1. Write H HTML TML Cod Codee to de demonst monstrate rate th thee use of A Anchor nchor T Tag ag for tthe he Following:a. Creating a web lin that o!ens in a new window. b. Creating a web lin lin that o!ens in the the same window. c. "eference within the same html document d. "eference to some image. e. Maing an image a h#!erlin to dis!la# second image.
$. Creat Createe a websit websitee in whic which h all the h# h#!erli !erlins ns are th thee list ite items ms of an unordered list. %ou ha&e to !lace this list in a frame that lies in left side of #our home !age and after clicing an# h#!erlin' the corres!onding details should be dis!la#ed in a frame l#ing in right side of #our web !age.
(. What are th thee &ariou &ariouss t#!es of li lists sts in HTM HTML) L) *emon *emonstrate strate ea each ch b# ta taing ing an e+am!le of each. Also show h how ow the lists can be neste nested) d)
,. Write th thee HTML ccode ode fo forr the fol followin lowing g Tabl Tablee and wr write ite som somee te+t in each cell.
Write the HTML code for the following Table and insert images in an# $ cells.
. /u!!o /u!!ose se #ou are orga organi0i ni0ing ng a cultura culturall festi&a festi&al. l. n #our webs website ite there is a registration form to register !artici!ants from &arious institutes for different e&ents. *esign a registration form at #our own and write HTML code for the same. The form must m ust include Te+t 2o+es' 3!tion 2uttons' Chec 2o+es' *ro! *own List' Te+t Area and /ubmit' "eset 2uttons.
Write the HTML code to design the following frame structure. n the to! frame' there should be an# image. n the left frame' there should be an h#!erlin and on clicing it' the new document should be dis!la#ed in the right side frame.
5. Wri Write te tthe he HTM HTML L co code de tto o de desi sign gn tthe he ffol ollo lowi wing ng ffra rame me sstru truct ctur ure. e. n n th thee Le Left ft frame' there should be an# image. n n the right frame' there should be an h#!erlin and on clicing it' the new document should be dis!la#ed in the u!!er-middle frame.
*emon *emonstrat stratee the follo following wing HTML Tags in a singl singlee web !age: F37T' 2A/8F37T' *9' ' "8' /;2' /;' 732"' W2"' MA"
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