How To Use The Tsl2561

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How To Use The TSL2561

May 22, 2012

Filed under:  under: Electronics Electronics,,Spectrometer Spectrometer —  — jethomson @ 2:07 am

 The TS2!"1 is a li#ht$to$di#ital li#ht$to$di#ital con%erter con%erter &rom T'(S) T'(S) *t senses senses li#ht intensity intensity and trans&or trans&orms ms its measurement into a di#ital output that is trans&erred o%er *2+ or SM) *& you are &amiliar -ith the  TS2.0/ li#ht li#ht sensors, sensors, you shouldnt shouldnt ha%e much much troule -orin# -orin# -ith -ith TS2!"1s, TS2!"1s, ut there there are a &e- important di3erences) The TS2.0/ outputs its data as a pulse train, so a microcontroller -ith &re4uency countin# code is re4uired to read the sensors output) The TS2!"1 outputs its data directly o%er *2+ or SM, so the sensors output is simply read &rom the us) The TS2.0/ is controlled y rin#in# purpose speci5c pins hi#h or lo-) The TS2!"1 is controlled y -ritin# data to it o%er the us) The TS2.0/ is a%ailale in a readoardale paca#e and runs at !6) The  TS2!"1 needs needs an adapter adapter oard &or reado readoardin# ardin# and and its po-er supply supply must must not eceed eceed .).6) .).6)  The TS2!"1 also has a second second diode speci5cally speci5cally &or &or sensin# in&rared in&rared)) Since the TS2!"1 is so similar to the TS2.0/ in theory, *ll only e -ritin# one condensed article &or the TS2!"1) 8lease re&er to the  the series o& article o& the TS2.0/ &or TS2.0/  &or a more in$depth eplanation o& ho- to ac4uire and process data &rom these sensors)   Serial Control  TS2!"19';)ino o-e%er, Tod E) ?urts arduino$serial arduino$serial is  is smaller and has more &unctionality)

The command: ./arduino-serial -b 9600 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -d 3000 -s s06 -d 00 -s i0 -d 00 -s l -d 00 -s t00! -d 0000 -r -d !00 -r -d !00 -r -d !00 -r -d !00 -r -d !00 -r -d 00 -s l000 "utputs one read #or each -r: read: 69$ read: 69$ read: 696 read: 69$ read: 696 read: %"T

 This command -aits three three seconds &or the ootloader ootloader to load the pro#ram pro#ram
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