How to Study Div Charts 2 Choudry
January 18, 2017 | Author: nihari.richa | Category: N/A
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PREFACE TIME is the essence and "Timing of events" in OUf fast li ves. is the task with which an astrologer of the day is currently co nfronted. This book, which has been finali sed after
empi rica l studies, is primarily for meeting this demand througb an integrated & systematically consolidated approach [or analytica ll y studying the Divi sonal Chart s. At the same time, the book throws light on appli cation of pri nciples relating to the study of Vargas (Di visio ns), debilitated planets occupy ing their signs of deb ilitation, tim ing of marriage, etc., and illustrated Di vi sional Charts regarding profession, progeny, parentage, heal th, marriage, etc. We find ourselves encountered with the large num ber o f Inconsistencies and confus ions prevailing in the class ical predictive tools which I believe a re the res ults of Interpolations and o m isSions while record ing the principles as e nunciated by the propounding fathers. The clues identified by the author on the functional nature of planets for particll1u ascendant. and application of transit with reference to the natalucendant have solved most of the confusions . The ·Systems· Approach for Interpreting the Horoscopes ~ suggested by me in my book having the sa me title does not leave a s ingle case be ing reported in vario us astrological journals unexplained with this single approac h . The ,wdelines of identifying the functional nature of planets on the of the mooltrlkona signs of the planet. render the following prevalent, said to be classical principles to futality:-That the benenc planet owning kendras turn maleflcs -That the second and seventh house lords act as m a raka planets (death Inflic tlng planets). -That the planets placed in the seventh and second houses act as marakas.
-That the pla nets a ssociated with the lords of t he second and s eventh houses a ct as marakas. ·1'hat the results of transit should be Identified fro m the natal positio n of the Moon. -That the transit can be a pplied In isolation . -That the planet Saturn. except in the case of a scendants ruled by It and Ven us. a lways a cts as a malefic. -That the lord of ascendant always proves benefic ia l for the native. Venus as lord of Taurus ascendant and Mars as lord of Scorpio asce ndant beco me functional malefics for the native because of their mooltrtko na s ign s falling in the sixth house . A number of confusions and contradictions have been discussed by me in my above referred book. SYSTEMS' APPROACH FOR INTERPRETING HOROSCOPES. the study ofwbich will show how ea.y is the comprehension of the system of a.trological interpretations which hitherto had been so difficult to comprehend due to lack of understanding oft he system on the part of the present 8 nd past commentators.
Wil i Ie the System s' Approa !; h lea d s us-to correct identific ati o n of the house. s igni ficati o n s o f which a re touched at a parti cular time, there is lot of sco pe ror furth er research tor identifying the specific area oftrouble/g rowth from among., occupies the twelfth house in the navamsa. The lord of the tenth house is placed In the eighth house. In addition to the unhappy married life. the native Is suffering from multiple health problems. She is having low
B.P" arthritis from very early stages in life, thyroid. etc. The ascendant lord of the main chart is under the exact aspect of the lord ofthe sixth house, Jupiter, who Is also associated with the ei,ghth lord. In O-VI the ascendant is occupied by the . twelfth lord of the O-VI and lord of the ascendant and the sixth house, Mars is in the eighth house ofO-VI along with the Moon and Jupiter. As the fourth lord of 0-1 is exalted in the ninth house her parents were affluent. The placement of the lord of the ascendant in the house of status gave hergood education and employment. CHART 12
In dwadasamsa, the lord oCthe ascendant aspects the ascendant. The Sun, significatorfor father, occupies its own Sign in the fifth house. The lord oCthe ninth house occupies Its own Sign. Venus occupies its own sign in the second house, Yet the native could not have any happiness from the side of his father. The father tried to kill his mother and the young child, who saw this incident, developed the fobla of fear, Later on, when the child was of Six years of age, he was permanently separated from the father due to divorce between his mother and father and the custody of the child remaining with the mother,
Let us examine Lhe reasons for this In the maln chart. The slgnlficatorfor the father. the Sun. and Venus are In their
signs of debilitation. The lord of the ninth house Is closely conjunct w1th the eighth lord. ~____-,RASI NAVAMSA
'"' nate of Birth 11th Nov, 1980 ASDT. 01-29-28 SUN 06-25-45 MOON 08-07- 15 MARS 07-28-32 MER 06-10-10 JUP 05-09-16 VEN 05-21-07 SAT 05-12-24 RAHU 03-21-30
BAU.NCE DASA OF KEn! Y-M-D 3-2-9 Rahu-Ketu axis Is affilctlng the ninth house. Saturn Is In Its sign of debilitation In navamsa.
CHAPTER -3 ANALYSING DEBILITATED PLANETS A lot can be read on the subject in print in clear contravention of the hints given by ancie nt astrological writers in the name of RaJa Yogas arlsingout ofcanccllatlon of debilitation of debilitated. planets. On the face offt. 1t does not appear to be true in all cases . The so called rise in life around the age of 33 yeaTS is experienced by an individual only in cases where there are other Raj Yogas in the horoscope and the main periods of the Yogakaraka Planets .
The inference of some that the Neech-Bhanga Raj yogas glve rise in life after the age of33years. in fbelf. sho\\'S the truth in the dic tum on results ofdebilltated planets that during the period of a deb1l1tated planet one meets with sorrows. unhappy. timid ml-erable and worried conditions. So. this Ia a negatlve factor as it denies, delays and/or deteriorates the opportunities significations in life of an tndMdual during the period ofsuch planets . The opNatfon of period of. planet whether .trona: or Week, whether beneftc or malefic elc.... of importance and the same is very pertinent in this case also.
Sarvaratha Chintamani indicates that the native Uves by despicable and low means. forsaken by people and suffers from disease. As per Saravall a debWtated planet during ita maln/ sub-perlods wlll trouble the native through his enemies, defeat and poverty, even If he were a king.
Saravall declares the debWtated. planets fully inauspicioUS. It further states that those planets crea~ disturbance which are weak by way ofcombustion/ debilltatton/in an enemy's camp/defeated In a planetary war. Such planets 10ee thelccapac1ty to do good lnaddttlon to becomingcapab1e of bestoWing malefic effects In full.
However, a debilitated planet in angular position to the Moon aspected by benefics or specially by Jupite r . its dlspositor being s trong by exaltation or occupying own h ouse or in an angular position to the Moon/lagna etc. are the faclol'S which are the basis for thue ao called. cancel· "lion of debilitation. In a way tins gives a little strength to the planet which is weak due to debilitation and can reduce the maleflceffects of the debilitated planet toa limited extent. In no way this can match the Raj yoga (combinations of fortunes) caused by a Yogakarak plane t . A debilitated plane t gives its results for the houses ruled . its signillcations and the planets/houses it aspects/associates. In case it is fur· the r afIllcted by way of placement industhanas. association with malefic planets / combusion. It damages aU sectors mentioned in the earHer sentence. If two debllttated planets mutually aspect each other . the combination produces disastrous results. During the main or sub-periods of these debllttated planets the natives suffered so muc h that the indications of both the houses whe re these plane ts are located abnost got destroyed be· cause in the sub-s ub. period. of any planet. problems in the relative areas are indicated. I have closely observed such combinations and have found that In case the period of such a planet operates. it gives overall negattve results. In case the main periods of such a planet does not operate. its s ub pertod in the pertods of other planets results in delay in the general growth of the ind lvtdual. Of course. it goes without saying that whenever the bhuktl or sub·period of debilltated planets even with debll1tatlon cancellation in operation is clubbed by unfavourable transits or in the dasa/ bhukti of functional maleflcs. It really g1ves very bad results so to say that It does not promote or protect their own indJcations /stgn1flcations. On the other hand. tt can cause sufferings to the native. lam placing this matter before the learned astrologers for Judgtng the efficacy ofthb polntofYiewln the horoscopes coming
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to them for consultations. It can and acts as a very powerful predictive tool because one rarely finds a horoscope without debilitated planets either in Rasl or Vargas{D-charts). In the operational periods especially sub-periods of fWlcttOnally favourable planets. which are in the state of deb1lltatton. the stgntllcations ruled or Indicated not only lack protection but the same are also delayed. denied or face deterioration. Hereunder. I would cite a few cases, which have prompted me to elaborate this subject in this book. CHART 13
'"' Date of Birth 24th Feb, 1950 ASDT. 03-28-56 SUN 10-12-08 MOON 01-05-34 MARS 05-16-55 MER 09-19-26 JUP 09-26-10 YEN 09-10-12 SAT 04-23-49 RAHU 11-14-26 BALANCE nASA OF SUN Y-M -D 1-11-26
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In the 0-1 chart the lord of the sixth hOl..L!Je. Jupiter occupies Its sign of debilltatlon.· It aspects the ascendant. 10th lord and the lord of the ascendant. The relationship of the ascendant. Its lord and the lord of the tenth. fourth and third house is evident . At the same t1me the poslUon of the lord of the sixth house Is weak due to debilitation . The lord of the house ofstatus. the Sun has exchanged house with the lord of the house of obstructions I.e . eighth. As per traditional view the debilitation ofJupiter Is cancelled because of Satumoccupyingangular house with reference to the Moon.
Jupiter's position. whJch happeruJ to be the lord of the ascendant in both O-IX and D-X. does not lmprove as It is placed 111 the sixth house ofnavamsa. The tenth lord. Ma rs, Is closely associated and aftllcted by Ketu. Jupiter's subperIOd in Its own main period has not created any rajayoga but instead has been dISastrous for the nattve. He had been entangled in a false case and dlsmlssed from the Govern· ment service wtthoutany charge sheet and enquiry . Top le vel poUtlcal and official sympathies have not proved beneficial even after perslstent efforts and his appeal being granted by the concerned Min1ster. The follOwing perlcx:l of the eighth lord has safar. foUowedsult. The natIVe have been suggested propitiatory remedial measures for Saturn. Ketu and Jupiter and strengthening measures for Mars, the Moon. the Sun and Venus . CHART
The SWl. VenU3 and Saturn are in their signs of debWtation. The debWtatlon of all these three planets stands cancelled due to Mars's placement in angular h ouse to the Moon and Jupiter occupying a house. angular to the ascen·
dant. As per Systems' Approach these planets rule the houses connected with self· health (first house) hous e of children (flfth house) and the house of gains i.e. the eleve nth
house. In addlUon to these the lord of the seventh house is placed In the twelfth house alongwtlh debJlltated Venusand Rahu . The lord oflhe house of losses occupies the house of famIly . The lord ofthe seventh house. which happen to be the lord aCUte ascendant oC(D-IX) as well. occupies slxth house In the navamsa. NAVAMSA
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ASDT. 6-20-40 SUN 6-19-25 MOON 8-27-24 MARS 5-26-42 MER 7-03-00 JUP 0-17-22 YEN 5-10-55 SAT 0-18-11 RAHU 5"16-05 BAUINCE DASA OF SUN Y-M-D
5 - 8- I In dasamsa sign Aries rises and the Sun occupies the D-X lagna In Its sign of exaltation. The lord of the ascendant of the O-Xalso occupies its sign of exaltation In D-X. Saturn Is also exalted In D-X. The Moon. lord of the tenth house of the maln chart. occupies the sixth house In the D-X.
Due to concentraLed and mulUple unfavourable 1nfluences on the s1gnlflcators for marrtage and house connected with happiness of marriage the natiVe remains unmanicd upun now (19921 and has been denied the effects of the seventh and fifth houses. Insptte ofenjO)1ngasentorpost the naUve Is not enjO)1ngthe matchlngauthortLyand respect matching to the status of the post held because of weakness oC the majority of the planets. CHART 15 RASI
Birth: Oct. 1940 ASm. 08·13·15 SUN 06·04·41 MOON 01·29·14 MARS 05·17-07 MER 06·28-51 JUP 00·19·19 VEN 04·23·29 SAT 00·19·20 RAHU 05-18-01 BAU.NCE DASA OF MARS
Y·M·D 3 - 10·24
The Sun and Saturn occupy their signs of debllJtation. The Sun rules the ninth house and Saturn rules the house oflnitiatlves I.e. the third house. The InltiaUves cfthe native has not turned fruitful to thelrpotenUal. Ratherhegot average results to his hard work In rclaUan to the long cherished goals.
The lord of the fifth house Mars, has close conJunction with Rahu . The slgnlficator for the roaJe progeny Is closely conjunct with Saturn In the fifth house. All these combinations had put the slgnlficatJors aCthe fifth house In focus. The native was blessed with a son In 1972. The main period of Jupiter was operative. From 1979 onwards, the main pertod of debilitated Saturn started. The native revealed that durtng the 14 years age of his elder son there Is hardly any time when he had kept good health. The eye Sight is weak. he had high temperatures, Jaundice: damaged lever, etc. Theyoungerone who was born after 13 years of his e lderbrothe ralso had repeated health problems. The reason Is that whenever the weak slgnlficators are transltted/ aspected by fun ctional maleflcs and/or Rahu and Ketu the native suffers from proble ms related to these areas. In tbl. cue the functional malefic ls the Moon. wbo due to btl fast speed comes into contact with weak .'gulRcRton more often. The debilitation of Saturn as lord of the third house makes the person lethargic and Its placement in the fifth house turns him suspicious which are two characteristics of a weak Saturn. CHART 16
The seventh lord's InclinaUonlsmore In representing the eighth house as his mooltrtkona Sign falls there and even Its aspect to the ~venth house cau~s obstructions. The seventh house has the aspect of the lagna lord and Jupiter. the sixth lord . both the aspects being wide. The
slgn.ifJcator for the mamage, Venus. Is in Its sign of debilltalion . The native had c rossed the age of 31 years when his parents contacted the author for suggesting astrological remedial measures for expediting the marrtage. finallsatlon of which was eluding Inspite of the nallve's enjoying good health. personality. family status and employment. The main reason was the operation of maln pertod of debilitated Venus, which is k.araka for wife. In D-IX as well. the lord of the ascendant was associated with the debilitated Moon. The planets enjoying strength were Jupiter and the Sun. The Sun had already had his sub-period In the maln period ofJupiter. The remedial measures were suggested for strengthening of Venus and Mars and prOpltlatingRahu. afflicting the Sign of Venus In the fourth house; Ketu. afflicting the second house by way of aspect; Jupiter and Saturn causing obstructions due to aspect to the seventh house. Although as per navamsa the only clear period for marriage was 1993 during the subpertod ofJupiter. the marriage oflhe naUve was solemnlsed In earty 1990 with the help of the remedial measures. HASt
Date ofBtrth 24th Aug. 1957 ASDT. 3-24-53 SUN 4-07-16
5-09-55 5-11-27
•• MOON 3-15-52 MARS 4-16-43 MER 5-01-27
RAHU 6-21-07 BALANCE DASA OF MERCURY y. M - D 1 - 1 - 13
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