HPHT Bridge Plug Running Procedure

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The E-5™ HPHT Wireline Pressure Setting Assembly (W.L.P.S.A.) is a setting device in which the products of combustion are utilized for the gradual development of force through pressure. This motive force operates the various working parts of the W.L.P.S.A. in a proper sequence to ensure the successful setting of Baker Oil Tools Bridge Plugs, Retainer Production Packers, Cement Retainers, and other products to be deployed on wire-line. The pressure required is built up through the burning of a Slow Set Power Charge, Product Family No. H43766. The setting pressure is confined to the proper area of the setting tool through the use of High performance O-ring Seals with backup support. It is of extreme importance that all O-rings be maintained in perfect condition and replaced after each use. The E-5 HPHT Wireline Pressure Setting Assembly incorporates a Piercing Disk bleeder system to provide a safe, easy method of bleeding off trapped pressure before disassembling the W.L.P.S.A. after it has been run. Radio Radio Silence

It is normal practice to shut down all radio and radar transmitters in the immediate vicinity while setting up and running the E-5 HPHT W.L.P.S.A. Tests have shown that it is difficult, but not impossible to set off the W.L.P.S.A. with radio or radar transmissions. Radio silence should be maintained unless an on-site evaluation of radio frequency energy indicates that it is safe to do otherwise. Running in Extreme Temperatures This precaution is recommended when the exact bottom-hole temperature is unknow n and th e temperature temperature is s uspected to be close to the 450° 450°F F rating.

When running in temperatures expected to exceed 350°F, it is suggested that the gage ring, wire-line feeler and junk catcher be run on the Firing Head with a High Temperature Igniter in place. After the run, check the Firing Head for leaks and high temperature firing of the Igniter.

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Bridge Plug Running Procedure 


If the Igniter has been fired due to the extreme bottom-hole temperature, the probability of a preset during run-in is high, and other completion options should be explored. If any fluid is found inside the Firing Head, all parts must be dried, sealing surfaces examined and all o-rings inspected and replaced. It is very important that all new o-rings be used when the W.L.P.S.A. is run, as fluid around the Firing Pin would prevent the Firing Head from operating. Do not reuse the Igniter! Discard and use a new Igniter.

It is a good idea to find the setting depth on the gage ring run and flag the wire-line at setting depth. Then, run in the hole as fast as possible (subject to the run-in speed recommendations for the tool to be set) and fire the setting tool as soon as the flag is reached and the wireline has quit oscillating. This will minimize the temperature that the Power Charge and Igniters will heat up to before being fired.

Running in Hole

On the rig floor or catwalk, prepare the setting tool by following the sequence of events: 1. Unthread firing head from Pressure Chamber. 2. On the Firing Head, remove the Cartridge Seat from the Head, left-hand thread. 3. Install a Secondary Igniter (H437-43-1000) into the bottom end of Cartridge Seat and use the truarc ring provided to retain the Secondary Igniter. Notice that no groove is provided for the truarc ring to snap into. The ring is held in place by friction and is blown out on top of the Power Charge when the High Temperature Igniter fires. 4. Install a High Temperature Igniter into the top of Cartridge Seat. 5. Thread the Cartridge Seat Cap to retain the High Temperature Igniter in place. Be sure that the O-ring is in place between the High Temperature Igniter and Cartridge Seat. 6. Use a Fluke Model 27 Multimeter to check Firing Head for electrical continuity. Slightly depress Firing Pin with one probe and touch the Contact Plunger with the other probe. A good reading would be about 1.5 to 2.5 Ohms. Readings will fluctuate depending on temperature of tool.

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7. Check for shorting with a Fluke Model 27 Multimeter. Touch the Head with one of the probes. Slightly depress Firing Pin with the other probe. The Ohm-meter should read infinite resistance.

If Ohm-meter reads finite value, there is a problem with firing

components, follow disassembly procedure and check for issues with electrical connectivity. 8. Remove the plastic cap from the Slow Set Power Charge (H437-66-0020) and place Power Charge into Pressure Chamber with the open end of the Power Charge facing the open end of the Pressure Chamber. 9. Install and tighten the Cartridge Seat into the Head, left-hand thread. 10. Thread and tighten Firing Head into Pressure Chamber. 11. Use a Fluke Model 27 Multimeter to check the resistance from Contact Plunger to Head. The reading should be between 5 and 7 Ohms. Warning Use a Fluke Model 27 Multimeter to read resistance when the High Temperature Igniter and Secondary Igniter are installed. The current applied by other devices could ignite these components .

12. Thread Firing Head onto the Collar Locator that will be run on. 13. Pick up the tools, and carefully lower the CCL connected with the WLPSA, WLAK and Bridge Plug through the rotary table. Check zero and run in the hole at a speed no higher than 140 ft per minute, being careful to slow down when approaching the fluid level. Continue running several feet past setting depth if possible. Check odometer and weight indicator and pick up slowly to setting depth. 14. Fire High Temperature Igniter. 15. Depending on depth, well fluid and other conditions as many as three [3] distinct impulses can be felt manually on the electric line or observed on the weight indicator as the tools set and shear off. 16. Wait approximately one [1] minute after the last weight indicator bobble to be sure that the tool is set. Then, if possible, slack off several feet and watch the weight indicator for a drop to indicate that the tool has been set. With some tools slacking off will re-engage the Wireline Adapter Kit and could cause you to hang up and not be able to pull free. Pick up slowly and note the setting depth by the weight increase, remembering that the HPHT W.L.P.S.A. has increased about one [1] foot in length due to stroking out.

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17. Retrieve the tools at a rate no higher than 300 feet per minute. A much slower rate should be used if there is any doubt about the tool being sheared off.

No Fire Proc edure

Refer to steps 11 to 14 in the Running Procedures section. There may be an instance when the E-5 HPHT W.L.P.S.A. does not ignite after supplying current to it. If no evidence of ignition is detected, follow these steps:

1. Because there is a chance that the tool did not shear off, retrieve the E-5 HPHT W.L.P.S.A. at a slow rate (140 ft per minute). 2. Perform the steps listed in the Primary Bleed-Off Procedure section to make sure that no pressure is trapped in the assembly. 3. Use a Fluke Model 27 Multimeter to check the resistance from Contact Plunger to Head. The reading should be between 5 and 7 Ohms. Document reading.

WARNING Do not us e other devices to read resist ance when the High Temperature Igniter and Secondary Igniter are installed. The current su pplied by o ther devices could ignite these components.

4. Unthread the Firing Head from Pressure Chamber. 5. Remove the Cartridge Seat from the Head, left-hand thread. 6. Use a Fluke Model 27 Multimeter to check the Firing Head for electrical conductivity. Slightly depress Firing Pin with one probe and touch the Contact Plunger with the other probe. A good reading would be about 1.5 to 2.5 Ohms. Document reading. 7. Use a Fluke Model 27 Multimeter to check for shorting. Touch the Head with one of the probes. Slightly depress Firing Pin with the other probe. The Multimeter should read infinite resistance. Document reading. 8. Redress the E-5 HPHT W.L.P.S.A. before running it again.

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Instrument Required to Check for Contin uity

9. Resistance readings must be performed with the Fluke Model 27 Multimeter. This Multimeter applies a safe current output. No other devices should be used to measure the resistance of circuits because of the danger to fire the Igniters during the process.

WARNING 10. After the HPHT Wireline Pressure Setting Assembly has been run and fired, gas under very high pressure will be trapped inside the tools. This pressure must be bled off before disassembly is begun. Failure to comply with the following bleed-off instru ctions may result in serious inju ry. Safety glasses, gloves and long sleeves must be worn while bleeding pressure off of the assembly. The HPHT Wireline Pressure Setting Assembly should always be bled in a well ventilated area. Always check for wind direction and orient the tool so that the bleed off is in the direction of the wind and not against it.

Primary Bleed-Off Procedure

1. Lay tools down, being careful not to damage the Wireline Adapter Kit. 2. Position the HPHT W.L.P.S.A so that the Bleeder Disk system faces up. 3. Locate the bleeder vent hole in the Pressure Chamber next to the Bleeder Disk system.

Make sure this vent hole is pointed away from all personnel and in the

direction of the wind. Stand on the side of the tool away from the vent hole. 4. Carefully remove the left-handed Filler Screw. Watch the Disc Retainer while removing the Filler Screw to make sure the Disk Retainer does not rotate. 5. Slowly thread the Bleeder Wrench into the Disk Retainer, left-hand thread. 6. Once the Bleeder Wrench makes contact with the Piercing Disk, continue threading the Bleeder Wrench (into the Disk Retainer slowly. Do not make full rotations of the Bleeder Wrench, instead alternate 1/4 turn left, 1/4 turn right-hand rotation, etc. until the Piercing Disk is punctured. 7. Keep hands away from the vent-hole at all times.

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8. When the tool starts to bleed, make an additional half a turn and then stop. Do not screw the Bleeder Wrench in tight. It can seal against the Piercing Disk and prevent bleeding. 9. Do not turn the Bleeder Wrench to the right until the tool is completely bled off. 10. If the tool does not bleed off when the Bleeder Wrench is bottomed out, carefully turn it back 1/4 turn, watching to be sure that the Disk Retainer does not rotate. 11. Once the tool begins to bleed, do not remove the bleeder tool, leave tool in Disc Retainer until all pressure has evacuated the tool. 12. If the tool still will not bleed off, do not remove the Bleeder Wrench. Use the “Secondary Bleeding Procedure” described below.

Secondary Bleed-off Procedure WARNING Secondary Bleed-Off Procedure is only valid when using a Baker Oil Tools Size 20 E-5 HPHT Wireline Pressure Setting Assembly, High Temperature Igniter, Secondary Igniter and Power Charge. For all other manufacturer's equipment, consul t manufacturer.

1. Clean any debris from the bleed hole in the top end of the Pressure Chamber. 2. Position bleed hole in the Pressure Chamber away from you. 3. Scribe a line across the thread connection between the Firing Head and Pressure Chamber. 4. Hold back up on the Pressure Chamber and slowly unscrew the Firing Head a maximum of ten [10] turns from the Pressure Chamber. 5. Do not back the Firing Head off more than ten [10] turns. 6. If pressure still does not bleed off, thread the Firing head back into the Pressure Chamber. Make sure the disk bleeder valve system is threaded together in the pressure containing position. 7. Proceed to tertiary bleed-off procedure.

Before attempting the Tertiary Bleed-Off

procedure, verify if trapped pressure exists in the HPHT W.L.P.S.A by performing the following Short Stroke Inspection procedure.

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1. Place the HPHT W.L.P.S.A. in a vise anywhere between the Pressure Chamber and the Cylinder Head and secure in place. 2. With a rubber mallet, push the Cross Link Sleeve up until the Link Retaining Ring shoulders against the Cylinder Head. 3. This procedure will move not only the Cross Link Sleeve up, but also the Cross Link, Link Retaining Ring, Upper Piston Rod, Lower Piston Rod and Power Piston which are all connected together. 4. If there is pressure trapped inside the tool a gap between the Cylinder head and Cross Link Sleeve will be visible.

Tertiary Bleed-off Procedure


Tertiary Bleed-Off Procedure is only valid when using a Baker Oil Tools Size 20 E-5 HPHT Wireline Pressure Setting Assembly, High Temperature Igniter, Secondary Igniter and Power Charge. For all other manufacturer's equipment, consult manufacturer.

If the Primary and Secondary Bleed-off procedures fail to bleed-off all trapped pressure in HPHT W.L.P.S.A., store HPHT W.L.P.S.A. away from all personnel for six [6] hours to allow the HPHT W.L.P.S.A. to cool. This cool down period will allow trapped pressure inside the HPHT W.L.P.S.A. to diminish to a level where a third bleed-off method can be attempted.

1. Clean any debris from the bleed hole in the top end of the Top Pressure Cylinder. 2. Scribe a line across the thread connection between the Pressure Chamber and Top Pressure Cylinder. 3. Hold back up on the Top Pressure Cylinder and slowly unscrew the Pressure Chamber a maximum of ten [10] turns from the Top Pressure Cylinder. 4. Do not back off the Pressure Cylinder more than ten [10] turns.

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WARNING Do not t ransp ort the HPHT W.L.P.S.A. if all pr essur e has not b een bled-of f. Before any disassembly is started, one final check that no pressure is trapped in the W.L.P.S.A. sho uld b e perform ed.

1. Place HPHT W.L.P.S.A. in a vise anywhere between the Pressure Chamber and the Cylinder Head and secure in place. 2. With a rubber mallet, push the Cross Link Sleeve up until the Link Retaining Ring shoulders against the Cylinder Head. 3. This procedure will move not only the Cross Link Sleeve up, but also the Cross Link, Link Retaining Ring, Upper Piston Rod and Lower Piston Rod which are all connected. 4. If there is pressure trapped inside the tool a gap between the Cylinder Head and Cross Link Sleeve will be visible.

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Bridge Plug Running Procedure 

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