be slightly dierent from the original template The dierence is that the template sll exists aer cloning is complete D. "Clone a virtual machine as a template" is to copy the virtual machine as a template and support adjustment of some parameter conguraons, which can be compared with the original virtual machine. The virtual machine is slightly dierent. The virtual machine sll exists aer cloning is complete.
Answer: B Queston: 76 In Huawei FusionCompute, if a virtual machine is bound to a host, the funcons that will be aected are (mul-select) . A. DRS B. Memory Hot Add C. Thermal migraon D. Snapshot
Answer: A. C Queston: 77 The way FusionCompute Installer Installer deploys VRM virtual vi rtual machines is (). A. ISO le automac installaon B. Import the template le to the virtual machine C. Automacally create virtual machines and automacally mount ISO l les es for installaon D. PXE automac installaon
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Answer: B Queston: 78 In Huawei FusionCompute, the descripon of the "shared" type disk is correct (mul-select). A. The virtual machine to which this type of hard disk is bound does not support the snapshot funcon B. This type of hard disk can only onl y be bound to one virtual machine C. The virtual machine does not support changing datastores datastores on such hard disks D. This type of hard disk can be bound to mulple virtual machines
Answer: A. C. D Queston: 79 The following descripon of NFS is correct (). A. No special soware is required for for NFS clients B. NFS cannot set user permissions C. NFS supports mul-user access D. NFS is a stateful protocol
Answer: C Queston: 80 Memory reuse technology cannot be implemented () . A. Enable memory reuse technology. The higher the reuse rao, the beer the performance of the virtual machine. B. Enabling memory reuse technology can improve the deployment of virtual machines on physical hosts C. If the user's virtual machine memory usage is high, you can opmize it by modifying the memory reuse rao D. Enabling memory reuse technology, the total memory of all virtual machines created by the user can exceed the physical memory
Answer: A Queston: 81 The funcon of the Internet of Things is only to collect data generated by various things. A. Yes B. wrong
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Answer: B Queston: 82 Which device in the physical network is i s capable of roung and forwarding? A. Hub B. Layer 2 switch C. Router D. Physical server NIC
Answer: C Queston: 83 In cloud cloud compu compung, ng, the network network can be divided divided into two parts: parts: virtual virtual networ network k and ph physic ysical al network. A. Yes B. wrong
Answer: A Queston: 84 In FusionCompute, the following descripon about deleng a security group is incorrect . A. Authorizaon between the security group to be deleted and other security groups does not aect the deleon B. There are no virtual machines in the security group. If there are virtual machines in the security group, you need to remove the virtual machines from the security group. C. Aer the security group is deleted, all the security group rules in the group are deleted at the same me D. When you delete a security group to which a virtual machine belongs, the other security groups have no eect on the virtual machine.
Answer: C Queston: 85 Intelligent memory reuse technology (memory bubble, memory swap, memory sharing) can be customized to turn on / o any of the funcons according to customer needs A. Yes B. wrong
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Answer: B Queston: 86
In Huaw Huawei ei can Fusion Fusbe ionCom Comput pute, e, a disk dis virtual machine machine needs needs to be modie modied. d. The following following operaons implemented . k of a virtual A. Modify the disk capacity from 80GB to 8GB B. Change the disk conguraon mode from "Thin" to "Normal" C. Change disk mode from "slave" to "independent-persistent" "independent-persistent" D. Change the status of the disk from "Available" to "Unavailable"
Answer: C Queston: 87 In Huawei FusionCompute, DPM must m ust rely on DRS before it can be used. A. Yes B. wrong
Answer: A Queston: 88 The following incorrect descripon of iSCSI and Fibre Channel is (). A. The The FC pr prot otoc ocol ol is comp complet letely ely he hete tero roge gene neou ouss wit with h th the e exis exisn ng g Ethe Ethern rnet et an and d ha hass po poor or compability. B. iSCSI runs on Ethernet based on TCP / IP protocol and can be seamlessly integrated with exisng Ethernet C. FC has a longer transmission distance than TCP / IP D. From the perspecve of the transport layer, layer, Fibre Channel uses the FC protocol, and iSCSI uses the TCP / IP protocol.
Answer: C Queston: 89 The following are not part of snapshot management . A. Copying a snapshot B. Modifying a snapshot C. Create a snapshot D. Delete a snapshot
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Answer: A Queston: 90
Use a template in Huawei FusionCompute to deploy mulple virtual machines in batches A.TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A
Queston: 91 In Huawei fusion compute, all virtual machine NICs that join the same security group use this security group ltering. To improve security, you need to add the same network card to mulple security groups. B // A network card is only assigned to one security g group roup A. TURE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 92 A virtual machine can have mulple virtual network adapters at the same me, corresponding to dierent virtual switches. A.TURE B. FALSE
Answer: A
Queston: 93 Which of the following virtual machine disk le l e formats does Huawei fusioncompute not support? A A. VMDK B.VHD C.RAW D.QCOW2
Answer: A
Queston: 94
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In fusioncompute, the virtual switch is connected to the physical network via (). () . A.INIC B. Virtual network card C. Port group D. Uplink
Answer: D Queston: 95 The rules in the security group will be deleted along with the security g group roup A.TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 96 What types of storage virtualizaon can be divided into? (Mulple choices) A. Applicaon-level virtualizaon B. Block-level virtualizaon C. Page-level virtualizaon D. File-level virtualizaon
Answer: B. D Queston: 97 The process of creang a le system on a disk is oen referred to as A. Packaging B. Formang C. RAID D. Paron
Answer: B Queston: 98 The necessary condions for a virtual machine to communicate with other virtual machines are (mulple choice) A. Congure a xed IP address for the virtual machine machi ne B. Congure the correct IP address for the virtual machine C. Congure the correct MAC address for the virtual machine
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D. Congure the gateway address for the virtual machine
Answer: B. C Queston: 99 In Huawei FunsionCompute, the operaons that can be performed on VRM are (mul-select) A. RAID RAID B. Converng virtualized vi rtualized storage to non-virtualized storage C. Manually add storage devices to the virtual machine machi ne D. Add SAN storage as non-virtualized storage
Answer: C. D Queston: 100 The VLAN ID (except 0) congured for DVS in Huawei FunsionCompute needs to exist on the physical switch, otherwise it will aect the normal communicaon of the virtual machine. A. TRUE B. TRUE
Answer: B Queston: 101 The following descripon of the Hypervisor Hypervi sor is correct A. Hypervisor is virtualizaon B. Hypervisor is i s essenally an operang system C. Hypervisor carries a large number of drivers, so the Hypervisor does not need to install drivers and patches D. Hypervisor is the key to computer virtualizaon
Answer: D Queston: 102 Create a new disk in Huawei FusionCompute, which of the following operaons is incorrect A. Set the disk type to "normal" and the disk mode to "independent-non-pe "independent-non-persistent" rsistent" B. Set the disk conguraon mode to "Thin" and the disk mode to "Independent-Persistent" C. Set the disk mode mode to "indep "independ endent ent-no -non-p n-per ersis sisten tent" t" and change change the raw device mappin mapping g to "supported" D. Set the disk conguraon mode to "Thin" and the disk mode to "Independent-Non-persistent" "Independent-Non-persistent"
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Answer: C Queston: 103
If a virtual machine wants to communicate with other virtual machines, which of the following opons is necessary? A. Need to congure port binding on the physical server B. Port binding needs to be congured on the physical switch C. The physical server where the virtual machine is located needs to be networked D. Need to add at least one network card to the virtual machine
Answer: D Queston: 104 The picture describes the service model A. IaaS B. DaaS C. PaaS D. SaaS
Answer: A Queston: 105 Which of th Which the e follo followin wing g meth method odss ar are e gener generall ally y su supp ppor orte ted d by a ph phys ysica icall sw swit itch ch fo forr re remo mote te management (mulple selecon) A. Telnet B. SSL C. Web D. SSH
Answer: A. C. D Queston: 106 What is right about VNC is (mulple choice) A. VNC needs to support Linux operang system B. The controlled computer needs to install the corresponding soware to become a VNC server C. VNC is i s a lightweight lightweig ht remote control control soware D. The host that iniates the control request needs to install the corresponding soware to become a
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VNC server
Answer: B. C Queston: 107 The following Hypervisor descripon is incorrect A. In virtualizaon, vi rtualizaon, Hypervisor and VMM are a concept B. In virtualizaon, virtuali zaon, Hypervisor can run directly on Host Machine C. In virtualizaon, virtuali zaon, Hypervisor can monitor the status of the guest machine D. In virtualizaon, only Hypervisor H ypervisor has direct access to physical resources
Answer: D Queston: 108 Which of the following scenarios is not recommended to enable the memory reuse funcon? A. Ordinary oce cloud hosng B. Telecommunicaons business hall C. Graphic workstaon D. Bank window oce
Answer: C Queston: 109 NUMA is a memory architectu architecture re designed for mulprocess mulprocessor or computers computers.. Memory Memory access access me depends on Processor locaon, under NUM A. the processor accesses its own local memory faster than non-local memory (the memory is located in Another processor, or shared memory between processors) is faster. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 110 The following are the north-south trac (mul-select) A. Trac Trac generated by virtual machine live li ve migraon B. Trac between virtual machines accessing each other across data centers C. Trac generated generated by customers accessing data center business via the Internet
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D. Trac Trac between virtual machines inside the data center
Answer: B. C Queston: 111 What you can do in Huawei FusionCompute (mul-selecon) (mul -selecon) A. Convert virtual machines from other virtualizaon plaorms into virtual machines available to FusionCompute B. Cloning a virtual machine C. create a virtual machine D. delete the virtual machine
Answer: B. C. D Queston: 112 Data packets in the cloud compung virtual network need to be routed and forwarded by routers in the physical network. / TOR switch A.TURE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 113 ISCSI is a standardized protocol based on the _____ protocol and the SCSI instrucon set. It is widely used in many storage networks using the ____ architecture. A. FC IP SAN B. TCP / IP FC SAN C.FC FC SAN D. TCP / IP IP SAN
Answer: D Queston: 114 Cloud compung is the product of the development of parallel compung, grid compung, and distributed compung. The correct descripon of the relaonship between the four is A. Grid compung is completely replaced by the emergence of distributed compung B. Cloud compung is i s a type of distributed compung C. Parallel compung, network compung and distributed compung are all cloud compung D. Grid compung completely replaces parallel compung
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Answer: C Queston: 115
In Huawei FusionCompute, the tradional network equipment corresponding to DVS is A. Router B. Hub C. Layer 2 switch D. Layer 3 switch
Answer: C Queston: 116 The following descripon of the characteriscs of cloud compung resource pooling is correct A. Cloud compung resource pooling is a prerequisite for achieving extensive network access B. Cloud compung resource pooling feature can put CPU and hard disk in the same resource pool C. Cloud compung resource pooling characteriscs can shield the dierences between similar resources D. Cloud compung resource pooling features must rely on virtualizaon technology to achieve
Answer: C Queston: 117 Templates can be used to quickly deploy virtual machines. Currently, templates can only be made by converng or cloning virtual machines. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 118 In Huawei FusionCompute, a virtual machine can have mulple virtual network adapters. A. TURE B. FALSE
Answer: A
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Queston: 119 During the snapshot creaon process, you can perform other operaons on the virtual machine. A.TURE B. FALSE
Answer: B
Queston: 120 If VM A can ping VM B. which of the following can be inferred? A. Virtual machine A and virtual machine B use the same network segment B. Both virtual machine machi ne A and virtual machine B are congured with the correct IP addresses C. Virtual machine A and virtual machine B use dierent network segments D. Virtual machine A and virtual machine B run on the same physical host
Answer: B Queston: 121 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following followi ng descripon about the hot migraon is incorrect A. Live migraon includes virtual machine live migraon and disk live migraon B. Use the technology of rapid replicaon of memory data and shared storage during the hot migraon of virtual machines machi nes to ensure the number of virtual machines Data unchanged C. Storage live migraon can only be performed within the same storage device under storage virtualizaon management D. The types of virtual machine live migraon are divided into change host, change datastore, and change host and datastore
Answer: C Queston: 122 In Huawei FusionCompute, DRS rules do not take eect ffor or virtual machines bound to USB devices. A.TURE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 123 In Huawei FusionCompute, the way to create a virtual machine is i s (mul-select)
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A. Other virtual plaorm import B. deployment using templates C. clone using an exisng virtual machine D. Create a new virtual machine directly
Answer: B. C. D Queston: 124 Common disk arrays include (mul-select) A. MAID (massive arrays of Idle disks) B. RAID C. JBOD (Just a bunch of Idle disks) D. SBOD (Switch of bunches Idle disks)
Answer: B. C Queston: 125 Memory reuse is a resource allocaon scheme that increases the density of virtual machines on a single host, reduces costs, and sacrice performance for density. density. A.TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 126 FC SAN, which is not the advantage of IP SAN compared to the following? A. convenient bandwidth expansion B low construcon cost cost C. long transmission distance D. high transmission eciency
Answer: D Queston: 127 Virtualizaon descripon is correct A. VMM runs in Guest Machine B. VMM runs directly on Host Machine C. VMM runs on Guest OS
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D. VMM runs on Host OS
Answer: D Queston: 128 The following descripon of KVM and Xen is correct (mul-select) A. Xen virtual machines machi nes can be converted into KVM virtual machines B. Domain 0 and Domain U are concepts in KVM C. KVM and Xen are both open source hypervisors D. KVM and Xen can run in the same Host H ost OS
Answer: A. C Queston: 129 When installing Huawei FusionCompute, which whi ch storage is recommended for VRM deployment? A. NAS B. FC SAN C. IP SAN D. Local Disk
Answer: D Queston: 130 The following incorrect descripon of the template is A. Aer the virtual machine is cloned as a template, the virtual machine sll exists B. Custom parameters when deploying virtual machines using templates C. Aer converng the template to a virtual machine, the template no llonger onger exists D. Templates Templates can be used across virtualizaon plaorms
Answer: D Queston: 131 In cloud compung, compung , dierent types of hardware of the same type can form a resource pool. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A
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Queston: 132 The following descripon of Huawei Virtual Switch is correct () A. The virtual switching switching funcon of the intellige intelligent nt network card is also prov provided ided by Huawei Virtual Virtual Switch B. Huawei virtual vi rtual switch is open source open vSWitch C. If Huawei H uawei distributed switch has mulple virtual ports, each port has iits ts own aributes D. Huawei virtual vi rtual switches are divided into i nto standard standard virtual switches and distributed virtual switches
Answer: B Queston: 133 The following incorrect descripon of hot and cold migraon mig raon is () . A. Hot migraon is the migraon of virtual machines running from one host to another king machine, business will not occur during the migraon process Break. B. In the performance test-reliability test, there are tests for virtual machine migraon, including hot migraon, cold migraon, migraon duraon, Duraon of business interrupon. C. Cold migraon is to migrate a virtual machine in a stopped state from one host to another host, and business will be interrupted during the migraon process. D. both hot and cold migraons will migrate memory and disk data
Answer: D Queston: 134 In Huawei FunsionCompute, the incorrect descripon of virtual machine migraon is A. The communicaon between the source host and the desnaon host is normal B. desnaon storage for dierent di erent storage storage devices C. virtual machine status status is "running" D. desnaon host must have sucient resources
Answer: C Queston: 135 In Huawei FunsionCompute, the following incorrect descripon of the host sto storage rage interface is A. supports two methods of adding interfaces i nterfaces manually and adding in batches. B. By adding mulple storage interfaces, mul-path transmission of storage can be achieved The IP address of the
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C. storage interface can be on the same network segment as the management plane D. Local hard disk and FC SAN can be connected to the storage device without adding a storage interface.
Answer: A Queston: 136 Virtual machines are generally composed of virtual machine conguraon informaon and disk les. Users can move the two les to implement virtual machines running on dierent physical hosts. What are the characteriscs of cloud compung described above? (Mulple choices) A. Paron B. isolaon C. independent D. Encapsulaon
Answer: A. B. C. D Queston: 137 The following are not KVM (Kernel-Based Virtual Machine) management m anagement tools: () A. QEMU B. Virsh instrucon set C. Virt-Manager D. Libvirt
Answer: A Queston: 138 The following descripon of virtualizaon virtuali zaon is correct A. Virtualizaon and non-virtualizaon cannot exist in the same data center at the same me B. Applicaons that can run on physical machines must also run on virtual machines C. Virtualizaon Virtuali zaon can improve the uniformity of hardware hardware resources D. Virtual machines using dierent types of virtualizaon technology can be converted to each other
Answer: C Queston: 139 In compung virtualizaon, the CPU and memory allocated to the virtual machine is (mul-select) A. Hypervisor
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B. VMM C. Guest OS D. Host OS
Answer: A. B Queston: 140 KVM virtual machines can be created through a graphical interface or created using the command line. A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 141 Using virtuali Using virtualiza zaon on techno technology logy can virtuali virtualize ze a physic physical al server server int into o mulple mulple virtual virtual machine machines, s, thereby improving the hardware performance of the physical server. B A. True B. False
Answer: B Queston: 142 In a Linux virtual machine. The one who can manage the logical volume is B A. OVM B. LVM C. PVM D. DVM
Answer: B Queston: 143 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following followi ng incorrect descripon of port groups and security groups is D A. A virtual machine NIC is connected to a virtual port in the port group, and a virtual machine NIC is associated with a security groupA B. B-port group is a collecon of one or more virtual ports on a DVS, while a security group is a collecon of one or more rules C. A DVS can have mulple mulpl e port groups and a VM can be protected by mulple security groups
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D. Security groups are based on port groups to protect virtual machines /// virtual network cards
Answer: D Queston: 144 Which of the following network le sharing protocols does the NAS support (mulple choice) A. CIFS B. NFS C. NTFS D. FTP
Answer: A. B Queston: 145 Switches can be divided into access switches, aggregaon switches, and core switches according to their usage. Virtual switches belong to aggregaon switches Switch A. True B. False
Answer: B Queston: 146 In actual work, which funcon can VLAN implement A. The virtual machine IXUS belonging to the same VLAN uses the IP address of the same address segment, otherwise it cannot communicate normally B. The virtual machines of the two departments cannot communicate with each other aer using dierent VLANs C. virtual machines belonging to the same VLAN can use IP addresses in dierent address segments and can use broadcasts to discover each other D. virtual machines belonging to dierent VLANs can use the same IP address without address conicts
Answer: A Queston: 147 If tw two o virtu virtual al mach machin ines es can can pin ping g each each othe otherr, the the ne netw twor ork k de devic vice e th that at will will be us used ed in th the e communicaon process is A. Distributed Virtual Machine Switch
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B. Physical switch C. Physical network card D. Virtual network card
Answer: D Queston: 148 In KVM, there are two ways for the virtual machine NIC to connect to the physical network: and () A. bridging, address translaon B. address translaon, pass-through C. bridge, pass-through D. pass-through, bridge
Answer: A Queston: 149 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following followi ng incorrect descripons of security groups and rules are A. Security group rule changes need to be manually applied to virtual machines in the security group B. must create a security group before adding rules C. security group denies all by default before adding rules D. The premise of deleng a security group g roup is that there are no virtual machines in the security group
Answer: A Queston: 150 When you use a template to quickly deploy a virtual machine, you do not need to install the operang system or congure it, so you save a lot of me and eort. A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 151 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following followi ng incorrect descripon of CPU resource QoS is A. CPU reservao reservaon n denes denes the minimum compung compung resourc resources es allocated allocated when mulple virtual virtual machines compete for physical CPU resources B. CPU quota quota denes denes the alloca allocaon on of compu compung ng re resou sourc rces es by priorit priority y when when mulple mulple virtual virtual machines compete for physical CPU resources
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C. CPU shares dene how mulple virtual machines allocate compung resources proporonally when compeng for physical CPU C PU resources D. CPU reservaon only works when a virtual machine competes for compung resources. If no compeon occurs, the virtual machine can exclusively occupy the physical CP CPU U resources.
Answer: B Queston: 152 In Huawei Fusion Compute, C ompute, the following incorrect descripon of memory reuse is A. The administrator can enable or disable the memory reuse funcon at any me. B. Aer the memory reuse funcon is turned o, the internal sum of all virtual machines is less than or equal to the total available physical memory C. Using memory reuse can degrade virtual machine performance D. Turning Turning o memory reuse require requiress that the memory reuse rate of all hosts in the cluster cluster is less than or equal to 100%
Answer: C Queston: 153 The following incorrect descripon of the security group applicaon scenario is A. By seng security group rules, you can control permissions on folders in the virtual machine B. By seng a security group rule, you can only allow remote login of virtual machines to specic IP addresses C. By seng security group g roup rules, you can protect virtual machines from being accessed D. By seng a security group rule, you can make the virtual machine inaccessible to the FTP server
Answer: A Queston: 154 What is incorrect about the snapshot descripon is A. A virtual machine can create mulple snapshots. When you use a snapshot to restore a virtual machine, subsequent snapshots become invalid. B. Snapshots can save both virtual machine sengs and virtual vir tual machine disk data C. All virtual machines on a host can only create one memory snapshot at the same me D. Snapshots can save the state of virtual machine memory
Answer: A Queston: 155
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When using the same Window template to quickly deploy a virtual machine, the SIDs generated may be consistent. As a result, some special soware will fail when installed A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 156 In the OpenStack soluon, which module does the load provide for persistent block storage? A. Swi // Object Storage B. Glance /// Quick storage C. Nova // Compute node life l ife cycle D. Cinder
Answer: D Queston: 157 In Huawei FusionCompute, when mulple virtual machines are wring to the same shared disk at the same me, in order to prevent data loss, it is necessary to ensure the applicaon soware's access control to the disk A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 158 The following incorrect descripon of Huawei FusionCompute HA is A. If the data of the virtual machine is stored in shared storage, the data saved in the event of a failure will not be lost B. This funcon supports automac restart aer a virtual machine failure C. The system periodically detects the status of the virtual machine. When a virtual server fails due to a physical server failure, the system can migrate the virtual machine to another physical server and restart rest art it to ensure that the virtual vi rtual machine can recover quickly D. administrator can set dierent dierent HA policies polici es according to the importance of the virtual machine
Answer: B Queston: 159
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Set the VLAN ID of the port group to 10 in Huawei FusionCompute (mul-selecon) (mul -selecon) A. untagged the data frame with VLAN 10 tag passing the port group and forwarded it B. Data frames passing the port group with a VLAN 10 tag are re-labeled with a VLAN ID and then forwarded. C. Drop data frames passing the port group with a non-VLAN 10 tag D. VLAN 10 tagged data frames passing through this port group are forwarded
Answer: A. C. D Queston: 160 In Huawei FusionCompute, what is i s incorrect about the IMC funcon descripon is A. It is recommended to enable the IMC funcon when the CPU models of the CNA hosts in the cluster are inconsistent. B. Enabling IMC cannot ensure that the virtual machine is successfully migrated between hosts with dierent CPU models. C. IMC only supports migraon from lower version CPU feature set to higher version It is recommended to enable the IMC funcon when the main frequency of the CNA hosts in the cluster is inconsistent.
Answer: C Queston: 161 In Huawei FusionCompute, aer the data is deleted inside the virtual machine, the disk size will not be automacally reduced. The next me the user writes again, the internally released space will be used. A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 162 In Huawei FusionCompute, the operaon of creang a disk using IP SAN includes Create storage resource 2. Add a storage port on the host 3. Add a data store 4. Create a disk The correct sequence of operaons is A.1-3-4-2 B. 4-2-1-4 C.1-2-3-4
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Answer: D Queston: 163 Huawei FusionCompute can sense the use of global physical resources resources during the running of a virtual machine, and use an intelligent scheduling algorithm to calculate the best host suitable for the virtual machine to run, and run the virtual machine on the best host by means of hot migraon, Thereby improving the global business experience A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 164 Common external storage soluons are A. DAS B. NAS C. NFS D. SAN
Answer: B. C Queston: 165 SSD disks are mechanical hard disks, which have the advantages of fast read and write speeds, low power consumpon, and light weight, but they have a limited life span A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 166 Among the following RAID levels, the highest ulizaon of disk space is A. RAID 0 B. RAID 6 C. RAID 1 D. RAID 5
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Answer: A Queston: 167 Where did the user apply for a cloud hard drive on the Huawei public cloud? The service model belongs to A. IaaS B. DaaS C. PaaS D. SaaS
Answer: A Queston: 168 The role of the following VLANs is incorrect:
A. Enhance physical networkswitch security B. Increase interface bandwidth C. Isolated broadcast broadcast domain D. Improve the robustness of the network
Answer: B Queston: 169 Both CPU resource QoS and memory mulplexing technologies use dierent strategies to raonally allocate resources resources A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 170 Which of the following requirements can be fullled by Huawei FusionCompute DRS A. Windows virtual vi rtual machine automacally restarts aer a blue screen B. A host in the cluster is unavailable. The virtual machines running on this host are automacally migrated to the odd host. C. Require a virtual machine to run r un on a specic host D. When the virtual machine conguraon does not meet business needs, the management system automacally increases CPU resources for the virtual machine
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Answer: C Queston: 171 The following scenarios that are not suitable for increasing the m memory emory reuse rao are A. Memory reuse in commercial scenarios has reached 150% B. Reduce customer hardware procurement costs C. While ensuring performance, customers require a single host to deploy the maximum number of virtual machines D. Virtual machine memory ulizaon is low
Answer: A Queston: 172 In Huawei FusionCompute, aer enabling the automac compung resource scheduling funcon, the reason for the migraon of the virtual machine may be (mul-select) (mul -select) A. Windows virtual machine blue screen and processing policy is "HA virtual machine" B. An applicaon running on a virtual machine crashes C. The administrato admini stratorr manually migrates according to the system prompt D. The system automacally migrates according to the scheduling policy
Answer: A. C. D Queston: 173 What is included in the virtual NUMA (mulple choice) A. Load Load balanci balancing, ng, consid considerin ering g the node node corre correlao laon n during during the schedu scheduling ling pr proce ocess, ss, and the corresponding relaonship between the node and the physical node, to ensure the VCPU access to local content to the greatest extent B. Place the site, check the NUMA topology of the virtual machine, and select the physical node mode VCPU and memory, so the relaonship between VCPU and memory in nide has always been physical. C. The topology is displayed. di splayed.The The NUMA is recognized in the temporal part of the virtual machine. The guestOS and the NUMA opmizaon opmi zaon funcon take eect. D. Dynamic migraon, when the anity between the VCPU and the physical node changes, trigger the migraon of its corresponding Vnode memory
Answer: A. B. C. D Queston: 174 Fog compung is a distributed compung model that extends the concept of cloud compung to the
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edge of the network to support mobile and IoT and geographically distributed applicaons. The following incorrect statement about fog calculaon is A. Fog compung can quickly quickl y generate big data and reduce latency at the edge of the network B. Fog compung can temporarily buer data and reduce network pressure C. Fog compung provides more reliable network and physical device security than cloud compung D. Fog compung can reduce the bandwidth consumed in the core Internet and limit the movement of data to the local network
Answer: C Queston: 175 The following opon is not an element of arcial intelligence is A. Compung power B. Perceptual analysis C. Big data D. Scenario
Answer: B Queston: 176 Arcial intelligence intelligence is the research research and development development of concepts, concepts, methods, methods, technologies technologies and applicaon systems for simulaon extension and expansion of arcial intelligence. intellig ence. A new technology science, the following followi ng false statement about arcial intelligence is A. Arcial intelligence does not have the dynamic creavity unique to human consciousness B. Arcial intelligence is a technology for items to communicate with each other through the network C. Arcial intelligence is not social D. Physical processes that are unconscious mechanical
Answer: B Queston: 177 Set the port group VLAN ID to 0 in i n Huawei FusionCompute for A. Set the vlan label of the data frame passing through the port group to 0 B. Allow All ow only data frames tagged with vlan 0 to pass through this port group C. Allow All ow 0 VLAN tagged data frames to pass through this port group D. No modicaon is made to the data frames passing through this port group
Answer: D
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Queston: 178 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following measurement factors for compung resource scheduling are incorrectly described as A. When set to "CPU", the scheduling policy is triggered when the CPU condions are met B. When set to "memory", the scheduling policy poli cy is triggered trigg ered when the memory condions are met C. When set to "CPU and Memory", the scheduling policy is triggered when the CPU or memory condions are met D. When set to "CPU and memory", the scheduling policy is triggered only when the CPU and memory condions are met
Answer: D Queston: 179 In Huawei FusionCompute, virtual machines using raw device mapping type data storage are not supported (mulple selecon) A. Snapshot B. CPU Hot Add C. Storage thin provisioning D. Storage live migraon
Answer: A. C Queston: 180 The following descripon of the relaonship between virtualizaon and cloud compung is correct (mulple choices) A. Without cloud compung, there is no value in virtualizaon B. Virtualizaon is a technology, and cloud compung is a service model. Virtualizaon Virtuali zaon has promoted the development of cloud compung. C. Without virtualizaon, cloud compung has no value D. Virtualizaon is one of the important i mportant technologies technologies for cloud compung
Answer: B. C. D Queston: 181 The following are the main driving forces for the emergence and development of virtualizaon technologies: A. The emergence of the Internet
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B. Reduce the failure rate of hardware resources C. make full use of hardware resources resources D. Improve the recognion of hardware resources
Answer: C Queston: 182 Virtuali Virtu aliza zao on n is di divid vided ed into into co comp mpu ung ng virtu virtuali aliza zao on, n, st stor orage age virtu virtuali aliza zao on n an and d ne netw twor ork k virtualizaon, corresponding to cloud compung cloud host, cloud storage, cloud network A. yes B. wrong
Answer: A Queston: 183
Features of virtualizaon include paroning, isolaon, i solaon, encapsulaon and standalone A A. yes B. wrong
Answer: A Queston: 184 Which of the following opons are KVM (mulple choice) A. Libvirt B. Domain 0 C. QEMU D. ESXI
Answer: A. C Queston: 185 The following opons belong to open source virtualizaon technology: A. FusionCompute B. vSphere C. KVM D. Hyper-v
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Answer: C Queston: 186 Among the following opons, the correct descripon of the characteriscs of cloud compung ondemand self-service is A. The cloud compung compung service provider provider only needs to prepare prepare all the services, services, and the remaining work is completely done by the user. user. B. In the process of using cloud cl oud compung, users need to solve all problems by themselves C. Aer the user has determined the cloud compung service he needs, he can complete the applicaon for cloud compung resources alone. D. Users do not need to explain to service providers when using cloud compung resources.
Answer: C Queston: 187
The reason compung compung virtua virtualizao lizaon n technology technology can improve improve applicaon applicaon reliability is (mulple choice) A. The virtual machine hosng the applicaon is decoupled from the hardware. You can use the virtual machine to migrate mig rate between mulple physical hosts. B. Use computer virtualizaon virtualizaon technology technology to automacally automacally allocate virtual machines machines that host applicaons to physical hosts with sucient resources C. Use compung virtualizaon technology to enable mulple applicaons to run on a physical host at the same me D. Use compung virtualizaon technology to automacally adjust virtualizaon specicaonsk
Answer: A. B Queston: 188 In Huawei's FusionCompute, the system disk of the virtual vir tual machine cannot be unbound A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 189 The following descripon of distributed storage is correct A. The disks of the distributed storage come from the x86 architecture disk array array.. B. The disk of the distributed di stributed storage storage comes from a personal PC
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C. The disks of the distributed storage come from x86 architecture servers D. The disks of the distributed storage come from the x86 architecture virtual machine
Answer: C
Queston: 190 The following descripon of RAID is correct (mulple choice) A. RAID6 RAI D6 compared with RAID5, data recovery stronger, stronger, but the decline in literacy disk B. when aer a damaged disk, RAID5 the other disk sll work, is unaected disk I / O performance C. RAID are to improve I / O performance of the storage system by concurrent read and write data on a plurality of disks D. RAID storage space can be regarded as composed of two or more disks, the disk capacity available capacity for the sum
Answer: B. C Queston: 191 RAID 6 on the basis of enhanced RAID 5 disk fault tolerance, can allow two disk failures, but not less than the number of disks required 4 A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 192 In the following descripon, in line with the characteriscs of the virtual package (mul (mulple) ple) the A. The conguraon le of the virtual machine contains informaon such as CPU type and quanty. B. Virtual machines machi nes can be migrated from one physical host to another C. Mulple virtual machines can run on one physical host at the same me D. If a virtual machine has mulple hard disks, each hard disk will generate a corresponding disk le
Answer: A. B. D Queston: 193 In Huawei FusionCompute, the tools installed for the virtual machine have nothing to do with the type and version of the operang operang system used by the virtual machine // System-dependent A. TRUE
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Answer: B
Queston: 194 As Fu Fusio sionC nCom ompu pute te,, which which on one e of the the fo follo llowin wing g op opo ons ns do no nott be belon long g CPU re reso sour urce cess QoS QoS parameters? A. CPU share of resources B. CPU resource limits C. CPU resource reservaon reservaon D. CPU resource reuse
Answer: D Queston: 195 The main purpose on open NUMA funcons are correct is () A. opmize memory access performance of the virtual machine Compung capacity B. to maximize max imize the physical host CPU C. to maximize maximi ze the physical memory of the machine mulplexing rate VCPU compung power of D. maximize virtual machine
Answer: A Queston: 196 As FusionSphere, the disk thin provisioning can be achieved is (mulple choice) A. thin provisioning and virtual storage operang system, hardware has nothing to do, so as long as the use of virtual image management system, will be able to achieve disk thin provisioning B. does not currently support NTFS formaed virtual machine disk recovery // NTFS N TFS does not support online recovery C. providing virtual disk space monitoring and recovery features D. to provide data storage capacity warning threshold may be set, generang a warning when the storage capacity exceeds the threshold value
Answer: A. C. D Queston: 197 In FusionCompute, when adding mulple hosts to shared storage, the following operaons are correct (choose) the
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A. Select all hosts when associang storage devices B. Check the corresponding host when adding data storage C. when the shared memory type is IP SAN, and storage to ensure storage network interface to a host service in communicaon D. Select all hosts when inializing iniali zing storage resources resources
Answer: B. C. D Queston: 198 What's incorrect in NUMA's descripon is () A. Guest NUMA is to idenfy the Guest OS and its internal applicaons by presenng the NUMA structure structur e to the virtual machine. NUMA structure to achieve the purpose of improving applicaon performance B. NUMA technology makes CPU access similar to the speed of memory in Node and the speed of access to memory in other Nodes C. Host Host NUMA NUMA mainly mainly provid provides es a CPU load load balanci balancing ng mec mechan hanism ism to re resolv solve e VM perfor performan mance ce bolenecks caused by imbalanced CPU resource allocaon. D. Host NUMA guarantees VM access to local physical memory, reduces memory access latency, and can improve VM performance
Answer: C Queston: 199 For FusionCompute, the following incorrect descripon of the template format is A. .ovf is the descripon le of the virtual machine and .vhd is the disk le of the virtual machine B. The virtual machine template format is divided into two types: ova and ovf. C. ovf format template contains only one ovf le and one vhd le D. Format template contains only one le aer export
Answer: D Queston: 200 It is found in FusionCompute that the IP address of a Windows virtual machine is, the possible reason is A. The IP address of the virtual machine is set manually B. The IP address of the virtual machine is manually set to C. The virtual machine's IP address is assigned by DHCP D. Tools Tools are not installed on the virtual vi rtual machine
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Answer: D Queston: 201 For FusionCompute, the incorrect descripon of the hardware of the bare device is () A. Disks mapped using usi ng raw devices perform best B. The operang system is recommended to be installed on a disk that uses the raw device mapping funcon. C. A data store using raw device mapping intelligently i ntelligently corresponds to a LUN on the SAN storage D. A data store using raw device mapping can only correspond to one disk
Answer: B Queston: 202 In FusionCompute, the virtual network adapter of each virtual machine is connected to the port of the virtual switch. In order to facilitate the user to congure and manage mulple ports at the same me, divide the ports with wi th the same network aributes into the same port group A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 203 In-use memory exchange refers to using virtual memory or external storage for the virtual machine, and storing temporarily unused data on the virtual machine to external storage. When the system needs to use this data, it is then exchanged with data reserved in memory Exchange A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 204 For FusionCompute, the following incorrect descripon of storage-related concepts is A. A physical storage device can be used as a storage resource B. Logical unit uni t in the physical storage corresponding to the storage storage device, such as a LUN C. Data storage storage can be IP SAN, FC SAN, NAS, etc. // D. VHD is the virtual machine disk le format
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Answer: C Queston: 205 For FusionCompute, you can create snapshots for CNA hosts. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 206 FusionCompute performs a virtual machine change host live migraon operaon. The following descripon is not a limitaon of it A. The status of the virtual machine must be "running" B. The desnaon host cannot be in maintenance mode C. Cannot mount "shared" disks D. The virtual machine m achine cannot use "raw device" type data storage
Answer: C Queston: 207 In FusionCompute, the administrator binds the two network adapters of the CNA host in the acve / standby mode. Aer binding, the transmission rate is equal to the sum of the transmission rates of the two network ports. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 208 The correct descripon of the extensive network access characteriscs of cloud compung is (). [Mulple choice] A. Through the network, users can use self-purchased cloud compung resources through dierent terminals B. Through the network, users can use self-purchased cloud compung resources at any me C. Through the network, users can check the status of self-purchased cloud compung resources at any me D. Th Thro rough ugh th the e networ network, k, users users can use self-pu self-purc rchas hased ed cloud cloud compu compung ng re resou sourc rces es in dier dierent ent locaons
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Answer: A. B. C. D Queston: 209 When a virtual machine on a physical host fails, it will not aect other virtual machines on the physical host. Which characterisc of virtualizaon technology is this? A. Isolaon B. Division C. Independence D. Packaging
Answer: A Queston: 210 Which of the following scenarios does virtualizaon apply to? [Mulple choice] A. A company has a total of ten business systems, and the host resource ulizaon of these services is less than 20% B. A scienc research instuon uses a customized operang system to ensure the condenality of scienc research results C. An enterprise needs a high-load, intensive compung environment D. The daily use of desk applicaons by employees in a unit is highly similar
Answer: A. C. D Queston: 211 The following descripon of Virt-manager is correct. [Mulple choice] A. Virt-manager is a KVM virtual machine management command set B. Virt-manager is i s an open source KVM virtual machine management tool C. Virt-manager is a commercial KVM virtual machine management tool D. Virt-manager is a graphical management tool for KVM virtual machines
Answer: B. D Queston: 212 In a NAS environment, environment, mulple hosts hosts wring to a le at the same me will cause data data consistency consistency issues. A. True B. False
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Answer: A Queston: 213 If virtual machine A and virtual machine B run on dierent physical servers, which physical device must be used in the communicaon process? (Mulple choice) A. Virtual NIC B. Virtual Switch C. Physical switch D. Physical network card
Answer: A. B. C. D Queston: 214 . A virtual machine can have mulple virtual NICs at the same me, corresponding to dierent virtual switches A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 215 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following followi ng incorrect descripon of the template format is. A. Ovf format template contains only one ovf le l e and one vhd le B. Ova format template contains only one le aer export C. There are two formats for virtual machine templates: ova and ovf. D. .ovf is the virtual machine's descripon le, and .vhd is the virtual machine's disk le
Answer: A Queston: 216 The following incorrect way to create a virtual machine template is. A. Template clone to template B. Virtual machine clone as a template C. Virtual machine to template D. Snapshot to template
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Answer: D Queston: 217 Virtual machine live migraon refers to moving virtual machines in the same cluster from one physical server to another physical server in the state of a virtual machine. A. True B. False
Answer: B Queston: 218 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following incorrect descripon of virtual machine snapshot recovery is . A. Use the exisng snapshot of the virtual machine to restore the data of the virtual machine to the state at the moment of the snapshot creaon B. If a virtual machine deletes the port group where the virtual machine NIC is located aer the snapshot is created, the deleted port group g roup will also al so be restored when the virtual machine is restored using the snapshot C. If a disk disk mode mode of the virtual virtual mac machine hine is "indep "independ endent ent-pe -pers rsist istent ent"" or "indep "independ endent ent-no -nonnpersistent", the data on the disk is not restored when the virtual machine is restored using a snapshot D. Virtual machines can have mulple snapshots
Answer: B Queston: 219 In FusionCompute, the QoS parameters that can be set for the virtual machine do not include: A. GPU B. Disk IOPS C. Memory D. Network E. CPU
Answer: A Queston: 220 When using When using a templat template e to quickly quickly deploy deploy a virtual virtual machine machine,, the generate generated d virtual virtual machin machine e conguraon informaon is consistent with the template
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A. True B. False
Answer: A
Queston: 221 Vo Voice ice recog recognio nion, n, image image re recog cognio nion, n, and emoon emoonal al compan companion ion ro robot botss are all app applica licaon onss of arcial intelligence A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 222 The following descripon of big data and cloud compung is. A. Cloud compung is a collecon of data that cannot be captured, managed, and processed with convenonal soware tools within a certain me frame B. Big data is a pay-as-you-go model that provides usable, portable, and on-demand network access C. Cloud compung cannot funcon as the underlying underlyi ng compung resource for big data processing D. Big data can serve as a type of cloud compung service for users to choose according to their needs
Answer: D Queston: 223 In Huawei FusionCompute, users log in to a virtual machine using VNC and nd that they cannot operate normally and are stuck (such as being unable to open les). The most likely cause of this failure is. A. Virtual machine is corrupted B. Service links li nks are unstable C. Management link is i s unstable D. The storage link is unstable
Answer: C Queston: 224 In Huawei FusionCompute, the correct descripon of "role" is . A. If a "user" has mulple "role", its "operaon authority" depends on the "role" with the highest
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priority B. A "role" can have one or more dierent "operang systems" C. "Operaon Permissions" of "Role" cannot be modied D. A "user" can only have one "role"
Answer: A Queston: 225 In Huawei FusionCompute, what funcons will be aected when a virtual machine is bound to a USB device? [Mulple choice]
A. Virtual machine resource expansion expansion B. Virtual machine machi ne restart restart C. Virtual Machine Live Migraon D. Cluster scheduling strategy
Answer: C. D Queston: 226 When binding a disk to a virtual machine in Huawei FusionCompute, to achieve the following requirements, the virtual machine does not take a snapshot of the disk when creang a snapshot, and does not restore the disk when using the snapshot to restore the virtual machine. At the same me, all data is required to be permanently wrien. The disk, which mode should I choose? A. Independent-non-per Independent-non-persistent sistent B. Independence-durable C. Independence D. Subordinate
Answer: B Queston: 227 In Huawei FusionCompute, the memory and CPU resources used by virtual machines can only be provided by the same cluster. Therefore, the maximum compung resources that virtual machines can actually use cannot exceed the sum of resources available to all hosts in the cluster A. True B. False
Answer: B Queston: 228
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In Huawei FusionCompute, if there is only one physical network port in the bound network port, the physical network port cannot be removed directly. A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 229 In Huawei FusionCompute, the following followi ng incorrect descripon of the security group rule is. A. When a virtual machine has mulple network cards, you can congure a security group for each network card. B. A virtual machine can communicate with the outside world only aer a security group is created and rules are added. C. All virtual machine NICs in the same security group will use the security group rules for access control D. The essence of a security group is a collecon coll econ of rules
Answer: B Queston: 230 In Huawei FusionCompute, if the Windows virtual machine has a blue screen, what operaons can the system perform? [Mulple choice] A. HA Virtual Machine B. Recover a virtual machine using a snapshot C. Restart the virtual machine D. Not processed
Answer: A. C. D Queston: 231 In Huawei FusionCompute, the correct descripon of the method for logging in to the virtual machine is . [Mulple choice] A. The virtual machine does not have an IP address, and the administrat administrator or can log in through VNC. so VNC gets rid of its dependence on the network B. If the operang system of the virtual machine is windows, the administrator can log in to the virtual machine through remote desktop C. Administrators can log in to a virtual vi rtual machine with any operang system installed throu through gh VNC D. If the operang system of the virtual machine is Linux, the administrator can log in to the virtual
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machine through remote desktop
Answer: B. C Queston: 232 In Huawei FusionCompute, to enable virtual machines to migrate between CNA hosts with dierent CPU models, the funcon to be enabled is. A. Cluster GuestNUMA Policy B. Cluster IMC Policy C. Cluster I / O ring adaptaon D. Cluster HANA Opmizaon
Answer: B Queston: 233 In Huaw Huawei ei Fusion FusionCom Comput pute, e, the fo follow llowing ing incorr incorrect ect descri descripo pon n of virtual virtual machin machine e stor storage age live migraon is. A. Storage live migraon can be performed between dierent sto storage rage devices B. Storage live migraon mi graon can be performed between dierent virtual disks C. Storage live li ve migraon can be performed between dierent storage resour resources ces D. Storage live migraon can be performed between dierent di erent data data stores
Answer: B Queston: 234 In Huawei FusionCompute, the resources of the cluster are composed of the host and its associated storage and network resources. A. True B. False
Answer: A Queston: 235 Cloud compung quanable services refer to charging customers based on me and volume of use. A. TRUE B. FALSE
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Answer: A Queston: 236 Cloud compung is the product of the development of the Internet and compung technology, so cloud compung must be inseparable i nseparable from the network A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 237 In Huawei FusionCompute, a Linux-based virtual machine is created. In this scenario, the host OS Running at A. VNA B. CNA C. VRM D. Linux virtual machine
Answer: B Queston: 238 The KVM virt virtuali ualiza zaon on ar archi chitec tectur ture e include includess KVM module modules, s, QEMU and Libvirt Libvirt.. The follow following ing incorrect descripon of these modules is A. KVM module is i s mainly responsible for the creaon of Vcpu and the allocaon of virtual memory B. KVM + QEMU QE MU can constute a set of virtualizaon soluons C. constute a set virtualizaon soluons D. Libvirt QEMU+isQEMU mainlycan responsible for I / Oofoperaon simulaon
Answer: C Queston: 239 Virtual machines generally g enerally have corresponding conguraon les that record informaon such as the specicaons and names of the virtual machines. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A
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Queston: 240 The following descripon is incorrect i ncorrect
A. Eachle leissystem corresponds a disconnuous on the physical disk. sk. B. The storedblock on the le system, system, to and the le systemarea is mapped to the ledi system block. C. The le system block corresponds to the logical area of LVM D. The logical area is mapped m apped to the physical area of the disk through LVM
Answer: A Queston: 241 In Huawei FusionCompute, the management manag ement VLAN ID used by V VRM RM cannot be changed. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 242 Aer using viro, vi ro, the network card speed of the windows virtual machine is 10Gbps A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: B Queston: 243 . Where is the memory reuse funcon enabled in Huawei FusionCompute? A. Host B. operang system C. virtual machine D. Cluster
Answer: D Queston: 244 In Huawei FusionCompute, when the virtual vi rtual machine is iin n the "running" or "stopped" state, state, users can To increase or decrease the number of vCPUs of the virtual machine
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Answer: B Queston: 245 In Huaw Huawei ei Fusion FusionCom Comput pute, e, which which of the fo follow llowing ing factor factorss doe doess DRS perform perform virtual virtual machin machine e migraon? (Mulple choices) A. Memory B.I / O C. Network trac D.CPU
Answer: A. D
Queston: 246 The following Qos descripon about CPU and memory resources is incorrect. A. Memory resources QOS is used to ensure that business-crical virtual machines can get sucient memory resources resources B. CPU shares and CPU reservaons work only when each virtual machine competes for compung resources C. The CPU QoS of the virtual machine is used to ensure that the compung resources of the virtual machine are reasonably allocated D. Memory resource QoS can only be used aer the memory reuse switch is enabled
Answer: D Queston: 247 With the "Internet" being valued and the rise of big data and cloud compung, related technologies have entered like mushrooms In your vision, one of the most widely used and valued is Docker. The following incorrect statement about Docker is A. Docker Docker can package package the underlying underlying environment environment of applicaons applicaons to ensure ensure that applicaons applicaons can sll run normally aer migraon B. Docker needs to create a virtual layer, virtual operang system, etc. on the host or host operang system, and then installaon C.Docker launches faster than other virtual machine technologies D.Docker runs with containers, which are running instanc i nstances es created from Image
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Answer: B Queston: 248 . The following incorrect i ncorrect descripon of Huawei FusionCompute architecture is A. CNA provides compung resources for virtual machines B. VRM can run on CAN CA N or can be deployed on a separate physical machine C. VRM provides a management portal for administrato admini strators rs D. CNA can manage cluster network, storage storage and compung resources // all of the cluster
Answer: D Queston: 249 Huawei FusionCompute supports adding hosts in batches. The administrator lls in host informaon according to the template provided by the system and imports it at one me. A. TRUE B. FALSE
Answer: A Queston: 250 The storage resource resource types supported by Huawei FusionCompute are (mul-select) A. FusionStorage B. Advanced SAN C. NAS D. IP SAN E. FC SAN
Answer: A. B. C. D. E Queston: 251 The cloud service purchased by the user includes the applicaon operang environment, environment, but there is no applicaon and related dat a. This mode Formula belongs to A. SaaS B. PaaS C. NaaS
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D. IaaS
Answer: B Queston: 252 What does not reect the features of cloud compung on-demand self-service in the following opons are A. The engineer purchased a cloud server from Huawei public cloud according to his needs. B. The engineer upgraded the cloud server CPU CP U he purchased from 2 to 4 C. The engineer changed the operang system of the cloud server he purchased from Linux to Windows D. The engineer received a nocaon message from the server provider one week before the cloud server expired.
Answer: D
Queston: 253 Which operang system can format a disk to NTFS? A. Linux B. Windows C. uvp D. Unix
Answer: B
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