HSE Directive 3 Working at Heights

July 14, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Scaffolding, Safety, Wellness, Nature
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1. GENERAL Purpose The purpose o this directive is to ensure that • allw allworkathe orkatheightsi ightsiscarri scarriedouts edoutsaf afely ely • thereare therearenoacci noaccidentsdu dentsduetodropp etodroppedobjec edobjects ts • allus alluseofladd eofladderstake erstakesplac splaceinas einasaf afemann emanner er • allsc allscaf affoldi foldingisere ngiserected,tak cted,takendow endownandus nandusedsaf edsafely ely • work workabov abovethesea etheseaisca iscarriedo rriedoutsaf utsafely ely Domain This directive applies to all BP-operated installations and contracted installations on the Norwegian continental shel. Contractedmobileinstallationswhichhaveasystemthatsatisesthe requirements in this directive, may use their own system provided this has been claried upon implementation. By ollowing this directive, direct ive, all requirements requirement s in the t he “Working “Working at Hei Heights” ghts” section in the “BP 8 Golden Rules o Saety” are complied with. Onshore acilities or projects where BP Norge have a particular responsibility and which are assessed being part o the petroleum activities Reerences • The TheActiv ActivitiesR itiesRegulatio egulations,sec ns,section§ tion§42 42 Use o work equipment • Regul Regulations ationsrelating relatingtoscaf toscaffoldi folding,ladders ng,laddersandw andworkonro orkonroofs,etc. ofs,etc.  • Regul Regulationre ationrelatingt latingtouseof ouseofworke workequipmen quipmentt The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority’s regulations • OMSP OMSProcedure rocedure4.5Contro 4.5Controlof lofW Work • OMSRi OMSRisk3.2 sk3.2P Personal ersonalSaf Safety ety • 088Com 088Commonmod monmodelfor elforwork workpermits permits The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority’s regulations • NS-EN NS-EN795P 795Protectio rotectionagain nagainstfal stfallfromh lfromheights. eights.Anc Anchoringm horingmethodes. ethodes. • HSED HSEDirectiv irectiveno.1 eno.1– –W Workperm orkpermits its • HSEDirectiveno.1 HSEDirectiveno.11Safejobanalysis 1Safejobanalysis • Useof UseofWorkB WorkBasket-ref asket-ref.HSEDirective4LiftingOperations .HSEDirective4LiftingOperations • OLFGuideline1 OLFGuideline113-Securingandrescuewhenworkinginheights(on 13-Securingandrescuewhenworkinginheights(only ly in Norwegian) Defnitions and abbreviations • Working at heights means all work carried out standing st anding with one’ one’s s eet two metres or more above deck level where there is no xed platorm or approved appr oved scaolding scaolding • Work permit is a written permit to carry out a dened work task at a given place onboard an installation under given conditions and in a sae manner ( SJA) is a systematic and step-by-step review o • Sae Job Analysis (SJA) all elements o risk carried out prior to a specic task or operation so that measures can be taken to remove or control any elements o risk identied during the preparation or or perormance o the said task or operation • First line MOB (Man overboard) preparedness includes o the platorm’s MOB crew standing by in case o an emergency or  o a standby vessel ready by the installation HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT HANDB HANDBOOK OOK 201 2011 1


2. WORKING AT HEIGHTS Competence • Comple CompleteBPf teBPfallar allarrestcou restcourseof rseoffshore fshore Use o saety devices • allworkcarriedoutstanding allworkcarriedoutstandingwithone’ withone’sfeet2metresormoreabove sfeet2metresormoreabove the deck requires: o xed platorm with handrail, or  o scaolding with green sca scatag tag,, or  o use o approved saety harness secured in a suitable anchor point which limits ree all to 2 metres rom the ooting, normally by use o a all block, and olledinandsigned“Checklistfor olledinandsigned“Chec klistforW WorkAtHeights/UseofHarness”. • Whenm Whenmovin ovingathei gatheightoutsi ghtoutsideax deaxedplatf edplatform,sc orm,scaf affoldi foldingorla ngorladder dder an approved saety harness with allblock (or, alternatively, a Y-line) shall be used. When relocating the allblock, the person involved must be secured with a all arrest line. • Whenus Whenusingfa ingfallar llarrestequi restequipment pment • atl atleas easton tonepe eperson rsonsh shall allbe bepres present entint inthea hearea reanea nearby rbyat atall alltim timesi esin n order to alert and start basic rescue work in case o a all • prio priorto rtoco comme mmence ncement mentof ofwo work, rk,are areali alistic stican andsa dsaffere erescu scuepl eplan an shall exist. The plan shall take the time or a sae rescue into consideration in order to be able to rescue a person within sucient time (i.e. prevent blood circulation injuries). • The Theres reshal hallbe lbeas asite itespec specic icin instr structi uctiono ononho nhowre wrequir quiredc edcomp ompeten etent t personnel are organized (or instance a rescue team) Securing underlaying area • Toolsa oolsandequipm ndequipmentshal entshall,asf l,asfarasp araspractica ractical,bese l,besecuredwi curedwithsuitable thsuitable means to prevent them rom being dropped • Iftherei Ifthereisapot sapotentialf entialfordropped ordroppedobjects objectstheunde theunderlay rlayingarea ingareashall shallbe be secured either with a guard person or roped o in co-ooperation with the area technician. • Ifdroppe Ifdroppedobject dobjectscand scandamagep amagepressuris ressurisedequip edequipment,the ment,theareas areashall hall be physically protected or de-pressurised in co-operation with the area techncian. • Uponc Uponcompleti ompletionofw onofworkthea orktheareashal reashallbec lbechec hecked kedtosecure tosecurethatno thatno potential dropped objects are let. Inspection o all arrest harness • Theusershallalway Theusershallalwaysvisuallychec svisuallycheckhis/hersafetyharness,-systemand khis/hersafetyharness,-systemand anchor point and also have it checked by a co-worker. I there is any doubt contact the scaolding oreman or inspection re. anchor points. • Def Defectharne ectharnessesor ssesorharness harnessesthatl esthatlac ackthec kthecontroltag ontroltag (yearly control) or approved liting device shall not be used and handed in or repair



Use o all lieline • Thea Theanc nchoragepo horagepointfo intforthelif rthelifelines elineshalls hallstandaload tandaloadof1 of1000kgand 000kgandthe the anchorage point should be above the user • Thel Thelif ifelines elineshallbe hallbeconnect connectedtothe edtotheanc anchoragep horagepointatth ointattheappro eapproved ved all Harness. The rear anchorage point should be used but depending on the work the ront anchorage can be used. • Normal Normallyas lyaselfretrac elfretractingli tinglifel felinesha ineshallbeu llbeused sed • Restr Restraintlan aintlanyard yardshall shallnotbeus notbeusedasl edaslif ifeline eline • Composi Compositionoft tionofthefal hefallarres larrestsys tsystemsha temshallbeb llbebasedon asedonidenti identiedrisks edrisks like: potential pendulum movement, horizontal movement

3. USE OF LADDERS Use • Ladders Laddersmay mayonlybe onlybeusedf usedforacce oraccessorw ssorworkofs orkofshortdurati hortduration,lik on,like e installing temporary chain hoists, control and cleaning o F & G detectors Which ladders can be used • Ladders Laddersshallb shallbeinac einaccordanc cordancewithC ewithChapter hapterVIinth VIintheRegu eRegulations lations relating to scaolding, ladders, work on roos, etc. • Ladders Laddersmustha musthaver verubberkno ubberknotsatbo tsatbothendsa thendsandha ndhaven venovisua ovisual l deormation • Onlys Onlysinglel ingleladdersm addersmayb aybeused. eused. • Steplad Stepladdersupto dersupto3.5m,m 3.5m,mayb aybeusedo eusedonrman nrmandev devenfo enfoundation undations s when there is no potential or all to a lower level/ sea. Maximum climb height in the ladder is 2m. The 2m shall be clearly marked on the ladder • Inelect Inelectricals ricalswitc witchrooms, hrooms,ladders laddersshall shallbeofnon beofnon-conduc -conductingmat tingmaterial erial Inspection • Theu Theuserisre serisresponsib sponsiblefo leforc rchec heckingthe kingtheladderb ladderbefore eforeuse use • Def Defectiv ectiveladder eladdersmustb smustbedisca ediscarded rded Saety measures • Ladders Laddersmustbe mustbesecured securedtoprev topreventthem entthemfromsli fromslidingor dingortipping tippingov over er when used, by a person securing at the bottom until it is secured at the top. • During Duringmov movementi ementinalad naladdernothin dernothingmust gmustbecarr becarriedinth iedinthehands ehands.. • During Duringworki workinala naladderthreedderthree-pointco pointcontactmust ntactmustbemain bemaintained(e.g.2 tained(e.g.2 eet and one hand) • Whenw Whenworking orkingstandingab standingabov ove2mete e2metersfa rsfallarr llarrestharne estharnesssha ssshallbe llbe used.



4. SCAFFOLDING Approval o work • Erecting/dismantlingscaffoldinghigherthan2mrequiresaW Erecting/dismantlingscaffoldinghigherthan2mrequiresaWorkP orkPermit ermit level 2. • Erectin Erecting/dism g/dismantling antlingscaf scaffoldi foldinglo nglowerth werthan2mre an2mrequiresa quiresageneral general platorm/area Work Work Permit level 2. • Erectin Erecting/dism g/dismantling antlingscaf scaffoldi foldingov ngoversear ersearequiresa equiresapprov pprovalacc alaccordingto ordingto section 6 o this directive. Erecting/dismantling scaolding • Scaf Scaffoldi foldingshal ngshallbeerec lbeerected/mo ted/moveda vedanddism nddismantledb antledbyauthori yauthorised sed scaolders sca olders only • Scaf Scaffoldi foldingshal ngshallbein lbeinaccorda accordancewith ncewithChapter ChapterIIIofthe IIIoftheRegu Regulations lations relating to scaolding, ladders, work on roos, etc. • Awo Aworkplatf rkplatform(inc orm(including ludingaccess accessplatf platforms)s orms)shallb hallbesecured esecuredwith with handrails and kick plates and other required covering/ securing to prevent dropped objects. I this is not possible the green scatag shall be marked with necessary saety precautions, such as use o harness and closing o underlaying area. Erecting/dismantling scaolding over sea When scaolding is erected/dismantled over sea: • therulesfor therulesforWorko Workoverseashallapply verseashallapply.. • a aT Toolbox oolboxT TalkorJobSafetyAnaly alkorJobSafetyAnalysisshallbeperformed. sisshallbeperformed. • alw alway aysbe2s sbe2scaf caffold folders. ers. Scaolding approv approval al • Appro Approval valofscaf ofscaffoldi foldingfor ngforusesha useshallonly llonlybeperf beperformedb ormedbyauthori yauthorised sed approval personnel. Re Re.. competency competen cy requirements, requiremen ts, section 1. • Approvedscaf Approvedscaffoldingisshownwithagreenscaff foldingisshownwithagreenscafftagwithdat tagwithdateand eand signature. The scafftag must be at the scaolding entrance • Thescaf Thescaffoldingforemanmustensurescaffoldsareinspected/approved foldingforemanmustensurescaffoldsareinspected/approved at least once every 14 days, as well as ater spells o strong wind or other conditions that may damage the scaolding Use o scaolding • Onlys Onlyscaf caffoldi foldingha nghavinga vingagreen greenscafftag is approved or use • Scaf Scaffoldi foldingmust ngmustbeused beusedinacco inaccordancew rdancewithlim ithlimitationsg itationsgiven ivenonthe onthe green scatag.



5. ROPE ACCESS ACCESS (RA) Standard and training The ollowing standards shall be used: • 090 0901SOFTS 1SOFTStandardf tandardforropeac orropeaccessp cesspart1: art1: Requirements or company and personnel • 0904SO 0904SOFTStandard FTStandardforro forropeacce peaccesspart sspart4: 4: Implementation o courses Routin and methodes The ollowing standards shall be used: • 0902SO 0902SOFTStandard FTStandardforro forropeacce peaccesspart sspart2: 2: Requirements or routines • 0903SO 0903SOFTStandard FTStandardforro forropeacce peaccesspart sspart3: 3: Recommended methode Approval • RAwo RAworkrequi rkrequireappro reapprovedw vedworkpermi orkpermitlev tlevel1 el1 •W • Work orksha shall llbep beplann lanneda edande ndexiq xiquted utedac accord cording ingto tosec section tion4 4 Operative routines in SOFT standard 0902 •Resc • Rescueplan ueplanshall shallbeat beattac tachedtoth hedtothe eW WorkP orkPermitf ermitform orm

6. WORK OVER OPEN SEA Introduction • Worko orkovers verseamea eameanswo nsworktakingp rktakingplaceou laceoutsidepe tsidepermanent rmanentrailing railing where there is a risk o a person/persons alling into the sea. • UseofRope UseofRopeAsse Assess(RA) ss(RA)isnot isnotdenedas denedaswork workov oversea erseawheniti whenitis s perormed in complains with RA requirements in section 5. • Workinhydraulicbasketin“moonpool”andonapprovedscaf Workinhydraulicbasketin“moonpool”andonapprovedscaffoldingis foldingis not dened as work over sea when extra barriers such as •fa • fall lla arr rres est teq equi uipm pmen entt •ma • mann-ri ridi ding ngb bel elt t • net •Scaf • Scaffoldi foldingbuil ngbuildasa dasaclass class3andto 3andtobecerti becertie edandus dandusedasa edasaclass class2 2 scaolding sca olding with extra heighten hand rail (railing). The scaolding shall be certied every week and inspected ater external infuence e.g. strong wind Note: Use o all arrest equipment, man-riding belt or net requires independent securing. (not attached to the scaolding).

Approval • Worko orkovers versearequi earequiresana resanapprov pprovedwo edworkpermi rkpermitlev tlevel1 el1



Restrictions Work over over sea is permitted provided: • Thew Thewindspe indspeedism edismaximum aximum30knots 30knots,meas ,measuredata uredata1 10mle 0mlevel vel • Thewa Thewaveheightismaximum5m(correspondsto3msignicant veheightismaximum5m(correspondsto3msignicantwav wave e height) • Standbyves Standbyvesselin selinnear near-standb -standbymodeo ymodeorMOBi rMOBinext nextraprepar rapreparedness edness mode • TheMOBboat TheMOBboatonboardo onboardoronthes ronthestandbyv tandbyvesseli esselisoperat soperative iveandcan andcan be launched/retrieved in case a person alls into the sea • Thelightan Thelightandvie dviewisgo wisgoodenough odenoughtoperf toperformthe ormthework workandresc andrescuean ueany y person that may all into the sea • Consenthasbee Consenthasbeenobtainedf nobtainedfromthed romthedivings ivingsupervisorifth upervisorifthereisdi ereisdiving ving activity near the work site

Saety precautions • Whenw Whenworkingo orkingovers versea,as ea,asaf afetyguardm etyguardmustbep ustbepresentan resentandmonito dmonitor r the personnel located over sea at all times. The saety guard shall be amiliar with and carry out tasks stated in the Saety guard’s duties in connection with work over sea • Alif Alifebuo ebuoywithl ywithlineand ineandlights lightshallbe hallbeeasily easilyav availabl ailable e • Theperform Theperformingpers ingpersonnelsh onnelshallbe allbefami familiarwi liarwithall thallprocedure procedures, s, preconditions, risks and saety precautions relating to the work • Eve Everyonewo ryoneworkingo rkingovero veropensea penseashall shallwear wearalif alifeve evest st • Whenworkingb Whenworkingbelow elowthecell thecellardec ardeck,consi k,considerwhethe derwhethertosecu rtosecurespill respills, s, overfow overf ow,, etc. rom e.g. e.g . re water • Considerthenee Considertheneedfori dforimpleme mplementingm ntingmeasures easurestoav toavoidobj oidobjectsf ectsfalling alling to lower levels or down on vessels.



HSE DIRECTIVE 3 WORKING WORKI NG AT HEI HEIGHT GHTS S ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Duties or the saety guard dur ing work over sea Attachment 2: SafetyCriticalWorkProcedureBP

ATT TTACHMENT ACHMENT 1: DUTI DUTIES ES FOR THE SAFETY GUARD GU ARD DURING WORK OVER SEA The Safety Guard shall be clearly marked with “sikkerhetsvakt” 

Beore commencing the work The Saety Guard shall: • partici participateint pateinthewor heworkplann kplanning,inclu ing,includingSJ dingSJA/pre-j A/pre-jobtalks obtalks • locatet locatetheneares henearestreca trecallpoin llpoint/telephon t/telephone e • ensureth ensurethattheag attheagreedMOB reedMOBfunction function(Standb (Standbyboato yboatortheins rtheinstallation tallation’’s MOB crew) is inormed and operational • establish establishandc andchec heckradio kradiocommu communicatio nicationwithth nwiththework eworkplace place,SCRa ,SCRand nd MOB unction. (Standby boat or the installation’s Radio room when usingtheinstalla usingth einstallation tion’’sMOBb sMOBboat.Che oat.Chec ckthatthe kthattheradioi radiointheMO ntheMOB B boad can communicate with the Saety guard). • ensurees ensureescapero caperoutesare utesareknown knownby byinv involve olvedpersonn dpersonnel el • befa befamiliar miliarwiththe withtheweath weatherlimi erlimitationsf tationsforwo orworkov rkoversea ersea • perform“comradeshipc perform“comradeshipcheck”uponfallarresterequipmentandlifevest heck”uponfallarresterequipmentandlifevest During work The Saety Guard shall: • inform informSCRan SCRandMOBfu dMOBfunctiona nctionatstart,inte tstart,interrup rruptionand tionandcompl completionof etionof work • beloca belocatedata tedatapermane permanentdec ntdeckofthe koftheinstallat installationand ionandhav havean ean unhindered view o the personnel working over sea • nottakepartinw nottakepartinworkthatma orkthatmayinterf yinterferewithhis/herdutyass erewithhis/herdutyassafetyguard afetyguard • monitor monitorc changesi hangesinwea nweathercon therconditions/ ditions/visibi visibilityandl lityandlightand ightandstopthe stopthe work i the preconditions and limitations or the work are exceeded • monitor monitorthewo theworkands rkandsurroundi urroundingsand ngsandstopw stopworkshou orkshouldasi ldasituat tuation ion arise that calls or such action • faci facilitateago litateagooddial oddialoguewith oguewiththestand-b thestand-byve yvesselre sselregardingl gardinglightan ightand d weather conditions, i and when any limitations should occur Interruptions/ completion o work The Saety Guard shall: • inform informSCRan SCRandMOBfu dMOBfunction nction • securee secureequipmen quipment/work t/workplace place I ”man over board” The Saety Guard shall: • notifyc notifycolleagu olleaguesCCR esCCRandMOB andMOBfunction function • acti activa vatea tealarm larm • thro throwou wouta talif lifebu ebuoy oy • maintain maintainvisual visualcontactwi contactwithperson thpersoninsea insea • securee secureequipmen quipment/work t/workplace place Alarm situations The Saety Guard shall: • notifype notifypersonnel rsonnelov overseaa erseaandstopw ndstopwork ork • secureth securethatall atallpersonne personnelretu lreturntoap rntoapermanent ermanentdec deckofthei koftheinstallati nstallation on • securee secureequipmen quipment/work t/workplace place HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT HANDB HANDBOOK OOK 201 2011 1


ATTACHMENT 2: SAFETY CRITICAL WORK PROCEDURE BP Safety Critical Work Procedure BP Task / Title:





BPN Offshore


Verified by: OTL-V Mech/Utility


  e   c   n   e   u   q   e   s   n   o    C

Validated by: B.Skulstad, S.G.Hellevik, A.Hide, G.Lied Date: 03.11.2011

Approved by; Owner HSSE Directive no 3 Working in Height Date: 01.01.2011

Date: 01.01.2011

TAG no.: N/A

Rev. No.: 02 Expire: 01/2014

2 3 4 5 D





The objective for the work procedure (ref. classification sheet no,) : K 1.70.076 Prevent personnel injury from using fall arrest harness and associated equipment. Identified dangers (ref. classification sheet no,) : K 1.70.076 1. Lack of competence in inspection, control and use of fall arrest harness and lines. 2. Uses anchor points of less strength than 1000kg load bearing capacity. 3. Incorrect limitation in use of equipment in relation to fall distance to protruding equipment or swinging can result in collision and hurt oneself. 4. If hanging for a long time in fall protection harness one can get circulation failure if one does not get to use relief (leg) strap. (Hang trauma) References: (Refers to relevant laws, regulations and BP’s directives, manuals, HMS-instructions, vendor’s documents, datasheet for chemicals and other dangerous substances,)

Governing documents:

8 Golden Safety Rules – Permit to Work, Working at Hights; HSE directive 1 Work Permits, HSE directive 3 – Working at Hights. Users Guide Users Guide  N/A

Vendor documents: Drawings: HSE data sheet, (LogiChem): Planning / Preparation: WP Level 1 when working over sea, otherwise Level 2 Class ”A” Class ”B” Class ”B” Level 1 Level 2 Work Permit (WP) no.: Direct involved roles Performing technician, one person/safety guard (number): 2+ Gassfree /Access / Ref WP Scaffolding: Requirement for service by  N/A vendor: Tools / Equipment / Chemicals: (Refers to special personal protective equipment, tools listings, special equipment and expected state of equipment / systems, in excess of WP, in advance to allow start of work)

Equipment/system state: Ref WP Special personal protective Fall arrest harness and associated line(s) equipment: Special tools & equipment: N/A Special lifting equipment: N/A Special position of valves: N/A Step Description of the activity : (step number  Comments: (especially critical steps and warning gives the sequence of actions; bullets indicates about adjacent activities are marked with underlined no.: that the actions can be performed in any chosen order)

BOLD letters and eventual risk reducing measures are noted, ref to Tr@ction no. and SJA as relevant.)

Plan for working at hights: - Consider the need for WP - Follow check list and tick off each step - Step 7, see identified danger no. 4

NOTE! It is vital to initiate rescue immediately after a fall. To be hanging in the harness without being able to use the relief strap may indulge hang trauma to the person and stop the blood from circulating.

  r   e    t    t    i   v    k  .    t   v    E

Check list for use of fall arrest harness / working in height 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Check points Are you using a full body harness with double latch self-locking snap hooks and equipment with relief strap / foot strap? Has a proper anchor point for the safety line been located? Is fall arrest equipment in use that will limit the free fall to 2 meters or  less? Has the fall arrest equipment been visually checked for: - damage/wear or defects? - control tag with the latest control date? If a ladder is used, is the ladder free of visual damage and secured? During securing of the ladder one person shall secure the ladder at the  bottom until the ladder is secured at the top Has the fall arrest equipment, system and anchor point been checked by a colleague? Is there a person in the work area that can initiate basic rescue, if a fall should occur? Are equipment / tools used at height controlled and adequately secured against dropping? And not left behind finishing the work? Are underlying areas closed off and pressurized/sensitive equipment  protected against dropped objects? Are lighting, noise and weather conditions satisfactory for the task? Are there any other risks and have they been evaluated and found acceptable? Use the 4 – Point Risk assessment Have the involved persons completed a course in fall arrest methods? Have all items on the checklist been answered YES without comments? If NO, the work shall not be started. Contact the line manager to find alternative methods to perform the work.







Note! Work over open sea also require the use of “Duties for the safety guard during work over sea” (attachment1)


Area technician (Work w/o WP):

Performing technician(s): Closure of work 


Are all loose tools/equipment removed from the workplace?

Performing technician (s):





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