HQ11 - Estate Taxation
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Estate taxation...
Northern CPAR: Taxation – Estate Taxation
4 Floor Pelizloy Centrum, Lower Session Road, Baguio City City,, Philippines Mobile Numbers SM!R" #$%$4&$'()& * +LB- #$%(%'%&%#4 -.mail !ddress n/par0yahoo1/om
Succession 2 a mode o3 transmission o3 the ownership, rights, interests and obligations oer property property by reaso reason n o3 death o3 the owne ownerr in 3aor o3 /ert /ertain ain persons designated designated by the owner himsel3 or by operation o3 law1 law1 Elements: '1 5e 5e/e /ede dent nt 2 th the e pe pers rson on wh who o di died ed wh whos ose e pr prop oper erti ties es,, ri righ ghts ts an and d ob obli liga gati tion ons s ar are e transmitted %1 Su//e Su//essor ssor 2 the person person to whom the property property, rights and obligatio obligations ns o3 the de/edent will pass 61 -stat -state e 2 the properties, properties, rights rights and obligations obligations o3 the de/eden de/edentt 7inheritan/e 7inheritan/e88 Kinds of succession: '1 "estat estate e 79olunta 79oluntary8 ry8 2 su//ession su//ession is /arried out a//ording a//ording to the wishes o3 the testator testator e:pressed in a will e:e/uted in the 3orm pres/ribed by law %1 ;ntes ;ntestate tate 7;nolunta 7;noluntary8 ry8 2 su//ession su//ession without without a will or with one inalid, inalid, su//essi su//ession on will too< e=e/t by operation o3 law
2 ta: on the priilege o3 the de/edent to transmit his estate at death to his Estate Tax 2 law3ul heirs or bene>/iaries GROSS ESTATE General Principles: '1 "he properties properties o3 /itizen /itizens s and resident resident aliens lo/ated lo/ated within within or outside outside the Philippines Philippines shall be in/luded in gross estate %1 "he properties o3 non.resident alien lo/ated within the Philippines shall be in/luded in gross estate? howeer, intangible properties within the Philippines shall be sub@e/t to re/ipro/ity1
"here is e:emption re/ipro/ity only when '1 the 3oreign 3oreign /ountry /ountry o3 the non.res non.resident ident alien alien do not impose impose estate estate ta: ta: %1 the 3oreig 3oreign n /ountry /ountry o3 the non.resid non.resident ent alien alien to whi whi/h /h he or she is a res reside ident nt allows allows the same e:emption 3or intangible properties 3or non.residents GROSS ESTA E STATE TE COMPUTATIO Prop Pr oper erti ties es e: e:is isti ting ng at th the e po poin intt o3 AAA death "a:able trans3ers AAA -:empt trans3ers 7AAA 8 -:/lusion by law 7AAA 8 +ross estate AAA Taxa!le Transfers 2 trans3ers with insu=i/ient /onsiderations '1 transfer in contemplation of death as distinguished 3rom moties asso/iated with li3e %1 re reo o/a /abl ble e trans trans3e 3ers rs 61 prope properties rties passin passing g under a general general power power o3 o3 appointmen appointmentt Exempt Transfers 2 no title to property 1. the merger o3 usu3ru/t in the owner o3 the nadu/iary >du/iary heir or 2. the transmiss legatee to the >dei/omissary 3. the transmission 3rom the >rst heir, legatee, or donee in 3aor o3 another bene>/iary, in a//ordan/e with the desire o3 the prede/essor (special power of appointment) Exclusion in t"e #ross estate of a citi$en or resident alien decedent !% la&: '1 all beuest, beuest, deises, deises, lega/ies lega/ies or tra trans3 ns3ers ers to so/ so/ial ial wel3are, wel3are, /ultural /ultural and /ha /harit ritabl able e institution, no part o3 net in/ome o3 whi/h inures to the bene>t o3 any indiidual? 1
Driven for real excellence!
TAX by Rex B. Banggaan, CPA, MBA
TAX – 6 Batch – HQ11-1
Northern CPAR: Taxation – Estate Taxation
%1 61 41 )1 D1
proided, howeer, that not more than 6# o3 the said beuest, deises, lega/ies or trans3ers shall be used by su/h institutions 3or administration purposes separate property o3 the suriing spouse pro/eed o3 irreo/able li3e insuran/e poli/y payable to bene>/iary other than the estate, e:e/utor or administrator pro/eeds o3 group insuran/e tats 3rom +S;S bene>t re/eied 3rom SSS
'aluation of t"e Estate: '1 Usufruct 2 /onsider into a//ount the probable li3e o3 the bene>/iary in a//ordan/e with the latest Basi/ Standard Mortality "able1 7same rule apply with annuity8 %1 Properties 2 the estate shall be appraised at its 3air alue as at the time o3 death1 Eoweer, the appraised alue o3 the property as o3 the time o3 death shall be whi/heer is higher o3 a1 Fair mared by the Barangay Captain o3 the lo/ality where the 3amily home is situated 41 dedu/tion /annot e:/eed whi/heer is higher between the zonal or assessed alue at the time o3 death and P',###,###1## )1 it is a dedu/tion 3rom either /ommon or personal property or separate properties o3 the de/edent ET TA1A2+E ESTATE Unmarried decedent
Real Properties Personal Properties +ross -state
P ::,:::,:::. ::,:::,:::. P ::,:::,:::.
rdinary 5edu/tions Funeral -:penses ther 5edu/tions Spe/ial 5edu/tions Family Eome Standard 5edu/tions Medi/al -:penses Net "a:able -state
:::,::: :::,:::
P :::,::: ',###,### :::,:::
:,:::,:::. P ::,:::,:::.
Marrie /eceent Separate
Real property Personal property Gross Estate
Orinar% /euctions& Funeral -:penses ther 5edu/tions et Estate after O( Special /euctions Family Eome
Common P P :,:::,:::1:: :,:::,:::1:: :::,:::1 :::,:::1 :: :: P P x*xxx*xxx3xx x*xxx*xxx3xx
:::,:::1:: :::,:::1 :,:::,:::1 :: :: P P x*xxx*xxx3xx x*xxx*xxx3xx
P ::,:::,:::1:: :::,:::1 :: P x*xxx*xxx3xx
:,:::,:::1 ::8 P x*xxx*xxx3xx
:::,:::1: :8 7 ',###,###1 ##8 7 :::,:::1: :8 Px*xxx*xxx3xx 7 :,:::,:::1: :8 Px*xxx*xxx3xx
Standard 5edu/tions Medi/al -:penses et Estate Less Share o3 suriing spouse :H Taxa!le net estate ESTATE TA1 TA2+E: Plus x4
Driven for real excellence!
TAX by Rex B. Banggaan, CPA, MBA
TAX – 6 Batch – HQ11-1
Northern CPAR: Taxation – Estate Taxation
. P %##,### )##,### %,###,### ),###,### '#,###,## #
ot O/er
P %##,### )##,### %,###,### ),###,### '#,###,## # .
of excess o/er .
P # '),### '6),### 4D),###
& '' ')
P %##,### )##,### %,###,### ),###,### '#,###,## #
Tax Credit for Estate Tax Paid to a )orei#n Countr%: /laimable only by indiidual whose ta:able estate /omprise o3 properties within and outside the Philippines 7/itizens and resident alien8 the dedu/tible ta: /redit shall be 01ic1e$er is lo0er o3 the amounts as /omputed by the 3ollowing limits 7! and B8 similar to dedu/tible ta: /redit in in/ome ta:ation A3 Total tax credit per forei#n countr% "he dedu/tible amount per 3oreign /ountry shall be whiche'er is lower between the a/tual estate ta: paid to the 3oreign /ountry and the amount representing what the net 3oreign estate on that /ountry bears to the total net estate multiplied by the Philippine estate ta:
"o illustrate
Net estate on a 3oreign /ountry Net world estate
Philippine estate ta: due
!/tual amount paid 23 Total prorated tax credit for all forei#n countr%
"o illustrate
"otal 3oreign net estate
Philippine estate ta:
Net world estate 2IR Reportin# and )ilin# Re,uirements:
Iritten Noti/e o3 5eath Filing o3 -state Return Payment o3 "a:
Extra5udicial Settlement % months a3ter death
D months a3ter death Jpon >ling o3 the return
6udicial Settlement
% months a3ter the time the e:e/utor or administrator uali>es D months a3ter death Jpon >ling o3 the return
7"ere to 0le. '1 !uthorized !gent Bandu/iary heir or legatee to the >dei/omissary d1 "he transmission 3rom the >rst heir, legatee, or donee in 3aor o3 another bene>/iary, in a//ordan/e with the desire o3 the prede/essor D1 ;1 ;n ta:able trans3ers, the alue to in/lude in gross estate is the 3air alue o3 the property at the time o3 death, any /onsideration gien by the /ounterparty is treated as an obligation dedu/tible to gross estate 6
Driven for real excellence!
TAX by Rex B. Banggaan, CPA, MBA
TAX – 6 Batch – HQ11-1
Northern CPAR: Taxation – Estate Taxation
;;1 ;n ta:able trans3ers, i3 the 3air alue at the time o3 death is lesser than the /onsideration gien, no alue is in/luded in gross estate ;;;1 ;n ta:able trans3ers, i3 at the date o3 trans3er the 3air alue is higher than the /onsideration re/eied, the 3air alue at the time o3 death is in/luded in gross estate regardless o3 whether at the time o3 death the alue o3 the property is lower than the /onsideration gien Ihi/h is /orre/tK a1 ; only
b1 ; and ;; only
/1 ;; and ;;; only
d1 ;; only
(1 "he re/ipro/ity on e:emption o3 intangible properties lo/ated in the Philippines o3 non.resident aliens may apply on the 3ollowing /onditions, e:/ept when the 3oreign /ountry where the non.resident alien is a /itizen a1 do not hae an estate ta: law1 b1 has estate ta: only to residents or /itizens therein1 /1 has estate ta: only to properties o3 a /itizen thereon regardless o3 nature1 d1 has no in/ome ta: imposed on in/ome earned by the estate but imposes trans3er ta:es1 &1 -en i3 physi/ally e:isting at the time o3 death, the 3ollowing are not in/luded in gross estate, e:/eptK a1 Properties arising 3rom pro/eeds o3 a li3e insuran/e irreo/ably designated to the wi3e b1 Bene>ts re/eied 3rom +S;S /1 Bene>ts /laimed by the suriing spouse as arising 3rom +S;S poli/y but no adeuate do/uments /ould be presented in support thereo3 d1 Separate properties o3 the suriing spouse $1 A made the following transfers inter – vivos to the following: 2 C ( P P P Cost '##,### '##,### '##,### FM9, time o3 trans3er '4#,### '4#,### ,### Consideration re/eied '##,### '##,### '##,### FM9, time o3 death o3 ! '%#,### (#,### '%#,### "he amount to be in/luded in the gross estate o3 ! is a1 P4'#,### b1 P'##,### /1 P'6#,###
P '##,### ,### # $#,### d1 P''#,###
'#1"he gross estate o3 this de/edent shall be /omprised o3 properties situated in the Philippines only a1 Filipino residing in the Philippines? /1 Filipino residing in the JS? b1 !meri/an residing in the Philippines? d1 !meri/an residing in the JS1 ''1ne o3 the 3ollowing is not in/luded in the gross estate o3 a /itizen de/edent a1 Land situated outside the Philippines? /1 ;nestment in sto/< in a apanese /orporation? b1 Car situated within the Philippines? d1 Bene>ts re/eied 3rom group insuran/e1 '%1For estate ta: purposes, the rule o3 re/ipro/ity applies ;1 Ihen the de/edent is a non.resident alien? ;;1 Iith respe/t to intangible personal properties situated in the Philippines? a1 nly ; is /orre/t? /1 Both ; and ;; are /orre/t? b1 nly ;; is /orre/t? d1 Neither ; nor ;; are /orre/t1 '61ne o3 the 3ollowing is not an intangible personal property situated in the Philippines a1 Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any /orporation or so/iedad anonima organized or /onstituted in the Philippines in a//ordan/e with its laws? b1 Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any 3oreign /orporation &) o3 the business o3 whi/h is lo/ated in the Philippines? /1 Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any 3oreign /orporation i3 su/h shares, obligations or bonds hae a/uired business situs in the Philippines? d1 Shares, obligations or bonds issued by a non.resident 3oreign /orporation1 '41For estate ta: purposes, one o3 the 3ollowing is not an intangible personal property1 a1 !//ounts re/eiable? /1 Ban< deposit? 7
Driven for real excellence!
TAX by Rex B. Banggaan, CPA, MBA
TAX – 6 Batch – HQ11-1
Northern CPAR: Taxation – Estate Taxation
b1 ;nestment in sto/
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