How To Write Chapter 1 of A Research: Basic Format

October 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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How to Write Chapter 1 of a Research: Basic Format   In thesis writing, the most difficult part to write is Chapter 1 (Introduction/The Problem). As the sa, sa, the most difficult part of an endea!or is the starting point. This is  because the first chapter is where ou conceptuali"e our entire research. The whole research/thesis can be reflected in Chapter 1 including e#pected results or outcomes. $or our guidelines, please read the following sample format of Chapter 1. %emember, the format is not uni!ersal, meaning it could !ar from one school to another and/or from one course to another. CHAPTER 1: THE PROBLEM

Chapter 1 includes the following subtopics, namel& 1) %ationale' ) Theoretical $ramewor' *) Conceptual $ramewor/Paradigm' +) tatement of the problem' -) pothesis po thesis (ptional)' 0) Assumption (ptional)' ) cope and 2elimitation' Importance of the stud' 3) 2efinition of terms. Rationale

1. 4ac 4acgr grou ound nd of of the the st stud ud  . 2escribe 2escribe the problem problem situati situation on considering considering global, global, national national and and local forces. forces. *. 5ustif 5ustif the e#istence e#istence of the problem problem situatio situation n b citing statist statistical ical data and and authoritati! authoritati!ee sources. +. 6ae a clinching clinching statemen statementt that will will relate relate the bacground bacground to to the proposed proposed research research  problem. Theoretical Framewor 

2iscuss the theories and/or concepts, which are useful in conceptuali"ing the research. Concept!al Framewor"Para#i$m

1. Identif Identif and discuss discuss the the !ariables !ariables related related to the problem problem.. . Present Present a schematic schematic diagram of the the paradigm paradigm of the research research and discuss discuss the relations relationship hip of the elements/!ariables therein. %tatement of the Pro&lem


1. The general general problem problem must must be reflecti!e reflecti!e of the the title. title. . It should should be stated stated in such a wa wa that it is is not answerabl answerablee b es or no, not not indi indicati!e cati!e of when and where. %ather, it should reflect between and among !ariables. *. 7ach sub8proble sub8problem m should should co!er mutuall mutuall e#clusi! e#clusi!ee dimensions dimensions (no (no o!erlapping) o!erlapping).. +. The sub8problem sub8problem should should be arranged arranged in logical logical order from from actual to to analtical analtical following following the flow in the research paradigm. H'pothesis (Optional)

1. A hpothesi hpothesiss should be measurable/ measurable/ desirable. desirable. It e#presses e#presses e#pected e#pected relations relationship hip between between teo or more !ariables. It is based on the theor and/or empirical e!idence. . There are are techni9ues techni9ues a!ailable a!ailable to to measure measure or describe describe the !ariabl !ariables. es. It is on a one to one correspondence with the specific problems of the stud. stud. *. A hpothes hpothesis is in statist statistical ical fo form rm has the the following following character characteristi istics& cs& +. It is used when when the test of signifi significance cance of relations relationships hips and differenc differencee of measures measures are in!ol!ed. -. The le!el le!el of sign signifi ificanc cancee if stated stated.. Ass!mption

1. An assumpti assumption on should should be based on the general general and and specific specific problems problems.. . It is stated stated in simple simple,, brief, brief, generall generall  accepted accepted statement statement.. %cope an# *elimitation

Indicate the principal !ariables, locale, timeframe, and :ustification. +mportance of the %t!#'

1. It describes describes the the contribution contributionss of the stud stud as new nowledge nowledge,, mae findings findings more more conclusi!e. . It cites cites tthe he usefulnes usefulnesss of the the stud stud to the specifi specificc groups. groups. *efinition of Terms Terms

1. nl important important terms terms taen taen from the title, title, statement statement of the the problem, problem, assumption assumptions, s, hpothesis, and the research paradigm are to be defined.


. The terms terms should be be arranged arranged alphabetical alphabeticall l and should should be defined defined le#icall le#icall and/or and/or operationall. *. The operational operational defini definition tion ma include include measure measuress or indices indices used in in measuring measuring each concept.

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