HPS - Prob Class

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Hire Purchase System (HPS)  Problem Management Classifcation

Version: 1.0 ssue !ate: 1"#10#$01%


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IT-HPS-001 Hire Purchase System (HPS) Problem Management lassi!cation erating *ui+eline

Document  Tye

Mohama+ ,.ar+i Ismail

&eision History !ate 1/&10&'01%

Versio n e.

!escrition Initial roce+ure +ocumentation

*uthor Mohama+ ,.ar+i Ismail

&eie+ers *roer ,ame


urai+a Mansor

2nit Hea+3 MSS3ore 4an5ing3 6S Hea+3 ,uto 7inance Ser$ice

Mohame+ Shamsul ,har



*roals *roer ,ame


4eh 6ee 6eng

Hea+3 MSS3 ore 4an5ing3 Malaysia Hea+3 ,uto 7inance Ser$ice

 Terry 6im




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Document  Tye

IT-HPS-001 Hire Purchase System (HPS) Problem Management lassi!cation erating *ui+eline

Mohama+ ,.ar+i Ismail

ntrouction  The urose of this +ocument is to ro$i+e a gui+eline of Hire Purchase System (HPS) in relation to Problem lassi!cation for the Inci+ent Management ategoriation an+ Prioritiation8 HPS Serice !es Scrits

1 /no+lege ase . /2: 34"50 - Mayban - Hire Purchase System (HPS) - ! Management . /2: 36677 - Mayban Malaysia - Hire Purchase System (HPS) Suort n'ormation . /2: 41%0% - Mayban Malaysia - Hire Purchase System (HPS) 8ser 9uieline or Slo+ &esonse ime V. /2: 41%10 - Mayban Malaysia - Hire Purchase System (HPS) 8ser 9uieline or 8nable to access HPS Via Mobile V. /2: 41713 ; re > % ? @ A B

Integrations RIS +o.n *I7 +o.n &issue ISS +o.n & issue 7acility +o.n & issue *"MS +o.n & issue 7IS +o.n & Issue SR",RD & 46," +o.n onnecte+ Party (P,) 7,T, Disbursement (HP M,RS)

Problem lassi!cation Se$erity 1 Se$erity 1 Se$erity 1 Se$erity 1 Se$erity ' Se$erity ' Se$erity ' Se$erity ' Se$erity ' Se$erity 1

3 System Per'ormance o 1 ' / >

Integrations $erall system slo. omonents Slo. Routing slo. 7unctional & screen errors

Problem lassi!cation Se$erity ' Se$erity / Se$erity / Se$erity >


Document Ref  Document  Title "#ecti$e Date riginator



Document  Tye

IT-HPS-001 Hire Purchase System (HPS) Problem Management lassi!cation erating *ui+eline

Mohama+ ,.ar+i Ismail

Seerity =>ort 9uieline 4elo. is the gui+eline on the e#ort ut in on ser$ice restoration of any ser$ice base+ on se$erity

S=V=& MP*C ? 

=@P=C=! &=SPA,S=

&esolution * > hours


M,CR ,ll arties inclu+ing $en+ors are eecte+ to .or5 continuously (inclu+ing nights an+ .ee5en+s) until the inci+ent is resol$e+8 an immense e#ort re:uire+ to resume the ser$ice .ith any a$ailable .or5aroun+


A hours

MD"R,  T"

' Days



Document  Tye

IT-HPS-001 Hire Purchase System (HPS) Problem Management lassi!cation erating *ui+eline

Mohama+ ,.ar+i Ismail


Resolution is .or5e+ into a lanne+ roFect an+ sche+ule

4est "#ort

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