How to Win Friends and Influence People (example of QR Code use)

May 12, 2018 | Author: James Royal-Lawson | Category: Psychology & Cognitive Science
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 How to Win Friends and Influence People


Dale Carnegie


United States of America






Simon and Schuster (1936)

Publication date October 1936 Pages

291 pp



 How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the first fir st bestselling self-help books ever published. Written by Dale Carnegie and first published in 1937, it has sold 15 million copies world-wide.[1] world-wide.[1] Leon Shimkin of the publishing firm Simon & Schuster took one of the 14-week courses given by Carnegie in 1934. Shimkin persuaded Carnegie to let a stenographer take notes from the course to be revised for publication. In 1981, a new revised edition with updated language and anecdotes was released.[2] released.[2] The revised edition reduced the number of sections from 6 to 4, eliminating sections on effective business letters and improving marital satisfaction.

Major sections and points Twelve Things This Book Will Do For You This section was included in the original 1936 edition but shortened to eight items in the revised 1981 edition, omitting points 6 to 8 and 11, largely due to the original being written during the Great Depression (Carnegie lost most of his savings in the stock market crash of 1929) [3] and those points no longer seeming appropriate for modern audiences upon revision. This section was merely a single page list, which preceded the main content of the t he book, showing a prospective reader what to expect from it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Get you out of a mental mental rut, give you new new thoughts, new visions, visions, new ambitions. ambitions. Enable you you to make make friends quickly and and easily. easily. Increase Increase your your popular popularity ity.. Help you you to win people people to your your way of thinking thinking.. Increase your your influence, your your prestige, your ability to get get things done. done. Enable Enable you to win new clients clients,, new customers customers.. Increase Increase your your earning earning power power.. Make you you a better salesma salesman, n, a better execut executive. ive. Help you to handle handle complaints, avoid avoid arguments, arguments, keep your human human contacts smooth smooth and pleasant. 10.Make you a better speaker, speaker, a more entertaining conversationalist. 11.Make 11.Make the principles of psychology easy for you to apply in your daily contacts. 12.Help you to arouse enthusiasm among your associates. The book has six major sections. The core principles of each section are quoted below.

Fundamental Techniques Techniques in Handling People 1. Don't criticiz criticize, e, condemn, condemn, or compla complain. in. 2. Give honest honest and and sincere sincere appreci appreciation ation.. 3. Arouse Arouse in the other other person person an eager eager want. want.

Six Ways to Make People Like You 1. Become Become genuinely genuinely intereste interested d in other people. people. 2. Smil Smile. e. 3. Remember that a person's person's name is to that that person the sweetest sweetest and most important important sound in any language. 4. Be a good good listener. listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. themselves. 5. Talk in terms of the the other person's person's interes interest. t. 6. Make the other other person feel feel important - and do it sincerely sincerely..

Twelve Ways to Win People Peop le to Your Your Way of Thinking Thin king 1. The only way way to get the best best of an argument argument is to avoid avoid it.

2. Show respect for the other person's opinions. opinions. Never say "You're "You're Wrong.". Wrong.". 3. If you're wrong, wrong, admit admit it quickly and emphatically emphatically.. 4. Begin in a friendly friendly way way.. 5. Start with questions questions to which the other person will answer yes. 6. Let the other other person person do a great great deal deal of the talking. talking. 7. Let the other other person person feel feel the idea idea is his or hers. hers. 8. Try honestly honestly to see see things from the other person's person's point of view. view. 9. Be sympathetic sympathetic with the other person's ideas ideas and desires. 10.Appeal to the nobler motives. 11.Dramatize 11.Dramatize your ideas. 12.Throw down a challenge

Be a Leader: How Ho w to Change People Peo ple Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Begin with with praise and and honest honest appreciatio appreciation. n. Call attention attention to people's people's mistakes mistakes indirectly indirectly.. Talk about your your own mistakes mistakes before criticizing the other person. Ask question questionss instead instead of giving direct direct orders. orders. Let the the other other person person save save face. face. Praise Praise every every improveme improvement. nt. Give the other other person person a fine fine reputation reputation to live live up to. Use encouragement. encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct. Make the other other person happy happy about doing what you suggest. suggest.

Letters That Produced Miraculous Results This section was included in the original 1936 edition but omitted from the revised 1981 edition. In this chapter, notably the shortest in the book, Carnegie analyzes two letters and describes how to appeal to someone's vanity with the term "do me a favor" as opposed to directly asking for something which does not offer the same feeling of importance to the recipient of the request.

Seven Rules For Making Your Home Life Happier This section was included in the original 1936 edition but omitted from the revised 1981 edition. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Don' Don'tt nag. nag. Don't try try to make make your your partner partner over over. Don't Don't critic criticize ize.. Give honest honest appreciatio appreciation. n. Pay littl littlee attenti attentions ons.. Be cou courte rteou ous. s. Read a good good book on the sexua sexuall side of marriage. marriage.

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