H.R. Seshadri Iyer - New Techniques of Prediction (Vol 2)

September 18, 2017 | Author: Parameshwaran Shanmugasundharam | Category: Yoga, Astrology, New Age Practices, Occult, Superstitions
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PRENACE (First Edition) This treatise tifled'NewTechniques of Prediction' is brought forth in two parts for certain conveniences of reference. The first part contains all the rudimentary elements and rules under general Astrologr arranged in a systematic manner enabling easy reference. In addition to what is available in standard classic works, I have included very many new and unknown secrets after long research. My object is to render my treatise useful for both the beginner and the advanced student of astrologr. As far as possible I have avoided unnecessary and hazy ides, retaining only those that have stood true by research. This part II edition is designed to cohtain chiefly predictive portions, the elementary ones being included in Part I. This is a rare and valuable publication containing precious dictrms not knovm to many so far - 'A Million Dollar Worth' as one of the readers has expressed. I have tried to handle the subject in a mathematical way winnowing all alternatives and doubts. On application of my theory you will yoursef realise its merits. There is nothing new - no new invention. As I have once before exllressed no human being of ordinary intellect can add on even an atom to it as his ovvn. What an intelligent astrologer should do is to merely digest the proper meaning of our classic dictums and apply them diligently. That is what I have done and that is what I expect of you all. Added to it long research work is needed. It is only by way of research that I have been able to place before you the wonderful effects of Thithi, Weekday, Star, Yoga etc. The Division Chart or Phala Kundali is a unique product of my long rese,trch which is a tangible foundation for correct



meticulous predictions. A number of illustrative horoscopes cited in this treatise is a special advantage to the students. They are all a collection of well-known charts investigated by me in detail. The Chapter on Dasha Bhukti is exemplary. Gochara is treated by me in a new style which gives better results than the traditional method of reckoning from moon. No where you have seen the wonderful Daily and Hourly reading I have narrated. I-astly, very many controversial and misconceived subjects, which have been more or less traditional sayings without tangible truth in them are discussed at leng;th with illustrations. In short, this treatise is a revelation of hidden truth. I feel satisfied if the public digest these principles well and try to apply them in their future handling of horoscopes. Ha setof enthusiasts of any place in India or abroad desire to be coached on these and other lines I am prepared to honour their invitation. My chief object is to spread my theory round about India and if possible the world over.



Preface to Second Edition This Edition is an enlarged one over the first one. As some of the readers and students desired to have a ready made Table of Divisional Amshas we have added it and combined the appendix also to this book. Some of the printer's errorsi are set right. The book is brougfrt up with a better get-up. See our latest edition Part III on Race Asfr'ologr. Bangalore


H.R. Seshadri lyer Author


Contents Chapter I - Thithi and Yoga (07-22) - Yoga and Avayoga . Positive and Negative Signs and Planets - General Enunciations Preamble and Definitions

Chapter II - Novel Metltod of Dasha Bhukti Reading (2J-45) : Preamble -Dasha Chart -Starter - Dasha Chart Calculations of Starter - Ruler - Dasha Yogi -Evolution of one Dasha Chart from another, - Easy way of working out a Dasha - How to read Dasha Chart - Rules to judge the effects ofBhukti I-ords - Special effects ofDasha Lord onAscendant. Chart

Chapter III - Phala Kundali or Diuision Charts (44-gI) Preamble - Theory of Division Charts -Basic principles to frame Division Charts - Evaluation of DMsion Charts and - Table of Amsa parts of D-Chart - How to use the D-Charts ? -Illuskations of D-Charts Reading .

their porfolios

Chapter W - Dasha Bhulrti (classical)- (52-104) Preamble - Dasha Reading -Mathematical Navamsha Chart -Bhuliti Reading -Illustratoins, . Chapter V - Gochara (Transit) (105-118) -Gochara as part Preamble of Astakavarga - Judgement of Transit - Secondary Direciions to help transit. -Other Theories of Transit -Illustrations . Chapter W - Varshapravesh (solar map) (1 1g-141) : Preamble - Panchavargi Bala -Hadda etc. Charts -Table of



Pancha Vargi Bala - Varshapravesh - Determination ofVarshapa -Harsha Balam - Year l-ord -Dasha System - Sahamas Timing of Sahama effects - Table of Sahamas - Shodasha Yogas - Illustrations. Chapter WI - Daily and Hourty Readings and lllisconceptions and Blind Beliefs - (142-155) Preamble - Striking points guiding Day Reading -Hour of Event - Illustrations -Misconceptions and Blind Beliefs -Rahu Kalam -Thithi, New moon and full moon day -Kalasarpa Dosha -Kuja Dosha -Kalachakra Dasha -Nakshatra Dosha Marriage Alliance Tests - Single survey of one Horoscope -Mutal Verification of both charts - Muhurtharn ,4ppendix ( I ) :' Illustated Ready-made

Horoscopes ( I 55- I 79)



Illustrative Charts : Appendix (2) : (18O - 184) Fundamental Elements









Chapter I Thithi and Yoga Those that have notread myArticles on this subject may feel surprised to know that for correct predictions Thithi, Week day, Star, Yoga and IGrana which form the five fundamental parts of a Panchanga (meaning pancha llngas i.e., five limbs) are as important as other things. All of us use the star, that too under limitations; and most of us leave off the res! with the result we are left in the lurch and the sacred science decried by our folly or ignorance. Is it not a common say that one is born a Yoga-Purusha (forhmate person)? But few know its real significance as we had not known so far the mode of using both Yoga and Thithi for Predictions. For the benefit of my friends, I disclose below the Golden Truflrs in Astrologr. First I dwell on Thithi and yoga, the rest will be dealt with later. In Sanskrit Thithi means Subtraction, while Yoga means Addition. Ihe difference in position between Moon and Sun gives flrithi while the sum-total of dtem glves yoga. There are 3O Thithis and 27 Yogas. Each yoga is controlled by a star in the chronological order, the first Vishkamba yoga starting with the star Pushyami. The lord of the yogia is its stellar lord. In addition to this chief birth yoga pLanet, the lord of the Rasi containing the birth yoga point will also become another yogi called .Duplicate yogi,. [For calculation of Thithi and Yoga, please go through Chapter I of Part I.l



As for anything there is a negative for every positive, tfrere is Avayoga planet (Adverse) for everyYoga planet as shovmhe r e :

9.t fl_u

Yod(l Sun Moon Kuja Budha Guru Shukra Shani Rahu Kethu

Avayogi or Enemy Shani Budha Ketu Kuja Sun Guru Moon Shukra R^ht4.-*/


Triple sets of planets



pXetu, Moon, Guru lShukra, Kuja, Shani /Sun, Rahu, Budha

As per this theory there is only one enemy for each planet and all the 9 planets are grouped into 3 sets of 3 each. The 3 planets in each set belong to one gfoup of common friendship. Thus when any one of the three planets becomes a yogi the other two automatically imbibe yoga character and this is specially noticed in the case of Rahu. When Sun or Budha becomes yoga planet, Rahu becomes yoga like planet

Etrects of Ittnar Day or Thithi In addition to the laid dov,'n broad principles ofjudgement, Thithi has a predominating influence on the life of a person. Except on full moon and new Sroon days every Thithi has at least two Rasis called 'Dagdha' or burnt ones. For details please see Chapter-l Part I. For the sake of convenience I call these Dagdha Rasis as 7-ero Rasis hereafter. Bhavas counted by them, their lords and



planets in such Rasis lose their power, unless retrograde. That is why sometimes predictions go wrong. Add on to the usual canons of judgement the theory of Zero Rasis and Yoga and then predicl You will never fail. Effects of birth in a year, month, day, thithi, star, yoga and karana are cited in several books. Of them it is only yoga effect that stands to test. So I have narrated yoga effects in Chapter I of Part I. I now lay dovm the canons of judgement relating to thithi and yoga effects. To make the subject easy, I give own Nomenclatures as follows : /ny Positive Rasis .,Own house \ Rasis :7nro Rasi or house of debilitation Llegative Bhatns ..Auspicious Bhayas (L,2,4,5,2,9, 1O,I 1) Vositiue LNegatiue Bhauas ..Dustana (3-6-8- 12) fnosiUve Planets ..[.ords of Positive Bhavas which are 6 not Zero RasigRnd Birth Yog and Duplicate Yogi..trl[ I Planets ll-ords of Negative Bhavas, Lords of llegatir" Zero Rasis, Birth Avayogi. (Positive Stars ..Stars of Positive Planets. I Negative Stars ..Stars of Negative Planets. I VNote : Just as in mathematics :

Even here the same theory holds good. (1) Positive Planet in Positive Bhava or Rasi or Star becomes positive.



(2) Positive Planet in Negative Bhava or Rasi or Star becomes negative. (3) Negative Planet in Negative Bhna or Rasi or Star becomes positive. (4) Negative Planet in Positive Bhava or Rasi or Star becomes negative. Positive Planets give favourable results while Negative planets cause distress. The above cited formula will suffice to judge the effects correcfly. For clearer understanding, I cite the following corolLaries with illustrations.

General Enunciation (O1)Yoga planets though attaining negative character still retain their yoga character. (Oz)YoEa planets or those that are in their stars $ve beneficial effects while Avayoga ones give malefic results. (O3)Yoga planet must be in positive Rasi, Bhava or Star while Avayogi must be in negative Rasi, Bhava or Star or Eclipsed. (O4)If 6, 8 and 12 Bhavas are Zero Rasis, good results arise; viz. no enemy, no debt and no loss. (O5)Positive planets in negative Rasis tolerable good results when retrograde.


(06)Negative planets should not be retrograde as they become more powerful to do evil. (OZ)Rahu and Kehr are nahrral negatives. When they are in Zero-Rasis they become extremely good. Of them Rahu is exceptionally good.



(O8)Weigh your judgement from the position condition of the steller lord.


(O9)Negative planets in Zero-Rasi or negative Rasi or Bhava are good but become bad if they are retrograde. (lO)Of the 2 Rasis ov"ned by a planet (except sun and moon who ovyn only one Rasi) that Bhava which is Zero-Rasi suffers and not the other. If that planet is powerfullyand positively sihrated itdoes more harm to the kro-Rasi-Bharabut may give good of the other Bhava. If on the other hand such a planet be negatively pl,aced or eclipsed the effect of the Z-eto Rasi-Bhava becomes good while the other goes bad. (11)Planets in conjunction with or aspected by yoga or Avayoga planet imbibe their character also in addition to their onm. (12)Duplicate Yogi in the star of birth yogi or uice-versa confers high yoga. (l3)Avayogi

in enemy's star is good.

Illustated Theories A detailed discussion on the principles involved in the theory of Thithi and Yoga effects is made hereunder citing examples. Schedule of charts appended hereto and in all the discussions their serial numbers only will be quoted. Readers will please veri$ from the respective charts.

Theory (1-7) (1)

Positive planet in positive Bhava and positive Rasi -good




Positive planet in positive Bhava but negative Rasi -reduced good


Positive planet in negative Bhava or negative Rasi -bad or Eclipsed but not Retrograde


Positive planet if under 3 above, it be Retrograde - a little belter


Positive planet in positive star



Positive planet in negative star

- bad


Positive planet though in negative Bhava or Rasi if -good after hurdles it is in its ovm star

Illustations Chart: l-Sun, lord of 9 (Father) though in 7th wittr many good planets has neither lifted his father's status nor conferred paternal good to the native for the very reason of being in Zero-Rasi. Guru, lord of I and 4, with all the best traits could not give him full satisfaction of education or bodily strength as he is Zero-Rasi. '

Chart:3Budha, lordof 2 and 11 thouglr in 5 killed his elder brother and disturbed his finance being in7nroRasi. Chart.' dGuru, lord of 9 is in Aridra (Rahu's star) and Shani, lord of 11 though in 11 being in Shathabhisha (Rahu's star) both proved very bad during their Dashas. Chart.' 33 Guru, lord of I and 4 in 5, being in Ashwini (Kehr star) showed his bad during his Guru Dasha though not to a great extent as botlr belong to one group.



Chart,. -l2-Shukra, lord of Lagna in 11, though in Zero-Rasi gave some good effects amidst some bad as he is in his own star (Pubba). Kethu is in Anuradha (Shani's star who is yogr). So Ketu Dasha was good.

Iheory (8 to 13) (8)

Negative planet in positive Bhava and positive Rasi - bad not being eclipsed causes


Negative Planet in positive Bhava but negative Rasi -good or set gives

(1O) Negative Planet in negative Bhava (l l)



Negative Planet in all negative positions and set gives scellent results. Negative Planet in positive star -bad


Negative Planet in negative star

-uery good

Illustrations Chart: f-Budha, lord of Z and 1O (both Zero-Rasis) is in 7th (Zero-Rasi). He was married in a higfr family and his profession was also tolerably good. Chart: 7-Moon,lord of lO (Zero-Rasi), is in gth and in his own star (Rohini). So his profession is of good rank. Chart: S4Budha,lord of Z and 10 (both Zero-Rasi) is in 3rd (bad Bhava). His wife and profession have been very good. Chart : 27-Slnan| lord of 2 (Finance) though in 12 has given him heary finance. Why? As lord of Zero-Rasi (2nd) he is in Dustana as well in the star of Shukra, lord



of 5 (anoth er Tnro-Rasi). Similarly Shukra is sihrated in Shani's star. Chart: 7&Kuja as lord of lO (positive bhava) is in I debilitated and also in Pushyami (Avayogi star). So in Kuja Dasha he did not feel happy with profession. Chart : 24Gurq as lord of 3 and 6 (Dustanas) wtrich are also Zero-Rasis being in Anuradha (Avayogi star) raised him during Guru Dasha to the status of Head of Departnent. Mere Rasi prediction shows all bad. as lord of.7 (7-ero-Rasi) and lord Chart:Z3Shukra, of 12 (Dustana) is debilitated. So his Shukra Dasha was good. Chart : 7-Guru,lord of 3(Zero-Rasi) and 6 is in Ashwini (Avayogi star) lifted him up to good position. of 6 (7*ro Rasi) in Ashwini Chart : TAlk$a,lord (Ketu) star-an enemy's stargave good duringKuja Dasha. As lord of 11 caused heary orpenditure and loss also.

Theory 14 A planet (positive better, negative not bad) in Yoga gives good. star

Illustrations: Chart : S4Shan|lord of l-agna, in Dhanista (Yoga star) lifted him up in Shani Dasha to the rank of Rs. 1OOOper month. Chart.' 33Rahu in lagna is in Uttarashada (yoga planet's star). So his Rahu Dasha was Yogaic. Chart: 27-Ketr in 9 should have affected his father



or prosperity, but being in Hastha (yoga star) he does immense good. Chart : I4Shukra, lord of 5, is in punarrasu (yoga star). It is Shukra Dasha that started his yoga * , service officer (M.C.S.). "iil Chart : 72-Kent in Anuradha (star of Bifth yogi) gave good to family in Kettr Dasha being in 2 (house-of family).

Theory 15 Positive planet in enemy's star is bad, but negative planet in enemy's star is good. : 4Bud[ha,lord of 2 and ll, is not only in 6th but is also in Dhanista (Kuja's star) an enemy's star. During Budha Dasha he lost heavily by enemy actions.

Theory 76 A planet of the Yogi-group gives good while that of Avayogt group causes evil. Chart : 2gShani,lord of r 1dna, in 9 and in Swati star should have gone bad. But note that its lord Rahu is of Yogi-group of Budha. So it is only in his Shani Dasha that he attained Gazetted Rank.

Theory 7 7 A planet in conjunction with or aspected by yogi becomes good while with Avayogi becomes bad.

Illustrations : Chart.,8

- Kuja in 12 no doubt gave bad to the



native during Kuja Dasha, but due to his association with Yoga, Rahu alongside he also caused some Yoga. Chart.'4 - Budha with Avayogi Rahu caused heary distress in Budha Dasha. Chart : 29 - Rahu is in Purvabhadra (Guru's star) who in turn is with Yoga Budha. Simultaneously the same Rahu is aspected by Avayogi Kuja. During Rahu Dasha he experienced both good and bad. Chart.' 6 - Shani, lord of 11 is with Yo$ moon. During Shani Dasha he had some beneficial effects. But moon being his enemy it did not stay long.

Theory 18 Yogi in Negative Bhava or Rasi - Not much good. Chart : I - Yoga Rahu being in 8 could not give solid Yoga in his Dasha.

Theory 79 Yogi, though owning Negative Rasi or Bhava gives some good at least. Chart.'3 - Guru owns 2 Zero-Rasis and yet he has given him Yoga but of a low order because he is Yogi. Chart : 76 - Guru (Yogi) even here owns 2 Zero-Rasis. As he is exalted in I-agna he has retained his high Yoga effects during Guru Dasha.

Theory 2O Duplicate Yogi also acts as Birth Yogi.



Chart: 22 - Guru being Duplicate Yogi, the Native became the Head of a Departrnent in Guru Dasha by his Retrogression though in Zero-Rasi.

Theory 27 Avayogi in the positive star is Bad. Chart:78 - Avayoga Shani is in Rohini (positive star) I in I (a positive Bhava also); so his Shani Dasha ended his life.

Theory 22 Avayogl in Negative Bhava, Rasi or Star or.Eclipsed becomes good.

Illustrations: Chart.. 1 - Shukra (Avayogi) is in 6 in the Star of Moon (I-ord of 8). So, Shukra becomes good. Chart: 2 - Avayog Guru is in 8, debilitated and in the Star of Lord of 6. So her Guru Dasha has been yogaic. Rasi chart does not say so. Chart: 77- AvaS,ogS Budha is in 8th and in his ovm star. He was coronated in Budha Dasha. Chart : lO - Avayogi Sun is the ovrner of B and Zero-Rasi. In Ravi Dasha he was progressing. Further he is in the star o.f Duplicate Yogi (Budha). Chart :5- Avayogi Ketu is in Zero-Rasi and further in the star of Ravi (Zero-Rasi owner and lord of 3). Hismaximum attainment was in Ketu Dasha, drawing Rs. 1OOOp.m. Chart : 74 - AvayogSmoon is the Lord of 3 and.ZeroRasi and is debilitated and further in Yoga in Shani dtar



and also with Yoga Shani. AII these confer a very higfir Yoga during moon Dasha when his pay is raised from Rs. 5OO to Rs. 1OOOgrade. Chart : 35 - Avayoga Shani being in Shatabhisha (Rahu star) gave Gazetted Rank during Shani Dasha only. Chart : 11 - Avayoga Shani is in Dhanista (Kuja's star) and thus in the star of the lord of Zero-Rasi and 12th Bhava. In Shani Dasha she had her best days. Chart: 8- AvayoEa Shukra is in Kehr star. So good. Chart: 27- Avayoga Budha is in 8 and in Kehr star. He is having a hrgh Yoga of Rs. 5OO p.m. in Budha Dasha. You cannot read so in Rasi chart alone.

Theory 23 Avayo$ in the star of Birtfi Yogi or Duplicate Yogi gives Yoga after hurdles. Chart: 14- Avayog. Moon in the star of Birth Yogt, Sahrrn and himself a Duplicate Yogi has given higtr Yoga during Mgon Dasha. Chart : 23 - His Kehr Dasha ran well as Avayogi, Kehr being in Dhanista has gone to Yoga Kuja's star. Chart: 37 - Avayogt Kuja is in Srarana (the star of Duplicate Yog). His Kuja Dasha is excellent He draws Rs. 1OOOp.m.

Theory 24 Avayog as lord ofZero-Rasi - good. Chart : 74 - Avayogi Moon owning Zero-Rasi became good.

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Chart : 25 - Avayogi Guru owning Zero-Rasis his Guru Dasha was good. Chart : 7O - Avayogi Sun being Tnro - Rasi owner $ras god.

Theory 25 Avayogi getting worse, increases the prosperity vice-versa" Chart: 26 -HereAvayogi Kuja is in 8, is the lord of 9th Zero-Rasi, and in the star of Shani wtro is lord of 6 and,Tnro - Rasi. So during Kuja Dasha he is elevated and happy in all urays of a far higher order.

Theory 26 Avayogi in his enemy's star gives g;ood results. Chart : 72 - Avayogi Moon in Jyesta (Ihe star of Budha, enemy of Moon). So his profession is good. Chart: 78 - Avayogs Shani in Rohini (enemy's star). So his Shani Dasha was good enorrgF.

Theory 27 Rahu and Ketu in7nro Rasi or in the star of the lord of Tnro Rasi give favourable results. Chart : 72 - Ketu Dasha was good as he is in Zero-Rasi. Chart;5Ketu Dasha was orcellent as he is both in Zero-Rasi and in the star of 7*ro-Rasi lord Sun. Chart :8- His Rahu Dasha is the best part in life as Rahu is in Zero-Rasi.



Chart: f3- His Rahu Dasha was good, Rahu being in Zero-Rasi. Chart : 25 - Rahu Dasha was good as Rahu is in Zero-Rasi. Chart:11 - Rahu in gft in Zero-Rasi. In Rahu Dasha her father prospered.

Theory 28 Rahu and Ketu even with Avayogi or in his star give good. . Chart : 24 - Rahu in lOth is both in Shani's star (Pushyami) and with Shani. In Rahu Dasha he scored M.C.S. and became a civil service officer. Note that Shani here is Avayogi. This rule is an exception to Rahu and Kehr as they are natural Negatives.

Theorv 29 Rahu in the star of Keftr is good and not Ketu in Rahu star as in the latter case he goes to his enemy's statr.

Iheory 3O A Retrograde planet in Negative Rasi is protected from falling down. Chart.' I - Kuja lord of 2 and,7, in 12 and in Zero Rasi should have smashed his finance, family and wife had he not been Retrograde. Chart : 22 - As Guru, lord of 9, is in Zero Rasi he should have affected his prosperity. Instead he was a powerful high officer in Guru Dasha as Guru is Retrograde



Tlheory 37 The effect of a planet gets modified by the condition, sihration, conjunction or aspect of its stellar lord. Chart: f5- Shukra, lord of 4 and 9 is with Avayogl Kuja and also in moon's star and that moon is further aspected byAvayogi Kuja. In her Shukra Dasha both her parents lost tfreir finance, name and wealth and were practically reduced to penury. See how her sun's Dasha has remodelled. Sun in Ashwini (Ketu Star) should have spoiled her Ravi Dasha. On the other hand it was in her Ravi Dasha that the entire family prospered. See this stellar lord Ketu is with Budha (Birth Yogr). Hence the modified good effecl Chart: 26 - Both Sun and Moon being in lGttr stars the two Dashas should have spoiled the Native's prospects, but they were the best periods. Ketu is not only in 6 but in Zero-Rasi.

Theory 32 When there is mutual exchange between the Steller Lords of any two planets the effect of the one will be felt during the period of the other. Chart : 75 - Here Moon and Shukra have their stellar lords mutually exchanged. Shukra, lord of 4, being in Moon Star (Lord of 6 aspected by Kuja) should have caused illness to mother. But this evil was postponed to Moon Dasha when her mother all of a sudden had a paralytic stroke.



Theory 33 Of the two Rasis onmed by the plane! if one is positive and the other Negative the effects will be varied. Chart : 15 - Shukra is the lord of Positive 4 and Negative 9 (as 9 is Zero-Rasi). As lord of Positive 4 in the star of lord of 6, he causes illness to mother. As lord of Negative 9 in the star of lord of 6 his fatherrs prosperity is revealed. That is exactly how it has happened in her Moon Dasha (due to mutual exchange). Mothera paralytic patientwtrile fatherwas earning Rs. 5OO/- p.m. and healthy.

Theory 34 If Lagna be in Birth Yoga Star he will be prosperous from birth to death. Reverse will be the case if born in Avayoga Star. Chart : 27 - WM is at Srayana (the Star of Yogi Moon). So since birth he has been prospering. Chart : 7O - Laqgta is exactly in Birth Yoga star (Punarvasu). from birth to death, he was highly prosperous. Chart : 36 - I:rgrra is at oract Birttr Yoga star (Uttara). Since birth he is happy.

Rules given by the author are clear. They rcquire ao commenb. They are conect in our daily e.rperience. -Ed


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Chapter II Novel Method of Dasha Bhukti Reading Of all the chapters in Astrologr Dasha Bhukti is of paramountimportance as the timing of the events is what is requiredbydl. Ahoroscope may containYoga trutwhen will it come to fruition is the anxiety of a consultee. A poor horoscope backed by good Dashas is far better than a rich horoscope with poor dashas. Sometimes it may so happen that such Yoga Dashas may not at all act in one's Iife ntren dre native will be simply dreaming of his prospects. Or, itmay intervene in childhood teens or old age when he would not be in a position to enioy it. So it is absolutely necessary thatYoga Dashas should operate in one's life at proper age of enjoyability. What purpose would it serve if the Dasha of a planet which is good for conjugal happiness or professional felicity operates either in childhood or dotage? In such cases he may have o'nty the mental satirsfaction rather than physical. Next comes the most intricate problem of ascertaining the effect of Bhukti Lord. One may be successfrrl with Dasha Reading but very many are likely to falter in fte proper handling of Bhukti effects. We have seen several texts on this subjecL After all they follow a Chinbmani" rigmorole way far from actuality. "furwrdn 'I{rishna lWisriam'are voluminous editions that and narrate a lot on this topic. Alas, they are not helpful for candid prediction. In my ensuing Chapter, I deal with flre same but more intelligently handling the subject. Still under this usual method of Dasha Bhukti Readings sometimes doubts mayarise. Hence, we mustfind a way out of this ambigUity. We experience ftrat the same Bhukti



Lord under rlifferent Dasha l-ords gives different effects. It is therefore necessary to find a method to discriminate such differential effects. I expound in this chapter a system by which proper aslsessment of Bhuktis may be made at a mere glance without ambiguity. The changing nature of Bhukti Lord may be easily seen from the theory involved in the framework of this Novel Dasha Chart- not knovyn so far to most of us till at least the publication of nry articles in the Astrologtcal Mag;azine.In my Chapter - I, Part I on Thithi and Yoga, I have stated that for correct prediction Thithi, Yoga, Nakshatra and Week Day are needed. Of these I have used the first three elements. Now I use the Week Day also. Under this theory the effect of Dasha l-ord has to be read out from the Birth Chart reckoning Thithi, Star and Yoga as detailed in Chapter - I of Part - 1, except some special featrres that will be pointed outlater. The effects of Bhukti lords have to be read out from the Dasha chart treating their 'Starters'and. 'Rulers'akin to their Stellar Lords and applying all the Rules enunciated in Chapter-I of part - 1 on Thithi and Yoga. Thus dre Dasha has to be read out from Birth Chartonlywhile theBhukti has to beanalysd from botlt the Birth and the Dasha Charts.

7. Dasha Chart Form a chart of 1O rows and 12 columns. In the first row from 3rd col. onwards place all the pl,anets (one in each square) in their natural Week Day order from Sun to Shani and then Rahu, Ketu and laEna.In Col. 2 from 2nd Row downwards place in each square from Sun to Moon (one in each square) in the descending order of Udu Dasha. This gives the fragile Dasha Chart.


2. Starter It is an undisputed fact that of all the planets Sun and Moon pLay a very important role both on human beings and also on the other planets. In fact they are named Ilminaries and the rest as planets. Any light or power to others should emanate only from these Ilminaries. It is this basic principle that is made use of here. As we deal with Udu-Dasha we are mostly concerned with stellar positions rather than Rasi positions. When we deal with a Dasha based on Rasi, then Rasi positions should be taken. The two should not be mixed up. So the stellar positions of pl,anets are the guiding factors to determine this Dasha Charl you will also see that the effect of the Bhukti lord is read only after proper blending with Sun and Moon.


Chart I of 19-6-1902 For Guru Dasha Chart : -Mrigasira-4 Sun *Moon = Vishaka

Shulrra = Rohini-l = U-Bhadra Shani



= Punarvasu - 4 = Poorvashada-A Rahu Kuja * U-Shada - 2 Ketu Budha = Punarvasu-3 - Moola - 4 = Asc. Punarvasu-2 Guru Though at Birth, Moon is in Uttara - 4 while working Guru Dasha Chartwe should reckon the star of Moon as Vishaka (vide reasoning Infra). Birth Day



Birth Yogi


Rahu (Shathabhisha)

Birth Avayogi


Shukra (Pubba)

Zero Rasis


Mit'huna and I(anya* Kehr (Makha)

Guru DashaYogl Guru Dasha Rairvog



Wth referenee to Guru Dasha Chart on Page 27: 1. Starters are marked in Capital I-etters. 2. Rulers are marked in Small I-etters. 3. When Starter and Ruler are the same, they are in italics. 4. Squares under Col. 1 and Rows 5 and 8 are left blank as there are no Starters in those Rows. So by the chronological order of Ketu, Guru, Chandra-the two squares are filled up by Kefir. 5. Note for brevity only, the notations of planets as described in Chapter - I of Part - 1 are used. To work out a Dasha Chart the stellar positions of all the planets and t-agna except that of Moon are kept constant for all Dashas while Moon's star will be progressed by one star for each successive (advance) Dasha.



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rample, in the cited Chart-1 of 19-6-1907 at birth time it was Uttara-4, Sun Dasha sihrated in tenth Bhava. You know there are 3 varieties of Sun Dasha viz., Uttara in 1O, U-Shada in 1 and,2 and Krithika in 5 or 6. Each one is of a different trait obtaining from its situation with reference to I-agna and the nahrre of the Stars. For the nature and characteristic of stars, please refer to Chapter-Il of Part-l, I said that at birth it was Uttara-Sun Dasha; next follows Hasta-Moon Dasha, Chitta-Kuja Dasha, Swati-Rahu Dasha, Vishaka-Guru Dasha, Anuradha Shani Dasha and so on. While working out a Dasba€ffiiit the star of Moon should be taken as the actual star of Dasha in question. For example, while erecting Guru Dasha Chart in the above horoscope treat Moon's star as Vishaka and for Shani Dasha Chart as Anuradha and so on.

Mode of Calculation for Starter First qnite down the Stars of all the Planets and Lagna (1)

Count the no. of the stars from Sun's Star to the Bhukti l-ord's Star and multiply itby 2.


Count the no. of stars from Moon's star to that of Bhukti Lord.


Count Ore no of Birth Week Day from Sunday in regular order of Week Days.



Add the above three results and diuide the sum by 27 (the no. of stars) and count the remainder from Iftithika. You get the star of the starter of that Bhukti I-ord. Similarly work out for all Planets and I agnas. you get all the starters. How to fix them up in the Dasha Chart? In the square formed by the Planets column and its stellar l-ords Row, the concerned Starter falls. Instead of putting the star write out its lord (as per Udu Dasha Lordship). Then that Planet becomes the starter of that Bhukti lord. Here you will notice one symmetry among starters. In any Dasha all the starters belong only to one group of triple planets vtz., (l) Ketu, Moon, Guru, (2) Shukra, Kuja, Shani and (3) Sun, Rahu, Budha. This I have explained at length in Chapter - I, Part -l on Yoga. Ukewise their enemies are also fixed up. For the ready reference of my readers I repeat them here. To the first set of planets the second set are enemies as follows : Sun-Shani, Moon-Budha, Kuja-Kehr, Budha-Kuja, Guru-Sun, Shukra- Guru, Shani-Moon, Rahu-Shukra and Kettr-Rahu.

Example to work out Starter : In the above chart, suppose we want the starter of Rahu in Guru Dasha, Sun star (Mrigasira) to Rahu star (Punarvasu) is 3. Double of it is 6. To this add the no of stars from progressed Moon's Star (Vishaka) to that of Rahu (Punarvasu) i.e., 19. Thus total is 2b. This added to Birth week day (Wednesday no.4) makes 29. As this exceeds 27 (one cycle of stars), dividing by 27 we get 2 as remainder. Reckoning always from Krithika, the 2nd star is Rohini. Thus the starter of Rahu



in Guru Dasha falls at Rohini and the planet is Moon. Place this Moon under Rahu col. against Guru Row as Rahu's star is Guru. If you work out in full you will see that all the starters belong to the group of Kehr, Moon and Guru. This trio are muhral friends and if any one of them becomes a Yoga planet the other two automatically become Yoga-like planets.

3. Ruler Onceyou locate the Starteritis easytofindthe Ruler. The Starter is obtained by equating the planet with its Stellar Lord. What he would be if he were himseffis what fixes the Ruler. See how many squares dovm is the Row of the pLanetfrom that of its Stellar I-ord and progress so much from that starter in the order of Udu-Dasha. That planet becomes the Ruler. Fix him up in that square. Similarly work out for all. Note that in the case of I ^gna, the Starter and the Ruler is one and the same planel On the other hand if you move upwards you will have to digress the order. For e:rample, to find the Ruler of Rahu in Guru Dasha of the above chart : Rahu equated with his stell,ar lord Guru becomes Moon (Starter), but equated with himself what he would be? In the Dasha Chart the square of Rahu Col. and Rahu row is sihrated one place dovm the Starter (Moon). So progress the Starter Moon by one more Dasha. You get Kuja. Put him in that square. Thus the Ruler is Kuja. In Guru Dasha, Moon is the Starter (Rohini) and Kuja is the Ruler (Ililrigasira being next to Rohini). Thus you are able to locate not only the planets but their actual stars which will be very useful for Gochara.



4. Dasha yog Uke the Birth Yogi acting throughout lifetime there is Dasha Yogi playing an equal part in that Dasha. To evolve it, add to the longitude of Birth yogi twice the longitude of the Dasha I-ord. you get the point of Dasha Yogl located. Why twice the Dashi I-ordl Once for Sun and again for Moon round which all factors revolve. This holds good in the case of all planets except Moon, Rahu and Ketu whose Dasha yogis have to be struck by special Rules. Dasha Yogi of Moon :It is the same as Birtfi yogi.

Tb find the Dasha Yogi of Rahu and l(efit Between the Stellar Lords of Rahu and Ketu see who is the enemy of the other (usually they will be in inimical stars). First work out the Dasha Lord as in the case of gther planets with respect to the latter, i.e. the stellar Lord of this first planet not being inimical to that of the second. After ascertaining the Dasha yogi of the first of the two the Dasha Yogi of the other automatically becomes the planetwho is the enemy of the above Dasha Lord. Example.. (Refer the above chart on page 2Z). To find the Dasha Yogi of Guru Dasha : Birth Yoga point is


Twice Guru l-ongihrde


(Guru is O2-24-O7) Total Subtracting 12 Rasis We get

f 6-06-03 12-OO-OO




So Guru Dasha Yogi is sihrated at 6 deg. 3 min. in Simha, i.e. Malrtra Star ruled by Ketu.Thus Guru Dasha

Yogiis Ketu. Tb work out Dasha Yogi of Rahu and Ketu : Rahu is in Punarvasu (Guru Star) and Ketu in U-Shada (Sun Star). Sun is Guru's enemy. So we must first work out for Guru controlled Rahu. Rahu's natal position is


Double that is


Add Birth Yoga point


We get


Subtracting 12 Rasis rve get 04-22-23 (Pubba). So its lord Shukra becomes Rahu Dasha Yogi. Automatically Shukra's enemy, Guru becomes the Dasha Yogi of Kehr. On the other hand if Kehr qas in U-Shada (Sun) and Rahu in Pushyami (Shani) then you should firstwork for Ketu and then conclude for Rahu.

5. Evolution of one Dasha Chart from Anotlter Under this system to predict the effects of Bhul(i f.ords in a Dasha you have to erect a seperate chart for each Dasha which may look cumbersome and taxing. But it is not so. In a second you can work out any Dasha chart from one worked out chart as there is symmetry in the theory. For every advanced Dasha the Starter and Ruler recede by one stage (reckoning being in the order



of_Udu Dasha). Similarly for a previous Dasha they advance by one stage. In this way by increasing o-r decreasing as the case may be by asmany 5fages as tlre difference of a Dasha is from one worked orq yo, -uy work out at mere sigfrt the Dasha Chart you need. This holds good in all cases except Moon. In the case of Moon the starter of an advanced Dasha will b€ three stages highel and for a previous Dasha three stages lower. HIre you must first work out the Starter and then find out the 1"t9. independentlyfor a Dasha as no symmetryfollows for Ruler as in the case of other planets.

6. fusy vuayofworking outa Dasha Chart The method of erecting a Dasha chart reckoning the Stars oc-cupieg by planets has been discussed in detail Derore. Now I am g_gingto show a more easy method wo$ed.ou! fs ner this rheoryyou get the planeL tst"rGi and ruler) direct but not- the parkcuhr star. But you may guess the star also with a little practice. Method .. Have four columns marked at top (1) Planef (2) Stellar Lord, (3) Starter, (4) Ruler. W;6 out the planets and their Stellar I-ords utta!. cols. 1 and ! respectively; then, note that the stellar lord of Moon is the Dasha Lord himself.

To find the Starter of a planet : (f)

Count from the stellar lord of Sun to that of the Planet concerned and double it (Counting in-Udu Dash order).


Count from the Dasha stellar lord of Moon (i.e. the Dasha lord) to.that of the planel Count the birttr week day from Sunday. Add the above three; if it exceeds g, divide it b; 9 d". ;i




planets) and take the remainder- This remainder number counted from Sun in Dasha order gives the Starter.

TO FIND TTIERAIER : See by how many stagies (Dasha order) higher up is the stellar lord from the planet. Increase the Starter by so many stages. You get the Ruler. Example(thd above cited chart) : Guru Dasha Charl PIanet

SteIIar lord



Sun Moon Kuja Budha * Guru Shukra Shani Rahu Ketu Lagna

Kuja Guru Shukra Guru Guru Moon Shani Guru Sun Kehr

Guru Moon Guru Moon Moon Moon Guru Moon Ketu Moon

Budha Guru Moon Shukra Moon Rahu Guru Kuja Sun Moon


Say we want the Starter Kuia.

Shukra, the stellar lord of Kuja is 7 stages higher than Kuja-the stellar lord of Sun. (Kuia-Rahu-GuruShani-Budha-Ketr and Shukra). Double it ; you get 14. (2) The same Shukra (stellar lord of Kuja) is 5 qtages higher than that of Moon (Guru). (3) Birthday, being Wednesday, its number is 4. Addingl fire above tlrr e nturrbers we get L4 + 5 + 4 = 23Dividing this by 9 we get 5. Counting from Sun the Sth




Dasha lord is Guru. So Guru is the Starter of Kuja in a Guru Dasha.

TO WORK OWNS RUIER : Shukra (Stellar lord of Kuja) is Z stages hig;her than _ Kuja himself. So the 7th higher Dasha planet from Guru (Starter) is Moon. This Moon is the ruler of Kuja in Guru Dasha. Note l:When a planet is in his ovm star, its Starter and Ruler is the same planel That is because such a planet which does not get itself mixed up with any other will be a pure one giving a uniform eifect of iG own during its entire period. 2. The Starter and Ruler of l^agna is the same always.

To evolve one Dasha Chart from another : Now we have Guru Dasha Chart. Suppose we want Shani Dasha Chart. As that is one in advance, decrease all the Starters and Rulers by one srage except in the case of Moon. For Moon you have to increase the Starter by 3 stages. The Starter of Moon in Guru Dasha being Moon in Shani Dasha it becomes Rahu. Then you havJ to work out its Ruler as per usual Rules. Being Shani Dasha, Moon's stellar Lord is Shani. As this Shani is 5 stages higher than Moon the Sth Dasha l-ord from Rahu is Ketu. So Ketu is the Ruler. Likewise, for every receding Dasha increase by one stage for all planets but Moon; both for Starter and fruler and Moon decrease by 3 stages for Starter only and then work out its Ruler independenfly.




7. How to read this Dasha Chart ? Except some special mentions stated below regarding the effects of Dasha Lords it is only the Bhukti effects that have to be read out from this chart. To liorow the effect of a Bhukti, see who are the Starter and Ruler. Findout from Birth Chart their ov,'nership and situation as well as that of the Bhukti I-ord. See how the Starter and Ruler are disposed towards the Bhul(i l.ord - Friend, Enemy, Birth Yogi, Avayogi, Dasha Yogi, Raja Yogi' Positive or Negative Planet etc. Judging in the matrner prescribed for Dasha Reading in Chapter-Il, Part-II read the effects of the Bhavas relating to Bhukti Lord, Starter and Ruler. The Starter shows the commencing effectwhile the Ruler the final effecl As we are chiefly concerned with finality whatever be its beginning the Ruler is most importanl So while reading Bhukti effects you may even ignore the Starter and go straight to Ruler. For example, at the initial stage of a Bhukti there may be disappointrnents in life but in the latter portion 'all may tend to be happy. So it is enougfr if you read the Bhukti effect as being finally good.

8. RuIe toJudge frteEffrctofBhukti Lords -

In addition to the general rules enumerated in this Chapter the following additional rules may be followed : (O1)Negative Planet crossing himself or another Negative Planet gSvesgood results. (O2) Negative Planet crossing any of the three Yogis.(Birth Yogi, Dast-a Yogi or Raja Yogi) causes Yoga in the end after hurdles. (O3) Positive planet crossing himself or another positive planet or any of the above stated three Yogis - Good



(O4)Negative Planetbeing himself aYogi (one of the above three) crossing any planet gives Yoga, but of a lower orden (Os)Yogi crossing any other Yogi-excellent (O6)Positive planet crossing Negative Planet as Starter and tlren Positive or Yoga Planet asRuler-First bad and flten good. (O7)Negative Planet crossing Negative Starter and Positive Ruler - Firstgood, Iaterbad. . (O8)Positive Planet crossing Positive Starter and Positive Ruler or Negative Planet crossing Negative Starter and Negative Rluler-Zhe entire Bhukti is good. (O9)Positive Planet crossing a Yogi who is the former's enenry-Botlt inimical and Yoga effects happen. (lo)Negative Planet crossing a Yogi who is former's enerny - exc eII en t re s ults. (ll)Birth Yogi crossing Negative enemy-good. (12) Birth Avayogi crossing Negative enerny-Excellent a ttainm en ts th ro uglt en emi es. (l3)Negative Retrograde Planet crossing himself or another Negative Planet - good. (14) Birth Avayogi crossing his enemy-good. (15)Birth Yogi crossing his enerny-bad. (16)Rahu crossing Rahu when Shani isYogj-good. (17)Ketu crossing Ketu when Kuja is Yog - good. (Note : I{etu is like l{uja and Rahu is like Shani). (18)Positive Planet crossing Birth Avayogi or Negative planet or an enemy -Bad. (19) Birth Avayogi crossing Positive Planet not being any of the Yogis - Bad.



(2O) Birth Yogi crossing a Negative .Planet or his enerny-Bad. (2l)Raja Yogi or Avayogi - tud.

Dasha Yogi



(22) Positive Planet crossing the enemy of Birth Avayogi - Good. P.S. :- In all the above Rules the crosser is Bhukti l-ord and the crossed one is Starter and Ruler.


Dasha Raja Yogi Prepare a tablb of the Dasha Chart in the form shown on page 27. Flll'd the planet that is common under Cols 1 and 2. He becomes the Dasha Raja Yogi. For example in t'his case Moon repeats in both columns and so Moon is Dasha Raja Yogi of Guru Dasha.

9. Special Effects of Dasha Inrd and Ascendant (Of ) If in the Birth Chart the Birth Yogi and Birth Dasha Yogi or Birth Dasha Raja Yogi are powerfully situated in the Ascendant it will confer Raja Yoga from birth to death. In Sri l(rishna RajaWadeyar's Chart, Birth Dasha is Kuja. Birth Yogi is Guru and Birth Dasha Raja Yogi (Kuja Dasha Raja Yog) is Shukra. These two planets Guru and Shukra are in l-agpa:Guru being exalted. (O2) If the Lord of the Ascendant sign or its stellar lord (Sthoola or Sookshma lord) be Birth Yogi he will enjoy Yoga from birth to death. For Sthoola and Sookshma Iords see Part-I



(O3) If the stellar lord Ascendant be in the same star or in the Ascendant then it should be construed as lord of Ascendant being in his own house. If such a stellar lord be himself the Birth Yogi or in the star of Birth Yogi he confers Yoga all through his lifetime. (O4) Some special features of Ascendants : (a) Even Negative Planet in the star of Ascendant is good. (b) Even Negative Planet as lord of Ascendant is good. (c) Though Lagna is Zero-Rasi its Lord gives good. (O5) From Ascendant col. judge such total effect : Longevity, Bodily health, Character etc. This confirms the changing nahrre ofpersons as Dashas change. (O6) During a Dasha if the Bhukti Lord crosses the enemy of Dasha Lord and if that Dasha Lord is weak at Birth, Bhavas of that Bhuldi l-ord suffer during that Dasha. (O7) To read a particular effect during a Dasha consider the planet who is the nahrral or functional ov,'ner of that effect from its Starter and Ruler. For e:rample to know the educational aspect in a Dasha, read the effects of Budha (Ikraka) and Lord of fourth Bhava (House of Education). The effects will be predominantly felt during their Bhuktis. (O8) If BirtfiYogi crosses DashaYogi then that Dasha becomes very porverful and affluentwhile the rest of the Dashas get spoiled. In Sri l(rishnaraja Wadeyar's Shani Dasha Charf BirthYogi Guru crosses DashaYogi Shani. His Yoga ended with Shani Dasha as he died in Shani Dasha.

r{tp-n (O9) Birth Yogi crossing himself-Neutral Dasha. (1O) Birth Avayogi crossingrBirth success during flre Dasha der strain.


(11) Birft Yogi crossing Dasha I-ord-Good Dasha. (L2) If both the'Birth and Dasha Yogrs are same that Dasha is encellent. In Sri Jayachamaraja Wadeyar's Budha Dasha, Moon is both Birth Yogi and Dasha Yogi. He ascended the throne in Budha Dasha. (13) Birth Yogi or Dasha Yogi crossing Dasha I-ord that Dasha is very good. In Sir Mirza's Moon Dasha, Sun who is Birth Yogi and Ketu Dasha Yogi cross moon as Rulers. His Moon Dasha was superb (14) Among Dasha Lord BirthYogi, DashaYogi and Dasha Raja Yogi, if one crosses the other very good results occur during the Dasha. (15) In judgmg a Dasha the friendship or otherwise between Birth and DashaYogis counts. In the cited Chart I of 19-6-19O7 in Guru Dasha, Birtfi Yogi Rahu is the enemy of Dasha Yogi Ketu. So during Guru Dasha he exlrerienced both good and bad effects. (16) If the Starter or Ruler belongS to the group of Yogps-good. (17) lt Birth Yogi is the enemy of Dasha Lord during this Dasha all the good so far attained vanishes. (f 8) Rahu and Ketu playing special role. The defect caused by a Birth Yogi becoming also a negative planet would be remedied, if Rahu or Kehr being its group planet is associated with that planet as stellar lord- Starter or Ruler.



kample:When Guru or Moon is a negative Birth _ Yogi the effects of its Bhavas would be remedied if its group planet Ketu be associated. similarly Rahu for sun or Budha. Mathematical Navamsha Chart. As per that chart, find out the following three stars. .


(a) The star in which the Dasha Lord is sihrated. (b) The star to which the above star gives its Narramsha. '(c) The star that falls on flre Radix position of Dasha Lord in Navamsha.

These three sfars play an important part in shaping the nature of Dasha l-ord. If the Dasha l-ord is a positive planet and the above stars are also positive (A star is positive when its Lord is positive ) good effects follow. Likewise the rest of the readings. Exarnple.. Chart No. lO. Here, Rahu is in U-Bhadra 3 in Radix position. On this point Uttara 4 falls in Navamsha Chart, i.e. Sun Star. To this Native, Sun is Rirth Avayogr and lord of g n 2. Thus Rahu assumes the character (aeaflr inflicting trait) of Sun. He died in Rahu Dasha. Chart-7- Here, Guru is in Ashwini 4 at Birth. On this falls_Makha I (Ketu Star). Guru is a negative planet (I-ord of 3 and 6 and also lord ofZero_Rasi). Ketu is notfr a natural negative and Birth Avayogi. Thus the negative Dasha l-ord Guru being.""o"iut"a (by stellar



positions) with two-fold negative Ketu has conferred on the native during Guru Dasha Yoga of a far higtrer order' His Jupiter Dasha was the only period par excellent in his life-time. You cannot read this from the fragile Rasi Chart under the old PrinciPles.

Examples of Bhulrti reading under Guru Dasha of Chart No. 7 cited before. Guru Bhulrti.'Guru l-ord of 1 and 4 crosses Moon, lord of 8 in 1O but Zero-Rasi thus assuming the character positive. Further this moon is Raja Yogi' So with initial failure finally in the latter part of Guru Bhukti' trhere was change of profession for better. Shani Bhul
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