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HR050 Human Resources

HR050 Human Resources  SAP AG 1999

   

System R/3 Release 4.6B May 2000 50035044


Copyright 2001 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Neither this training manual nor any part thereof may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG. The information contained in this document is subject to change and supplement without prior notice. All rights reserved.

 SAP AG 1999

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Enjoy SAP

 SAP AG 1999

Human Resources 4.6 (1) Level 2 HR051

1 day

Human Resources Essentials I


HR305 3 days Configuration of Master Data

see HR2 HR310/311

HR306 4 days Configuration of Time Recording

2 days

Human Resources Essentials III

HR505 3 days Organizational Management

HR520 2 days Shift and Workforce Planning

HR325 3 days Benefits Administration HR540 Compensation Management

CA500 2 days CATS The Cross Application Time Sheet HR250

2 days

Employee Self-Service

Time Evaluation

3 days

HR510 3 days Personnel Development HR515 3 days Training and Event Management  SAP AG 1999

5 days

2 days

Human Resources Essentials II


Level 3

HR580 3 days Reporting in Human Resources HR307

2 days

Configuration of HR System Controls HR350

5 days

Programming in HR HR530 3 days Technical topics in Human Resources

Human Resources 4.6 (2) Level 2


1 day

Human Resources Essentials I

Level 3 HR305 3 days Configuration of Master Data

HR390 Introduction to Payroll

2 days


5 days

Payroll Configuration HR052

2 days

Human Resources Essentials II


4 days

Incentive wages


2 days

Human Resources Essentials III Note: Please note our country specific curriculum and our curriculum for release 4.6B.

 SAP AG 1999

Course Prerequisites

 Recommended: SAP20 R/3 Overview

 SAP AG 1999

Target Group

 Audience: 

HR Project team members

HR consultants

 Duration: 5 days

 SAP AG 1999

Course Overview

Contents:  Course Goals  Course Objectives  Course Content  Course Overview Diagram  Main Business Scenario

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 1-1

Course Goals

This course will prepare you to:  Acquaint yourself with various areas of R/3

Human Resources Management

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 1-2

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, you will:  Have an overview of the various components

in R/3 Human Resources Management

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 1-3

Course Content

Introduction Unit 1

Course Overview


Unit 2


Unit 10


Unit 3

Structures in Human Resources

Unit 11


Unit 12

Personnel Cost Planning

Unit 13

Travel Management

Unit 4

Personnel Management

Unit 5


Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop

Unit 6

Development and Training Unit 14

Employee Self Service

Unit 7


Unit 15


Unit 8

Time Management

Unit 16



 SAP AG 1999



HR050 1-4

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 1-5


Travel Management

Main Business Scenario

 The Caliber A Bicycle Company is an

international company that manufactures and distributes bicycles and bicycle accessories.  The company has implemented the R/3

Human Resource System and uses all of its components.  You require an overview of these

components.  You will conduct HR functions

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 1-6


Contents:  Navigation in the system  User-specific settings  Navigation in the Workplace

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 2-1

Navigation: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  Identify the elements of a typical window  Navigate in the system  Personalize your user settings  Describe and use the Workplace

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 2-2

Navigation: Business Scenario

 New users need to familiarize themselves with the screens in the system and define their personal default settings

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 2-3

Logging On to the System User System


SAP R/3 New Password

If you have problems logging on, contact Donna Moore, x486

Client User Password


You can place your own text on the initial screen: See SAP Note 205487

T70 (1) (000)

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 SAP AG 1999

  

SAP R/3 Systems are client systems. The client concept enables the parallel operation, in one system, of several enterprises that are independent of each other in business terms. The components SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW) and SAP Knowledge Warehouse (KW) are exceptions to this: in these cases only one client is used. During each user session you can only access the data of the client selected during logon. A client is, in organizational terms, an independent unit in the system. Each client has its own data environment and therefore its own master data and transaction data, assigned user master records and charts of accounts, and specific Customizing parameters. For a user to log on to the system, a master record must exist in the system for that user. To protect access, a password is required for logon. The password is hidden as you type (you only see asterisks). SAP R/3 Systems are available in several languages. Use the Language input field to select the logon language for each session. Multiple logons are always logged in the system beginning with SAP R/3 4.6. This is for security as well as licensing reasons. A warning message appears if the same user attempts to log on twice or more. This message offers three options:  Continue with current logon and end any other logons of the same user in the system  Continue with current logon without ending any other logons in the system (logged in system)  Terminate current logon attempt You can place your own text on the initial screen in a number of ways. For more information, see the SAP Note mentioned above. The GuiXT (covered at the end of this chapter) offers a further option.


HR050 2-4

Screen Elements Command Field Menu Edit Favorites Extras System

Standard Toolbar


System Function Name: Activity Choose


Application Toolbar

Input field

Tick Selection 1 Selection 2 Selection 3 Selection 4

Checkboxes Radio Buttons Pushbuttons

Options Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

This screen is made up of various screen elements. It does not match an actual screen in the system. Overview

Option 4 Option 5

Positive Display



Tab Page System Message

T70 (1) (400)

iwdf5070 INS

Status Bar

 SAP AG 1999

Command field: You can use the command field to go to applications directly by entering the transaction code. You can find the transaction code either in the SAP Easy Access menu tree (see the page User-Specific Personalization) or in the appropriate application by choosing SystemStatus.  Standard toolbar: The icons in the standard toolbar are available on all SAP R/3 screens. Any icons that you cannot use on a particular screen are dimmed. If you leave the cursor on an icon for a moment, a QuickInfo appears with the name (or function) of that icon. You will also see the corresponding function key. The application toolbar shows you which functions are available in the current application.  Checkboxes: Checkboxes allow you to select several options simultaneously within a group.  Radio buttons: Radio buttons allow you to select one option only.  Tabs: Tabs provide a clearer overview of several information screens.  Status bar: The status bar displays information on the current system status, for example, warnings or error messages. Other elements are: Menu bar: The menus shown here depend on which application you are working in. These menus contain cascading menu options. Title bar: The title bar displays your current position and activity in the system.


HR050 2-5

SAP Easy Access - Standard Menu Edit Favorites Extras System


SAP Easy Access Other Menu

Create Role

Assign User


Favorites SAP Menu Office Logistics Accounting Human Resources Information Systems Tools

You are greeted by your logo in the right-hand part of the window.

T70 (1) (400)

iwdf5070 INS

 SAP AG 1999

SAP Easy Access is the standard entry screen displayed after logon. You navigate through the system using a compact tree structure.

You can include an image on the right-hand side of the screen such as your company logo. This image can only be entered systemwide, and is a cross-client setting. Assuming you have the appropriate authorization, you can find a detailed description of the necessary settings by choosing Extras  Administration Information. Note that this image is stored in the system and transported to the SAP Frontend every time it is called by SAP Easy Access. Although this transfer is compressed, the image for the initial screen should not be bigger than around 20 kB. You can prevent this image being called either by using the setting Low Speed Connection in the SAPLogon program (see SAP Note 161053), or by switching off the calling of the image under ExtrasSettings. See also User-Specific Personalization.


HR050 2-6

Selecting Functions ... using the transaction code in the command field Menu




SAP Easy Access - Enjoy User

Favorites Enjoy User Menu URL - SAP Notes (User / PW req.) Accounts Receivable FD02 -Change Customer (Account Materials Management Sales and Distribution Tools



Create session End session User profile Menu Services Utilities List Services for object Object history Own spool requests Own Jobs Short Message Status... Log off

... using the menu path ... using SAP Easy Access and Favorites  SAP AG 1999

You can select system functions in the following ways:  Use the mouse to choose: Menu options, Favorites, and SAP Easy Access options  Use the keyboard (ALT + the underlined letter of the relevant menu option)  Enter a transaction code in the command field: A transaction code is assigned to each function in SAP R/3 Systems. You can access the assigned transaction code from any screen in the system. For example, to display customer master data, enter /n and the appropriate transaction code (in this case /nfd03). You can find the transaction code for the function you are working in under the Status option of the System menu. Other possible entries: - /n ends the current transaction. - /i ends the current session. - /osm04 creates a new session and goes to the transaction specified (SM04).  You can also use the keyboard to go to the command field. Use the CTRL + TAB key combination to move the cursor from one (input) field group to the next. Use TAB to move between fields within a group.  By entering search_sap_menu in the command field, you can search for and display the menu path for an SAP transaction. You can also search for text strings.


HR050 2-7

Role-Based User Menu Menu Edit Favorites Extras System


SAP Easy Access - Enjoy User Menu Other Menu

Create Role

Favorites Great Transactions SM50 - Prcoess Overview VA01 - Create Sales Order Interesting WWW Pages URL - The Herald Tribune URL - Time Magazine Important Files URL - Vacation Planning Enjoy User Menu URL - SAP Notes (User / PW req.) Accounts Receivable FD02 - Change Customer (Accountin Materials Management Sales and Dsitribution Tools

Assign User


Favorites chosen by the user reduce navigation time

A role-based menu contains the activities that the user can execute based on the role assigned to the user in the system. T70 (1) (400)

iwdf5070 INS

 SAP AG 1999

A Role describes a set of logically linked transactions in the system. These represent the range of functions users typically need for their work.

User roles (previously “activity groups”) have to be set up using the Profile Generator so that SAP R/3 System users can work with user-specific or position-related menus.

The authorizations for the activities listed in the menus are also assigned to the users using user roles. With Release 4.6, predefined user roles from all application areas are included in the standard system.

Users who have been assigned a user role can choose between the user menu and the SAP standard menu.

The above screen shows the role-based user menu for a user with the name "Enjoy". You can find roles that are supplied in the standard SAP R/3 System by choosing Other menu on the SAP Easy Access initial screen.  Every enduser can personalize the initial screen using Favorites. You can create your own Favorites list containing the transactions, reports, files, and Web addresses that you use most often. 

You can add favorites either by choosing Favorites or by using the mouse to “drag & drop” items into the Favorites directory.


HR050 2-8

Field Help: F1 and F4 Customer

Edit Goto Extras Environment System


Display Customer: Customer: Initial Screen

F1 Help: Displays the Meaning of Fields and Technical Information


Customer account number

Company Code

A unique key is used to clearly identify the customer within the SAP System. Procedure When creating a customer master record, the user either enters the account number of the customer or has the system determine the number when the record is saved, depending on the type of number assignment used. The account group determines how numbers are


assigned. Customer


Entries Found

Company Code


Company Name

F4 Help: Displays Possible Entries

City Currency

Co... Restrict Number to

Company Name City



Walldorf EUR

IDES AG 1000

Frankfurt UNI

IDES Canada

Toronto CAD


Frankfurt UNI

 SAP AG 1999

 

For help on fields, menus, functions, and messages, use F1. F1 help also provides technical information on the relevant field. This includes, for example, the parameter ID, which you can use to assign values for your user to input fields , which have to refer to these parameter IDs.  For information on what values you can enter, use F4. You can also access F4 help for a selected field using the button immediately to the right of that field.  If input fields are marked with a small icon with a checkmark, then you can only continue in that application by entering a permitted value. You can mark many fields in an application as either required entry fields or optional entry fields. You can also hide fields and preassign values using transaction or screen variants or Customizing.


HR050 2-9

SAP Library SAP Library - SAP Library





SAP Library Release 4.6C, March 2000

IDES Getting Started

You can access the complete online documentation for the system using the SAP Library

Release Notes Implementation Guide Glossary  Copyright 2000 SAP AG All rights reserved.

 SAP AG 1999

SAP R/3 Systems provide comprehensive online help. You can display the help from any screen in the system. You can always request help using the Help menu or using the relevant icon (the yellow question mark).  You can access the SAP Library quickly and comfortably by using the SAP Service Marketplace. There you can find the SAP Help Portal under Knowledge and Training, where you can not only access Help in HTML format, but can also perform efficient full-text searches in the SAP Library. If you have the SAP Library installed, you also have, of course, these opportunities within your company.  You can access the Help Portal directly at


HR050 2-10

Menus: System and Help Menu



SAP Easy Access Other Menu

Favorites SAP Menu Office Logistics Accounting Personnel Information Systems Tools


System Create Session End Session User profile Rolle anlegen Services Utilities List Services for object Object history Own spool requests Own jobs Short message Status... Log off

Help Application help SAP Library Glossary Benutzer zuordnen Release Notes SAPNet Feedback Settings...


Both of these menus are available on every screen and always offer exactly the same options. T70 (1) (400)

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 SAP AG 1999

The System menu contains, among others, the following options:  Create/End Session: Allows you to create and end sessions. The maximum number of sessions can be set to a number between 2 and 6 by the system administrator using the parameter rdisp/max_alt_modes.  User profile: This is where you can enter user-specific settings. For example, you can use Parameter IDs in Own Data, in order to set default values for specific user-dependent fields in the system (for example the company code field).  List: Contains important list functions, such as searching for character strings, saving in PC files, printing, and so on.  Status: Enables you to display important user and system data.  Log off: Ends the R/3 session with a confirmation prompt.  The Help menu contains, among others, the following options:  Context-sensitive Application Help  Access to the SAP Library (see previous page)  a Glossary  ...


HR050 2-11

User-Specific Personalization Menu



SAP Easy Access Other Menu

Favorites SAP Menu Office Logistics Accounting Human Resources Information Systems Tools




Administration Information Ctrl+Shift+ F8 Assign user Options ... Display Documentation Shift+ F6 Generate Graphic Rolle anlegen zuordnen Dokumentation Ctrl+Shift+Benutzer F10 Technical Details Create Shortcut ... Shift+ F9 Settings Activate GuiXT Set Start Transaction Shift+ F7 Default Size Hardcopy Quick Cut and Paste About...

Settings This is used to specify settings Display favorites at end of list Do not display menu, only display favorites Do not display picture Display technical names

Different Settings options make working with the system easier T70 (1) (400)

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 SAP AG 1999

The end user has many possibilities for personalizing the system. Some are described below:  You can alter the layout of your initial screen under Extras  Settings, for example by switching off the image in the right-hand part of the window or by turning on the option to display the technical names (transaction codes) in the SAP Easy Access Menu.  Among other things, you can activate a quick cut and paste in the Options menu. Using Options you can change the reaction speed of the QuickInfo that is displayed when you hold your mouse cursor over an icon or a push button.  By following the path System User profile Own data, you can set personal standard values. You can choose the tabs Address, Defaults, and Parameters. As an example, the setting of Parameters is explained here: - Parameters: Here you can set defaults for frequently used input fields. In order to be able set a default value for a field, it must have been assigned a Parameter ID. Procedure for finding the Parameter ID: Go to the field for which you wish to set a default value. Select the F1 help, and then choose Technical Info. The system displays an information window that contains the relevant parameter ID under the heading Field Data (as long as the field has been assigned a Parameter ID).


HR050 2-12

Table Settings - Example



Text Sales order type Company code Processing group Bank key

Table Settings Choose Variants Current setting

My variant

Standard setting

Basic setting

Maintain Variants Variant Use as standard setting Create




 SAP AG 1999

Use the Table Settings function to change, in the table control, the individual basic table settings that are supplied with the system. This is particularly useful for tables where you do not need all the columns. You can use the mouse to drag & drop column positions and widths, or even make the column disappear.

Save the changed table settings as a variant. The number of different variants you can create per table is not restricted.

The first variant is called the basic setting; the SAP System defines this setting. You cannot delete the basic setting (you can delete the variants you define yourself).

The table settings are stored with your user name. The system uses the variant currently valid until you exit the relevant application. If you then select the application again, the system will use the standard settings valid for this table.

Note: you can change table settings wherever you see the table control icon in the top right-hand corner of a table.


HR050 2-13

Personalizing the Frontend with GuiXT

FD03 without GuiXT

FD03 with GuiXT

Example from  SAP AG 1999

SAP R/3 Systems offer numerous options for settings and adjustments:  Define default values for input fields  Hide screen elements  Deactivate screen elements (dimmed) You can do this by, for example, defining transaction variants.  SAP offers GuiXT, as of SAP R/3 Release 4.6. In addition to all of the above functions, you can now:  Include graphics  Convert fields and add pushbuttons and text  Change input fields (or their F4 help results) into radio buttons  GuiXT scripts are stored on the Frontend. In accordance with local scripts (which can also be stored centrally), the GUIXT scripts determine how data sent from the application server is displayed. These scripts can be standard throughout a company, or they can be different for each Frontend.  NOTE: The GuiXT will support the Workplace only as of the end of the year 2000. This means that until then you should use either the SAP GUI for the Windows Environment and the GuiXT or the Workplace with the SAP GUI for HTML (or the SAP GUI for Java or the SAP GUI for Windows).


HR050 2-14

Navigation: Unit Summary

You are now able to:  Identify the elements of a typical window  Navigate in the system  Make personal system settings  Describe and use the Workplace

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 2-15

Navigation - Exercises Unit: Navigation Topic: Basic Functions At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: 

Log on to an SAP R/3 System

Find transaction codes

Access the SAP Library

Use F1 help to find field information

Use F4 help to search for possible field entries

As a new user of an SAP R/3 System, you begin to navigate the system using the menu paths and transaction codes. You also begin to access the various types of online help.

All menu paths in the exercises refer to the SAP standard menu. 1-1

Logging on to the system Select the appropriate system for this course. Use the client, user name, initial password and logon language specified by the instructor. The first time you log on, you will get a prompt in which you must enter your new password, which you choose yourself, twice. Make a note of the following: Client: _ _ _ User: _ _ _ _ _ _ Password: ____________ Language: _ _.



What is the maximum number of sessions (windows in the SAP R/3 System) you can have open simultaneously? __

HR050 2-16


Identify the functions and find the transaction codes that correspond to the following menu paths in the SAP standard menu. 1-3-1 Tools Administration  Monitor  System Monitoring User Overview Name of function: ___________________________________________ Transaction: _________________________________________________ 1-3-2 Accounting  Financial Accounting  Accounts Receivable Master Records Display Enter Customer 1000 and Company Code 1000 to go to the next screen.

Name of function: _____________________________________ Transaction: ___________________________________________


Help 1-4-1 If you choose Application help in the SAP Easy Access initial screen (System menu), which area of the SAP Library does it take you to? _________________________________________________________

To answer the questions below, you will need to go to the Display Customer: Initial Screen.

1-4-2 Use F1 help on the Customer field. What is this field used for? Write a brief summary of the business-related information. ______________________________________________________


HR050 2-17

1-4-3 Use the F1 help on the Company code field. If you choose the Application help icon from the F1 help screen, which area of the SAP Library does it take you to? ______________________________________________________

1-4-4 Which icon do you need to use on the F1 help screen to find the parameter ID for the Company code field? Hint: See the notes on the slide User-Specific Personalization

______________________________________________________ 1-4-5 Use F4 help on the Customer field to find the customer number for Becker ##. To do this, use the Search term "Becker*" after calling the F4 help. Note: ## corresponds to your assigned group number. ___________________________________________________


HR050 2-18

Unit: Navigation Topic: User-Specific Settings At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: 

Set a user parameter for a field

Set user defaults

Maintain your favorites

Select a start transaction of your choice

You begin to set various user-specific settings.

Exercises marked * are optional. 2-1

Setting user parameters. 2-1-1 Assign a parameter value for the Company code field to your user profile. Note: The instructor will tell you what parameter value to enter (for example 1000). For information about defaults, see the notes on the slide User-Specific Personalization. Parameter ID: ___ ___ ___ Parameter value: ___ ___ ___ ___


Defining User-Specific Settings using System  User profile  Own Data 2-2-1 In your user profile, set your logon language to the value used for the course. 2-2-2 In your user profile, set the decimal notation and date format of your choice.


HR050 2-19


Defining your favorites 2-3-1 Insert at least one new folder under the Favorites folder. 2-3-2 Add any two of your favorite transactions to the corresponding folders. 2-3-3 Add the Internet address with the text SAP Homepage.


Setting a start transaction using the Extras menu. 2-4-1 Enter a transaction of your choice as the initial transaction. You will then need to log off and on again for the change to take effect. Note: If desired, you can change the initial transaction back to the default value simply by deleting the transaction code that you entered.


HR050 2-20

Navigation - Solutions Unit: Navigation Topic: Basic Functions


Log on to the system specified by the instructor and change your initial password.


To open and close sessions, choose System  Create session (or use the appropriate icon) or System  End session. The maximum number of sessions you can have open simultaneously is six (6), depending on your system settings.


To find the transaction code, choose System  Status. These function names and transaction codes correspond to the menu paths: 1-3-1 Transaction: SM04 for Function Name: User list 1-3-2 Transaction: FD03 for Function Name: Display Customer: General Data


Help 1-4-1 The section of the unit Getting Started that deals with using SAP Easy Access is displayed. 1-4-2 Suggestion: The customer is a unique key (account number) used to clearly identify the customer within the system. 1-4-3 FI – Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable 1-4-4 To find the Parameter ID: BUK, choose Technical Info 1-4-5 Customer ## (## corresponds to your assigned group number) When you select F4 in the Customer field, the Restrict Value Range window appears. You can explore the various tabs to see the different search criteria available. Find a tab that includes the Search term field and enter the following: Field Name


Search term


Choose Enter. A window appears listing the customer account numbers that match your search criteria. Select the line that corresponds to Becker ##, then choose Copy. This automatically copies the customer account number into the Customer field.


HR050 2-21

Unit: Navigation Topic: User-Specific Settings


Setting user parameters. 2-1-1 To assign a parameter value to a field you will need the parameter ID of the field. First you need to select a transaction that contains this field. For example, Company code can be found in transaction FD03. Next, place the cursor on that field (click it with the mouse). To display the required info, choose: F1  Technical Info  Parameter ID gives you the required information. For the Company code field, the parameter ID is BUK. Finally, enter the parameter ID and desired value in your user profile: System  User profile  Own data On the Parameter tab page you enter the parameter ID and value that you want to be entered into the field. Save your entries.


Setting user defaults. 2-2-1 To set the logon language, go to your user profile: System  User profile  Own data On the Defaults tab page, enter the language of your choice in the Logon language field. 2-2-2 To set the decimal notation and date format, remain on the Defaults tab in your user profile. Select the indicator adjacent to the notation and format you desire. Save your selections.


Defining favorites of your choice. 2-3-1 Favorites  Insert folder Type any name for the folder then select Enter. You can add as many folders as you desire. Once created, folders can be dragged and dropped to position them where you want. 2-3-2 To create favorites, select specific applications (transactions) that you need as favorites for your daily work from the menu tree of the SAP standard menu. Add them to your Favorites list by selecting them and choosing Favorites  Add from the menu bar. Alternatively, use the mouse to drag & drop favorites to a folder. You can also use the menu path Favorites  Insert transaction to


HR050 2-22

add using a transaction code.. Finally, you can move existing favorites to different folders later by choosing Favorites  Move or using drag & drop. 2-3-3 Create Internet addresses by choosing Favorites  Add Web address or file. When you select SAP Homepage from your favorites, an Internet browser will open and you will be connected to SAP‟s homepage. 2-4

Setting a start transaction. 2-4-1 Extras  Set start transaction Enter a transaction of your choice then choose Enter. Notice the system message on the status bar indicates that your selected transaction has been set as the start transaction. The next time you log on, the system will go directly to your start transaction. Note: To change back to SAP Easy Access as the initial screen, follow the menu path again, delete the transaction code and select Enter. The next time you log on, SAP Easy Access will be the initial screen.


HR050 2-23

Structures in Human Resources

Contents:  Enterprise Structure  Company code, personnel area, and personnel subarea

 Personnel Structure  Employee group, employee subgroup, payroll accounting area

 Organizational Structure  Organizational units, jobs, and positions

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 3-1

Structures in Human Resources: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  List the individual components of the organizational, enterprise, and personnel structures  Outline the functions of these components

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 3-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 3-3


Travel Management

Structures in Human Resources : Business Scenario

 Your company The Caliber A Bicycle Company

has implemented the HR System with all its components.  The implementation process has been completed.

Before you use any of the applications, you want to obtain an overview of how the structures are represented in the system.

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 3-4

Structures in HR: Objectives

At the end of this topic, you will be able to describe:  The enterprise structure  The personnel structure  The organizational structure

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 3-5

    

A Human Resources Management System enables you to set up organizational hierarchies and employee relationships and then store and administer employee data in the system. You must be able to evaluate and report employee data flexibly and from all enterprise-specific organizational aspects. Every employee is included in the structure of his or her enterprise. Data entry is restricted as the validity of all employee data is checked. The structures of an enterprise are subdivided into organizational structures, based on an organizational plan, and administrative structures, based on the enterprise and personnel structures. An organizational plan provides you with a complete model of the structural and personnel environment of your enterprise with hierarchies and reporting structures clearly laid out. The organizational plan is the foundation of Organizational Management. The organizational plan uses elements, called objects. The most important objects are organizational units, jobs, and positions. The enterprise and personnel structures subdivide organizations and employees according to factors relevant to time management and payroll. These structures are stored in the Implementation Guide.


HR050 3-6

The allocation of employees to the structures in their enterprise is of the utmost importance in Human Resources, it is the first step in entering personal data.  You assign employees in infotype 0001, Organizational Assignment. In doing this, you include employees in the enterprise, personnel and organizational structures.  Information on the organizational assignment of employees is of great importance for authorization checks, for the entry of additional data, and for Time Management and Payroll Accounting.  When you enter data for an employee in infotype 0001, Organizational Assignment, the employee is assigned to a company code, a personnel area, and a payroll area. You also assign employees to positions. This results in the employee„s assignment to an organizational unit, a job, and a cost center.


HR050 3-7

Enterprise Structure: Example

ABC International

ABC S.A. Country A

Location A

Location B


ABC AG Country B

Location C


ABC Inc. Country C

Company code

Location D

Personnel area


Personnel subarea

 SAP AG 1999

The enterprise structure for personnel administration is determined by the following elements: - Client - Company code - Personnel area - Personnel subarea  A client can either be valid for a company code at the smallest level, or for the entire corporate group. The company code is defined in accounting. Legally required financial statements such as balance sheets and profit and loss statements are created at the company code level. The personnel area is used exclusively in Personnel Administration and is unique within a client. Each personnel area must be assigned to a company code. The final element of the company structure, also unique to Personnel Administration, is the personnel subarea. Groupings are defined for personnel subareas to specify which entries from subsequent settings can be used for employees assigned to a particular company code or personnel area. These groupings directly or indirectly affect Time Management and Payroll Accounting.


HR050 3-8


HR050 3-9

Client and Company Code

The client is an independent legal and organizational unit of the system (group, for example). The company code is an independent company with its own accounting unit - a company which draws up its own balance sheets.

ABC International

Company codes

1000 ABC S.A. Country A

2000 ABC AG Country B

3000 ABC Inc. Country C

 SAP AG 1999

In legal and organizational terms, the client is a self-contained unit within the system. You should consider the following points before you decide whether or not to set up a client: - It is not possible to access personnel data in other clients; this protects data from being accessed by unauthorized users. - You cannot assign access authorization or run evaluations for all clients. - There is no exchange of data between clients. - If an employee changes clients, you have to create the personnel number again.  The company code is a self-contained unit in legal terms, for which you can draw up a complete set of accounts. The company code is the highest level of the company structure. If you also use the Controlling, Financial Accounting, Materials Management or Sales and Distribution components, the company code must be set up in consultation with these applications. This does not impose any restrictions, however, as all important control information for the Human Resources system is defined at personnel subarea level.


HR050 3-10

Personnel Areas

A personnel area is a specific entity for personnel administration. It represents a subdivision of the company code.

ABC International

1000 ABC S.A. Country A

Personnel areas

1000 Location A

2000 ABC AG Country B

1300 Location B

3000 ABC Inc. Country C

3000 Location C

3100 Location D

 SAP AG 1999

   

A personnel area is a Personnel Administration-specific unit and is the subunit of the company code. The individual personnel areas in a company code have four-digit alphanumeric identifiers. The personnel areas within a client must be clear. The personnel area has the following functions: It allows you to generate default values for data entry, for example, for the payroll accounting area. It is a selection criterion for reporting. It constitutes a unit in authorization checks.


HR050 3-11

Personnel Subareas

Personnel subareas are subdivisions of personnel areas. The organization of the most important subareas of personnel administration takes place at this level. ABC International

1000 ABC S.A. Country A

1000 Location A

Personnel subareas

 SAP AG 1999

1300 Location B

0001 Head office

2000 ABC AG Country B

0002 Production

3000 ABC Inc. Country C

3000 Location C

3100 Location D

0001 Sales

Personnel subareas represent a further subdivision of the personnel area. The principal organizational aspects of human resources are controlled at this level, namely the pay scale and wage type structures and the planning of work schedules. The personnel subarea is assigned a four-character alphanumeric identifier. The control features are stored according to the country.  The main organizational functions of the personnel subarea are as follows: - To specify the country grouping. Master data entry and the setting up and processing of wage types and pay scale groups in payroll depend on the country grouping. The grouping must be unique within a company code. - To assign a legal person which differentiates between companies in legal terms. - To set groupings for Time Management so that work schedules and substitution, absence and leave types can be set up for individual personnel subareas. - To generate a default pay scale type and area for an employee‟s basic pay. - To define a public holiday calendar. - To define subarea-specific wage types for each personnel area.


HR050 3-12

Personnel Structure

Division of employees 12







8 4 7



Work schedules


 SAP AG 1999

  

For administrative purposes, the employees in an enterprise are divided into two levels. The highest level is an employee group, the second, employee subgroup. These levels are subject to authorization checks, to define remuneration levels or different work schedules, for example.


HR050 3-13

Employee Group

The employee group subdivides employees into various categories.




 SAP AG 1999

Employee group is a general division of employees. The employee group defines the relationship between an employee and a company in that the employee makes a certain contribution to the company in terms of work. Active employees, pensioners and early retirees make up the main employee groups in Personnel Administration.  The following are the principal functions of the employee group: - Default values can be generated for payroll accounting area and basic pay, for example, according to employee group. - The employee group is used as a selection criterion for reporting. - The employee group is one unit of the authorization check.  You can generally use the standard catalog to set up employee groups. It can, however, also be extended to suit individual customer requirements.


HR050 3-14

Employee Subgroup

Employees are differentiated further within the employee group. Active employees are differentiated according to their status - trainee, hourly wage earner or salaried employee, for example.

Non pay-scale employee


Hourly wage earner

Salaried employee

Trainee  SAP AG 1999

The employee subgroup is a fine division of employee groups according to the status of employees. Wage earners, salaried employees and non pay scale employees are all examples of subgroups within the employee group ”active”.  All control features of the personnel structure are defined at employee subgroup level. The most important features are described below: - The employee subgroup grouping for the Personnel Calculation Rule allows you to define different payroll procedures for different employee subgroups; for example, you can specify whether an employee‟s pay should be accounted on an hourly or monthly basis. - The employee subgroup grouping for primary wage types controls the validity of wage types on an employee subgroup level, whereas the grouping for collective agreement provisions restricts the validity of pay scale groups to certain employee groups. - The employee subgroup grouping for the work schedule defines the validity of work schedules, and the attendance or absence quota type the validity of time quotas. - When entering data, you can define default values using the employee subgroup, for example, for the payroll accounting area.


HR050 3-15


HR050 3-16

Payroll Accounting Areas The payroll accounting area represents an organizational unit defined for the purposes of payroll accounting. Acct area x

Acct area y

Jan 1 Pay

Feb 1 Pay

Payroll on the 28th day of month for current month

Jan 1

Feb 1 Pay


Payroll on Thursday for the following week

 SAP AG 1999

The payroll accounting area is an organizational unit defined for the purposes of payroll accounting. All employees who are accounted together are assigned to the same payroll accounting area.  Payroll accounting is generally performed for each payroll accounting area. The payroll accounting area provides the payroll driver with two pieces of information: the number of employees to be accounted and the dates of the payroll period.  The number of employees to be accounted is determined using the Organizational Assignment infotype (0001) which stores the payroll accounting area.  Note: An employee may only change payroll accounting areas at the end of a period. If an employee changes status from wage earner to salaried employee in the middle of the month, and the payroll accounting area is different for both, you should not enter the new payroll accounting area until the start of the following month.


HR050 3-17

Organizational Plan

An Organizational plan provides a model of the structural and human resource environment at your enterprise.

 SAP AG 1999

You create your organizational plan using organizational units and positions. An organizational plan is a comprehensive and dynamic model of the structural and personnel environment in your enterprise, which you can evaluate at any time.  You depict hierarchies within your organizational plan: - The organizational structure of your enterprise The organizational structure depicts the hierarchy that exists between the various organizational units in your enterprise. You create the organizational structure by creating and maintaining organizational units and relating them with one another. - The individual positions and the reporting structure (chain of command) A reporting structure depicts the line structure that exists in your enterprise. You create a reporting structure by creating and maintaining positions and relating these with one another.


HR050 3-18

Object Types: Organizational Units

Executive Board Cost Center ABC

Human Resources


Organizational units describe the various business units that exist in your enterprise. Multiple organizational units and their interrelationships form the organizational structure. Cost centers can be assigned to organizational units






Examples:    SAP AG 1999 

By function By geographical region By business process

Organizational units can be loosely defined as functional or regional departments, or more specifically as project groups, depending on the type of organization you have.  You must relate organizational units with one another in an organizational plan. The hierarchical interrelationships that exist between the organizational units represents the organizational structure of your enterprise.  Organizational units are related to cost centers from Controlling.  Example: The above example shows the organizational unit Human Resources as the superior object over two subordinate objects, Payroll and Benefits.


HR050 3-19

Object Types: Jobs

Jobs are general classifications of tasks that are routinely performed together.

Examples:   

Head of Department Buyer Secretary


Buyer Head of Department

 SAP AG 1999

Each job represents a unique classification of responsibilities in your organization. When you create jobs, you should consider what specific tasks and requirements are associated with the individual jobs.  Jobs are used in the following application components: - Job and Position Description - Shift Planning - Personnel Cost Planning - Career and Succession Planning  Tip: Your job descriptions should be as general as possible and as specific as necessary.


HR050 3-20

Object Types: Positions

 Positions are organization-

Positions are the individual employee assignments in the enterprise. Positions are occupied by persons

specific.  A number of positions are

based on the same job.  As a rule, each position

represents one employee. However, it is possible for a position to be occupied by more than one holder.

Job: Manager

Position: Purchasing Manager  SAP AG 1999

    

Position: Personnel Manager

Position: Sales Manager

Once you have created a job, you must specify the number of corresponding positions required in the organization. A position inherits a job‟s tasks but you can also define additional tasks related to duties performed specifically by that position. General characteristics must be stored for both a job and a position. A positions references a job directly. If characteristics of a job are changed, this has an effect on the position. Positions can be 100% filled, partially filled, or vacant. Example: Positions, rather than jobs, are held by employees. One position may also be shared by a number of employees, each working less than full time. For example, two employees can hold 60% and 40% of a position.


HR050 3-21

Object Types: Cost Centers

Cost Centers can be related to organizational units and positions. The relationship between organizations and cost centers is hierarchically inherited along the structure. Human Resources Cost Center 1000

Cost Center 2000



Position: Manager - Benefits  SAP AG 1999

Cost centers are maintained in Financial Accounting and can be linked to either organizational units or positions  Cost center assignments are inherited along the organizational unit structure


HR050 3-22

  

Tasks can be classified as: - Workflow components, to monitor cross-application processes. - Personnel management tools, to describe jobs and positions. For personnel management purposes, tasks are individual duties and responsibilities that must be undertaken by employees. All tasks are contained in a task catalog. The task catalog lists all tasks that exist in a particular period. The catalog also shows the relationships that exist between tasks if task groups have been defined. If you plan to relate tasks with positions, you should first relate all tasks that are common to all positions with the relevant jobs. When you create positions from jobs, the positions automatically inherit the job„s tasks. This method saves you time and effort since you do not have to relate the individual tasks with the individual positions. Note: When assigning the same task to different jobs, you can specify different weightings. This gives you more information when analyzing job descriptions.


HR050 3-23

Persons generally represent employees in your company. Persons hold positions in the organizational structure which is governed by Organizational Management  Person characteristics are maintained in Personnel Administration and are linked to an organizational plan through their position assignment.  Infotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment) in Personnel Administration contains the position assignment and (if integration is active between Organizational Management and Personnel Administration) the defining job, and organizational unit and cost center assignment.  Other defaults in Personnel Administration employee maintenance can be derived from Organizational Management data, such as planned working time, planned compensation, employee groupings and account assignment.


HR050 3-24

Persons and Users

40 Hrs

40 Hrs 100% occupied 12 Hrs

20 Hrs 100% = 20 Hrs 30% = 12 Hrs 20 Hrs

40 Hrs

20 Hrs

100% = 20 Hrs

70% = 28 Hrs

40 Hrs

Position is “overstaffed” overstaffed”

 SAP AG 1999

A person can fill a position 100% or partially. This depends on the number of working hours assigned to the position and on the person‟s work schedule.  The staffing percentage refers to the work capacity of the person assigned to the position.  If the staffing percentage of the person is greater than the requirements of the position, the position is overstaffed. If the requirements of the position are not fulfilled by one or more holders, the position is understaffed.


HR050 3-25

Organizational Management: Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to  Explain the methodology of Personnel Planning  Create organizational objects  Request reports

 SAP SAP AG 1999  AG


HR050 3-26

Methodology - Object-Oriented Design

Organizational Management is based on the creation and use of organizational objects and their interrelationships.

 manages  describes  reports to  is subordinate to  and so on...

 SAP AG 1999

Organizational Management is based on the concept that every element of the organization constitutes a unique object with individual attributes. You create and maintain each object individually. You create relationships between the various objects to form a framework for your organizational plan. This gives you a flexible basis for personnel planning, previewing, and reporting.


HR050 3-27

Object Characteristics

Once you have created a structure using objects and relationships, you can assign additional characteristics to the objects Example: Position


Expected salary

Object type Position Work schedule


 SAP AG 1999

Additional characteristics may be in the form of other relationships to other objects, or data stored on other infotypes unique to the object.


HR050 3-28

Object Characteristics: Infotypes Object characteristics are maintained in infotypes M Maaiinn teerriissttiiccss ct cchhaarraac


 Object

 Organizational unit, position

 Relationship

 belongs to, reports to

tioonnaall A Addddiiti teerriissttiiccss ct cchhaarraac


 Description

 General text

 Work schedule

 Planned working hours

 Account Assignment  Business area  Address

 First address, second address

 SAP AG 1999

  

Objects consist of three components:  The first component is the ID number, a short and long text defining the existence of the object.  The second component is the structural relationship or relationships between the object and other objects.  The third component is the object characteristics. All these object components (existence/relationships/additional characteristics) are created as infotypes You can define particular characteristics for an object in each infotype. Some infotypes can be maintained for al object types, the object and relationship infotypes, for example; others are only relevant for particular object types, such as the vacancy infotype, which is only relevant for positions. Not all infotypes are absolutely necessary. However, they can provide important information on objects.


HR050 3-29

Methodology - Planning

Organizational Managment provides you with a comprehensive view of the structural and personnel environment of your organization in the past, present, and future. This information gives you a sound basis on which to plan and react to future personnel changes and requirements.



 SAP AG 1999

The graphic on the left shows the current status of the organizational structure. The Organizational Management component lets you plan and map any kind of organizational restructuring or reorganization of your company.  You create all data with a start and end date, which allows you to store histories and future changes.


HR050 3-30

 

  

You can maintain an unlimited number of plan versions. One of your plan versions represents your current or actual organizational plan and is flagged as the active integration plan version. Plan versions are self-contained entities and exist independent of one another. It is possible to create multiple copies of the original plan version and change the duplicates as required. The original remains unaffected by any such changes. Each new plan has a unique plan version identifier (two-character alphanumeric code). You can determine the current plan version either per session or set it generally using the user parameter (POP). Examples of organizational structure scenarios: - Restructuring - Downsizing - Expansion - Outsourcing


HR050 3-31

Methodology: Multiple Structures  Model of the Organizational

structure based on the tasks and functions of company  Model of the Organizational

structure based upon financial or geographic structures  Model of the reporting structure  Model of alternate reporting


 SAP AG 1999

The organizational plan enables you to create a model of the structure of your company based on the tasks and functions carried out. You decide which areas you want to include.  In addition to a one-dimensional hierarchical organizational plan, you can also create a multidimensional matrix organization.


HR050 3-32

Organization and Staffing

Org. unit

The Organization and Staffing function in Organizational Management allows you to put together a basic framework for your organizational plan quickly and simply. Position


 SAP AG 1999

 

  

Organizational plans are defined in Organizational Management. This can be done in Organization an dPlanning or the Expert Mode. This course focuses on Organization and Staffing. The functions in Organization and Planning let you create organizational units, positions, jobs, and tasks quickly and easily. You only specify the most important details for these objects. Organization an dPlanning 'knows' what relationships to create and does so automatically. In Organization and Planning you can - Create and maintain the basic data for your organizational plan - Create and maintain the reporting structure (hierarchy of positions) that exists between the positions in your organizational plan - Create and maintain cost center assignments and the default settings for cost centers - Create and maintain certain infotypes. To minimize the number of processes, not all functions are available in Simple Maintenance. All objects you create in Organization and Staffing automatically get „active‟ status and an object ID. Recommendation: Create most of the objects and relationships in your organizational plan in Organization and Staffing. Use Export mode to maintain individual objects at a detailed level, especially when you want to maintain infotypes for a specific object.


HR050 3-33

Object Characteristics: Validity Dates Validity dates:

Each infotype uses a start and end date to identify the validity of the infotype data

 Allow you to define

the life span of an object or object characteristic  Identify changes to

Infotyp 1000 Object: Display Infotype





Organizational unit

HR Adm.

Planning Status






your organization while retaining historical data  Allow you to



Change information

Object Object abbr.

HR Adm.

Object name

Personnel Administration

Language key


evaluate the organizational structure on key dates




of 1

 SAP AG 1999

 

Validity dates determine the lifespan of an object. You must assign a validity period to every object and every infotype and every infotype record that you create. By doing this, you can detect all changes that take place in your company and you obtain a dynamic view of your enterprise.  Validity dates enable the user to evaluate certain key data or specific time periods from the past, present or future. The data is selected according to the designated time period.  The validity of an object‟s relationships and attributes can only exist within the object‟s lifespan, which is defined in the Object infotype (1000). If an object is delimited, all of the object‟s relationships and attributes are automatically delimited.


HR050 3-34

  

Usability is the goal of the Organization and Staffing Interface functionality. One workspace divided into 4 work areas for a complete view of the organizational plan. Most of the Organizational Management functions can be performed with this interface.


HR050 3-35

Navigation Overview


Settings and commands

Search Area Locate objects

Overview Area Display / maintain object environment (structures)

Selection Area Select objects

Detail Area Display / maintain object characteristics

 SAP AG 1999

The Search Area: Use matchcode and other selections to locate objects such as Organizational Units, Persons, Jobs, Positions, Tasks and Users.  The Selection Area: From the results obtained from a search, select an object to be used in the Overview and/or Detail areas.  The Overview Area: View the Organizational Unit Hierarchy or Staffing assignments of an Organizational Unit.  The Detail Area: Maintain object characteristics and attributes.


HR050 3-36

Icons Organizational Unit


Create Organizational Unit

Exiting within period

Occupied Position

Entering within period

Occupied Position by >1

View as a Organizational Structure

Create Position

One level higher in hierarchy

Vacant Position

Scroll up in range

Unoccupied (but not vacant)

Scroll down in range

Chief Position

Move 1 screen back

Obsolete Position

Move 1 screen forward

Person User Job Task

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 3-37

Column configuration Hide detail Show detail UNDO!

Search Area

Look for objects

Use the search area to locate objects. Search also via relationships with other objects and store results as „favorite‟ variants.

 SAP AG 1999

  

Search via matchcode or by relationships to other objects. Example: Search for 'Manager' positions directly related to the 'Treasury' organizational unit. Save your search variants as Favorites.


HR050 3-38

Selection Area

Results of search appear here for selection. Double-click desired object to bring it into Overview Area.


 SAP AG 1999

 

Use the results in your search to maintain objects or assign then to other objects via 'drag and drop'. Define columns to show/ hide additional details.


HR050 3-39

Overview Area

See the “big picture”

See overview in either list mode or as a tree structure. Double-click to reach further object characteristics in Detail Area. In the Overview area you can switch between the oganizational structure and the staffing plan of one organizational unit.  SAP AG 1999

    

Display organizational units in their tree structure and 'double-click' them to bring them into the Detail Area for maintaining. Create new objects within a structure or individually. View as a list to display staffing assignments to an organizational unit. Define columns to show/ hide additional details. Drag objects from the Selection Area to assign new positions, persons or users to a staffing plan.


HR050 3-40

Detail Area

Characteristics of the object in Overview Area can be maintained here. Tab strips identify and group similar data.

Basic Data

 SAP AG 1999

Different attributes, relationships and characteristics of objects are grouped behind different tab-strips in the Detail Area. Maintain directly or use drag and drop from objects in the Selection Area.  View detail for multiple period data within the editing period.  Data can be 'Un-Done' until committed by pressing 'SAVE' or maintaining another object.


HR050 3-41

Drag and Drop


Creating a new object via button

Assigning objects via drag & drop

 SAP AG 1999

Drag and dropped objects and newly created objects are created and related to the organizational plan within the editing period.  New object characteristics can be maintained in the detail area.  Refresh screen to display maintenance changes in all areas.


HR050 3-42

Additional Features

Staff Assignments

ICON legend


Up one level

Editing period

Column configuration

Filter Show / hide detail

Validity period  SAP AG 1999

 

Be sure to note the editing period before creating/ maintaining an organizational plan. Select the level of display detail and favorites by user. This information is stored upon exiting the interface.


HR050 3-43

 

Icons will be present if functionality is possible. Undo is not permitted once data is committed to the database.


HR050 3-44

Building Organizational Plan

 Create root organizational unit  Create subordinate organizational units  Create Jobs  Create Positions  Assign Tasks  Assign Cost Centers  Assign users/persons  Add other object attributes

 SAP AG 1999

These are the steps you would use to create your organizational plan.


HR050 3-45


The relationships between the organizational units form the organizational plan.

You create a reporting structure by relating positions with one another.


Human Resources




Customers Vendors Purchasing

 SAP AG 1999

Organizational plans and reporting structures represent only a fraction of the reporting functionality that is available in Personnel Planning.  You will find the various reporting options under the Reporting menu option. This menu is organized according to different object types. You will find the organizational plan in the object type organizational unit. You can access the reporting structure from the object type position. Here, you will also find staff assignments and the position description.  Note: You can also display reports in Structural Graphics. Structural Graphics also allows you to maintain objects.


HR050 3-46

Monitoring Personnel Data

Enterprise structure

Personnel structure

Personnel subarea

Employee subgroup Org. Assignment Pers. No.

Organizational assignment of employees

Enterprise structure Company code Personnel area Personnel subarea Personnel structure Employee group Employee subgroup

Data entry Pay scale

Infotype nnnn

Wage types

Validity ?


 SAP AG 1999

Each personnel number is uniquely assigned within the company structure, i.e. to a company code/personnel area/personnel subarea/employee group/employee subgroup. You assign the employee to the company structure using the Hiring action. The data is saved in infotype 0001, Organizational Assignment.  Plausibility checks and validations are performed according to the employee‟s organizational assignment. The organizational assignment is also referenced to define default values for certain infotypes. All these functions support the user in data entry and maintenance.


HR050 3-47

Integration: Personnel Administration and Planning

Organizational Management

Job Is described by

Personnel Administration Employee group

Position Org. unit

Employee subgroup

Cost center assignment

Personnel area

occupies Person

belongs to

Personnel subarea Cost center Default value  SAP AG 1999

Fixed assignment

If Personnel Administration and Organization Management are integrated, you can enter the position in the Actions infotype (0000). This is the first employee infotype that you are required to fill in. The values in the job, organizational unit and cost center fields cannot be overwritten. They specify the relationships to the position.  Default values can be supplied for the personnel area, personnel subarea, business area, employee group and employee subgroup fields.  These default values can be stored in the Infotype maintenance in Expert Modet in the Account Assignment Features infotype (1013).


HR050 3-48

Integration: Personnel Administration and Organizational Management Personnel No. 1001 EE Group


EE Subgroup DU From


Michaela Maier

Active employee

Per area

1300 Frankfurt

Salaried Staff.

Cost Center 2100




Finance and Admin.

Chng. 01/29/1999


Enterprise structure CoCode

1000 IDES

Pers Area

1300 Frankfurt





Central 9900

Personnel structure EE Group


Active employee

EE Subgroup DU Salaried staff Organization plan Percentage




Job key


Org. unit




Payroll area D2

HR-D: Salaried empl

Contract data Com. employee Administration Group


Functional Specialist



Helmuth Hesse Active




Dagmar Krauseinput




Oliver Zeuner



Travel expenses (D)

integration - no possible No integration - input possible

Trav.Exp -D

 SAP AG 1999

Even if there is no integration with Personnel Planning and Development (PD), you can still use the objects job, position, and organizational unit. Set them up in the control tables in the Implementation Guide. There is no technical link between the tables. The term keys do not have any control function in Personnel Administration, unlike PD where, for example, default values can be set.  When you hire an employee, you must maintain the above fields manually (including the cost center) in the Organizational Assignment infotype (0001).


HR050 3-49

Structures in HR: Unit Summary

You are now able to:  Describe the different components of the organizational, enterprise, and personnel structures  Create organizational structures using the basic functions of these components

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 3-50

Exercise Data Sheet Key to Icons in Exercises and Solutions Exercises Solutions Objectives Business Scenario Hints and Tips Warning or Caution Data Used in Exercises Type of Data

Data in Training System

Group number (##)


Year (YYYY)

Current year

Company code


Personnel area


Personnel subarea

0002 Purchasing

Employee subgroup


Organizational Unit

Caliber A Bicycle Company (50014999)

Organizational Unit

##-Purchasing within the Central Purchasing organizational unit

Organizational Unit

##-Administration. Created by the participants in the ##-Purchasing organizational units

Organizational Unit

##-Production. Created by the participants in the ##-Purchasing organizational units








##- Administration Manager


##- Production Manager






HR050 3-51


Material Handler


##-Material Handler

Role: HR Administrative Clerk



Jose Vega (50992##). Hired by the participants.


Helena Camino (50991##)


Order processing tasks


Project management


Drive forklift

Role: HR Benefits Specialist


Benefit Area


Role: Line-Manager Personnel Development


Qualification Group

Languages Group ##


Spanish ##


Italian ##

Qualification Group

PC skills ##


SAP skills ##


MS Word ##,


Knowledge of multimedia (50000314)


Knowledge of Desktop publishing (50000315)


Adaptability (50000451)


Willingness to assume responsibility (50000448)


Ability to work independently (50000461)

Role: Training and Development Specialist


Model development plan

Trainee Program Administration (50014923)

Business Event Type

Organization / planning (50013179)

Business Event Type

HR Seminar (00000100)

Business Event Type

Economics (50000799)

Business Event Type

Communication class (50010630)


Michael Maier (1900)


Appraisal by Manager (HR Classes) (50015517)

Role: Compensation Specialist


Budget Type

Bonus Budget


HR050 3-52

Budget Type

Merit Budget

Compensation Adjustment Reason

HR Class Compensation Review

Detail Data for Adjustment Type

Bonus Plan

Detail Data for Adjustment Type

Performance Increase

Role: Time Recording Specialist


Attendance / Absence types

0306 Leave, 0148 Sickness

Role: International Payroll Specialist


Payroll area


Role: HR: Recruiter



Your choice (50993##) hired by the participants through Recruitment


HR050 3-53

Exercises Unit: HR Structures Topic: Organizational management At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: 

Create a shortcut in Favorites to access the Organization and Staffing Change node

 Create an organizational unit  Create positions within an organizational unit  Add tasks to a position  Create a chief position  Fill a position  Run an organizational structure report New departments and positions are being created in the Central purchasing organizational unit of the Caliber A Bicycle Company. Some of the positions are to be occupied immediately.


Create a shortcut in Favorites for Change in Organization and Staffing by dragging and dropping the node. Rename the node to Maintain Organization and Staffing.


At the beginning of this year, the Central Purchasing department at the Caliber A Bicycle Company (CABB) was been divided into subordinate organizational units called ##-Purchasing. You will create two subordinate organization units within the ##-Purchasing organizational unit for ##-Administration and ##-Production. 



Create the following positions: 1-3-1 In the ##-Administration organization unit create ##-Administration Manager (based on job Manager) ##-Administrator (based on job Administrator) ##-Buyer (based on job Buyer) 1-3-2 In the ##-Production organization unit create


HR050 3-54

##-Production Manager (based on job Manager) ##-Material Handler (based on job Material Handler) 1-4

Go to the task profile and assign the following tasks to the positions as indicated below: Position


##-Buyer in the ##Administration organizational unit

Order processing tasks

##-Production Manager in the ##-Production organizational unit

Project management

##-Material Handler in the ##Production organizational unit

Drive forklift


Designate the ##-Production Manager and ##-Administration Manager positions as chief positions in the system.


The ## Administration Manager position is held by Helena Camino (personnel number key 50991##). Assign Helena to the position as of the first day of the current year.


Execute the Organizational Structure with positions report for the Caliber A Bicycle Company.


Display the report as a graphic organizational chart.


HR050 3-55

Solutions Unit: HR Structures Topic: Organizational Management


Create a shortcut in Favorites by dragging and dropping the node. Select the Change node and drag it to the Favorites folder. Navigate to the Organization and staffing node. SAP Standard Menu  Human Resources  Organizational management  Organizational plan  Organization and staffing Select the Change node and drag it to the Favorites folder. A new node called Change will appear in the Favorites area. Rename the node to Maintain Organizational and Staffing by selecting the node and clicking with the right mouse button. Select the option to Change favorites in the pop-up box. Change the text to Maintain Organizational and Staffing and select Enter.


Create subordinate organization units with the ##-Purchasing organizational unit for ##-Administration and ##-Production. From the Favorites menu select: Change Organizational and Staffing Set the validity date to start at the beginning of the current year by selecting the Display periods icon and entering the valid from date as the first day of the current year. Set the preview period years and date to the beginning of the current year by selecting the Date and preview period icon. In the Search area - Find by group, located in the upper left are of the display, select the Organizational unit option. In the Find Organizational unit pop-up box, enter CAB in the With name field and select the Find icon. The organizational unit CABB appears in the Selection area located on the lower left side of the display. Double-click on the CABB organizational unit the Selection area. The organizational structure for the Caliber A Bicycle Company appears in the Overview area on the top right side of the display. Expand the Central Purchasing Organizational unit to find and select the ##Purchasing organizational units.


HR050 3-56

Select the Create organizational unit icon. A new entry under ##-Purchasing appears labeled as New organizational… Select the entry for New organizational…under ##-Purchasing by double clicking on it. The Detail area now contains the entry for New organizational unit. Change the short and long text to ##-Admin/##-Administration. Select the Save icon. Repeat the procedure to create the ##-Prod/##-Production organizational unit. 1-3

Create the following positions: 1-3-1 In the ##-Administration organization unit create ##-Administration Manager (based on job Manager) ##-Administrator (based on job Administrator) ##-Buyer (based on job Buyer) Navigate to the ##-Administration Organizational unit in the Overview area on the top right side of the display and double click on that organizational unit. Select the Staff assig button. Select the Create position button. Select the entry for New position by double clicking on it. The Detail area now contains the entry for New position. Change the short and long text to ##-Admin Mgr / ##-Administration Manager. Set the validity date to start at the beginning of the current year by selecting the Display periods icon and entering the valid from date as the first day of the current year. In the Search area - Find by group, located in the upper left are of the display, select the Job option. In the Find job pop-up box, enter Manager in the With name field and select the Find icon. The job Manager appears in the Selection area located on the lower left side of the display. Select the job Manager in the Selection area and drag it to the Job field associated with the ##- Administration Manager in the Overview area. Select the Save icon. Repeat the process for the positions: ##-Administrator (based on job Administrator) ##-Buyer (based on job Buyer) 1-3-2 In the ##-Production organization unit create


HR050 3-57

##-Production Manager (based on job Manager) ##-Material Handler (based on job Material Handler) Navigate back to the ##-Production organizational unit by selecting the Organizational structure button. Select the Up one hierarchy level icon. Navigate to the ##-Production Organizational unit in the Overview area on the top right side of the display and double click on that organizational unit. Select the Staff assig button. Select the Create position button. Select the entry for New position by double clicking on it. The Detail area now contains the entry for New position. Change the short and long text to ##-Prod Mgr / ##-Production Manager. Set the validity date to start at the beginning of the current year by selecting the Display periods icon and entering the valid from date as the first day of the current year. In the Search area - Find by group, located in the upper left are of the display, select the Job option. In the Find job pop-up box, enter Manager in the With name field and select the Find icon. The job Manager appears in the Selection area located on the lower left side of the display. Select the job Manager in the Selection area and drag it to the Job field associated with the ##- Production Manager in the Overview area. Select the Save icon. Repeat the process for the position: ##-Material Handler (based on job Material Handler) 1-4

Go to the task profile and assign the following tasks to the positions indicated below: Position


##-Buyer in the ##Administration organizational unit

Order processing tasks

##-Production Manager in the ##-Production organizational unit

Project management

##-Material Handler in the ##Production organizational unit

Drive forklift

Set the preview period years and date to the beginning of the current year by selecting the Date and preview period. (C) SAP AG

HR050 3-58

Verify the Valid on date is set to the beginning of the current year. Navigate to the ##-Buyer position in the ##-Administration organizational unit. Select the entry for ##-Buyer position by double clicking on it. The Detail area now contains the entry for ##-Buyer. Select the Tasks tab in the Detail area. In the Search area - Find by group, located in the upper left are of the display, select the Task option. In the Find task pop-up box, enter Order in the With name field and select the Find icon. The job Order Processing Tasks appears in the Selection area located on the lower left side of the display. Select the task Order Processing Tasks in the Selection area and drag it to the Tasks tab in the Details area. Select the Save icon. Repeat the process for the position/task assignment listed below:


##-Production Manager in the ##-Production organizational unit

Project management

##-Material Handler in the ##-Production organizational unit

Drive forklift

Designate the ##-Production Manager and ##-Administration Manager positions as chief positions in the system. Navigate to the ##- Administration Manager position in the ##-Administration organizational unit. Select the entry for ##- Administration Manager position by double clicking on it. The Detail area now contains the entry for ##- Administration Manager. Select the Basic data tab in the Detail area. Select the check box for Head of own organizational unit. Select the Save icon. Repeat the process for the ##-Production Manager position in the ##Production organizational unit.



The ## Administration Manager position is held by Helena Camino (personnel number key 50991##). Assign Helena to the position as of the first day of the current year.

HR050 3-59

Navigate to the ##- Administration Manager position in the ##-Administration organizational unit. Select the entry for ##- Administration Manager position by double clicking on it. The Detail area now contains the entry for ##- Administration Manager. Select the Basic data tab in the Detail area. In the Search area - Find by group, located in the upper left are of the display, select the Person option. In the Find task pop-up box, enter Camino in the With name field and select the Find icon. A listing of persons‟ named Helena Camino appears in the Selection area located on the lower left side of the display. Select the Helena Camino with the key 50991## in the Selection area and drag it to the Basic data tab in the Holder field in the Details area. Enter the valid from date as the first day of the current year in the Holder popup box and select the Continue/Enter icon. Confirm "Delimit Vacancy" pop-up box. Select the Save icon. 1-7

Execute the Organizational Structure with positions report for the Caliber A Bicycle Company. SAP Standard Menu  Human Resources  Organizational management  Info System  Organization unit  Organizational Structure  Organization Structure with Positions Select the organizational unit for the Caliber A Bicycle Company. Select the Execute icon.


Select the highest level of the report (Caliber A Bicycle Company). Select the Structural Graphics icon.


HR050 3-60

Personnel Management

Contents:  Maintaining Employee Data  Hiring Employees

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 4-1

Personnel Management: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  Maintain employee data  Hire employees

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 4-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 4-3


Travel Management

Personnel Management: Business Scenario

 Employees at Caliber Bicycle are constantly changing: they are hired, change positions, receive pay increases, etc. You can record and display these changes and developments for individual or multiple employees.  You want to be able to view historical information regarding employee data.  You hire an employee and complete all of the necessary infotypes

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 4-4

Maintaining Employee Data:Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Display and maintain employee data

infotypes  Show events in employees‟ employment

history using personnel actions  Maintain employee data using fast entry

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 4-5

Personnel Administration User Role

SAP Easy Access Favorites Activity group SAP_HR_ADMINCLERK_PA Personnel Administration HR Master Data Personnel Actions Maintain Master Data Display Master Data Personnel File Fast Entry Fast Entry - Actions Qualification Profile Organizational Data Info System Tools

 SAP AG 1999

   

In order for users in the SAP system to be able to use user-specific menus, activity groups must be created. Activity groups are also used to assign authorizations for the activities included in the menus Activity groups are collections of functions that describe worker roles. The activity group “Personnel Administration Clerk” contains transactions, reports, and or internet/intranet links that personnel administration uses daily. An Activity Group contains the following information:  Name of the activity group  Text describing the activity group  Menu structure for the activity group  Authorization profile data  Information about the assignment of the activity group to users or elements of the organizational plan. An Activity Group can be assigned to an unlimited number of users.


HR050 4-6

Maintaining Employee Data

Change of address

Pay increase

Work schedule Early Normal Late

New working time

Change of employee subgroup

New PS group

 SAP AG 1999

Employee data must be kept current. After an employee is hired, circumstances can always arise which necessitate either the entry of new data or the correction of current data.  Some examples of this include: - An employee moves, and his or her new address must be stored in the system. This may be done within Personnel Administration infotypes or through Employee Self Service. - An employee gets a pay raise at the start of the year. The new salary must be stored for the relevant date. - An employee changes job within the organization. His or her organizational assignment, working time, and salary also change.  Data can be stored for the present, future, or past.  Note: Entering payroll-relevant data in the past triggers retroactive accounting.


HR050 4-7

  

You enter individual employee data in entry screens. Entry screens are grouped as follows: Individual information, such as last name, first name and date of birth, is defined in data fields. Data fields are grouped into data groups or information units according to their content. In Personnel Management these information units are called information types or infotypes for short.  The infotype is displayed to the end user in the form of a data entry screen that has data entry logic error checking.  Personal data is stored in logical groups. For example, place of residence, street and house number make up the employee's address and are stored (together with additional data) in the Address infotype.  Infotypes have names and 4-digit keys. For example, the Addresses infotype has the key 0006.


HR050 4-8

Search Help (1) and your personnel number ?

I, Barbara Myers, have ...

Personnel number

Personnel office

Search Help You can access data records using the search help function, even if you do not have all the necessary data.  SAP AG 1999

Employee data is often maintained for individual employees. The employee„s personnel number must be entered. If this number is not known by the system, you can use the search help to find it. The Search Help function allows you to select personnel numbers according to certain criteria e.g. last names and first names, birth dates, organizational assignment, etc.


HR050 4-9

Search Help (2) HR Master Data

1 Personnel number Choice of Search Help Hit List Last name

First name

Maher Maier Mayer

James Lisa Eric



ID Personal ID number Last name - First name

Restrict Value Range Last name

Organizational Assignment


First name

3  SAP AG 1999

You can search for personnel numbers using the search help function. There are various types of search help that comprise different search terms arranged in a certain order. Each type of search help has its own ID, for example, the search help for last name and first name has the ID N and the search help for organizational assignment has the ID K, etc.  To search for a personnel number using the search help, position the cursor on the Personnel number entry field and choose the Entry possibilities either by double-clicking on the arrow or using the F4 key. Now select the type of search help you want to use. You can switch to another type of search help at any point. On the following screen, you restrict the value search range i.e. you enter search terms such as name, last name, or part of the names. The system displays a list of all the personnel numbers that correspond to the selection criteria you entered. Select the data record you want from this list.


HR050 4-10

Selecting Infotypes Using Tab Strips

Maintain HR Master Data

Personnel No.



Michaela Maier

EE Group

1 Active employee Pers area

EE Subgroup

X0 Salaried staff

Basic personal data

1300 Frankfurt

Cost center

Basic contract data

Actions Organizational assignment Personal Data Addresses Bank Details Family/Related Person Challenge Internal Medical Service Maternity Protection/Parental Leave Military Service


Gross/net payroll

Net payroll

Period Period Fr. Today

To Curr.week


Current month


Last week

To current date

Last month


Current year


Direct selection

 SAP AG 1999

In the HR System, infotypes that are most frequently used are grouped together by subject matter and assigned to static menus. One infotype can be included in more than one menu. Infotypes that are rarely used, on the other hand, might not be included in any menus at all.  To access a particular menu, click on the tab page.  The green ticks next to the menu list of infotypes indicate that these records already exist for the selected personnel number.


HR050 4-11

Dynamic Infotype List

Maintain HR Master Data

Maintain HR Master Data

Personnel No.


Personnel No.


Michaela Maier


Michaela Maier

EE Group

1 Active employee Pers area

EE Group

1 Active employee Pers area

EE Subgroup

X0 Salaried staff

Basic personal data

Cost cent

Basic contract data

Actions Organizational assignment Personal Data Addresses Bank Details Family/Related Person Challenge Internal Medical Service Maternity Protection/Parental Leave Military Service Direct selection Infotype

EE Subgroup


X0 Salaried staff

Basic personal data

Cost center

Basic contract data

Planned Working Time Workers Compensation Works Councils Personal Dat for Work HU Substitutions: Indiv Working Times Personal Work Schedule Times

“Work” infotypes Direct selection




 SAP AG 1999

If you want to access infotypes for a particular key word, you can get the system to create the menu that you require.  In the infotype field, enter a word or text string. Choose Enter. The system displays a menu with all of the infotypes whose title includes the word or text string you specified. You can then choose the infotype that you require from this menu.  If the system only includes one infotype for the search string you specified, it is displayed in the Infotype field. The initial menu does not change.


HR050 4-12

Selection Using Infotype Number

Change Basic Pay Maintain HR Master Data

Personnel No.



Michaela Maier

EE Group

1 Active employee Pers area

EE Subgroup

X0 Salaried staff

Basic personal data

Cost cent

Basic contract data

Organizational assignment Personal Data Contract Elements Internal Data Leave Entitlement Planned Working Time Time Recording info Travel Privileges

Personnel No.


EE Group


Active employee Pers. area

EE Subgroup


Hourly wage earn...



Payment type


Basic contract











Reason Pay scale


Wage type name


Hourly rate




Planned Working Time

Infotype 0008 Workers Compensation

Direct selection Infotype


Direct selection

 SAP AG 1999

If you want to access infotypes for a particular key word, you can get the system to create the menu that you require.  In the infotype field, enter a word or text string. Choose Enter. The system displays a menu with all of the infotypes whose title includes the word or text string you specified. You can then choose the infotype that you require from this menu.  If the system only includes one infotype for the search string you specified, it is displayed in the Infotype field. The initial menu does not change.


HR050 4-13


Maintain HR Master Data Create Family/Related Person Personnel No.


Personnel No. 1001


Vera Sorokin


Vera Sorokin

EE Group


Per area

CABB Caliber A

EE Group

1 Active employee Per area

EE Subgroup

X0 Hourly wager earn.

EE Subgroup

X0 Hourly wage ea.. Basic contract data

Basic personal data

Actions Organizational assignment Personal Data Addresses Bank Details Family/Related Person Challenge Internal Medical Service Maternity Protection/Parental Leave Military Service

Styp Sty


 SAP AG 1999

 

 


1 2 10 11 12



Basic /personal data Basic contract data Family related person Family member


Last name


Birth name

First name


Other title

Name format

Name prefix Gender

Name prefix Female


Date of Birth Birthplace City of birth Nationality

Direct selection

Active employee

Infotype 0021 Subtype 2

2nd/3rd na

Name Spouse Child Divorced spouse Father Mother

Subtypes are used to subdivide infotype data records. You may want to subdivide such information to make it easier to manage or because you want to assign different control features - such as time constraints - to the various subtypes of the same infotype. You can also create separate histories for each subtype. Examples: In the Family member subtype in the Family/Related Person (0021) infotype, you can store different family members: - Spouse (subtype 1) - Child (subtype 2) In the Address type subtype in the Addresses (0006) infotype, you can store different types of addresses: - Permanent residence (subtype 1) - Temporary residence (subtype 2) - Home address (subtype 3) The entry screens for the various subtypes may be different. You can assign access authorizations for each subtype.


HR050 4-14

Maintaining Infotypes: Overview

Change Organizational Assignment

Fast Entry

Org Structure

with proposal

Single SingleScreen Screen

Recur. Payments/Ded Additional Payments Fiscal Data D Child Allowance D

11Infotype Infotype 11Personnel Personnelnumber number

Fast FastEntry Entry 11Infotype Infotype Multiple MultiplePersonnel Personnel Numbers Numbers

Create Personal Data Create Org Bank StructureDetails Create Addresses Org Structure Create Planned Working Time Org Structure Create Actions Org Structure Org Structure

Personnel PersonnelActions Actions Sequence Sequenceof ofInfotypes Infotypes 11Personnel number Personnel number  SAP AG 1999

    

Employee data must be kept current. Data can be displayed, corrected, and supplemented. The Human Resources System stores all data in infotype records. Each infotype record has a validity period. This is generally a validity interval or a key date. There are three different ways of processing infotype records: single screen maintenance, personnel actions, or fast entry. Single screen maintenance You can call up individual infotypes in order to maintain data for a particular subject or situation. Personnel actions If the subject or situation is more complex and you need to maintain more than one infotype, you can use personnel actions. When you perform a personnel action, the system displays all of the relevant infotypes for you to maintain, one after the other. Fast entry Fast entry enables you to maintain an infotype for more than one personnel number simultaneously.


HR050 4-15

When an infotype is updated, the old data is not lost. Instead, it remains in the system so that you can perform historical evaluations. Each infotype record is stored with a specific validity period. This means that the system can contain more than one record of the same infotype at the same time, even if their validity periods coincide.  If new information is entered and saved in an infotype, the system checks whether a record already exists for this infotype. If this is the case, the system reacts.


HR050 4-16

 

Infotype maintenance means processing data already in the system, and entering and saving new data. In other words, you can change existing records and enter new records for an employee. Change The Change function enables you to correct an existing record without creating a new one. It is used to overwrite existing infotype records, but not to create new infotype records. Changes to infotype records are not included in the history. Create The Create function enables you to enter new data. You create a new record while the old record, which may be delimited if necessary, remains in the system. The infotype history is created using the appropriate validity periods. Copy The Copy function also enables you to create new infotype records, and it also updates the infotype history. Unlike the Create function, however, you do not enter your data on a blank entry screen. Instead, you use a screen containing the data that is currently valid. You can then overwrite these values. If data is changed for personnel numbers already in the system, new records are created for the infotypes in question so that the history remains up-to-date.


HR050 4-17

Generating Histories




Infotype Basic Pay

Standard salary 5000,-


Standard salary 5000,-

Standard salary 5500,5500,-

Standard salary 5500,5500,-

Warning: Record valid from Jan.01.1999 to Dec.31.9999 is delimited

 SAP AG 1999

 

If you create a new record when a previous record already exists, the system reacts in one of the following ways: it delimits the record, extends it, divides it, or deletes it. The system„s reaction depends upon the time constraint. The time constraint is a characteristic of infotypes and subtypes. In Master Data, we differentiate between three different time constraints (1, 2, and 3). Infotypes or subtypes with time constraint 1 must be unique i.e. only one valid record can exist for any given time period. There can be no gaps between records. When you add a new record to an infotype with time constraint 1, the system delimits the overlapping infotype record on the key date and adds the new record. This happens with infotype Basic Pay (0008), for example. If you delete a record that must exist at all times, the previous record is automatically extended. There can be no gaps between records here. Infotypes or subtypes with time constraint 2 can only have at most one record for a given time period. There can be no gaps between records. If records overlap, the system adapts the previous record accordingly by deleting, dividing, or delimiting it. An example of an infotype with time constraint 2 is the subtype Spouse (1) in infotype Family/Related Person. Infotypes or subtypes with time constraint 3 can have gaps between records or overlapping records. If records overlap here, the system does not react at all. Examples of infotypes with this time constraint are Monitoring of Dates (0019) and Objects on Loan (0040).


HR050 4-18

Editing Infotypes

Save Delete mode

Previous record/Next record

Overview / List Lock/Unlock Delimit  SAP AG 1999

    

Save Every changed or newly created infotype record must be saved. Delete mode Infotype records that have been created by mistake can be deleted. Previous record/Next record Within an infotype, you can scroll back and forth between records. Overview/ List You can display a list of all of an infotype„s records. You can maintain the infotype from this list. Lock/Unlock Infotype records can be locked for payroll i.e. they are ignored for the payroll run and only interpreted when they are unlocked (double-verification principle). Delimit This function allows you to delete (either partially or fully) an infotype record from the delimitation date. Maintain text Text can be saved for every infotype record, for information purposes. (You will find this function in the Edit menu).


HR050 4-19


HR050 4-20

Personnel Actions

Planned Working Time

Org. Assignment


Personalmaßnahmen Personnel Actions Personnel number 12345678 Hiring Org. Wechsel Reassignment Sequence of infotypes to show a personnel activity  SAP AG 1999

The personnel actions function groups all of the infotypes together that must be maintained when a particular human resource process is performed, such as when an employee is hired, or when an organizational reassignment occurs. Each personnel action contains the infotypes for which data must be entered for the human resource process in question, and displays them one after the other for you to maintain. This ensures that all of the information relevant to the process is entered in the system. This function also makes it easier for you to enter data, because it prevents you from having to access each individual infotype.  After you have saved a record, the system displays a new infotype for you to process. When you perform an action, you may want to skip a particular infotype without entering any data, or even cancel the action. At the end of the sequence, the system returns to the initial screen after saving  Personnel actions allow you to store an Actions (0000) infotype for the activity to be performed to log the current personnel action.


HR050 4-21

Additional Actions

Hourly-paid worker

Salaried employee

1. Change of EE subgroup


Actions (Infotype 0000) Personnel action Action type

2. Change in Pay

Additional Actions (Infotype 0302) Personnel action

02 Org.reassignment

Reason for action

Action type

16 Change in pay

Reason for action

Organizational Assignment Employee group


Employee subgroup X0 …..  SAP AG 1999

If you need to run more than one personnel action on the same day, you can use infotype 0302 Additional Actions. It enables you to log all of the personnel actions that you perform for one employee on the same day. The log includes all of the action types and their action reasons that you performed for an employee on specific dates. This means that you can save more than one data record per day for this infotype.  Personnel actions that are only used to process more than one infotype in a single info group should not be stored in infotype 0000 Actions. SAP recommends that you use the Additional Actions infotype to log such personnel actions. An example of this type of personnel action is Change in Pay. All of the programs that interpret an employee's status continue to evaluate infotype 0000 Actions only. It has time constraint 1, which means that a single infotype record must exist for the entire time that the employee works at your company.


HR050 4-22

Displaying an Additional Action in IT 0000 Actions (Infotype 0000) Personnel action Action type …..

02 …..

Status ….. Employment




Organizational assignment Position …..


Additional actions Start date


Action type






Change in pay


Reason f. action

 SAP AG 1999

Note that you can only save one personnel action per day in infotype 0000 Actions. The Customizing settings enable you to determine the action type that is saved for an employee if you perform another personnel action for the employee on the same day. As a rule, you should choose personnel actions that change statuses, for example, the Leaving action which changes an employee's status from active to left.  Infotype 0302 Additional Actions is only used to save action types and reasons. It does not create a log of data records created when a personnel action is performed.  You cannot perform two different personnel actions that change an employee's status, such as Leaving and Early Retirement/Retirement, for one employee on the same day. If you try to do so, the existing personnel action is overwritten.


HR050 4-23

Dynamic Actions

If you make an entry in the No. of children field and you save this entry, the system automatically displays the Family/Related Person infotype for you to maintain

Create Family/Related Person Org Structure

Personnel No. From

77 01. 01. 1999


31.12. 9999

Basic /personal data Basic contract data Family related person Family member


Create Personal Data

Comm. Language English Mar. status


Since No. child.


 SAP AG 1999

Dynamic actions are performed automatically by the system, depending on certain conditions. If maintaining one infotype has an effect on another infotype, the system automatically displays the second infotype for processing.  Dynamic actions can run in the background i.e. the user does not see the run on the screen.  Examples: - The Personal Data infotype is newly created, and the Number of children field is filled. Once the record is saved, the system automatically displays the Family/Related Person (0021) infotype and the Child subtype (2) for processing. - An employee is hired, and the probationary period is entered in infotype Contract Elements. Once this information is savcd, the system automatically displays a record from the Monitoring of Dates (0019) infotype and the subtype Expiry of probation (1) for processing.


HR050 4-24

Correcting Actions: Example (Entry) Change Actions From



Organizational Assignment

Position Personnel area Employee group Employee subgroup Change in start date


Start date of existing records is postponed

Change in org. assignment

Execute infogroup

Access the hiring action

 SAP AG 1999

An additional function in HR master data maintenance enables you to change an employee's entry data (date of hiring or organizational assignment) after the employee has actually been hired.  The payroll must not have run already for the personnel number you want to change.  When you change an entry date retroactively, you save the new entry date in infotype 0000 Actions. The start date of every infotype record belonging to the action is changed automatically, which means you do not have to perform the action again.  If you want to change an organizational assignment retroactively, you must use the choose info group function to perform the action again.


HR050 4-25

Fast entry enables you to maintain an infotype for more than one personnel number on a single screen. This makes data processing faster and more efficient.  Lists of personnel numbers are created manually or by using a report in accordance with set selection criteria.  The time needed to enter data is considerably reduced by entering default values. You can overwrite the default values on the list screen for any personnel number.  The data entered in this way is either processed immediately online, or at a later date as a batch input session.


HR050 4-26

Personnel File Display all infotypes relevant to a personnel number

Additional infotypes. infotypes. . .

Org. Assignment


Personnel File Personnel number 4711

 SAP AG 1999

The personnel file lists all of the infotypes for which records have been created for a personnel number. The infotypes are displayed in ascending numerical order.  If more than one record exists for an infotype, they are displayed one after the other. The system then goes to the next infotype, after which it returns to the initial screen.  You can scroll forwards and backwards within the personnel file.


HR050 4-27

Hiring an Employee: Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Hire a new employee.

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 4-28

Hiring an Employee

Org. Assignment

Salary Data


etc. Birth certificate

Personal Data/ Addresses

Shift Schedule Early Normal Late

Shift Data

 SAP AG 1999

The most important objective of master data administration in Human Resources is to enter employeerelated data for administrative, time-recording, and payroll purposes.  A new employee can also be hired without using Recruitment. Instead you can hire someone by running a personnel action in Personnel Administration, thereby creating the necessary data for the employee to be hired.


HR050 4-29

Hiring Action

Select personnel action Enter data and save infotype

Org. Assignment

Personal Data


Personnel Actions Personnel number 12345678 Hiring Org. reassign.

 SAP AG 1999

A range of employee data must be entered into the system when an employee is being hired. You do this by running the personnel action Hiring while entering all the necessary data that you can in the relevant infotype.  Once you have entered all the necessary data in an entry screen, you must save your entries. The system displays a new entry screen for processing. If you do not want to record any data here, skip the screen.  Note: You can customize personnel actions to suit your requirements in the Implementation Guide (IMG).


HR050 4-30

Entry Screens for Hiring

When you hire an employee, you must enter data in the following infotypes : Actions (0000) Organizational Assignment (0001) Personal Data (0002) Addresses (0006)

North America


Planned Working Time (0007)


Basic Pay (0008) Bank Details (0009) Absence Quotas (2006) Country-Specific Infotypes

Latin America Africa Australia

 SAP AG 1999

In general, during the hiring procedure, data is recorded for the above-mentioned infotypes. These infotypes, as well as the order in which they appear, can be customized to suit your organization„s requirements.


HR050 4-31

Hiring: Initial Screen

Access via Personnel Actions Personnel Actions

Internal number assignment Personnel No.


External number assignment From

Action type


EE group

EE Sub...

Hiring Organizational reassignment Transfer (EDP) - active Transfer (EDP) - active Transfer (EDP) - active Change in pay Early retirement Leaving Time recording (mini master)

 SAP AG 1999

To hire an employee, access the initial Personnel Actions screen. Enter the employee‟s hiring date. With internal number assignment, the system displays the next free number. With external number assignment, enter a personnel number that has not yet been used. On this screen, you can record the personnel area, personnel subarea, and employee subgroup. You also have the possibility of maintaining these fields in the next screen, Actions (0000) infotype.


HR050 4-32


Create Actions Change info group Personnel No. From

78 23 . 07. 1999


31.12. 9999

Personnel action Action type


Reason for action Reference pers. no.

Status Customer-defined Employment


Special payment

Standard wage type

Organizational assignment Position Personnel area


Employee group


Employee subgroup


 SAP AG 1999

The Actions infotype is the first of the Personnel Action infotypes. This infotype logs the personnel actions run for the applicant. You can also specify a reason for the action in this infotype. In addition, you can assign a reference personnel number, if the person to be hired has more than one type of employment relationship in the company (several personnel numbers). The status indicator is assigned by the system and cannot be maintained by you. You can assign the person to be hired to a position in this infotype. If there is integration with Personnel Planning and Development and if you have stored information on the position or organizational unit, then the system suggests default values for the Personnel area (from the organizational unit or position), Employee group, and Employee subgroup (from the position) fields. Otherwise, you must enter the values manually.  Note: The Actions infotype is a prerequisite to the Organizational Assignment (0001) infotype. You must save the Actions infotype. The values stored in this infotype are copied to the Organizational Assignment infotype and cannot be maintained there (except the Position field).


HR050 4-33

Personal Data

Personal Data Infotype






Family/Related Person

Spouse or Child Last name First name married 1 child

Date of birth Nationality Marital status No. of children etc.  SAP AG 1999

The Personal Data (0002) infotype stores an employee„s personal details. That includes, for example, the employee„s name, nationality, birth date, and marital status. Depending on the country in which the employee is employed, the infotype uses different screens, which are in part country-specific.  If the employee„s status is given as married in this infotype, then the system automatically displays a further infotype, namely Family/Related Persons infotype (0021), in which you can enter details on the employee„s spouse.  If you enter in the Personal Data infotype that the employee has children, the system automatically displays a further infotype Family/Related Persons infotype (0021) in which you can enter details on the employee„s child. 


HR050 4-34

Organizational Assignment

Create Organizational Assignment Org.Structure Personnel No. From

78 23 . 07. 1999



Enterprise structure CoCode


Calicer ‘A’

Pers Area


Calicer ‘A’

Cost ctr





Personnel structure EE Group


Active employee

Payroll area X0

EE Subgroup X1 Hourly wage earner


Organization plan









Job key



Org. unit



Org. key

HR-X: Monthly



 SAP AG 1999

Once you saved the Personal Data (0002) infotype, the system automatically displays the Organizational Assignment (0001) infotype.  With the organizational assignment, the fields Company code, Personnel area, Personnel subarea, Business area, Employee group, and Employee subgroup are already filled. You can enter missing data.  If the position has not been entered in the Actions (0000) infotype, you can access the Organizational Assignment (0001) infotype.  The position and its relevant job, organizational unit, and cost center are imported. You cannot overwrite the fields job, organizational unit, and cost center.


HR050 4-35

Planned Working Time

CreateWork Planned Working Time schedule Work schedule Personnel No. 1001


Kerry Kelley

EE Group


Per area

CABB Caliber ‘A’

EE Subgroup

X1 Hourly wage earn.


23. 07. 9999

Active employee To

Type of work schedule


Work schedule rule Work schedule rule


Time Mgmt. status

No time eval

Working week



Default value for the average working hrs., taken from the work schedule rule Max.

Weekly working hours




Monthly working hours




Annual working hours




Part-time employee Working time Employment percent Daily working hours

Weekly workdays


Dyn. Daily work schedule


 SAP AG 1999

In the Planned Working Time infotype (0007), enter the employee‟s work schedule rule. By doing this, the employee‟s working times per day, week, month, and year are specified. In addition, state whether the employee‟s time posting has been evaluated and whether the employee works part-time.


HR050 4-36

Basic Pay Create Basic Pay Wage type Personnel No.

Wage type


EE Group


Active employee

EE Subgroup

X1 Hourly wage earn.


23. 07.1999

Payment type



Payments and deductions


Kerry Kelley

Per area

CABB Caliber ‘A’

31. 12. 9999

Basic contract


Object ID Next increase

Pay scale

Further information


01 International

Capacity utilization level

100.00 %


01 International

Work hours/period




Ann. Salary



Wage Type name.


Hourly rate


Bonus by percentage

O Amount

UNI Curr.. I




A Number





 SAP AG 1999

The employee„s basic pay is stored in the Basic Pay infotype (0008). The employee„s salary adjustments are recorded here. Default values are given for pay scale type and pay scale area in the Basic Pay infotype (0008). You enter values for the pay scale group and pay scale level. The system calculates the employee„s salary using the default values and the values entered by you.


HR050 4-37

Bank Details

Create Bank Details

Personnel No. 4599200


Vera Sorokin

EE Group


Per area

CABB Caliber A

EE Subgroup

X1 Hourly wage earn.

Active employee



31.12. 9999

Bank details Bank details type Payee

Vera Sorokin

Postal code/City


Bank country



Bank key Bank account Payment method



Purpose Currency


Standard value Standard percentage

 SAP AG 1999

Enter the employee„s bank number and account number in infotype Bank Details (0009). The employee is suggested as the default value for the payee field.


HR050 4-38

Absence Quotas

Create Absence Quotas Personal work schedule Personnel No.


EE Group

CABB Caliber ‘A’

EE Subgroup



27. 07.1999

Hourly wage earn. To

Default values

Activity allocation


Vera Sorokin

WS rule


Cost assignment

External services

2. 07. 2000

Absence quota Category

09 Leave



Quota number Deduction

15 Days 0.00000

Neg. deduction to


Deduction from Deduction to

 SAP AG 1999

Leave entitlements are stored in Absence Quotas infotype (2006). The deduction from and deduction to dates are also stored here. You can use the default dates suggested by the system.  Note: Once you save the last infotype in a personnel action, the system jumps back to the initial screen of the personnel action.


HR050 4-39

Restarting a Personnel Action

Org. Assignment

Personal Data

Execute infogroup


Personalmaßnahmen Personnel Actions Personnel number 12345678 Personalnummer 12345678 Hiring Einstellung Org. reassign. Org. Wechsel

 SAP AG 1999

You can restart an executed personnel action at any time. Select the personnel action that you want to restart on the Personnel Actions screen. In infotype 0000 Actions, choose Execute infogroup. This takes you to the sequence of infotypes assigned to the action, which enables you to maintain them. You must save each record that you change. If you do not make any changes, you can simply go to the next record without saving.


HR050 4-40

Personnel Management: Unit Summary

You are now able to:  Maintain and view employee data  Hire a new employee

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 4-41

Exercises Unit: Personnel Management Topic: Maintaining employee data At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Change your role to HR Administrative Clerk 

Create a shortcut in Favorites to access the Personnel actions and Maintain found in HR Master data

Locate and review employee master data

 Update employee master data  Complete a personnel action  Utilize the Fast entry method for updating master data An existing employee, Helena Camino, has a question about the information in her personnel file (master data records). Review the current data and update it if necessary. Helena is given a raise. Her master data will need to update to reflect her new pay. The ##-Administration organizational unit has exceeded all expectations for the current period. They will get a bonus for all of their hard work. 1-1

Change your role to SAP_HR_ADMINCLERK.


Create a shortcut in Favorites for Personnel Actions and Maintain Master Data in HR Master by dragging and dropping the node.


Answer the following questions by displaying the personnel file of Helena Camino (50991##): 1-3-1 Is Ms. Camino married? If so, what is her spouse‟s name? ______________________________________________ 1-3-2 Where does she live? ______________________________________________ 1-3-3 How many hours per week does she work? ______________________________________________ 1-3-4 What is her annual salary?


HR050 4-42

______________________________________________ 1-4

When reviewing Ms. Camino‟s information above, you realize you have an incorrect home address for her. Her house number should actually be 9750 Lilly Lane. Change her address information without saving a history of the change.


You have just received notice that Ms. Camino will changing to a part-time employee at the beginning of next month. Update her Planned Working Time to reflect this change. Be sure to keep a history of the change.


Ms. Camino will receive a bonus in the amount of 200 UNI in her basic pay from the first day of the current month. The bonus is paid using the Direct Bonus wage type (M230). Use the Change in Pay personnel action to make this change. Delimit all relevant data.


Use Fast entry to create Additional Payments to give the ##-Administration organizational unit a bonus of 500 UNI using today‟s date. Select the organizational unit using the Pre-select using report option. Save the records directly when processing the additional payments. Process the bonus with wage type CM03. 1-7-1 Verify the master data record was created for Ms. Camino, an employee in the ##-Administration organizational unit.


HR050 4-43

Exercises Unit: Personnel Management Topic: Hiring an employee At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Hire an employee

A new employee is hired in your company as an Administrator in the Administration department. Record the necessary data required for the employee.


Hire employee Jose Vega using personnel number 50992## into the ##-Administrator position in the ##-Administration organizational unit using the Hiring personnel action. He started on the first day of the current month. 2-1-1 Actions Mr. Vega is hired in personnel area CABB, as an active, salaried employee in the ##-Administrator position. 2-1-2 Personal Data In addition the first and last name Jose Vega, add your choice of data in the required fields. Mr.Vega is married to Maria. 2-1-3 Family/Related PersoEnter Maria and her birth date. 2-1-4 Organizational AssignmentHe belongs to personnel subarea Purchasing. 2-1-5 AddresseMr. Vega lives at 255 SAP Lane in a town called SAPBerg. The postal code is 19111. Enter the region and country of your choice. 2-1-6 Planned working timHe works according to the normal (NORM) work schedule. 2-1-7 Basic PaFor payment data, he should be included in the Pay scale group / level E01 /01. 2-1-8 Bank DetailUse the bank key Citibank and bank account 1236547. 2-1-9 Absence QuotaAccept the defaults.


HR050 4-44

Solutions Unit: Personnel Management Topic: Maintaining employee data


Change your role to SAP_HR_ADMINCLERK. 1-1-1 Select the Other menu button in the SAP Easy Access menu. 1-1-2 Select the Find icon. 1-1-3 Enter SAP_HR_ADMINCLERK in the Find field. 1-1-4 Select the Find icon again. 1-1-5 Select the SAP_HR_ADMINCLERK. 1-1-6 Select the Copy/Enter icon.


Create a shortcut in Favorites by dragging and dropping the node. 1-2-1 Navigate to the Personnel actions node. Activity group SAP_HR_ADMINCLERK  Personnel Administration  HR Master Data 1-2-3 Select the Personnel actions node and drag it to the Favorites folder. 1-2-4 Navigate to the Maintain Master Data node. Activity group SAP_HR_ADMINCLERK  Personnel Administration  HR Master Data 1-2-5 Select the Maintain Master Data node and drag it to the Favorites folder.


Answer the following questions by displaying the personnel file of Helena Camino: 1-3-1 Is Ms. Camino married? If so, what is her spouse‟s name? ____Yes, Boris___________________________ From the Favorites menu select: Maintain Master Data Enter personnel number 50991## in the Personnel no. field. Select the Basic Personal data tab. Select the entry for Personal data. Select the Display icon. Examine the entry in the Mar. status field. Select the Back icon. Select the entry for Family/Related Person.


HR050 4-45

Select the Display icon. Examine the entry in the First name field. Select the Back icon. 1-3-2 Where does she live? __52 SAP Str, SAPberg_________________________ Select the Basic Personal data tab. Select the entry for Addresses Select the Display icon. Examine the entries in the House no/street, P.code and City fields. Select the Back icon. 1-3-3 How many hours per week does she work? __37.5________________________________________ Select the Basic contract data tab. Select the entry for Planned Working Time. Select the Display icon. Examine the entry in the Weekly work hr field. Select the Back icon. 1-3-4 What is her annual salary? _34,200 UNI________________________________ Select the Gross / Net payroll tab. Select the entry for Basic Pay. Select the Display icon. Examine the entry in the Annual salary field. Select the Back icon. 1-4

Change Ms. Camino‟s address to 9750 Lilly Lane information without saving a history of the change. From the Favorites menu select: Maintain Master Data Enter personnel number 50991## in the Personnel no. field. Select the Basic Personal data tab. Select the entry for Addresses data. Select the Change icon. Change the entry in the House no./street field to 9750 Lilly Lane. Select the Save icon.


HR050 4-46


Update Helena Camino‟s Planned Working Time to part time status starting at the beginning of next month by keeping a history of the change. From the Favorites menu select: Maintain Master Data Enter personnel number 50991## in the Personnel no. field. Select the Basic contract data tab. Select the entry for Planned Working Time. Select the Copy icon. Change the From date to the beginning of the next month and select the check box for the P.-time emply. Select the Save icon.


Ms. Camino will receive a bonus in the amount of 200 UNI in her basic pay from the first day of the current month. The bonus is paid using the Direct Bonus wage type (M230). Use the Change in Pay personnel action to make this change. Delimit all relevant data. From the Favorites menu select: Personnel actions Enter personnel number 50991## in the Personnel no. field and the first day of the current month in the From field. Select the Change in Pay action. Select the Execute icon. Select the Save icon on the Actions infotype to accept the default entries. Select the Enter icon to acknowledge the informational message that the existing record will be delimited. Enter M230 in the Wage type field and 200 in the Amount field on the Basic Pay infotype. Select the Enter icon to acknowledge the informational message that the existing record will be delimited. Select the Save icon.


Use Fast entry to create Additional Payments to give the ##-Administration organizational unit a bonus of 500 UNI using today‟s date. Activity group SAP_HR_ADMINCLERK  Personnel Administration  HR Master  Fast Entry Select the Additional payment option. Select the Pre-select using report radio button in the Enter Personnel Numbers section. Select the radio button for Today in the Period section.


HR050 4-47

Select the Save the records directly in the Save options section. Select the Create icon. Select the Org Structure button. Navigate to the ##-Administration organization unit in the Choose organizational unit pop-up box and select it. Select the Continue / Enter icon. Select the Execute icon. Select all of the personnel numbers returned in the selections. Choose the Create icon. Enter CM03 in the Wage type field and 500 the Amount filed. Select the Save icon. 1-7-1 Verify the master data record was created for Ms. Camino, an employee in the ##Administration organizational unit. Activity group SAP_HR_ADMINCLERK  Personnel Administration  HR Master  Display Master Data Enter personnel number 50991## in the Personnel no. field. Select the Gross / Net payroll tab. Select the entry for Additional payments. Select the Display icon. Examine the entry in the Amount field. Review the information and select the Back icon.


HR050 4-48

Solutions Unit: Personnel Management Topic: Hiring an employee


Hire employee Jose Vega using personnel number 50992## into the ##-Administrator position in the ##-Administration organizational unit using the Hiring personnel action. He started on the first day of the current month. From the Favorites menu select: Personnel actions Enter personnel number 50992## in the Personnel no. field and the first day of the current month in the Date field. Select Hiring personnel action type. Choose the Execute icon. 2-1-1 Actions Use the search function to locate ##-Administrator in the position field. Enter CABB in the Personnel area field, 1 in the EE group field, X0 in the EE subgroup field. Select the Save icon. 2-1-2 Personal Data Select Mr. in the Form of addr field. Enter Vega in the Last name field and Jose in the First name field. Enter Select Marr. in the Mar. Status field. Use the birthdate of your choice in the Birth date field. Select the Save icon. 2-1-3 Family/Related Person Enter Maria and her birth date. Select the Save icon. 2-1-4 Organizational Assignment In the Enterprise Structure portion of the screen, enter 0002 in the Personnel subarea field. Select the Save icon, and delimit the vacancy if prompted. 2-1-5 Addresses Enter 255 SAP Lane in the House no/Street field. Enter 19111/SAPberg in the P.code/City fields. Enter the region and country of your choice. Select the Save icon.


HR050 4-49

2-1-6 Planned working time Verify NORM is in the Work sched. Rule field. Select the Save icon. 2-1-7 Basic Pay In the Pay Scale portion of the screen, enter E01 / 01 in the Group / Level fields. Select the Save icon. 2-1-8 Bank Details Select the Bank key for Citibank and bank account 1236547. Select the Save icon. 2-1-9 Absence Quotas Verify Absence/Quota type 10/Leave is in the AccA/Quota fields. Select the Save icon.


HR050 4-50


Contents:  Overview and Prerequisites  Enrolling in Benefit Plans

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 5-1

Benefits: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to describe:  The basic features of R/3 Benefits  The prerequisites for R/3 Benefits  The major steps of the enrollment process  List the main benefits processes

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 5-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Course Overview Overview


Navigation Navigation




Structures Structures in in Human Human Resources Resources




Personnel Personnel Management Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 5-3


Travel Travel Management Management

Benefits: Business Scenario

 Within your business, employees enroll

themselves in various benefit plans thereby taking advantage of varying benefits.

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 5-4

User Role-Specific Menus : Example  The line manager has his/her own user menu that contains the tasks that he/she typically performs:

Benefits Overview Information system Costs and contributions Health plan costs Insurance plan costs Savings plan contributions Flexible spending account contributions Stock purchase plan contributions Miscellaneous plan costs/contributions Statistics Benefit election analysis  SAP AG 1999

For the Benefit component, SAP delivers five pre-defined user roles:  SAP_HR_MANAGER_BEN_AG  SAP_HR_ LINEMANAGER_BEN_AG  SAP_HR_ BEN-SPECIALIST_BEN_AG  SAP_HR_ SYSTEMADMIN_BEN_AG  SAP_HR_ ADMINCLERK_BEN_AG  You can also create your own user roles.


HR050 5-5

There are six international plan categories defined in the system: Health, Insurance, Savings, Stock Purchase, Credit and Miscellaneous.  There is one benefit plan category that is specific to North America. It is the Flexible Spending Accounts category.  The category defines the attributes of a plan. This determines how the plans are set up in customizing and how employees are enrolled in the plans.


HR050 5-6

Overview of Benefits


Benefits Plans


Employee  SAP AG 1999

In some countries, it is normal for the employee to participate in benefit plans offered by the employer. Companies frequently offer benefits packages at a reduced rate to employers. This results in considerably cheaper contributions for the employee, than those they would have to pay, were they to enroll privately. Employees enroll themselves in these plans and receive varying benefits, according to the varying plans. Either the employer or the employee, or both, pay the contributions; this varies from case to case. You can put together varying plans for different employees depending on many factors. You store the restrictions and eligibility in the implementation guide. Therefore the processing of an employee‟s benefits is made very easy


HR050 5-7

Within Benefits, the system enables you to differentiate between different forms of enrollment.  Open Enrollment: This is an annual process whereby the employee selects the plans which are available to them once a year or change existing enrollment plans.  Enrollment Based on an Adjustment Reason (work/life event) Work/life events such as initial hire, birth or marriage allow an employee to enroll or change benefit options  Default or Automatic Plans For example, when an employee is hired, he/she can be enrolled into a standard plan (until he/she has completed their probationary period); for the time being, this offers a minimal number of benefits.  Enrollment at any time: The employee can enroll themselves for the plans that they are eligible for, or change existing plans at any time.


HR050 5-8

Master Data Infotype Requirements   

0000 0000 Actions Actions 0001 Org. 0001 Org. Assignment Assignment

employee employee must must exist exist

0002 0002 Personal Personal Data Data 0008 0008 Basic Basic pay pay 0014 Recur. Deds.. Payments/ 0014 Recur. Payments/Deds Payments/Deds. 0015 0015 Additional Additional Payments Payments 0001 0001 Org. Org. Assignment Assignment 0007 0007 Planned Planned Working Working Time Time 0057 0057 Membership Membership Fees Fees 0094 0094 Residence Residence Status Status 0001, 0001, 0002, 0002, 0008, 0008, 0057, 0057, 0094 0094 0077 Addit. . Personal Data 0077 Addit Addit. Personal Data 0006 0006 Addresses Addresses 0007 0007 Planned Planned Working Working Time Time 0021 0021 Family/Related Family/Related Person Person 0000 0000 Actions Actions

cost, cost, coverage, coverage, credit credit and and benefit benefit salary salary calculations calculations benefit benefit area, area, first first program program grouping, grouping, second second program program grouping, grouping, adjustment adjustment grouping grouping cost cost grouping, grouping, coverage coverage grouping grouping EE and ER EE and ER contribution contribution grouping, grouping, credit grouping, credit grouping, eligibility eligibility grouping grouping zip zip code code eligibility eligibility related related person person group group termination termination grouping grouping

 SAP AG 1999

 

Before you enroll employees in benefits, specific records in master data and benefits must be in place. At a minimum, you must have the Actions (0000), Organizational Assignment (0001) and Personal Data (0002) infotypes in place in master data. You may need additional infotypes for cost calculations such as Basic Pay (0008) if cost is based on salary.  You must have the General Benefits Data infotype (0171), and if enrollment is due to a work/life event an Adjustment Reasons infotype (0378) must be in place as well.  In the General Benefits Data (0171) infotype, you store employee‟s assignment to a benefit area, first and second program grouping. The benefit area represents a subdivision, e.g., according to regional or organizational point of view. The program groupings are employee subdivisions, e.g., according to employee subgroup or employment. You can overwrite these subdivisions, but how they interact determines eligibility. The General Benefits Data infotype appears and containing default values already in place.  The Adjustment Reasons (0378) infotype is used to store the reason why the employee can make changes to their current benefits.  Note: You may also be required to maintain the Medical Benefits Data (0376) infotype in some countries.  You should include the necessary infotypes in your Hiring personnel action.


HR050 5-9

What Happens During the Enrollment Process? Offer

General Benefits Data (IT 0171)

Benefit plan DENT

Adjustment Reasons (IT 0378) Personal Data (IT 0002)

Benefit plan LIFE

Plan selection

Org. Assignment (IT 0001) Actions (IT 0000) • Personnel event

Benefit plan MED1 • Provider • Plan Data • Regulatory reports

Consistency check

• Attributes • Wage types

• Status


• Organizational assignment

Master Master data data and and benefits benefits ... infotype infotype records records

Credit Plan (IT 0236) Miscellaneous Plan (IT 0377) Insurance Plan (IT 0168)

 SAP AG 1999

Savings Plan (IT 0169) Stock Purchase Plan (IT 0379)

• Plan dates

Spending Account (IT 0170) Health Plan (IT 0167)

• Employee data

• Plan data

• Plan attributes

• Plan dates

• Benefits salary/ coverage (annual)

• Employee data

• Cost

• Cost

• Plan data

Benefit Benefit plan plan set-up in set-up in IMG IMG

Creation Creation of of new new plans plans

• Plan attributes

Enrollment requires employee master data records and benefit plan data to enroll the employee in benefit plans.  The benefit plan infotype records are created by the enrollment process. You only need to select the plan options for the employee, and the infotype records are created automatically by the system.  Note: Plans in which the employee is already participating, are considered in the offer as well.  Note: In the enrollment process, you do not only create plans for employees, but you can also stop the participation in an existing plan in the given time period.


HR050 5-10

A matrix that cross references first and second program grouping allows you to define different programs with different options for employees. Depending on an employee‟s data, he/she will be eligible for one of these programs.  A program is a restricted list of plans (made up of benefits) for a certain group of employees.  An employee„s eligibility for a specific benefits program is defined through a combination of benefit area, first and second program grouping.


HR050 5-11

Benefits Enrollment Human Resources Manager’s Desktop Personnel management Benefits



Direct selection

Selection set

Open offer for


Mrs Dana Moore

Personal Number DNI


Please choose an offer:

Enrollment period

Flex Credits Select Select

Open offer Default offer Automatic offer Always avail. offer

Pers. No. 4487


Mrs Dana Moore

Flex Credit Plan 1 Flex Credit Plan 2 Dental Standard Dental Plan Standard Dental Plan Medical Medical Plan 1 Mediacl Plan 2

01.01.1999-31.12.1999 01.01.1999-31.12.1999 01.01.1999-13.07.1999 14.07.1999-31.12.1999 01.01.1999-31.12.1999 01.01.1999-31.12.1999

 SAP AG 1999

Under Enrollment, you have to specify an offer type before you get the list of all plans offered for an employee.  As you enroll each employee, the system automatically presents only those plans for which the employee is eligible.  The system also calculates the cost of the plan options, which can vary for each employee.


HR050 5-12

Enrollment Processing 4401 Miss Rose Salzar Plan Fitness Center Valid 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000

Enrollment Enroll Direct selection

Selection set

Offer for Option

Personnel no

Plan option DNI

454-58-7611 Select


02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Costs UNI Semi-monthly Employee Employer

4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406

Mr Boris Kapinsky Mr Mikio Oyana Miss Winnie Chung Mr Bahy Crhak Dr Francesca Bertolini Mr Pierre Canguihem Miss Denise Carter Dr Julie Palmer Dr Nielsen Thor Dr Miguel Santos Mis Rose Salzar Ms Marsha Bond Mrs Sophie Thibideaux Mr Kal Nilshids Marie-France Cabrera Ms Sarah Bartlett

Fitness Standard

11.00 Please choose an3.50 offer

02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000

Open offer Initial enrollment Default offer Automatic offer

02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000

Suppl. Life Supplemental Life insurance Savings Standard Savings Special Savings Stock Purchase Alternative Stock Standard Stock

02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000

 SAP AG 1999

Your selected plan will be displayed where options and dependents can be selected.


HR050 5-13

Enrollment Processing Continued

Enrollment Enroll Direct selection

Offer for

Selection set

Personnel no Action DNI


Standard Medical



Vision Plan



02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000


Standard Life Ins.




Standard Savings



02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000

Select Create

4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406


Add’l Info

From Offer for Standard Dental 02.09.1999

Create 454-58-7611 Create


Create Charity Welfare 02.09.1999 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Mr Boris Kapinsky Create Fitness Center 02.09.1999 31.12.2000 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Mr Mikio Oyana Create Alternative Stock Pur. 02.09.1999 31.12.2000 Miss Winnie Chung Enrollment completed successfully 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Mr Bahy Crhak 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Dr Francesca Bertolini Mr Pierre Canguihem Execute enrollment 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Miss Denise Carter 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Dr Julie Palmer Suppl. Life Dr Nielsen Thor Supplemental Life insurance 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Dr Miguel Santos Savings Mis Rose Salzar Confirmation Continue Standard Savings 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Ms Marsha Bond Special Savings 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Mrs Sophie Thibideaux Stock Purchase Mr Kal Nilshids Alternative Stock 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Marie-France Cabrera Standard Stock 02.09.1999 - 31.12.2000 Ms Sarah Bartlett

 SAP AG 1999

After you execute enrollment, a message will be displayed indicating whether or not your enrollment was successful.


HR050 5-14

Termination Termination: Overview

Direct selection

Selection set

Termination for


Mrs Dana Moore

on 29.07.1999

Personal Number DNI

Valid from

Select Select

Pers. No.

Mrs Dana Moore


Terminate on 29.07.1999

Dental Standard Dental Plan 14.07.1999-31.12.1999

Terminate on 29.07.1999

Life Insurance Standard Life Insurance

Terminate on 30.11.1999


Selection date





Flex Credits Flex Credit Plan 1


 SAP AG 1999

You receive a list of plans the employee is currently participating. The termination date proposed by the system depends on the termination rule set up in Customizing for each plan. You can overwrite this date.


HR050 5-15

Monitoring of Eligibility During Participation

Eligibility: Overview Stop participation

Validity Eligibility check 17.08.1999 10 Benefits Test Area 00004401 Miss Rose Salizar Medical for Singles 00004408 Mrs Iffat Patel Medical for Singles 00004409 Ms Elena Lopez Medical for Singles 00004456 Mr Matthias Funke Medical Plan 1 00004458 Daniela Seeber Standard Dental Plan Medical Plan 1

Reason for ineligibility

01.01.1999-31.12.9999 Address (type Home address) of employee does not exist 01.01.1999-31.12.9999 Address (type Home address) of employee does not exist 01.01.1999-31.12.9999 Address (type Home address) of employee does not exist 01.05.1998-31.12.9999 Employee 00004456 is not enrolled in all corequisite plans for MED 1 01.01.1999-31.121999 Employee 00004458 is not enrolled in all corequisite plans for DENT 01.01,1999-30.09.1999 Employee 00004458 is not enrolled in all corequisite plans for MED 1

 SAP AG 1999

Once employees are participating in plans, you can check that they continue to fulfill all eligibility criteria for the plans.  The system checks:  Is the plan in program?  Is eligibility rule fulfilled (e.g. waiting period, min. working time, min./max. age, zip code)?  Are corequisites fulfilled?


HR050 5-16


Insurability: Overview Insurability proven

Stop participation STATUS

Insurability on 17.8.1999 99 Internation Simple 00004411 Chris Squire Alternative Life Insur… 00004412 Steve Howie Medical Plan 2 Alternative Life Insura… 00004413 Rymond Bednar Alternative Life Insura,,, 00004414 Kevin Benson Alternative Life Insura... 00004415 Tyra Pearson Alternative Life Insura…


End of grace period


Active plan exists

Coverage Level 1



Option 2 Coverage Level 1

09.05.999 Proven

01.01.2000-31.12.2000 01.10.1999-31.12.9999

Coverage Level 1



Coverage Level 1


Coverage Level 1


01.10.1999-31.12.9999 Legend Record is locked Active Pending Insurability proven Grace period expired Insurability not proven

 SAP AG 1999

Before employees can participate in some insurance and health plans, they must often provide Evidence of Insurability (EOI) such as a medical affidavit for proof of good health.  You can further manage EOI by terminating employee enrollments, when the employee has not provided EOI within the grace period.


HR050 5-17

Overview of Current Benefit Plans

General overview benefit plan data

Direct selection

Selection set



Mrs Dana Moore

on 29.07.1999

Personal Number Plans


Master data



Select Select

Pers. No. 4487


Mrs Dana Moore

Flex Credit Plan 1 Credit amount Standard Dental Plan Option Dependent coverage EE pre-tax ER credit Standard Life Insurance

01.01.1999-31.12.1999 USD 66,67 Semi-monthly 14.07.1999-31.12.1999 Option1 Employee only UNI 13,50 Semi-monthly UNI 5,00 Semi-monthly 01.01.1999-31.12.1999

 SAP AG 1999

In the overview screen, you get a list of plans the employee is currently participating. Plan details like options, costs, coverage, contributions, credits, dependents and investments are also displayed.


HR050 5-18

Cost Summary

General overview benefit plan data

Direct selection

Selection set

Display 4498


4498 Maria Lobos

Maria Lobos


Master data

Flex Credit Plan 1 Credit amount Standard Dental Plan Option Dependent coverage EE post-tax Standard Life Insurance Option




01.10.1999 - 31.12.9999 UNI 150.00Monthly 06.05.1998 - 31.12.9999 Option 1 Employee only UNI 8.00 Weekly 01.01.1999 - 31.12.9999 Coverage Level 1

 SAP AG 1999

This function gives you an overview of benefit enrollment costs. For each employee and plan, it provides the separate costs to the employer and the employee. The provider cost is not shown here.


HR050 5-19

Benefits: Unit Summary

You are now able to describe:  The basic features of R/3 Benefits  The prerequisites for R/3 Benefits  The major steps of the enrollment process  List the main benefits processes

 SAP AG 1999  SAP AG


HR050 5-20

Exercises Unit: Benefits Topic: Benefits enrollment At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Change your role to HR Benefits Specialist  Create the necessary master records to enroll an employee in benefits  Enroll an employee in benefits  Review an employees participation in the benefits plans The Caliber A Bicycle has decided to implement a new benefits program for employees. Jose Vega will be able to choose from several benefit plans during the initial enrollment period.


Change your role to SAP_HR_BEN-SPECIALIST.


Update Jose Vega master records to be eligible for benefits. 1-2-1 Create a General Benefits Data infotype effective from the first of this month for Mr. Vega. He benefit area is 99. He is an exempt full time employee. 1-2-2 Create an Adjustment Reason for Mr. Vega to store the initial adjustment reason for enrollment.  NOTE: The Adjustment Reasons infotype is dynamically initiated when the General benefits data is saved. Then the enrollment processing is dynamically initiated when the Adjustment Reasons infotype is saved.


Enroll Mr. Vega and his spouse in the company‟s dental and medical insurance plans. 1-3-1 Enroll him and his spouse in the Standard Dental Plan option 1. 1-3-2 Enroll him and his spouse in the Medical plan 1.


Review the benefits data created in the enrollment process. 1-4-1 Review the Standard Dental Plan records for Mr. Vega. 1-4-2 Review the Medical plan 1 records for Mr. Vega.


HR050 5-21



Execute the Benefits Overview for Mr. Vega.

HR050 5-22

Solutions Unit: Benefits Topic: Benefits Enrollment


Change your role to SAP_HR_BEN-SPECIALIST. Select the Other menu button in the SAP Easy Access menu. Select the Find icon. Enter SAP_HR_BEN-SPECIALIST in the Find field. Select the Find icon again. Select the SAP_HR_BEN-SPECIALIST. Select the Copy/Enter icon.


Update Jose Vega master records to be eligible for benefits. 1-2-1 Create a General Benefits Data infotype effective from the first of this month for Mr. Vega. He is in benefit area is 99. He is an exempt full time employee. From the Favorites menu select: Maintain Master Data Enter personnel number 50992## in the Personnel no. field. Select the Basic Personal data tab. Select the entry for General Benefits Data. Select the Create icon. Enter the From date as the first of the current month. Verify the following entries exist: Benefit Area


1st Program grouping


2nd Program grouping


Select the Save icon. 1-2-2 Create an Adjustment Reason for Mr. Vega to store the initial adjustment reason for enrollment.  NOTE: The Adjustment Reasons infotype is dynamically initiated when the General benefits data is saved. Then the enrollment processing is dynamically initiated when the Adjustment Reasons infotype is saved. Select Initial enrollment in the Adjustment reason field. (C) SAP AG

HR050 5-23

Select Yes in the Deviation from end date pop-up box. Select the Save icon. 1-3

Enroll Mr. Vega and his spouse in the company‟s dental and medical insurance plans. Navigate to the Benefits enrollment node. Activity group SAP_HR_BEN-SPECIALIST  Benefits  Enrollment Enter 50992## in the Personnel number field in the Direct selection group. Select the Enter icon. Select Initial enrollment in the Offer selection pop-up box. Select the Choose icon. 1-3-1 Enroll him and his spouse in the Standard Dental Plan option 1. Double click on the Standard Dental Plan entry. Select Option 1 in the Option field. Select Employee + Spouse in the Dependent cov. field. Select the Accept button. 1-3-2 Enroll him and his spouse in the Medical plan 1. Double click on the Medical Plan 1 entry. Select Option 1 in the Option field. Select Employee + Spouse in the Dependent cov. field. Select the Accept button. Select the Enroll button. Select the Execute enrollment button in the Confirmation of Selected Actions pop-up box. Select the Continue button in the Enrollment pop-up box.


Review the benefits data created in the enrollment process. 1-4-1 Review the Standard Dental Plan records for Mr. Vega. From the Favorites menu select: Maintain Master Data Enter personnel number 50992## in the Personnel no. field. Enter Health Plans in the Direct selection – Infotype field. Select the Display icon. Review the Plan data for the Standard Dental plan. 1-4-2 Select the Next record icon and review the plan data for the Medical plan 1.


Execute the Benefits Overview for Mr. Vega. Navigate to the Benefits enrollment node.


HR050 5-24

Activity group SAP_HR_BEN-SPECIALIST  Benefits  Overview Enter 50992## in the Personnel number filed in the Direct selection group. Select the Enter icon. Review the Overview tab.


HR050 5-25

Development and Training

Contents:  Qualifications and Requirements  Career and Succession Planning  Training and Event Management  Development Plans  Appraisal Systems

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-1

Development and Training: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  Create and use qualifications and requirements  Start career and succession planning scenarios  Carry out day-to-day business in Training and Event Management  Create development plans  Create Appraisals

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-3


Travel Management

Development and Training: Business Scenario

 Positions have certain requirements that must be

  

met, and employees have certain qualifications and skills. These requirements and qualifications have to be entered in the system so that they can be compared (matched up) with each other. Employees can obtain additional qualifications and in this way be trained for other positions. The performance of employees is appraised regularly. Employees with qualification deficits can be booked into business events (training courses) that provide the employees in question with the qualifications they require. Suitable development plans can be drawn up for employees.

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-4

Qualifications and Requirements: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Create new entries in the qualifications catalog  Define profiles  Report on profiles  Determine any need for further training

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-5

Personnel Development and Qualifying Actions

Position of “Administrator” Profile Matchup Job Person

Position of “Dept Manager”

Development Plans Appraisals

Actual / target proficiency

Certificate of attendance at Microsoft Word course

 SAP AG 1999

Microsoft Word skills required? Seminar

The Personnel Development component allows you to maximize the value that your employees provide to your company. You can plan and implement specific personnel and training measures to promote the professional development of your employees. You can also increase the job satisfaction of your employees by considering their preferences and suitability for their jobs. In this way, you can ensure that employees in all functional areas of your company are always qualified to the required standards.  The personnel development requirements of an organization are determined by comparing the current or future working requirements with the qualifications (and preferences) that your employees already have. The aim of a development measure can be specific (for example, an employee is to be transferred to a specific post), or more general (for example, ensuring that employees are sufficiently qualified to keep up with technical developments).  Qualifying actions (training courses, job rotation, etc.) can be grouped together into development plans (e.g. “trainee program for sales staff”). This is referred to as a general development plan because it applies to employees in general. These general development plans can be tailored to the needs of individual employees.  An employee's performance and behavior can be appraised. The results of such an appraisal can supply information for planning the employee's further career development.


HR050 6-6

Personnel Development Line Manager Role

SAP Easy Access Favorites Personnel management > Administration > HR Master Data Activity group SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD For organizational unit Personnel Development Profile Display Change Planning Career Succession Individual development Info system Reports Reporting tools Settings

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-7

Planning for Organizational Unit

Administrator X is responsible for org.unit “Purchasing”

Access automatically via the appropriate org.unit

Settings for Personnel Development Gen. settings Plan version


Current plan

……. Structural access Org.unit




 SAP AG 1999

Relevant functionality in Personnel Development

The Planning for Organizational Unit function allows you to restrict your view to one organizational unit. You can access the relevant change, display, and reporting functions of Personnel Development directly.  You can specify a permanent default organizational unit in user parameter PEO. You can also specify one temporarily by making user specific settings in the Personnel Development menu. These user specific settings make data entry faster and more user friendly.  Other Personnel Development parameters: - PEH: Disregard depreciation meter PEM: Include essential requirements - PES: Include alternative quals POP: Plan version - PEO: Specify default org. unit BEG/END: Start and end date  If you do not change these user parameters, you can ensure that all of the data evaluations performed by one user have been performed using the same settings (and, consequently, that they can be compared with each other).


HR050 6-8

Qualifications / Requirements

Requirements List of skills and experience required in order to be suitable for a job, position, task, or work center.

Profile Matchup Job


Qualifications List of skills that make an employee suitable for a job, position, task, or work center.

Qualification Requirement  SAP AG 1999

Qualifications can, for example, be assigned to employees and positions. However, if, for example, a qualification is assigned to a position, it is referred to as a “requirement.”  All qualifications (and requirements) are stored in a central catalog. In fact, qualifications and requirements are the same objects - they are referred to by different names to show how they are applied. This means that it is possible to compare an employee's qualifications against the requirements defined for a position.


HR050 6-9

Qualifications Catalog

Qualification group

Catalog Catalog

Language Language skills skills

French French language language skills skills

Programming Programming languages languages

English English language language skills skills

Business Business English English

Knowledge Knowledge of of C++ C++

Technical Technical English English

Knowledge Knowledge of of C C

Knowledge Knowledge of of ABAP ABAP

100% alternative qualification

Qualifications  SAP AG 1999

     

The qualifications catalog contains all the qualifications (object type Q) that are of interest to an organization. The qualifications catalog contains qualification groups and qualifications. Qualification groups are used to structure the qualifications catalog. A qualification group can contain other qualification groups, and qualifications. Qualification groups have object type QK. Qualifications can contain other qualifications. Qualifications are assigned to persons, jobs, positions, etc. You can create your own quality scales so that you can record the proficiencies of qualifications. The user defines the number of entries on a scale, and the proficiency texts that you want to use. You must assign a proficiency scale to every qualification group. This scale is then passed on (”inherited”) to the qualifications of the group in question. You can assign one or more alternative qualifications to a qualification. The relationship that is created is bi-directional (if A is an alternative to B, then B is also an alternative to A). You can also specify the extent to which one qualification replaces another as a percentage value. You can only define qualification A as an alternative to qualification B if both A and B use the same scales. (If they use different scales, then presumably they are so different that they could not be used as alternatives anyway). If qualifications have different scales, they cannot be compared against each other.


HR050 6-10

Internet Entry for Qualifications

Navigation menu Start page

Skills Profile


Help Display path

Add General technical knowledge Artifical intelligence Business process technology Industrial skills Knowledge of Inventory management Knowledge of PC hardware technique Knowledge of electronics Knowledge of Materials MSDS - Technician Manufacturing Mechanical skills Production of paints and car parts Quality management Security requirements Knowledge of computer science Knowledge of engineering

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-11

Business French language skills

Native speaker

Business Process Technology


HR Personnel Admin. Functionality


Knowl. Career and Succession Planning


Perceptive ability


Creating Profiles for Persons/Applicants…

A A person person has has subprofiles subprofiles Who made last change Development Plan Qualifications




Dev. Plan History Appraisals where apprai...



Start date

Q 50000401 HR Management skills



28.07.2000 31.12.9999


Q 50000831 HR Personnel Admin.Func



28.07.2000 31.12.9999


Q 50000449 Independence and initiative



28.07.2000 31.12.9999


Q 50000189 Knowledge of Wordprocessing 3


28.07.2000 31.12.9999


Q 50000453 Leadewrship skills


28.07.2000 31.12.9999



End date

N… User name

T Object ID Description


 SAP AG 1999

You use a profile to store special information about a person. Every profile contains some standard information (such as name, date of birth, and so on), and a number of subprofiles (qualifications, potentials, for example).  The Qualifications subprofile is used to store information about a person's skills and abilities. You use the qualifications catalog to create this subprofile.  The Potentials subprofile is used to store forecasts regarding a person's suitability and development potential.  The Preferences subprofile is used to store information on how a person envisages his or her own professional development. The Dislikes subprofile is used for the same purpose.


HR050 6-12

Creating Profiles for Jobs/Positions

A A position position has has requirements requirements Inherited Requirements

T ObjectD


Stat.. ID



Start date End date

Q 50000442 Ability to organize and act


Invalid proficiency

01.01.1994 31.12.9999

Q 50000401 HR Management skills



28.07.2000 31.12.9999.

Q 50000831 HR Personnel Admin. Functionality



28.07.2000 31.12.9999.

Q 50000315 Knowledge of Desktop publishing



28.07.2000 31.12.9999.

Q 50000313 Knowledge of general office activities



28.07.2000 31.12.9999.



28.07.2000 31.12.9999.

Q 50000316 Knowledge of general office policies

 SAP AG 1999

The Requirements subprofile is used to store typical requirements (including type of requirement, and proficiency) for jobs, positions, and so on. You use the qualifications catalog to create this subprofile.  Essential requirements are requirements that are mandatory (that is, they must be met). You can use this as a criterion when you try to find suitable persons for a position, for example. In this case, the system will only select persons who fulfill all essential requirements.  The requirements of a job are passed on to the positions created by the job in Org. Management. Any additional requirements can then be defined specifically for the position.


HR050 6-13

  

You can use this evaluation to find objects (persons, applicants, companies, and so on) with specific qualifications. You can specify the exact proficiencies required for each qualification, and define criteria to restrict the search to fewer objects. Use this evaluation if you want to:  Find persons with specific qualifications  Select applicants with the appropriate qualifications  Identify companies or customers that fulfill specific criteria  Identify members in a team in a specific organizational unit who would be suitable for a particular project  Identify employees in a personnel area who are overqualified or underqualified in certain respects The system outputs a list of objects that fulfill the selection criteria specified. For more information, refer to the SAP Library (Human Resources  PA Personnel Management  Personnel Development  Qualifications and Requirements  Finding Objects for Qualifications). This evaluation is also used in the Recruitment component.


HR050 6-14

Profile Matchups

Persons, Applicants, Users, ...

Job, Position, ...

Qualifications       


Over/under-qualification Alternative qualifications Graphical display Further training proposals Qualification deficits Development Plans .......

 SAP AG 1999

Profile matchups allow you to compare qualifications and requirements with each other. You can include as many objects as you please in a profile matchup.  If you use the SAP Training and Event Management component, you can use the Generate training proposals function to have the system propose suitable training courses (business events) to rectify any qualification deficits that become apparent when you perform a profile matchup. You can make direct bookings onto these business events and development plans.  You can use the Qualification deficits only function to restrict the profile matchup results list to objects that have qualification deficits (that is, the qualification is lower than requirement or the qualification does not exist).


HR050 6-15

Profile Matchup: Example

2D view 3D view Groups Left Sel. Up Sel. Down Right First selection



Qualification Knowledge of multimedia Verbal, written communicative skills Pace of work Willingness to assume responsibility Independence and initiative Adaptability Leadership skills Business English language skills Work conduct and general conduct Knowledge in Wordprocessing/Winword


120 100 80 60 40 20 0

 SAP AG 1999

Helena Camino

Knowledge of multimedia Verbal, written comm, skills Willingness to assume Independ. And Initiatives responsiblit Bus. Eng. Language skills Leadership skills Knowledge in Wordprocessing/ Windword

00 asst Pace of work Adaptability Work conduct and general conduct

If different scales appear in a profile matchup, they are standardized so that they can be compared against each other.  The system also has a graphical display option for profile matchups.


HR050 6-16

Training Proposals for Qualification Deficits

Word for Windows



Business Events



Word for Windows







Word for Windows 5/1 - 5/5 Word for Windows 6/11 - 6/15

 SAP AG 1999

Should a qualification deficit arise, you can have the system automatically propose a business event that will eliminate this deficit.  If a business event is available, you can book the person onto this event directly. If not, you can create prebookings to indicate that the person would like to attend a business event of this type.  Please note, you can also enroll an employee into a business event through a development plan.


HR050 6-17

Career and Succession Planning: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Describe how careers are defined and structured  Work through career planning scenarios  Work through succession planning scenarios

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-18

Career Planning / Succession Planning

Career Planning is used to find a position within the organization that is suitable for a specific employee.

Succession Planning is used to find a suitable successor for a position within the organization.  SAP AG 1999

Sometimes employees want to do something different and change their role in the company. In Career Planning, the system proposes the jobs that would be suitable for an employee. You can display positions also, and in this way find out if there is a requirement at present. Vacancies and staffing periods are listed for the positions.  If a position is vacant, a suitable successor will have to be found. Succession Planning proposes persons who might be suitable for the position.


HR050 6-19

Career and Succession Planning

Qualifications Preferences


Career Planning and Succession Planning


Dislikes Career

 SAP AG 1999

Career planning and succession planning scenarios are based on the qualifications, preferences, potentials, careers, dislikes, and designations entered in the system. This information is stored in subprofiles.  Note: Career models (careers) can (but do not necessarily have to) be used for personnel development purposes.


HR050 6-20


Head Department Manager

Commercial career

Department Manager

Marketing Employee

Sales Assistant


 SAP AG 1999

Careers are generalized paths within an organizational structure (that is, they do not refer to specific persons). Careers represent the main personnel development paths within an organization, and can be used as a basis for implementing the Career and Succession Planning component.  A career contains a number of jobs and/or positions, and can extend across all of the organizational units in an organization. Careers are objects in their own right. There is no limit to the number of careers you can define within an organizational structure.  Careers are displayed and edited using SAP Network Graphics.  Career items are organized so that the items lowest in the hierarchy appear at the bottom. Items from the same hierarchy level appear beside each other.


HR050 6-21

Training and Event Management: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Carry out day-to-day business in Training and Event Management  Trigger correspondence  Discuss Knowledge Management component  Follow up business events  Perform a range of reporting options

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-22

Integration with Other Application Components

Time Time Management Management

Organizational Organizational Management Management

Personnel Personnel Administration Administration

Materials Materials Management Management

Cost Cost Accounting Accounting

Training and Event Management

Sales Sales and and Distribution Distribution

Personnel Personnel Development Development

R/3 R/3 Appointment Appointment Calendar Calendar SAP SAP Knowledge Knowledge Management Management

 SAP AG 1999

         

Integration with other Application components enables direct and efficient exchange of data that can be further processed in Training and Event Management: Organizational Management Organizational units can be booked as attendees and can organize business events Personnel Administration Persons from the HR master data record can be booked as attendees or as instructors Time Management Attendance records are stored and compatibility/availability checks can be carried out for internal attendees and instructors Personnel Devealopment Qualifications can be checked and transferred; use of appraisal system Cost Accounting Attendance fees and instructor fees can be settled with Internal Activity Allocation Sales and Distribution Attendance fees can be billed; customers and contact persons can be booked as attendee types Materials Management Materials from the Material Master can be reserved as resources for business events; purchase requisitions and material reservations can be generated Appointment calendar calendars of internal employees are automatically maintained for event attendance or instructor function SAP Knowledge Warehouse Links to all Info objects in SAP Knowledge Warehouse (Training course materials, CBTs, etc.


HR050 6-23

Processes in Training and Event Management Business Event Preparation:  Create business event groups  Create event environment  Create business event types

Day-To-Day Activities:  Attendance  book  prebook  replace  rebook  cancel  Correspondence

Business Event Catalog:  Plan business event dates  Reserve resources  Create business event dates  Plan dates based on demand

Recurring Activities:  Business events  firmly book/cancel  lock/unlock  follow up  Carry out appraisals  Carry out billing and internal cost allocation

 SAP AG 1999

 

 

The business event preparation phase is the prerequisite for all of the subsequent activities carried out in Training and Event Management. In this phase, you create data such as time schedules, locations, resources, and of course, the business event groups and types that form the basic framework for your business event catalog. You then create your business event catalog: you schedule definite dates for events, you create events with or without resources, and you plan events based on the demand that exists for them. Once you have created your business event catalog, you can carry out day-to-day activities for the events. You can make bookings for both internal and external attendees, prebook attendance, replace bookings, rebook and cancel attendance. The accompanying correspondence is available for output for each of the activities. Recurring activities refers to activities that occur periodically such as firmly booking events, locking and unlocking events, cancellation and follow-up processing. There is an extensive array of reports available for the various areas of Training and Event Management.


HR050 6-24

Business Event Cycle in the Dynamic Menus Business event preparation: Master Data menu

Create business event catalog: Business Event menu and Planning menu Reserve Resources: Resource Menu

Reporting: Information menu

Booking activities: Attendance menu Billing/cost allocation: Business Event menu Firmly book business event: Business Event menu Follow-up processing: Business Event menu  SAP AG 1999

This schematic illustration shows you which dynamic menu to choose to carry out the various functions and activities in Training and Event Management.  The user-friendly, intuitive interface of the dynamic menus, coupled with the extensive functions they contain, guarantee that you always retain the most up-to-date overview of your planning data and provide you with a clearly structured environment that makes data maintenance faster and more efficient.


HR050 6-25

Business Event Planning




Demand determination

Location Location and language based planning

Plan specifications Date proposals


Resource reservaton Reservation plan

Holiday calendar

 SAP AG 1999

You plan business events in the dynamic Planning menu. You use the Plan function when you want to create multiple event dates simultaneously based on the demand that exists for them. You can plan as many events as you want in a given time period. You can take account of various time-related conditions and resource availability.  The planning process comprises two steps: - Specification or determination of business event demand Demand can be calculated automatically on the basis of the prebookings received for the event type to date, the bookings made the previous year, or the demand figures from the previous year„s planning. Alternatively, you can specify demand manually. - Planning business event dates The system determines a number of date proposals for the event you want to plan taking your calendar and resource specifications into account. In the event that resource requirements are not fully covered on the proposed dates, you can make manual adjustments to the reservation data. The reservation plan provides you with a clear overview of the reservation status of individual resources.


HR050 6-26

Business Event Hierarchy Language Language Courses Courses

Spanish Spanish Courses Courses

Business event group

English English Courses Courses

Business event type Beginner‟s Beginner‟s Spanish Spanish

Beginner‟s Beginner‟s Spanish Spanish 7/5 7/5 -- 7/8/00 7/8/00

Advanced Advanced Spanish Spanish

Advanced Advanced Spanish Spanish 9/20 9/20 -- 9/23/00 9/23/00

Business event

Advanced Advanced Spanish Spanish 10/18 10/18 -- 10/21/00 10/21/00

 SAP AG 1999

 

  

The business events on offer are organized into a hierarchical structure (the business event hierarchy) comprising business event groups and business event types. A business event group is a coherent grouping together of business events types with similar characteristics. You can also combine several business event groups into a single business event group (in other words, business event groups can be structured hierarchically themselves). A business event type is a generalized description of a business event. You do not define specific dates for a business event type. Business event types are assigned to business event groups. A business event is a specific occurrence of a business event type on a specific date. A business event inherits all of the characteristics of the business event type in question. Attendance bookings are made for specific business events.


HR050 6-27

Menu Structure Settings/views

English English Courses Courses Beginner‟s English

 Key  Abbreviation  Additional info  Selection criteria  Initial access or overall view  Period  Language

Advanced English

Right Mouse Click on Business Event

07/05/1999 - 07/08/1999

Advanced English

09/20/1999 - 09/23/1999

Advanced English 

10/18/1999 - 10/21/1999 11/08/1999 - 11/11/1999 Business English Technical English

Advanced English   Advanced English     

Book Book list Display Attendee List Cancellations Time Schedule Resources Link Knowledge Link

 SAP AG 1999

The data you create in your business event hierarchy is presented in a clearly structured way in the dynamic menus. For example, the display of a business event group includes the underlying event groups, event types, events, and attendees. At the level of the business event itself, the traffic light icon provides you with information on the availability of places.  By defining filters and selection criteria, you can regulate in more detail the information displayed. For example, you can specify a particular business event language, planned events only, or canceled events only.  Prerequisite: A structure comprising business event groups and types must exist.  By right mouse clicking on any object in the dynamic menu structure you access all functions that are possible for the respective object (see example for Business Event).


HR050 6-28

Operating the Enhanced Search Function

Dynamic Business Event Menu

1. Choose enhanced search function Current plan 12.06.1999 - 13.09.1999 German Common Group IDES - Company Training IDES - Languages IDES - Management Training Economics Management techniques Communication class Organization / planning

2. Choose object for which search is to be performed

Business event group Business event type

4. Search result: the dynamic menu is drilled down to the object found

Business e...

Abbreviation Description Qualification Targ. group Search string Imparts

LEADERSHIP Presupposes

3. Specify additional search option (for business event types, attendees and resources)

 SAP AG 1999

 

 

You can initiate a search for any object that exists in the dynamic menu structure, such as event types, events, attendees, resources, and resource types (in the dynamic resource menu and the master data catalog), by choosing the “binoculars” icon in the menu bar. It is not necessary that the structure is expanded for the search. There are additional search options for some objects:  In the case of business event types, you can search on the description and also search on the basis of objects related with the event type. You can for example search for a business event type by specifying a certain qualification imparted or presupposed by it (see slide). Similarly, you can specifiy the target audience to find the event type.  In the case of attendees, you can initiate an object type-specific search. For instance, you can search for customers that are booked for events.  In the case of resources, you can initiate an object type-specific search in the master data catalog. For example, you can search specifically for external instructors. If the system finds multiple objects, it displays these for selection in a dialog box. Once you select an object from the list or if only one object is found in the search, the structure of the pertinent root object is expanded down to the respective object. The cursor is automatically positioned on this object and the line is highlighted.


HR050 6-29

Day-To-Day Activities: Dynamic Attendance Menu

Attendance Book



Rebook Replace  SAP AG 1999

 

   

The dynamic attendance menu enables you to use the functions associated with attendance bookings. In other words, you can use all of the functions for day-to-day attendance booking activities. In the dynamic attendance menu you can: - Book attendances - Prebook attendances - Replace attendances - Rebook attendances - Cancel attendances - Book attendance lists You can use functions in the attendance menu at the following three levels: At the business event type level, you can use the Prebook functions.. At the business event level, you can use the Book function. At the attendee level, you can use the Rebook attendance, Cancel, and Replace functions. You can also book at this level. If you do so, all of the dates that have been defined for the business event type are proposed - just like at the business event type level.


HR050 6-30

Booking Attendances

Attendee Types  Person  Applicant  Organizational unit  User  Contact person  Customer  External person  Company  Interested party

Bookings  Take capacity into account  Prioritize

Checks  Availability (is the instructor already reserved for another event?)  Time conflicts (attendances/absences)  Prerequisites (business event types, qualifications)

1999 1999 5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25

 SAP AG 1999

If you want to register attendees for a business event, you book these attendees for the business event. You can book individual attendees for the attendee types: person, user, external person, applicant and contact person (single bookings) or you can book group attendees for the attendee types: company, organizational unit, customer or interested party (group bookings). You can book the different attendee types with different priorities, this is done using the booking priority. You can use the booking priority to control whether the booking is an essential booking, a normal booking or a waiting list booking. Once the optimum number of attendees (capacity) is reached, you can only make essential bookings. Once the maximum number of attendees is reached, you can only make waiting list bookings. When you make a booking, a check is run to see whether an attendee is also an instructor on another course at the same time and, as a result, cannot attend the course. A check is also run to see if attendance of one course overlaps with attendance of another. If integration with the Time Management component is active, the system checks if the person is available during the period in question. If the attendee being booked is an object of the type Person, the corresponding attendance records are written to Time Management. If desired, a check can also be run to see whether the attendee has attended the prerequisite business events and/or attained the required qualifications to attend the event.


HR050 6-31

Correspondence  Edit ready-to-print correspondence  Notify instructors and attendees  Modify standard letters  Attendance confirmation  Provisional acceptance  Rejections  etc.

 Select output media  Printer  Internet  Fax  Screen  E-mail  Telex

 Correspondence history  SAP AG 1999

  

The Correspondence function enables you to output various notifications to business event attendees. You can use a variety of output media such as printer, fax, screen, or e-mail. Correspondence can be triggered automatically when certain functions (for example, Book attendance or Cancel attendance) are executed. In Customizing, you define which output options should be used.  You can also trigger correspondence manually from the menu. You can trigger attendance-related correspondence from the Attendance menu (and, of course, from the main Training and Event Management menu). You can select the output medium on the data screen. On the screen that follows this, enter the business event for which the correspondence is to be displayed, and execute the function.  The correspondence history is created for all correspondence (and output) in connection with activities in SAP Training and Events that require notification. You can use this history to check what correspondence has been sent to which recipients for which activities. The history also records who triggered the correspondence output and when.


HR050 6-32

Following Up Business Events Output confirmation of attendance Attendance

Transfer Qualifications



Business English

Confirmation Business English for Lisa Fischer

Lisa Fischer

Complete Attendee Appraisal

Delete attendance booking Bo




Business English 10/02/99 11/27/99

Lisa Fischer

Create business event type attendee relationship Attended events of type

Lisa Fischer

Business English

Was attended by

 SAP AG 1999

 

You can perform follow up activities once a business event has started. Prerequisites: - The status of the business event must be “firmly booked” - The business event must not be canceled - The business event must not have a historical record flag (see below)  Follow-up activities include the following: - Transferring the skills imparted by a business event as qualifications to its attendees - Deleting all attendance bookings - Creating a relationship between the business event type and the attendee - Historically recording the business event - Printing attendance confirmations  Note: Which of these activities are performed will depend on the settings you have made in Customizing for the Procedure infotype (1030). You can maintain this infotype for each business event type.  Caution: Once a business event has been historically recorded, you cannot undo this. In other words, you cannot change business events if they have historical records!


HR050 6-33

Information Menu

You can access these reports in the Information menu:



Attendee list

Resource reservation

Business event schedule

Available/reserved resources

Business event brochure



Training history of an attendee Attendance and sales statistics


…..  SAP AG 1999

The dynamic Information menu enables you to report on attendances, resources, and business events directly from any level of the structure.  The advantage of the dynamic Information menu is that you do not have to enter the selection data for the reports manually. The relevant data is taken directly from the structure.  If, for example, you want to find out the status of resource reservations for a particular business event, you simply position the cursor on the relevant event, and run the report Resource list per business event.  You can generate a business event brochure that contains all of the business events on offer, or you can create a brochure for specific business event groups or business event types. This business event brochure can then be exported to Microsoft Word.


HR050 6-34

 

 

This new infotype lets you create links from business events and business event types in Training and Event Management to all of the info objects contained in SAP's Knowledge Warehouse (Info Database Version 4). You can create links to SAP training materials, the complete online documentation, or the SAP Library. This new link option means that you can, for example, now link a business event with the training materials used to teach it. You can display the info object linked with events and event types from all of the Training and Event Management Employee Self-Service applications (List of Events, View Attendance, Book Attendance, and Cancel Attendance). The Knowledge Link is an infotype that you can create for business event types and business events in Training and Event Management. See also Link (PE_80_060): Knowledge Link (Infotype 1062) Knowledge link provides:  Access to all info objects in SAP Knowledge Warehouse (documents, PowerPoint slides, graphics, videos, screencams, CBTs, hyperlinks ...)  Linking of all info objects with the respective business event type or business event  Display of the info objects links in all TEM Employee Self-Service applications


HR050 6-35

Displaying Knowledge Link in ESS

Start: 22.07.1998 Language: English End: 20.10.2000 Location: All locations Find

Expand all Close all IDES Training IDES - Management Training IDES - Languages Common Group IDES - Company Training

Business event types Economics Management tec Communication c Organization / pla Management techniques Info Status

Bus. event 50013560 50014338

HR050 Related Personnel Management contents

 SAP AG 1999  SAP AG

Using the Knowledge Link infotype (1062) you can associate business events in Training and Event Management directly to related materials in the SAP Knowledge Warehouse.


HR050 6-36

Development Plans: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Describe how development plans are defined and structured  Create a development plan

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-37

Development Plans: Possible Applications


Job Rotation

Further Training Individual Plans

 SAP AG 1999

 

Development plans play an important role in personnel planning. Development plans enable you to depict both generalized and individually tailored training programs. You can use development plans to plan and manage both short-term and long-term personnel development measures such as:  Trainee programs or apprenticeships - Employee training events such as training courses, seminars, workshops, etc. - On-the-job training, job rotation, etc. - Individual development plans


HR050 6-38

Possible Development Plan Items

Business event type

Work center

Organizational Unit


Position Location Appraisals

 SAP AG 1999

  

Development plans are created and stored in the development plan catalog. You can create generalized development plans which can then be used as a blueprint for creating measures within individual development plans. Every development plan contains several development measures (items) as well as information on the sequence in which these items should be passed through, how much time should be spent on one particular item, and so on. Examples of development plan items: - Attending a business event - Staffing a position - Being deployed in an organizational unit - Spending time at a particular location You can structure the catalog by defining development plan groups. A development plan group is a coherent grouping together of development plans with similar characteristics. You use a graphical interface to create development plans. You can create an individual development plan for each employee, and add to this plan constantly. One way of doing this is to copy generalized development plans from the catalog, and then tailor these plans to individual employees.


HR050 6-39

Development plan items can run in parallel to each other. You can specify the following information for an item: - Its duration in years, months and days - Where the item occurs in the sequence - Whether the item is optional or mandatory  You can also specify that a specific number of items within the same step are mandatory without specifying precisely which ones (for example, at least one of the three items must be completed).


HR050 6-40

 

  

An individual development plan is used as an instrument for planning and managing the personnel development measures of an individual employee. General development plans can be added to individual development plans to reflect the current requirements of employees. The Individual Development Plan screen is used to tailor general development plans to individual persons. The general development plan is displayed as a graphic. You can insert items into the individual plan simply by double-clicking. Items already selected are flagged correspondingly in the graphic. As of Release 4.6, appraisal models can also be included as development plan items. For more information, refer to the SAP Library (Human Resources  PA Personnel Management  Personnel Development  Development Plans  Individual Development Plans).


HR050 6-41

Appraisal Systems: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Describe the appraisal process and how appraisals are structured  Perform appraisals

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 6-42

Appraisal Systems

360° feedback appraisals

Performance appraisals

Formalized work evaluation



Appraisers  SAP AG 1999

The Appraisal Systems component is a personnel development instrument that can be used to obtain information on the characteristics, behavioral traits and performance of members of your organization and form the basis for planning and making decisions that apply both to individuals, and to organizational members in general. Appraisals can also be used to monitor the success of human resource measures that have already been implemented. As a personnel development instrument, therefore, they can be used both to evaluate the past, and plan for the future. It is also possible to use the system to perform anonymous appraisals.  The Appraisal Systems component provides you with functionality for defining appraisal systems, and for planning, performing and analyzing appraisals. An appraisal system is a self contained process which enables you to make formal and standardized employee evaluations in a business context using one or more templates (appraisal models). This gives greater objectivity in the employee evaluation process. Examples of appraisal systems you can map in the Appraisal Systems component include: - 360° feedback appraisals: appraisals that draw on diverse sources (supervisor, peers, and selfappraisals) - Performance appraisals: appraisal of an individual employee - Formalized work evaluation: certificates of employment, for example - Surveys and questionnaires: employee opinion polls, for example


HR050 6-43

Subprofiles for Appraisals


Person is appraisee


Preferences Bezeichnung Name

Appraisals Status

Person is appraiser

Appraisals held







Very good


 SAP AG 1999

The appraisals that a person has held, and the appraisals to which a person was subjected can be viewed in the person‟s profile.  The Appraisals where appraisee subprofile is used to store appraisals where the person was the appraisee, whereas the Appraisals subprofile is used to store appraisals where the person played the role of appraiser.  You can also use these subprofiles to create new appraisals, and edit existing ones.


HR050 6-44

 

  

You can now prepare and conduct individual appraisals on a single screen. This, together with the user-specific settings for appraisals (see Personnel Development Personnel Development (General) User-Specific Settings), means that you can now work through appraisals much faster and with greater ease. By choosing the More appraisers and More appraisees pushbuttons, you can execute additional functions such as Create more appraisers/appraisees, Change object type, Anonymous appraisers, and so on. During the preparation phase of an appraisal, the upper section of the screen is active. As has been the case up to now, the preparation of the appraisal can be saved, changed again, and closed. When the appraisal is actually being held, the lower section of the screen is active. For more information, refer to the SAP Library (Human Resources  PA Personnel Management  Personnel Development  Appraisal Systems  Appraisal Creation).


HR050 6-45

Appraisals Catalog


01/01/1900 - 12/31/9999

 360° feedback appraisal  Approach to work  Attitude toward others  Potential for development  Performance appraisal  Approach to work Amount of work Organization Independence Ability to cope

Appraisal model Criteria group Criteria

 Attitude toward other Team spirit Communication skills Social skills Persuasiveness

 Team appraisal  SAP AG 1999

 

   

Appraisal models are managed in the appraisals catalog, which is a hierarchical tree-like structure. The following objects are stored in the appraisals catalog: - Appraisal models - Criteria groups - Criteria An appraisal model is a set of criteria and, if applicable, criteria groups. It is used as a basis for creating real-life appraisals. Criteria are the characteristics that are to be appraised as part of the appraisal. Criteria can be grouped together into so-called criteria groups Qualifications can be appraisal criteria.


HR050 6-46

The Appraisal Process

Propose data from previous appraisal

Prepare appraisal

Complete appraisal

Preparation completed

Appraisal performed

Perform appraisal

 SAP AG 1999

Ideally, the appraisal process is a cyclical process that can be mapped using statuses. As a user, you will only be able to identify this process by the way the user interface is designed: 1. Preparation of appraisal The first step in the process involves preparing the appraisal. At this point, you define planning data such as the period to be appraised, and the objects involved in the appraisal. As a basis for planning, you can have the system propose data from an appraisal that has already been completed. When you complete your preparations, this takes you to the next step in the process. 2. Holding of appraisal This is where the appraisee is given ratings. The date on which the appraisal is held is recorded. You can store text notes for each individual appraisal element. When you have held the appraisal, this takes you to the third step in the process. 3. Completion of appraisal This involves saving the appraisal with an historical record so that it can no longer be changed.


HR050 6-47

You can restrict your evaluation to objects that have not been appraisees or appraisers, or you can evaluate objects with and without appraisals at the same time.  Objects can also have the status Without appraisal. This status always refers to a specific data selection period, and is never ambiguous - that is, a given object has either been an appraisee (perhaps several times), an appraiser, or neither).  You can also display any appraisals that already exist. This means, for example, that you can determine who has already been appraised, who has been an appraiser, who has been neither, and what the appraisals in question are (if there are any).

The evaluation for appraisals also contains two new selection criteria based on the appraisal statuses Approved and Rejected. See: Personnel Development Workflow Approval of Appraisals.  For more information on the reporting options available for appraisals, refer to the SAP Library (Human Resources  PA Personnel Management  Personnel Development  Appraisal Systems  Appraisal Evaluations).  The results of the evaluation are output via the ABAP List Viewer. No further editing options can be accessed directly from the output list. For more information on editing appraisals, refer to Personnel Development Appraisal Systems Editing Appraisals.


HR050 6-48

Development and Training: Unit Summary

You are now be able to:  Create and use qualifications and requirements  Start career and succession planning scenarios  Carry out day-to-day business in Training and Event Management  Create development plans  Perform appraisals

 SAP AG 1999  SAP AG


HR050 6-49

Exercises Unit: Personnel Development and Training Management Topic: Qualifications and Requirements At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: 

Change your role to the Line-Manager Personnel Development

Edit the qualification catalog

0 Create a qualification profile for a person 1 Update the profile for a position 2 Run a profile matchup and view graphically  Book an employee into a training event to remove a deficiency identified in the profile matchup You enter the qualifications/requirements in the qualifications catalog. Positions have requirements, whereas persons have qualifications. You store this information in qualification profiles and requirement profiles. You can then carry out profile matchups. 1-1

Change your role to SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD_AG.


Create the following qualification groups and qualifications in the qualifications catalog: 1-2-1 Qualification group: Languages Group ##, language scale (1-4) 1-2-2 Qualification group: PC skills ##, Yes/No scale 1-2-3 Qualification: Italian ## 1-2-4 Qualification: Spanish ## 1-2-5 Qualification: MS Word ##, depreciation meter value: 3 years 1-2-6 Qualification: SAP skills ##, depreciation meter value: 2 years


In Personnel Development, create a qualification profile for employee Jose Vega (50992##) using the Search term option to locate the appropriate qualifications. Assign the qualifications to Mr. Vega as of the beginning of the current year: 1-3-1 Multimedia skills, proficiency Good


HR050 6-50

1-3-2 Desktop Publishing skills, proficiency Average 1-3-3 Adaptability, proficiency Average 1-3-4 Willingness to assume responsibility, proficiency Good 1-3-5 Ability to work independently, proficiency Good 1-3-6 SAP skills ##, proficiency Yes 1-3-7 Italian ##, proficiency Fluent 1-4

Mr. Vega holds the position ##-Administrator in the ##-Administration department. In addition to the requirements inherited from the corresponding job, define the following requirements for the position. 1-4-1 Requirement: SAP skills ##, proficiency Yes 1-4-2 Requirement: Italian ##, proficiency Fluent


Match up the profile of Jose Vega and the position ##-Administrator (in the ##Administration department) and generate a training proposal for him. 1-5-1 View the matchup graphically. 1-5-2 To fulfill the deficit identified in the Profile matchup, book Mr. Vega in the Communication class occurring in two months.


HR050 6-51

Exercises Unit: Personnel Development and Training Management Topic: Career and Succession Planning At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Run career planning for an employee  Find a suitable success for a position In the Caliber A Bicycle company, employees are promoted based on their skills according to their career model. Evaluate the positions available for Mr. Vega based on his qualification. Find a successor Mr. Vega‟s current position.


Use career planning to determine which positions within the organization that Mr. Vega has qualifications for as of the beginning of the current month.


Use succession planning to determine who has the qualifications to fulfill the ##Administrator position if Mr. Vega transfers to a new position.


HR050 6-52

Exercises Unit: Personnel Development and Training Management Topic: Training and Event Management At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Change your role to the Training and Development Specialist  Prebook an employee into a business event  Evaluate an employee‟s training history You book an employee into business events to eliminate this person‟s qualification deficits. You also book the employee into business events as a personnel development measure. Later, you can examine history of training for employees.




Use the Attendance menu to make bookings and pre-bookings. 3-2-1 Book Mr. Vega in the Organization / planning business event occurring in two months. The business event is part of IDES - Management Training. 3-2-2 Pre-book Mr. Vega into the HR seminar business event. The business event is part of Various Business Events at the company.



Use the Information system Attendance reports to identify all of the training courses Mr. Michael Maier (personnel number 1900) has ever been booked into by executing the Attendee training history report.

HR050 6-53

Exercises Unit: Personnel Development and Training Management Topic: Development Plans At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Provide sample of development plan items  Create a development plan for an employee The professional development of an employee is planned during a meeting between the employee in question and his or her supervisor. Twice a year, the Caliber A Bicycle Company reviews (or establishes) development plans to setup employee trainee programs. 4-1

List several different type of items that might be found in a development plan for an employee. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


Create an individual development plan for Jose Vega for the Trainee Program Administration model development plan starting on the first day of the current month. 4-2-1 Transfer all mandatory items associated with the model development plan to his individual development plan and indicate that they are planned. 4-2-2 Indicate that the Organization / planning item is planned for Mr. Vega. 4-2-3 Indicate that the Communication class item is completed for Mr. Vega.


HR050 6-54

Exercises Unit: Personnel Development and Training Management Topic: Appraisal Systems At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Conduct an appraisal for an employee

At the Caliber A Bicycle Company, the performance appraisal of an employee completed by his/her colleagues.


Helena Camino is preparing the appraisal for Jose Vega using the appraisal type Appraisal (HR050).


Perform the appraisal for Jose Vega.


Complete the appraisal for Jose Vega.


Utilize the Report appraisal for Jose Vega for the appraisal type Appraisal by Manager (HR Classes) and the status complete.


HR050 6-55

Solutions Unit: Personnel Development and Training Management Topic: Qualifications and Requirements 1-1

Change your role to SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD_AG. 1-1-1 Select the Other menu button in the SAP Easy Access menu. 1-1-2 Select the Find icon. 1-1-3 Enter SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD_AG in the Find field. 1-1-4 Select the Find icon again. 1-1-5 Select the SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD_AG. 1-1-6 Select the Copy/Enter icon.


Create the following qualification groups and qualifications in the qualifications catalog: Activity group SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD_AG  Change Qualifications Catalog Select the Create icon. 1-2-1 Qualification group: Languages Group ##, language scale (1-4) Enter Languages Group ## and select Language scale (1-4) in the Scale field. Select the Save icon in the Change qualification catalog pop-up box. Select the Create icon in the Change qualification catalog pop-up box. 1-2-2 Qualification group: PC skills ##, Yes/No scale Enter PC skills ## and select Yes/No scale in the Scale field. Select the Save icon in the Change qualification catalog pop-up box. Select the Cancel icon in the Change qualification catalog pop-up box. 1-2-3 Qualification: Italian ## Select Languages Group ## and select the Create icon. Select Qualification in the Create pop-up box. Select the Transfer/Enter icon. Enter Italian ## and select the Save icon. 1-2-4 Qualification: Spanish ## Select the Create icon. Enter Spanish ## and select the Save icon.


HR050 6-56

Select the Cancel icon in the Change qualification catalog pop-up box. 1-2-5 Qualification: MS Word ##, depreciation meter value: 3 years Select PC skills ## and select the Create icon. Select Qualification in the Create pop-up box. Select the Transfer/Enter icon. Enter MS Word ## and select the Addit. data tab and enter 3 in the Depreciation meter years field. Select the Save icon. 1-2-6 Qualification: SAP skills ##, depreciation meter value: 2 years Select the Create icon. Enter SAP skills ## and select the Addit. data tab and enter 2 in the Depreciation meter years field. Select the Save icon. Select the Cancel icon in the Change qualification catalog pop-up box. 1-3

In Personnel Development, create a qualification profile for employee Jose Vega using the Search term option to locate the appropriate qualifications. Mr. Assign the qualifications to Mr. Vega as of the beginning of the current year: Activity group SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD_AG  Personnel Development  Profile  Change Use the drop down menu to select Person if necessary. Enter the personnel number of Mr. Jose Vega (50992##) in the Person field and the first day of the current year in the Key date field. Select the Execute icon. Select the Qualification tab, then select the Create icon. 1-3-1 Multimedia skills, proficiency Good Select the S: Search term tab and enter Multi in the Search string field in the Restrict Value range pop-up box. Select the check box for the qualification Knowledge of Multimedia in the Qualification pop-up box and select Copy/Enter icon. Enter Good in the Proficiency field. 1-3-2 Desktop Publishing skills, proficiency Average Select the Create icon. Select the S: Search term tab and enter Desk in the Search string field in the Restrict Value range pop-up box. Select the check box for the qualification Desktop Publishing Skills in the Qualification pop-up box and select Copy/Enter icon. Enter Average in the Proficiency field.


HR050 6-57

1-3-3 Adaptability, proficiency Average Select the Create icon. Select the S: Search term tab and enter Adapt in the Search string field in the Restrict Value range pop-up box. Select the check box for the qualification Adaptability in the Qualification popup box and select Copy/Enter icon. Enter Average in the Proficiency field. 1-3-4 Willingness to assume responsibility, proficiency Good Select the Create icon. Select the S: Search term tab and enter Respon in the Search string field in the Restrict Value range pop-up box. Select the check box for the qualification Willingness to assume responsibility in the Qualification pop-up box and select Copy/Enter icon. Enter Good in the Proficiency field. 1-3-5 Ability to work independently, proficiency Good Select the Create icon. Select the S: Search term tab and enter Independ in the Search string field in the Restrict Value range pop-up box. Select the check box for the qualification Ability to work independently in the Qualification pop-up box and select Copy/Enter icon. Enter Good in the Proficiency field. 1-3-6 SAP skills ##, proficiency Yes Select the Create icon. Select the S: Search term tab and enter SAP in the Search string field in the Restrict Value range pop-up box. Select the check box for the qualification SAP skills ##in the Qualification popup box and select Copy/Enter icon. Enter Yes in the Proficiency field. 1-3-7 Italian ##, proficiency Fluent Spoken and Written Select the Create icon. Select the S: Search term tab and enter Ital in the Search string field in the Restrict Value range pop-up box. Select the check box for the qualification Italian ## in the Qualification pop-up box and select Copy/Enter icon. Enter Fluent Spoken and Written in the Proficiency field. Select the Save icon.


HR050 6-58


Mr. Vega holds the position ##-Administrator in the ##-Administration department. In addition to the requirements inherited from the corresponding job, define the following requirements for the position. Activity group SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD_AG  Personnel Development  Profile  Change Use the drop down menu to select Position if necessary. Enter the position for ##-Administrator in the Position field and the first day of the current year in the Key date field. Select the Execute icon. Select the Requirements tab, then select the Create icon. 1-4-1 Requirement: SAP skills ##, proficiency Yes Select the Create icon. Select the S: Search term tab and enter SAP in the Search string field in the Restrict Value range pop-up box. Select the check box for the qualification SAP skills ##in the Qualification popup box and select Copy/Enter icon. Enter Yes in the Proficiency field. 1-4-2 Requirement: Italian ##, proficiency Fluent Spoken and Written Select the Create icon. Select the S: Search term tab and enter Ital in the Search string field in the Restrict Value range pop-up box. Select the check box for the qualification Italian ## in the Qualification pop-up box and select Copy/Enter icon. Enter Fluent Spoken and Written in the Proficiency field. Select the Save icon.


Match up the profile of Jose Vega and the position ##-Administrator (in the ##Administration department) and generate a training proposal for him. Activity group SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD_AG  Personnel Development  Info system  Reports  Profile matchup Enter the personnel number for Jose Vega in Person field and the ##-Administrator in ##-Administration department in the Position field. Select the Generate training proposal indicator. Select the Execute icon. 1-5-1 View the matchup graphically. Select the Graphic icon. 1-5-2 To fulfill the deficit identified in the Profile matchup, book Mr. Vega in the Communication class occurring in two months.


HR050 6-59

Select the Training proposal icon for the Communication class. Select a class that is available in two months. Select the Book button.


HR050 6-60

Solutions Unit: Personnel Development and Qualifying Actions Topic: Career and Succession Planning 2-2

Use career planning to determine which positions within the organization that Mr. Vega has qualifications for as of the beginning of the current month. Activity group SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD_AG  Personnel Development  Planning  Career Use the drop down menu to select Person if necessary. Enter the personnel number of Mr. Jose Vega in the Person field and the first day of the current month in the Key date field for the Evaluation period. Select the check box for the Include qualifications. Select the Execute icon.


Use succession planning to determine who has the qualifications to fulfill the ##Administrator position if Mr. Vega transfers to a new position. Activity group SAP_HR_LINEMANAGER_PD_AG  Personnel Development  Planning  Succession Use the drop down menu to select Position if necessary. Enter the ##-Administrator in the Position field and the first day of the current month in the Key date field for the Evaluation period. Select the check box for the Include qualifications. Select the Execute icon.


HR050 6-61

Solutions Unit: Personnel Development and Qualifying Actions Topic: Training and Event Management 3-1

Change your role to SAP_HR_TRAINDEV_SPECIALIST. 3-1-1 Select the Other menu button in the SAP Easy Access menu. 3-1-2 Select the Find icon. 3-1-3 Enter SAP_HR_TRAINDEV_SPECIALIST in the Find field. 3-1-4 Select the Find icon again. 3-1-5 Select the SAP_HR_TRAINDEV_SPECIALIST. 3-1-6 Select the Copy/Enter icon.


Use the Attendance menu to make bookings and pre-bookings. 3-2-1 Book Mr. Vega in the Organization / planning business event. Activity group SAP_HR_TRAINDEV_SPECIALIST  Training and Event Management  Attendance  Attendance menu Expand the business event group called IDES Management Training and the business event type Organization and Planning so that the business event is displayed. Position your cursor on a business event of the type Organization and Planning that is to be held in two months and use the right mouse button to select Book. In the Book Attendance Data pop-up box, enter Jose Vega’s personnel number (50992##) in the Person field. Save your entries by selecting the Book attendance icon. Acknowledge the message “Attendance booked” by selecting Enter. In the Book Attendance Data pop-up box, select the Cancel icon. 3-2-2 Pre-book Mr. Vega into the HR seminar business event. Activity group SAP_HR_TRAINDEV_SPECIALIST  Training and Event Management  Attendance  Attendance menu Expand the business event group called Common Group  Various Business Events so the business event types are displayed.


HR050 6-62

Position your cursor on a business event of the type HR Seminar and use the right mouse button to select Prebook. In the Prebook Attendance Data pop-up box, enter Jose Vega’s personnel number (50992##) in the Person field. Save your entries by selecting the Prebook icon. Acknowledge the message “Attendee has been prebooked for business event type” by selecting Enter. In the Prebook Attendance Data pop-up box, select the Cancel icon. 3-3

Execute the Attendee training history report for Michael Maier (personnel number 1900). Activity group SAP_HR_TRAINDEV_SPECIALIST  Training and Event Management  Info system  Reports  Attendance  Attendee’s training history Enter 1900 in the Attendee field. Select the Execute icon.


HR050 6-63

Solutions Unit: Personnel Development and Qualifying Actions Topic: Development Plans 4-1

Sample of development plan items include: Attending a business event Staffing a position Being deployed in an organizational unit Spending time at a particular location


Create an individual development plan for Jose Vega for the Trainee Program Administration model development plan starting on the first day of the current month. Activity group SAP_HR_TRAINDEV_SPECIALIST  Personnel Development  Planning  Individual development Use the drop down menu to select Person if necessary. Enter the personnel number of Mr. Jose Vega in the Person field, select the Trainee Program Administration (50014923) in the Model Development Plan field and the first day of the current month in the Planning start date field. Select the Change icon. 4-2-1 Transfer all mandatory items associated with the model development plan to his individual development plan and indicate that they are planned. Select the Transfer Mandatory items button. Set the status for mandatory item Economics as Planned. 4-2-2 Indicate that the Organization / planning item is planned for Mr. Vega. Set the status for item Organization / planning as Planned. 4-2-3 Indicate that the Communication class item is completed for Mr. Vega. Set the status for item Communication class as Completed. Select the Save icon.


HR050 6-64

Solutions Unit: Personnel Development and Qualifying Actions Topic: Appraisal Systems 5-1

Prepare the appraisal for Jose Vega by Helena Camino. Activity group SAP_HR_TRAINDEV_SPECIALIST  Personnel Development  Settings  User Specific 5-1-1 Confirm that the Plan version is the Current Plan and that the Reporting period begins with the first day of the current month and ends with December 31, 9999. 5-1-2 In the Appraisals portion of the screen, make sure Appraiser and Appraisee are both set to Person. 5-1-3 Click the Permanent button. Activity group SAP_HR_TRAINDEV_SPECIALIST  Appraisal system  Appraisals  Create Select the Appraisal by Manager (HR Classes) in the Appraisal model pop-up box. 5-1-4 Select Helena Camino (50991##) in the Manager (Appraiser) field. 5-1-5 Enter employee Jose Vega (50992##) in the Employee (Appraisee) field.


Perform the appraisal for Jose Vega. Note: If you receive a message "unable to transfer data" change the default date to begin in the current year (2000)

5-2-1 Select the Perform icon. 5-2-2 In the screen that appears next, enter ratings of your choice for the criteria and criteria groups. Use the Possible entries function to do this. 5-3

Complete the appraisal for Jose Vega. 5-3-1 Select Complete. Go back to the general planning screen for your organizational unit by selecting the Back icon.


Utilize the Report appraisal for Jose Vega for the appraisal type Appraisal (HR050) and the status complete. 5-4-1 Select the appraisal model Appraisal (HR050). 5-4-2 Set the Object Type buttons to Person, and enter Helena Camino (50991##) as the Appraiser and Jose Vega (50992##) as the Appraisee.


HR050 6-65

5-4-3 Enter any other selection criteria of your choice and the appraisal status Completed. 5-4-4 Select Perform.


HR050 6-66

Compensation Management

Contents:  Compensation Management Functionality  Job Pricing  Salary Surveys  Budgeting  Components of Compensation Process  Compensation Administration  Long Term Incentives

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 7-1

Compensation Management: Unit Objectives

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:  Describe the main Compensation Management functions  Display a budget structure  Describe the components that make up the compensation process  Describe how the components of the compensation process fit together

 SAP SAP AG 1999  AG


HR050 7-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 7-3


Travel Management

Compensation Management: Business Scenario

 The Executive Board has decided to increase the

salary budget for the coming financial year.  The Compensation Manager creates budgets for

the individual departments to ensure that the department heads keep to the budget allocated.  The department heads can determine the award

increases at the employee level during the salary review.  Long-term incentives can also be awarded.

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 7-4

Compensation Line Manager Role

SAP Easy Access Favorites Create sales order Yahoo Expenses Spreadsheets Activity group SAP_HR_COMP Compensation management Administration Adjustments menu Compensation Guideline Long-term incentives Job Pricing Pay Scale Changes Budgeting Information system Environment

 SAP AG 1999

 Compensation roles can include the Compensation Line Manager, the Compensation Specialist or a Human Resource Administrative Clerk  A line manager may work in any area of the company. Typical tasks for the line manager would include budgeting, compensation administration, reporting and evaluating compensation related data.  The compensation specialist develops and directs the implementation of compensation programs, such as salary and bonus programs as well as long-term incentives. The compensation specialist has his/her own user menu that contains the tasks that he/she typically performs.  The Administrative Clerk performs all types of administrative tasks and data entry. The compensation data typically covered in their user role would include maintaining personnel records, maintaining compensation data, performing pay scale changes and running compensation related reports.


HR050 7-5

Components in Compensation Management

Personnel Development Appraisal results Payroll Organizational Management

Personnel Administration

Who? - which department - which jobs, positions

Workflow - Approvals - Activation

What? - Salary - Bonus

Compensation Management How - Mass Maintenance - Individual Maintenance

 SAP AG 1999

  

  

Compensation Management uses information from different Human Resources components. Budgeting and compensation administration is performed for organizational units as well as for employees. Compensation Management reads the employee's salary data from the Personnel Administration component. This data is changed as a result of compensation administration. The Compensation Management component can update the Basic Pay (0008) and the Additional Payments (0015) infotypes. The changes made to an employee‟s pay data are available in the Payroll component. Compensation Management can also use information stored in the Appraisal System (Personnel Development) so that you can award performance-based compensation adjustments. Workflow can be used to support the approval and activation process for compensation adjustments.


HR050 7-6

The Compensation Management component controls and administers your organization's compensation policies. This component provides a centralized view of the compensation policies as well as a control mechanism to administer these policies. You can also use it to perform compensation planning and budgeting and to perform decentralized compensation administration.  Compensation Management is made up of different areas  Within Compensation Management, you can perform job pricing. Here you can store results from external job evaluation systems and market surveys. You can use these results to generate salary structures that you can then assign to the jobs and positions in your organization. You can also use these results to determine the internal worth of your jobs and positions and to see whether your salaries are competitive.  

You can assign evaluation points to your jobs and positions and use this data for reporting purposes. Budgeting is used to plan and control how much is spent for compensation adjustments. Budgets are assigned to organizational units. You can create budgets both centrally and decentrally. You can roll up your budgets over the organizational units.  Compensation Administration is used to distribute salary increases, shares, etc. to individual employees according to guidelines that reflect a company‟s compensation policy.


HR050 7-7


HR050 7-8

Job Evaluation Results

 Job evaluation Results (infotype 1050)  Link to a job or a position  Subtypes for multiple evaluation systems  Points determine relative worth of each job/position  Benchmark job indicator

 SAP AG 1999

      

The Job Evaluation Infotype stores the results of job evaluation for all the jobs within a particular job evaluation program. You can link job evaluation details to a job or a position. You can use Subtypes to differentiate among job evaluation programs such as a Hay Evaluation program and an In-house program. You can specify the relative worth of a job/position using points You can allocate the job/position to a specific grade. You can specify that the job/position is a benchmark job. You can link your salary structures to your jobs/positions using the Planned Compensation infotype (1005). The details for Basic Pay will default from this infotype when you assign an employee to a job or a position.


HR050 7-9

Generating Salary Structures

Organization„s compensation policy Jobs Salary structure Positions Survey data



 SAP AG 1999

 

You can use the job pricing functionality to generate salary structures. To do this, you can, for example, use survey data. Simply link your jobs or positions to the market value of a similar job listed in the survey using the Salary Survey Results (1051) infotype. You can then use this information to build your salary structures which are stored in a table.  You can depict your compensation policy in the R/3 System, by assigning a planned compensation type to your jobs and positions (via the Planned Compensation (1005) infotype) in this infotype, you can assign your jobs and positions to a salary structure.  You can store job evaluation results in the Job Evaluation Results (1050) infotype for jobs and positions. You can store the results from different job evaluation systems and use evaluation points to determine the relative value of your jobs and positions. You can also group your jobs and positions into evaluation groups. You can define certain jobs and positions as benchmark jobs.


HR050 7-10

Salary Survey Results

 Salary Survey Results (infotype 1051)  Link to a job or position  Identifies external market values  Subtypes for multiple salary surveys

 SAP AG 1999

  

The Salary Survey Results infotype stores the results of your salary surveys You can link salary survey results to jobs or positions Use Subtypes to store the results of multiple salary surveys, such as a Local salary survey and a National salary survey.  You can store the average base salary and the average basic bonus for every job within a salary survey.


HR050 7-11


 Budgeting provides the basis for Compensation Administration  Budgets finance organizational units  Actual costs can be compared to budgeted costs  The budget structure is a hierarchical structure  Create budget structure analogous to organizational structure  Link to financed objects (organizational units)





Budget/ Planned BU BU






Compensation/ Actuals


UNI 400000

UNI 320000

 SAP AG 1999

     

Budgeting provides the basis for Compensation Management because the Compensation Management component uses the budget values created for the organizational units. You can use these values to determine compensation adjustments (for example, salary increases, bonuses, etc.) for the employees whose compensation is under review. If you exceed the amount allocated in the budget, you get an error or a warning message. Budgets define the total amount of funds available to finance an organizational unit. Budgeting has a roll-up feature that allows you to use a bottom-up process to submit the budget and a top-down process to approve the budget. You can create budgets in a hierarchical structure. You can create this structure analogous to your organizational structure. The Budgeting component has two display options that you can use when you display and change your budgets: Budget Distribution View Displays the budget structures. You can only work with the budget objects in this view. Financing View Displays the budget structure and the corresponding organizational structure. In this view, you can assign financed objects to the budgets and determine what the budget units finance.


HR050 7-12

The Budgeting Process

 Create budget (planned) BU BU




 Change budget BU BU

 Create relationships between budgets




 Relationships between budgets and financed objects



 Revalue budgets



 Roll up budgets  Check budgets

 Release budgets (Compensation Administration can only use budgets that have been released)

 SAP AG 1999

 

   

Process Flow of the Budgeting Process To be able to see which budgets are subordinate and which budget is the root budget, you need to create a budget structure. You can also use the structure to determine which budgets finance which other budgets. You can generate your budget structure from your organizational structure. You can copy both the relationships and the values. You can also extend the validity of a budget..You can either enter amounts or quantities for the individual budgets or you can enter the amounts/quantities for the subordinated budgets and then use the roll up function. If you decide to use the roll up function, that is the bottom-up process for budget planning, the system calculates what the superior budgets need to finance the subordinate budgets. You can now change the amounts by an absolute amount or a a percentage or both. When you run the consistency check, the system checks to see whether the budget amounts assigned to the superior budgets and the root budget is sufficient to fund the subordinate budgets. If there is a deficit, the system displays an error log. You can correct the errors directly from the error log. When you have finished working through the error log and have rerun the consistency check to make sure that your budget structure is now consistent, you can release your budget structure. The Compensation Administration component can now use these budgets.


HR050 7-13

Components of the Compensation Process

Adjustment Reason


Compensation Area

Budget Type

Compensation Component

Eligibility Rules


Compensation Category

Basic Pay (IT 0008)

Additional Payments (IT 0015)

Long Term Incentives (IT 0382)

 SAP AG 1999

An adjustment reason determines why compensation is being planned and administered. The adjustment is the actual change in compensation (for example, salary increase). An adjustment reason can be linked to one or several adjustments. For example, the adjustment reason Salary Review could be linked to the adjustments Bonus and Performance-based salary increase.  You can assign eligibility rules to the adjustment reason (for example, to determine who is eligible) and a budget type (specifies what type of budget it is).  You assign the following to adjustments: - Compensation area (for example, a country or an organizational grouping) - Compensation component (types of compensation such as bonus, base pay) - Category (fixed, variable) - Guidelines (calculation methods used to calculate the adjustment. Guidelines can be based on fixed amounts, percentages or you can use a matrix of up to three dimensions). - Which infotype is to be updated as a result of compensation administration.


HR050 7-14

Compensation Management: Infotypes

Compensation Categories



Basic Pay (IT 0008)


Basic Pay (IT 0008)

Additional Payments (IT 0015)

Long-term Incentives (IT 0382)

Compensation Adjustments (IT 0380)


 SAP AG 1999

When you activate an adjustment, the system creates new infotype records for the employees that received adjustments to their compensation. Which infotype records are created depends on the compensation component:  Adjustments that are fixed create a new Basic Pay (0008) infotype record.  Adjustments that are variable create either a Basic Pay (0008), an Additional Payments (0015) infotype record, or Long-term incentives (00382).  The system creates a Compensation Adjustment (0380) infotype record per adjustment for each employee. This infotype contains information on the adjustment and the compensation received.


HR050 7-15

Compensation Adjustment Details

 Validity date of adjustment  How the effective date for the award is calculated  Calculation data depends on compensation

adjustment  Calculation base  Guideline - optional

 SAP AG 1999

  

 

When you define a compensation adjustment you specify the validity date of the adjustment, how the effective date for the award is calculated, what wage types and guidelines are used in the calculation and what results are produced. The effective date of the award can be based on a fixed date, such as 01 January; anniversary date such as Date of entry or Date of birth; or user-defined for other criteria. When you specify how the award is to be calculated you specify the wage type that is to be used as the calculation base. The wage type which is used as the calculation base can consist of one wage type or more than one wage type. For example you may want to award your employees a percentage bonus based on the 2 wage types Salary and Location allowance. You can specify if a guideline is to be used to calculate the result (optional). If the compensation adjustment is variable or stock you specify the calculation result. This is the wage type that is created as a result of the award. This wage type is also displayed in the Compensation adjustment infotype (0380) .


HR050 7-16

Compensation Adjustment Guidelines

 Guidelines determine how compensation

award is calculated  Three types of guidelines  Fixed


400 UNI


 1, 2 or 3 dimensional matrix -

Grade Performance Length of service

 User-defined External Criteria  SAP AG 1999

  

 

Guidelines are used by the system either to determine how a compensation award is to be calculated or to set limits on calculation results. There are three predefined guideline types: Fixed, Matrix and User-defined. Fixed guidelines determine the average value that is to affect the employee. This could be a monetary amount, a percentage or a number. The value can be used as a default and as a check limit during the compensation administration process. As it is only a guideline the value can be changed by managers and other users administering the compensation adjustments. Matrix guidelines use a one, two or three-dimensional matrix to establish how the award is to be calculated based on one criterion, two criteria or three criteria. For example a merit award could be based on the two criteria of employee performance appraisal results and employee grade. User-defined guidelines allow the customer to use other criteria when determining the award amount. For example, the award could be based on external system data. Guidelines are optional.


HR050 7-17

Matrix Guidelines

- 1 dimension - 2 dimensions - 3 dimensions

Steps in matrix maintenance

Maintain Matrix Matrix


Entry Values Calculation variants

Validity Period From


to 31.12.9999

 SAP AG 1999

 

  

Multidimensional guidelines allow the calculation of salary adjustments based on different criteria (maximum 3 criteria). Criteria delivered with the standard R/3 release: - Length of service - Position in the salary grade - Performance appraisal results - Age User-defined methods are allowed. Error control and monitoring are flexible Calculation of individual salary adjustments are based on multiple criteria  Example:  1.An employee who is with the company for less than 6 months and who has a performance result of more than 80 points will get a merit increase of 3%.  2.An employee who is with the company for more than 6 but less than 12 months and has also a performance result of more than 80 points will get a merit increase of 4%.


HR050 7-18

Maintenance of Matrix Guideline Maintain Matrix Matrix


Entry Values Calculation variants

Matrix dimension 1



Matrix dimension 2



Matrix dimension 3



Maintain Matrix Matrix


Entry Values Calculation variants

Adj. by difference Absolute adjustment Total amount adjustment Other  SAP AG 1999

Setting up a matrix guideline requires the following steps:  Specify administrative matrix data: compensation area, name, validity period  Assign matrix dimensions  Specify the possible entry values (single values or ranges)  Specify the calculation variant  Define dimension segments  Maintain matrix values


HR050 7-19

Maintenance of Matrix Dimension Segments

Sample 3-Dimension Matrix: Rules for bonus adjustment

Performance Appraisal Results

Length of Service


Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor

0-2 years 3-5 years 5-10 years 10+ years

Below midpoint Equal to midpoint Above midpoint

5 possible appraisal results (x) 4 possible l.o.s.( x) 3 possible compa-ratios = 60 possible bonus combinations  SAP AG 1999

In order to establish a matrix guideline, segments have to be defined for each dimension.


HR050 7-20

Matrix Guidelines

Guidelines for employee who: 1. was rated “Very Good” on a performance appraisal 2. has been with the company for 1 year 3. is at the midpoint of the job‟s salary range



LOS Dimension 2 0-2 years 0-2 years 0-2 years 3-5 years 3-5 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 6-10 years 6-10 years 10+ years

 SAP AG 1999

Very good Compa-ratio Dimension 3 below at midpoint above below at midpoint above below at midpoint above below

Excellent Default amount 150.00 140.00 130.00 200.00 190.00 180.00 240.00 230.00 220.00 270.00

After all the dimension segments are determined by the user, a default compensation amount/percent for every possible combination of dimensions must be assigned.  The defaults can be overwritten--you configure the conditional warning that the default is overwritten.


HR050 7-21

Eligibility Rules and Groups

 A rule specifies the criteria for employee participation

in a compensation adjustment. Each rule uses criteria such as:  Hire date or length of service  Number of hours worked  Other: pay scale, pay grade, job, salary,performance  User-defined

 Eligibility groups further define eligibility criteria within an eligibility rule. Rule


Bonus Bonus

Criteria 12 month service


06 month service

 SAP AG 1999

  

 

When you create a compensation adjustment such as a merit increase, you can then specify who qualifies to participate in the adjustment. If everyone in your company qualifies for the adjustment you do not need to set up any qualifying rules. If the compensation adjustment specifies qualifying criteria such as 3 months service you need to set up a rule. Qualifying criteria includes data such as hire date or length of service, number of hours worked and ranges for pay scale, pay grade, job, salary and performance details. For individual employees for whom you make an exception concerning qualifying criteria, you can use the Compensation: employee eligibility infotype (0381). For example you may overlook the 3 months length of service for some new employees. You can use eligibility groups if you have differing criteria for some groups of employees. For example to qualify for a bonus let us suppose that everyone must have 12 months service, with the exception of Executive employees who only need to have 6 months service. In this case you set up 2 rules, one for the group Executive and one for the rest of the company. When you define a group you use a feature to link the group to your employees. You can use the organizational assignment details such as employee subgroup. You can also employ user-defined criteria with a user exit.


HR050 7-22

Compensation Administration



Adjustment reason

Org. structure

Salary review Fixed increase

Compensation Adjustment via Org. Structure: Budget Overview Adjustment reason Organizational unit



Already distributed

Salary review Fixed increase





Personnel Administration



Corporate Services



Human Resources

 SAP AG 1999

To start compensation administration, choose an adjustment reason and the adjustments. Then choose the organizational unit that you want to process and that already has a budget assigned to it.  The system displays a tree structure. The adjustment reason, the adjustments, the organizational units, the budget, and, if relevant, the budget amounts already distributed are displayed in the tree structure using different colors.  You can choose the organizational unit from the tree structure to start compensation administration.


HR050 7-23

Compensation Administration Entry Screen

Three Methods of Selecting Employees for Compensation Administration

Processor View

Organizational Unit

Ad Hoc Query

 SAP AG 1999

On the initial compensation administration screen you have multiple ways to generate the list of employees for compensation administration.  The Processor View  This method allows you to either select the employees in the organizational unit(s) for which you are responsible. In this case, you probably hold the chief position in this organizational unit. Alternatively, you can use this method to select employees belonging to other organizational units, that is, an organizational unit from a structure in which you do not appear.  Organizational Unit  This method allows you to select one or more organizational unit(s) directly by simply entering the name or identifier of the organizational unit.  Ad Hoc Query  This method allows you to select employees or organizational units using other selection criteria, for example, you may want to generate a list of all employees belonging to a particular payroll area, or employee subgroup.


HR050 7-24

Compensation for Employees

Adjustment Fixed Increase: Employee List

Position Supervisor …. Annual salary



New salary


Eric Wong






Rosa Lee






Helga Martin





Change by a percentage

Apply guidelines Change directly  SAP AG 1999

Maintaining Compensation  Once you have chosen an organizational unit, the system displays the employees in that organizational unit. The department head does not appear in the list as he/she can only distribute the budget for his/her employees and not for himself/herself.  On this overview screen, you can select employees and maintain their compensation. You can apply guidelines if you defined them when you configured your system. In addition to this, you can increase the pay data by a percentage. Finally, you can maintain the individual compensation adjustments directly for each employee.  Adjustments go through an approval process. Once you have maintained the compensation adjustments for the employees that you are responsible for, you must submit these proposals so that they can be approved and activated. When the adjustments are activated, the system updates the employees' master data records.


HR050 7-25

Employee Information Maintain Compensation Adjustment


Anja Mueller

EE Group

1 Active employee

EE Subgroup

DS Executive empl.. Cost center

Organizational data

Salary data

Per area

1300 Frankfurt 2100

Adjustments to historical data

Job data

Superior Name

Alexander Nitzsche

Area assignment Country grouping


Compensation area


Organizational assignment Organizational unit

Human Resources




Director of Human Resources

Cost Center

Human Resources

 SAP AG 1999

Compensation administrators and managers have information at their fingertips regarding:  Organizational assignment  Salary data and history  Salary Survey data and Job Evaluation results  appraisal results


HR050 7-26

Data Maintenance in Excel Display

Maintain Compensation Adjustments Change by percentage F ile


V iew

I nsert For m at E x tras


D ata

W indow



Annual Compensation Review Planning period 2000 Time unit annually

Name Alex Mundschenk Christine Bock Sharon Armstrong

Status Calculation base Merit Increase Merit Increase Merit A (UNI) Amount (UNI) Percentage rate Amoun Planned 156,000.00 6240.00 4.00 Planned 94,800.00 3792.00 4.00 Planned 54,000.00 2160.00 4.00 8400.00 2.67 2.76

Table 1

Percentage exceeds upper limit of Merit increase %

 SAP AG 1999

  

The Excel spreadsheet looks like this. For detailed information on the individual fields in the Excel spreadsheet, see the R/3 library. You generate a list of employees and have start the mass maintenance tools by clicking on the Excel icon located under the list of employees.  The system loads an Excel spreadsheet into the R/3 window that contains the employees, budget data, calculation data, etc.  You are ready to award these employees compensation adjustments. To do this, proceed as follows:  Apply the guidelines or increase the amounts by percentages (optional)  Enter the adjustment amount or percentage for each employee per adjustment type.  Choose refresh to update the data in the Excel spreadsheet, for example, so that you can see how much budget you have left.  If you are happy with your adjustments, choose the Back icon to upload the data back into the R/3 system.


HR050 7-27

Workflow for Approval and Activation Process


Department Head

Submits adjustments

• Rejects adjustments • Changes adjustments • Approves adjustments • Resubmits adjustments • Activates adjustments

 SAP AG 1999

Basic approval workflow for compensation administration process: Example  The manager of an organizational unit plans the adjustments for his employees. Using workflow, he sends this list to the department head (the holder of the chief position) of the superior organizational unit.  The department head receives the proposed adjustments for approval. If she approves them, the adjustments are sent to the personnel administrator for activation. If the submitted adjustments are rejected they are sent back to the manager


HR050 7-28

Long- term Incentives

Long-term incentive administration



Expiring / forfeiting


Life events

 SAP AG 1999

Long-term incentives can be distributed to your employees. The Compensation Management's Longterm Incentives (LTI) functionality allows you to:  Grant awards/options  Define vesting rules and schedules  Exercise options  Perform canceling and forfeiting  Let awards/options expire  Process life events


HR050 7-29

Compensation Management: Unit Summary

You can now:  Describe the main Compensation Management functions  Display a budget structure  Describe the components that make up the compensation process  Describe how the components of the compensation process fit together.

 SAP AG 1999  SAP AG


HR050 7-30

Exercises Unit: Compensation Topic: Compensation Administration At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Change your role to Compensation Specialist  Create a budget  Administer a bonus and performance award  Review awards The department head has decided to award the members of their department with a bonus and performance increase for all of their hard work. As the compensation specialist, you will need create budgets, and administer/review the awards granted to the ##-Administration department.. 1-1

Change your role to SAP_HR_COMP-SPECIALIST.


Give the ## Administration a 1999 Bonus budget. Release the budget for distribution.


Create another budget for a 1999 Merit budgets. Release the budget for distribution.


Perform a bonus adjustment and a performance adjustment for the Administration department. Submit, approve and activate the adjustments.


Review the benefits data created in the enrollment process. 1-5-1 Review the Basic Pay records for Mr. Vega. 1-5-2 Review the Additional Payments records for Mr. Vega.


HR050 7-31


Solutions Unit: Compensation Topic: Compensation Administration


Change your role to SAP_HR_COMP-SPECIALIST. 1-1-1 Select the Other menu button in the SAP Easy Access menu. 1-1-2 Select the Find icon. 1-1-3 Enter SAP_HR_COMP-SPECIALIST in the Find field. 1-1-4 Select the Find icon again. 1-1-5 Select the SAP_HR_COMP-SPECIALIST. 1-1-6 Select the Copy/Enter icon.


Give the ## Administration a 1999 Bonus budget. Activity group SAP_HR_COMP-SPECIALIST  Compensation Management  Budgeting  Structure  Create 1-2-1

Create a new budget for Bonus Select Budget type Bonus Budget Select Budget period name 1999 For the Budget unit abbreviation, enter ## Admin For the Budget unit name, enter ## Administration Bonus Select the Display option Budget Distribution Select the Create Icon


Give your budget UNI to distribute Place your cursor on the 0.00 under the label Total Budget Select the overwrite budget icon In the new budget amount, enter 15000, and select Save


Assign your budget to your organizational unit From the menu, select Goto  Financing Place your cursor on your budget Select the icon for Assign financed units From the pop-up, select your organizational unit ## Admin Select Continue / Enter


HR050 7-32


Release your budget for distribution Select your budget, and from the menu, select Budget structure  Set status  Released In the confirmation, select Yes. Exit


Create another budget for a 1999 Merit budgets. Activity group SAP_HR_COMP-SPECIALIST  Compensation Management  Budgeting  Structure  Create 1-3-1

Create a new budget Select Budget Type Merit Budget Select Budget period name 1999 For the Budget unit abbreviation, enter ## Admin For the Budget unit name, enter ## Administration Merit Select the Display option Budget Distribution Select the Create Icon


Give your budget UNI to distribute Place your cursor on the 0.00 under the label Total Budget Select the Overwrite budget icon In the new budget amount, enter 15000, and select Save


Assign your budget to your organizational unit From the menu, select Goto  Financing Place your cursor on your budget Select the icon for Assign financed units From the pop-up, select your organizational unit ## Admin Select Continue / Enter


Release your budget for distribution Select your budget, and from the menu, select Budget structure  Set status  Released In the confirmation, select Yes. Exit


HR050 7-33


Perform a bonus adjustment and a performance adjustment for the ##-Administration department. Activity group SAP_HR_COMP-SPECIALIST  Compensation Management  Administration  Adjustments menu Enter the Planning period for 1999, HR Class Compensation Review in the Reason field and leave the Type field blank. Select employees using the Organization unit of the ##-Administration. Select the Perform Compensation adjustments icon. 1-4-1

Apply the bonus Select Bonus Plan in the Detail data for adjustment types section. Select all employees in the organization unit in the Employee section. Select the apply guidelines icon.


Give the ##-Administration department a performance increase for 1999 performance. Select Performance Increase in the Detail data for adjustment types section. Select all employees in the organization unit in the Employee section. Select the Change by percentage button. Enter 5 in the Percent rate field in the Define default: Input pop-up box and select Continue/Enter. Acknowledge the message “Percentage increase carried out” by selecting Enter. Select the Save icon.

1-4-3 Submit, approve and release the compensation adjustments (for the sake of the exercise, we will process the adjustments quickly through the statuses. In the workplace, this would be a slower step-by step process) From the menu, select Adjustment  Set status  Submit From the menu, select Adjustment  Set status  Approve From the menu, select Adjustment  Set status  Activate 1-5

Review the data created in the compensation process. 1-5-1 Review the Basic Pay records for Mr. Vega. From the Favorites menu select: Maintain Master Data


HR050 7-34

Enter personnel number 50992## in the Personnel no. field. Select the Gross / Net payroll tab. Select the entry for Basic Pay. Select the Display icon. Review the data and select the Back icon. 1-5-2 Review the Additional Payments records for Mr. Vega. Select the Gross / Net payroll tab. Select the entry for Additional Payments. Select the Display icon. Review the data and select the Back icon.


HR050 7-35

Time Management

Contents:  Basic Elements of Time Management  Time Recording  Time Evaluation  Shift Planning  Cross-Application Time Sheet  Incentive Wages

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 8-1

Time Management: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  Describe the basic elements of Time

Management  Record time data  Describe an example of Time Evaluation  Determine requirements and plan shifts  Describe the Cross-Application Time Sheet  Describe concept of Incentive Wages

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 8-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Personnel Development


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 8-3


Travel Management

Time Management: Business Scenario

 In this scenartio, a time administrator records only exceptional time data, such as illness and leave, centrally at headquarters. This can also be done in a decentalized manner. Leave is deducted from a leave account.  Employees working in the production area enter their working times at time recording terminals. These times are evaluated in the R/3 System.  Employees‟ shifts are scheduled based on predefined requirements for various departments of your enterprise.  Employees in the field use the Cross-Application Time Sheet to record their data.  SAP AG 1999


HR050 8-4

Basics of Time Management: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Outline the work schedule  Describe how to assign the work schedule to the employee  List the two basic Time Management methods

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 8-5

Time Administrator Role

 SAP AG 1999

 

Time Recording Administrator This administrator performs daily time-related tasks concerning employees, including entering and maintaining time date, performing attendance checks, and processing messages from time evaluation.


HR050 8-6

       

Work performed by employees and employee availability are essential elements within an enterprise for a human resources system. This information is also relevant for other areas, such as Controlling and Logistics, and is a factor that influences enterprise-wide decisions. R/3 Time Management allows you to display and record working times flexibly. Information on working times is used to calculate gross wages in R/3 Payroll Accounting. Several options are available for recording working times, including a central time sheet, online menus, time recording systems, and Employee Self-Service (ESS) applications. You can manage time accounts (such as leave, flextime) manually or automatically. Working times can be used for activity allocation in Controlling. Costs generated by the working times can be assigned according to their source in Controlling. Information from R/3 Time Management is used in R/3 Logistics to determine employees‟ availability for capacity requirements planning. You can determine work requirements for the enterprise and plan employee shifts. You can generate time tickets automatically using postings from Plant Data Collection (PDC).


HR050 8-7

Integration with Other Components

Time Sheet

Logistics PM CS



Master Data Time Management


Confirmations Attendances/Absences

Capacity Planning Order Scheduling

Activity Allocation

Personal Work Schedule Shift Planning

Cost Assignment

Time Evaluation

MMMMSRV Work/Services Perfomed

Personnel Time Events

Work Time Events


Incentive Wages Time Tickets

PP PI Confirmations

Time Recording Systems


Balance Sheet and Sales Revenue Accounts

 SAP AG 1999

 

The graphic above provides an overview of the entire R/3 Time Management system. R/3 Time Management is integrated directly and indirectly with other Human Resources components, as well as with various R/3 components in Logistics and Accounting .  Examples:  Working times recorded using the time sheet are transferred to R/3 Time Management as attendances. The attendances can be used for activity allocation in Controlling or processed further in R/3 Time Evaluation. In R/3 Time Evaluation, time balances and wage types are generated and made available to R/3 Payroll. The payroll results are transferred to R/3 Accounting.  Employee attendances and absences are used to determine employee availability as part of capacity requirements planning in R/3 Logistics.  Working times recorded using time recording systems appear in R/3 Time Management as personnel time events and are processed in R/3 Time Evaluation. The wage types generated are made available to R/3 Payroll.


HR050 8-8

Work Schedules (1) Calendar



13 14

20 21

27 28

Working time

Shift work 6.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.

Flextime 7.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

 SAP AG 1999

The employee work schedule is an integral part of R/3 Time Management containing the planned specifications for employee working time.


HR050 8-9

Public Holiday Calendars 1999

Public Holidays

Pub. Holiday Calendars

New Year‟s Day Epiphany Good Friday Easter Sunday Easter Monday National holiday


Argentina Austria Canada Denmark England and Wales Mexico

PS Grouping Headquarters

MX Mexico

Change/Add Public Holidays with fixed date with fixed day from date relative to Easter is Easter Sunday is a floating holiday  SAP AG 1999

The standard R/3 System already contains public holiday calendars that include regional public holidays. You can change existing and define new public holidays in the public holiday list. In addition, you can change existing or define new public holiday calendars. You assign a public holiday calendar to a personnel subarea.  Public holidays are taken into account when determining bonuses or calculating leave, for example.


HR050 8-10

Work Schedules (2)

Public Holiday Calendar

Daily Work Schedule OFF






Period Work Schedule

L Planned working hours = 8.00 Planned working time = 6:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Break = 1 hour


L Off






E Off

Work Schedule 12/30 12/31 ...









1F 2S 3S 4M 5T 6W 7T 8F

New Year‘s Day









1/9 1/10








New Year‟s Day  SAP AG 1999

An employee‟s planned working time is represented in a work schedule. The work schedule is generated from a period work schedule and a public holiday calendar. The period work schedule comprises a set sequence of daily work schedules. The daily work schedule contains information on a day‟s working time including breaks. The sequence can reflect regular and variable working times. The period work schedule is applied to the calendar, taking into account specifications in the public holiday calendar. The work schedule rule encompasses all the specifications required to define the work schedule.  The work schedule is used as the basis for time data evaluation.  Examples: - The work schedule shows how many hours salaried employees must work to be entitled to their full salary. Depending on the specifications defined for the individual employee, any additional hours worked are identified as overtime in R/3 Time Evaluation. - If you only record deviations to the work schedule, planned working time is used as the basis for time evaluation.  You assign a work schedule to an employee in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007) using work schedule rules. 


HR050 8-11

Planned Working Time and Time Management Status

Work schedule rule

When must the employee work? Example: FLEX

Daily working hrs Weekly working hrs Monthly working hrs Annual working hrs Weekly work. days

Time Mgmt status

7.50 37.50 163.00 1,957.50 5.00

Is the employee included in time evaluation? evaluation?

Time Management status


Time eval. (act)

 SAP AG 1999

 

 

 

Employee planned working time is assigned in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007) using work schedule rules. Planned working time is defined in a business environment as the daily working period from start to end time, excluding breaks. By defining the planned working time for your employees, you determine how long they must work in your enterprise on a daily basis. The Time Management status determines whether an employee„s working times are processed in R/3 Time Evaluation or in R/3 Payroll. Examples of Time Management status: 0 - No time evaluation (processed in R/3 Payroll) 1 - Time evaluation (actual) 2 - PDC time evaluation 3 - Time evaluation (planned) 8 - External Services If you do not specify a Time Management status or specify the status No time evaluation for employees, they are not included in time evaluation. Their time data is processed in R/3 Payroll. Information on working time specific to a particular employee is represented in his or her personal work schedule. The personal work schedule contains the deviations from and exceptions to an employee‟s working time that have been recorded


HR050 8-12

Recording Time Data

Method #1: Record only deviations from the work schedule

Doctor’s appt



2.5 hrs

Work schedule = actual and planned

Method #2: Record all times Attendance



3 hrs

Doctor’s appt



2.5 hrs




3 hrs

Recorded times = actual Work schedule = planned

 SAP AG 1999

You can use two different methods to record employee time data in the R/3 System: 1. Record only deviations from the work schedule In this method, you record time data for employees when their working times deviate from those assigned in their work schedules. You can record employee data, such as an employee illness, schedule and record substitutions, and enter an employee„s standard annual leave. 2. Record all actual times In this method, you record all actual times, that is all types of ocurrences such as the hours an employee actually worked. There are two ways to record actual times:  Automatic recording You can record actual times using separate time recording systems. The data is then uploaded to the R/3 System, where it is processed in R/3 Time Evaluation.  Manual recording You can also record actual times manually in the Attendances infotype (2002).


HR050 8-13

Time Recording: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Describe the different methods for recording time data  Record employee time data in the R/3 System

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 8-14

Processing Time Data Work Schedule Early Normal Night

+ Personnel Time Data Overtime


Business trips, work performed

Change in planned working time

Substitutions Attendances  SAP AG 1999

 

Valuation and remuneration of employee working time is based on time data recording. If you want to record deviations from or exceptions to an employee„s work schedule, you can use time infotypes.  Examples of employee time data are hours worked, leave and illness, overtime, substitutions, and business trips.


HR050 8-15

To record employee times in R/3 Time Management, such as hours worked, business trips, leave, or substitutions, you can use a variety of systems and methods, such as: - Online by time administrators - Separate time recording systems - Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS) - Employee Self-Service (ESS) applications, such as Internet Application Components (IACs), Workflow forms, or touch screen systems - Customer systems with an interface to the R/3 System  Time data, such as listed above, is stored in infotypes. A personnel or time administrator records this data in various ways: - Single screen: Records data for one employee - Fast entry: Record sdata for several employees - List entry: Records multiple records for one infotype for one employee - Calendar: Records infotypes for one year (annual calendar), one month (monthly calendar), or one week (weekly calendar)


HR050 8-16

 

 

The most common way for employees to enter their own working times is by using time recording systems. Using time recording systems considerably lessens the burden on personnel departments and time administrators. Time recording systems enable you to record attendance times automatically. Employees record the following information using a time recording system: - Arrive at work - Have a break (optional) - Work off-site (optional) - Leave work Employees can also record certain absences, generating locked absence records for approval by time administrators when they process the records later. You can implement access control to prevent unauthorized employees entering sensitive production areas.


HR050 8-17

Required Infotypes in Time Management Planned Working Time 11 10 9




2 3 4

7 6 5

Org. Assignment Time Recording Info

Personal Data


Name Date of birth

Absence Quotas Always required For time evaluation only  SAP AG 1999

In R/3 Time Management, there are certain infotype records that you must create for every employee. Time management data is stored in the same master data records used by other HR areas, such as R/3 Payroll Accounting or R/3 Personnel Planning and Development.  The following infotypes are required for integration between the Time Management and HR Master Data components: - Organizational Assignment (0001) - Personal Data (0002) - Absence Quotas (2006) - Planned Working Time (0007): You must have entered the appropriate Time Management status, determining whether the employee„s time data is processed in R/3 Time Evaluation or in R/3 Payroll Accounting. - Time Recording Info (0050): This infotype is used in R/3 Time Evaluation. It can contain interface data on the subsystem and additional data on the employee that is relevant for time evaluation.


HR050 8-18

   

Employee attendances can be business trips, participation in seminars, hours worked, or teaching a training course, for example. Attendances are stored in the Attendances infotype (2002), which is subdivided into various attendance types (subtypes). Employee absences are leave, or illness, for example. Absences are stored in the Absences infotype (2001), which is subdivided into various absence types (subtypes). Different attendance or absence types activate different entry screens. Attendances and absences can be partial-day, full-day, or for several days. You determine this in Customizing. Attendances and absences can be deducted from entitlements (quotas), for annual leave, approved overtime, or further training, for example. Some attendances and absences can influence an employee‟s remuneration; others have a purely statistical function.


HR050 8-19

    

The absence type Leave is a subtype of the Absences infotype (2001). Absence hours and absence days are calculated on the basis of an employee‟s personal work schedule. The calendar days are the number of days between the start and end date in the leave record. The quota used is the number of days or hours deducted from an employee„s leave entitlement. Note: You can only save this absence type if there is sufficient quota available. You can determine leave entitlement for all employees at once using the report RPTQTA00 (Generating Absence Quotas).


HR050 8-20

Workflow: Leave Request




• Submits leave request • Rejects request • Changes request • Approves request

• Checks, corrects, and approves request

• Receives notification • Receives notification

• Checks and

of unsuccessful posting

rejects request

 SAP AG 1999

 

Enter leave request: Employee submits a leave request using the company intranet. Approve or reject leave request: Employee‟s superior receives a work item via the intranet. He or she can approve or reject the leave request:  Leave request was rejected: Employee receives an e-mail informing him or her that the request was rejected. By processing the work item, he or she can change or delete the leave request. If the request is changed, the approval process is triggered again.  Leave request was approved: An absence record (infotype 2001) is created in the background with the approved data.  Absence record cannot be posted: The administrator receives a work item for error handling in the R/3 System. The administrator checks the situation – if the error can be corrected, he or she approves the leave request; if the absence cannot be posted, he or she rejects the leave request.  Confirmation: The person who submitted the request is informed via the intranet whether the leave request was approved or rejected. The superior is informed if the leave request was rejected.  For more information, see the SAP Library: Basis  Business Management (BC-BMT)  SAP Business Workflow (BC-BMT-WFM)  Reference Documentation  BC- Workflow Scenarios in Applications  SAP Business Workflow  PA Personnel Management: Workflow Scenarios  Edit Leave Request


HR050 8-21

Absence Type: Sickness

Create Pers. no. Valid

0021903 05/10/1999 To


Absence type

YYYY Sickness

Absence hours


Absence days


Calendar days


Payroll days


 SAP AG 1999

You record and maintain the absence type Sickness as a subtype of the Absences infotype (2001). You can enter days or hours, taking into account the validity period of the illness record and information from the employee‟s monthly work schedule.  Note: Depending on the country-specific laws, you may require additional information on incapacity to work. You can enter this information in additional fields and screens.


HR050 8-22

Attendance Type: Business Trip

Create Pers. no. Valid

0021903 10/18/1999 To


Absence type

0400 Business trip

Absence hours


Absence days


Calendar days


Payroll hours


 SAP AG 1999

  

The attendances you record in the Attendances infotype (2002) specify and detail an employee‟s work schedule. You can record an employee‟s participation in a seminar, working hours, or overtime, for example. If you do not have time recording systems in operation, you use this infotype to record your employees‟ actual times. A business trip is another example of an attendance. The employee is not at his or her desk, but is still performing work for your enterprise. When you record attendances, you can use a subsequent screen to enter a different payment (premium, different pay scale group, and so on) for the attendance you have recorded. You can:  Assign the attendance to a cost center, if this is different from the master cost center,  Assign the attendance to an order,  Or you can specify a sender and receiver cost center and an activity type for activity allocation in Controlling, if required. Note: Some attendances reduce quota entitlements (approved overtime, for example). Entitlements to such attendances are stored in the Attendance Quotas infotype (2007) for the attendance.


HR050 8-23


Different Payment

Cost Assignment

Premium Pay scale group/level Extra pay...

Cost center Order ...

 SAP AG 1999

 

Overtime is defined as any hours that an employee works over and above the planned working time defined in his or her daily work schedule. You can record overtime hours in the Overtime (2005) or Attendances (2002) infotypes. You only record overtime hours in the Overtime infotype (2005) if you record deviations from the work schedule exclusively. You can record overtime for one or several days and overtime breaks in this infotype. For records spanning more than one day, you can define whether the record may be assigned to the previous day using the previous day indicator. You can determine whether overtime is payed or compensated with time in lieu by specifying the overtime compensation type in the Attendances (2002) and Overtime (2005) infotypes. You can use a subsequent screen to enter a different payment (premium, different pay scale group, and so on) for overtime recorded, as for attendances. On another screen, you can enter an account assignment for the overtime reflecting the cost center, if this is different to the master cost center, or the order. If you have R/3 Time Recording implemented, overtime is calculated automatically from the full actual times. In R/3 Time Evaluation, you can process different types of overtime calculation (daily, weekly) and approval (for individual employees, dependent on work schedule, general).


HR050 8-24


New Daily Work Schedule Individual Working Time 11 10 11 10




1 2





4 37 6 5


4 7 6 5

New Work Schedule Rule

Different Payment According to Position

Early Normal Night

 SAP AG 1999

 

Employees performing activities that require them to work hours other than those defined in their work schedules constitutes a substitution. You can record the following substitutions in the Substitutions infotype (2003): Individual working time: For changes to the planned working time that cannot be reflected in (daily) work schedules. You enter the start and end of work individually with clock times. The original planned working time is overwritten. New daily work schedule: For day-to-day changes to the planned working time, replacing an employee„s original planned working time. New work schedule rule: For long term changes to the planned working time. You can assign the work schedule rule of the employee to be substituted by entering his or her personnel number. The work schedule of the other employee is then applied and the original planned working time is overwritten. Different payment (according to another position): For different payment according to a position that specifies the intended payment. In this case, the planned working time is not overwritten, unless you combine this substitution with one of the other substitution types. You can use a subsequent screen to enter a different payment (premium, different pay scale group, and so on) for the substitution recorded. On another screen, you can enter an account assignment for the substitution that reflects the cost center, if this is different to the master cost center, or the order.


HR050 8-25

Collision Checks: Examples Example 1: Illness record created 05/15/XX - 05/25/XX

+ Leave record “delimited” 05/10/XX - 05/14/XX 05/10/XX - 05/20/XX

05/15/XX - 05/25/XX

Example 2: Error Message: Leave record cannot be created

+ Illness record remains unchanged 06/06/XX - 06/22/XX 06/02/XX - 06/22/XX

06/12/XX - 06/18/XX

 SAP AG 1999

When recording time data, time data records frequently overlap one another. These overlappings are called collisions in the R/3 System.  When you enter a new time data record, the system checks if other records have been recorded for the employee for the same time period. Collision checks prevent data records that conflict with one another from co-existing in the system.  When collisions appear, the system reacts by issuing a warning or error message, or by delimiting the old record.  Note: You can define collisions for all time infotypes in Customizing.


HR050 8-26

Annual Calendars and Monthly Calendars



Change Annual Calendar

Change Monthly Calendar

Pers. no. 0021903 Denise Smith

Pers. no. 0021903 Denise Smith

January February March April May ...


Monday Flex



Tuesday Wednesday... **** VMA

Flex A


 SAP AG 1999

In the calendar overview screen, you can display and maintain an employee„s time data. The annual calendar provides an overview of all absences and attendances for a 12-month period. - Each day is represented by a one-character input field - Attendances and absences are represented by a one-character identification code (abbreviation) - If the codes are ambiguous (if you use different leave types, for example), the system requires you to specify the subtype.  The monthly calendar provides an overview of all time infotypes for an employee for one month. It displays the daily work schedules assigned via work scheduling and, if necessary, any exceptions to them. The monthly calendar enables you to maintain other time infotypes in addition to attendances and absences. You can branch to the list entry screen and choose the appropriate identification code for attendances and absences, as for the annual calendar.  


HR050 8-27

Weekly Calendar


Maintain weekly calendar

Standard Rec. hrs Rem. hrs Start

Monday 09/13/99 8.00 2.5 5.5 End

09/13/99 09/13/99

Tuesday 09/14/99 8.00 0.0 8.0 Hrs




Wednesday 09/15/99 8.00 0.0 8.0 To


Thursday 09/16/99 8.00 0.0 8.0 An./Abw. Att./abs.

14:00 ABCD Dr‟s appt


Cost center 0021903

 SAP AG 1999

If you want to record absence and attendance information in more detail than the annual and monthly calendars allow, you can use the weekly calendar screen. You can enter different account assignments for the attendances and absences recorded on a weekly basis.  The overview displays the standard hours defined in the daily work schedule. If required, you can also display recorded hours, and attendance or absence hours.


HR050 8-28

Time Recording for Multiple Persons

Flexible selection of employees

Flexible selection of time data entries

   

Planned working time Actuals: attendances, absences Premiums, additional hours

Message log

 SAP AG 1999

In many industries, employees planned and actual working times can fluctuate, making it necessary for working times to be recorded manually. A time administrator can enter this for employees if employees do not do this themselves via a subsystem.  In order to respond to this need, the report RPTENT00, includes a new data entry screen which allows Time Recording for Multiple Persons and Infotypes. You can use this report to record and correct the following types of time data (infotypes) for several persons on the same screen: - Absences in Absence infotype (2001), including quota deductions. - Attendances in Attendance infotype (2002) - Substitutions in Substitutions infotype (2003) - Employee Remuneration Info in the EE Remuneration Info infotype (2010) - Control data for time evaluation and time transfer specifications in the Time Transfer Specifications infotype (2012).


HR050 8-29

Quota Overview

Organizational data

Accrual information

Absence quotas

Attendance quotas

 SAP AG 1999

The quota overview provides  A clear overview of an employee‟s current absence entitlements  Detailed information on quota entitlements that have been generated automatically  The option of correcting quota entitlements manually  A simulated projection of future quota entitlements  A printed overview of the projected quota entitlements  A telephone function, making it easier to communicate with employees.


HR050 8-30

Time Evaluation: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Describe the concept of time evaluation  List the infotypes required for time evaluation  Correct errors  Access a time statement list

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 8-31

Time Evaluation: Overview

... 3/30 3/31 4/01 4/02 L

Employee Master Data





Work Schedules

08:00 Clock-in 14:00 Clock-out 14:00 - 17:00 Doctor

Time Recording

Time Evaluation Time Wage Types



Employees‟ Time Statement Time Accounts

 SAP AG 1999

In the SAP HR system, the term “time evaluation” is used to describe the evaluation of employees‟ attendances and absences using a report..  Front-end time recording systems are often used to record actual data. Employees use these systems to record their start and end times (actual working times) electronically using a time recording ID card. This data is then fed into the HR System and processed by time evaluation. The system then compares the employees‟ actual times with those specified in the period work schedules assigned to the employees, and valuates the data.  However, use of time recording terminals is not necessary for working with time evaluation. You can also record employees‟ working times manually using the Attendances infotype (2002). It is also possible to perform time evaluation without having recorded employees' actual times. 


HR050 8-32

Time Events Infotype (2011)

Date Time Time event type Day assignment Att./abs. reason Terminal ID Origin Time Recording Terminals

04/01/xxxx 8:00 P10 Clock-in =

Time Evaluation

Different Payment Cost Assignment

 SAP AG 1999

If an employee records his or her actual times at a time recording system, you can view the recorded time events in the Time Events infotype (2011).  You can use the Time Events infotype (2011) to enter or correct time events that were not uploaded or that were incorrectly uploaded to the SAP R/3 System. You can use list entry to enter several time events for one personnel number at the same time.  The infotype contains information on the origin of the record (whether it was recorded manually or by a subsystem) and on the terminal ID, for instance. The infotype can also store information on a different payment (premium, different pay scale group, and so on) or a different cost center. The information can either be entered manually or by a time recording system.


HR050 8-33

Evaluating Time Data

Select employees and evaluation period Load data Check data for errors Classify times

• Breaks • Planned working times • Overtime

Select time wage types Compensate overtime wage types Manage time accounts Update results

 SAP AG 1999

Time data is evaluated in several processing steps, which are carried out in a fixed sequence. You determine the sequence and the individual processing steps in an evaluation schema in customizing.

The processing steps are grouped as follows: - Importing and checking recorded time data - Classifying the times - Determining the results


HR050 8-34

Time Evaluation Driver (RPTIME00)

Time Evaluation

Individual Test Run

Daily Batch Run

Time Evaluation Driver RPTIME00 Time data for past/future periods

Recalculation for subsequent changes

Current time data


Maintain and Correct

Time wage types Time balances Leave entitlement Messages Errors Notes Realtime Information results    

 SAP AG 1999

Time evaluation is performed by the time evaluation driver RPTIME00. It evaluates employees' time data that has been recorded either at the time recording terminals or in the time management infotypes.  Time evaluation generally runs once daily, overnight, and is started using a batch job. It is normally used for large groups of employees. You can also run time evaluation for individual employees or groups of employees, or for particular past evaluation periods. This function is particularly useful for test purposes, for example.  The time evaluation report can also be run for future periods. A future evaluation can be useful in the following situations:  You want time evaluation to determine an employee‟s anticiapted absence entitlements when absence quotas are built up automatically.  You want to evaluate planned times in shift planning while taking anticipated overtime income into account, for example.


HR050 8-35

Managing Time Accounts

Denise Smith Date ... xx/04/xxxx xx/11/xxxx xx/23/xxxx

Account no. 123999

Date: xx/31/xxxx Credits

Debits Credit Debit Credit

150.00 235.00 120.00 Previous balance: 300.00

Current balance: 335.00

Time evaluation results Denise Smith Date xx/01/xxxx

Pers. no. 0021903 Time type 0040 Cumulated overtime

Number 8.0000

Time evaluation processes the following information: On xx/02: Employee worked 9 hours of overtime On xx/03: Employee worked 7.5 hours of overtime

Time evaluation results Denise Smith Date xx/02/xxxx xx/03/xxxx

Pers. no.: 0021903 Time type 0040 Cumulated overtime 0040 Cumulated overtime

Number 17.0000 24.5000

 SAP AG 1999

 

Time accounts can be accrued and deducted during time evaluation. You can use time evaluation to manage the following time accounts, for example: - Overtime - Planned times - Flextime balances  Time accounts can be... - Accrued and deducted flexibly - Used for employees' information - Used to create statistics  Managing time accounts is similar to managing a bank account. Bank accounts and time accounts have the following common features: - They relate to a person - They relate to times - They are accrued and deducted - They reflect a particular value (credit) at a particular time  Time evaluation administrates time accounts according to defined processing steps. The value of the appropriate time account is updated for every day that is processed by time evaluation.


HR050 8-36

Time Management Pool: Error Handling

Time Management Pool Error Handling


Pers. no.





Helena Cabrera


Employee at work although OFF


Frank Weber


Clock-out cannot be delimited

Maintain time event

Correction required

 SAP AG 1999

Error handling displays all the messages from the last time evaluation run and all information from earlier evaluations that has yet to be confirmed. You can restrict the employee selection according to the Time Recording administrator.  Various messages are displayed, each highlighted in a different color depending on whether they are: - Errors that cause time evaluation to terminate, for example, missing time postings - Errors that do not cause time evaluation to terminate but set the recalculation date to the day with errors, for example, if the working time was not finished when time evaluation was run - Information relating to situations of note, for example, core time violations - Notes (not highlighted) do not require postprocessing, for example, core time violations  Messages that have already been processed are flagged by an editing indicator. The messages can be saved together or deleted individually.  You can branch to the document view by selecting a line. As in the overview list, you can create or correct time infotype records, access the employee‟s daily work schedule, and so on.


HR050 8-37

Form Layout

Header Data

Day Data Weekly Total

Totals Overview: Time Balances

Totals Overview: Wage Types

 SAP AG 1999

 

You can use the time statement to create an employee-related overview of the time evaluation results. You can also use the time statement to inform employees of their current balances, time credits, daily attendance times, and so on.  You can provide employees with this information in a printed form, or using the Internet/intranet application.  You use the Form Editor as a tool to adapt the requirements of company specific time accounts.


HR050 8-38

Shift Planning: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Describe the importance of shifts  Define requirements  Assign shifts to employees  Identify under- and overstaffing requirements

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 8-39

Shift Planning is a component of R/3 Time Management. The continuous transfer of data between the R/3 Time Management, R/3 Organizational Management, R/3 Human Resources, and R/3 Personnel Development components ensures that data is always kept updated and current throughout the system. For example, any changes to data made in Time Data Recording and Administration or Time Evaluation that affect shift planning, or any changes to data made in R/3 Shift Planning that affect payroll accounting are incorporated in all of the components. In this way, planning errors, such as those that occur when manually transferring data, are minimized.


HR050 8-40

Leave and other types of personal time off are usually planned well enough ahead of time. On the other hand, illnesses or similar types of employee absences usually occur unexpectedly. R/3 Shift Planning supports the selection of human resources required for shifts to prevent understaffing.  The prerequisite for planning shifts with this component is a personal work schedule in R/3 Time Management. This work schedule provides a long-term view of which days the employee is scheduled to work and which days the employee is scheduled to be off. This rough draft is then further edited in R/3 Shift Planning.


HR050 8-41

All data in time management is represented in the shift plan in the form of shift abbreviations. Changes made to the shift plan are then transferred back to R/3 Time Management.  A shift describes a period of working time with an identifying shift abbreviation and a corresponding name.  You can define shifts that contain their own periods of working time. You can also assign daily work schedules to the shifts which are available as a result of the integration of all R/3 Time Management components.


HR050 8-42

Shifts and Shift Groups Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su J. Smith S. Johnson P. Kim T. Thomas T. Barnes

Fl Off Fl Fl Va

Fl Fl Ea Fl Va

Ea Ea Ea Off Ea

Lt Lt Fl Lt Fl

Fl Off Off Fl Off Fl Fl Off Off Fl Lt Oc Fl Fl Lt

Daily Work Schedule Flextime




0100 (Leave)

Attendance 0400 (Business Trip)

Availability 01 (On-call Duty)

Individual Times 8:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.


Shift Group Shifts FL Flextime VA Leave BT Business Trip OC On-call Duty individual times

Organizational Units, Work Centers

01 01 Shift Group Infotype 1039

02 02 05 05

03 03

04 04

06 06 Shift Group Infotype 1039

 SAP AG 1999

Data from the personal work schedule is used as the basis for shift planning, as well as the shift group of each organizational unit.  Shifts can be grouped together into shift groups. Shift groups can then be assigned to entry object types, such as a department or a work center. When planning shifts in R/3 Shift Planning, the shifts that are determined by the shift group assigned to the current entry object type are activated.


HR050 8-43

Requirements Definition

Requirements can be defined for the various day types (workdays public holidays, weekends and so on...) for individual organizational units or work centers. Requirements can include:  Time Information

Abbreviation Time Interval Grid

 Number of Employees  Jobs


 Additional Qualifications  Identification (Additional Shift) Requirements

 SAP AG 1999

A requirements record defines the following elements: - Shift (Daily Work Schedule) or Time Intervals break down workdays into work-related time periods. - Number You determine the number of employees that need to be scheduled to cover a requirement. You can also enter a minimum or maximum number of employees and thus specify how many employees are essential to completely cover the requirements. - Job (Type of Task) - Qualifications You specify which qualifications are required of the employees you want to schedule to cover a requirement. Qualifications are foreign language abilities or special machinerelated or technical skills, for example. - Indicator (ID) Requirements with an activated indicator (ID) means that an employee already assigned to another requirement can be included in this requirement. - Comments Individual names, brief descriptions or notes - Validity Period You specify the validity period for the requirement. - Blank Requirements Record By using a blank requirements record, you can create exceptions to personnel requirements.


HR050 8-44

Editing Target Plans

Calendar for an entire planning period

Target Plan: Display Target plan




Organizational Unit Name

List of all employees in selected organizational unit



Technical Service


























Rosa Lee












Eric Wong












Carlos Rivero







Anna Ghobadi







Frank Weber












Helena Cabrera



















Tgt 1















x x x

x x x

x x x

Display additional information columns Personal shift plans of all employees are displayed (including all absences and attendances)

Requirements Matchup  SAP AG 1999

The screen that appears when you call up the target plan displays a calendar in which a list of selected employees is displayed, along with their personal work schedules. Daily work schedules are automatically accessed from other R/3 Time Management components. These daily work schedules can then be modified for the planning period entered.  You can copy the target plan of one employee to another employee.  The shift plan also indicates whether an employee is ”locked” for processing by another user in the R/3 System. When this employee is “unlocked,” then he or she can be immediately locked again for scheduling in a shift plan.


HR050 8-45

Shift Plan: Day View

Edit Shift Plan: Day View

Monday, 06/07/1999 Name

Info Ab




08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00

Rosa Lee

N2 Flextime 08:00 16:00 I------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

Eric Wong

E2 Normal 08:00 17:00 I------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

Carlos Rivero

NO Flextime 08:00 16:00 I------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------Personnel Requirements

Ab NO E2





Normal 08:00 16:00 Technician Early

08:00 17:00 Syst. Adm.

Tgt ID







Comments EE should...

 SAP AG 1999

In addition to the calendar view, there is a day view available for assigning requirements and employees, especially for partial day shifts and partial day working times. By using the day view, you can easily schedule requirements that last whole days or just partial days, as well as schedule any specific day individually in the shift plan. Furthermore, you can display and edit partial day absence and attendances.


HR050 8-46

Determining Proposals

Only persons without any assignment on this day Only requirements without any assignment on this day Only persons without any attendances/absences on this day

Sequence 1. All requirements with jobs, employee time is equal to requirements time 2. All requirements with jobs, employee time is greater than or equal to requirements time 3. All requirements without jobs, employee time is equal to requirements time 4. All requirements without jobs, employee time is greater than or equal to requirements time  SAP AG 1999

Different criteria is used to determine proposals. In the Settings menu, you can specify individual priorities for your planning.  Note:  By using an SAP enhancement, you can also define the parameterization of priorities.


HR050 8-47

Assignment Assistant

x Requirement: English-speaking consultant with a normal shift

Assignment Options (for working time)

Determine Proposal


Select Employee

 SAP AG 1999

When editing your plan, you can also use the Assignment Assistant, either within the plan itself in the Assignment view or by clicking on the highlighted area in the requirements screen. The Assignment Assistant provides you with information about the selected requirement, for example, whether or not an employee has already been assigned.  You can also determine a proposal for the requirement. The system displays a list of employees. Before selecting an employee, you can use the qualification profile matchup (for requirements with qualifications).  If you select an employee to assign, you can also use the assignment options for the working time.


HR050 8-48

Completing Target Plan and Editing Actual Plan

You can edit and save the Target Plan as often as you like. When you save the target plan, only the most current version is saved, and this data is transferred to R/3 Time Management. You complete the target plan when no further changes to the plan are necessary.

Modify the actual shifts that are worked in corresponding fields in the Target or Actual Plan that contain the target shifts.

Complete Target Plan

Modify in Actual Plan

 SAP AG 1999

The shifts entered in the target plan are transferred to the actual plan. If an alternative shift is entered in the actual plan, the system creates a substitution record in R/3 Time Management. The R/3 System overwrites the already existing substitutions in the shift plan when new substitutions are created.  The target plan is then stored for reference purposes.  When planning shifts, you can compare the target and actual plans in R/3 Time Evaluation.  You can also export the actual and target plans to Microsoft Excel for further editing.


HR050 8-49

Cross-Application Time Sheet: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Describe the prerequisites for recording data in the Cross-Application Time Sheet  Record time data in the Time Sheet  Release, approve, and transfer time data

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 8-50

Time Recording Using the Cross-Application Time Sheet

Time data for HR / CO / PS / PM / MMMM-SRV / CS

One central data entry point: Cross-Application Time Sheet CATS Data

Time data transfer to HR / CO / PS / PM / MMMM-SRV / CS

 SAP AG 1999

The Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS ) is another form of Employee Self-Service. You can use it to record the actual working times of individual employees.  The Cross-Application Time Sheet can be used to record times for the following components: - Controlling (CO): Internal activity allocation - Human Resources (HR): Attendances, absences - External Services Management (MM-SRV): Entering work performed - Plant Maintenance (PM), Customer Service (CS), and Project System (PS): Confirmations  The Cross-Application Time Sheet offers the following advantages: - Cross-application standard screens for entering working times - Ease of use for all users - Default values and data entry templates - Integrated approval process - Support for corrections - SAP enhancements for increased flexibility in the definition of authorization checks, plausibility checks, and default values.


HR050 8-51


HR050 8-52

The prerequisites for working with the Cross-Application Time Sheet are: - HR mini-master (personnel number and personal data of the employees for whom data is to be entered) - Data entry profile for the entry of employee-related data - Applicable authorizations for working with the time sheet  The process in the Cross-Application Time Sheet consists of the following steps: - Entry of time data in the time sheet - Release of time data - Approval of time data (also using a Workflow) - Transfer of time data to the target component  Note: The individual steps can be combined.


HR050 8-53

Time Data for Time Management

8 attendance hours Approval time data

Entering time data Releasing time data

Transfer to R/3 Time Management

CATS HR Attendances (IT 2002) 8 Attendance hours  SAP AG 1999

   

You can enter time data for R/3 Human Resources in the Cross-Application Time Sheet, for example attendance and absence times. A subtype can be entered manually or proposed as a default. Times can be entered as clock times or as a number of hours. The times are released and subsequently approved or rejected. Only approved times can be transferred to the target component. When times are transferred, they are stored in one of the following Time Management infotypes: Attendances(2002), Absences (2001), or Employee Remuneration Info (2010). Note: The Cross-Application Time Sheet is also available as an Internet Application Component.


HR050 8-54

Incentive Wages: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Explain the concept of Incentive Wages

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 8-55

Incentive Wages: Overview (1)

Performance-Based Compensation

Piecework Piecework Wages Wages

% Time Time Wages Wages

Premium Premium Wages Wages

Individual Individual Incentive Incentive Wages Wages

Group Group Incentive Incentive Wages Wages

 SAP AG 1999

R/3 Incentive Wages allows you to easily enter, maintain, and evaluate data pertaining to the performance-based compensation of your employees.  “Incentive Wages” is a generic term used for the following remuneration categories: - In time wages, compensation is measured by the actual time expended. The amount of work completed during that time is not taken into account. - Piecework wages are instituted to create an incentive for the employee. Employees can influence the total amount of their compensation by the number of items produced. - In premium wages, employees influence the total amount of their compensation by achieving quality- or quantity-based specifications. Premium wages are comprised of basic pay plus an additional performance-based premium.  As the above remuneration categories depend upon the internal company requirements in place, you will usually find several categories in use at the same time. Any combination of remuneration categories can be set up in the Incentive Wages component.  R/3 Incentive Wages supports individual incentive wages as well as group incentive wages, both of which can be operational at the same time.


HR050 8-56

Incentive Wages: Overview (2)





Incentive Wages


Payroll Accounting


Online Data Entry

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Data Entry & SummariMaintenance zations

Time Leveling

Upload Gross Payroll


PDC Subsystem  SAP AG 1999

  

  

Data for R/3 Incentive Wages is recorded as time tickets. Standard values and actual values (confirmed values) recorded in R/3 Logistics can be transferred to R/3 Human Resources. Confirmed values are either entered at a subsystem by each employee and then uploaded to the Logistics component, or recorded there manually. Confirmations are transferred either as work time events or a durations to the Incentive Wages component. Summarized values (actual times, target times, and labor utilization rates) are available for evaluations and time leveling even before the actual payroll accounting process begins. R/3 Incentive Wages is an integrated element of R/3 Payroll Accounting. The time tickets recorded are valuated when gross payroll is run. Employees‟ time tickets affect gross pay. Account assignment information is transferred to the Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) components.


HR050 8-57

Time Management: Unit Summary

You are now able to:  Describe the basic elements of Time Management  Record time data  Describe an example for time evaluation  Determine requirements and plan shifts  Describe the Cross-Application Time Sheet  Give a general description of Incentive Wages

 SAP AG 1999  SAP AG


HR050 8-58

Exercises Unit: Time Management Topic: Basics of Time Management  Change your role to HR: Time Recording Specialist  Describe the work schedule  Describe how to assign the work schedule to an employee  List the two basic type of time management methods As the time recording specialist, you must describe to your boss how the SAP system is used to administer time management.


Change your role to SAP_HR_PT_RC-SPECIALIST_AG.


What does the work schedule represent? How the work schedule generated? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


Where can you find the work schedule that is assigned to an employee? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


What are the two basic type of time management methods? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


HR050 8-59

Exercises Unit: Time Management Topic: Time Recording At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Record absence quotas, employee leave, illness, and overtime  View quotas  Work with both the monthly and annual calendars  Conduct substitutions using the monthly view All employees work according to a given work schedule. Time administrators must record employee leave and any other event affecting or changing an employee‟s working time in the system.


Record time data in Time Management Administration for Mr. Jose Vega. 2-1-1 Leave: Employee Jose Vega has requested leave (type 0306) from the 23rd of this month to the 9th of the next month. Optional: Check if leave entitlement is deducted in the Absence Quotas infotype (2006). 2-1-2 Sickness: Employee Jose Vega called in sick from the 1st to the 9th of next month. The new sickness record (type 0148) collides with the previously recorded leave record. In other words, the time of the leave record must be delimited (reduced). Choose Enter again to accept the delimitation. 2-1-3 Overtime: On one workday in the middle of next month, employee Jose Vega will work extra hours (from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) in addition to his daily work schedule. These hours are to be compensated as overtime. He took one unpaid 15-minute break between 5:30 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. this time.


Display the quota overview for employee Jose Vega.


Work with the annual and monthly calendars for Mr. Jose Vega. 2-3-1 Annual Calendar: Employee Jose Vega requests leave (category Leave (H), type Leave (0306)) from the 11th to the 23rd of the month after next. Record the absence using the annual calendar. Then look at the infotype records that were created in the background.


HR050 8-60

2-3-2 Monthly Calendar: Employee Jose Vega has to work the early shift on the first Tuesday of the current month. In other words, his daily work schedule is substituted by another daily work schedule. Record the deviation in the monthly calendar. Then look at the infotype record that was created in the background.


HR050 8-61

Exercises Unit: Time Management Topic: Time Evaluation At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Describe the concept of time evaluation  List the infotypes necessary for time evaluation  Change time management status to evaluate time using planned working times  Perform time evaluation and examine the log In the Caliber A Bicycle Company, you must evaluate the employees' time data that has been recorded in the time management infotypes.


In the SAP HR system, what does the term “Time evaluation” mean? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


Run Time Evaluation for Jose Vega using time evaluation schema TM04 in test mode and with the display log option selected. 3-2-1 Change the time management status of Jose Vega to a time evaluation status that uses planned working hours effective the beginning of the current year. 3-2-2 Execute Time Evaluation for Jose Vega using time evaluation schema TM04 using variant SAP&TEDT in test mode and with the display log option selected.


HR050 8-62

Solutions Unit: Time Management Topic: Basics of Time Management


Change your role to SAP_HR_PT_RC-SPECIALIST_AG. 1-1-1 Select the Other menu button in the SAP Easy Access menu. 1-1-2 Select the Find icon. 1-1-3 Enter SAP_HR_PT_RC-SPECIALIST_AG in the Find field. 1-1-4 Select the Find icon again. 1-1-5 Select the SAP_HR_PT_RC-SPECIALIST_AG. 1-1-6 Select the Copy/Enter icon.


The work schedule represents an employee‟s planned working hours. The work schedule is generated from a period work schedule and a public holiday calendar.


The work schedule that is assigned to an employee is located on the Planned working time infotype.


The two basic type of time management methods are: 1-4-1 Record only deviations from the work schedule. 1-4-2 Record all actual times worked by the employee.


HR050 8-63

Solutions Unit: Time Management Topic: Time Recording


Record time data in Time Management Administration for Mr. Jose Vega. Activity group SAP_HR_PT_RC-SPECIALIST_AG  Time data  Maintain 2-1-1 Leave Enter personnel number 50992## in the Personnel no. field. Select the Time Mgmt trans data tab. Select the entry for Absences. Enter the dates from the 23rd of this month to the 9th of the next month. Select the Create icon. Select subtype for PSG 01 A/A Type 0306 in the Subtypes of infotype 2001 pop-up box. Select the Save icon. Optional: Check if leave entitlement is deducted in the Absence Quotas infotype (2006). Select the Time quotas tab. Select the entry for Absence quotas. Select the Maintain overview icon. Note the deduction that appears. 2-1-2 Sickness Select the Time Mgmt trans data tab. Select the entry for Absences. Enter the dates from the 1st to the 9th of next month. Select the Create icon. Select subtype for PSG 01 A/A Type 0148 in the Subtypes of infotype 2001 pop-up box. Select the Save icon. The system recognizes that a collision exists and displays a dialog box. The new sickness record collides with the previously recorded leave record. In the Collision of Time infotypes select the Accept entry icon.


HR050 8-64

Acknowledge the warning appears stating that the time of the leave record was delimited. Select the Save icon. 2-1-3 Overtime Select the Time Mgmt trans data tab. Select the entry for Overtime. Enter a workday in the middle of the next month as the period, and then choose Create. Enter 17:00 to 19:00 hours in the Time fields. Select the Basic pay plus Overtimerate in the Overtime comp field. For the first break, enter a time interval 17:30 to 17:45 in the overtime period Break1 field. Select the Save icon. 2-2

Quota overview for employee Jose Vega. Activity group SAP_HR_PT_RC-SPECIALIST_AG  Time data  Quota Overview 2-2-1 Enter personnel number 50992## in the Personnel no. field and select the Enter icon.


Calendars Activity group SAP_HR_PT_RC-SPECIALIST_AG  Time data  Maintain 2-3-1 Annual Calendar Select the Annual calendar/Year button. Enter H from the working days that occur between the 11th to the 23rd of the month after next. Select the Save icon. Select the Attendance absence type 0306 Leave in the Change Annual Calendar and select Choose (Continue/Enter). Select the Save icon. 2-3-2 Monthly Calendar Select the Monthly calendar/Month button. Enter F-11 in the 15th of next month. Select the Save icon and return to the Maintain Time Data screen. Select the Time mgmt trans. data tab. Select the entry for Substitutions. Select the Change icon. Review the substitution records and exit without saving.


HR050 8-65

Solutions Unit: Time Management Topic: Time Evaluation


The term “time evaluation” is used to describe the evaluation of employees‟ attendance‟s and absences using a report.


Run Time Evaluation for Jose Vega using time evaluation schema TM04 in test mode and with the display log option selected. 3-2-1 Change the time management status for Jose Vega. Activity group SAP_HR_PT_RC-SPECIALIST_AG  Time data  Maintain Select the Time Management Data tab. Select the Planned working time entry. Select the Change icon. Change the entry in the Time Mgmt status to Tm.eval(plan). Select the Save icon. 3-2-2 Execute Time Evaluation for Jose Vega. Activity group SAP_HR_PT_RC-SPECIALIST_AG  Time evaluation  Time evaluation Enter the personnel number 50992##. Enter Evaluation schema TM04. Enter Time statement variant SAP&TEDT. Select the Program Options button. Select the Test run (no update) and Display log options. Select the Continue icon. Select the Execute icon. Examine the time log.


HR050 8-66

Travel Management

Contents:  Organizational form of trip entry  Entering trips  Accounting trips  Payment of trips

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 9-1

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 9-2


Travel Management

Travel Management: Unit Objectives

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:  Describe the organizational structures for recording trips  Identify which infotypes the Travel Expense component requires  Identify the different entry types for recording trip data  Enter and account trips  Describe how trip expenses are paid

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 9-3


HR050 9-4

Travel Management : Business Scenario

 You have booked your employee on an external business event.  Since the the employee must travel to attend the event, he/she must enter a trip request; the responsible travel assistant will then book the needed resources and have the trip approved by the approving manager so that the employee can be reimbursed.  The trip will then be accounted. The employee will receive a statement and the expenses incurred will be reimbursed.

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 9-5

There are three roles for Travel Management, there authorizations will dictate what transactions they can conduct. Generally the roles are as follows:  The Traveler: this person can only enter data for themselves and cannot approve expenses/trips.  The Travel Assistant: this role allows the user to enter data for themselves and others.  Approving Manager: this role cannot enter data for others but can approve existing trip requests and expense reports.


HR050 9-6

Travel Management - Environment HR-Administration: - Name - Org. assignment - Cost distribution .... - Travel privileges - Personal Profile - Preferences Valuation tables: - Per diems - Company´s travel policy... Trip facts: - Trip duration - Flights, Hotels,... - Receipts - Optical archive - Cost assignments - Destinations - Advances

Plan and account trips HR master record

Travel Management

Employee statement Reporting

FI Financial Accounting

CO Cost Accounting Non-SAP systems

HR Payroll


Accounting Payroll

Generate results

Non-SAP systems

Data medium exchange

 SAP AG 1999

The Travel Management application component includes all of the functions needed to process a business trip, from applying to go on a trip, to approving the trip, to posting the trip expenses and, if necessary, making corrections and performing retroactive accounting.  Human Resource master data, per diem rates, flat rates, a companies travel policy as well as recorded trip facts all enter into trip cost accounting. Subsequent fevisions are also taken into consideration.  The accounting results can be forwarded to Financial Accounting (FI), to Human Resource Payroll, or non-SAP systems. Payment by means of data medium exchange is equally possible.


HR050 9-7

Infotypes for Travel Management

Infotype 0000 0001 0002 0003 0017 0006 0009 0027 0470 0471 0472 0474 0475

Name Actions Organizational Assignment Personal Data Payroll Status Travel Privileges Address Bank Details Cost Distribution Personal Profile Flight Preferences Hotel Preferences Rental-car Preferences Train Preferences



Travel Planning

 SAP AG 1999

The following infotypes must be used for an employee who embarks on a business trip:  Actions (0000)  Organizational Assignment (0001)  Personal Data (0002)  Travel Privileges (0017)  Payroll Status (0003) (which is created automatically and needed for payroll)  The Trip Costs (mini-master) action contains the infotypes that you require. It displays them one after the other for you to maintain. You can change or supplement existing HR master data at any time.  In addition, the Infotypes Address (0006) and Bank Details (0009) are necessary if you:  want to generate vendor master records in FI for the corresponding personnel numbers in HR automatically  Utilize a form of data medium exchange.  You can use Infotype (0027) Cost Distribution to divide the total trip costs up, and then assign them to different cost centers.


HR050 9-8

Travel Privileges Create Travel Privileges


Michaela Maier 1300 2100

1 DU 09/02/2000



R.grp M/A statutory R.grp M/A enterprise E.grp expense type E.grp Travel Manag.


No distinction No distinction Group 1 No distinction

Travel costs

R.grp travel costs Vehicle type Vehicle class License plate number Period parameter

All employees Car No distinction

Employee has trips Trips assigned

Company code changes Change permitted

No distinction


Company code Business area Cost center  SAP AG 1999

An employee's travel privileges are stored in infotype 0017 Travel Privileges. They include control parameters for trip cost accounting, such as the car rule, reimbursement class, and reimbursement group, for specific employees.  Travel privileges determine, for example, the reimbursement amounts accessed by the accounting program, and the receipts that may be entered for an employee.  If an employee needs to go on a business trip, you must create travel privileges in master data.


HR050 9-9

The initial menu for the Travel Management application component enables you to perform all processing steps.


HR050 9-10

           

If you do not know the personnel number of a person whose data you need to process, you can use the possible entries function in the personnel number field to enter various search criteria. The receipt entry and single record entry functions enable you to perform the following tasks for business trips: Create Change Delete Cancel Display Simulate Account Print Approve, and Copy


HR050 9-11

Entering Receipts for a Trip

Fast FastCabs Cabs

Receipt Receipt Trip 08/03/XXXX

98020 Chris Miller 50,- UNI






Expense Types

... ...





FLIG ...

Flight ...


 SAP AG 1999

  

Receipts are recorded under a freely definable trip expense type, which is stored in the system. The receipt amount and the currency are entered for each receipt. In addition, using the IMG activity Field control for additional receipt information, you can define which additional information can or must be entered for each receipt type. Example: the names of guests in the case of entertainment receipts.


HR050 9-12

To enter trips for which only individual statements, flat rate travel costs, and meals per diems are required, choose travel manager.  The travel manager function takes you straight to the receipt entry screen. Its menu enables you to access all of the subsequent screens that you require. Basic trip data is entered in the general trip data box  On this overview screen, specific trips can be chosen via Selection criteria. The destination, the reason for the trip, or the trip status can be used as selection criteria.


HR050 9-13

 In cost assignment for trip costs, Travel Management distinguishes between: - General cost assignment for all trips per employee (Employee trip costs assignment guidelines) and Cost assignment within a trip to a cost accounting receiver (cost center, order, WBS element). - You can override the general cost assignment for all trips per employee with a cost assignment within a trip.


HR050 9-14

Cost Assignment at Different Levels

General cost assignment 34 33 33

Cost assignment of individual destinations 34 33 33

Destination 1

Destination 2



Cost assignment of individual receipts / travel costs 34 33 33

Da Gianni




78.50 1,225.-


 SAP AG 1999

A cost assignment different from the employee trip cost assignment guideline can be set for the entire trip, stopovers, receipts and miles/kilometers traveled. Cost accounting receivers such as cost center, order, WBS element, network etc. can be assigned.

If receipts are not given explicit cost assignments, the cost assignment specification of the stopover assigned to the receipt applies for the receipt; if stopovers are not given explicit cost assignments, the specification for the entire trip applies for the stopovers.

If the total of all percents is less than 100% when the cost distribution screen is closed, the unassigned remainder is distributed according to the employee trip costs assignment guideline.


HR050 9-15

Recording Trip Data Travel Expenses: Michaela Maier, Trip 0 Travel

General trip data

1001 Michaela Maier Travel 08/08/1999 Atlanta 01/06/1998Heilbro 01/04/1998 Munic 01/01/1998 Boston



00:00 Trip beginning 00:00 Trip end Trip destination Trip country DE Region Germany Reason for trip Comments Itinerary Trip advance Alternative cost assignment for entire trip, if other than master CA Mileage and per diem reimbursement Expense receipts Exp. receipts Amount Input tax


on Currency of the unified Uni

Additional info Remarks Expense receipt cost assignment, alternative to master data

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 9-16

Add to table

Trip Costs Accounting

98020 Chris Miller Trips 10023 09/08/XXXX 10021 05/08/XXXX . .

Accounting of an individual trip by cursor selection

... Approved, to be accounted ... Approved, to be accounted


Mass accounting via accounting program

Data from trip costs accounting - Trip costs forms - Payment of trip costs - Posting of trip costs  SAP AG 1999

The trip accounting program enables you to perform accounting for all trips with the Approved and To be accounted status.  For test purposes, you can perform accounting for individual trips. The end of the trip must not occur in a future accounting period.  The accounting program uses trip data to calculate trip accounting results - particularly reimbursement amounts - for a specific accounting period, which it then saves in file PCL1. The trips to be accounted must end before the end date of the accounting period.  The accounting results can be transferred to Financial Accounting (FI), HR Payroll Accounting, or thirdparty systems. Payment can also be effected using a data carrier.


HR050 9-17

Payment of Trip Costs

Travel Accounting

RK--P RK Projects

HR Travel Management

Generating results

FI Financial Accounting CO Cost Accounting Non-SAP systems

HR Payroll Accounting Non-SAP systems


DME for credit institutes

 SAP AG 1999

The accounting results can be transferred to Financial Accounting (FI), HR Payroll Accounting, or thirdparty systems. Payment can also be made using a data carrier.


HR050 9-18

Travel Management: Unit Summary

You are now able to: 

Describe the organizational forms of trip entry

Identify which infotypes (Mini master) are required for Travel Expenses

Enter and account trips

Identify different entry types for recording trip data

Describe how trip expenses are paid

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 9-19

Exercises Unit: Travel Management Topic: Expense Reporting and Payments At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: 

List the mandatory infotypes for travel management

List the steps involved in processing a trip.

Your employees often have to travel to external business events. You have to enter their data in the system so that the expenses incurred can be calculated and paid.


The mandatory infotypes needed for travel management are: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________


List the steps involved in processing a trip. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________


HR050 9-20

Solutions Unit: Travel Management Topic: Expense Reporting and Payments


List the mandatory infotypes needed for travel management: Actions Organizational Assignment Personal Data Payroll Status Travel Privileges


Trip overview includes the following steps: Recording Central approval Accounting Printing forms Posting trip costs Payment of trip expenses


HR050 9-21

Payroll Accounting

Contents:  Concept of Payroll  Payroll Administration  Running Payroll for an Employee  Overview of Subsequent Activities

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 10-1

Payroll Accounting: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  Describe the the HR Payroll Accounting

concept  Run payroll for your employees and

print a remuneration statement

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 10-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 10-3


Travel Management

Payroll Accounting: Business Scenario

 The salary data and other relevant master data for your employee is used in the payroll run for each period.  The employee receives a remuneration statement and the salary is transferred to the bank.  Additional subsequent activities must be performed after the payroll run: for example, statements must be printed for the tax office or health insurance fund.  The payroll results are then transferred to Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 10-4

Payroll Administrative Role

SAP Easy Access Favorites Create sales order Yahoo Expenses Spreadsheets Activity group SAP_HR_PAYROLL Payroll programs Payroll driver US Display payroll result Display Off-cycle batch processing Remuneration statement Taxes Garnishments List / Statistics

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 10-5

Broadly speaking, payroll accounting is the calculation of payment for work performed by each employee. More specifically, however, payroll accounting comprises a number of work processes including the generation of payroll results and remuneration statements, bank transfers and check payments. Payroll accounting also includes a number of subsequent activities, for example, transfer of payroll results to Accounting and various evaluations for example, for tax purposes.


HR050 10-6

Overview of the Payroll Procedure

Payroll procedure

Calculation of remuneration elements

Statutory and voluntary deductions

 SAP AG 1999

The calculation of payment comprises two main steps: - Calculation of remuneration elements - Statutory and voluntary deductions (country-specific)  Both the remuneration elements and the statutory and voluntary deductions consist of individual payments and deductions, which are calculated for an employee during a payroll period. These payments and deductions are included in the payment calculation by means of different wage types.  The employee is usually paid by bank transfer and the payment amount is printed in a form for the employee.


HR050 10-7

The remuneration elements for an employee are formed from individual wage and salary types that are used during a payroll period. Payments such as basic pay, various bonuses and gratuities are included in the remuneration calculation. Deductions can be made for items such as a company-owned flat, company-sponsored day care or similar benefits. Different factors determine whether such benefits increase or reduce the taxable income. This is determined by country-specific regulations and, in some countries, the philosophy of the company.  An employee's remuneration consists of all wage types calculated for him or her during a payroll period.  The wage types can either be entered manually or generated during the payroll run using rule tables.


HR050 10-8

Voluntary and statutory deductions, such as tax and social insurance contributions, are taken from the gross remuneration to give the payment amount. Different gross values, for example, total gross amount, and gross tax amount, are used to calculate the deductions. For this reason, different totals are formed during the payroll run, and these totals can be used for subsequent processing.


HR050 10-9

The Payroll Run

Payroll Accounting

Human resources

Select country for payroll Call up control record for payroll area

Start payroll

 SAP AG 1999

If you want to start payroll from the menu, specify first the country, then call up the control record for the relevant payroll area. Here, you carry out the required steps in preparation for the payroll run.


HR050 10-10

Payroll Administration

Master data maintenance

Release for payroll

controlled by the payroll control record

Start payroll

Check payroll result

Payroll run without errors



yes Exit payroll  SAP AG 1999

  

During the payroll run, no master data or time data affecting the payroll past or payroll present can be changed. To ensure that payroll accounting and master data maintenance do not obstruct each other, the payroll run is controlled using the payroll control record. If the payroll run has the Released for Payroll status, no data relating to the personnel number in the payroll area in question can be changed if it affects the payroll past or present. You can, however, make changes that affect the future. If the payroll run has the Released for Correction status, you release the personnel records for the persons in the selected payroll area for correction. If the payroll run has the End of Payroll status, the database can now be maintained. You can only set thisstatus after all personnel numbers for the selected payroll area have been processed. If the payroll run has the Check Payroll Results, no payroll data can be changed if it relates to the payroll past or present. The payroll area in question is locked for payroll. Note: Check Payroll Results is used on rare occasions, especially during implementations, to investigate unusual errors during payroll processing.


HR050 10-11

Payroll Areas

Payroll Area x

Jan 01

Feb 02

Payroll run on 28th of the month for the current period

Payroll Area y

Feb 02

Feb 02

Payroll run on 10th of the month for the previous period

 SAP AG 1999

 

 

Payroll accounting is usually performed separately for different employee groups. The payroll period is not usually the same for all employee groups. For example, you run payroll for one group at the end of the month for the current month, while for another group you run payroll on a week-day for the previous week. We have combined these two factors in the Payroll Area organizational unit. Payroll areas facilitate the following functions in Payroll Accounting: - Personnel numbers that are to be included in the same payroll run are grouped together. - The payroll period is defined using specific dates. Employees to be included in a payroll run at the same time and for the same payroll period are grouped into one payroll area. Personnel numbers are assigned to a payroll area in the Organizational Assignment infotype (0001). A default value for the payroll area is entered into the corresponding field. This depends on the assignment of the employee to the personnel subarea and employee group/employee subgroup grouping.


HR050 10-12

Payroll Driver Selection Screen Payroll driver (international)

Selection from

Search helps

Payroll period Payroll area


Current period Other period

Selection Personnel number Payroll area

509900 x0

to to

General program control Payroll reason Off-cycle payroll Schema


Forced retro.accounting as of Test run (no date)  SAP AG 1999

The personnel numbers to be included in the payroll run are selected by specifying a payroll area in the payroll driver selection screen. The payroll period is transferred directly from the payroll control record to the payroll program.  In a live run, the payroll period is determined by the system. The last period to be included in a payroll run is stored in the payroll control record for each payroll area. The current payroll period is, therefore, the last period to be included in a payroll run, plus one. Hint: Payroll driver should be started by Personnel Number or Payroll Area only.


HR050 10-13

Payroll Log Display Log Tree

General data (not employee specific)

Process Process flow flow for for successful successful personnel personnel numbers numbers

Payroll log General data Successful personnel numbers Personnel numbers rejected 00150770 Rodney Jones 32/1999 (08/02/1999 - 08/09/1999) Initialization of payroll Basic data processing ENAME WPBP P0002 P0006 P0207 GON

Process Process flow flow for for rejected rejected personnel personnel numbers numbers (one (one is is expanded) expanded) Retrieve employee name Read org assignment / basic pay Read personal data Read address Read tax data Continue with complete data


Messages Messages

Infotype 0207, W-4 for federal Period 199932. Check data 08/1 Please check Infotype 0207,

Statistical information on the payroll run is displayed at the end of the log

 SAP AG 1999

The payroll log has a table of contents in the form of a tree structure. You can access specific detailed information from the nodes in the tree structure. Detailed headers enable you to search successfully for errors and facilitate navigation within the log information. If required, you can show or hide individual tree structure nodes.


HR050 10-14

Correcting Incorrect Personnel Numbers

Correction indicator in IT 0003

List of incorrect employees in control record

Log: Contains errors


Correct errors

Log: Error free

Log: Error free

Repeat payroll run with matchcode W (employees with correction indicator in IT 0003)

 SAP AG 1999

During the payroll run, the system encounters errors in master data and time data. This data means that data is missing or is incorrect. Payroll can be run successfully for error-free personnel numbers. A correction indicator is assigned in the Payroll Status infotype (0003) to personnel numbers with errors. This infotype acts as control record for the individual employee, although the overall control record always takes precedence.  The personnel numbers with errors are listed in the payroll log. You can also call up and print these personnel numbers using the control record.  Once these errors have been corrected, you can repeat the payroll run. This time run payroll using the matchcode W (Payroll correction run). This ensures that only the personnel numbers that have a correction indicator assigned to them in the Payroll Status infotype (0003) are selected.


HR050 10-15

Remuneration Statement Remuneration Statements

Further selections


Search helps

Payroll period Payroll area


Current period Other period Selection Personnel number Payroll area

509900 x0

to to

Payroll Payroll form form General program control Special run From name


Print current period


Print retroactive runs


Layout of retroactive runs


Remuneration statement (SAP standard)

 SAP AG 1999

The SAP R/3 System enables you to create remuneration statements for your employees. The remuneration statement lists clearly all payments and deductions used in the payroll run for an employee.  The remuneration statement is usually created after a payroll run and before the wage or salary is transferred to the bank.


HR050 10-16

Wage and Salary Transfer - Data Medium Exchange

Pre. program DME Payroll result

Create DME Payment data

DME accompanying sheet

DME admin. Disk

Payment summary

 SAP AG 1999

To transfer a wage or salary, you create a file using the preliminary DME program (data medium exchange). This file contains all transfer data for the selected employees. You use this file to create the transfer medium using the Create DME Inland and DME Management menu options. You can either choose to create a data medium to transfer data to your bank, or you can print out appropriate transfer forms


HR050 10-17

Subsequent Activities in Payroll Accounting

First ...


Subsequent Activities

Per payroll period

Period-independent Annual

Other periods

 SAP AG 1999

When you have run payroll successfully, you need to carry out a number of subsequent activities. These are divided into the following areas. - Per payroll period - Annual - Other periods - Period-independent  All subsequent activities take place when the payroll run, remuneration statement and wage and salary transfer activities are complete.  You can access the individual functions using the pushbuttons in the Payroll Accounting menu.


HR050 10-18

The SAP R/3 System enables you to create payroll accounts for your employees. The payroll account displays payroll data in a tabular form for one or more employees over one or more payroll periods.  The payroll journal contains the payroll data for several employees for one period.  The wage type statement shows different wage type distributions, which act as the basis for payroll data for the selected employees. The report shows the current wage type values (number and amount).  The wage type distribution shows wage types over several payroll periods without taking any retroactive accounting differences into account. The report shows the current wage type values (number and amount).


HR050 10-19

The status of a process step can trigger the creation of a message to one or more employees. The message can be sent via mail or pager. If you use a pager, the paging number must be entered in the user parameters of the recipient. You can send messages to the following employees:  Administrator (from IT 0001)  Person who starts the report  Persons or organizational units that have been created in SAP Office. - The status indicators that can trigger a message are displayed by the system when you create or edit a process step.  You can use standard texts in the mails or you can create your own texts.  The mails contain a link to the HR Process Workbench. You access the point in the process at which the mail was triggered. From there, you can display the spool list and, if applicable, analyse any errors.


HR050 10-20

Creating a Mail



If personnel numbers have errors Recipient Administrator Starter Other recipient/recipient list

Text for mail

Communication type Send mail Use pager

If blank personnel numbers exist If a set has been terminated Recipient Starter Communication type If a step has ended


Send mail

During run &form_runid& in process &form_processtxt&‟ ( & form_processid&) in step „&form_enttxt&‟ (&form_stepid&) employees had an error:


Text for mail

Text for personnel numbers with errors Text for blank personnel numbers Text for termination of a set Text for end of step


 SAP AG 1999

You can either specify the mail connection when you create a process step or you can insert it at a later point.  If you are editing a process step, you can use the Communication and Text for mail tab pages to create the mail connection:  Under Communication, you specify the conditions in which a message is sent to an employee, for example, the administrator may receive a mail if an error occurs for a personnel number, and the starter of the process may receive a mail when a process step has been completed. The system also requires the communication type. The message can either be sent by mail or by pager. To send a mail by pager, you need a paging server and the appropriate Customizing settings for SAPconnect.  Under Text for mail, enter the text to be sent as a message. - The standard texts can be displayed here. You double click the name to display them. The texts are created in transaction SO10 Standard texts under Tools  SAPscript and are diplayed automatically in style HRPMMSG. Due to the formatting, you should also use this style for texts that you create yourself. - If you enter a name for which no text exists, you have the opportunity to create the text here. A suitable template is displayed automatically. Your own texts are also stored in SO10.


HR050 10-21

Payroll Accounting: Unit Summary

You are now able to:  Describe the concept of Payroll Accounting  Run payroll for your employees and print the remuneration statement

 SAP AG 1999  SAP AG


HR050 10-22

Exercises Unit: Payroll Accounting Topic: Payroll Accounting At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Change your role to the HR: International Payroll Specialist  Simulate a payroll run for an employee  View the payroll log  Run the remuneration statement for an employee The salary data for your employee is used in the payroll run for each period. The employee receives a remuneration statement.


Change your role to SAP_HR_PY-SPECIALIST_XX_AG.


Simulate international payroll for the current month (or for the period indicated by the instructor) for the employee Jose Vega in payroll area X0.


Display the remuneration statement for the period 01 1999 for Helena Camino on the screen. Helena Camino is in payroll area X0.


HR050 10-23

Solutions Unit: Payroll Accounting Topic: Payroll Accounting


Change your role to SAP_HR_PY-SPECIALIST_XX_AG. 1-1-1 Select the Other menu button in the SAP Easy Access menu. 1-1-2 Select the Find icon. 1-1-3 Enter SAP_HR_PY-SPECIALIST_XX_AG in the Find field. 1-1-4 Select the Find icon again. 1-1-5 Select the SAP_HR_PY-SPECIALIST_XX_AG. 1-1-6 Select the Copy/Enter icon.


Simulate international payroll for Jose Vega for the current month. Activity group SAP_HR_PY-SPECIALIST  Payroll program  Simulation 1-2-1 Enter X0 in the Payroll area fields in the Payroll period and Selection areas. In the Payroll period portion of the screen, select the radio button for Other period and enter the information for the current month and year. Enter 50992## in the Personnel number field. Select the Display log option. 1-2-2 Select the Execute icon. 1-2-3 Review the log.


Display the remuneration statement for the period 01 1999 for Helena Camino on the screen. Helena Camino is in payroll area X0. Activity group SAP_HR_PY-SPECIALIST  Payroll program  Remuneration statement 1-3-1 Enter X0 in the Payroll area fields in the Payroll period and Selection areas. Select the radio button for Other period and enter 01 1999. Enter 50991## in the Personnel number field. 1-3-2 Select the Execute icon. 1-3-3 Review the statement.


HR050 10-24


Contents:  Creating Vacancies  Advertising Vacant Positions  Recruitment Administration  Recruitment Reporting  Hiring an Applicant

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 11-1

Recruitment: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to :  Create a vacancy  Maintain applicant data  Hire an applicant

 SAP SAP AG 1999  AG


HR050 11-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 11-3


Travel Management

Recruitment: Business Scenario

 A position has become vacant in the Caliber A

Bicycle Company. It needs to be filled. This triggers the recruitment process.  You receive applications and eventually hire

an applicant.

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 11-4

Recruitment: Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Create vacancies and advertisements  Record applicant data  Screen applicants  Perform applicant activities  Correspond with applicants  Hire applicants

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 11-5

From Vacancy to Hiring an Applicant



WANTED Skilled, competent employee for...


Profile Comparison Job Person

Hire as Employee  SAP AG 1999

ts? iremen fer? u q e r r re ou ant of What a an the applic What c

The Recruitment component enables you to carry out the entire recruitment procedure, from entering applicant data to filling vacant positions.  The R/3-System supports personnel requirements, advertising, applicant administration, selection of applicants, and applicant correspondence. Moreover, in cases where you decide to hire the applicant, you can transfer the applicant data from Recruitment to Personnel Administration.


HR050 11-6

Recruitment Role

SAP Easy Access Favorites Activity group SAP_HR_MANAGER_RC Recruitment Applicant Master Data Display Applicant Master Data Selection Procedure Applicant pool List of Applicants via Qualifications Internal Applicants External Applicants All Applicants via Positions Decision Administration Advertising InfoSystem

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 11-7

Integration within HR

Job Descriptions


X Personnel Administration

Career and Succession

Requirements Profiles

Profile Matchups

 SAP AG 1999

      

The recruitment process can be integrated with many HR components. From Organization Management position vacancies can be generated. Job descriptions can be generated based on the attributes assigned to the position/job in organization and staffing. Qualification profiles and position profiles can be generated. You can conduct profile match-ups comparing applicants to their assigned vacancy. In Personnel Development you can search for qualifications and include applicants in your search criteria. All of the information entered in the recruitment screens can be carried over at the time of the applicant transfer into Personnel Administration infotypes Applicant data can also be considered in career and succession planning scenarios.


HR050 11-8

Vacancies in the Recruitment Process



Vacant Positions

The Recruitment Process D! WANTE

 SAP AG 1999

A company„s personnel requirements are represented as vacancies in the recruitment process. Vacancies are (either partially or completely) positions to be filled. These positions must be described as vacancies so that they are recognized in the recruitment process.  If there is integration with Organizational Management, vacancies are created in the Detail maintenance screen in Organizational Management. Infotype Vacancy (1007) is created for this position and filled with the relevant information.  Note: When you create a vacancy, you can also specify the ID code of the personnel officer responsible for the vacancy. This will simplify data selection at a later stage.  


HR050 11-9

Publishing Vacant Positions Medium




Jobs 99 21.02.

Advertisement Employment Office

Recruitment Consultancy


Wanted Skilled, competent employee for... Send applications to...

Recruitment Instrument Times ington W ash s

t ismen dvert Job A 2.21.99 0

 SAP AG 1999

Vacancies are published in advertisements. An advertisement constitutes the publishing of one or more vacancies in a recruitment instrument, with the aim of hiring suitable people.  Examples of recruitment instruments include Paper ABC or the Employment Office in City XYZ. Recruitment instruments are classified according to the medium used e.g. press, employment office, recruitment agency. Media and recruitment instruments are created and maintained via customizing  You store advertisements in Recruitment. You can store one text per advertisement and can assign multiple vacant positions to an advertisement.  You can link advertisements to applications at a later stage.


HR050 11-10

Based on your advertisements, resumes and and applications are received for further review and processing.


HR050 11-11

Applying via the Internet

EMPLOYER Creating own applicant data



The Internet application component supports the company in carrying out an effective recruitment strategy in that it allows the Internet user to:  look at your company‟s job advertisements  apply for positions in your company  Applicants can display either the job advertisements for certain regions or a general list of job advertisements. They can access short descriptions of the jobs as well as the requirements that they must fulfill. The job information is read from maintained records in Recruitment.  In addition to applying to advertisements, applicants can also make unsolicited applications. Applying for jobs via the Internet involves entering certain relevant information, such as personal data, job experience, qualifications, and education. Entering personal data is obligatory, but in the other areas, the applicant can decide how much information he or she wants to give the company. This data is then stored in the Recruitment component of the R/3 System.  The System assigns the applicant a temporary user ID and password so that the applicant can check the application status at a later date. This is made possible by the Internet component Application status.


HR050 11-12

Applying through SAP ESS Intranet

Employment opportunities All regions SAP BERATER HR-MANAGER Vice President HR & Finance HR-DIRECTOR SD-MANAGER SD-CLERK Region Central Region NorthEast Region Central Region West

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 11-13

Apply Vice President HR & Finance You have extensive Human Resources experience, and have managed a team of HR professionals. We operate on an international scale, and so you must be fluent in English. We have long been the market leader in business software development and sales, and can offer a challenging opportunity for an enthusiastic team-player.

Applicant Structure

 SAP AG 1999

Applicants are classified according to certain criteria in the initial entry of data stage: - Internal / external applicants - Unsolicited applicants / Applicants who have applied to an advertisement - Applicant groups - Applicant range  Applicant groups classify applicants according to the type of contract that the employee has with the company e.g. employees with permanent contracts, employees with contracts for a limited period of time, freelancers, etc.  Applicant ranges classify applicants according to hierarchical or functional criteria. Structural criteria are used when the applicants are managers, salaried employees, or specialists. Functional criteria are used when applicants are assigned to different business areas e.g. administration, production, etc.


HR050 11-14

You can record applicant data in a timely and organized manner using the two-level concept of data recording.  The first level of data recording, recording basic data, is obligatory for all applicants. Here, all the data that is needed to create applicant letters and for statistical purposes (e.g. name, address, potential organizational assignment) is recorded.


HR050 11-15

The second level of data recording, recording additional data, is only carried out for applicants who are of further interest to the company. An applicant can be assigned to one or more vacancies here. Such information as the applicant‟s qualifications, education, previous employment, is recorded during this stage.


HR050 11-16

Applicant Status In process

To be hired


On hold

Invite to Interview ......

Interim reply ...... ......

Contract offered

Contract rejected

Employment Contract ...... ......

Contract ...... ......


 SAP AG 1999

According to the two types of selection procedures, there are two types of applicant status: - Overall status Refers to the actual status of an applicant in the company„s overall selection procedure e.g, processing, put on hold, or invited to interview. - Vacancy assignment status Refers to the actual status of an applicant for a particular vacancy.  Overall status is determined during the initial entry of applicant data phase and must be available for every applicant from this point onwards. Overall status shows whether an applicant is involved in at least one selection procedure (overall status could be processing, put on hold, or invite) or whether he or she has been excluded from all selection procedures (overall status could be rejected or to be hired).  An applicant receives a vacancy assignment status as soon as he or she has been assigned to a vacancy. If an applicant has been assigned to more than one vacancy, he or she has a vacancy assignment status for each.


HR050 11-17

Typical Application Procedures

Rejected SAP AG Anna Gho Neurottstr. 16 21 Main Street 69185 Walldorf Anywhere, USA

Jean Pierre d‟Arcy

Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to apply in response to the advertisement in The Times of February 21, 1998……. I am currently employed as …….. . .

In process


Helga Martin Entering Basic Data On hold Francisco Rodríguez

To be hired Contract

In process Anna Gho

In process

To be hired Contract

 SAP AG 1999

An applicant„s overall status and vacancy assignment status generally change over the course of the recruitment procedure. The recruitment procedure is completed when all the applicants have received either the rejected or the to be hired status.  In certain cases, the overall status affects the vacancy assignment status.  Example: If an applicant„s overall status is rejected, then all of this applicant„s vacancy assignment statuses must also be rejected. Then, the applicant has been rejected for the whole company and can no longer take part in the selection procedure for a particular vacancy. 


HR050 11-18

Searching for Applicants Business Administration

Verbal Skills

Knowledge or Unions


Find Objects for Qualifications Key date Qualifications

08/30/2000 Business Administration Degree Endurance and stamina Knowledge of Unions & Bargaining Units Leadership skills Verbal, written communication skills Object types in search Applicant, external Applicant, internal Person Qualification Proficiency Name 4 Frank Bauer

Tom Peterson

3 Bruno Hochlehnert

 SAP AG 1999

Business Administration … Average Endurance and stamina Good Leadership skills Very good Verbal, written communic… Average Business Administration … 0007 Endurance and stamina Very good Knowledge of Unions &... 0008 Verbal, written communic…0007 Business Administration … Very good Endurance and stamina Average Verbal, written, commucic.. Good

You can search for applicants that possess certain qualifications. Here, you have two possibilities:  You can select the desired qualifications from the qualifications catalog.  You can select the necessary requirements for an object (e.g. position).  You receive a list of applicants, sorted according to the number of required qualifications that they possess.


HR050 11-19

Evaluating Vacancies

Find Candidate

Applicant Statistics

Applicant List

Description of Position

Requirements Profile

Profile Matchups

 SAP AG 1999

The Vacancy Report (RPAPL010) gives recruiters search capabilities on finding suitable candidates based on the position/job profile.  You can also view statistical information such as how many applicants have been rejected for a certain vacancy.  You can use information from Organizational and Planning and from Personnel Development to generate position descriptions and conduct profile comparisons.


HR050 11-20

Recording, logging, and planning activities for an applicant in the selection procedure takes place using Applicant Activities.  An Applicant Activity is a concrete administrative step that an applicant passes through in the selection procedure e.g. Confirmation of receipt of application, Invitation to interview.  Certain applicant activities are created for applicants automatically by the system once you perform certain applicant actions. For example, if you invite an applicant for an interview, the applicant activity Invitation to Interview is automatically created for the applicant. You can print the invitation letter for the applicant via this activity.


HR050 11-21

Applicant Actions

Create planned activity Activity type


Interview appointment

Perform Applicant Actions Standard text Responsible

Applicant Actions Applicant number 4711 Initial entry of basic data Enter additional data ... Interview

Applicant actions represent the various stages through which an applicant passes

 SAP AG 1999

The process flows that are carried out for an applicant are represented in the Applicant Actions infotype (4000). These applicant actions can be:  process flows for data recording (e.g. Initial entry of applicant data, Recording additional data) - process flows that change the applicant„s overall status (e.g. Reject applicant, Put applicant on hold)  The most important information contained in the infotype is the overall status of the applicant (e.g. processing, on hold, rejected). This is dependent on the latest applicant action carried out for the applicant. For example, if the applicant action Put applicant on hold was performed for an applicant, the applicant is designated the overall status on hold. In the standard system, a new applicant action infotype record is created for every applicant action performed..


HR050 11-22

  

Letters can be printed either for individual or multiple applicants. Bulk processing of letters can be performed as many times as necessary. It presents a two-level concept: For every task (printing letters, transferring data) a report is executed to perform the task. This report can be executed as often as is liked and tested. After the report has been successfully executed, a second report sets the status of the relevant planned activities to completed. The relevant activities are then completed and will no longer be selected the next time that letters are being printed or the next time data is being transferred.


HR050 11-23

If you hire an applicant, you can transfer his or her data to the Personnel Administration component. The data is transferred directly from the applicant database to the employee database.  You perform the data transfer to Personnel Administration by running a personnel action.  You can enter the additional data, such as working time and salary details, later in Personnel Administration.


HR050 11-24

Hiring An Employee

Org. Assignment

Salary Data


etc. Shift Schedule

Birth certificate Early Normal Late

Personal Data/ Addresses

Shift Data

 SAP AG 1999

The most important objective of master data administration in Human Resources is to enter employeerelated data for administrative, time-recording, and payroll purposes.  A new employee can also be hired without using Recruitment. Instead you can hire someone by running a personnel action in Personnel Administration, thereby creating the necessary data for the employee to be hired.


HR050 11-25

Recruitment: Unit Summary

You are now able to:  Enter initial and additional data on applicants  Create advertisements  Complete applicant activities  Report on applicant statistics  Transfer Applicant data to Master Data

 SAP AG 1999  SAP AG


HR050 11-26

Exercises Unit: Recruitment Topic: Hiring an employee At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Change your role to HR: Recruiter  Create a vacancy after an employee is terminated  Enter initial applicant data  Enter additional applicant data  View correspondence  Transfer applicant data to employee data  Complete the hiring of the applicant There is a vacancy for a ##- Administration Manager in the ##Administration Department in the Caliber A Bicycle Company. You must find someone to fill this vacancy. You record the applications you receive for the position and hire a suitable candidate. 1-1

Change your role to SAP_HR_RECRUITER_RC.


Terminate employment of Ms. Helena Camino as the last day of the current month using the Leaving personnel action. This termination will create a vacancy in the position ##- Administration Manager in the ##-Administration Department in the Caliber A Bicycle Company.


Record the applicant's basic data. It is an unsolicited application, the applicant did not reply to a specific advertisement. 1-3-1 Use the following data for the application: personnel area CABB, personnel subarea Purchasing, applicant group Active, applicant range Salaried employee. Mike Hire will be the personnel officer in change of the applicants. Enter you choice of data you for the name, date of birth, language, nationality, address and unsolicited applicant group fields.



Today, you received some additional data for the applicant you enter above. Enter the additional data for your applicant with the qualifications profile with the following qualifications and a proficiency level of your choice: HR050 11-27

Spanish language skills, HR Management skills, Knowledge of word processing systems and English language skills. 1-5

Check the letters that were automatically created for your applicant. In the applicant activities for your applicants, check whether they have received a letter of receipt of application.


Hire your applicant on the first day of the current month i.e. prepare the data for transfer and transfer him/her to Personnel Administration. Use the Prepare to hire applicant action.


From Personnel Administration run the Transfer applicant personnel action to complete the hiring of the applicant. Use the position of ##- Administration Manager in the ##-Administration department. Transfer the default values and make entries in additional screens, if required. Assign your applicant to personnel number 50993##.


HR050 11-28

Solutions Unit: Recruitment Topic: Hiring an employee


Change your role to SAP_HR_RECRUITER_RC. 1-1-1 Select the Other menu button in the SAP Easy Access menu. 1-1-2 Select the Find icon. 1-1-3 Enter SAP_HR_RECRUITER_RC in the Find field. 1-1-4 Select the Find icon again. 1-1-5 Select the SAP_HR_RECRUITER_RC. 1-1-6 Select the Copy/Enter icon.


Terminate employment of Ms. Helena Camino and create a vacancy for her position. From the Favorites menu select: Personnel actions 1-2-1 Enter personnel number 50991## in the Personnel no. field and the last day of the current month in the From field. 1-2-2 Select the Leaving action. 1-2-3 Select the Execute icon. 1-2-4 Select the Save icon on the Actions infotype to accept the default entries. Select the Enter icon to acknowledge the informational message that the existing record will be delimited. 1-2-5 Verify the default date in the Create vacancy pop-up box is the first day of the next month and select the Yes icon. 1-2-6 Highlight Helena Camino‟s bank information in the table. Select the Delimit icon in the Delimit Bank Details record and then select the Exit icon.


Record the applicant's basic data. Activity group SAP_HR_RECRUITER_RC  Recruitment  Applicant Master data  Initial data entry Note: Choose the association for your applicant (advertisement or application group)

1-3-1 Enter the following data: Personnel area Caliber A Bicycle Company (CABB), personnel subarea Purchasing (0002), applicant group Active (1), applicant range Salaried employees. (C) SAP AG

HR050 11-29

You can enter whatever data you like in the personnel officer, name, date of birth, language, nationality, address and unsolicited applicant group fields. 1-3-2 Select the Save icon and record the applicant number below: _________________________________________________ 1-4

Enter additional data for your applicant. Activity group SAP_HR_RECRUITER_RC  Applicant Master data  Applicant actions 1-4-1 Enter the applicant number from above in the Applicant no. field. 1-4-2 Select the Enter additional data action and select the Execute icon. 1-4-3 Click the Maintain qualifications profile button. 1-4-4 Click the Create icon. Enter the qualification: Spanish language skills valid on the first day of next month until the end of time and the proficiency of your choice. 1-4-5 Repeat the process to create entries for the following qualification: HR Management skills, Knowledge of word processing systems and English language skills. 1-4-6 Select the Save icon.


Check the letters that were automatically created for your applicant. In the applicant activities for your applicants, check whether they have received a letter of receipt of application. Activity group SAP_HR_RECRUITER_RC  Applicant Activity  Display applicant activities 1-5-1 Enter the applicant number from above in the Applicant no. field. 1-5-2 Select the Execute icon. 1-5-3 Select the Receipt action in the Planned activities area. 1-5-4 Select the Display activity button. 1-5-5 Select the Display letter button. 1-5-6 Review the letter in Microsoft Word and return to the SAP system. 1-5-7 Select the Cancel in the Planned activity display pop-up box. 1-5-8 Return to the SAP Easy Access menu.


Hire your applicant and transfer him/her to Personnel Administration. Activity group SAP_HR_RECRUITER_RC  Applicant Master data  Applicant actions 1-6-1 Enter the applicant number from above in the Applicant no. field and enter the first day of the next month in the From field.


HR050 11-30

1-6-2 Select the Prepare to hire action and select the Execute icon. 1-6-3 Select the Save icon in the Copy applicant Actions infotype. 1-7

From Personnel Administration run the Transfer applicant personnel action. Use the position of ##- Administration Manager in the ##- Administration department. Transfer the default values and make entries in additional screens, if required. Assign your applicant to personnel number 50993##. From the Favorites menu select: Personnel actions 1-7-1 Enter personnel number 50993## in the Personnel no. field and the first day of the next month in the From field. Select the Hire applicant action. Select the Execute icon. Enter the applicant number and select the Transfer button. 1-7-2 Actions Use the search function to locate ##-Administration Manager in the position field. Enter CABB in the Personnel area field, 1 in the EE group field, X0 in the EE subgroup field. Select the Save icon. 1-7-3 Personal Data The data will default from applicant adminstration. Select the Save icon. 1-7-4 Organizational Assignment Select the Save icon, and delimit the vacancy when prompted. 1-7-5 Addresses Verify the required information was pulled from Recruitment. Select the Save icon. 1-7-6 Planned working time Verify NORM is in the Work sched. Rule field. Select the Save icon. 1-7-7 Basic Pay In the Pay Scale portion of the screen, enter E01 / 01 in the Group / Level fields. Select the Save icon. 1-7-8 Bank Details Select the Bank key for Citibank and bank account 1236547. Select the Save icon.


HR050 11-31

1-7-9 Absence Quotas Verify Quota type 09/Leave is in the AccA/Quota fields. Select the Save icon.


HR050 11-32

Personnel Cost Planning

Contents:  Cost planning methods  Performing cost planning using projected pay

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 12-1

Personnel Cost Planning: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  Describe the Personnel Cost Planning methods  Simulate cost planning using wage elements (projected pay)

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 12-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 12-3


Travel Management

Personnel Cost Planning: Business Scenario

 In order to project the costs for next year, the department heads perform cost planning for their departments

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 12-4

Personnel Cost Planning Functionality

 Cost planning and preview  According to organizational

unit / cost center / orders or projects  Percent / absolute

 MS Excel link  SAP Business Graphics  Integration to Controlling


 Integration of personnel planning costs  Simulation of personnel and

organizational changes  Comparison of plan versions  Actual / target  Surveys  Trends  Reorganization

 SAP AG 1999

Personnel Cost Planning is designed to support the organization's decision-making process, by allowing you to: - Determine the actual personnel costs - Preview future personnel costs - Project future personnel costs based on anticipated organizational changes and/or pay structure changes.  Personnel Cost Planning is more accurate than many other cost planning tools because it can take position vacancies into account. Personnel Cost Planning also has the ability to factor organizational changes, such as staffing reductions or increases, into calculations. This ability is particularly helpful if your organization plans an expansion,a downsizing or a general re-organization.  Personnel costs are extracted according to the organizational units within an organizational structure. You can select a single organizational unit, a handful of organizational units, or the entire structure if you wish. If you need to group certain organizational units into separate areas, for example, international subsidiaries, you can arrange them into different scenario groups.  Cost planning itself is carried out by developing and comparing different costing scenarios. A scenario contains a set of calculation results. The results may represent actual, previewed or projected costs, over a specified length of time.


HR050 12-5

Account Assignment Objects

Cost planning for organizational units

Cost planning for orders

Cost planning for cost centers

Cost planning for projects

 SAP AG 1999

As a result of enhancements in the area of cost distribution, you can now perform cost planning for orders and projects. For additional information on the Cost Distribution Enhancements, see the release note PY_XX_46A_POTO “Cost Distribution Enhancements”.  You can now enter orders and projects in the Cost Distribution infotypes on both the Organizational Management and the Personnel Administration side.


HR050 12-6

Personnel Cost Planning Methods

Projected Pay:

Basic Pay:

Cost elements assigned to organizational units, jobs, work centers and positions

Wage types are assigned to specific persons

Payroll Results: Actual amounts paid to employees for a past or simulated payroll period

 SAP AG 1999

 

Select a cost planning method based on the goal of your cost planning analysis. To determine actual costs, you should develop scenarios using either basic pay or payroll results as a source of data. These two sources give the most accurate indication of actual costs. To do comprehensive planning of personnel costs use projected pay as a source of data. Projected pay provides more freedom to identify costs that personnel systems typically cannot handle. For example, a manufacturing company may frequently have to replace equipment and therefore, may have to retrain its employees. This company might want to include the costs of retraining its staff in the personnel planning costs. Note: If you use the basic pay method, the system reads the data required for the cost calculations directly from the Personnel Administration component. To do this, the system uses the wage types that are assigned to the employees. (pure actual costs) If you use payroll results, the system reads the data from an actual payroll run (pure actual costs) Note: You can use an SAP enhancement that allows you to delete information (for example, wage types) from the basic pay or payroll results calculations. This enhancement also allows you to add customer-specific information (bonus payments, etc.).


HR050 12-7


HR050 12-8

Cost Planning Using Projected Pay

Cost Planning Basic salary Bonus Training etc.

Cost planning for an organizational unit

Job/position Administrator

Organizational unit

Cost center

Cost object

Cumulated costs for organizational units

Cumulated costs for cost centers

Costs for jobs, positions, etc.

 SAP AG 1999

For the projected pay method, the system uses data stored in the Cost Planning (1015) infotype. You can use this infotype to store personnel costs by assigning wage elements to different objects such as organizational units, jobs, positions, work centers. Wage elements indicate the different costs that make up the total amount it costs to employee staff. For example, wages, salaries, benefits, training costs, etc. Wage elements can be indirectly or directly valuated. The value for indirectly valuated wage elements is maintained in a customizing table, the value for directly valuated wage elements is maintained at the specific object that produces costs.For directly valuated wage elements, you can enter the amount manually. You can overwrite indirect wage elements.  When you run cost planning, you can display the cumulated costs for organizational units, costs centers or cost objects.


HR050 12-9

Simulation Capabilities

 Change number of positions  Change wage elements  General changes to

percentage or absolute value of a wage element  Assign new wage elements

Salary: 60000 Bonus: 5000

 Change wage elements for

positions, jobs, organizational units or work centers using percentages or fixed-value amounts (direct valuation)

Salary increase of 5% Salary: 63000 Bonus: 5000

 SAP AG 1999

 

 

If you want to add additional positions to an organizational unit, call up the organizational unit to see the positions which have already been assigned to it for cost planning purposes. You can choose from this list of positions to add additional positions and determine their validity dates from the cost planning screen itself. When you increase the value of a particular wage element, this increase is passed on to every object that the wage element is assigned to. Increases like these are carried out on a percentage basis. The increase applies to both direct and indirect valuations. In other words, the increase affects both wage elements and default values and wage elements where values have been entered manually for specific objects. The increase does not affect wage elements that are expressed as a percentage. Any changes you make to wage elements are valid in the current plan scenario only. The original wage elements remain unchanged. The current amount column displays the new values and the reference value column displays the original values.


HR050 12-10

Business Graphics

UNI (thousands)

Personnel Costs Annually

400 200 0


Organizational unit Hum.Res. Comp/Ben Lab.Rel. HR Adm. Dev/Educ Payroll

Organizational unit


UNI (thousands)

Organizational unit

300 250 200 150 100 50 0






HR Adm.



 SAP AG 1999

Switch to SAP Business Graphics if you want to view a graphical depiction of the cost figures you are working with. SAP Business Graphics displays cost element data in several graphic formats. You can display graphics at the organizational unit, position or job level.  SAP Business Graphics displays both reference figures and actual figures in 3-dimensional bar graphs, so that it is easy to perceive the differences between the two. It is also easier to perceive trends among the different organizational units or cost centers you are working with.  SAP Business Graphics allows you to display plan information in various formats. You can also customize views, fonts, color schemes, and so on via the menu path.  You can copy your graphics to the clipboard for use in other applications.


HR050 12-11

Saving Your Plan Scenario

PP Planning Human Resources Human Resources


Production Plan scenario




Planning HR



Scenario group



Annually in UNI





 SAP AG 1999

 

When calculations are complete, save the scenario. Scenarios are subdivided into scenario groups. A scenario group is a self-contained calculation that covers a specified area of your organization. A scenario group could be confined to, for example, the Manufacturing division or the Sales department. Or, a scenario group could cover the entire organization. It is up to you how you decide to subdivide your scenario groups.  When you save the scenario, make sure you enter a unique group name in the Scenario group field. If the scenario group is the first scenario group in a new scenario, you must enter a two-character alphanumeric code and a short text for the the scenario itself in the Plan scenario field.  For all the other scenario groups in your scenario, use the same scenario abbreviation but a different group name in the Scenario group field.  Note: In addition to this, you can interface to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to perform calculations using the cost data. However, this feature is a one-way transfer only. The data can be exported into an Excel file but cannot be imported back into the SAP R/3 System.


HR050 12-12

 

Once cost planning data has been created, it can be transferred to Controlling. Cost planning data is released via the Personnel Cost Planning Administration function. The system displays a list containing all the cost planning data that has been created. Simply choose the data that must be released for transfer.  The transfer of cost planning data takes place in Controlling within the framework of cost center planning. Controlling can also include the personnel cost planning data into the overall budgeting process.


HR050 12-13

Posting Results to Controlling

Plan version -

Plan scenario : released

Current plan +


Test - All Depts.

01.01.1999 - 31.12.1999

Executive Board

01.01.2000 - 31.12.2000

Sales Department

01.01.2000 - 31.12.2000

Human resources

01.01.2000 - 31.12.2000

Controlling area 0001

Plan scenarios to be released


Controlling area

Financial year

Step11::Release Releaseplan planscenario scenario Step Step22::Select Selectcontrolling controllingarea areaand andfinancial financial year yearfor forplan planscenario scenario Step Step33::Post Postresults resultsto toControlling Controlling Step  SAP AG 1999

When you post data to Controlling, the system displays a list of all the account assignment objects, for example, projects, orders, cost centers complete with the cost items and the total amounts per account assignment object.  To post cost planning data to CO, you must first release the plan scenario. The release process includes a consistency check that checks to see whether the data is CO compatible. The system then determines the necessary CO financial years and adapts the HR data so that it fits into the CO financial year.  The HR administrator can now post the results directly to CO by selecting a plan scenario complete with Post You can post the results in test mode first so that you can see what data will be sent to CO before you send it for real.  For additional information, see the R/3 Library documentation:   


HR050 12-14

Results of Data Tranfser

Controlling area 0001 bject Executive Board Order CAB5540 Marketing department Advertising campaign for new bike Sales department Touring 2000 project Payroll department Order CAB7540 Human resources department Order CAB6540 Manufacturing plant and repairs workshop Order CAB8540

 SAP AG 1999

When you post data to Controlling, the system displays a list of all the account assignment objects, for example, projects, orders, cost centers complete with the cost items and the total amounts per account assignment object.  The above is an example of such a list.


HR050 12-15

Personnel Cost Planning: Unit Summary

You can now:  Describe the personnel cost planning methods  Simulate costs using wage elements

 SAP AG 1999  SAP AG


HR050 12-16

Exercises Unit: Personnel Cost Planning Topic: Personnel Cost Planning At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:  Change your role to HR-Manager  Create cost planning using projected pay for their organizational unit  Change wage elements and utilize them to provide an increase by a percentage To project costs for your purchasing department for the coming year, you perform personnel cost planning.


Change your role to SAP_HR_MANAGER.


Utilize projected pay cost planning for the Research and Development organizational unit in the Caliber A Bicycle Company (R&D CABB) organizational unit in the current plan version using one of the following currencies: DEM, FRA or USD. 1-2-1 Change wage elements and utilize them to provide an increase by a percentage using cost item UN-BENEFITS. 1-2-2 Save your cost planning data as plan scenario ##.


HR050 12-17

Solutions Unit: Personnel Cost Planning Topic: Personnel Cost Planning


Change your role to SAP_HR_MANAGER. 1-1-1 Select the Other menu button in the SAP Easy Access menu. 1-1-2 Select the Find icon. 1-1-3 Enter SAP_HR_MANAGER in the Find field. 1-1-4 Select the Find icon again. 1-1-5 Select the SAP_HR_MANAGER. 1-1-6 Select the Copy/Enter icon.


Utilize projected pay cost planning for the Research and Development organizational unit in the Caliber A Bicycle Company (R&D CABB) organizational unit in the current plan version using one of the following currencies: DEM, FRA or USD. Activity group SAP_HR_MANAGER  Personnel Cost Planning  Planning  Create new scenario (Projected pay) 1-2-1 Enter the following data: Plan version

Current version

Org. unit





Select one of the following currencies: DEM, FRA, USD

1-2-2 The Change Personnel Costs: Overview of Organizational Units screen shows the sub-units within your organizational unit. Double-click on a sub-unit to see the cost objects (jobs) within each sub-unit. 1-2-3 The Change Personnel Costs: Cost objects per organizational unit screen shows the cost objects (jobs) within each sub-unit. Double-click on a cost objects (job) to access the cost elements associated with the job. 1-2-4 The Change Personnel Costs: Cost elements per cost object screen shows the cost objects (jobs) within each sub-unit. 1-2-5 Select the cost object UN_SALARY and enter a check in the D (Direct evaluation) column. In the Amount column, enter an amount higher than the one shown in the Current amount column; and enter UNI in the Currency column. Then select Enter. 1-2-6 To return to the list of jobs, choose Back.


HR050 12-18

1-2-7 To initiate a 5% increase, choose Change cost items. Enter the UN-BENEFITS cost element (or any other cost item you want to use) and the percentage rate of increase. To confirm your entries, select the Check /Enter button. This changes the current amount. 1-2-8 Choose Back again, and note that the jobs have Current Amount adjustments reflecting your changes. 1-2-9 Choose Save and enter plan scenario ## and text in the Save current planning dialog box that is now displayed. You can also enter a password. Choose Save.


HR050 12-19

Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop

Contents:  Reporting and Information Systems  Manager‟s Desktop

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 13-1

Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  Describe the reporting concept in Human

Resources  Use the Human Resources Information System

to access and execute reports  Use Ad Hoc Query to create reports  Use the report tree to select and execute  Access and execute reports directly from

the application menu  Describe the Manager‟s Desktop >

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 13-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 13-3


Travel Management

Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop: Business Scenario

 The departments within your enterprise must regularly create reports for different types of employee data. To do this, they use the various Human Resource reporting functions.  The managers at your enterprise want a userfriendly tool to help them perform their daily administrative, organizational, and strategic tasks. For this reason, the Manager‟s Desktop is implemented

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 13-4

Reporting: Topic Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Describe the reporting concept in Human Resources  Use the Human Resources Information System to access and execute reports  Use Ad Hoc Query to create reports  Use the report tree to select and execute reports  Access and execute reports directly from the application menu

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 13-5

Reporting plays a central role in Human Resources Management. Personnel administrators are confronted daily with large volumes of data that must be recorded and evaluated. ABAP reports are available for this purpose.  The standard system includes a large number of reports to help you meet your reporting requirements. They enable you to define your own search criteria and then create lists of employees and employee data, for example, or perform statistical evaluations. Many reports also enable you to display results in SAP Business Graphics, or download them to a PC application.


HR050 13-6

The Human Resources System includes a number of functions that enable you to create reports.


HR050 13-7

Human Resources Information System (HIS)

Reporting Defaults Administration Recruitment Benefits

Pers. no. 1000 2000

Name Eric Wong Rosa Lee

Payroll area Employee Employee

Task functions Ad Hoc Query Entries/leavings Birthday Flexible data Help

 SAP AG 1999

   

     

The Human Resources Information System makes it easy for you to request and start all HR reports within Structural Graphics. Reports are based on the data structure in personnel planning and development. Advantages: Required report parameters are already set, wherever possible. Instead of completing a report selection screen, you simply select the required object or objects in Structural Graphics. For example, if you want to report on all positions in a specific organizational unit, select the relevant object. You can start HRIS from any plan version using objects of any status. You do not have to switch between components to start different reports. To use the Human Resources Information System: Start Structural Graphics from HRIS. Select objects in the graphic. Start reports for these objects.


HR050 13-8

Accessing HIS

HRIS: Access Object Information system





Select a view View


Standard view

Select a graphical display

Graphical display Organizational units With positions With persons

Select a root object in the required structure

Access object Organizational unit Display depth Date

Period indicator


 SAP AG 1999

      

When you access HRIS, specify the data to be displayed in Structural Graphics. The view determines the possible display options. To display an organizational structure: Select a graphical display option. Select the root object of the organizational structure you require. If necessary, specify a selection period (the default value is the system date). Choose Start. Note: The object types you want to report on are not relevant to the display option.


HR050 13-9

Starting Reporting Select the required organizational unit Organizational Units

Reporting Defaults

Headquarters Headquarters

Branch Branch office office A A


Sales Sales

Branch Branch office office B B

Accounting Accounting

Administration Recruitment Benefits

Task functions Ad Hoc Query Entries/leavings Birthday Flexible data

Select the required application


 SAP AG 1999

 

The graphic displays the requested organizational structure. A second window lists the available reports. The upper section of the window lists the areas available. After you have selected an area, the reports available for this area are listed in the lower section of the window.  If you have selected at least one object in the graphic, the report is started. The report results are displayed in an additional window.  Procedure:  1. Select one or more organizational units in the Structural Graphics window.  2. Choose the report you want to start.  3. The report runs for all of the persons or data assigned to the org. unit specified in step 1.


HR050 13-10

Editing Defaults

Vorgaben Defaults

These default values determine how reporting is started.

Start Via selection screen Direct Reporting depth All underlying Selected only Data collection All underlying Directly assigned Reporting period Object selection Period indicator Data selection

D 01.01.1997


The reporting period specifies the date on which reporting is started. The default value is the current date.

 SAP AG 1999

 

HRIS reports can be started in a number of ways. The following settings are available: Start: The report can be started immediately, that is, without additional entries on the report selection screen. As a rule, programs are preset and contain the required data. Alternatively, you can call up the report selection screen to enter additional data.  Reporting depth: The report can be started for an object selected in a graphic, or for all of its subordinate objects. This is only relevant to structural reporting.  Data collection: The advantage of HRIS is that it can report on HR master data for persons determined automatically after you have selected an organizational unit in a graphic. You must determine whether the report only runs for persons assigned to the selected organizational unit, or for all of the persons assigned to all of the subordinate organizational units.


HR050 13-11

Ad Hoc Query

Org. Assignment

Field selection

Birth certificate

Selection result Addresses/ Personal Data



List  SAP AG 1999

   

Ad Hoc Query is a simple but powerful tool for reporting on Human Resource data. It enables you to access data from all Human Resource areas by choosing selection and output fields. Ad Hoc Query can be used for data stored in Recruitment, Master Data, Time Management, and Personnel Planning and Development (data related with a person). Programming skills are not required. You choose the selection and output fields on a screen. Note: Unlike all other reporting tools, the selection is made directly from the database. In other words, personnel numbers are only selected if they meet the criteria. Accessing the database directly significantly improves performance. Note: Standard authorization checks take place at the infotype and organizational assignment levels.


HR050 13-12


HR050 13-13

Ad Hoc Query: Field Selection Ad Hoc Query Infotype Selection Value Text Available fields Actions Employment status Org. Assignment Personal Data Form-of-address key Date of birth Nationality Number of children Employee initials Last name First name Title Addresses Country key City Postal code District Planned Working Time

 SAP AG 1999

Ad Hoc Query is based on functional areas and user groups, which you determine using ABAP Query. Functional areas are assigned to user groups. User groups enable you to group users together. Functional areas enable you to group infotype fields and calculated fields together as required. Functional areas restrict the selection for the user, which increases user-friendliness.  The hit list enables you to restrict values even further before the query is finally output.  Note: Queries can be saved. The system uses them to generate a program.


HR050 13-14

Result as a Table

HR-AHQ 09/02/2000/17:51:03 BUCKT

HR-AHQ 09/02/2000/17:51:03 BUCKT First name Last name


Position name

Michael Le Clerc 50014349 Director-Research &D Josef Lutzel 50014350 Administrator-Research Miguela Santos 99999999 Integration: def.position Miguela Santos 50014260 00 Manager Miguela Santos 50014262 01 Manager Miguela Santos 50014264 02 Manager Miguela Santos 50014266 03 Manager Miguela Santos 50014268 04 Manager Miguela Santos 50014270 05 Manager Miguela Santos 50014272 06 Manager Miguela Santos 50014274 07 Manager Miguela Santos 50014276 08 Manager


01/01/1998 01/01/1998 01/01/1998 01/01/1998 01/01/1998 01/01/1998 01/01/1998 01/01/1998 01/01/1998 01/01/1998 01/01/1998 01/01/1998

 SAP AG 1999

You can adapt the appearance of a table so that it meets your requirements. For example, you can hide unnecessary columns, or sort the contents of a table in accordance with specific criteria.  Changes to table columns - such as their width and sequence, or a decision to hide them or not - can be saved as a user setting. This enables you to reuse your table setting as often as required, or save it as a standard setting.  You can export the displayed and modified table together with its report data to MS Word and MS Excel, which you can then use to process the report results.  The send list function enables you to forward the table together with its report results to other users, irrespective of whether they work at the same enterprise.


HR050 13-15

PC Connection

Pers. no. 1000 2000

Name Eric Wong Rosa Lee

Basic pay 5,600.00 4,400.00

MS Excel Web display

MS Word

Send mail Recipient:

 SAP AG 1999

After you have executed a report, you can download the results to MS Excel or MS Word. You can also send the data as a mail.


HR050 13-16

Report Tree

Human Resources Reports Personnel Management Administration Employee Service Anniversaries Powers of Attorney Education and Training Employees who Entered / Left Family Members Birthday List Vehicle Search List Telephone Directory Time spent in each pay scale Defaults for Pay Scale Reclass Reference personnel numbers HR Master Data Sheet HR Master Data Sheet in SAPScript Flexible Employee Data Employee List List of Maternity Data Severely Challenged

 SAP AG 1999

The report selection function is a tool that facilitates easy access to important reports in SAP application components. It is part of the SAP Information System, which also contains other tools. General report selection consists of a hierarchical structure, the report tree, which supports navigation to specific reports.  In the standard information system, you use the general report selection function to access a report tree delivered by SAP. System settings enable you to modify the appearance of the report tree.  The report selection function includes the most important reports from all of the application components. It consists of four hierarchical levels: - The uppermost level contains the various application components in the R/3 System. - Each application component enables you to access the various areas that it contains. - By expanding more subnodes, you navigate through the areas of an application component to the specific object on which you require further information. (The reports are often executed at this point.) - You can now access the lowest level of the report selection hierarchy, which lists the individual reports for you to execute.  You can define your own views of the current report tree by choosing subtrees. Any of these subtrees can be specified as the initial access point.  When a node is displayed, the system performs an authorization check.


HR050 13-17


HR050 13-18

Report Selection Screen (Example) Service Anniversaries Further selections Search helps Period Today Current month Up to today From today Other period Person selection period

Sort Current year To To

Payroll period Selection Personnel number Employment status Company code Payroll area Pers.area/subarea/cost cente Employee groups/subgroup

to to to to to to

Program selections Anniversary in years Further processing options No further processing Display as table Graphics ABC analysis Executive Info System (EIS) Additional query functions File store


Interactive list Word processing Spreadsheet Private file

 SAP AG 1999

The report selection screen contains a series of selection options that enable you to determine the criteria used to execute a Human Resources report. Each selection option has two fields which you can use to specify a single value (by entering a minimum value in the first field only) or a value range (by entering a maximum value in the second field as well). By choosing specific selection options and values, you can determine the dataset to be read and the result of the report. The latter is derived from the evaluation of employee records and is output either as a list of employees, or as a numerical analysis of data on these employees.  To make generic entries, use *. To make masked entries, use +.


HR050 13-19

Enhancements to the Report Selection Screen

Employee List

Further selections

Search help

Selection options

SCt Short text

Personnel number Action type Customer-defined status Employment status Special payment status Company code


Existence matchcode PDC error indicator Personal ID number Part-time EEs (D) Date of birth

Sort Sort options Employee‟s name Personnel area Personnel subarea Employee group Employee subgroup Company code

 SAP AG 1999

The report selection screen contains a series of default selection options that are used by the system to create a list of employees, for example, or a statistical evaluation. However, these defaults do not necessarily include all of the selection options that you require for your report run. The further selections function enables you to add selection options to the report selection screen, and delete existing selection options.  The search help function on the report selection screen helps you select the employees for which you want the report to run.  The sort function enables you to use up to seven criteria to sort the list of employees or employee data created by the report. The effects of the sort function become apparent when a list report is output, but not when a statistical evaluation is output.  If you want to reuse selection values that you have set for a report, save them as a variant. Each time you call the variant, the system automatically writes its values to the individual selection fields.


HR050 13-20


HR050 13-21

General Report Selection



ABAP / program directory Program



Execute ABAP / program directory Program name Short description RPLMIT00

Employee List



Selection screen

 SAP AG 1999

Some reports cannot be accessed by using menu paths or general report selection. Instead, you must access them by choosing System -> Services -> Reporting.  On the initial screen, you can enter RP* and then use the subsequent report to display an overview of all reports. You can enter more specific generic search criteria by using the following naming conventions: - RPL* Lists - RPS* Statistics - RPC* Payroll reports - RPU* Utility reports - RPT* Time management reports - RPAPL* Applicant data reports - RPI* Reports for creating batch input sessions - RPI* Reports for personnel planning and development - RH* Reports for personnel planning and development


HR050 13-22

Manager‟s Desktop: Objectives

At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to:  Describe the Manager‟s Desktop

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 13-23

Manager‟s Desktop: Overview

A tool that helps managers to perform their administrative and planning tasks Manager‟s Desktop  A broad range of functions that are tailored to the needs and responsibilities of managers (such as functions from various applications, workflow inbox, Internet connection, etc.)  User-friendly and intuitive  Customizing and user settings possible  Customer reports can be included

 SAP AG 1999

SAP Manager’s Desktop is tailored to the daily needs of managers - line managers, for example - by helping them to perform their administrative, organizational, and strategic tasks. The Manager‟s Desktop concept is to support the growing trend of decentralizing Human Resource tasks and responsibilities.  Manager‟s Desktop helps managers to make Human Resource decisions and perform strategic planning activities by providing them with swift access to required HR data of directly and indirectly subordinate employees. It then enables them to evaluate this data.  Managers can use Manager‟s Desktop to perform cross-application functions. For example, they can execute workflow tasks (work items) or use reports to access data stored in Accounting or Controlling. Manager‟s Desktop can be used to execute a wide range of standard reports from Human Resources and Controlling, as well as customer reports. Its web browser integration means that Manager‟s Desktop also enables managers to display intranet and Internet pages.  New functions, such as drag and drop, make Manager‟s Desktop particularly easy to use. 


HR050 13-24

Prerequisites Area of responsibility

S S S ...

Employee occupies chief position



 Direct



IT 105 (Communication) User - employee assignment

S P...

P  Indirect


 SAP AG 1999

If you want to use the functions provided by Manager‟s Desktop, you must first use the Organizational Management application component to create an organizational plan for your enterprise, and display the organizational structure and staff assignments (that is, the assignment of persons or users to positions).  When the user (the manager) logs on, the system determines all of the organizational units for which he or she is responsible. The user then sees a tree structure containing the selected organizational units with their positions and assigned holders, which can be edited using a function list, for example. The area of responsibility displayed for the manager is merely an excerpt from the organizational plan created for the enterprise - unless, of course, the manager is responsible for the entire enterprise. 


HR050 13-25

Initial Screen  Adaptable theme and function catalog  User-specific selection of theme

categories and functions  Enterprise-specific initial screen possible (background picture and enterprise logo)

Manager‟s Desktop

Theme categories  Employee data  Organization  Compensation  Workflow inbox  Special areas

Function list  Ad Hoc Query    

Reports Pers. Admin. Time data .…

 Profile  .…  Bonus plan  .…  Salary adjustment  Extraordinary salary adjustments

 SAP AG 1999

The initial screen provides an overview of the default main scenario in Manager‟s Desktop, which consists of the five theme categories listed above and their function lists. The function codes in Customizing can be used to put these categories into customer-specific hierarchies. The categories can also be enhanced with customer-specific functions.  Furthermore, the user can deactivate unnecessary categories and functions on the initial screen and on the various screens of the different application components. It is always possible to switch between user settings and standard settings.  The initial screen can be adapted to customer-specific requirements in Customizing. For example, it can be enhanced with an enterprise logo and/or background picture. 


HR050 13-26

Theme Categories and Areas of Responsibility

Theme categories

Area of responsibility (view)

 Employee data

 Directly subordinate EEs

 Organization

 All subordinate EEs

 Compensation Management

 Cost centers

Function list

Organizational structure

 Ad Hoc Query  Reports  Administration  Absences  Education  Payments/Deds.  ...…  Benefits  Organization  ...…  Profile  Requirements profile

Mr Eric Wong Global Research and Development

Drag and drop

Director Administrative Assistant Senior Technician .....

Display payments and deductions of employees assigned to the selected organizational structure

 SAP AG 1999

User-friendly selection options make it easy for managers to access the information they require.


HR050 13-27

Information System and Manager‟s Desktop: Unit Summary

You are now able to:  Describe the reporting concept in Human Resources  Use the Human Resources Information System to access and execute reports  Use Ad Hoc Query to create reports  Use the report tree to select and execute  Access and execute reports directly from the application menu  Describe the Manager‟s Desktop

 SAP AG 1999  SAP AG


HR050 13-28

Employee Self Service

Contents:  What is SAP Employee Self-Service (SAP ESS)?  Human Resources today  SAP ESS - The future of Human Resources  SAP ESS - The highlights  SAP ESS and Workflow

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 14-1

SAP Employee Self Service: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  Review SAP ESS functionality  Locate employee data

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 14-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 14-3


Travel Management

Employee Self Service: Business Scenario

 Caliber A Bicycle Company has developed an Employee Self Service application for employees to review and update their own employee information without contacting the HR Department.  Additionally the employees utilize the ESS to manage their electronic mail and for workflow functionality.  Caliber A Bicycle Company has implemented SAP Employee Self-Service. Employees can now access all SAP ESS services through the company„s Intranet portal without having to log on again.

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 14-4

What is Employee Self-Service?

SAP Employee Self-Service is a set of powerful, yet easy-to-use applications that empower employees to view, create and maintain data in the R/3 system via the intranet.

SAP ESS consists many components such as: 


Time Management Expense Reports

  

Benefits Personal Information

Training and Event Managament Skills Profile


 SAP AG 1999

 

With SAP ESS employees can take responsibility for updating and keeping current their own data. They can research training and get information regarding other employees information such as their business calendar.  SAP ESS empowers employees to view, create and maintain data any time, anywhere, via web-based technology.  SAP ESS has an intuitive, HTML based user interface.  SAP ESS is an effective means for providing real-time access and data maintenance capabilities to the source, or owner of the data, and to off-load many of the data entry and related customer service activities that may be typically performed in a company‟s human resources, payroll, benefits and travel departments.


HR050 14-5

Human Resources - Today

 Huge, routine, and administrative workload in Human Resources departments.  Critical Human Resources staff is locked with data entry.  All business processes take place via paper or informally 

Many versions of the same data

 Delivery of Human Resources services is bureaucratic.

 SAP AG 1999

Prior to ESS, employees often had to call the HR department to access information that they now have at their fingertips.


HR050 14-6

SAP ESS - The Philosophy

 Employees‟ own data maintenance!  Employee becomes responsible for parts of their personal data!  Information is provided to all employees 

Individual information (Payroll Result, Time Management, Travel Expenses, Qualifications...)

„Public“ information (Who‘s Who, Calendar...)

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 14-7

SAP ESS - The Highlights Extensive functionality beyond basic HR functionality, including travel management and purchasing

1 7

2 Inherent integration between


SAP R/3 business scenarios, SAP ESS, and Workflow

SAP ESS Highlights


3 ESS functionality that leverages the strengths of underlying SAP infrastructure

Easy to use

5 Enabling access from any platform at any time from anywhere


Unsurpassed global capabilities  SAP AG 1999

  

SAP ESS leverages the power of SAP, taking full advantage of inherent workflow, R/3 business logic, security, and audit functionality  SAP ESS utilizes the same database. No dual maintenance or reconciliation is required. SAP ESS inherits SAP R/3‟s international architecture, with its unsurpassed language and currency management capabilities. It takes full advantage of SAP R/3‟s global capabilities, including country localization. SAP ESS can be used with the Netscape Navigator and MS Internet Explorer, and can be implemented on Windows, Macintosh, and Unix if the appropriate Internet Browser is used. SAP ESS has an intuitive, user-friendly interface. No training is required. The user is presented with simplified R/3 information. The SAP ESS main menu can be customized and enhanced. The Internet templates are easily adaptable to match the look and feel of company intranet and corporate identity.


HR050 14-8

SAP ESS Functionality

 Benefits

 Jobs

 Payment

 Expense Reports

 Skills Database

 My ESS

 Personal Information

 Training and Event Management  Time Management

 Office

 SAP AG 1999

Listed here are some of the examples of ESS functionality that can exist with the ESS site


HR050 14-9

SAP ESS and Workflow: A Perfect Synergy

 Integration of the SAP office inbox inSAP ESS opens workflow to all employees  SAP ESS services that use Workflow: 

Approval processes such as Leave Request, CATS and expense reports

New Hire Data, Change of Address notification

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 14-10

SAP ESS - The Benefits

1 Providing services to employees

SAP ESS Benefits

2 Increasing productivity and efficiency

3 Saving money and time

SAPESS ESSis ispart partof ofthe thestandard standardR/3 R/3system systemsince sinceversion version4.5 4.5 SAP

 SAP AG 1999

By enabling employees to maintain their own data and to have access to their own information, companies empower them to take responsibility and ownership. This increases employee satisfaction and improves the accuracy of data.  Companies‟ human resources departments are freed from many of the data entry and related customer service activities.  Companies save money by reducing the costs of paper, postage and data entry time, and they save time by eliminating bureaucratic processes that devour resources. There is also no need for expensive, timeconsuming training.  How is SAP ESS delivered?  Starting with R/3 version 4.5, SAP ESS is part of the core R/3 product (HR package) and is delivered with the standard R/3 System.


HR050 14-11

SAP‟s Internet Strategy …Business Scenarios Enterprise Partner

Collaborative Planning & Forecasting


Buying / Procurement

Invoicing / Payment

Collaborative Applications Logistics/ Productiom


Strategic Enterprise Management

Sales & Marketing

Human Resources

Knowledge Management / Research

Employee Self Service

Online Service Online Presentation Order Fulfillment


Online Selling / Catalog Hosting Billing / Payment

Employees  SAP AG 1999

SAP Employee Self-Services was one of SAP‟s first Internet solutions. Today SAP ESS forms part of SAP‟s overall Internet strategy SAP‟s Internet strategy comprises four key elements:  The Marketplace, an open electronic business-to-business hub that enables intercompany relationships for buying, selling and communicating  The Workplace, an enterprise portal that provides users with a personalized, Webbrowser-based work environment that offers everything they need to do their jobs  Business Scenarios, which enable collaborative, role-based, business-to-business and business-to-consumer solutions through SAP and third-party software applications  Web-based Application Hosting, which provides a quick, cost-effective delivery mechanism for companies to adopt the full range of solutions  SAP ESS is part of Business Scenarios  The Business Scenarios are role-based, end-to-end business processes that link customers, partners, suppliers, and vendors via the Web. Using subsets of products tailored to specific roles within an organization, companies can deploy Business Scenarios to meet the needs of people such as executives, sales representatives, and purchasing managers. From requisition to approval to procurement, all of your everyday business tasks can be performed collaboratively - and seamlessly with   


HR050 14-12

Employee Self Service: Unit Summary

You are now able to:  Discuss R/3 ESS functionality  Locate and update information using the ESS functionality

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 14-13


Contents:  Overview of distributed scenarios in R/3 Human Resources

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 15-1

ALE: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  Know how systems are distributed in Human Resources Management

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 15-2

Course Overview Diagram


Course Overview






Structures in Human Resources




Personnel Management


Personnel Cost Planning




Reporting and Manager‟s Desktop


Development and Training


Employee Self-Service






Time Management



 SAP AG 1999


HR050 15-3


Travel Management

ALE Scenarios in R/3 Human Resources: Business Scenario

 You require an overview of the ALE scenarios

used in R/3 Human Resources.

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 15-4

R/3 Human Resources as a Distributed Component

Personnel Management Time Management Payroll Training and Event Management

Centralized HR Sales and Distribution


Accounting  Human Resources in the SAP environment  Communication using BAPIs and ALE  Synchronization and data consistency  SAP AG 1999

R/3 Human Resources can be used as a distributed component in a separate system. The R/3 System provides these scenarios by ALE (application link enabling) and BAPIs (business application programming interface).  Communication between Human Resources and other SAP components is ensured for each scenario by clearly defined interfaces.  In each scenario, data consistency and synchronization between the various components are ensured by the replication of data, for example.


HR050 15-5

HR master data and organizational data are managed in a centralized HR System. The information required in individual scenarios is distributed to the other system or systems concerned. For example, the following data can be distributed from the centralized system for a variety of reasons: - Organizational structure for workflow - Employee assignments in Logistics - Qualifications and requirements profiles in Logistics - Integration of the HR work center in Logistics - Sales personnel - Partner functions in Plant Maintenance, Customer Service, Quality Management, and Sales and Distribution - Payroll results - Data from Cost Planning - Data from Time Management (such as employee availability for Capacity Planning) - Billing data, customers, contact persons from Training and Event Management - Employee data for the time sheet


HR050 15-6


HR050 15-7

ALE: Unit Summary

You now know:  How systems are distributed in Human Resources Management.

 SAP AG 1999  SAP AG


HR050 15-8


Contents:  Components of TeamSAP

 ASAP Roadmaps  Major implementation tools

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 16-1

ASAP: Business Scenario

 The implementation team analyses the tools and

services provided by SAP to facilitate the implementation of SAP software.

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 16-2

ASAP: Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:  Describe the components of TeamSAP  List and briefly describe the five phases of the

ASAP Implementation Roadmap  Discuss the main tools available for

implementing SAP software

 SAP AG 1999


HR050 16-3

TeamSAP Components

People: Solutions expertise Quality

AcceleratedSAP Consistency





Pe op

Processes :

SAP Consulting partners Complementary software partners Technology & hardware partners

c Pro


  

AcceleratedSAP Roadmaps or powered-by methodologies SAP Review Program Support, services & training

Products : The Business Framework Strengths    

SAP product family Complementary software products Products from technology partners Industry solutions

 SAP AG 1999

TeamSAP involves coordinated interaction between the groups involved in the implementation environment of the products concerned.


HR050 16-4

SAP recommends that you use ASAP as a standard methodology for implementation planning and for implementing SAP software. The ASAP Roadmap provides a step-by-step guide to implementation.  During the five phases of an ASAP project, the results of each phase are recorded in specific documents. This is particularly important in Phase 2.


HR050 16-5

  

 

Phase 1: Project Preparation - The primary focus of Phase 1 is getting the project started, identifying team members and developing a high-level plan. Phase 2: Business Blueprint - The primary focus of Phase 2 is to understand the business goals of the enterprise and to determine the business requirements needed to support these goals. Phase 3: Realization - The purpose of this phase is to implement all the business and process requirements identified in the Business Blueprint. You configure the system step-by-step in the work packages Baseline and Final Configuration. Phase 4: Final Preparation - The purpose of this phase is to complete testing, end-user training, system management and cutover activities. Critical open issues are resolved. When you have successfully completed this phase, you will be ready to run your business in your production system. Phase 5: Go Live and Support - Transition from a project-oriented, pre-production environment to a successful and live production environment. The new ASAP Roadmap (available as of Release 4.6A), helps integrate all existing ASAP Roadmaps into one "configurable" one. It is based on the products R/3, BW (Business Information Warehouse), APO (Advanced Planner & Optimizer), CRM (Customer Relationship Management encompassing Mobile Sales/Mobile Services), and B2B (Business to Business Procurement) and provides a single implementation solution within ASAP for all SAP software.


HR050 16-6

SAP has developed Global ASAP as the standard implementation methodology for the global implementation of SAP software. The basic concept of Global ASAP is to map all activities that do not take place at local level onto a special structure called the Global Roadmap. This Roadmap is structured according to the AcceleratedSAP principle and includes How-to's, accelerators, modeling methods and tools. The Global Roadmap is linked to each Roadmap for projects at local level.  A global implementation strategy involves defining a pre-configured corporate system or global template. The global template is the sum of all enterprise-specific configuration and Customizing settings, and models that are included in one SAP System and provide a reference for live systems at the global and local levels (individual companies and plants). This implementation approach is also referred to as the global template rollout of the SAP System.  The Global ASAP Roadmap consists of four phases:  Global Program Set-Up  Global Business Blueprint  Global Realization  Global Maintenance & Support


HR050 16-7

IMG: Tasks


•The IMG contains documentation for each activity. •The activities can be carried out directly. •Functions for project management and project documentation are available.

Global settings Countries Currencies Calendars

SAP Documentation  Concept  Recommendations  Requirements  Activity  WinHelp

Activities  Open Customizing transactions

Project Management  Status/activity data  Scheduling  Resources  Microsoft Project interface

Project Documentation  Efficiently organized using notes  Use Microsoft Word

 SAP AG 1999

 

The IMG contains all Customizing activities you need to implement application components. You can create Customizing projects in an SAP System, to help structure and manage an implementation project. You can also record cross-project documentation.  You can create an IMG for each project.  From a Project IMG you can work on Customizing transactions, project documentation, cross-project documentation, and information on project management.


HR050 16-8

CustomerCustomer-Specific Configuration



SAP Reference IMG

Generate Customizing Projects

Customizing transactions

Project IMGs

Project documentation

Generate Project IMG Views

Project IMG views

Project management

 SAP AG 1999

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The IMG acts as a checklist of the Customizing activities that your enterprise should complete to implement an SAP System. The IMG is hierarchically structured. The structure of the IMG and the IMG tools (for example, allocating resources such as project members and the MS Project interface) help your project team to work through the Customizing activities in a rational sequence. For the realization, you can divide the scope of the Reference IMG into different projects, which, in turn, are assigned to Project IMGs. Use a Project IMG to work on Customizing transactions, project and cross-project documentation, as well as information on project management. You can create views to improve the structure of a Project IMG. You can use these views to edit Customizing transactions, project and cross-project documentation, and information on project management, in line with the Project IMG. As of Release 4.6, you can use the ASAP-IMG link in the Q&Adb to create project views. This transfers the project scope set in the Question & Answer database (Q&Adb) to the R/3 System. The views generated by the ASAP-IMG link contain Customizing activities for the processes set in scope in the Q&Adb. To use the ASAP-IMG link, a Customizing project must already exist in the R/3 System.


HR050 16-9

Accelerated Industry Solutions: Steps Industry-specific details in ASAP and documentation Model-based presentation of the industry solution

Industry-specific Business Blueprint

Industry-specific Customizing in IMG and CATTs

Preconfigured Industry System

Industry-specific business components

Business framework component

Accelerated Solution  SAP AG 1999

System documentation and the ASAP Question & Answer database contain industry-specific information and are the ideal places to start looking for information.  Model-based presentations of industry-specific business processes help you analyze the business processes you have selected. Event-driven process chains (EPCs) are available for several industries (for example, the automotive and pharmaceutical industries) and are integrated in the SAP Reference Structure. A structure is available for each industry in the ASAP Question & Answer database, and helps you to produce an industry-specific Business Blueprint (Phase 2 of the ASAP Roadmap).  Industry-specific Customizing involves integrating default Customizing parameters for a specific industry in the IMG. SAP has documented this process in the IMG. You can use the Computer Aided Test Tool (CATT) which is also integrated in the system to transfer industry-specific master data structures to the system. Test programs (CATTs), named after the above tool, are provided for the industry-specific business cases defined by SAP. This collection of tools is known as Preconfigured Industry Systems.  Industry-specific business solutions are integrated as business components in the business framework. Implementation in the system can also be a ready-to-work solution. The main feature of such a solution is the delivery of a combination of software and hardware required to install an SAP System.


HR050 16-10

Implementation Planning and Tools: Summary

You are now able to:  Describe the elements of TeamSAP  List and briefly describe the five phases of the

ASAP Implementation Roadmap  Discuss the major tools that support an SAP


 SAP AG 1999


HR050 16-11

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