
May 16, 2018 | Author: Jesus CH | Category: Screw, Switch, Cylinder (Engine), Electrical Connector, Piston
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ASSEMBLY and DISASSEMBLY New Generation of 


Main Frame Aem!"# $"iner%


© Metso

Main Frame Aem!"# $"iner%


© Metso

Main Frame Liner ' Arm G(ard

The main frame liner and arm guards installed at begining. Main frame is partly welded on top as arm guards lay on arms, locked by angle bars welded.


© Metso

*orn Main Frame


Main Frame Liners should be checked at ever liner change Neglected Main Frame Liners will lead to very costly damage!

© Metso

Seat Liner NOTE: Main Frame seat liners are standard on all " #n the event that the crusher e$%eriences ring movement& the seat liner %rotects the main 'rame seating sur'ace 'rom damage.

(orn in )ushing



© Metso

Fre,uent 'orce overloads -ad.ustment ring movement/ will result in %in wear& %in bushing wear& and seat liner wear"

*eat Liner +amage

Re("t of *orn Main Frame Pin

)ent iston 0od

Leaking *eals


© Metso

Determinin. Seatin. S(rfa/e *ear   2d.ustment 0ing Mark 2& )& 3& etc"

Measure and 0ecord This +imension Main Frame NOTE: The distance between the ad.ustment ring and main 'rame should be %eriodically measured to determine i' there is any noticeable main 'rame seating sur'ace wear" 0e%lace the seat liners when the initial measurement is reduced by 1mm" -

© Metso


Main Frame Aem!"#


© Metso

+ate 2uthor Title

Re"a/in. Lower 34r(t Bearin.


© Metso

Main frame 7U8 Sea"

3lean bottom o' seal using coarse sand %a%er to remove 4shine4 be'ore a%%lying activator and adhesive to bottom o' groove in 'rame

Main Frame

NOTE: Thoroughly clean groove in main frame with an oil free solvent and allow to dry. Use alcohol or acetone.


© Metso

 main 'rame assembly 5 The only signi'icant di''erence vs the %revious  machines is the counterweight guard:

6 On new s& it is bolted on the main 'rame& and the counterweight turns inside it" #t is also used as a su%%ort 'or the antis%in ring"

5 *hort animation showing the counterweight and its 'i$ed guard :


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53lam%ing 0ing #nstallation 3lam%ing 0ing Oil 3hamber 

 2d.ustment 0ing

3onnector ose )etween Oil 3hamber and ydraulic ower 7nit 52

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3lam%ing 0ing #nstallation 5 The ring assembly is com%osed o' : 6  2d.ustment ring& with the hydraulic motor assembly 6 3lam%ing ring& with the clam%ing system

5 This 'irst one is very similar to 899 "


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3lam%ing 0ing #nstallation 5 The clam%ing is not done by 1 cylinders but by a single

oil chamber; made o'

%olyurethane& working at low %ressure -uide 0od

#nner 3ountersha't )ushing



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Outer 3ountersha't )ushing

The bushings must be cooled in ice "or a minimum o" 2 hours prior to installing them in the countersha"t box. #pproximately 2$ kg o" ice will be re%uired& minus '0°elcius "rom ambient temperature.

3ounter6sha't assembly Location o' Oil >rooves

#nner )o$ )ushing

 #lways at  $2:%% o&cloc 'osition 21

© Metso

3ountersha't )o$

3ounter6sha't assembly Location o' Oil >rooves

Outer )o$ )ushing Normal H:99 oclock osition



Ne=t> 4eat t4e oi" f"in.er to aro=imate"# 2+?C a!o@e am!ient and "ide into oition (nti" it i ti.4t a.aint t4e fee"er .a(.e


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E//entri/ Aem!"#


© Metso

Eccentric assembly !ccentric

!ccentric "ushing

%#& 'eal

%T& 'eal $ounterweight !ccentric Gear &+

© Metso

#pper Thrust "earing

Eccentric assembly )ushing 0emoval

Locking Material

Eccentric )ushing

Eccentric ,rill out locs


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Eccentric assembly )ushing 0emoval


(ooden Timber 

*teel late

Eccentric )ushing



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(ooden )locking

The bore of the eccentric must be checked before installing a new eccentric bushing. The entire length of the bore must be checked for scoring, rough sots, and concentricit.

Eccentric assembly Failed Eccentric bushing  Note:


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(t takes a tremendous amount o" heat to turn a bron)e bushing black. *hene+er a bushing o+erheats to this extent, there is a de"inite  possibility that this excessi+e temperature has damaged the bore behind the bron)e bushing. -or this reason, the bore must be checked "or dimensional accuracy and "or cracks be"ore a new bron)e bushing is installed.

Eccentric assembly Failed Eccentric bushing Measure Here and at ()° () °

 Note: easure easure the eccentric bore with micrometers. micrometers. (" the dimensions show that there there is distortion in the bore, make certain to call etso inerals "or +eri"ication. &1

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Eccentric assembly Eccentric bushing installation 

ack the bore o' the bushing with dry ice *ifting !ye 'or a%%ro$imately < hours %rior to installation" (ra% the FLUSH HERE outside o' the bushing with insulation or burla% +lat asher  to %revent 'rost buildu%" 7sing the ring bolts !ccentric "ushing and washers will assure that the bushing will seat 'lush with the to% o' the eccentric"

 NOTE: )6

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!poy *ocking $ompound

(t is more more important to precisely precisely line up the oil holes in the bushing and eccentric than it is to line up the cored pockets/

Eccentric assembly 7%%er Thrust )earing


#pper Thrust "earing )5

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!ccentric "ushing

Eccentric assembly 7%%er Thrust )earing wear 

Cr(4er Si;e

Ori.ina" Groo@e Det4

Minim(m Groo@e Det4


1 mm

H"@ mm


89 mm

1"@ mm


89 mm

1"@ mm

Minimum >roove +e%th


© Metso

Original >roove +e%th

Eccentric assembly )ushing )reak6in rocedure After inta""ation of new 4ead !(4in. or e//entri/ !(4in.> t4e fo""owin. !rea:in ro/ed(re m(t !e fo""owed9


34e "(!e oi" drain "ine temerat(re m(t !e 5,?C !efore tartin. t4e /r(4er 

Start t4e /r(4er and oerate for 2 4o(r *I3HOU3 materia"

Ne=t> r(n t4e /r(4er for 2 4o(r wit4 (ffi/ient materia" in t4e /r(4in. /a@it# to rea/4 +6 of rated ower of t4e dri@e motor

Ne=t> r(n t4e /r(4er for ) 4o(r wit4 (ffi/ient materia" in t4e /r(4in. /a@it# to rea/4 -+ of rated ower of t4e dri@e motor

After /om"etin. t4e ) te a!o@e> /r(4er /an !e r(n at f("" "oad $566 of rated ower of t4e dri@e motor%

© Metso

Eccentric assembly 3ounter6weight removal



 2lignment +owel

(ooden Timber  ))

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Eccentric to >ear 3a%screw


Eccentric assembly 3ounter6weight K7 and KT seals

 Note: The T1 and 1 seals o" the counterweight o" the current design are an integral part o" the counterweight 3 they are machined into the counterweight. Older counterweights had plastic T1 and 1 seals that were  glued into position much the  same as the 1 seal that4s glued into the main "rame or the T1  seal that4s glued into the head.

%#& 'eal

%T& 'eal


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Eccentric assembly Cr(4er Ba/"a4 in Si;e mi"imeter 

)acklash C 0oot 3learance

34eoreti/a" Root C"earan/e


9"=8 to 8"9<

ear  Main Frame


© Metso


So/et Aem!"#


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*ocket assembly

*ocket is in one %iece without bronAe liner" The oil grooves have similar design than %revious inside bronAe& and must be controlled at every liner change"


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*ocket assembly +etermining the wear   ew 'ocket $ontour 

orn ut 'ocket $ontour   Note: The socket is considered worn out when the oil groo+e depth measures 2.$mm.  New socket oil groo+es are approximately 5mm. The oil groo+e depth should be measured at e+ery liner change. )1

© Metso

*ocket assembly 0emoval


*eat here around  entire circumference to $4-/ 01%3 over ambient 


Main *ha't


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*ocket assembly #nstallation

5 7se

the ? centering bolts -dia" ently heat the bottom o' the socket until the tem%erature is 193 above ambiant"

5 uickly slide down the socket on the sha't to%" Make sure the socket is %ro%erly seated -check with 'eeler gauges/"

5 0emove the centering bolts& and use the 'i$ation bolts -dia 8Hmm& length 9mm& tor,ue >.

ead bushing 5 ead bushing is no longer com%osed o' Lower bushing R 7%%er bushing& but a single bushing which 'ul'ils the 'unctions o' both -like 899/ :

5 The lower section insures the contact on the outer diameter o' the eccentric

5 The u%%er section insures the contact on the outer diameter o' the socket when the crusher is running em%ty"

5 Large holes between the two sections allows the oil 'lowing out 'rom the socket to %ass through the head"

5 Fi$ation : bolted on a 'lange& 1 bolts"


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Head B(4in. Inta""ation


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ead 2ssembly ead )ushing 0emoval

 Note: The lower head bushing can be remo+ed by cutting it out but make certain that the saw blade doesn4t touch the head bore. The bushing can also be remo+ed by pulling it out as shown to the le"t. 8acking the bushing with dry ice can expedite the remo+al process i" using the pulling arrangement. ,,

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ead 2ssembly ead *eal 0e%lacement

Note: The new head seal is glued into %osition" +ry 'it the seal be'ore gluing it in to assure %ro%er 'it u%" Never 'orce the seal into the groove" The adhesive used is Loctite +e%end No:
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