How You Can Get Richer... Quicker!

April 4, 2017 | Author: RedSun101 | Category: N/A
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There Is Only One Sure Way To Succeed If you. really want to succeed, there is one basic success principle which you ab...



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will multiply your moneyl"


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has helped millionsl"



x+ When You Bought This Book, You Bought Stock In Yourself! The best investment you can make is in YOU. You can make more money or acquire more of whatever you want-by investing in YOU than in any other investment. When you bought this book, you bought stock in YOURSELF, Nobody buys stock in anything unless he or she has confidence in it. Because, in buying' this book, you really bought stock in YOURSELF, you have proved that you have confidence in YOURSELF, Now that you have bought stock in YOURSELF and proved that you have confidence in YOURSELF, you have taken the first step in getting whatever you want in life. This book now will tell you how to do it.






STOCK liN YOURSELF This is your certificate of confidence in your"" sellf and yom.' agll"eell1l.1lent

to begin. at once and

constandy use lpllI'oven success m.ethods to get whatever you want as a worthy

Hife goat


HOW YOU CAN GET RICHER ... QUICKER! Contents 101 chapters of PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS Chapter 1.



SUCCESS, Itself, Is A Specific Study-Subject ..........................

For You To Get Richer QuickerYou Need Do Only Two Simple Things . . . . . 3. You Must Use General Motors' PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD! Here It Is! .........




The Sure Way You Can Attract Favorable Attention To GET AHEAD! .....

4 7 13

5. How To Become SUPER-RICH In Five Years. 17 6. You Can Get Richer Quicker In Hundreds of Various Occupations! ........ 20 7. "General Education" Is Not Adequate. You Need Skills Based On Proven Success Methods . . .. 23 8. Where Employment Opportunities Will Be In The Years Ahead ................. 25 9. The Most Valuable PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD You Will Ever Learn. . . . . . . . . .. 27 v

Chapter 10.



You Can Begin Now To Get Richer Quicker By Making Yourself MORE USEFUL! .....


11. Here's How You Can Get Richer Quicker By IMPROVING Products, Methods •.•

Anything! ..............................


You Can SPARK IDEAS Through The 61 Magic Questions ..................


IDEA SPARKERS! These 61 Magic Questions Will Stimulate IDEAS For Improving Anything ... Everything!



You Can Create Profitable Ideas By Using These Three Master Methods ........


Your Idea Is The BEGINNING Of A Reality ...........................


Three Sure Ways You Can Get Richer Quicker! Improve! ... Improve! ... Improve!



How You Can Get The Biggest Rewards For Your IDEAS ................


Here Is The Proper And Respectful Way To Suggest Your Ideas To Your Boss ...



Your Golden Road To Riches ... CREATIVITY!



You Can Create Ideas By These YOGA Methods And By DISPERSED ATTENTION Methods


How You Can Maintain A Continuous Flow Of Ideas For Improving Things .......


12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

21. vi

Chapter 22. 23.



Learning Facts Is Not Enough! You Must Apply IDEA Power To Facts! .............


Don't Just Think About Your Ideas For Improvements-DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM! ............................... 76

24. Sharpen Your Ideas On The 25. 26. 27. 28.

Grindstone Of Criticism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


How You Can Get Rich By Suggesting Ideas Which Are NOT Completely Perfected .....


GIVING AWAY Your Ideas Will Make You Richer ... Quicker! ..................


Your Only Job-Security Is To Make Yourself Indispensable .............


What This Nation Needs Is An IDEA EXPLOSION! ! ! ..................



The Following Chapter.Lessons Are Selected From A Thousand Proven Success Methods .. 104


How You Can Avoid Half Your Troubles! ..... 106


"Be Yourself' Can Be The Worst Possible Advice! ........................ 109

How Would You Like To Have YOU As Your Boss? ..................... 111 33. How You Can Persuade Others To Do Whatever You Want Them To Do! ...... 113 34. You Get Richer Quicker When You Activate, Then Fulfill "Eager Wants" ...... 116







Be A Winner! ! ! ... In "The Pleasing Game Of Interchanging Praise!" . . . . . . . . . .. 118


Living And Working In HARMONY Is The Easy, Happy Way To Succeed ........ 120


How You Can Use Personal Slogans And Goal Commands To Get Richer Quicker ... 122


Here's What You MUST Have To Succeed In Any Type Of Work .. . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. 126


How You Can Focus Attention On Yourself At A Meeting Or Party ........... 128

40. How You Can Be A Leader ............. . .. 130 41. Learn To MAKE NEWS Because Favorable News Will Make You! ................... 134


Success And Riches Are The Result Of Negotiating Agreements, Not Disagreements 138

43. Change The CLIMATE And You Change Attitudes And Situations! ......... 143

44. You Can Make Any Problem Harmless Simply By DE-CONFUSING It! .......... 145 45.

How You Can Use The "Law Of Increasing Abundance" To Get Everything You Want .. 148


How You Can Multiply Your Telephoning Effectiveness By Becoming A "Telephone Personality" ............................ 153


Here's How You Can Get A Lot Of People Involved In Helping You Succeed! .. 157


Chapter 48.



Never Ask "IF" ... Always Ask "HOW" ...... 159

49. How Attractively And Impressively Do You ''PACKAGE'' Yourself? ........... 160 50. When You Have Crossed The RiverAbandon Your Boat! .................... 162 51. You Must Manage Life-Or Life Will Make You Its Slave! ................ 164 52.

Your JOB: Do You Hate It? Tolerate It? Or Improve In It? ................... 167


The Secret Of Successful Work-Planning And Life-Planning ...................... 169


PLAN BIG! You've Got 60 Trillion Cells Going For You! .................... 172


Obstacles Are Power Generators! ............ 176

56. What Do You Want? Act AS IF You Already Have Received It And Give Thanks! ....... 183 57. Here Is The EASY Way For You To Get Richer ... Quicker! ............... 190 58.

ASK! ... And You Shall Succeed! Those Who FIND OUT Get Richer ... Quicker! ... 193


Two "Magic" Words Which Will Make You Popular Everywhere ........... 197

60. Here's How You Can Use The Amazing "LAW OF INCREASE" ................. 201 61.

Be A GOOD NEWS Reporter And All ''Doors'' Will Open For You! .......... 204 ix




62. The "Squeaking Wheel" No Longer "Gets The Grease" ...................... 207 63. Be A Spirit Lifter! ........................ 209 64. Do Unto Yourself What Your Competitor Will Do Unto You! But Do It First! ........ 215 65. Unless You Increasingly Do It BetterYou Will Not Be Asked To Do It Again! .... 219 66.

IDEAS Are What The United States Are Made Of ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 221

67. You Cannot Safely Speed Forward While Regretfully Looking Backward ... . .. 224 68.

The Magic Password To Success Is: FmST! ... 226

69. A Billionaire Gives You His Success Method For Getting Richer Quicker ....... 232 70.

Success Is COPING-Not Just HOPING! . . . .. 234

71. How You Can Become An Expert At PROBLEM SOLVING, The Most Needed Skill! ....... 236 72. Continue To Ask THIS Question And You will Get Richer ... Quicker! ...... 241 73. When You Form An Alliance You Multiply Your Power! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 244 74. Don't Frighten A Bird You Want To Catch! .................... 248 75. You Will Succeed To The Extent That You Help Others Get What They Want . . . .. 251 76. How To Manufacture Your Success .......... 253 x




77. If Your Success Locomotive Is Not "On Track", Its Power Is Useless! .......... 257 78. Here Is STOCK MARKET ADVICE From A Very Wise And Wealthy Financier . . . . . .. 259 79.

Get Tough With Yourself! Cancel All Unnecessary Plans! Concentrate! ...... 260


The Sure Way To Get Rich Is To Be An EXPERT In An Important Occupation .. 262


You Must Be Willing To BEGIN! Then Your DOING Will Generate The Power! .... 266


One Of The Greatest Achievers Said These Two Qualities Would Conquer All Things! ..................... 269

83. Emerson Said That Nothing Great Was Ever Achieved Without TIDS! ........ 273 84. "Contingency Planning" Will Ensure Your Success-Whatever Happens! ........ 278 85. If You Feel That Whatever You Do Is Natural And Easy-It Will Be! ............ 280 86.

The Principle Of DAILY CAPITAL GROWTH -The Sure Way To Amass Wealth! ........ 284


Never Give Up! It Is A Law Of The Universe: "The Tide Always Turns" ........ 287

88. How You Can Use "The Principle Of The TIDRD Way" To Solve Your Problems ........................• 290 xi




89. How Business Can Use The Success Psychology Of "Multiple Management" .... 293 90.

Cooperation Is POWER! Get Together! ••• Keep Together! •.. Act Together! ............ 297

91. Who Ought To Be BOSS? .................. 301 92. Always Offer INCENTIVES! Everybody Can Be Motivated By Irresistible Incentives! .... 304 93.

Problems Are Like Knives! Grasp The Handle-Not The Blade! ............ 308


No One Stumbles Over A Mountain! We Stumble Only Over Molehills! ......... 310

95. Do Not STRUGGLE To Succeed! If You Have A "Struggle Complex", You Won't Live Long Enough To Succeed! ..... 311 96. Here Is The ONE Skill All Successful People Have-Without Any Exception! .... 314 97. How You Can Use The "MAGIC MINUTE" To Win Goodwill Needed For Success! ..... 317 98. How To Influence Multitudes: Stay On A ONE-To-ONE Basis! ........... 318 99.

Storage Earns Small Rent; Only Production Earns Great Fortunes! ......... 320

100. Your Success Will Depend Upon The Kind Of "Advice Seeker" You Are! ........ 321 101. It Required A Billion Years To Develop Your Brain! For What Purpose? .. 323 xii

Chapter 1

Get Richer ..• Quicker!

SUCCESS, Itself, Is A Specific Study-Subject You will begin to get richer quicker as soon as you learn and use the following fact: SUCCESS, itself, is a specific, separate and distinct study-subject. SUCCESS is as specific, separate and distinct a study-subject as is mathematics, physics, spelling, physiology, chemistry, or any study-subject taught in our schools and universities. The laws and principles of SUCCESS are just as real-and just as provable-as the Law of Gravity. The study of SUCCESS as a separate subject deals with as many different and identifiable factors as almost any other subject and more than most. I have devoted forty years to researching, testing and compiling PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. I have three private libraries and fifteen personal files which contain more than 1

a thousand different (but sometimes related) PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. There are few other subjects which are composed of that many different laws, principles, rules and identifiable factors. Surely, that fact alone (and there are many other reasons) justifies the classification and study of SUCCESS, itself, as a separate, specific and distinct subject. The reason people succeed slowly in their professions or occupations is that they concentrate on improving their job-skills. The fact is that becoming more skillful in one's profession or occupation is only ONE proven success method. Certainly, it is necessary and important that you become more knowledgeable and skillful in your work -but that still is only ONE proven success method. Since there are more than a thousand proven success methods, you can easily realize that you are handicapping yourself by concentrating on only ONE proven success method (job-skill) out of a thousand additional success methods. That is why it is necessary to obtain and constantly use as many proven success methods as possiblein addition to improving your job-skill. That is the only way you can get richer . .. quicker! You may succeed-slowly and with great difficulty-by becoming more knowledgeable and skillful in performing your work. But you cannot get richer qUicker that way! You must also use many other proven success


methods-in addition to improving your fob-skill-to GET RICHER . .. QUICKER!

There are more than a thousand proven success methods. I know-because I personally have them in my private libraries and personal files. These are specific, separate, distinct PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. They can be used-in addition to fob-skill-in ALL occupations ... and in every activity. As you study the following chapters, you will learn that improving your job-skill is just ONE success method which must be supplemented by many· other proven success methods in order to build the kind of success momentum which will make you richer ... qUicker! We shall begin our study of SUCCESS as a . specific, separate and distinct study-subject which applies to all occupations-by learning the two basic requirements for SUCCESS-in the next chapter.


Chapter 2

Get Richer . .. Quicker1

For You To Get Richer QuickerYou Need Do Only Two Simple, Easy, Elemental Things! Your success in getting richer quicker-or in achieving_ any life goal-requires, that you do only two simple, easy things: ( 1) You must know how ( 2) Then, you must do itl That's rightl And that's alll (1) KNOW HOW and (2) DOl That surely is so elemental that it seems like a waste of time to give further consideration to such obvious facts. Well, it is elemental. It is fundamental to succeeding at anything. It is obvious. So ... most people DON'T do it! Incredible as it seems, most people don't bother to learn even the most simple methods of getting richer


quicker. They have plenty of time for life's trivialities but no time to learn and use the proven success methods which would make them rich . . . or powerful . . . or famous . . . and enable them to get whatever they want in life. How many people do you know who devote even an hour every night to seriously studying how to be more successful in doing what they will do the next day ... and the next ... and the next? There is an old proverb: "Grumbling makes the loaf no larger." Yet people waste their time in grumbling because they have too little, when that same time could be used to learn how never to have too little-to constantly "make the loaf larger". You, as just one individual, have no control over high prices. Your only solution is to get richer qUicker so that you easily can afford to pay for whatever you want in life-whatever the price. You have to learn and then do what is required to "make your own loaf larger". It is a lot easier to get rich than to remain poor. People who are poor find everything difficult. And, for the poor, everything will continue to be difficult-as long as they will not learn and use the simple, easy, sure methods of succeeding-getting richer quicker. So, we come back to our first basic requirement for success: You have to learn how. To the uninformed a molehill is a mountain! But to the person who knows how, success is easy. Pasteur discovered vaccination more by accident than by the scientific research for which he trained himself. Yet, when his critics chided him, saying that he


stumbled on vaccination by mere chance, Pasteur replied, "True, but chance favors the trained mind." So does success! Only by your learning and using PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS can you actually succeed. Andrew Carnegie, the great steel tycoon who was the richest man in his time and who gave his millions to help others, used to say, "There is no use whatever in trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is 'YiJling to climb himself." The PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS in the following chapters provide you with easy steps up the ladder of success. But you, yourself, must climb those steps! I have provided the ladder. But I cannot make you climb it. And nobody can climb it for you. You must climb the ladder of success, yourself. You can start a project by studying it-but you cannot complete it that way. It has been said that "knowledge is power". That simply is not so! Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is only potential power. It is your use of knowledge which gives you power. Start using every PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD as soon as you learn it. Do not wait until you have read the entire book. Climb your success ladder one step at a time. Do not wait and then try to reach the top in one big leap. Remember ... one step at a time! And your first step is in the next chapter ...



Get Richer ... Quicker!

You Must Use General Motors' PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD! Here It Is! The surest way to succeed is to use the PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS of those who have proven the methods to be successful. The bigger their successes, the more dependable are their success methods. Which brings us to General Motors. General Motors is a big success. Bigger than any other manufacturing company. But General Motors has not always been that big. It just got bigger ... and bigger ... and biggest. Not by accident. Not by luck. But by using a very simple success method which you can use. Here is the PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD of General Motors. It probably started back in the days of Charles


Kettering who started so many successful things including the self-starter. General Motors put into effect the very simple PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD: (1) Give people more of what they want. (2) Give people less of what they don't want. Now, that seems like a very simple, elemental success method. It is ... until you try to apply it to everything you think, say, write and do. Until you try to build your career on it. Until you try to build your business on it, as did General Motors. Until you try to build your life and your future on it ... Then, suddenly, it isn't so simple after all. People don't naturally think that way. In fact, most people are not thinking about what others want. Most people want others to give them what they want, to do what they want. And they get so intent on getting what· they want that they forget that the way to get what they want must begin by first giving others what those others want. At least, more of what others want. Preferably, all of what others want. The more you give people what they want, the more you ultimately will get in return. The size and success of General Motors proves it. This is not to imply that General Motors is the only one using the PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD: (1) Give people more of what they want. The fact is that all of the really successful people, companies and organizations do precisely that. Or they


would not long succeed. And their degree of success is in exact proportion to their use of this PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD. The mediocrities and the failures are always too preoccupied with trying to get others to do what they want. So they find life filled with resistance. And success impossible. People are not interested in what you want. They are interested in what they want. So in order to get others to give you what you want, you first must give them what they want. You begin by finding out what each of the people who are important to you really wants. The easiest way is just to ask them what they want. You will find others eager to tell you what they want. Especially if you tell them that you will give it to them-or help them get it. Then, do exactly that. Give them what they want-or help them get it. But that's not all there is to it. It will make you rich, but it will not make you richer . . . qUicker-which is what this book is about. The way to get richer . .. qUicker-is to find out what people are going to want before they even know they want itl To re-state it Simply: ( a) Find out what people will want in the future even though they do not now realize it. (b) Produce it for them. ( c) Persuade them that they want it now. That's how the really big money is made. The fortunes. The millions. The billions. Ask General Motors. 9

Or any really big success in the multi-million class. The secret is to make improvements in advance of public demand. But first, you must learn an easy PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD of improving things. Well, how do you deliberately improve things? The key is «deliberately". You must deliberately improvenot aCcidentally, not luckily-but deliberately. On purpose. With a purpose. Deliberately. Later in this book, there is a chapter on how to SPARK IDEAS through 61 Magic Questions. Then you are given the 61 Magic Questions. All you do is ask yourself the 61 Magic Questions and new, profitable improvements will Hash into your mind like magic! Your mind will SPARK IDEAS I Ideas which will make you richer ... qUicker! But that's a later chapter. Let's complete the second half of General Motors PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD. You have learned the first part: ( 1) Give people more of what they want. Now, the second part: (2) Give people less of what they don't want. People are even more aggressive in avoiding what they don't want than they are in getting what they do want. The way to be a sure loser in elections, business, love and life is to give people what they don't want or even to be associated in people's minds with something they don't want. 10

I have devoted forty years to researching, testing and compiling PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS, and I intensely believe that this is one of the most important, most indispensible, most profitable of all-because it combines both fundamental methods of motivating all people ... under all circumstances ... all of the time. And you just can't do better than thatl But it will do you little good merely to read about it. START USING IT NOWI ( a) Make a written list of all of the people who are important to you, leaving sufficient space under each person's name so that you can ... (b) Write under each person's name: How you can give each person more of exactly what he or she wants. How you can give each person less of what he or she doesn't want. ( c) Even if you think you know what each person wants (which you can provide) and what each person does not want (which you can avoid or eliminate) ... ASKI Ask sincerely, frankly, forthrightly, boldly. The very fact of your asking will greatly improve your relationship. We shall take space for only one example. If you are an employee, ask your employer: «What can I do to make myself more useful?" "How can I do my job better?" "How can I learn more so that I can be more useful to the company? What books and trade magazines should I read? What training courses should I take? What additional fobs can I do to enable me to learn more about the business?" 11

"What on-the-job or off-the-job training can I get? What am I doing wrong or inefficiently which I can correct and improve?" I can positively assure you that asking those questions will work wonders-because, many years ago, I asked those very same questions of my boss when I was office boy in a big corporation. This is what happened: My boss immediately took a personal interest in me. Gave me books, magazines and the company's big catalog to study. Paid my tuition to special training courses. Promoted me from one department to another so that I could learn the business. Made me manager of one of the company's big showrooms-in three years! Later, I became president of eight corporations and this is how it looks from the employer's side of the desk: Any employee who asked those or similar questions received the same kind of special attention, training and promotions which I have just described as having received from my own first boss. So there you have a PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD in action-in real life. Go and do likewise! Apply it, not just to your employer, but to every person who is important to you. And this leads directly to the next PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD which will assure that you will get special attention, get promoted, get ahead, and get richer . ker., ... qutC In the next chapter ... 12

Chapter 4

Get Richer ••• Quicker!

The Sure Way Yon Can Attract Favorable Attention To GET AHEAD There is a sure way you can attract the favorable attention of those who can help you get promoted, get ahead in life, get richer . .. quicker! You can succeed in today's complex business world or achieve whatever you want as your life-goal ONLY with the goodwill, help and cooperation of others. As I have emphasized in my other books, no longer can even the strongest men climb to the top using only their own ability and power. Everyone who reaches success today is lifted to success by the willing hands of those who want to help him succeed! You have to deserve success, of course. But deserving success is not enough. As President Calvin Coolidge said, "Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. The world is full of educated derelicts."


Being educated, being talented and being deserving are valuable assets, of course. But neither advanced education nor exceptional talent nor being deserving will assure your success. Indeed, many of the most successful people have neither superior formal schooling nor gifted natural talent. They may be no more "deserving" than others with equal experience and job-skill. Successful people today know and use PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. That is the only way to succeed. And one of the most important proven success methods is to get other people to willingly lift you to success. Others must eagerly want to help you! How do you get other people to want to help you succeed? Always remember this: You first have to put money into the bank before you can draw it out. So you first have to give others what they want -or help them get it-before you can expect them to give you what you want. How do you start? You start by attracting the favorable attention of those who can lift you to-or toward-success. And you attract that favorable attention by expressing or demonstrating your willingness to help them first. There is no surer way to attract favorable attention than to offer cooperation and help. Don't be timid or embarassed about offering to cooperate in helping others accomplish what they are trying to do. Even if your assist-


ance is not accepted at once, you will have attracted favorable and remembered attention. That is doubly true in your employment. If you want to attract the favorable attention of top management (as you must!), then express and demonstrate your eagerness to do more, to do better, to make yourself more useful. Ask your employer the questions listed in the previous chapter: "What can I do to make myself more usefulr "How can I do my job better?" "How can I learn more so that I can be more useful to the company? What books and trade magazines should I read? What additional jobs can I do to enable me to learn more about the business?" "What additional on-the-job or off-the-job training can I get?" "What am I doing wrong or inefficiently which I can correct and improve?" In this way, you earnestly express your eagerness to: ( 1) Give your employer more of what he wants from you as an employee, and ... (2) Give your employer less (or nothing) of what he doesn't want from you as an employee. And that PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD will ( a) attract favorable attention, (b) get you promoted, (c) win the goodwill of those who can help lift you to success, ( d) make you richer . . . quicker! Of course, you have to use PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS in a highly profitable type of business if you are going to get richer . . . qUicker!


So, to enable you to select the kind of business -the specific business classification-in which to get richer qUicker, I have listed in the next chapter the 34 kinds of businesses in which individuals made personal fortunes of $1 billion to $50 million within a recent five year period. So if you want to make a personal fortune of $1 billion to $50 million within five years, the next chapter will list the 34 different kinds of businesses in which other people actually did it.


Chapter 5 Get Richer ... Quicker/

How To Become SUPER-RICH In Five Years Since this chapter is about how to become super-rich, let us first define what we mean by «super. h" . rw For the purposes of this chapter, we shall define the «new super-rich individualS' as those who amassed personal fortunes of $1 billion to $50 million in a recent five-year period. The purpose of this chapter is to assure you that you can become super-rich ($1 billion to $50 million) by using PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS in almost any kind of business and that you can become very rich by providing any service or product which many people want or which you can encourage them to want by using PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. The following is a list of the kinds of businesses, services or products which provided personal fortunes of from $1 billion to $50 million to individuals recently in the short span of five years. The largest personal fortunes are at the top of the following list and the size of


the personal fortunes amassed decreases (to $50 million) at the bottom of the list. Where more than one business classification is listed on the same line it shows diversification of business interests of the same individual. ( 1) Pet foods and accessories; real estate (2) Computer services; brokerage (3) Medical equipment ( 4) Tire re-treads and equipment (5) Low-cost insurance (6 ) Women's clothing stores (7) Real estate (8) Drug stores (9) Employee insurance ( 10) Medical products ( 11) Trucking ( 12) Trading stamps ( 13) Insurance by mail ( 14) Mobile homes ( 15) Faucets and other metal products ( 16) Insurance, primarily for mobile homes ( 17) Electric motors ( 18) Adhesives and sealing material ( 19) Office machines and office supplies (20) Industrial cleansers and paints (21) SeH-service drug stores (22) Oil and gas exploration; real estate (23) Agricultural seeds, oil exploration (24) Soft drink bottling and distribution (25) Printing inks (26) Discount and variety stores (27) Restaurants and ice cream


(28) Home building (29) Safety glass; photographic services ( 30) Mail order consumer products ( 31) General and farm insurance ( 32 ) Real estate and insurance ( 33) Cleaning and sanitation products ( 34 ) Fruit juices So that is how individuals amassed personal fortunes of from $1 billion to $50 million in a recent fiveyear period. (Note that these are individual personal fortunes, not corporation profits. ) Obviously, the wide diversification of kinds of businesses, services and products indicates that your important objective should be-not the discovery of some miracle business, service or product-but the constant, persistent, intensive use of PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. And, of course, since the preceding list stops at personal fortunes of $50 million amassed in five years, you can be sure that thousands of multi-millionaires and tens of thousands of millionaires made their personal fortunes in literally thousands of different kinds of businesses, services and products. Certainly, you will want personally to choose the ~d of business or profession in which to make your own personal fortune, but always remember that your success will depend, not on the kind of business you choose, but on your constant, persistent, intensive use of PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. That is the only sure way to succeed I


Chapter 6

Get Richer ... Quicker!

You Can Get Richer Quicker In Hundreds Of Various Occupations! In the last chapter you learned that people amassed personal fortunes of from $1 billion to $50 million within a recent five-year period-in 34 different, but very commonplace, kinds of businesses. As you look down the list of 34 businesses, you will realize that you are qualified to obtain employment, at some level, in everyone of those 84 businesses in which others became super-rich in five years. By looking at all of the business classifications in your telephone directory, you probably can find at least a hundred other kinds of businesses which offer equal or better profit opportunities. And by checking the net worth and profits of the corporations listed on the New York Stock Exchange, you will find many more (and different) business classifications in which other people are getting richer quicker. 20

The fact is that you don't have to discover gold or strike oil or invent an indispensible product to get richer qUicker. You merely have to do the following simple things-all of which are easily within your capabilities: ( 1) Start-at whatever level you presently are qualified-in any reliable company which is energetically devoted to: ( a) Providing products or services which give people more of what they want, or (b) Providing products or services which enable people to avoid or eliminate what they do not want. (2) Be sure to select a company which is a "growth" company-ready, eager and able to expand to whatever size is required to supply an increasing demand for its products or services. ( 3) Be sure to select a company which is not "frozen" into "seniority promotions" but which offers you instant promotions accompanied by earned wage increases based on your increasing usefulness and value to .the company so your every improvement is promptly rewarded. ( 4) Having thus assured yourself the unlimited opportunity to succeed, use the PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS in this book. Knowing how to succeed is much more important than your selecting a speCific company or occupation. Specialists in the forecasting of economic and technological changes predict that in the immediate future employment availabilities and requirements will change so rapidly and drastically that the average person will have seven different careers!


The only way you can prepare yourself for

seven different careers is to learn PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS which will enable you to succeed in any and every kind of career. The word "career" as used here includes each change to a new position which may be in the same company or the same type of business. It does not imply a complete change of vocation. Nevertheless, each new position becomes, in efiect, a new "career" with new and changing opportunities to which can be applied proven success methods. In the follOwing several chapters, we shall look at these rapidly changing employment opportunities and their occupational impact on your future. In the next chapter, you will learn about the kind of education you will need to capitalize on the rapidly changing employment opportunities in this rapidly changingworld. So that you can get richer ... qUicker!


Chapter 7

Get Richer •.• Quicker!

"General Education" Is Not Adequate. You Need Skills Based On Proven Success Methods "A college diploma is no longer the golden key," says Athena Constantine, director of job-placement for graduates of Columbia University. And John D. Shingleton, director of placement at Michigan State University says, "Colleges are turning out more and more people in the areas that require fewer and fewer workers." He views with increasing concern the rising proportion of liberal-arts students without highlyspecialized marketable skills. He says that the increasing emphasis on "mass education" is not focused on marketable skills and rapidly changing job requirements. The U.S. Government Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 28% of today's college graduates are making less than the median income of those with only high school diplomas but with marketable skills. 28

The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that in 1985 only 20% of the non-professional fobs will require four years of college and only 25% of the work force will have a four-year college education. Because of the highly specialized skills required in to day's occupations, businesses are now taking an active part in education through cooperative college and university programs in which students alternate semesters between academic study and training in actual jobs in businesses related to their chosen careers. More than a third of these co-op students are employed upon graduation by the same companies which trained them. Also, while students are being trained through actual employment in business, the classrooms and school laboratories are being furnished with sophisticated scientific and technological equipment corresponding to that used by businesses and professions. Business leaders and technical experts are invited to give guest lectures. Educators and business leaders are becoming partners in career training. "General education" will greatly enrich the quality of your life but it no longer is adequate to enrich you financially in a business world geared to advanced, complex technology. Specific training based securely on proven success methods is the only way to obtain the personal skills necessary to succeed or even to survive financially in today's rapidly changing world.

Chapter 8

Get Richer ... Quicker!

Where Employment Opportunities Will Be In The Years Ahead A definite requirement for getting richer quicker is to work where the spendable money is. The most spendable money (
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