HSG TP 2021 Practice Test 2 Ngayf 6.11

December 25, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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B[I P^ ?>?8 ‛ ^rhktdke test ? (1/88/?>?8) ^H_P O. I_HMMH_ HL@ QGKHOUCH_T (?.5 ^GDLP[) D. Kdrkce tbe cetter H, O, K gr @ tg kgmpcete ehkb ga tbe agccgwdli seltelkes seltelkes.. (>.5p) 8. D tggj tbe WWW tg kglirhtuchte bdm gl bds prgmgtdgl. H. gppgrtuldty O. kbhlke K. gkkhsdgl

@. kdrkumsthlke

?. Tgu'` rhtber spehj tg bdm ygurseca, WWW7 H. bh`l't ygu

O. `d`l't ygu

K. wguc`l't ygu

@. wgl't ygu

;. @urdli tbe `emglstrhtdgl tbe pgcdke hrreste` twelty pegpce, agur ga WWW were kbhrie` wdtb gostruktdgl. H. wbg

O. tbem

K. wbdkb

@. wbgm

0. WWW kchssdkhc `hlke agr sdx yehrs, Fhle adlhccy aect reh`y tg peragrm dl puocdk. H. Bhvdli stu`de` O. [tu`ydli

K. Pg stu`y

@. Oedli stu`de`

5. Pbe use ga kgmputers hd`s dl tehkbdli, WWW tbe rgce ga tehkbers ds stdcc very dmpgrthlt. H. hctbguib

O. yet

K. sg tbht

@. oekhuse

1. @g ygu rehccy expekt bdm WWW trehte` dl tbds why7 H. tg lgt gofekt tg oe

O. lgt tg gofekt tg oedli

K. lgt tg gofekt tg oe

@. lgt gofekt tg oedli

9. Pbe ohoy khl't evel sdt up yet, WWW sthl` hl` whcj! H. out agr

O. cet hcgle

K. hcc out

@. rhtber tbhl

2. Mdje phdlte` bds oe`rggm ochkj. Dt cggjs `hrj hl` `rehry. Be WWW h `daaerelt kgcgur. H. must bhve kbgsel

O. bh` tg kbggse

K. sbguc` bhve kbgsel

@. kguc` bhve oeel kbggsdli

4. Bgh ds vdsdtdli ber bgme tgwl tbds haterlggl. Mhrj6 –@gl—t ahdc tg sel` ygur ahmdcy my reihr`s.” - Bgh6 –WWW.” H. Dt—s my pcehsure

O. Tgu—re weckgme


K. Igg` d`eh, tbhljs

@. Pbhljs, D wdcc

8>. H smhcc WWW ga tbds me`dkdle sbguc` oe elguib tg cessel tbe phdl. H. phrt

O. sdze

K. `gse

@. rhtdgl

DD. Idve tbe kgrrekt agrm ga tbe khpdthc wgr`s. Yrdte ygur hlswers dl tbe ochljs. (>.5p) BGY U[EAUC D[ [ECA-[PU@T7 "[eca-stu`y" ds h ochljet term wbdkb mehls `daaerelt tbdlis tg `daaerelt pegpce. Dt khl oe use` tg mehl "hutg`d`hktdk", gr reaer tg seca-becp mhterdhc agr tbgse wbg, agr (8. YBHP) WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW rehsgl `g lgt bhve hkkess tg h tehkber. Agr stu`elts agccgwdli h `dsthlke cehrldli kgurse, sukb metbg`s hre wgrtbwbdce hs tbey hre `esdile` agr tbgse wbg khllgt httel` (?. _E[D@ELKE)  WWWWWWWWWWWW  WWWWWW WWWWWWWWW WWW kgur kgurses, ses, wbdkb hre ahr mgre ex expelsdve. pelsdve. Pbere hre mhly `rhwohkjs tg seca-stu`y agr uldversdty stu`elts, bgwever, hs gle stu`des dl dsgchtdgl hl` khllgt elfgy exhktcy tbe shme cdaestyce hs tbe trh`dtdglhc type ga (;. I_H@UHPE) WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, wbg ds kgmodldli lew sgkdhc hl` hkh`emdk experdelkes. Pbgse wbg kbggse tg use seca-stu`y hs h phtb dltg tbe rehcms ga hkh`emdh `g sg agr very `daaerelt rehsgls, wbdkb `epel` gl tbedr adlhlkdhc ohkjirgul` tg h chrie extelt. Pg`hy, lg gle argwls gl tbds, seedli dt hs h pgsdtdve step tgwhr`s (0. CDIBP) WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. [eca-becp kgurses hre hcsg hvhdchoce agr tbgse wbg rekgildze tbey bhve sgme jdl` ga psykbgcgidkhc prgocem out wbg khllgt haagr` tbe aees kbhrie` oy  psykbghlhcysts.  psykbghl hcysts. [u [ukb kb kgurses lee` tg oe khreauccy sec secekte`, ekte`, out tbey tbey khl oe (5. (5. OELEADP) WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW tg tbgse wbg seej seca-becp.

DDD. Adcc dl ehkb sphke prgvd`e` dl ehkb seltelke oecgw wdtb tbe kgrrekt agrm ga gle pbrhshc vero idvel. Ehkb pbrhshc vero khl oe use` GLKE glcy. (8.>p) idve up

tehr gaa

iet ht

thje gver

kgme hkrgss ig ul`er

strdje up

cggj agrwhr` tg put oy

ahcc gaa 

8. Be's sg mdserhoce tbht, evel da be WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW hl elvecgpe aucc ga mgley dl bds pgkjet, be'` stdcc shy be'` bh` hl hwauc `hy. ?. Hater Ierhc`dle mgve` tg tbds hreh, sbe sggl WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWh ardel`sbdp wdtb ber lew ledibogr.


;. Da ygu rehccy whlt tg cgse wedibt, ygu lee` tg WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ehtdli ahst agg`. 0. [dlke be spgje hogut tbe suofekt sg dl`drektcy, dt whs `daadkuct tg see wbht be whs WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. 5. D've behr` h rumgr tbht gur rdvhcs hre hdmdli tg WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW gur adrm sgme tdme tbds yehr. 1. Pbe stu`elts hre WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW tbe adec` trdp tbds [ul`hy. 9. Pbe ygutb elterprdse skbeme WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW `ue tg h chkj ga igverlmelt suppgrt. 2. Hs sggl hs Pgm whs idvel bds odrtb`hy preselt, be WWWWWWWWWWW hcc tbe wrhppdli phper. 4. Dt whs glcy wbel my ulkce retdre` tbht be rehcdze` be sbguc`  WWWWWWWWWWWW  WWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWW WWWWW m mgre gre agr b bds ds retdremelt. retdremelt. 8>. Out agr tbe hmgult ga vdgcelke ht aggtohcc mhtkbes, spekthtgr httel`hlke wguc` lgt oe WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW sg `rhmhtdkhccy. DQ. Ehkb ga tbe agccgwdli seltelkes bhs GLE wgr` tbht lee`s kgrrektdgl. Ul`ercdle tbht wgr` hl` kgrrekt dt oy repchkdli dt wdtb GLE prgper wgr`. Yrdte tbe kgrrektdgl dl tbe prgvd`e` ochlj gl tbe rdibt. Pbere ds hl exhmpce ht tbe  oeidlldli  oeidlldl i (>). ((>.5p) >.5p) [eltelkes >. Be kgcc kgccd` d`e` e` wdtb wdtb h kkhr hr oe oekh khus usee be be whs whs `rd rdvd vdli li tg tgg g ahs ahstc tcy. y.

Kgrrektdgls ah ahst st

8. Dt ds tdme tbe igverlmelt becpe` tbe ulempcgymelt tg adl` sgme fgos. ?. Evel gl tbe mgst khreauc prephre` trdp, prgocems wdcc sgmetdmes `evecgp ;. Pbhljs tg ber ahtber's elkgurhiemelt, sbe bhs `gle ireht prgiress dl ber stu`y. 0. Da tbey bh` rehcdze` tbe `hlier, tbey wguc`l't igt dltg trguoce lgw. 5. Pbe twg khrs agr shce were dl pggr kgl`dtdgl, sg D `d`l't ouy ledtber ga tbem. ^H_P K. _EH@DLI (;.> ^GDLP[) D. _eh` tbe text oecgw hl` `ekd`e wbdkb hlswer (H, O, K gr @) oest adts ehkb sphke. (8.>p) IDQEL PBE PBUMO[ @GYL


Ybel ygur mhlhier teccs ygu tbht tbey hre pcehse` wdtb ygur wgrj, tbe cehst ygu khl expekt ds h `ekelt reaerelke wbel ygu cehve. Pbht, ht hly rhte, ds wbht Yhyle Phat tbguibt wbel be hppcde` agr h fgo hs (8) WWW gkkuphtdglhc khre wgrjer. Dmhidle bds surprdse (?) WWW, wbel be gpele` h cetter tbht shd` "[grry, we khl't kglsd`er ygu oekhuse ga ygur fgo reaerelke." "Dt whs very upsettdli," be shys. "D whs sbgkje` ht bgw kruec pegpce khl oe. My reaerelke sbguc` bhve oeel (;) WWW." Mr. Phat, wbg ds ulempcgye`, ds stdcc suaaerdli tbe kglsequelkes ga bds (0) WWW empcgyer, hlgtber bgme khre  prgvd`er,, reausdl  prgvd`er reausdli i tg sup suppcy pcy h pgs pgsdtdve, dtdve, gr ev evel el leutrhc reaerelke. " D whs cggjdli agrwhr` tg h lew fgo hl` lgw D'm gl tbe (5) WWW." Hater be rekedve` tbe (1) WWW cetter, be resdile` bdmseca tg pursudli fgos usdli hlgtber phst empcgyer empcgyer hs h reaerelke. Be whs lever tgc` wby tbe reaerelke whs  oh`, hl` be be bhs aect p pgwercess gwercess (9 (9)) WWW dt b bhppele`. hppele`. Out Out tbds weej, weej, be `dskgvere` `dskgvere` tbht ul`er tbe @hth ^rgtektdgl Hkt, be bhs tbe rdibt tg request (2) WWW tg tbe reaerelke argm tbe grihldzhtdgl wbg rekedve` dt. Mr. Phat shys be dltel`s tg kglarglt tbe empcgyer (4) WWW turle` bdm `gwl hl` `emhl` tg see tbe reaerelke. "D'm sg hliry, D lee` tg adl` gut wbht bhppele` hl` (8>) WWW dt rdibt," be h``s. 8. H. h

O. tbe

K. Ù (lg hrtdce)

@. hl

?. H. lhmecy

O. tbel

K. rehccy

@. hctbguib

;. H. sbdldli

O. icehmdli

K. icgwdli

@. icdsteldli

0. H. preselt

O. sg-khcce`

K. wguc`-oe

@. agrmer  

5. H. cedsure 1. H. refektdgl

O. `gce O. reaushc

K. queue K. `eldhc

@. bgme @. `dsmdsshc

9. H. agr

O. sdlke

K. wbel

@. `urdli

2. H. hkkess

O. h`mdtthlke

K. eltry

@. permdssdgl

4. H. wbht

O. wbgm

K. wbdkb

@. wbg

8>. H. iet

O. pchke

K. put

@. adx

DD. _eh` tbe agccgwdli phsshie hl` kdrkce tbe cetter H, O, K, gr @ tg dl`dkhte tbe kgrrekt hlswer tg ehkb ga tbe questdgls. (>.5p)


Dl 84>; tbe memoers ga tbe igverldli oghr` ga tbe Uldversdty ga Yhsbdlitgl dl [ehttce elihie` h adrm ga chl`skhpe hrkbdtekts, spekdhcdsts spekdhcdsts dl tbe `esdil ga gut`ggr elvdrglmelts-Gcmste` Orgtbers ga Orggjcdle, Mhsshkbusetts-tg h`vdse tbem gl hl hpprgprdhte chygut agr tbe uldversdty irgul`s. Pbe pchl dmpresse` tbe uldversdty gaadkdhcs, hl` dl tdme mhly ga dts rekgmmel`htdgls were dmpcemelte`. Kdty gaadkdhcs dl [ehttce, tbe chriest kdty dl tbe lgrtbwesterl Uldte` [thtes, were hcsg dmpresse`, agr tbey empcgye` tbe shme grihldzhtdgl tg stu`y [ehttce's puocdk phrj lee`s. Fgbl Gcmste` `d` tbe dlvestdihtdgl hl` suosequelt repgrt gl [ehttce's phrjs. Be hl` bds orgtbers oecdeve` tbht phrjs sbguc` oe h`hpte` tg tbe cgkhc tgpgirhpby, utdcdze tbe hreh's trees hl` sbruos, hl` oe hvhdchoce tg tbe eltdre kgmmuldty. Pbey espekdhccy empbhsdze` tbe lee` agr lhturhc, serele settdlis wbere burrde` urohl `weccers kguc` perdg`dkhccy eskhpe argm tbe kdty. Pbe esselke ga tbe Gcmste` phrj pchl whs tg `evecgp h kgltdlugus `rdvewhy, twelty mdces cgli, tbht wguc` tde tgietber h wbgce serdes ga phrjs, pchyirgul`s, hl` phrjwhys. Pbere wguc` oe cgkhc phrjs hl` squhres, tgg, out hcc ga tbds whs mehlt tg suppcemelt tbe mhfgr `rdvewhy, wbdkb whs tg remhdl tbe uldaydli ahktgr agr tbe eltdre system.   Dl Lgvemoer ga 84>; tbe kdty kgulkdc ga [ehttce h`gpte` tbe Gcmste` _epgrt, hl` dt hutgmhtdkhccy oekhme tbe mhster pchl agr tbe kdty's phrj system. ^rdgr tg tbds repgrt, [ehttce's phrj `evecgpmelt whs very cdmdte` hl` aul`dli mehier. Hcc tbds kbhlie` hater tbe repgrt. Oetweel 84>9 hl` 848;, kdty vgters hpprgve` spekdhc aul`dli mehsures hmgultdli tg $0,>>>,>>>. Ydtb sukb ulphrhccece` sums ht tbedr `dspgshc, wdtb tbe Gcmste` iud`ecdles tg agccgw, hl` wdtb tbe h``e` dlkeltdve ga whltdli tg bhve tbe kdty ht dts oest agr tbe HchsjhTujgl-^hkdadk Expgsdtdgl ga 84>4, tbe ^hrjs Oghr` oguibt hiiressdvecy. Oy 848; [ehttce bh` ?5 phrjs hmgultdli tg 8,0>> hkres, hs wecc hs 0>> hkres dl  pchyirgul`s,  pchyirgu l`s, pht phtbwhys, bwhys, ogu ogucevhr`s, cevhr`s, hl hl` ` trdhlic trdhlices. es. Mgre chl chl`s `s wguc` oe h``e` dl tbe auture, out agr hcc prhktdkhc purpgses dt whs tbe ireht chl` surie ga 84>9848; tbht esthocdsbe` [ehttce's phrj system.

8. Ybht `ges tbe phsshie mhdlcy `dskuss7 H. Pbe pchlle` `evecgpmelt ga [ehttce's puocdk phrj system O. Pbe grihldzhtdgl ga tbe [ehttce kdty igverlmelt K. Pbe bdstgry ga tbe Gcmste` Orgtbers hrkbdtekturhc adrm @. Pbe `esdil hl` oudc`dli ga tbe Uldversdty ga Yhsbdlitgl khmpus ?. Pbe wgr` "elihie`" ds kcgsest dl mehldli tg


H. trhdle`

O. bdre`

K. `eskrdoe`

@. evhcuhte`

;. Ybdkb ga tbe agccgwdli sthtemelts hogut phrjs `ges LGP reacekt tbe vdews ga  tbe Gcmste` Orgtbers adrm7 H. Pbey sbguc` oe pchlte` wdtb trees tbht irgw cgkhccy. O. Pbey sbguc` prgvd`e h qudet, restauc elvdrglmelt. K. Pbey sbguc` oe prgtekte` oy cdmdtdli tbe lumoer ga vdsdtgrs argm tbe kgmmuldty. @. Pbey sbguc` oe `esdile` tg kglagrm tg tbe tgpgirhpby ga tbe hreh. 0. Yby `ges tbe hutbgr meltdgl "cgkhc phrjs hl` squhres" wbel thcjdli hogut tbe Gcmste` pchl7 H. Pg empbhsdze tbe `daadkuctdes ahkdli h`gptdgl ga tbe pchl O. Pg dccustrhte tbe kgmprebelsdve lhture ga tbe pchl K. Pg `emglstrhte hl gmdssdgl dl tbe pchl @. Pg `eskrdoe [ehttce's chl`skhpe prdgr tg dmpcemelthtdgl ga tbe pchl 5. Ybdkb ga tbe agccgwdli khl oe dlaerre` argm tbe phsshie hogut bgw kdtdzels ga [ehttce rekedve` tbe Gcmste` repgrt7 H. Pbey were bgstdce tg tbe repgrt's kglkcusdgls. kglkcusdgls. O. Pbey dilgre` tbe Gcmste`s' adl`dlis. K. Pbey suppgrte` tbe Gcmste`s' pchls. @. Pbey ahvgre` tbe kdty kgulkdc's seejdli h`vdke argm hlgtber adrm. DDD. Adcc dl ehkb ochlj wdtb GLE sudthoce wgr`. Yrdte tbe wgr`s dl tbe sphkes  prgvd`e`. (>.5p  prgvd`e`. (>.5p). ). QHCUHOCE CE[[GL[ Ybel prhdsdli h kbdc` agr trydli, dl spdte ga ulhkkepthoce wgrj, h`ucts tehkb tbht eaagrt ds mgre dmpgrthlt tbhl resucts. D glke tggj gver h kchss dl tbe md``ce ga h term argm h tehkber tbht whs h ielergus mhrjer. (8) WWWWWWWWWW D bh` returle` h ohtkb ga mhrje` phpers, gle ogy kgmpchdle` hogut rekedvdli h –K”: –D—m (?)  WWWWWWWWWW  WWWWWW WWWW tg iettdli –H –Hs” s” be shd`. Y Ybel bel D expc expchdle` hdle` tbht b bds ds esshy whs oh`cy grihldze`, be hsje`6 –Ybht hogut tbe pdktures7 Gur gtber tehkber ihve extrh mhrjs agr eaagrt.” _ehc cdae sec`gm rewhr`s tbgse wbg try (;) WWWWWWWWWW `gl—t iet resucts. Hl` dt—s h rhre ogss wbg tgcerhtes hl empcgyee wbg dlsdsts tbht be


`d` bds oest. Ulmerdte` prhdse mhy jeep kbdc`rel argm rehcdzdli tbedr gwl true khphodcdtdes. Mhly yehrs (0) WWWWWWWWWW, my oest ardel` whs h lhturhccy idate` musdkdhl. Ber ahmdcy shw every eaagrt hs –ordccdhlt” out sbe bhte` prhktdkdli hl` gatel `d` oh`cy ht rekdthcs. Hater gle phrtdkuchrcy emohrrhss emohrrhssdli dli peragrmhlke, ber  mgtber shd`, –Tgu were wgl`erauc, out tbht pdhlg lee`s tuldli hl` tbe hu`delke whs sg lgdsy, dt—s lg wgl`er ygu agrigt tbe sekgl` mgvemelt”. (5) WWWWWWWWWW  tbds idrc rekedve` krdtdkdsm, sbe mdibt bhve rehcdze` ber hmodtdgl ga h kglkert khreer. Hs dt whs, ber pchydli igt irh`uhccy wgrse, sbe cgst dlterest hl` eveltuhccy `rgppe` gut ga musdk skbggc.

DQ. _eh` tbe agccgwdli phsshie hl` `g tbe thsjs tbht agccgw. (8.> p) Pbe [phldsb Dlacuelzh ^hl`emdk ga 8482 Pbe [phldsb dlacuelzh phl`emdk ga 8482, wbdkb khuse` hrgul` 5> mdccdgl `ehtbs wgrc`wd`e, remhdls hl gmdlgus whrldli tg puocdk behctb.

^hrhirhpb H. Oeagre hl` hater 8482, mgst dlacuelzh phl`emdks `evecgpe` dl Hsdh hl` spreh` argm tbere tg tbe rest ga tbe wgrc` mgre gr cess sdmucthleguscy. Bdstgrdkhccy `hth hre dlh`equhte tg d`eltday tbe iegirhpbdk sgurke ga tbe 8482 vdrus. Pbe lhme '[phldsb' dlacuelzh merecy reacekts tbht [phdl, wbdkb whs leutrhc dl Ygrc` Yhr D, `d` lgt kelsgr tbedr lews hielkdes argm puocdkdzdli tbe severdty ga tbe  phl`emdk dl tbe kgult kgultry, ry, hl` ttbds bds mh`e dt seem tg gtb gtber er kgultrdes tbht tbe `dsehse whs wgrse tbere.

^hrhirhpb O. Pbe phl`emdk `d` lgt gkkur evelcy gver 8482 hl` 8484, out khme dl tbree severe whves. Pbe adrst, gr sg-khcce` sprdli whve, oeihl dl Mhrkb 8482 hl` spreh` ulevelcy tbrguib tbe Uldte` [thtes, Eurgpe, hl` pgssdocy Hsdh gver tbe lext sdx mgltbs. Dccless rhtes were bdib, out `ehtb rhtes dl mgst cgkhces were lgt hpprekdhocy hogve lgrmhc. H sekgl` gr hutuml whve spreh` icgohccy argm [eptemoer tg Lgvemoer 8482, whs bdibcy ahthc hl`, dl mhly lhtdgls, h tbdr` whve gkkurre` dl tbe ehrcy 8484. Kcdldkhc sdmdchrdtdes ce` kgltempgrhry goservers tg kglkcu`e dldtdhccy tbht tbey were goservdli tbe shme `dsehse dl tbe sukkessdve whves. Pbe `daaerelkes oetweel tbe whves seeme` tg oe prdmhrdcy dl tbe mukb bdiber arequelky ga kgmpcdkhte, severe, hl` ahthc khses dl tbe chst twg


whves. Pbese tbree extelsdve phl`emdk whves ga dlacuelzh wdtbdl gle yehr, gkkurrdli dl rhpd` sukkessdgl, wdtb glcy tbe ordeaest ga qudeter dltervhcs oetweel tbem, were ulpreke`elt ulpreke`elte`. e`.

^hrhirhpb K. Hcc ga tbese `ehtbs khuse` h severe `dsruptdgl dl tbe U[ ekglgmy. Kchdms hihdlst cdae dlsurhlke pgcdkdes sjyrgkjete`, wdtb gle dlsurhlke kgmphly repgrtdli h 905 per kelt rdse dl tbe lumoer ga kchdms mh`e. [mhcc ousdlesses, mhly ga wbdkb bh` oeel ulhoce tg gperhte `urdli tbe  phl`emdk, welt welt ohljrup ohljrupt. t. Pbe wgrc wgrc` ` ekglgmy hs h wbgce whs lgt sdildadkhltcy sdildadkhltcy haaekte` hl` tbe84?4 Yhcc [treet Krhsb. Pbe U[ bh` h ireht dlacuelke gl wgrc` ekglgmdks hl`, hctbguib gver 15>,>>> pegpce `de` dl tbe U[, dt kguc` bhve oeel h cgt wgrse. Pbrguibgut bdstgry, dlacuelzh vdruses bhve muthte` hl` khuse`  phl`emdks gr gr icgohc ep epd`emdks. d`emdks. Dl 824>, hl espekdhccy v vdrucelt drucelt dl dlacuelzh acuelzh  phl`emdk strukj, strukj, jdcc jdccdli dli mhly H Hmerdkhls. merdkhls. Pb Pbgse gse wbg ssurvdve` urvdve` tbht tbht phl`emdk phl`emdk hl` cdve` tg experdelke tbe 8482 phl`emdk tel`e` tg oe cess suskeptdoce tg tbe `dsehse hl` sg h cgt mgre Hmerdkhls cdve tbhl wguc` gtberwdse tbe khse.

^hrhirhpb @. Pbe 8482 [phldsb dlacuelzh phl`emdk bh` sgme kurdgus aehtures. Adrstcy, gverhcc, lehrcy bhca ga tbe dlacuelzh-rechte` `ehtbs dl tbe 8482 phl`emdk were dl yguli h`ucts ga ?> tg 0> yehrs ga hie, h pbelgmelgl uldque tg tbht phl`emdk yehr. Pbe 8482 phl`emdk ds hcsg uldque hmgli dlacuelzh phl`emdks dl tbht tbe hosgcute rdsj ga dlacuelzh `ehtb whs bdiber dl tbgse ul`er 15 yehrs ga hie tbhl dl tbgse gver 15. Dlacuelzh ds usuhccy mgre `hliergus agr tbe very yguli hl` tbe gc`, hs tbedr dmmule systems hre wehjer. [ekgl`cy, tbe phl`emdk whs  phrtdkuchr wd`espreh` wd`espreh` ddl l tbe kgc` kgc`er er wdlter mg mgltb. ltb. Adlhccy, Adlhccy, dl 8482, 8482, tbree tbree sephrhte rekurrelkes ga dlacuelzh agccgwe` ehkb gtber wdtb ulusuhc rhpd`dty, resuctdli dl tbree expcgsdve phl`emdk whves wdtbdl h yehr's tdme.

^hrhirhpb E. Dl dts `dsehse kgurse, tbe 8482 phl`emdk whs `daaerelt dl `eiree, out lgt dl jdl`, argm prevdgus hl` suosequelt phl`emdks. @espdte tbe extrhgr`dlhry lumoer ga icgohc `ehtbs, mgst dlacuelzh khses dl 8482 were mdc` hl` esseltdhccy dl`dstdliudsbhoce argm dlacuelzh khses tg`hy. Hctbguib chogrhtgry experdmelts


gl dlacuelzh ieles argm tbe 8482 vdrus suiiest tbht tbe 8482 hl` 8482-cdje vdruses seem tg oe hs selsdtdve hs gtber typdkhc vdrus strhdls tg tg`hy's hltddlacuelzh `ruis hl` evel wdtb tg`hy's preveltdgl jlgwce`ie, tbe returl ga h  phl`emdk vdrus vdrus sdmdc sdmdchr hr tg tbe v vdrus drus ga 8482 wg wguc` uc` cdjecy jdcc gver 8>> mdccdgl mdccdgl  pegpce wgrc`wd`e, wgrc`wd`e, hs tbe ehse ga ttrhvec rhvec dl tg tg`hy's `hy's icgo icgohcdze` hcdze` sgkdety sgkdety wguc` hd` tbe mgvemelt ga tbe vdrus. Bgwever, hctbguib sgme kbhrhkterdstdks ga 8482  phl`emdk hppehr hppehr uldque, skdeltdst b bhve hve kglkcu` kglkcu`e` e` tbht, sd sdlke lke dt bhppele` bhppele` glke, sdmdchr gr mgre ahvgrhoce kgl`dtdgls kguc` ceh` tg hlgtber equhccy `evhsthtdli  phl`emdk.

Kbggse tbe kgrrekt beh`dlis agr sektdgls H- E argm tbe cdst ga beh`dlis oecgw. Yrdte ygur hlswers dl tbe ogxes prgvd`e`.

Cdsts ga Beh`dlis d. Pbe kgurse ga tbe phl`emdk dd. Ulusuhc hspekts ddd. Grdidls ga tbe lhme dv. Ekglgmdk eaaekts v. Pbe rdsjs tg`hy vd. Dlh`equhte vhkkdles vdd. Dlacuelzh dl tbe whr zgle 8. ^hrhirhpb H ?. ^hrhirhpb O ;. ^hrhirhpb K 0. ^hrhirhpb @ 5. ^hrhirhpb E

@g tbe agccgwdli sthtemelts hiree wdtb tbe dlagrmhtdgl idvel dl tbe reh`dli  phsshie7 Yrdte Yrdte ygur hl hlswers swers dl ttbe be ogxes p prgvd`e`. rgvd`e`. Yrdte6 P_UE P_ UE

da tbe stht htem emel eltt hi hire rees es wdt wdtb tb tbee kc kchd hdms ms ga tbe wrd rdte terr.



da tbe sthtemelt kgltrh`dkts tbe kchdms ga tbe wrdter. da dt ds dmpgssdoce dmpgssdoce tg shy wb wbht ht tbe wrdter tbdljs hogut tbds. tbds.

1. Pbe [phldsb Dlacuelzh phl`emdk whs tg ochme agr hpprgxdmhtecy 5> mdccdgl `ehtbs dl Eurgpe hcgle. 9. Dl tbe sprdli whve, tbe kglsequelkes were cess serdgus tbhl dl tbe gtber twg. 2. Pbe 8482 [phldsb dlacuelzh vdrus whs adrst d`eltdade` dl Hsdh. 4. Pbe very yguli hl` tbe gc` were mgre ht rdsj argm 8482 [phldsb dlacuelzh  phl`emdk. 8>. Dt ds pre`dkte` tbht tbe auture tgurdsm wdcc experdelke h krdsds `ue tg tbe gutorehj ga hlgtber epd`emdk. 8. ^hrhirhpb H6

?. ^hrhirhpb O6

;. ^hrhirhpb K6

0. ^hrhirhpb @6

5. ^hrhirhpb E6






^H_P @. Y_DPDLI (?.5 ^GDLP[) D. _ewrdte ehkb ga tbe agccgwdli seltelkes dl sukb h why tbht dt bhs tbe shme mehldli hs tbe adrst seltelke, usdli tbe kues ht tbe oeidlldli ga ehkb seltelke. (>.5p)


DD. Kgmpcete tbe sekgl` seltelke sg tbht dt bhs h sdmdchr mehldli tg tbe adrst seltelke, usdli tbe wgr` idvel. @g lgt kbhlie tbe wgr` idvel. Tgu must use oetweel twg hl` sevel wgr`s, dlkcu`dli tbe wgr` idvel. (>.5p)

8. [ukb sukkess bhs lgt oeel hkbdeve` oy mhly pchyers dl tbe wgrc` ga dke bgkjey. ( AEY)


Glcy WWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWW WWWWW sukb sukkes sukkesss dl tbe wgrc` ga dke bgkjey. ?. Pber Pberee ds h very very igg` igg` kb kbhl hlke ke tb tbht ht Jhte Jhte wdcc wdcc oe hkke hkkept pte` e` oy Lgtt Lgttdl dlib ibhm hm Uldv Uldver ersd sdty ty.. (CDJECDBGG@) Dl WWWWWW WWWWWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWWWW WWWW W Uldversdty.

Lgttdl Lgttdlibh ibhm m

;. Kerthdl resgurkes khl oe skhrke dl sgme kgultrdes. ( AH_ ) Kerthdl Kerthd l resgur resgurkes kes kgultrdes.



sgme sgme

0. [kdeltdsts were ohaace` oy ber hodcdty tg ig wdtbgut sceep agr `hys. ( CG[[) [kdeltdsts were WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW expchdl ber hodcdty tg ig wdtbgut sceep agr  `hys. 5. Pbe sgurke ga tbe aul`dli `d`l't mhtter tg tbe kdtdzels, hs cgli hs tbe rgh` whs rephdre`. ( A_GM) Pbe sgurke ga tbe aul`dli `d`l't khre WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, hs cgli hs tbe rgh` whs rephdre`.

DDD. Yrdte hl esshy gl tbe agccgwdli tgpdk (8.5p) Lgwh`hys, pegpce adl` dt dlkrehsdlicy `daadkuct tg iet h fgo. Yby ds dt tbe khse7 Ybht sbguc` yguli pegpce prephre agr wgrj dl tbe auture7

Idve rehsgls agr ygur hlswer hl` dlkcu`e hly recevhlt exhmpces argm ygur gwl jlgwce`ie gr  experdelke. Tgur wrdtdli must oe oetweel ??> hl` ?5> wgr`s.

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