HSE Manual

April 25, 2017 | Author: hasan_676489616 | Category: N/A
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Purpose ...................................................................................................................... 5


Definitions ................................................................................................................... 5


DEMA MAKINA HSE Management System ................................................................ 6


Guidelines................................................................................................................... 7


Emergency and Evacuation .......................................................................................10


Incident Reporting ......................................................................................................10




Vehicle Traffic Safety .................................................................................................11


Pedestrian Traffic Safety ............................................................................................12


Fire Prevention ..........................................................................................................13


Permits Needed To Receive Before Starting To Work ...............................................19


Hot Works Control ....................................................................................................14


Burning on Painted Surfaces and Welding .................................................................20


Smoking Control ........................................................................................................14


Working with Petroleum (Hydrocarbon) Products .......................................................23


Pressure Gas Tubes ..................................................................................................23


Chemicals and Hazardous Gasses ............................................................................23


Working with Confined Spaces ..................................................................................23


Working in Pits ...........................................................................................................17


Excavation Works ......................................................................................................17


Working at Height ......................................................................................................17


Use of Safety Belts ....................................................................................................18


Hand Tools and Tool Kits ...........................................................................................18


Machine Works ..........................................................................................................18


Grinding Works ..........................................................................................................19


Protection of Eyes and Hands....................................................................................19


Temporary Lighting ....................................................................................................19


Electrical and Instrumentation Works .........................................................................20


Isolation Works ..........................................................................................................29


Sandblasting Works ...................................................................................................22


Paint Works ...............................................................................................................22


Construction Works ...................................................................................................22


Welding and Cutting Works........................................................................................23


Material Handling .......................................................................................................23


Cranes and Equipment ..............................................................................................23


Use of Ladders .........................................................................................................25


Environment ..............................................................................................................25


Driving Equipment ....................................................................................................42


Work Equipment Controls .........................................................................................42


Equipment Having Specific Risk ................................................................................42


Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................43




The first priority and emphasis will always be given to health, safety and environmental (HSE) issues for the long term business success, reputation, as well as community good wilI throughout our activities to reach the corporate set targets while protecting the people and the environment we live in. Our goal is to minimize the negative impact to the environment and to prevent harm to our employees, clients, communities and all others who could be affected. To achieve all these at DEMA MAKINA: ■

The communication, implementation and compliance with HSE standards are the first priority and the responsibility of all employees,

Compliance with current laws, codes and HSE standards shall be strictly followed,

A healthy and hygienic working environment in the workplace shall be provided for all employees,

HSE risks caused by our activities shall be determined; root causes shall be identified to reduce the risks to the lowest acceptable levels. Actions and implementation shall be questioned, reviewed, improved and be result oriented.

Immediate and effective response to incidents and providing immediate medical services necessary for the treatment of employee occupational illness or injuries shall be ensured,

Emissions shall be monitored while recycling waste where possible for the efficient use of natural resources,

Employee suggestions to improve HSE performance will be evaluated carefully and appropriate ones shall be implemented,

All DEMA MAKINA employees shall be trained according to our HSE standards and visitors shall be informed about the risks at site and how to behave,

Performance towards set targets shall be evaluated and the results be shared with public periodically,

This policy demonstrates our commitment to continuously improve our HSE performance and working conditions to enhance our capability to make operations and products compatible with the environment.


Purpose As a company policy, DEMA MAKINA accepts the environmental protection and improvement, in line with the occupational health and safety, as an integral part of its business activities beyond legal requirements. Our purpose is to minimize the adverse effects of our products and activities on the environment while increasing the quality thereof and ensuring health and safety of the employees. Another purpose of this specification is to determine minimum requirements that must be complied with, related to use work equipment and tools on site, our and sub-contractor’s employees with basic information on working order, safety rules, environmental protection and improvement at DEMA MAKINA, and related to health and safety, in line with Company Policy and Regulation on Health and Safety Requirements for Using Work Equipment, which is published on the Official Gazette, issue no 25370, dated 11.02.2004. As is known, the relevant articles of the Labor Law No 4857, which is a basic law governing our working life, entail the employers TO TAKE NECESSARY MEASURES TO PROVIDE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AND MEET NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS ON SITE AND TO PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS COMPLETELY, and the employees TO COMPLY WITH ALL MEASURES TAKEN FOR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY”.


Definitions Sub-contractor : The natural person or legal entity which undertakes a part of project works being responsible against the DEMA MAKINA under a sub-contractor agreement and is well specialized in certain works usually. PPE

: Personal Protective Equipment (overalls, safety helmet, safety boots, gloves, safety goggles, earmuffs, vb.).

MS Mode 1

: Health, Safety, Environment, Quality (HSE-Q) Management System. : Working Status on all DEMA MAKINA Sites according to DEMA MAKINA MS.

Mode 2

: Working Status according to its own HSE-Q Management System on a site identified by DEMA MAKINA and separated physically from other working sites, provided to comply with DEMA MAKINA MS. : Document which is prepared according to Annex-05 for the tenders exceeding 500 man/day, ensures to manage HSE risks that may arise during work performance, and includes commitment on how to manage HSE-Q processes in order to comply with DEMA MAKINA MS. : Job Hazard Analysis. Document which is prepared according to Annex-03, elaborates all steps of works to be performed and ensures to manage HSE risks that may arise during implementation of these steps.

HSE Plan



: HSE Management System.


: Potential of causing adverse effect on people, asset, environment and reputation. e.g. ethylene, gasoline, working at height, hot works etc.


: Probability of occurrence of a certain and undesired event in a certain period of time.


: Proactive barrier. Measures taken to prevent hazard occuring. Controls can be physical (qualification, protective material, isolation, separation, protective tools) or nonphysical (procedures, warnings, training, practices).

Mitigating Measure: Reactive barrier. Measures mitigating effects when any hazard arises. Mitigating measures can be personnel rescue, emergency procedures, escape ways, detective and alarm devices etc. 3.0

DEMA MAKINA HSE Management System To ensure that we work perform in conformity with Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) policy in order to increase DEMA MAKINA performance for Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) in compliance with this policy. 3.1

Determination of Agreement Mode The agreement is classified in Mode 1 or Mode 2: 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5


Mode 1: The sub-contractor works in compliance with HSE-Q Management System of DEMA MAKINA; Mode 2: The sub-contractor works according to its own HSE management system provided to comply with HSE-Q Management System of DEMA MAKINA. The sub-contractors performing works under agreement of Mode 2 type are obliged to report HSE performance data relevant to the incidents to DEMA MAKINA. Any sub-contractor working according to Mode 2 on a specified site should perform works according to Mode 1 if he is required to work out of this specified site. Works performed in sub-contractor’s booths shall be evaluated within the scope of Mode 2.

Finalization and Approval of HSE Plan / JHA 3.2.1 The sub-contractors who are asked to submit proposal and will perform works under Mode 1 or Mode 2 status shall prepare HSE Plan / JHA according to the size of work and submit to DEMA MAKINA together with their Proposal. 3.2.2 Before starting to work, the sub-contractor shall discuss with Project Holder and submit a detailed HSE Plan / JJHA in writing. 3.2.3 In the agreements the owner of HSE Plan / JJHA is the sub-contractor. Before starting to work, the sub-contractor reviews the final HSE Plan/JHA with DEMA MAKINA HSE Officer, Project Holder, and Project Owner, if they are high and medium complex agreements. The deficiencies detected are discussed and the specified deficiencies are completed and approved by the parties. No permit to work is given unless HSE Plan / JJHA is approved first. It is deemed satisfactory to confirm that the sub-contractors understand how to manage risks (procedure, standard, instruction, equipment) as specified in the work permit for the low complex agreements. 3.2.4 This HSE Plan / JJHA shall certify the HSE risk level determined in the scope of agreement (including sub-contractor sites at DEMA MAKINA and works in the workshops) and the HSE measures prepared by the parties jointly. Thus, it is ensured that the responsibilities determined for HSE controls are complete and understood by the parties.


The HSE Plan / JHA shall indicate the works that must be performed before commencing to work. In the plan it will be mentioned how the HSE Plan requirements are communicated to the concerned parties, If HSE hazard profile changes, the HSE Plan/JHA shall be revised (e.g.: updating from lower complexity to Medium/Higher Complexity), When preparing and reviewing HSE Plan, the HSE Plan Check List in Annex-01 shall be used.

3.2.6 3.2.7


Implementation of Preparations Before and After Transfer to Work Site 3.3.1

Before starting to work, pre-starting Works shall be defined in HSE Plan. The points in this step include following: 

Actions which must be completed before starting to work specified in HSE Plan,

Number and competence of the sub-contractor’s HSE employees,

Before commencing to work, DEMA MAKINA shall hold a work commencement meeting to inform the sub-contractor’s officers and employees of the issues including but not limited to the following points of HSE Plan. This meeting can be planned as a HSE workshop in participation of DEMA MAKINA and subcontractor’s management. In this meeting, information is provided about  Commitment of DEMA MAKINA Management and employees to HSE, 

Permit to work procedure, and

Work-related hazards at the site,

 

Transportation to work site and mobilization, and Number and competence of sub-contractor’s employees

are reviewed.


Guidelines 4.1

4.2 4.3

4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

DEMA MAKINA and sub-contractors are obliged to comply with the law and regulations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and of other public authorities which are published on the official gazette, and with DEMA MAKINA Standards and Procedures. Before starting to work, DEMA MAKINA ensures that all its employees are familiar with “DEMA MAKINA Manual” and implement it. Before our employees start to work. The rules that must be obeyed by the sub-contractor employees in the refineries aim to provide occupational safety prevent fire, loss of life and property. We are responsible for compliance therewith and to ensure that such rules are abided by its employees. The employees must forthwith remedy the hazardous conditions and/or notify the tendering department officer, the relevant department officer and their own supervisor thereof. All employees shall absolutely obey all warning signs. All employees shall use and wear overalls, helmet, safety boots, gloves, mask which are fit to the work, and PPE complying with Annex-04 specified in their permits. DEMA MAKINA is responsible for providing PPE and having them used by the employees and the employees are responsible for using them properly.




4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14

4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18



The warnings of the refinery personnel shall be taken into consideration and works shall not be continued unless deficiencies are remedied. The sub-contractor shall be responsible therefor. It is forbidden to smoke in the refineries and administrative buildings, in all vehicles and offices. It is allowed to smoke in the smoking areas allocated in the outdoor areas. The provisions of relevant law on smoking shall be applied. The beard, moustache, side whiskers impede to provide sealing when using air mask. The employees must pay great attention to this matter. Otherwise, sealing of mask shall be impossible. The sub-contractor’s personnel shall apply DEMA MAKINA Rules on using of safety materials. The sub-contractor’s employees are prohibited to enter to the units and sites out of their assigned sites. The sub-contractor’s personnel shall not wait inside the units during break time. It is strictly forbidden to bring any alcoholic drink or drug or to enter under the influence of such substances to the refinery. The sub-contractor shall provide its employees with fresh water on site and in resting places, and it will not be allowed to drink water inside fire water system nor will be utilized to wash hands and faces. At DEMA MAKINA workplaces, it is forbidden to play games, to quarrel and to joke around. During any work, it is compulsory to keep the workplace tidy and clean. Any fuel delivery to the sub-contractor’s vehicles shall be made by licensed tankers fitted with flame arrestor. The sub-contractor shall ensure itself and its employees’ safety and shall be organized so as to provide medical services in accordance with the relevant regulations. Except for the cases threatening life and requiring emergency response, the sub-contractor’s employees are not allowed to utilize DEMA MAKINA dispensary. If an ambulance is called in emergency, the dispensary / main gate safety guard shall direct the ambulance to the related site. The sub-contractor must receive MEDICAL REPORT as specified in Article 5, under heading Medical Report, included in the second section of “Regulation on Heavy and Hazardous Works” referring to that the personnel of the sub-contractor can be employed in heavy and hazardous works. The sub-contractor is responsible to periodically renew these reports annually or to ensure the workplace physicians conduct periodical medical checkup. Refineries are authorized to request a MEDICAL BOARD REPORT to be given by a general hospital. The sub-contractor/subcontractor shall deliver a copy of medical reports to Refinery Safety Environment Quality Management (SEQ) in order to enter to the refinery. Reports shall be maintained in SEQ Management. Other documents required for permission to entry to refinery shall be delivered in a file to Safety Management (RSM). The certificates concerning entry permission shall be followed up and maintained by RSM. Regarding to Occupational Health and Safety legislation date on 18.01.2013 and article 22 of Occupational Health and Safety Law numbered 6331;  In the event that main employer – sub-contractor relation exceeds six months:  Where the DEMA MAKINA has set up a committee, the sub-contractor shall appoint by proxy an authorized representative to facilitate coordination.  -Where there is more than one employer in the same workplace and these employers set up more than one committee, these employers shall inform each other of the decisions of the committees which might affect one another

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Regarding to Occupational Health and Safety law article 6 and Occupational Health And Safety Law date on 29.12.2012; 

Sub-contractor; shall designate one or more workers as occupational safety specialist, occupational physician and other health staff according to Occupational health and safety legislation date on 29.12.2012, in order to determine occupational health and safety measures and monitoring of their implementations, prevent occupational accidents and diseases, carry out first aid, first treatment and protective health and safety issues of workers. Provided that the sub-contractor has the required qualifications and documents, these services can be offered by the sub-conractor considering the hazard class and the number of workers.

In case there is lack of personnel in the undertaking competent enough to be designated, the Sub-contractor may get service from Joint Health and Safety unit to carry out all or part of the responsibilities of occupational physician, occupational health staff and other health staff.

4.21 The sub-contractor shall present the medical program prepared to DEMA MAKINA and DEMA MAKINA shall have it revised if required. 4.22 The dressing rooms of the sub-contractor’s personnel shall be well illuminated, ventilated, properly heated under cold weather, clean and well-kept. The sub-contractor shall provide WC, shower and dining hall facilities for the personnel. 4.23 The sub-contractor shall apply DEMA MAKINA rules for hygiene. Any adverse condition as regards hygiene shall be submitted by the sub-contractor to DEMA MAKINA in brief reports and proposals. 4.24 In order to implement minimum health and safety requirements, the posture position of employees when they use equipment, working manners and ergonomics principles shall be taken into account definitely. 4.25 The sub-contractor shall directly be held responsible for administrative, legal, financial and other issues resulting from any incident caused by the sub-contractor and for all damages and losses to be incurred by the third parties. In case of occurrence of such an incident, any fine to be imposed to DEMA MAKINA shall be deducted from progress payments of the subcontractor. 4.26 The sub-contractor’s officer shall immediately inform the tendering unit and SEQ of any incident when occurred. 4.27 In case of any accident, the sub-contractor’s officer shall be assigned by DEMA MAKINA officer to participate in the research team and he/she will inform the research team as required. 4.28 As the case may be, the sub-contractor shall receive all equipment which is said to be provided by the refinery by debiting and it will deliver back to the refinery after usage clean and as received. In case of any damage, it shall be identified by DEMA MAKINA authorities and be deducted from the progress payments of the sub-contractor. 4.29 If the rules set out in this specification are not followed, the unit where works are performed and/or tender is called and SEQ officers are authorized to terminate works and to prohibit entries to DEMA MAKINA. In case of nonconformance of the rules specified in this standard and its annexes, a written warning shall be issued for the first case, and a written denouncement for the second case and then fine shall be imposed for the third case. In case of any accident, fire and environmental accident, the site questionnaire shall be repeated and the color classification of the sub-contractor shall be determined again.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 4.30 The user and sub-contractors who are the owner of the equipment shall be responsible for any pecuniary damage arising from use of all construction equipment and other equipment which are owned by the sub-contractors employed in the refineries and are approved / certified as to their compliance. 4.31 The number of unsafe conditions arising during work performance of the sub-contractor as reported by refinery officers shall have lowering impact on the site evaluation score. The number of near miss reports to be prepared by the sub-contractor employees shall zero this score having lowering impact on evaluation.


Emergency and Evacuation 5.1





The sub-contractor must teach its own employees and subcontractor’s employees how to behave in accordance with DEMA MAKINA standards in case of emergency and evacuation of workplace. If alarm sounds in case of fire and/or power cut, the sub-contractor shall instruct its employees to shut off all equipment which may be a fire source and to terminate any hot work and to turn off all valves of flammable gas tubes. In emergencies, the sub-contractor’s employees shall meet at the meeting point. The meeting points are indicated with signboards. The sub-contractor is responsible for gathering all employees at the meeting points. The sub-contractors officers shall report to DEMA MAKINA officers how many employees have gathered at the meeting point.

Incident Reporting 6.1


6.3 6.4 6.5

The sub-contractor shall inform SEQ of accident statistical data (working man x hour, number of accident with and without loss day, number of loss day) through job requesting unit pursuant to DEMA MAKINA MS every month. In case of any accident, the sub-contractor shall complete the Workplace Accident Notification Form and shall send it to Regional Directorate of Labor in 48 hours and to SGK (Social Security Institution) in 72 hours. One copy of the forms/reports completed with details of accident shall be delivered to the job requesting unit and to SEQ. The sub-contractor shall inform DEMA MAKINA of any occupational illness observed on its own employees. The sub-contractor’s officer shall, if DEMA MAKINA deems necessary, participate in incident research team and in investigations. The sub-contractor shall inform DEMA MAKINA of incidents such as product spillage/leakage, near miss, inappropriate cases via yellow cards and verbally.


Training 7.1







To be able to receive temporary badges before starting to work, the sub-contractor or jobsite manager, all sub-contractor personnel to be employed at DEMA MAKINA, shall go to SEQ to participate in the trainings relevant to the measures taken for occupational safety, environment, health and fire which will be provided by SEQ officers. Any employee who is not provided with training of DEMA MAKINA is not allowed to work at refineries. This training is a general purpose training related to the refinery or worksite. Records shall be kept for the trainings. The sub-contractor personnel shall start working with the temporary badges after having trained as required by its task. Reserving the provision of the related article of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, the sub-contractor shall provide employees who are in charge of using work equipment with sufficient training including risks which may arise from use of equipment and means of preventing them. The sub-contractor shall provide its own employees with training on DEMA MAKINA rules and legal requirement to ensure they work safely. The sub-contractor shall inform DEMA MAKINA of the content of the training provided, and shall submit documents containing signed attendance forms and qualifications of the trainees to DEMA MAKINA. The subcontractor shall validate through examinations or similar ways that the training provided has been understood well. The training records for the current employees and the personnel left shall be kept for 3 (three) years minimum. The sub-contractor must make sure that its own employees and subcontractor employees are informed about emergency call numbers, procedure for meeting points in case of emergency, injury and illness standards, and documents related to process hazards. It will be decided with DEMA MAKINA if further training is required to provide. It will be decided with DEMA MAKINA on frequency of holding safety meetings with the subcontractor Officers.

Vehicle Traffic Safety 8.1



The sub-contractor requiring to drive vehicle in the refinery sites as part of its job shall apply to the relevant department (tendering department) and complete and sign two copies of “Application Form For Receiving Certificate of Periodical Entry To Refinery For Motor Vehicles”. The relevant department completes and approves the section allocated and sends with a cover letter to RMS (to receive “Temporary Badge” for the personnel driving vehicles and Periodical Entry Card for vehicle/vehicles) and to SEQ for training purposes. SEQ provides the personnel who will drive the vehicle/vehicles with required training and then it informs RSM and Human Resources Department of that the said trainings have been provided. All vehicles which will be driven inside refinery sites must be equipped with flame arrestor on the exhaust and with a fire extinguisher (2 kg). When driving inside refinery sites, the drivers of the sub-contractor shall follow rules mentioned in this specification and all traffic rules, warning sign and signboards. A written HOT WORK PERMIT shall be received when all motor vehicles enter to the units or to the areas/sites where entry is forbidden.


8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12


8.14 8.15 8.16





In the refineries the speed limits of 40 km/hour and in the lodging areas that of 30 km/hour shall be followed. In the refineries it is forbidden to overtake vehicles. When the heavy duty machines and big transportation vehicles are parked somewhere, they will be left in gear and the ignition key shall be set to off position and keys shall not be left unlocked when they are in ignition position. In the refinery sites, it is forbidden to park in front of fire hydrants and foam collectors. Vehicles shall be parked in the suitable parking places. The doors of vehicles parked in the refinery areas shall not be locked and the ignition keys shall not be removed. The failed vehicles shall not be left unattended so as to endanger the traffic and shall be towed to a suitable place as soon as possible. The vehicles shall be parked ready to move anytime and in the exit direction. There is no right of way on crossroads; it is a must to stop first and to take road only after controlling. In the roads of refinery, it is forbidden to pass by the safety signs and barricades on the right and left sides or by opening the barricades. If the road to pass is not evident, it is obligatory to ask the SEQ or Shift Supervisor for. The vehicles of the sub-contractor (passenger car, construction equipment) shall be permitted to drive in the refineries only if they are subjected to technical inspection, and the sub-contractors shall be informed by the relevant departments thereabout. The RSM/SEQ personnel shall control this condition when the daily traffic controls are carried out. It is strictly forbidden to take vehicles powered by LPG and CNG into the refinery. It is forbidden to get on and off the motor vehicles without waiting for stopping. In the vehicles, only one passenger is allowed to sit next to the driver for passenger cars, and two passengers are allowed to sit for pick-up trucks. The vehicles are not allowed to pick up passenger more than registered capacity shown in the vehicle licenses. Passengers can be transported in the truck haulages only if there are seats, the side and back covers are 90 cm high, there are robust handrails, 120 cm high, which can be held, the back cover is closed and personnel sit on the seats. In case of that any fire breaks out in the refineries, any sub-contractor vehicle standing near the fire venue shall be taken away so as not to block entry of sprinkler, ambulance and construction equipment. The sub-contractor employees shall drive carefully, and obey all traffic lights, speed limits and traffic rules. In case of violation of traffic and parking rules, DEMA MAKINA officers shall impede the vehicle to move and the sub-contractor personnel shall be informed thereof while the vehicle is retained in the unit.

Pedestrian Traffic Safety 9.1

Pedestrians shall walk on pavements where available, and if not, on the left side of the road, two persons side by side maximum. The specified driveways and walkways shall be used only when going to and coming back from the workplace. It is forbidden to pass through the units.


Inside refinery, it is forbidden to run except for emergencies (fire, injury, operation problems etc).

10.0 Fire Prevention 10.1 The sub-contractor personnel shall take necessary measures to prevent any incident which may cause to fire break out in their workplace and shall inform the relevant department officer and unit personnel or SEQ of any measure taken. 10.2 The sub-contractor personnel shall absolutely inform the relevant department officer and unit personnel of any liquid and gas hydrocarbon leakages, oil spillages and other leakages which may lead to fire after having stopped to perform works. 10.3 The sub-contractor personnel shall be trained well on how to use fire extinguishers and shall use them if necessary. 10.4 The sub-contractor personnel shall make first response to any fire break out in the sites when they see it, using the fire equipment available in sites. And then, they will notify the unit personnel where they are employed of the fire place or call from the fire notice phone. 10.5 When the fire alarm sounds, all sub-contractor employees shall gather in the meeting point which is the nearest to the place where they are. All works shall be stopped, construction equipment shall be shut down and the hydrant valves used shall absolutely be closed if fire water system is used. 11.0 Permits Needed To Receive Before Starting To Work 11.1 Permits needed to receive before starting to work are classified as follows; Permit to Work, Hot Work Permit, Confined Space Entry Permit, Excavation Permit, Electrical Work Permit and Scaffolding Permit. However, all the aforementioned permissions are classified under heading of work permits. 11.2 A separate written permission shall absolutely be received if hot works, excavation or electrical works, and any work requiring confined space entry permit or scaffolding works shall be performed in the workplace. 11.3 It is FORBIDDEN TO START WORKING unless a PERMIT TO WORK is received from the lead operator or chief of the unit where the work is to be performed. The projects shall be made available when receiving work permits and performing works. 11.4 It is never allowed to perform works out of workplaces specified in PERMIT TO WORK form. The work permits are valid for the assigned workplace, date and time. 11.5 The documents issued by DEMA MAKINA for work permits indicate the compliance of the workplace and the authorization to perform works. Signatures of employees affixed on the work permits mean that they were familiar with working conditions and restrictions. 11.6 The fire water and fire hoses can be used only if hot work permit is received except for fire and emergencies.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 12.0 Hot Work Controls 12.1 IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO PERFORM HOT WORKS unless a written HOT WORK permission is received from head operator /supervisor of the unit where hot work is to be performed. The certificate of HOT WORK PERMIT is approved by head operator, chief, SEQ officer and it is valid for the specified period of time. 12.2 If the welder is changed when the hot work is in progress, the welder starting with work firstly shall hand over the hot work permit to the head operator of the unit, and the second welder shall continue working after receiving the hot work permit from the unit. 12.3 All works such as welding, cutting, soldering, fire lighting, sandblasting, grinding with emery stone, wire brushing, using air gun or other works likely causing electrical arca re considered hot Works and a HOT WORK PERMIT shall be received absolutely. 12.4 Entry of motor vehicles into operation units, tank sets is considered hot work and a HOT WORK PERMIT shall be received absolutely. 12.5 A fire extinguisher and a fire hose connected to the hydrant and ready to use shall absolutely be available in the nearest places where hot works are performed. 13.0 Burning on Painted Surfaces and Welding 13.1 A test shall be conducted first if it is needed to detect whether the paint contains lead before starting with works. Special precautions shall be taken to avoid toxic gases which may generate when burning or welding since the lead based paints and epoxy coatings contain lead. 13.2 If the paint is not removed from the surface and the work is performed outdoor, the employees performing work and the nearby personnel shall wear mask trapping particles. If the work is performed in a confined space such as tank, column, drum, and the paint is not removed from the surface, all employees and nearby personnel shall wear full face mask systems supplying fresh air. The workplace shall be ventilated if possible. 13.3 If the paint on surface is cleaned, the air quality shall be measured when performing works in confined spaces such as column, drum and it is decided to use full face mask systems supplying fresh air.

14.0 Smoking Control 14.1 In the refinery site, it is strictly forbidden to smoke except for the permanent and temporary smoking areas allocated by DEMA MAKINA. 14.2 Receiving hot work permit does never mean that smoking is allowed. 15.0 Working with Petroleum (Hydrocarbon) Products 15.1 Attention is always to be paid from which direction the wind blows, and standing position shall be down-wind when handling the petroleum products.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 15.2 In case of skin contact with vapors of petroleum products and oils, skin must immediately be washed up with water and soap. 15.3 The clothes contaminated with petroleum and oil shall immediately be taken off and shall not be worn again unless cleaned thoroughly. 16.0 Pressure Gas Tubes 16.1 Tubes shall be held vertical when they are handled and the valve caps shall always be closed. 16.2 Measures shall be taken to prevent falling down and knocking together when handling. 16.3 Tubes shall be placed in a safe area when handling, and they will be lifted with an expedient basket crane. Equipment such as rope, chain or hanger shall not be used when lifting tubes. 16.4 Tubes shall be carried with equipment such as wheelbarrow, forklift or similar even in short distances. It is not allowed to handle tubes manually or draggingly. 16.5 Tubes shall be stored in the specified places according to the type of gas inside. 16.6 The filled and empty tubes shall separately be stored in a layout so as to enable using the previous stocks in advance. 16.7 The area where the tubes are stored must be as cold as possible and be well ventilated. Tubes stored in outdoor areas shall be prevented to expose to sunlight continuously. 16.8 Tubes shall be protected against high and radiant heat and shall never be stored near inflammable petroleum products and near chemicals which are humid, salty and may lead to corrosion. 16.9 Tubes shall not be stored in places where heavy objects likely drop down thereon, and they will be chained up with each other to prevent any possible rollover. 16.10 Tubes shall be kept vertical when they are stored (even they are empty) and the safety covers shall be fitted on. 16.11 Tube storages must be kept clean and the unauthorized personnel should not be allowed to enter to these areas. In the areas where tubes are stored, the hazard class warning signs according to the gas types inside must be posted visibly. 16.12 Tubes must be stored in an order and intermittently to frequently and systematically control the general status of tubes and to detect any leakage. 16.13 The electrical installation available in place where the tubes are stored shall conform to the standards so that the tubes will not endanger in case of any leakage according to the type of gas. 16.14 In the tube storage areas, the fire extinguisher equipment shall be in sufficient number and operational. 16.15 Tubes shall be tested under 1.5 fold of operation pressure every five (5) years and tubes which are not tested shall not be used. 16.16 The tube users shall show due diligence to deliver the tube valve and cap completely when the empty tubes are delivered to the warehouse. The failed tubes shall be send back to the firm and be maintained as required. 16.17 Tubes shall be opened by means of valve wheel. To open valves, tools such as hammer, pipe wrench or similar tools cannot be used. 16.18 Tubes can never be used without fitting pressure reducing regulator.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 16.19 The tube valve shall slowly be opened after having fitted pressure reducing regulator; and during opening, nobody shall stand in front of regulator and pressure indicator. 16.20 All valves shall be closed when gas is not used anymore. 16.21 The oxygen tubes shall be stored minimum 3 meter away from hydrocarbon products, greases, and flammable gas tubes such as acetylene. 16.22 The pressure vessels (such as compressor) shall be tested under 1.5 fold of operation pressure and a test report shall be prepared according to “Occupational Health and Safety Regulation” every year, and one copy shall be handed over to the tendering department and SEQ. A copy of test reports shall be available near/on the equipment.

17.0 Chemicals and Hazardous Gasses 17.1 The warning signboard and written instructions posted in places where chemicals and hazardous gasses are used or stored shall absolutely be followed. 17.2 It is compulsory that the personnel handling materials and substances such as acid, ammonia, caustic, hydrogen sulphur, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, chlorine and solvent use and wear protective clothing and equipment (air breathing system with air bottle or with full face mask, collar detector etc.) along with basic personal protective equipment. 17.3 In the vicinity of the workplace, a plenty of fresh water shall be provided. The place of safety shower located nearest to the workplace shall be informed by the authorities considering probabilities of skin contact with the chemical in spite of all measures are taken. 17.4 The masks suitable to protect against chemicals used and/or generated in our operations shall be received from SEQ Department by debiting. 18.0 Working in Confined Spaces 18.1 For the purpose of safe entry, the manholes of the equipment shall be opened to ventilate and an exhaust fan shall be used to do that if necessary. 18.2 Before entry into confined spaces; all connections with gas, fuel, vapor, flare and other lines must absolutely be separated from the flange by blanking, and all electrical equipment they are connected to must be switched off and switches must be locked accordingly. 18.3 Before entry into tank, boiler, drum, column, furnace, confined spaces, pits and manholes exceeding 1.5 meter in depth; feasibility of work shall be searched for and if it is compulsory to enter, a cleaning with water steam (steam out) and washout shall be implemented firstly to make it free from flammable, combustible /explosive materials. After having made gas measurements by SEQ as required and having signed duly, the written warning sign “CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT” and “ENTRY ALLOWED” shall be posted onto the equipment. 18.4 For whatever the reason, it is forbidden to enter into the equipment without posting the approved “CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT” and “ENTRY ALLOWED” signboards onto the equipment.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 18.5 A watchman shall absolutely be available at the entrance of the equipment during work performance in the confined space and the watchman shall be in audio-visual contact with the employees inside the confined space. In emergency, the watchman is not in charge of rescue, but informing the related authorities immediately. 18.6 If the equipment for which safe entry permit is given contains gas, it will be written into CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT which type of mask shall be used. The confined space entry permit is not sufficient to perform works in confined space unattended. Along with work permit, it is compulsory to receive hot work and electrical work permissions if necessary. 18.7 When entering into confined spaces containing hydrocarbon accumulation, the equipment and tools which do not generate sparkling (brass, wood etc) shall be used. This equipment shall be Ex-Proof and/or lighting power shall be 24V. 18.8 Information shall be received from unit officers and SEQ officers about location of masks (full face mask with air tube and canister) and how to use them. 18.9 In the areas where there is lack of oxygen in general, it will never be allowed to perform work without using clean air mask with clean air tube or compressor. 19.0 Working in Pits 19.1 It will be controlled if there is any hazardous gas accumulation inside pits before starting with works in pits. A CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT shall be received for working in the pits exceeding 1.5 meter in depth. 19.2 A support shall be provided to prevent any possible landslide when performing excavation works. 19.3 The trenches opened on the road shall be covered with sheet material so that in emergencies the vehicles such as fire and ambulance will be able to pass over easily and safely. 19.4 In pits, inlet points of flows of liquids and gas hydrocarbon and water which may endanger shall be blocked. 20.0 Excavation Works 20.1 It is compulsory to receive excavation permit before starting with excavation works. 20.2 If a mechanical excavation is to be made based on the received permit, a hand excavating for guiding/trial/research purposes shall be made first and a daily permit shall be received. 20.3 The tank sets are not allowed to slit or excavate without prior receipt of hot work permit. 21.0 Working at Height 21.1 The employees using ladders to work at height shall not jeopardize themselves by carrying tools and materials in their hand when climbing ladders, and their both hands shall be free to hold the ladder. 21.2 Descending and ascending the ladder shall be made one bye one, and a second personnel shall not stand on the top or under the ladder before finishing climbing up and down.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 21.3 At the level where platform ladder is not available, the necessary tools and materials shall be lowered and lifted by means of ropes definitely. 22.0 Use of Safety Belts 22.1 The safety belts shall be controlled before using. It will controlled if there is any torn belt, that the joints are sound, that sewing yarns are broken, and the status of ring buckles, rivets, belt hangers, fastening hooks, safety catch and ropes shall be controlled too, and any faulty belt shall not be used. 22.2 Safety belt shall be worn tightly. 22.3 The rope hook of the belt shall be fitted to a strong point safely. 22.4 The slackness of the rope of safety belt shall be minimized according to the status of work. The rope shall never be fastened to the waist level or lower at the workplace. Otherwise, it may lead to impact onto the back or waist when it serves a safety belt. 22.5 For Works at heights 2 (two) meter or higher from the ground where a falling hazard is available, a shock absorbing – parachute type of safety belt shall be worn absolutely.

23.0 Hand Tools and Tool kits 23.1 The tool kits shall be subject to an overall inspection before using, and the failed, broken, and cracked ones shall not be used. 23.2 It is compulsory to use file with handle. 23.3 The hand tools shall be handled with a suitable belt or bag; in the end of work, workplace shall not be left untidy. 23.4 For works performed where there may be gas generated in the operation units, the handles of hand tools shall be made of plastic or wood to decrease vibration, and the hammer parts shall be made of non-sparking material. 24.0 Machine Works 24.1 No repair work shall be performed on the machine without shutdown of any machine, without switching off via main switch and without labeling first. 24.2 A machine or a powered equipment can be operated by the authorized staff only. 24.3 Any rotational and moving part of machines which can be dangerous shall be safeguarded. 24.4 Only authorized personnel is allowed to temporarily demount and remove guards and protectors of the machines for maintenance purposes. The personnel who dismounted these parts shall be responsible for mounting back to their places after the necessary maintenance and lubrications are made. No work shall be performed with the equipment which do not have protective guards and enclosures. 24.5 The personnel working with powered tools and equipment is responsible for keeping such equipment in good state and operational safely. Such tools and machines shall be subjected to an overall inspection and those which seem to be faulty and dangerous shall not be used. The faulty tools shall be labeled to prevent using them by mistake.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 24.6 For the mechanical equipment operated by air pressure, the hoses conforming to standards shall always be used.

25.0 Grinding Works 25.1 For grinding works, the burr goggles or face guard shall absolutely be used. 25.2 The slack and loose dresses shall not be worn. Any neck-tie shall not be worn. 25.3 Attention shall be paid to that the overalls shall be free from flammable material, oil, solvent wastes and tears to ensure the sparks generated by grinding do not cause any burning hazards. 25.4 For the grinding works performed at height (such as spiral grinding), safety belt shall be worn to prevent falling down and they will be fastened with ropes and hooks for safety purposes. 25.5 During grinding works, sparks can splatter far away. Shielding with fireproof material shall be made in the flying direction of sparks. 25.6 A dust mask shall be used when performing works such as honing, grinding and polishing which generate hazardous dusts. 25.7 The surface of emery stone used shall be flat and free of recesses. 25.8 Before starting to grind, grinder shall be operated for a while, and operator shall stand on side of the stone but not right in front thereof. 25.9 The emery stones shall be equipped with protective guards. 25.10 Grinding works shall never be performed with bare hands. 25.11 Stones which are nonconforming to production standards and diameters shall not be used and grinding and cutting Stones shall be used fit for purpose. 26.0 Protection of Eyes and Hands 26.1 It is compulsory to wear safety goggles during works performed in refinery site. In addition, for the works which may harm the face, opinion of SEQ Management is to be received and it will be obligatory to wear face guard or safety goggles. 26.2 Protective gloves fit to work shall absolutely be used. 26.3 Any torn and unstitched gloves shall not be used. 26.4 Watch and rings shall not be worn during works. 26.5 No repair shall be made on operating machines. 26.6 It is strictly forbidden to contact hot surfaces, lines, hot water, steam hoses and chemicals without wearing suitable gloves. 27.0 Temporary Lighting 27.1 The temporary lighting wiring shall be installed for confined spaces such as tank and drum according to DEMA MAKINA Standard and rules. 27.2 For the equipment, the gas content of which is not removed completely, the lightings (torch) having ex-proof certificate and which do not loose this characteristic yet are to be used.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 27.3 For the places the gas content of which is cleaned, a lighting up to 24 volt can be used. At DEMA MAKINA, a 24 volt DC lighting system is used. 27.4 Measures required to prevent breaking of lamps by mistake and any possible short circuit shall be taken. Cabling shall not be passed through the sharp cornered places to prevent any possible damage and cabling Works shall be performed according to the relevant Standard of DEMA MAKINA. All lighting systems shall be equipped with earthling cables. Those except for torches shall be fixed. 28.0 Electrical and Instrumentation Work 28.1

28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5

28.6 28.7 28.8 28.9 28.10 28.11 28.12 28.13 28.14

28.15 28.16 28.17 28.18 28.19

Only authorized personnel is allowed to work on powered equipment. Authorizations to energize and de-energize systems inside DEMA MAKINA work site shall be used by the authorized personnel of DEMA MAKINA Maintenance Management only. The electrical motor and electrical devices which generate or are likely to generate sparks shall never be used in work sites where explosive gases are available. It is compulsory to cut power and label the switch properly before making any repair on the powered equipment or electric lines. Before switching on any line, it must be made sure nobody works on that line and which equipment should be powered. The portable electrical devices and cables shall frequently be inspected, and the related cables and equipment shall immediately be renewed if any deficiencies and disruptions are detected. The electrical hand tools shall be controlled by the authorized personnel before using, and those, earthling of which is failed, with a spark generating motor, and plug, socket and switch connections of which are faulty shall never be used. Great attention shall be paid when working with powered equipment in the wet and damp worksites and it is made sure that the equipment is earthed very well. All fuse boxes shall be kept closed when they are operated. If a portable electrical cable system over 24 V, 15-20 ampere, is used, there must be switches disconnecting electrical circuit in the single phase output boxes. Fuses shall always be replaced by the authorized personnel. When maintaining the electrical material and equipment in the closed areas, the ground must be clean and dry. To secure the powered portable tools, the earthed socket and plug system shall be used. To extinguish fires breaking out on the powered machine and engines or nearby, water shall not be used, but extinguishers with CO2 or dry chemical dust shall be used. Neutral line shall never be used in replacement of earth line under no circumstances. In metal component equipment such as boiler, tank, column, drum and in the wet places where conductors are available, it is forbidden to use a voltage exceeding 24 volt for lighting purposes. For such Works, a power supply of 220 V AC shall never be used. The tools and strips shall never be used near open and live wires. Bare wire shall never be used for “neutral line”. All electrical installation (including equipment) shall be accepted as being energized. The installations with a nominal voltage over 15 kVA or over 630 V shall be wired to permanent installation standard. One of the keys of the panel shall be kept by the maintenance service.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 28.20 Any panel which are not mounted to a fixed installation part (wall, metal body), shall be located on a metal base, minimum 50 cm high from the ground, which will resist to mechanical forces and keep the panel safely without tilting. This metal base must comply with environment conditions, painted and fitted with earth connection clamp or bolt thereon. 28.21 The position of panel input and outputs on the panel may vary according to the location and position where the panel is located, however, the input and output positions will be approved by DEMA MAKINA Officers. 28.22 The installation without earthing continuity shall not be used in any way. 28.23 When cabling, following shall be avoided: passages, edges, holes, windows, doors, vehicle roads, movable platforms, high temperature surfaces, sharp surfaces, wet or humid environments, acidic environments, inflammable environments, and very low temperature surfaces. If it is required to pass the cable through above routes, extra measures shall be taken to protect the cable such as pipe, spiral and hose complying with the passing route. 28.24 In the environments where explosive and inflammable gasses are available, the equipment and tools which do never generate sparks and will provide ex-proof lighting shall be used. 28.25 All relevant electrical regulations and standards shall be followed. 

Competent Electrician Person who is Postgraduate Electrical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, electrical technician graduated from electrical department of higher school, electrical operator/technician graduated from 3 years vocational high school or industrial vocational school. If work shall be performed at a level of over 1000 V, it is needed to have a Certificate of Working in High Current Plants given by a certified body.

28.26 No energy can be supplied unless receiving safe entry permit first in all confined spaces. 28.27 The supply voltage of the lighting and electrical hand tools needed to use in boilers, tanks and similar narrow spaces and in the damp and wet places as required by the regulation shall be 100 V maximum if DC is used and maximum 42 V if AC is used. In the worksites, where AC is used, energy shall be supplied through isolated transformer which is located out of workplace and the windings of which are separated from each other. The good isolated flexible cables shall be used taking necessary safety measures. 28.28 Only direct current shall be used for the welding works performed in the narrow and confined spaces such as boilers and in the wet places. 29.0 Isolation Works 29.1 It is dangerous and forbidden that the employees in charge of isolation perform work by climbing up pipes and railings and connections of measurement devices on standing on such places. 29.2 It is not allowed to let fly and throw the isolation materials, the isolation wastes generated by dismounting which will not be used anymore shall absolutely be put into bags to prevent disperse around. The accumulated wastes shall be labeled and transferred to the waste area.


30.0 Sandblasting Works 30.1 The employees in charge of sandblasting are obliged to receive a “HOT WORK PERMIT” and “CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT” before entering into a tank or confined space and starting to work in there. 30.2 Other works carried out near sandblasting work site shall be minimized and sandblasting shall be made upwind as much as possible. 30.3 When performing sandblasting work, it is compulsory to wear safety helmet and breathing system with full face mask. Personnel using that equipment shall be technically informed by SEQ officers accordingly. 30.4 The clean air system to be used shall comply with EN and CE norms and be equipped with humidity and particle filter and air-supplied externally. 30.5 Sandblasting works shall not be performed in the units. If it is compulsory to perform sandblasting in the units, all manholes and drains shall be covered and precise equipment or devices shall be protected. 31.0 Paint Works 31.1 No paint work shall be performed on a site where open flame is available. 31.2 Paints spilled onto the scaffolding or ladders shall immediately be cleaned. 31.3 The painting materials shall be placed in an order and be not stored in stacks. The rags contaminated with oil shall be put into closed metal containers. The paint and thinner cans shall be kept away from fire and from sites where sparks can be generated and from hot places. 31.4 The electricians shall be cooperated with before performing paint works near an electrical line or a machine energized. 31.5 If a basket is needed when performing paint works, it is compulsory that the painter inside the basket wears a safety harness and uses a safety rope provided separately from the basket. 32.0 Construction Works 32.1 If any concrete is broken or drilled on a site where combustible gasses are generated, it will continuously be watered or flooded completely. 32.2 Necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent any potential collapse before starting to work on the bottoms of walls or columns. 32.3 Concrete breaking with compressors is performed on the solid ground only. It is forbidden to use ladder for concrete breaking. 32.4 During the lifting and replacing of Concrete cable lids, according to suitable place of the work, Crane, workshop hoist and tripod will be used. İt is not allowed to lift manually during the liftinf and replacing of the concrete cable lids.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 33.0 Welding and Cutting Works 33.1 Before starting to work, the welders shall perform earthing carefully and shall avoid working on the wet and damp grounds or with wet clothes definitely. A protective screen shall be used to protect other personnel and equipment from welding sparks. 33.2 The earth connections of welding machines shall directly be made to the ground but not to railings, stairs/ladders, steel installation or pumps. This earth connection shall be made to a place nearest to the work site. 33.3 No jointed cable shall be used in the confined spaces where welding and cutting works are performed. 33.4 The valve wheels of tubes shall absolutely be provided and the tubes without valve wheel fitted shall not be used. 33.5 The valves shall be closed tightly and caps shall be fitted to their places as soon as manometer is removed to prevent any failure of treads. Attention shall be paid to that the valves are freely operated before the regulator is fitted back to its place. 33.6 Hot Works such as welding, oxygen cutting and grinding shall never be performed inside the unit if possible. 33.7 No oxygen cutting shall be performed inside the unit if the bolts can be removed by wrench under normal conditions. 33.8 When performing welding works in all sites, hays shall be wetted with water to prevent catching fire or flame blanket / welding screen shall be applied. 33.9 Hoses in suitable color shall be used and any damaged hose shall never be used. 33.10 When it is not in use, the torch shall be kept in a suspended state outdoor and the valves of tubes shall be closed beforehand. 33.11 The keys specially designed for oxygen and gas cylinders shall be used. 34.0 Material Handling 34.1 Any loads exceeding 25 kg shall not be handled by hand. 34.2 The long materials such as pipe and ladders shall be handled by 2 (two) persons holding front and back sides. 34.3 It is not allowed to stack excessive materials on the handling equipment. 34.4 Before lifting the objects with sharp edges, the sharp edges shall be covered with protectors to avoid any damage to the equipment by the person lifting it. 34.5 Any wooden part and timber you will place under the load will be capable to bear the weight of load. 34.6 For whatever the reason, no material shall be placed near the fire hydrants at all. 35.0 Cranes and Equipment 35.1 35.2 35.3

All cranes shall be driven by the crane operators. The crane operators shall have licenses of G Category. The lifting machines shall bear information on lifting capacities in writing. When the crane is operated, nobody other than operator shall be on board.


35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8


35.10 35.11 35.12


During operation, the standard crane signs must be used. As stipulated by the relevant regulation, a banks man certified by a competent authority such as Chamber of Mechanical Engineers and similar shall be employed to guide the crane operator for crane movements. All loads lifted by the crane shall be balanced with slings absolutely. The operator is responsible for controlling the ropes at certain intervals. It is not allowed to operate with worn ropes which are not tested. All switches and keys of crane shall be turned off when it is not in use. The crane operator shall make sure that before leaving the cabin. The loads shall never be rotated and passed over the personnel. The area where loads are lifted shall be enclosed with strips/barriers to prevent unauthorized personnel to enter in. It is never allowed that anybody stands on the load or load hook. It is strictly forbidden to perform work near the power transmission lines. If it is compulsory to work near power transmission lines, the power of that line shall absolutely be cut by the authorities. The operator must know of the weight of lifted load and of the crane lifting capacity. It is not allowed that the load hits the boom or any other place. During lifting, a guide rope shall be tied to prevent an uncontrolled movement of the load. To decrease the pressure at the point where the legs of crane step on, the suitable metal plates or wooden pallets shall be used. The crane legs shall not be deployed onto the grounds which have collapsing risk such as cable channel Gates and OWS line. It is forbidden to use equipment or vehicles not designed for man lifting (cranes etc.) for personnel lifting. Manlifts or scaffoldings shall be used for personnel lifting during the works on 2 m higher than the ground level.

Scaffoldings 35.14 Full names of personnel who are responsible for erecting scaffolding shall be delivered by the jobsite officer to DEMA MAKINA officers. The instructions as specified in “ Ladder and Construction Scaffolding Material Usage, Maintenance and Control Standard” (TPR.EÇK.STD.0043) shall be complied with and a “SCAFFOLDING PERMIT FORM” shall be completed and approved before starting to work on the scaffolding. A signboard bearing the phrase “SCAFFOLDING READY TO USE” shall be posted thereon. 35.15 During maintenance of equipment, scaffolding which is most suitable for work and load shall be used. 35.16 The board part of scaffoldings shall be made of solid material and no space or gaps shall be left thereon. Planks shall be fastened with each other. 35.17 For the scaffoldings higher than 2 (two) meters from ground, railings shall be provided. The height of railings shall be 90 cm minimum and that of intermediate railings shall be 45 cm. 35.18 If it is needed to work with materials and tools such as bolts, nuts, flange, brick, the board of scaffolding shall be designed accordingly and a 15 cm high skirt/plinth shall be provided to prevent falling down. Ladders shall be provided to safely climb up and down on scaffoldings, and the scaffolding legs shall not be used as ladder. 35.19 It is compulsory to take measures before erecting scaffolding near the power transmission lines or electrical equipment.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 35.20 The scaffoldings erected shall be started to use only after having approved by the certified inspectors of DEMA MAKINA. 36.0 Use of Ladders 36.1 Before starting to work, ladders shall thoroughly be controlled and it will be checked if the necessary maintenance has already been made. Ladders which are failed, broken, cracked, and have oil and slippery materials thereon shall never be used. Before climbing on the ladders, attention shall be paid to that the safety boots are free of materials such as sludge, oil which may lead to slipping. 36.2 For the portable flat ladders, it will be made sure that the shoes are tightly fit to the feet. 36.3 The ladders shall be placed onto the ground so that they will not slip on the top and bottom sides and not break loose from the ground. Thus they will be supported on a solid ground and tied up to a fixed point. 36.4 If it is impossible to fix the ladders or if it is compulsory to put the legs on a passage, an assistant shall hold the ladder. 36.5 If it is compulsory to use stairs on the way the employees are passing through or in front of doors, the surrounding of stairs shall be enclosed with a safety tape or wooden railings, the warning boards shall be posted visibly and a watchman will be on duty. 36.6 Ladders shall not be used like scaffolding horizontally and not be joined to each other to extend. 37.0 Environment 37.1 DEMA MAKINA initially contact Environmental Unit of SEQ Department in relation to the wastes to be generated when performing its works and inform them of the wastes that may be generated in writing. 37.2 DEMA MAKINA will take all measures to ensure that the liquid and solid wastes generated by the contractual works do not contact the earth and lead to any soil and ground water pollution. The oily sludges and liquid viscous hazardous wastes shall never be dumped on the earth. In case of that any soil pollution is caused, the SEQ Department shall be informed as required and all cleaning works shall be undertaken by DEMA MAKINA under supervision of SEQ. 37.3 The DEMA MAKINA will inform the SEQ Department of discharging area of the utility water originated from the container which is located in jobsite and shall take all necessary measures for impermeability of drains /collection systems of utility water under supervision of Environment Unit of SEQ Department. 37.4 Before discharging the liquid wastes generated by the contractual works to any drain system DEMA MAKINA contact and inform the SEQ Department. Any discharge of oily water/liquid materials into the open rainwater channels shall be prevented, any waste which may block manhole system shall not be discharged to the system and all necessary precautions shall be taken accordingly.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) 37.5 DEMA MAKINA will perform all contractual Works in full compliance with the legal liabilities. DEMA MAKINA’s employees shall perform their works so as not to disturb people, and not to cause occurrence of any odor, vapor, dust and noise. 37.6 Waste Management 37.6.1





All wastes shall be classified at source in order to identify proper storage, handling and disposal methods. As the first classification, wastes shall be classified in three group as follows; Inert, Nonhazardous, Hazardous. The labels containing all details of the waste are of importance since they provide employees with information required to safely handle wastes. Thanks to labels, it will be ensured that the wastes which can not be stored or handled together are separated. If there is any undefined waste on site, this waste shall be treated as hazardous waste first. All waste containers on site shall clearly be labeled according to the wastes inside the containers or those which are intended to discharge into them. If the containers bear old labels, the new labels shall be attached only after the old ones are removed or overlaid to avoid any confusion. The unit waste labels prepared for the wastes should contain the following data. These labels shall be attached on the wastes as long as the wastes are stored in the waste landfill areas:  Unit/department generating wastes  Waste Definition  Waste Code  Source  Physical characteristics at 20°C  H number (definition and shape)  Risk indicators (definition)  Safety indicators (definition)  Date (label printing date)  First and surname (Unit Officer)  Quantity  Note  Signature The different type of wastes shall be classified at source according to their classes as follows:  The food and kitchen wastes shall be separated from other wastes in the kitchen and the containers in which such wastes are dumped shall be discharged once or twice a day at least so as not to lead to any trouble in terms of health and hygiene.  The recoverable wastes (scrap, metal, glass, plastic, paper etc.) are to be sorted and collected at the waste collection points in the allocated areas and they will be transferred to the solid waste area from where they to be sent to the recycling facilities,  The clinical wastes shall be stored separately from the other hazardous wastes even they are classified as hazardous wastes,  Only one type of hazardous waste can be put into one container. According to their classifications, the hazardous wastes can be stored together provided that they are put into the separate containers.

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE)  If the nonhazardous wastes are mixed with the hazardous wastes, these wastes shall be shipped and disposed as hazardous wastes.  The solid and liquid wastes shall never be mixed. 37.6.6

37.6.7 37.6.8

The waste storage containers shall be in suitable composition, shape and size for the wastes to be filled in. Only solid, sealed containers which are in good state shall be used on site. Wastes shall be collected at the waste collection points in the containers having the waste class information thereon. The operators who are in charge of waste management shall make sure that the following requirements are met before transferring the wastes from waste collection points to waste areas or transferring from waste areas to the recycling/disposal plants. In case of that any of the following criteria is not met, the waste shipment shall not be allowed unless all corrective actions are taken.     

The waste bag/containers must be labelled with unit waste labels. The waste bag/containers must be in good physical state and sealed. The waste bag/container must comply with the waste they contain. The waste bag/containers must be sealed properly. The wastes which may chemically react with each other and generate hazardous gas or heat must be stored far enough from each other.  The wastes must be loaded onto the truck safely and uniformly. 37.6.9

The awareness of the employees shall continuously be kept at high level by repeated information given with the interviews for safety purposes.

37.7 Waste Materials and Spillages 37.7.1

It is strictly forbidden to discharge the solid and liquid wastes to waste water treatment channel system and dispose to the site, and any such spillage shall be notified to DEMA MAKINA Authorities and be cleaned up in accordance with the instructions of DEMA MAKINA Authorities.

37.8 Leakage, Spillage and Emissions DEMA MAKINA officers shall immediately be informed if any leakage, spillage and emission are detected by us when performing works. For example; 37.8.1 37.8.2 37.8.3 38.0

Visible petroleum/petroleum products (hydrocarbon) and chemical leakages from pumps, compressors, valves and flanges, Invisible intensive hydrocarbon odor, Leakage, spillage of chemicals to soil or spillage to enclosed area.

Driving Equipment

38.1 A written permission shall be received from DEMA MAKINA if a crane or another heavy vehicle will move on the roads of refinery since it may lead to closing of the roads. A “Hot

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) Work Permit” shall be received from DEMA MAKINA Officers in order to allow automatically moving of cranes and equipment on the roads or in the unit sites. 38.2 For all crane movements, a certified banksman shall be in charge to guide the crane operators during operations such as lifting-lowering loads. 39.0 Work Equipment Controls

The following points related to control of the construction equipment used on site shall be followed: 39.1 Following conditions such as changes of work methods, accidents, natural events or long time disuse of any equipment which may disrupt the occupational safety, it is made sure to conduct controls by the experts in order to determine and remove the failure in time and to maintain the occupational health and safety conditions. 39.2 The results of controls shall be recorded and maintained properly to show to the relevant authorities whenever they request to see them. When the construction equipment is used out of plant, the certificate of final inspection shall be accompanied with the equipment. The Ministry of Labor and Social Security has regulated the procedures and principles for which construction equipment shall be inspected, by whom the controls are carried out and in which frequency and under which conditions, as well as for documents to be issued after inspections. 40.0 Equipment Having Specific Risk 40.1 The construction equipment shall be driven by the trained / certified persons who are assigned to use that equipment only. 40.2 The repair, modification, inspection and maintenance of the construction equipment shall be made by the assigned expert personnel only.

41.0 Miscellaneous 41.1 For the matters which are not included in this specification, the other law, regulations, legislation, notification and company’s specification and standards relevant to occupational health and safety apply. 41.2 The Health and Safety measures as specified in this specification are essential and fundamental measures as regards significance.



ANNEX 01 – POTENTIAL HAZARDS, HAZARDOUS CASES AND WORK FACTORS CHECK LIST 1. Hazards, hazardous incidents and activities Hazards Hydrocarbon liquids/gasses Combustible materials Toxic materials

Abrasive materials

Working at height

Manual handling

Open flame Electricity

Tools and equipment Work position (ergonomics)

Materials under pressure Dust, vapor, steam


Lighting Excessive environment temperatures Temporary facilities

Materials under voltage


Moving equipment/ tools Natural events (storm, wave)

Sludge Biological factors

Radioactive material

asphyxiant gas, i.e Nitrogen Lifting signs

Climbing up / working at height Closed containers / confined areas Cryogen materials

Hot/cold surfaces Self ignited (i.e. iron oxide )

Excavations Stored energy (e.g hydraulic)


Work Factors: Covers work environment components, work steps and organization that must be taken into consideration in the work step content e.g: Work environment factors General work Entry / exit /escape Services, consumed environment Equipment ways and occurred conditions  

 

Scaffolding Entrances cancelled temporarily Movable platforms Ladders/scaffolding erected for light load

     

   

Work site Lighting Heat/cold stroke Noise and vibration Atmosphere/weather forecast Special work environment conditions Places at height Over water Excavations Employee, in house or relative

   

Portable tools Grinding stones Tools for which cartridge used Hand tools

      

Electricity Pressure air Vapor Hazardous materials Process liquids, dusts, smoke, fog Construction materials Chemicals


Work Factors

Work factors

Organizational factors

  

 

   


Work load Workplace, effort Skill, knowledge and experience Complexity Time, timing Decision making Recap

     

Training Language / communication Management Rules and procedures Controls Norms Forms / permissions Source levels

Key Points To Determine Hazards / Potential Incidents Basically, each question means to put work in order. In application, nature of work step and external factors can clarify some of these questions:  Can something hit or contact the employees when performing this work?  Can the employees hit or contact something resulting in injury?  Can the employees be caught something, get jammed or stuck between things?  Can the employees have difficulty excessively?  Can the employees slip, stumble or fall down?  Can the employees get exposed to incidents which may lead to damage such as gas, heat, vapor, pressure, chemicals, asbestos?  Can the work performed have impact on another work or person?  Can the equipment be damaged in any way?  Can environmental pollution take place?

HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT (HSE) ANNEX 02 – SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REQUESTED FROM SUBCONTRACTORS WHICH ARE AWARDED/TO BE AWARDED CONTRACT TO WORK FOR REFINERY IN TENDER PHASE 1- PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT A- PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 1- Helmet (Conforming to TS EN 397 Standard) 2- Overalls (Uniform with company logo) 3- Safety Boot (Steel toe boot and steel sole, conforming to TS EN 345-1/ TS EN 345-2 Standard) 4- Personal Protective Goggle (conforming to TS EN 166 Standard) 5- Ear Muff (conforming to TS EN 352-2 Standard) 6- Protective Gloves (conforming to TS EN 420- TS EN 388) B- PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SUITABLE FOR WORK 1- Safety Goggle (full grip-conforming to TS EN 166 Standards) 2- Dust Mask (according to TS EN 149 Standard) 3- Face guard fitted to helmet (according to TS EN 166 Standard) 4- Mask (full face) (conforming to TS EN 136 Standard) 5- Mask (half face) (conforming to TS EN 140 Standard) 6- Mask Filter (ABEK) (conforming to TS EN 141 and TS EN 143 Standard) 7- Disposable Chemical Protective Suit (conforming to TS EN 14605 standard) 8- Safety harness (full body belt) (conforming to TS EN 361-358-365 Standards) 9- Safety harness rope (conforming to TS EN 2770-2772-354 Standards) 9- Welder’s Mask (conforming to TS EN 166-175-379) 10- Welder’s gloves (conforming to TS EN 420-12477 Standards) 11- Gloves protective for thermal impacts (conforming to TS EN 420- TS EN 407 Standards) 11- Sandblasting Helmet and Cloth (conforming to TS EN 271 Standard) 12- Chemical protective gloves (conforming to TS EN 420- TS EN 374-1 Standards) 13- Chemical protective boot (steel toe boot) (conforming to TS 9742 Standard) 14- Pressure resistant boot 15- Safety rope (24 meters)(conforming to TS EN 2770-2772-354 Standards) 16- Electrician’s Gloves (conforming to TS EN 420-60903 Standards) 17-Safety Tape

C- FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 1- Fire Hose (Operating Pressure 15 kg/cm2, Explosion Pressure resistant to 25 kg/cm2) 2- Hose Nozzle (Mist nozzle)


3- Connection coupling (complying with refinery system) 4- Hose passing bridge 5- Portable Fire Extinguisher, 12 kg 6- Reduction (4 inch to 3 inch and 3 inch to 2 inch) 7- Welder’s canvas 2- DOCUMENTS TO BE REQUESTED BY THE TENDERING DEPARTMENTS FROM SUBCONTRACTORS WHICH ARE AWARDED CONTRACT FOR REFINERY 1- Lifting Equipment Test Certificate (hoist, trifor, jack, cranes, crane connections, baskets etc.) 2- Pressure Vessels Test Certificate (Compressor etc.) 3-Operator and Welder Certificates 4- Medical Reports conforming to Heavy and Hazardous Works Regulation 2- SCAFFOLDING Scaffolding required to erect. Name and certificates of team members who will erect scaffolding Scaffolding not required to erect


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