Oliver Prats Prof. Prof. Leal Human Resource Management 7/15/15 Assignment #2 Pg. 147
5 -21. irst! "o oul$ %ou recommen$ e go a&out re$ucing t"e turnover in our stores' One a% of e(ectivel% re$ucing re$ucing em)lo%ee turnover is to intervie all of t"e can$i$ates an$ *n$ t"e ones "o %ou +no ill *t &est it" %our com)an% an$ "ave t"e necessar% s+ills to $o t"e ,o& ell. Also! em)lo%ees ten$ to &e more committe$ to an$ engage$ in com)anies t"at activel% a$vance t"e em)lo%ees career as)irations. it" t"is met"o$! %ou give em)lo%ees a )lan to furt"er $evelo) t"eir s+ills an$ eventuall% &e )romote$. Also! sim)le t"ings suc" as )a%ing attention to em)lo%ees )ersonal nee$s ill ma+e t"em more lo%al to t"e com)an%! s"oing e0i&ilit% e0i&ilit% "en necessar% ill ma+e t"em more content. 5-22. Provi$e a $etaile$ list of recommen$ations recommen$ations concerning "o e s"oul$ go a&out increasing our )ool of acce)ta&le ,o& a))licants so e no longer face t"e nee$ to "ire almost an%one "o al+s t"roug" t"e $oor. our recommen$ations regar$ing t"e latter s"oul$ inclu$e com)letel% or$e$ online an$ "ar$-co)% a$vertisements an$ recommen$ations recommen$ations regar$ing an% ot"er recruiting strategies %ou oul$ suggest e use.3 4n or$er to increase a com)an%s )ool of acce)ta&le ,o& a))licants! it s"oul$ *rst list all of t"e s+ill reuirements reuirements necessar% to $o t"e ,o& ell. 6"e com)an% s"oul$ also ma+e it +no t"at t"e% are "iring to as man% )eo)le as )ossi&le! in or$er to &oost t"e num&er of can$i$ates so t"at %ou ill "ave more of a c"ance to *n$ t"e rig"t em)lo%ee. Having )lent% of 4nternet e0)osure e0)osure coul$ $o t"is. Mostl% ever%one "as to use! or c"oose to use t"e 4nternet ever%$a%! so it is a ver% e(ective a% of )resenting t"e reuirements reuirements an$ getting t"ose "o are eligi&le to a))l%. A$s in t"e nes)a)er ill onl% furt"er e0)ose t"ese o)en ,o& )ositions to t"e general )u&lic. Pg. 185
-21. "at oul$ &e t"e a$vantages an$ $isa$vantages of routinel% a$ministering "onest% tests to all its em)lo%ees'
8sing a 9)en an$ )a)er: )a)er : "onest% test coul$ "ave some a$vantages for a &usiness! as ell as $isa$vantages. ;ome a$vantages oul$ &e t"at researc"ers "ave foun$ t"at scores on an "onest% test successfull% )re$icte$ t"eft! as measure$ &% termination for t"eft. Hoever! t"ese results are some"at controversial! controversial! sometimes rea$ing false )ositives. As ell as )ossi&l% loering morale in em)lo%ees! "onest% tests coul$ also )rove to &e too muc" of a "assle cost-ise3 for a small &usiness. -22. ;)eci*call%! "at ot"er screening tec"niues coul$ t"e com)an% use to screen out t"eft-)rone an$ turnover-)rone turnover-)rone em)lo%ees! an$ "o e0actl% coul$ t"ese &e use$' ;ome useful tec"niues t"at t"e com)an% coul$ use are )rovi$ing more t"oroug" &ac+groun$ c"ec+s! in or$er to eliminate )otential t"ieves from ever &eing "ire$. 4n or$er to )revent turnover! t"e com)an% s"oul$ )rovi$e a lengt"ier an$ more t"oroug" recruiting recruiting )rocess! in or$er to "ire t"e &est em)lo%ees )ossi&le an$ re$uce turnover rates. -2
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