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How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business Manual salad ® Table of Contents The Search for Success................


How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business




Table of Contents

The Search for Success.............................................................3 The Focus Creation CycleTM...................................................... 4 The Magic of Thinking Big..........................................................6 Pattern................................................................................... 8 Familiarity...............................................................................9 Beliefs.................................................................................. 10 Gratitude.............................................................................. 11 Acceptance............................................................................12 Focus....................................................................................13 Now .................................................................................... 14 Feelings ............................................................................... 15 Attachment / Detachment....................................................... 16 Wholeness.............................................................................17 Joy.......................................................................................18 Peace................................................................................... 19 Being Who You Are.................................................................20 Presupposition....................................................................... 21 My 7 Biggest Mistakes in Business so far................................... 22 Reading & Resources.............................................................. 25 More Information................................................................... 26 Free Stuff..............................................................................27 About the Author....................................................................28 Acknowledgements.................................................................28

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business


©2006 Salad

The Search for Success We live in a society that prizes success. People are urged to set goals & then work hard to make those goals a reality. Potential employers ask “Where do you see yourself in five years?” & self-help gurus invite you to “Take control of your mental, emotional, physical & financial destiny.” The implication is that success, happiness & fulfilment are dependant upon achievements that are external, & often distant. These can be useful approaches for setting direction, improving performance, managing businesses etc, but their value diminishes when they are applied to a human life: life by its very nature is chaotic, non-linear & essentially mysterious. Many people in business have the following belief: “I’ll be happy when I’m successful.” But this idea is questionable. Here’s one that may be more useful: “I’ll be successful when I’m happy.” Of course, this definition of success includes deep personal fulfilment, the only sort of success worth having. Sonja Lyubomirsky, the author of a recent paper on the links between happiness and success (published in The Review of General Psychology) said “There was strong evidence that happiness leads people to be more sociable and more generous, more productive at work, to make more money, and to have stronger immune systems.” “I’ll be successful when I’m happy.” What people are really seeking is neither external nor distant. It is here. It is now. You are already there. Welcome. “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived.” -- Soren Kierkegaard

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business


©2006 Salad

The Focus Creation CycleTM Focus

Belief / Expectation



Emotional Response

Filter & Sort

Shortly after I started studying NLP, I came across the books of Anthony Robbins. One of the ideas he said was “You get what you focus on.” This fit well with the ideas I’d learned from NLP, so I started creating an exciting, compelling vision for my future. I imagined big houses, fast cars, large sums of money, a happy family, doing what I love, speaking to groups of people, etc etc. But there were problems. I didn’t really believe it would happen. And I felt frightened of failing. In fact, the main thing that drove me on to pursue those goals anyway was fear of financial insecurity. Oops! I thought that by focusing on those mental images, it would bring them into my life, but I had misunderstood the word ‘focus’, so today I put it differently. Today I say, “What you focus on increases.” What you focus on increases Focus is a combination of thought and emotion. Whatever you think about, with a strong emotion, will increase in your experience over time. Want to increase your credit card debt? Just worry about it. The combination of thought and emotion contained in worry will increase the debt. Want to become slim, fit and healthy? Just imagine yourself beign slim, fit & healthy, then feel how good you’ll feel when you’re there. Like magic, you’ll start to get slimmer. How does this work? The focus creation cycle.

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business


©2006 Salad

The Focus Creation CycleTM The focus creation cycle is a model of the way human beings bring things into their experience – it’s a process for manifesting whatever you desire, and it goes like this: 1. Focus – what you focus on increases (over time). People often focus on what they don’t want rather than what they want. Guess what shows up? 2. Expectation – what the thinker thinks, the prover proves. Whatever you truly expect to show up in your reality (over time), that’s what will show up. This is often referred to as ‘belief’. 3. Filter – Our neurology filters out all data that doesn’t fit with what we believe. This helps us create a sense of consistency in a chaotic world. If you say “I can’t find my car keys” your neurology will delete them from your perception, even if they’re right there on the kitchen table. 4. Emotion – At this point we have an emotional response, a feeling. The feeling is either a nasty one (“Uuuurgh – I need to go to work & I can’t start my car”) or a nice one (“Oooooh! I knew this was going to work out brilliantly”). 5. Action – Emotions move us to action, and so we take actions in line with the emotions we feel and the things we believe. Of course, this means the actions we take support what we focus on. I used to dislike the question “Do you see the glass as half-full or half empty”, as I thought it was a tedious way of asking if a person was an optimist or a pessimist. But it turns out that it’s bigger than that. According to the way human neurology works, if you see the glass as half-empty, it gets emptier over time. If you see the glass as half-full, it gets fuller over time. What you focus on increases. The above process is the key to how you can bring whatever you desire in your life. The secret is to feel how you’ll feel when you’ve got what you want. We all have comfort zones, and they’re mediated by our feelings. Humans tend not to go very far outside their comfort zones if they can avoid it, but you can extend your comfort zone, by feeling how you’ll feel when you’ve got what you want. This way you become comfortable with the life you desire. Nature abhors a vacuum, so here comes the good stuff!

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business


©2006 Salad

The Magic of Thinking Big The other day, someone recommended a book to me by David Schwartz, called “The Magic of Thinking Big”. I loved the title, and immediately went out and bought it. I haven’t finished it yet, but its central message really resonates with me, and with something I once read by Michele Lisenbury Christensen. She said that one of her biggest mistakes in business was trying to avoid failure. I could really identify with this, because when I first started Salad, I was terrified of making a mistake. It took a tremendous leap of faith to even use the name ‘Salad’ because it was so different to everything else out there. Almost without exception, whenever I’ve been having difficulties in my business, it’s been because I’ve been trying to avoid failure instead of go for what’s possible. Why is this? Neurology is goal-seeking Human neurology is goal-seeking, and negation is handled by the unconscious mind in a different way to how it’s handled in language. When someone says that they don’t want to fail in some way, we understand consciously what that means. But the message they are sending to their unconscious is still one of failure (to even understand the concept of failure a person has to make an internal representation of it, and this is what the unconscious then uses to organise around). 1)

If there is something you’ve been trying to avoid (failure, rejection, poor results of some sort), re-state what you want as a positive.

From “I want to lose weight” to “I want to be slim” From “I want to get out of debt” to “I want to be financially solvent” From “I don’t want to lose this deal” to “I want to close this deal” I know this is basic, but I’m still amazed at the number of NLP-trained people I hear saying what they don’t want instead of what they do. When I first learned this, it was a real a-ha moment, and I shifted all my goals from being stated in the negative to being stated in the positive. So far so good, and on one level this made a really big difference. But on another level, I was still trying to avoid failure, and had just found a different way of talking about it. See, my ‘positive’ goals had still been defined in relation to what I didn’t want. The conscious mind is comfortable with the concept and the energy of avoiding failure. In business, I spent lots of energy getting people booked on trainings because I was afraid of running a training with not enough people on it. In my personal life, I focused on sorting out my finances because I was afraid of being in debt. Fear can be a useful motivator (often referred to as an ‘away-from’ strategy), but it is not a useful focus for one’s life. Some of the wealthiest people I know, people who have vast personal fortunes, live in fear of poverty. Their happiness is indexlinked! The way to get out of this trap is to set a goal that is much bigger than avoiding failure; to create a vision that is so inspiring that, even if it seems impossible, it still lights your fire.

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business


©2006 Salad

To achieve a goal like this, you need to let go of conscious control and trust your unconscious. I once heard Tom Peters (business guru) say “One of my favourite quotes is by Mario Andretti who said “If you feel like you’re in control, you’re not going fast enough””. This also applies to business and life. If you orient around avoiding failure, you’re conscious mind gets to feel like it’s in control, but the results are typically uninspiring. To quote Michele “The instant we set our intention on what could be instead of what we want to avoid, we embark on a spiritual adventure”. For me, the spiritual adventure means trusting your unconscious. Check these out: From “I want to lose weight” to “I want to be slim, fit & vibrantly healthy. I want to look great naked, and feel fantastic, full of energy and life.” From “I want to get out of debt” to “I want to be fabulously wealthy, with an abundance of all the good things in life, and making enormous contributions to the world.” From “I don’t want to lose this deal” to “I want to create amazing business relationships that create genuine value for my delighted clients, and be handsomely rewarded for it.” 2)

If there’s an area of life where you’ve been trying to avoid failure, stop and ask yourself “What could be? What would inspire me? What would make me excited, take my breath away, and get me to jump out of bed in the morning?

When I first learned about goal-setting, I was told that they have to be realistic. I disagree. I insist that the big goals in my life be unrealistic. That makes it so much more enjoyable when they show up!

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business


©2006 Salad

Pattern The human brain is designed for pattern recognition, & people learn through pattern. In fact, our ability to detect & recognise patterns is the essence of our ability to learn. Patterns of behaviour & experience are often out of consciousness, but they are powerful indicators of future behaviour (if they remain unconscious.) The more a pattern is experienced, the more familiar it becomes. The more familiar it becomes (see Familiarity), the more likely a person is to repeat it. And the more a person repeats it, the more they experience it. This is a self-reinforcing loop. For patterns which we like, this is great news. For patterns we don’t like, this is great news too! Once you bring a pattern into awareness, you can accept it & all it has done for you. Then (if you wish) you can begin to release it. Awareness is the first step, acceptance is the second. (Also see Acceptance.)

“The more it snows, tiddly-pom The more it goes, tiddly-pom The more it goes, tiddly-pom On snowing” -- Winnie the Pooh (as sung to A A Milne)

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business


©2006 Salad

Familiarity Virginia Satir famously said that the most powerful force in human beings is familiarity; we have a natural resistance to radical change. Think about it: if your body temperature suddenly increased by 20 degrees, or the acidity of your blood dropped by a few ph, you would die instantly. Your body-mind has a set of controls & balances that help keep you in a state of equilibrium. This equilibrium is called ‘homeostasis’. When we encounter change, the ‘familiarity sensors’ in & around our nervous system starts sending ‘alert’ messages to the brain. The system then begins to take action to return it to a stable state. The thermostat on a central heating system may serve as a good example. You set the thermostat to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The heating system then checks its thermometer to read the current temperature. If it is less than 70, the heating system is activated; once the temperature reaches 70, the heating is turned off. The central heating thermostat is an example of a single cybernetic loop. The human nervous system consists of thousands of such loops, constantly sensing the internal & external environment, & making small adjustments to ensure that the familiar stable state is maintained. Most people have had the experience of making a change they really like, then backsliding to the old behaviour or situation. The familiarity principle provides one explanation for this sometimes baffling phenomenon.

Tip: If you want to accelerate the pace of change, take up a regular daily practice (eg. exercise, meditation, yoga etc). Practice it consistently, & you establish a core of stability. This sends a message to the ‘familiarity sensors’ that enough is staying the same for you to be able to make changes easily.

"To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future be totally unlike your past. Your history is not your destiny." -- Alan Cohen

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business


©2006 Salad

Beliefs In Robert Anton Wilson’s excellent book Prometheus Rising, he models the mind as having two main parts; a thinker and a prover. The thinker is extremely flexible, and can think any number of things. The thinker can think the earth is flat; the thinker can think the earth is spherical. It can think all men are poison; it can think all men are essentially good. The thinker can think that women are intuitive and men are rational; it can think the opposite. It can think that there isn’t enough to go round; it can think we live in a world of unlimited abundance. The thinker can think pretty much anything. The prover is much more predictable: what the thinker thinks, the prover proves (WTTTTPP). Whatever the thinker is thinking, the prover will sort for evidence to support it. If a person thinks that all homeless people are lazy, the prover will sort through their experience to find evidence to support that idea. If they think all homeless people are victims, the prover will find evidence to support that idea. If a person considers themselves to be stupid, the prover will find evidence to show that it’s ‘true’. If a person thinks they are brilliant, the prover will show that to be true. What the thinker thinks, the prover proves. While it’s easy to see that this is the case for everyone else, it’s not so easy to recognise that it’s also the case for us. While it’s easy to identify the ways in which someone else is limiting themselves, the things we believe are ‘really true’ – aren’t they? WTTTTPP is a simple way of understanding how beliefs operate in the human nervous system. Beliefs are very powerful, helping us to get a sense of certainty and direction in an unpredictable world. They are so powerful, in fact, that we sometimes don’t remember that they’re not necessarily ‘true’. 

Tip: If you want to change your beliefs, first identify the limiting belief (Eg. I can’t relax), then craft a new counter-belief that supports you (Eg. I can learn to relax easily). Become willing to let go of the old belief, then state the new belief, paying attention to the sensations in your body. Accept any sensations of resistance, then repeat. Repeat the process until you can state the new belief congruently. “Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” -– John Lennon

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Gratitude Gratitude is the abundance turbocharger. If you want more of something in your life, be grateful for what you already have. As what you have increases, you can allow yourself to become even more grateful. Now, you can be grateful to whatever you like:      

Universe God Buddha Allah All That Is Universal love

You of. can you

     

A Higher Power The Natural World Energy The Force Wholeness Natural law

     

Your Unconscious A Guardian Angel Quantum Field Spirit All of the above Anything else

can be grateful to any or all of these, as well as anything else you can think Remember, what the thinker thinks, the prover proves (see Beliefs), so you make up something to be grateful to that has all the qualities & attributes would like in a ‘deity’. *

Gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to focus your energy. The pattern of gratitude in your consciousness gets you into receiving mode, & receive you will. Stuff you can feel grateful for:     

Money Love Awareness Friends Loved ones

    

Books Fun Knowledge Family Your home

    

Inner peace Feelings Health Having a nose Anything else

Remember, what you focus on increases (see Focus): if you only have £5, be grateful for that & you’ll get more. If you haven’t been in love since you were 10, be grateful for the love you had then; you’ll get more. If you only have present moment awareness for 30 seconds a month, be grateful for that 30 seconds, & more will be on its way. *

(If this upsets you because your G-d is the One True G-d, worry not; you are of course, correct. The above section is only for those poor folk who don’t know about the One True G-d )

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." --Melody Beattie

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©2006 Salad

Acceptance Acceptance is the WD40 of growth, development & results. Accepting a situation is not the same as saying you like it, are happy with it, or are even willing to put up with it. Acceptance merely means that you recognize the reality of the current situation. Acceptance is particularly useful when applied to:       

People (including yourself & others) Feelings Things Situations Problems Results that you want Anything that is causing you pain, unrest or discomfort

You can, if you choose, believe that everything is perfect in this moment. That doesn’t mean that things can’t be changed, improved, altered or in some way bettered. It merely means that right now, in this moment, things are the way they are. Some people use the headline of ‘positive thinking’ to deny the reality of the current situation. This makes matters worse. Acceptance is the opposite of denial. Paradoxically, when you accept things as they are in this moment (including yourself), you put yourself in the most powerful position to create change. 

Tip: If you are finding something particularly difficult to accept, accept that. If you get captured by strong emotions, accept that. Accept yourself exactly as you are.

“And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation – some fact of my life – unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment” -- Paul O.

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©2006 Salad

Focus You get what you focus on. Wherever you put your attention, results will follow. A simple example of this is money: 

If you spend your time worrying about bills, overdrafts & lack of money, you will start (or continue) experiencing lack of money.

If you spend your time being focusing on (& being grateful for) the money you have, you will start (or continue) experiencing an abundance of money.

NB. This is not an invitation to be an ostrich. By all means, pay your bills & deal with any money issues that arise; just stop worrying about it. The power of focus can work in every area of your life. When you combine focus with gratitude (see Gratitude) you create an amplifier for your experience. You get what you focus on. Whatever you focus on, you will experience more of. If you are unsure of what you are focusing on, just notice what results you are getting in your life. The results you’ve got (& the experiences you are having) are a fool-proof indicator of what you’ve been focusing on - no exceptions.

Challenge: Review your results & identify what you’ve been focusing on. Then decide what you’d like to change. Whenever you catch yourself focusing on what you no longer choose, switch your focus to what you now choose.

“To he who has, more shall be given” -- Jesus Christ

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©2006 Salad

Now Yesterday no longer exists; when it did exist, it was now. Tomorrow exists only in imagination; when it arrives, it will be now. Now is very powerful, because now is all there is. It is a good idea to start getting comfortable with now. Why?

It’s all there is (see above).

There’s a whole lot more of it in store for you.

It’s where you are.

It’s where the power is.

It’s the only time you can take action.

Wherever you’re headed, you presumably want to enjoy it when you get there. Get in the habit of enjoying the now now & you’ll be even better at enjoying then when you get there.

We lose the present moment by thinking “There’s something else I should be doing now, something worthwhile, something that’s helping fulfil my destiny.” (or whatever). But here’s the thing: if everything is just as it’s meant to be (and it is), & you are just where you need to be (and you are), then being aware of whatever is in the present moment is exactly what you need to be ‘doing’ to fulfil your destiny.

Tip: Allow yourself to be aware of the present moment: quiet your internal dialogue, & pay attention to the evidence of your senses. Be grateful (see Gratitude) for this moment. Then, be grateful for your awareness of this moment. Repeat. "The only way to live is to accept each moment as an unrepeatable miracle, which is exactly what it is - a miracle and unrepeatable." -- Margaret Storm Jameson

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©2006 Salad

Feelings Feelings are sensations in your body. Feelings are very useful for getting you to do things. They can also give you information about what is right for you, but… feelings don’t mean anything. Most people have certain feelings coded as ‘good’ & others coded as ‘bad’. We typically want to feel more of the ‘good’ feelings & none of the ‘bad’ ones. But many problems are created through an unwillingness to feel the ‘bad’ feelings. Here are some tips for dealing with feelings:

Feel the sensations in your body & accept them.

Recognise that feelings just are - they don’t mean anything.

Be grateful for your feelings – there was a time when you didn’t feel anything.

Remember that the feeling of struggle (or of frustration, getting nowhere, we’ve been here before, here I am again etc) is still a feeling. Accept it.

Also realise that the feeling that something has to change for you to be ok (or that you should ‘do something’ to feel ok, feel peaceful etc) is also just a feeling. Accept it.

Feelings that are out of consciousness (ie. that we have not allowed ourselves to feel) can be very powerful drivers of behaviour. Become willing to feel all your feelings, & trust that your neurology will allow this to happen only as quickly as is appropriate for you. “You’re going to feel better. You’re going to feel everything better.” -- Anonymous

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©2006 Salad

Attachment / Detachment When things just have to turn out the way you want them to…it’s time for detachment! Attachment is the feeling of tension & stress that comes from having a burning desire for things to turn out a certain way – the idea that things have to turn out the way you want them to (or can’t turn out the way you don’t want them to.) Attachment shuts down your own creativity, & makes it very difficult for you to receive all the great things that Universe is sending your way. Attachment proclaims the following: 

I know best

I’m smarter than the Universe

If things don’t turn out the way I want them to, something terrible will happen.

I won’t be able to deal with it!

When you are attached to a particular outcome, you unconsciously focus on what you don’t want. As you know, you get what you focus on (see Focus), so attachment is one of the easiest ways to foil your own plans! The alternative to attachment is detaching from result; letting go. Here are some tips for letting go: 

Allow yourself to become ok with the idea of not getting whatever it is you want (or getting what you don’t want)

Ask yourself “In 100 years, what difference will it make?”

Think of the goals you’ve set where you just knew it was going to happen…& then it did.

Think of an occasion where you wanted one thing, didn’t get it, then you got something even better.

Relax. Burning desires are tense, detachment is relaxed & open. "Sit quietly, doing nothing. Spring comes, & the grass grows by itself." -- Zen saying

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©2006 Salad

Wholeness The human world is one of categories & classifications, a world of parts & assemblies. Whether we are organising the study of plants & animals, or diagramming the sub-assemblies of a jet engine, classification is one of the ways that our conscious mind ‘carves up’ the world. This skill is very useful. In fact, it is so useful, that it is sometimes difficult to remember that our classifications are themselves inventions. When you look at a tree, you may be aware of the branches, the leaves & the roots. You may even be aware that the leaves contain chlorophyll, & that the process of photosynthesis is taking place, but...all these parts of the tree only exist as separate entities in human consciousness. In the ‘real world’, there is just a tree. In fact… As you look at the tree, & the grass growing out of the dirt that surrounds it, you can become aware that the tree is surrounded by air & carbon dioxide, but…all these parts of the world only exist as separate entities in human consciousness. In the ‘real world’, there is just ‘the real world’. “So what?” you may ask. “How is this relevant to me?” Well, take for instance your hand. You can see a thumb, fingers & fingernails, a palm connected to the rest of your body. But in ‘the real world’, there is you, a singularity. There are no parts of you – you are one. Take this one step further, & the division between what is ‘you’ & what is ‘notyou’ is (while understandable) somewhat arbitrary. For instance: Where does ‘you’ end & ‘not-you’ begin?   

The surface of your skin? The outside edge of your ‘aura’? Your ‘ethearic celestial energy body’ (for instance)?

Consider the possibility that these are also categories created by human minds, & that the ‘real world’ is actually an uninterrupted wholeness. "My friend, all theory is grey, and the Golden tree of life is green." -- Zen

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Joy William Blake defined joy as the experience of being fully alive, fully human. This means being able to feel all your feelings, experience all available senses, think about any idea. In order to experience more & more joy in your life, you can…

Become willing to feel all your feelings. Remember, they’re just sensations moving through your body. They don’t mean anything (see Feelings).

Make a commitment to awareness, being in the present moment. renew the commitment. Endlessly (see Now).

Accept yourself exactly as you are (see Acceptance).

Stop all criticism.

Forgive yourself & everyone else for everything.

Let go of the need to control. Detach from all outcomes.

Choose beliefs & behaviours that support & nurture you. Release beliefs & behaviours that limit or harm you (but bless them as you let them go.)

Say “I love you” to yourself in the mirror at least once a day. attention to the feelings that come up & accept them.

Whenever you catch yourself worrying about something, instead be grateful for what you have.

Believe that all your needs are provided for, & always will be.

Know you are already exactly where you are meant to be.



“Joy is the human being fully alive” -- St Iraneus

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Peace Inner peace, & its close relations (joy, freedom, love, serenity etc) are what every person ultimately desires. These are the ‘goals behind the goals’ that people are searching for (even if they don’t realise it.) There is a quick & simple way for you to bring all of these into your life: Make inner peace your goal. Now, does this mean you have to go around being ‘peaceful’ & serene all over the place? No. It just means that, in any situation, your goal is peace. Whenever there is a choice, you choose inner peace. Does this mean no more conflict with others? No, quite possibly the opposite. But if inner peace is your goal, then you will find yourself experiencing more & more peace in every situation. Think of the benefits – you can say goodbye to:   

Long lists of goals & objectives Remembering to review your progress Beating yourself up for not achieving your goals (if you find yourself not achieving peace, just be peaceful about it)

The great thing is, when inner peace is your goal, whatever happens is OK. You can still be at peace. Imagine having the experience of achieving your goal more & more, in every situation: Hooray, you’re a winner! You’ve hit your target 36,000 times this week alone!

Tip: Make inner peace your only goal. I fought against this for six years before giving up & deciding peace was the only option. Save time; choose peace now!

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Being Who You Are You are unique. You are the spearhead of evolution, the result of millions of years of trial & error. In the same way that the pattern for an enormous oak tree waits patiently in the acorn, the pattern of your perfect life is there in you. How can you access this pattern? You access it day after day. access it - it is who you are. But you can suppress it.

You can’t not

And suppress it many people do. They discount their dreams; ignore their instincts; dull their passions with drugs, work & worry. But the pattern is still there, coming up with more & more ingenious ways to get their attention. So how can you become who you are?            

Relax Stop seeking Forgive yourself Be grateful for what you have Trust that all your needs are taken care of Know that you are exactly where you need to be Let go of unhelpful patterns & limiting beliefs Accept yourself exactly as you are Detach from result & let go Feel your feelings Trust yourself Relax

"Life is a daring adventure or nothing" --Helen Keller "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." -- Michelangelo "When I die and go to the world beyond this one, God won't ask me why I wasn't more like Moses; he'll ask me why I wasn't more like Zuysak." -- Rabbi Zuysak

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Presupposition A presupposition in language can be described as ‘what must be true for the sentence to make sense’. For instance, in the sentence “I like bees”, it is presupposed that: I exist. Bees exist. Liking is possible. So far so good. Now, one of the most well-known NLP questions is “What do you want?” This presupposes the following: You exist.

Wanting is possible. There exists some ‘thing’ (the ‘what’) that you lack or otherwise do not have.

As a tool for helping to focus a person’s mind, this question is excellent, BUT…as soon as a person sets out to answer it, they accept the presupposition that there is something missing. When this idea is combined with the “What the thinker thinks, the prover proves” (see Beliefs) & the brain’s predilection for pattern (see Pattern), the following issues arise: Statement of Intent “I want to be happy” “I’m trying to lose weight” “I’m looking for the answer”

What You Get to Experience Wanting Trying Looking

This is part of how language programs your reality. Fortunately, you can use this to your advantage, for instance: “I choose peace” “I’m grateful for what I have” “I accept myself as I am”

Choosing Gratitude Acceptance

If you want to use these ideas to create affirmations:

   

Say your affirmation in the present tense (Eg. “I am happy” not “I will be happy”) When you say it, pay attention to the feelings that come up. When the feelings come up, accept them. Say the affirmation to another person, or into a mirror for even greater effects. “Stop seeking. Start finding.” -- Jamie Smart

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My 7 Biggest Mistakes in Business so far (and what I learned from them) Mistake Doing it for the money

Takeaways How to use your unique abilities and your sense of enthusiasm to identify areas that you can enjoy building passive income streams from.

Setting Salad up like a project (unconsciously)

How to identify the patterns that worked in previous roles but that now limit you in developing your business.

Thinking small / avoiding failure

How to discover the ‘tricks’ your neurology may have been using to prevent you from having the success you desire, then getting it to work for your success instead.

Trying to go against my instinctive strengths, in favour of doing it ‘the right way’, described in business books, by experts etc.

How to play to your strengths and make success come more easily.

The ‘horizon’ trap

A quick and easy change of focus that can immediately increase your level of fulfilment.

Rigidity - Thinking it would be just like in the books (target market, USP etc)

An awareness of your own ‘internal compass’ and how you can use it to discover niche markets and product development ideas.

Underestimating the power of familiarity.

A simple shift of thinking that will help you consistently move outside the comfort zones that have prevented success.

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business

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©2006 Salad

My 12 Best Moves in Business so far, (and how I did them) Move Daring to be different, and calling my business ‘Salad’ (brand differentiation) Started writing a newsletter with my best stuff in it (relationship marketing) Creating the Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Quitting my job / reducing my contract days / putting a value on my future Doing what I love

Employing people

Having a big vision

Understanding about familiarity and keeping doing something about it Allowing the USP to emerge Acting like a big business today (Name, ®, big list etc) Becoming willing to receive. Shifting from “I’ll be happy when my business is successful” to “My business will be successful when I’m happy”

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business

Takeaways How to stand out in a crowded market place. The power of relationship marketing. The value of making a start now. The philosophy of giving your best stuff away. How to develop, test & produce playing card products. How to escape from addictive paycheque syndrome by putting a value on your future. How to use your unique abilities and your sense of enthusiasm to identify areas that you can enjoy building passive income streams from. How to figure out what to delegate (hint – it’s the stuff you don’t like doing). How to use the power of the vacuum to grow your business. How to create a multi-person business fast. How to create a compelling vision, especially if you’re the sort of person who “can’t create compelling visions” that actually work! How to avoid having to get a job. How to use the basic structure of your neurology to your advantage rather than working against it. Business-building as a creative rather than an analytical process. How to use the familiarity factor massively in your favour. How to shift from “a day’s pay for a day’ hard work”-thinking to passiveincome-thinking. How to start feeling successful now, then using that ability to springboard to even greater success (feelings are more important than you might think, guys!)

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Manifestation Checklist Goal:




Focus: What you focus on increases Gratitude: Be grateful for what you have Space: Make space for what you wish to bring in Release: Let go of the old with love Willingness: Be willing to receive from any source Trust: Trust the limitless supply Specific: Be specific about what you wish to bring in Detach: Detach from outcome Accept: Accept the perfection of how things are now Vacuum: Use the law of the vacuum Familiarity: Willing that present/future be unlike past Brakes: How have you been keeping things the same?


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Reading & Resources Business • Growing a Business, Paul Hawken • The E-Myth Revisited, Michael Gerber • Purple Cow, Seth Godin • Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind, Trout & Ries • Magic Words That Bring You Riches, Ted Nicholas • Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki • The Cashflow Quadrant, Robert Kiyosaki • The Magic of Thinking Big, Schwartz • Irresistible Influence Cards, Jamie Smart (at • 10 Spiritual Mistakes in Business, Christensen at Metaphysics & Spirituality • Conversations With God – Book 1, Neale Donald Walsch • Simply Sane, Gerald May • Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously, Osho • A Return to Love, Marianne Williamson • Awareness, Anthony de Mello • A Course in Miracles, The Foundation for Inner Peace Fiction • Illusions, Richard Bach • Journey to Ixtlan, Carlos Castaneda • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M Pirsig Science • The Field, Lynne McTaggart • The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot • Wholeness & the Implicate Order, David Bohm Mythology • The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell Other • Prometheus Rising, Robert Anton Wilson • Quantum Psychology, Robert Anton Wilson • Tools of the Spirit, Robert Dilts & Robert McDonald • Mastery, George Leonard • Your Auras & Your Chakras, Karla McLaren • Undoing Yourself With Energised Meditation, Christopher S Hyatt Audio • The Art of Being, Jamie Smart (at

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More Information


the success collection

"All of a Sudden, My Preconceptions About Wealth Were Being Smashed to Smithereens!" "If you want to change your financial situation & increase your wealth, you need to change your psychology around money". I'm delighted to announce that we've created a new deck of cards called Instant Wealth Cards to help you do it! People learn most when they're having fun. The Salad card decks are already used by thousands of people around the world to learn things complex sets of skills, quickly, easily & automatically. Think about it. When you're a child, you learn to walk & talk, & you don't even know how you do it! As a child, you learn all kinds of things while you're playing, but you don't even think of it as learning! You're just having fun! So here are the big questions:

"Would you like to be able to earn more money, so you can have the things & experiences you've always dreamed about?"

"Do you want to get rid of your financial worries, & feel good about your cashflow-situation?"

"Do you wish you could get more time to do the things you want to do, & to spend with the people you really care about?"

• • •

"Do you want to get out of debt & stay out of debt?" "Do you wish you could give more to the people you care about" "Would you like to feel secure about your financial future?"

"You really can achieve true financial freedom. It's easier than you think." These cards use the patterns of NLP & Hypnotic language to install the habits, attitudes, beliefs & actions of wealthy people. Price: Instant Wealth Cards


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Free Stuff


free stuff

At Salad, we are committed to your learning and development, so we want you to have great stuff. Part of our strategy involves giving our best stuff away, so here are some links to some of our best stuff. You can have all this for free! Jamie Smart’s NLP Tips An e-zine chock full of great NLP related tips you can put into practice right away, as well as links to Salad courses & products, as well as a free e-book worth £19.95, ‘10 of the Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned.’ Sign up for yours free now at NLP Coaching Tips Learn secrets that most people (including most NLP Practitioners!) don’t know about NLP coaching. These tips (soon to be published) will give you details every week of practical techniques, ideas and approaches you can use to get great coaching results. In addition, you’ll get a free e-book worth £19.95, ‘The Top 10 Secrets of NLP Coaching Language’. Sign up for yours free now at Irresistible Influence Language Course Sign up for this FREE 1 year Irresistible Influence Course (a £29.95 value) for a weekly dose of influence language, as well as a free e-book worth £19.95, ‘The Top 10 Secrets of Ethically Outrageous Influence.’ Sign up for yours free now at Unconditional Happiness Tips Every week, you’ll receive a quick reminder of the principles that will help you to experience more happiness, joy and freedom in every area of your life, as well as more of the things and experiences you desire. In addition, you’ll get a free ebook worth £19.95, ‘The Top 10 Secrets of Unconditional Happiness’. Sign up for yours free now at Hypnotic Language Course Sign up for this FREE 1 year Hypnotic Language Course (a £29.95 value) for a weekly dose of hypnotic language, as well as a free e-book worth £19.95, ‘The Top 10 Secrets of Conversational Hypnosis’. Sign up for yours free now at

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About the Author Jamie Smart is the Managing Director of Salad Seminars Ltd, as well as the principal trainer. He spent much of the nineties leading large, mission-critical business projects and change programmes. In the process, he found that individual change is the key to collective change, and became fascinated with helping people achieve the results they want. This fascination led him to NLP, and he has spent from 1996 to the present day learning from the finest teachers and materials, and applying what he’s learned. Jamie is an NLP Master Practitioner and is licensed by Richard Bandler and the Society of NLP as a Trainer of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). Jamie is author of The NLP Tip, an e-zine which goes to thousands of people around the world each week (available from, as well as the creator of Ericksonian Hypnosis CardsTM and many other products. He lives in Leicestershire (UK). When he isn’t helping other people get what they want, he likes going for long walks in the woods, listening to music and reading.

Acknowledgements I’ve been fortunate to learn from a number of great NLP Trainers and other innovative thinkers and teachers. Thanks to anyone whose efforts have made their way into this work. Specific thanks to… • • • • • • • • •

Richard Bandler John Grinder Joseph Riggio Eric Robbie Jo Cooper Peter Seal Timothy Leary Marianne Williamson Michael Breen • Sháá Wasmund

How to Stop Worrying & Grow Your Business

• • • • • • • • •

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Robert Dilts Sid Jacobson Jonathan Altfeld Robert Anton Wilson Ian Watson Michael Neill John La Valle Paul McKenna Christina Hall

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