HR Report: Report On Company Visits

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HR REPORT  Report on Company Visits



GROUP MEMBERS:   Hafsa Shafiq

  Hamna Kamal

  Hareem Fatima

  M.Umer






SUBMITTED TO: Ma’am Tehmina Faisal 



FORWARDING LETTER June 25, 2018 Ma’am Tehmina Faisal  Faisal  Faculty of Administrative Sciences University of Karachi Dear Ma’amTehmina,  Ma’amTehmina,  As the HR visits assigned to us in April, we are submitting the attached report on the visits of ‘Shangrilla’ and ‘Hinopak Motors Limited’.  Limited’.  This report examines the detailed description on Human Resource practices, its implications, processes, challenges within an organization. I hope you find f ind this report satisfactory. Sincerely yours,

Hafsa Shafiq Hamna Kamal Hareem Qamar Umer Shabbir



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We have taken a lot of efforts in this report. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. we would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them. We are highly indebted to Ma’am Tehmina for her   her   guidance and constant supervision as well as for  providing necessary necessary information information regarding regarding the report and HR visits. We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents & members of Shangrila Private Limited and HinoPak Motors Limited for their kind co-operation and encouragement which helped us in completion of this report. We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving us such attention and time.




INTRODUCTION Human Resource Management provide the optimal ways and proposed the suitable solution towards the needs of organization to manage the “Human Workforce Optimally” and mapped the particular skill set in  proper field.

Human Resources Management is the core function within an organization which focuses on the main decision making and providing directions to the employees of the organization. The main functions of HRM includes Recruitment, Training & Development, Compensation & Benefits, Performance & Appraisals and Motivation. In this report we have discussed the HR practices of two organizations named as Shangrila Pvt. Ltd and HinoPak Motors Ltd.  SHANGRILA PVT LTD Shangrila Private Limited is one of the largest tomato ketchup manufacturing companies in Pakistan, with aitsreputation innovation leadership thatSauce, is unmatched within the country. the Shangrila began operationsfor in quality, 1988 with launch ofand Soya and Chilli Soon Shangrila recognized potential to transform traditional methods of tomato manufacturing and consumption pattern. The company is based in Karachi. Our Distribution network extends throughout the country from Karachi to Azad Jammu and Kashmir, FATA, and as far as Gilgit Baltistan. They are exporting their products to Gulf, Middle East, South East Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. HR DEPARTMENT OF SHANGRILA PVT LTD  

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They follow a proper hiring process which have been discussed in our report   They prefer HR consultancy firms for their HR functions.  SPL MBO technology, MBO (Management by Objectives) process is a performance appraisal technique used by shangrila company  They have a salary review on yearly bases, they work with the market salary review, it’s an objective of HR department to design and redesign the salaries on yearly bases.   It has purchased a system from Singapore which is called Cybiz system through which they are designing their new policies.   Fiscal year starts from June 30 and ends at July 30   Shangrila identify  identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and Job Analysis in Shangrila requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job.   Shangrila prefers permanent permanent employees. employees. 

HINOPAK MOTORS LTD Hinopak is the trusted market leader with over 50% share in the Pakistani Truck and Bus industry. Hinopak a vital contributor in saving of foreign exchange is also providing jobs and plays a pivotal role for the development development of the local industry through its progressive manufacturing. manufacturing.




At Hinopak, Human Resource Development is not a thing they do; it’s the thing that runs their business. They, at their utmost priority, invest in the welfare and talent of their employees so they can flourish as dynamic individuals.    

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They follow usually Japanese practices Instead of hiring they increase the overtime hours of their workers. They prefer internal hiring mostly. They have 5 years of planning system named as OBP. They also have outsourcing for their internal HR affairs. They are using MBO based appraisal system. Bonuses are high, and salaries are low. They prioritize the differences btw career and personal development Before training and development. They have no limit in their HR budget but all the budget is justified. They don’t provide flexi hours to their employees. There’s no termination practice.  practice.  CBA is the name of their Labor union.




The human resources department is one of the most important departments in any business, no matter whether said business is big or small. But they’re far more than just a bunch of people who hire, fire and  pay employees. Without the proper HR departmen departmentt to strategically strategically and proactively work with top management, a company’s human capital could simply crumble –  and  and take the company with it. HR department aims to strike a balance between the needs of the company and the needs of its workforce; it is the intermediary. As the company needs its employees to function in their fullest, the HR ensures the employees are treated fairly. And as a company’s employees need the company’s protection and pay, the HR department makes sure that the organizations able to flourish . Keeping the importance of HR in our minds, the coming chapters 1 and 2 are describing a human resource department and their practices from two different organizations one from banking sector and other from express and logistics. logistics . Shangrila Private Limited is one of the largest tomato ketchup manufacturing companies in Pakistan, It all  began about 23 years ago, nobody could have even dreamt that such a small company would one day  become a leading national food food brand. With With a phenomenal phenomenal multifold-fold multifold-fold rise, Shangrila Shangrila (Private) Limited Limited has become a brilliant success story stretched not only throughout the country, but internationally as well, managing 4 product categories; ketchup, sauces, seasonings, pickles-in-oil under the brand name of SHANGRILA and another brand FRUITI-O drinks. The HR Department of Shangrila company is located in Ebrahim Ali Bhai Tower Karachi, their HR department works in all the directions. Their hiring process includes:

  They check out the need analysis for a resource, firstly they check their current employees and


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their position and their job descriptions and the skills they possess. Checkout whether they need a new resource for following task They prepare proper job description for the specified task for which their existing candidates don’t have skills.  skills.  It depends on HR that on which level they indicate the job They have a account, LinkedIn account, Facebook page on which they post about the  jobs

  [email protected]   is their id from which they have almost a pool of 12000 candidates from

which they select and hire employees   They select 10-20 candidates for a specific post and then through interviews on call they select 56 candidates and forward emails to them that they are shortlisted.   They forward those selected candidates to line managers of the specific position.   These line managers take tests of the selected candidates, and they must score at least 50% marks in the test so that they can be further shortlisted for the interview, and highest scorers are then interviewed and selected.   They get reference based CVs too. But they also have to pass the test with 50% marks. at Shangrila, company the Fiscal year starts from JUNE 30 and ends at JULY 31, they mostly prefer internal hiring, Shangrila prefers permanent employees, they don’t work with contract employees.  employees.   

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Hino Motors Japan and Toyota Tsusho Corporation in collaboration with Al-Futtaim Group of UAE and PACO Pakistan formed Hinopak Motors Limited in 1986.Hinopak is the trusted market leader with over 50% share in the Pakistani Truck and Bus industry. Hinopak a vital contributor in saving of foreign exchange is also providing jobs and plays a pivotal role for the development of the local industry through its progressive manufacturing manufacturing.. Its board of directors include


MR. MUHAMMAD ASLAM SANJRANI (Chairman) MR. TATSUHEI MUTO (Managing Director & CEO) MR. YOSHIHIRO KONDO (Deputy Managing Director) MR. GHAFOOR MIRZA (Independent Director) MR. SHUICHI KANEKO (Non-Executive Director) MR. SHUICHI KANEKO (Non-Executive Director) MR. SACHIO YOTSUKURA (Non-Executive Director) MR. HIROSHI SEMBA (Non-Executive Director) MR. TAKEHITO SASAKI (Director) MR. FAHIM AIJAZ SABZWARI (Company Secretary & CFO) The Hino spirit include Passion, Creativity and Continuous Improvement, Challenges, Speed, Contribution, Teamwork. 



  Muhammad Khaliluddin (Head of HR Department)

  Ovais Ibrahim (Executive Human Resources)

  Subbayal Khan (Executive Human Resource & Payroll)

  Sabira Agha (Coordinator Admin. Services)

  Shafaq Hammed (Management Trainee)

At Hinopak, Human Resource Development is not a thing they do; it’s the thing that runs their business. They, at their utmost priority, invest in the welfare and talent of their employees so they can flourish as dynamic individuals. Their training programs are designed to equip their employees with comprehensive knowledge, sharpen skill set, diversified experience, and innovation. At Hinopak, employees are more important than technology and machinery. Hence to keep our staff updated with the times and as a part of general policy of the pursuit of excellence, Hinopak organizes and conducts regular training programs within Pakistan and abroad for employees at all levels. With a welldeveloped training infrastructure Hinopak conducts a wide range of highly professional training courses for not only our employees employees but also for our customers and vendors. To ensure the safety of our customers and to promote customer training, Hinopak, organized organized a number of training programs for its customers. customers. A total of 99 trainings were conducted in which a total number of 1,033 customers participated.



Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................... 3 Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 6  

Ovais Ibrahim (Executive Human Resources) ...................................................................................... 7


Subbayal Khan (Executive Human Resource & Payroll) ..................................................................... 7


Sabira Agha (Coordinator Admin. Services)  ........................................................................................ 7


Shafaq Hammed (Management Trainee)  .............................................................................................. 7

SHANGRILA PRIVATE LIMITED ................................................................................................................. 11 ABOUT SHANGRILA PRIVATE LIMITED .................................................................................................... 11 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 12 FUTURE PROSPECTS ................................................................................................................................ 12 MISSION .................................................................................................................................................. 12 VISION ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 TRADITION TO LOOK BEYOND ................................................................................................................ 13 HR DEPARTMENT OF SHANGRILA PRIVATE LIMITED ........................ .................................. ................... .................. .................. .................. ................. ........ 13 HIRING PROCESS ..................................................................................................................................... 13 ROLE OF CONSULTANCY FIRMS .............................................................................................................. 14 COMPETENCY GRADING ......................................................................................................................... 14 CV PROFILING .......................................................................................................................................... 14 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL ..................................................................................................................... 14 SALARY DESIGN ....................................................................................................................................... 15 DRAFTING A NEW HR POLICY .................................................................................................................. 15 FISCAL YEAR ............................................................................................................................................ 15 JOB ANALYSIS AT SHANGRILA ................................................................................................................. 15 DETERMINING TRAINING NEEDS ............................................................................................................ 15 COMPENSATION ..................................................................................................................................... 15 SELECTION PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................................... 16 PERFORMANCE REVIEW.......................................................................................................................... 16 METHODS OF JOB ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................... 16 PREFERENCE TO INTERNAL HIRING......................................................................................................... 16 INTERNAL RECRUITMENT ................................... ................. ................................... .................................. ................................... ................................... ................................. ................ 16 CAREER DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM PLANNING MODEL ......................... .................................. .................. .................. .................. ................... ................ ...... 17



CONDUCT REGULAR SELF ASSESMENT ................................................................................................... 17 TRAINING DESIGN FRAMEWORD ............................................................................................................ 18 HINOPAK MOTORS LIMITED ................................................................................................................... 19 THE COMPANY: ....................................................................................................................................... 19 VISION STATEMENT: ............................................................................................................................... 19 MISSION STATEMENT: ............................................................................................................................ 19

BEYOND ROADS:  ................................................................................................................................ 20 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF HINOPAK CODE OF CONDUCT: .................. ........................... .................. .................. .................. .................. ................... ............. ... 20 COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE: ............................................................................................................. 21 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ........................................................................................................................... 22 JOB & CAREER OPPURTUNITIES .............................................................................................................. 26 HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT OF HINOPAK: ................................................................................... 26 Executive Human Resources  Resources  .................................................................................................................... 27 Executive Human Resource & Payroll .................................................................................................... Payroll  .................................................................................................... 27   ............................................................................................................................................ 27 Subbayal Khan Coordinator Admin. Services  Services  .................................................................................................................. 27 Management Trainee  Trainee  ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.  HIRING PROCESS: .................................................................................................................................... 28 TRANING AND DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................... 28 TRAINING FOR CUSTOMERS 2016-17: .................................................................................................... 28 APPRAISALS ............................................................................................................................................. 29 COMPENSATION ..................................................................................................................................... 29 MAIN INCENTIVES (Other than salary) .................................................................................................... 29 Salary design ........................................................................................................................................... 29 Drafting a New HR policy: ....................................................................................................................... 30 Personal and Career Development ......................................................................................................... 30 HR Budget ............................................................................................................................................... 30 Flexi hours .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.  Termination Process .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.  Labour Union........................................................................................................................................... 30 Human Resource information system .................................................................................................... 30 References .............................................................................................................................................. 33



WHAT IS HUMAN RESOURCE? Human resources are used to describe both the people who work for a company or organization and the department responsible for managing resources related to employees. The term human resources were first coined in the 1960s when the value of labor relations began to garner attention and when notions such as motivation, organizational behavior, and selection assessments began to take shape. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on the recruitment of, management, and providing direction for the people who work in an organization. As you can imagine, all the processes and programs that are touched by people are part of the HR kingdom. The HRM department members  The  members provide  provide the knowledge, knowledge, necessary necessary tools, training, training, administrative administrative services, coaching, legal and management advice, and  and talent management oversight  oversight that the rest of the organization needs for successfu successfull operation operation.. Many HR departments are responsible for organization development that generates the culture of the organization. They teams are charged withemployee oversight responsibilities to ensure that their organization appropriately builds and inspires empowerment. Additional activities sponsored by HR management can include employee and community outreach. They are frequent mentors and members of employee teams that address philanthropic giving, employee engagement activities, and events that involve employee families. Keeping the importance of HR in our mind, the coming chapter 1 and 2 are describing the human resources department and their practices from two different organizations 1 st from Shangrila Private Limited Karachi &2nd from Hinopak Motors.

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ABOUT SHANGRILA PRIVATE LIMITED Shangrila Private Limited is one of the largest tomato ketchup manufacturing companies in Pakistan, with a reputation for quality, innovation and leadership that is unmatched within the country. We are committed to deliver only the fresh and most delicious products to the people we care most about our customers. Shangrila began its operations in 1988 with launch of Soya and Chill Sauce, Soon Shangrila recognized the potential to transform traditional methods of tomato manufacturing and consumption pattern and introduced pouches in flexible packaging to serve the growing needs of the rapidly expanding market and soon expanded into modern and state of the art processing facilities. The company is based in Karachi. Our Distribution network network extends throughout the country from K Karachi arachi to Azad Jammu and Kashmir, FATA, and as far as Gilgit Baltistan. We are exporting our products to Gulf, Middle East, South East Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. Our products are approved by FDA, BSI, SASO, etc. Shangrila is committed to quality, providing products range that include tomato ketchup, sauces, seasonings, pickles and juices that continually satisfy consumer expectations. Continuous improvement in quality and innovation made us achieve Brands of the Year award, and Consumers Choice award. Company is ISO, Quality Management System 9001-2008 and Food Safety Management System 220002005 certified. Our sales division consists of three regions, eight areas, and a number of territories to cover more than two hundred towns and cities. The company's distribution network is second to none in the region. Our sales force is well qualified, trained and experienced from leading national and multinational companies. Shangrila continues to be a market leader organization and places significant emphasis on brand building and product development.

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 Atif Ahmed

INTRODUCTION It all began about 23 years ago, nobody could have even dreamt that such a small company would one day  become a leading national food brand. 

INNOVATION FOR GOOD Shangrila took over the challenges in domestic markets by setting up its manufacturing unit in Karachi in 1988 for its seasonings; soy & chilli sauces. Later in the late 90s, the range was supplemented by Tomato Ketchup. WELCOME TO SHANGRILA PRIVATE LIMITED At Shangrila, they believe that healthy living and healthy eating represents long-term global trends. Therefore, we at Shangrila are confident that our positioning as a fast growing and healthy food’s category brand qualifies us for continuous growth and success. Initiating in 1988 as a small manufacturer we remain committed to building a world-class sustainable organization.

As they entered 2011, we set a number of goals for ourselves. We began the year with confidence that our core positioning along with our extensive internal initiatives to grow, would translate into a rewarding year. I am proud to say that as a result of our hard work, dedication to sustainability and vision, we made significant progress on many initiatives specifically the launch of our new brand Fruiti-O drinks category. At Shangrila, they believe in the magic of great taste. Taste you turn to every day, taste you count on as  part of your life. We make taste that does more than merely satisfying your taste buds, it actually gives you less to worry about and more to look forward to. That’s That ’s what we do here at Shangrila, they make great tastes all occasions tastes in extraordinary ways. Most importantly we make the taste you love. The name Shangrila stands for convenience, quality, health, hygiene, halal, nutrition and best value for the consumers’ money that has been made possible only with the help of help  of Almighty Allah the Creator.

FUTURE PROSPECTS Provide Halal nutrition, Healthy, and hygienic food and pledge to contribute to the betterment of environment and culture in communities communities where produce and distribute their product.

MISSION   To represent the fast-paced lifestyles that demand convenience of usage, energy of wholesome •

natural ingredients, great taste and quick serving all in one food item and to represent the range of tantalizing and mouthwatering spreads for everyone and mainly focus to provide HALAL  products.


Building and maintaining customer relationships


Earning profits


Capturing value in return from the customer


Build profitable customer relationship by creating environmentally better products and getting them to market faster at lower cost.

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VISION    believe that healthy living and healthy eating represents long-term global trends. Therefore, •

Shangrila are confident that their positioning as a fast growing and healthy food’s category brand qualifies their continuous growth and success. Initiating in 1988 as a small manufacturer we remain committed to building a world-class sustainable organization and provide maximum satisfaction satisfact ion to their customers.


Reaching new heights and breaking newer grounds is something that’s regarded as the motto of work at SHANGRILA. Today, fully geared with an undying passion for success, SHANGRILA is fueled by the dynamic drive that has shaped its yesterday, fascinated its today and tomorrow.


The company’s inner spirit is one of motivator; participative culture and constant strive for inspiring targets and new initiatives to broad broad –   –   base base our products’ portfolio. This ambitious ambitious spirit is reflected in the aggressive, non-compromising growth the brand has achieved nationwide. Targeting high growth in terms of revenues over the years in the domestic market, there has been a quantum increase in both distribution and sales.


The HR Department of Shangrila company is located in Ebrahim Ali Bhai Tower Karachi, their HR department works in all the directions, selection of new employees, need analysis for new employees or internees, checking out whether they need a new resource or not.

HIRING PROCESS Recruitment or hiring refers to the overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs either permanent or temporary within an organization. Basically, in Shangrila company they have a proper hiring process. If they have a need for a new resource they go along with  proper process; process;

  They check out the need analysis for a resource, firstly they check their current employees and

their position and their job descriptions and the skills they possess.

  Checkout whether they need a new resource for following task   They prepare proper job description for the specified task for which their existing candidates

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don’t have skills.  skills.  It depends on HR that on which level they indicate the job They have a account, LinkedIn account, Facebook page on which they post about the  jobs [email protected]   is their id from which they have almost a pool of 12000 candidates from which they select and hire employees They select 10-20 candidates for a specific post and then through interviews on call they select 56 candidates and forward emails to them that they are shortlisted. They forward those selected candidates to line managers of the specific position. These line managers take tests of the selected candidates, and they must score at least 50% marks in the test so that they can be further shortlisted for the interview, and highest scorers are then interviewed and selected. They get reference based CVs too. But they also have to pass the test with 50% marks.

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ROLE OF CONSULTANCY FIRMS The human resource consulting sector has emerged from management consulting and details human resource management tasks and decisions. HR consulting company are responsible for assisting clients with tactically integrating effective HR processes, programs and practices in their daily operations. Shangrila works with consultancy firms too, N Recruitment, Agile, GMK HR Consulting firm and TBC Consultancy firm.

COMPETENCY GRADING A competency is a set of skills and knowledge, derived from standards that can be applied and/or demonstrated in a variety of contexts. Competency-Based Grading is a means to assess students on achievement of defined standards and report on their mastery of these standards. Shnagrila is a FMCG industry, they are certified from ISO, they maintain quality of the product as well as they maintain and keep check on the process according to the ISO standards. Recently there ISO is of the year 2008 and now they are converting to ISO 2015 in September 2018. Competency grading is there important phenomenon, if they have a need of new resource in the organization and it falls in a certain department so it will be predefined that on what bases they will make the job description. Their age, required experience, skills required, and knowledge required for that certain position. Competency grades are approved from management. Then the HR department selects 10-20 persons and they take telephonic interviews, and shortlist them and then line managers work further.

CV PROFILING Basically, CV prof iling iling is editing the candidate’s CV according the organizations need, HR department Shangrila company edits the candidates CVSs according to their needs; they have identified 14 points for this profiling. Name, experience, current industry, age, current salary, benefits etc.

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL A performance appraisal is a systematic, general and periodic process that assesses an individual employee's job performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-established criteria and organizational objectives. Shangrila has yearly targets for employs, it starts from organizations goals, goals of Shangrila company are revised yearly. Every department has its own target and it aligns with the goal of organization. Departments then make HOD on teams to work on the organizations goals. SPL MBO technology, MBO (Management by Objectives) process is a performance appraisal technique used by shangrila company. Management by objectives (MBO) is a management model that aims to improve the performance of an organization by clearly defining objectives that are agreed to by both management and employees. Eg: if the appraisal is of 100 marks, 40% marks will be given on objectives, 20% marks are for Job description that how much they have worked on their Job description, 20% is based on the persons  personal attributes attributes their their communication communication etc, etc, and the last 10% 10% is on the persons attendanc attendancee and leaves leaves etc. etc.

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SALARY DESIGN They have a salary review on yearly bases, they work with the market salary review, it’s an objective of HR department to design and redesign the salaries on yearly bases. Shangrila has market competitors and comparatively shangrila is paying higher salaries to their employees then the competitors. Shangrila is number 1 in providing incentives. If a person’s salary is 40000 they will be provided with incentives of 16000 to that person. Shangrila company provides transport facility to their employees. They provide medical incentives to their employees. Management awards 50000-100000 to extraordinary  performers during during the year. year. Bonuses Bonuses are provided provided to every every employee employee according according to their performance. performance.

DRAFTING A NEW HR POLICY SPL has no inhouse software, it has purchased a system from Singapore which is called Cybiz system through which they are designing their new policies. Every department is working on the ERP (enterprise resource planning) designed by that software. Everything is working on ERP module online. And these  policies are only provided to the employees related to it. Policy can be made by any department in the organization but implementing that policy is done by the HR department.

FISCAL YEAR The annual reporting period or company's fiscal year is not always the same as the calendar year ending December 31. In fact, an organization can adopt a fiscal year consisting of any 12 consecutive months. An acceptable acceptab le variation of this rule is to adopt an annual reporting period of 52 weeks.  At Shangrila, Fiscal year year starts from JUNE 30 and ends ends at JULY 31

JOB ANALYSIS AT SHANGRILA Job Analysis in Shangrila Shangrila identify  identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job Analysis is a process where judgements are made about data collected on a job. The purpose of Job Analysis is to establish and document the 'job relatedness' of employment procedures such as training, selection, compensation, and performance appraisal.

DETERMINING TRAINING NEEDS  Job Analysis can be used in training/"needs assessment" to identify or develop:        

training content assessment tests to measure effectiveness of training equipmentt to be used in delivering the training equipmen methods of training (i.e., small group, computer-based, video, classroom...)

COMPENSATION  Job Analysis can be used in compensation to identify or determine:          

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skill levels compensable compensa ble job factors work environment (e.g., hazards; attention; physical effort) responsibilities (e.g., fiscal; supervisory) required level of education (indirectly related to salary level)

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SELECTION PROCEDURE  Job Analysis can be used in selection procedures to identify or develop:    job duties that should be included included in advertisements advertisements of vacant vacant positions;   appropriate salary level for the position to help determine what salary should be offered to a candidate;   minimum requirements (education and/or experience) for screening applicants;   interview questions;   selection tests/instruments (e.g., written tests; oral tests; job simulations);   applicant appraisal/evaluation forms;   orientation materials for applicants/new hires

PERFORMANCE REVIEW  Job Analysis can be used in performance review to identify or develop:   goals and objectives    performance  performance standards standards   evaluation criteria   length of probationary periods   duties to be evaluated


Several methods exist that may be used individually or in combination. These include:                    

review of job classification systems incumbent interviews supervisor interviews expert panels structured questionnaires task inventories check lists open-ended questionnaires observation incumbent work logs

PREFERENCE TO INTERNAL HIRING Recruiting is one of the hardest things that organizations must go through. It involves an expensive and time-consuming venture for a multitude of people which finally results in the hiring of employees. Most organizations sometimes make the mistake of making too many changes at once, and as a result fall from the high standards that they have set from themselves in the industry.

INTERNAL RECRUITMENT Internal recruitment strategies are put into place when organizations decide to promote employees from within the organization to fill up any positions that may have become vacant. Many organizations even inform their employees about a possible job opening for employees within the company through emails, fliers, or bulletin boards. It is favored by many organizations, since it helps them retain talented individuals in the company, with the thought of a possible promotion in the future.

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It is also a cost-effective way of of recruitment, since you don’t have to market yourself to potential employees and it does not involve a lengthy screening process as well. The advantages of internal recruitment are obvious, since you are promoting an employee from within the organization and they will most probably know the entire company inside out. Nevertheless, most organizations prefer the system of internal recruitment, since it helps them fill up positions faster and stay at a consistent level.

CAREER DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM PLANNING MODEL Since usually no one within an agency has the training or availability to an institute career development effort, career counselors have a broad opportunity to provide this missing critical service. Hired as a consultant, a counselor could guide the process of need assessment, program implementation and even be retained thereafter as an outsourced counselor, providing guidance to individuals wanting to move forward in their careers. Following is a three-step process for preparing to an implement a system:

1.  Conduct a needs assessment  To identify problems, pressures or opportunities that will justify the implementation of career development system. For example, high turnover of helping professionals is a common problem, and cut in funding sources is an example of an outside pressure that forces entities to operate with less without  jeopardizing  jeopardizin g their services. services.

2.  Solicit support and commitment   from individuals who have the power to make decisions for the organization. Successful employersponsored career development programs begin with the active involvement of top management, which include board members, administrators, and human resource personnel.

3.  Evaluate existing human resource activities   for availability and effectiveness as they relate to the design of the programs. Social service organizations need to be open and ready to provide employees with information on future human resource needs, educational assistance programs, job requirements, training and development opportunities, and job vacancies in order for career development strategies to be effective.

CONDUCT REGULAR SELF ASSESMENT Other people’s opinions do matter when you are trying to formulate a plan, but your opinion is essential as well. Self-assessing can improve your plan as it can help you understand where you stand, how close or how far you are from your next goal and how feasible your next planned steps steps are. Regular self-assessment self-assessment is crucial, so plan ahead. Whether that’s every couple of months or after completing a step or achieving a goal, goal, it’s important to know that you are going to take the time to sit down to review your progress.

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SHANGRILA PREFERS PERMANENT EMPLOYEES fulltime employees tend to like the stability and scheduled nature of working as a permanent employee. It also allows you to work closely with a team and build long term relationships with coworkers both in and outside of work, something contract contract work usually doesn’t offer.  offer.  Additionally, permanent employees prefer to have a bit more oversight into how they do their work, and working long term with a company can also allow them to have a mentor that will teach them the industry.

TRAINING DESIGN FRAMEWORD The considerations for developing a training program are as follows: 1.  Needs assessment and learning objectives.   This part of the framework development asks you to consider what kind of training is needed in your organization. Once you have determined the training needed, you can set learning objectives to measure at the end of the training. 2.  Consideration of learning styles.  Making sure to teach to a variety of learning styles is important to development of training  programs. 3.  Delivery mode. 

4.  5.  6. 


What is the best way to get your message across? Is web-based training more appropriate, or should mentoring be used? Can vestibule training be used for a portion of the training while job shadowing  be used for some of the training, too? Most training programs will include a variety of delivery methods. Budget  How much money do you have to spend on this training? Delivery style.  Will the training be self-paced or instructor led? What kinds of discussions and interactivity can be developed in conjunction with this training? Audience.  Who will be part of this training? Do you have a mix of roles, such as accounting people and marketing people? What are the job responsibilities of these individuals, and how can you make the training relevant to their individual jobs? Content. 

What needs to be taught? How will you sequence the information? 8.  Timelines.  How long will it take to develop the training? Is there a deadline for training to be completed? 9.  Communication.  How will employees know the training is available to them? 10.  Measuring effectiveness of training.  How will you know if your training worked? What ways will you use to measure this?

CONCLUSION Shangrila Private Limited is one the largest tomato Ketchup manufacturing company in Pakistan. The HR Department of Shangrila company is located in Ebrahim Ali Bhai Tower Karachi, their HR department works in all the directions. At Shangrila, company the Fiscal year starts from JUNE 30 and ends at JULY 31, they mostly prefer internal hiring, Shangrila prefers permanent employees, they don’t work with contract employees.

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THE COMPANY: Hino Motors Japan and Toyota Tsusho Corporation in collaboration with Al-Futtaim Group of UAE and PACO Pakistan formed Hinopak Motors Limited in 1986. In 1998, Hino Motors Ltd., and Toyota Tsusho Corporation obtained majority shareholding in the company after disinvestments disinvestments by the other two founding sponsors. This decision to invest in Hinopak at a time when the country's economy was passing through a depression and the sale of commercial vehicles was at an all-time low reflects the confidence our Principals have in our company and their commitment to the Pakistani market. Hinopak is the trusted market leader with over 50% share in the Pakistani Truck and Bus industry. Hinopak a vital contributor in saving of foreign exchange is also providing jobs and  plays a pivotal role for the development development of the local industry through its progressive progressive manufacturing. manufacturing. By continuing to move forward and staying alert to the ever-changing market & social needs, Hinopak will continue to be a successful and respected corporate citizen of Pakistan, reflecting their commitment and belief in the Hinopak corporate philosophy to "contribute to the development of a more prosperous and comfortable society by providing the world with a new set of values".

VISION STATEMENT: The vision of Hinopak Motors Limited is to provide the society with safe, economical, comfortable and environment friendly means of transportation by manufacturing and supplying commercial vehicles and services.



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To deliver high quality, safe, durable, reliable, comfortable environment friendly and economical  products and services to their total satisfaction. satisfaction.


to foster corporate culture of mutual trust, respect for fundamental fundamental rights at work, opportunities for  professional growth and personal welfare so that they are proud of being a member member of the “Hinopak Family”  Family” 


to contribute to economic and social development by providing means of transportation and by  progressive localization localization of the vehicles.


to act in compliance with the norms expected of a subsidiary of the Toyota Group of Companies and make a meaningful financial return to the shareholders.

BEYOND ROADS: We will continue to add values to the lives of a common man. We seek to invest in lasting benefits for the community and aim to create economic and social development.

BASIC PRINCIPLES OF HINOPAK CODE OF CONDUCT: 1. We develop and provide outstanding products and services that fulfill the demands of customers with sufficient safety andvehicle the environment and we aim to be an enterprise which has a significantattention presence given in the to commercial market. 2. We undertake open and fair corporate activities in conformity with the spirit and letter of laws. We maintain sound and transparent relationsh relationships ips with governmental governmental and administrative administrative entities. 3. We build and maintain good communications with society as well as our stakeholders, and we are committed to accurate and timely disclosure of information. 4. We recognize that an environmental preservation activity is an integral part of our business, and we voluntarily and actively promote and engage in environmental preservation activities as an indispensable condition for Hinopak's corporate existence and activities. 5. We recognize the inherent dignity and fundamental human rights of all members of the Hino family and therefore respect and support the practice of human rights. 6. We actively promote and engage in philanthropic activities as a member of Hino Motors Ltd. and the Toyota Group, and as a good corporate citizen. 7. We respect the right of workers at the workplace and their right of freedom of association and the right to organize and bargain collectively. We believe in transparency, mutual trust and respect for each other’s' other’s' rights and obligations and need for bilateral dialogue and cooperation between employees and

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management for achieving decent work with safe and healthy work environment, growth and excellence in business performance. 8. We take a resolute stand against antisocial power and organizations, and we act in compliance with ethical standards and sound social values. 9. We respect and abide the law of the land and applicable rules and the diversity of customs and culture and we contribute to development in the communities through our business activities. 10. We support the principles of Global Compact and expect our employees to embrace them in the work culture of our enterprise for sustainable growth and development. 11. We pledge to comply and enforce the basic principles of Hinopak's Code of Conduct and prevent its violation through the mechanism already in place from enforcing discipline, Companywide. Any member of Hinopak family observing any violation or abuse of this code of conduct may bring the same to the notice of the Management Committee or the Audit Committee in writing directly or through the suggestion boxes for necessa necessary ry consideration and action.

COMMITMENT COMMITM ENT TO EXCELLENCE: Our company success is due to unrelenting efforts of a team that is committed to excellence and as we move ahead we hold steadfast to our commitment to always represent the best of our country.

Board Of Directors

Managing Director & CEO Director Production & Plant Manager

Deputy Managing Director

HR Administratio n & HSE

Finance & IT

Sales & Marketing



Chasis Assembly

Body Manufacturin g Plant

Engineering & Development

Production Planing & Management

Supply Chain

Material Operations

Quality Assurance

Divisional Head

Divisional Head

Senior Divisional Head

Senior Divisional Head

Senior Divisional Head

Senior Divisional Head

Senior Divisional Head

Senior Divisional Head

Senior Divisional Head

Divisional head

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Deputy Divisional head

Deputy Divisional Head

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Deputy Divisional Head

Deputy Divisional Head

Deputy Divisional Head

Deputy Divisional Head

Deputy Divisional Head

Deputy Divisional Head

Deputy Divisional Head

Deputy Divisional Head

Deputy Divisional Head

Deputy Divisional Head

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  Mr. Muhammad Aslam Sanjrani (Chairman)

Mr. Muhammad Aslam Sanjrani was appointed in November 2013 as non-executive director of the Company and Chairman of the board of directors. He joined the Civil Service of Pakistan in 1971 and served 35 years in a variety of posts that included Administration assignments like District Magistrate Commissioner (of Hyderabad and Larkana divisions), Secretary to the Government of Sindh and Baluchistan, Autonomous and regulatory Bodies. He has worked in the Ministries of Commerce, Political affairs, Industries and Production and Foreign Affairs.


TATSUHEI MUTO (Managing Director & CEO ) excellence and ae we hold steadfast to our commitment to always


Mr. Tatsuhei Muto is the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. He has been associated with the Company since February 2016. He joined Hino Motors Ltd. Japan in 1988. He served Hino Group in different countries in multiple roles including General Manager of Middle East & West Asia Division and Director of Hino Motors Manufacturing Indonesia.

  YOSHIHIRO KONDO (Deputy Managing Director)

Mr. Yoshihiro Kondo has been appointed as the Deputy Managing Director of the Company in April 2014. He joined Toyota Tsusho Corporation in 1984 and used to be in charge of African market, Asian

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market, Oceania market as well as KD projects for Egypt, Kazakhstan and other countries as a General Manager for KD Business Department 

  GHAFOOR MIRZA (Independent Director)

Mr. Ghafoor Mirza was appointed as independent non-executive director of the Company and Chairman of the Audit Committee in November 2013. He is at present, also, the director of the Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited.

  MR. SHUICHI KANEKO (Non-Executive Director) 

Mr. Shuichi Kaneko was appointed in April 2017 as non-executive director of the Company, member of the Audit Committee and Human Resource and Remuneration Committee. He joined Hino Motors Ltd., Japan in 1982.


MR. MIKIO SEGAWA (Non-Executive Director)

Mr. Mikio Segawa was appointed in June 2016 as non-executive director of the Company, member of the Audit Committee and Human Resource and Remuneration Committee. He joined Hino Motors Ltd., Japan in 1965.

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  MR. SACHIO YOTSUKURA (Non-Executive Director) 

Sachio Yotsukura was appointed in July 2017 as non-executive director of the Company and member of the Audit Committee. He joined Toyota Tsusho Corporation in 1984. Presently he is also working as Managing Director Director of Toyota Kenya Limited. He has served the Toyota group in different countries in numerous roles.  roles. 

  MR. HIROSHI SEMBA (Non-Executive Director)

Mr. Hiroshi Semba was appointed in April 2017 as non-executive director of the Company, member of the Audit Committee and Human Resource and Remuneration Committee. He joined Hino Motors Ltd., Japan in 1983.


Mr. Takehito Sasaki was appointed as the Director of the Company in March 2015. He joined Hino Motors Ltd., Japan in 1988. He has a rich experience in production techniques and production investigation activities.

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  MR. FAHIM AIJAZ SABZWARI (Company Secretary & CFO)  

Mr. Fahim Aijaz Sabzwari is a Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer. He joined the Company in 2005. Previously he worked with A.F Ferguson & Co., Deloitte Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Al Ghurair Group. He is the director of Arabian Sea Country & Club. He is also the fellow member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan.

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In the most dynamic world of IT, where the rate of obsolescence is mind-boggling, we have taken a challenge to create an environment that nourishes and develops our team members. At Hinopak Motors Limited, we do not have managers: we have leaders. We at Hinopak, Encourage Innovation, Value Teamwork, Empower teammates, Reward Performance, A career with Hinopak Motorsedge, Limited is fullneed of achallenges, competition tremendous responsibility. To be at the cutting one would right mindset to succeedand in this highly competitive world. 


At Hinopak, Human Resource Development is not a thing they do; it’s the thing that runs their business. They, at their utmost priority, invest in the welfare and talent of their employees so they can flourish as dynamic individuals. Their training programs are designed to equip their employees with comprehensive knowledge, sharpen skill set, diversified experience, and innovation. Keeping our pledge of developing  people, various training programs focusing on work life balance, management management development, development, advance manufacturing techniques & practices, soft skills and professional skills were conducted during the year and a total of 23,982 trainings hours were accomplished, mirroring Company’s fervor towards i ts workforce development. At Hinopak, employees are more important than technology and machinery. Hence to keep our staff updated with the times and as a part of general policy of the pursuit of excellence, Hinopak organizes and conducts regular training programs within Pakistan and abroad for employees at all levels.

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With a well-developed training infrastructure Hinopak conducts a wide range of highly professional training courses for not only our employee employeess but also for our customers and vendors. Therefore, by opening new avenues of technical and managerial development and improving existing skills, Hinopak aims at sustaining its position as a market leader for commercial vehicles in Pakistan.

Head of HR Department

Muhammad Khaliluddin

Executive Human Resources Ovais Ibrahim & Compensation

Executive Human Resource & Payroll Subbayal Khan

Coordinator Admin. Services Sabira Agha

Management Trainee Shafaq Hammed

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HIRING PROCESS: Since HinoPak is a Japanese multinational corporation so there hiring process is according to the Japanese  practices in which the process starts from the graduate’s students of high institutes from which 80% of students are appointed in their relevant industrial fields and 20% of students go towards the management field. If we talk about hiring here in Pakistan in the company so it is done according to the different (HR-ADMINHSC) The recruitment involves many levelsofsuch at Entryprograms Level they MBAsfunctions. or Graduate’s Batch then process their training and afterdifferent completion theirastraining theprefer final selection is made. But due to the limited and fluctuating market demand of the company in the corporate sector the hiring  process is quite low. For this reason, they have kept their manpower level at the basic optimum level. That means when there is a high work load at the industrial level, instead of hiring new labor they increase the overtime hours of present labors because of short term demand in the market. If there is a need of hiring, then the company first seek for internal hiring in the office or the job rotation for fulfilling the new job requirement. They oftentimes appoint labors for physical work on contract. If the need is still vacant so they also go for outsourcing the recruitment process. The process normally involves the basic process of  publishing add and interviewing the candidates candidates and so on. Their hiring process is based on their planning which is known as OBP (Original business plan) which is changed after every 5 years.

TRANING AND DEVELOPMENT To keep our staff updated with the times and as a part of general policy of the pursuit of excellence, Hinopak organizes and conducts regular training programs within Pakistan and abroad for employees at all levels. With a well-developed training infrastructure Hinopak conducts a wide range of highly professional training courses for not only our employees but also for our customers and vendors. Therefore, by opening new avenues of technical and managerial development and improving existing skills, Hinopak aims at sustaining its position as a market leader for commercial vehicles in Pakistan.

TRAINING FOR CUSTOMERS 2016-17: To ensure the safety of our customers and to promote customer training, Hinopak, organized a number of training programs for its customers. A total of 99 trainings were conducted in which a total number of 1,033 customers participated. These included: • 

12 ECO Drive Seminar/Training were conducted and 218 of our customers participated.


37 Driver Training were conducted and 275 KAZAY customers participated.


Training through Mobile Training Units was organized in which 126 people participated and a total of 12 trainings were conducted.


29 driving trainings during Camps/Survey were conducted in which a total of 334 people participated.


7 Chargeable Driver Trainings were conducted in which there was a participation of 67 customers.


2 Mechanical Trainings were conducted in which 13 customers participated

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APPRAISALS They are using MBO based appraisals system. The process is Objectives → Divisions Head → Communicate → HR portal’s posting → Execution → Status updating → 70% objectives → 30% competencies There are 15 areas of competencies in the company. The scale of rating involves Excellent - Very good - Good –  Good –  Average.   Average.

COMPENSATION Compensation is based on three main decisions that are

  Promotion   Annual Increment   Cash award

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MAIN INCENTIVES (Other than salary) Company gives high bonuses to the employees (about80%). But salary increasing is quite low. The reason  behind low salaries is that the company believes to keep its fixed cost constant due to fluctuating market demand. That’s why they have high bonuses level for their employees.  employees.  

SALARY DESIGN The company first prefers the general information about the salaries which is provided by the company named as HRS Global. HinoPak lies in the Medium-large company. After preferring that information now company considers its External and Internal Equities while designing the salaries of its workers. And after consideration and comparing, salaries are designed according to the criteria between its internal equity and market position.

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DRAFTING A NEW HR POLICY Before drafting any new HR policy, it is seen that the policy is REALISTIC or not? They feel that if any  problem occurs there is not always need to make a new policy. Before drafting any new policy, it is confirmed that the new policy which going to be made is how much applicable on the given situation.

PERSONAL AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Firstly, they prioritize the difference and career development begins fromskills the need analysis process. The judgements arebetween made onpersonal the difference between personalskills. skills,Itprofessional and ob needs. After the analysis a thoroughly list is made from which the training calendars are made.Second  phase is executing those training training plans and third phase phase is analysing analysing through through feedback feedback by the employees. employees.

HR BUDGET There are three main kinds of budget, these areas are

  Capital Expenditures (more than 200000 is to be justified)   Expense budget   Man, power budget (Responsibility of HR Department)

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There are no limitations on the HR budget in the company generally. But all the budget is to be justified.


They do not provide flexi hours to the employees.

TERMINATION PROCESS They do not practice any termination’s strategy.  strategy.  

LABOR UNION It’s the human right of the labors present in any organization. They have only one union named as CBA (Collective Bargaining Agent). It is basically authorized to negotiate with management there.

HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM They are using Ourical E-Business which has 12 modules.

CONCLUSION Hinopak Motors Limited a vital contributor in saving of foreign exchange is also providing jobs and plays a  pivotal role for the developme development nt of the local local industry through through its progressive progressive manufacturing manufacturing and and is the trusted trusted market leader with over 50% share in the Pakistani Truck and Bus industry. The organization’s internal regulatory system which is performed by human resource department is much strong which results in the  progress and development development of company company and its employees. employees.

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HinoPak Motors Limited Visit date: 13-04-2018 

Shangrila Private Limited Visit date: 17-04-2018

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Dated: 13-04-2018 Manager HR Shangrila (Pvt.) Limited, Karachi.


Request to grant an appointment for HR visit

Respected Sir,

It gives me immense pleasure to write to you that the Department of Public Administration, University of Karachi is offering Bachelors, Masters and MS M. Phil / Ph. D. degree with specialization in Human Resource Management, Finance, Supply chain and Marketing. Our aim is to provide an opportunity to our student to get practical exposure in which we engage them in various research projects and report writing assignment. We would like to request you to kindly extend your Co-operations to our students. We have selected your esteemed organization and would appreciate if you could facilitate our student who are conducting project visit v isit of course for grant an appointment for HR v visit isit the academic project. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. With regards:  Name of Student 1.  Hafsa Shafiq 2.  Hamna Kamal 3.  Hareem Fatima 4.  Umer Shabbir Chairman

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Dated: 17-04-2018 Manager HR Hinopak Motors Limited, Karachi.


Request to grant an appointment for HR visit

Respected Sir,

It gives me immense pleasure to write to you that the Department of Public Administration, University of Karachi is offering Bachelors, Masters and MS M. Phil / Ph. D. degree with specialization in Human Resource Management, Finance, Supply chain and Marketing. Our aim is to provide an opportunity to our student to get practical exposure in which we engage them in various research projects and report writing assignment. We would like to request you to kindly extend your Co-operations to our students. We have selected your esteemed organization o rganization and would appreciate if you could facilitate our student who are conducting project visit v isit of course for grant an appointment for HR v visit isit the academic project. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. With regards:  Name of Student 1.  Hafsa Shafiq 2.  Hamna Kamal 3.  Hareem Fatima 4.  Umer Shabbir Chairman

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QUESTIONS 1: How do you recruit candidates? ca ndidates? (Hiring process) 2: What techniques you use for appraisal of candidates? 3: Tell us your organizations process of establishing pay pa y rates (Salary design) 4: What are the main incentives the organization pay to employees (Other than salaries) 5: What factors do you consider before drafting any new policy? 6: How would you implement a new HR Policy? 7: What do you consider the most successful recruitment strategy? 8: How would you conduct a job analysis? Explain. 9: Which personal/Career development strategy do you find the most successful? (Need analysis of T&D) (Employee Career Development) 10: How do you analyze the performance of your employees after attending a training session? (Personal Development) (Analyzing change) 11: Describe your training design? 12: What is your HR Budget? 13: Do you provide flexi hours? 14: What is your termination and firing process? 15: Give us a sample of your HR Forms/Documents. 16: What is the labor union and what are its benefits to the organization? 17: What trends will shape the department over next five years? 18: How do you define company culture? And how do contribute to nurturing a positive company culture? 19: What are your strategies for thr organizational development? 20: If any new project starts, what do you prefer internal hiring or external hiring? (Team work techniques) 21: Do you prefer contract employees or permanent employees? 22: Can you give us a map of your Hierarchical/Organizational structure? And on what basis you  prefer this structure? (Reporting techniques) 23: What is your human resource information in formation system?

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References t/G000.htm   http://www.k log/construction-recruite tion-recruiter/blog/inte r/blog/internal-and-ex rnal-and-external-recruitm ternal-recruitment-strategie ent-strategies-fors-foryour-corporation/   your-corporation/

  Shangrila Private Limited

Shahnawaz Haider Assistant Manager

  HinoPak Motors Limited

Khalil Uddin Head of HR

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