mission is to become the leading supplier of mobile information and communication devices by providing value-added design, world-class manufacturing, and logistic and service capabilities," eter Chou, resident HTC Corporation, said! He continued, "HTC is woring hard to establish a high volume manufacturing facility, and it is focusing on wireless capability, strengthening its # $ % team, and developing a software team capable of creating world-class consumer and business applications that will enhance the value of our hardware! &t is investing in growing engineering capability in ', '# and C%* wireless technologies, investing in sophisticated wireless e+uipment for both manufacturing and engineering, and investing in protocol software and technology licensing!" Vision Statement:
HTC brings brilliance to life through leading innovation in smart mobile device and eperience design! eginning with a vision to put a personal computer in the palm of our customers. hands, we have led the way in the evolution from palm C to smartphone! Values:
HTC main goal is to create and /0design our technology to generate a real impact 1 to serve a greater, human purpose that every single human being can benefit from!2 Short-term goals:
"3e have identified four ey business goals for this year4 5) 6urther strengthen the competitiveness of our smartphone business7 8) #educe operating costs and increase operational efficiency7 9) &mprove organi:ational alignment and streamline business processes7 and ;) *ggressively develop new business opportunities beyond smartphones," said Cher 3ang, Chairwoman and C
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