How to Speak English Well

December 11, 2016 | Author: Marcelo Garcia | Category: N/A
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D ó iìg

g ù p

P D F b ô i G V . N g u y e n


T h a n h

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Nguyên B ongA nh, M A . in TESOL PREFACE The book "H o w To Speak English W e ll" is designed to provide you English learners of pre-intermediate and intermediate levels with 50 hot topics related to daily life. Each topic helps you enrich you r vocabulary -












as well as get more ideas about the topic you are involved in. In addition, questions in each topic facilitate you to practice your speaking skills. Practicing speaking is not only speaking. Besides, the learners have to improve their reading and listening skills, grammar and vocabulary. One of the. most important factors that can help you get the good result in speaking English is the self- P D F bed GV. N guyen Thanh Tu




Nguyen H ong A nh 7 M A . in TESOL 8.

W hat school did you graduate from? W hat high school? W hat junior high school? 9. W hat were som e of the rules you had to follow at your high school? Which rules did you think w ere unfair? Did you ever get caught breaking any school rules? .Were you allowed to eat food in the ^ classroom? ' ' 10. W hat was your favourite subject? W h y do you like it? Which subjects were you good at? W hich subjects w ere you poor at?

T O P IC 3s M V F A iu n v r There are five m em bers in m y family: m y parents, m y older bother, m y younger sister and l. .

. . . . . ' M y parents are living in one of the central provinces. M y mother is 53 years old. She is a housewife. M y father is 55 years old. H e is a fisherman. M y older brother gets married, living separately near m y parents 1 home. He has two children and works for an industrial park with his wife. M y younger sister is a schoolgirl. She is three years older than me. W e are very united.

N ow i'm living in H C M C for m y higher education. However, I always miss and think about m y family because it is the best place for m e in the world. Th e re I can feel safe, warm, and free. My home is a place where 1 keep all things that I love and am with people who love me m o s t It is also the place w here I spend the happiest moments in m y life, in addition, l believe that m y hom e is a foundation for me to develop myself and a school that forms m y personality.

v f

In short, I always keep the sentence “no place is like home* in m y mind.


1. foundation [faun'dei/nj (n): 2. to form =*

base to create

Ho you think that smart students always sit down in front? Do you jel comfortable about your seat? Do you like the location of your esk in your classroom? W here is your seat the best for you? >o you think the teacher should assign seats to students? What is ie ideal seating plan or arrangement m a classroom? tfhat are five things you would like to change in your classroom? Do ou enjoy changing classrooms for different classes? ; there any air-conditioning in your classroom? Is your classroom a ice place to study?

To S p e a k Engüsh W eü D ong gop P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Til




N guyên H o n g A n h , M A . in T E SO L 5. How m any subjects do you have to study? W hich subjects are you bad at? W hich subjects are you good at? 7. W hich subject do you like best? W h y do you like it? Are you good at this subject? 8. Do you learn English as one subject in you r school? Do you like it? Am ong four skills, which one do you like best? 9. Which subjects do you think are not practical? W h y do you think so?

A «5


A s human beings, we all have four main feeling as happiness, anger, likes and dislikes. O f course, w e want to do what w e like; however, s ometimes, w e m ust do things that we do not like. Ta k e m e for example. I hate getting up early very m uch, tt is so relaxing to wake up without the help of an alarm d o c k and to lie fifteen minutes more recalling your dream s. How ever, I have to get up at 6 o’clock every morning. Th e n I put on m y T-sh irt and shorts and go jogging. Som etim es I want to break m y alarm dock, but I can’t because I have to go to school on time. J h ■ ' J v Moreover, l hate shopping. It is m y opinion that shopping takes too much time which t can spend doing other things I like. But every week, I have to do som e shopping at a certain superm arket Otherwise, m y refrigerator will be empty, and I cannot afford to have lunch and dinner at the restaurant every day. In short, in our life, w e cannot avoid doing things we do not w a n t

VOCABULARY IX P 1. to recall [riled:!] = to reminisce 2. to break = to destroy 3. to afford [a’fO.d]: to have enough money Ex: / cant afford to buy a new car

Hove T o S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. N guyên Thanh Til




Vguyen Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL


What annoys you most about living at home with your family? What •annoys you about the place where you live now? L What annoys you about taking buses to work or to school? What annoys you about driving a motorbike? What annoying habits does your best friend have? What is the most annoying thing for you? i. Do you get annoyed when other people display bad manners? Give some examples. >. Do you annoy people with some of your habits? W hat is something that your parents like to do but you don’t? 5. What do you often like doing everyday? W h y do you like doing it? Do you think your family m embers like what you like? r. Do you like getting up early? W h y or why not? W hat do you think if someone wakes you up early? 1. What do you hate doing during a day? W hy do you hate it? What will happen if you don’t do what you hate? i. W ho usually forces you to do what you don’t like? Do you often ask someone to do what they don’t like? 10. What can you draw from today’s discussion?

t o p ic

fc m y v i t n f i

o f y o iik

u fe

I do not know what you think of your life. I myself think that m y life is very beautiful and lucky. W hy do I say so? I find that at least two people in this world love m e so much that they would devote themselves 'm* to me. Moreover, m any people around me love me because I often make them happy with m y help and smiles. n addition, I ’am optimistic. W henever I make a mistake, 1 find that omething good com es from it. W hen m any people say that the world ias turned its back on them, I myself think that I have likely turned m y iack on the world. And when' people think they have no chances of letting what they want, 1 believe that sooner or later I will get It live happily, I always rem em ber the compliments I’ve received and orget about the rude remarks.

I To S peak English W ell D ông gôp P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Til




Nguyen B ong A nh, M A . in TESOL Give me a reason w hy you think that the email is a good w ay for people to communicate. 6. Is it dangerous to meet people on the Internet? Would you like to go on a date with som eone you meet on the Internet? 7. Do you think that it is important for schools to have Internet access? W h y? C a n you believe all the information that is published (available) on the Internet? 8. Do you think that it is a good or bad habit for young people to play computer gam es? M any people use the internet for fun and entertainment at work. Do you think that this is right? 9. W ould you consider going out with someone that you met on the Internet? 10. Many Universities are now offering online courses. G ive me some reasons w hy this is a good thing. M any students use the Internet to help them do their assignments and they just cut and paste information from the Internet. How do we stop this?

TO PIC 2 8 : CHATTING OWLIWE ■’ j g P Voice and text chats are quickly becoming popular w ays of communicating with others online. Nowadays, the Internet is no longer strange to nearly all people. O n the Internet, we cannot only get information but also entertain ourselves. It’s the Internet that gives us the most efficient means to communicate. Am ong them, chatting on the Internet has been more and more popular. It has attracted a large number of people, especially young ones.




In fact, chatting on the Internet is an easy w ay to relax, make friends and entertain ourselves. T h is form of communication allows us to share ideas about ourselves and the world in almost real time, and we can establish friendships with people around the world. Therefore, it can be fun to chat online, However, care and consideration should be given when we find friends on the Internet because we really don’t know who the person is at the other end. T h u s , we should not give out our personal Information. Also, w e should be careful about meeting online acquaintances in person. If w e do so, w e will be sure it is in a pubiic place and go with a friend or

B ow To Speak English Well D ong gop P D F bod GV. N guyen Thanh Tu




Nguyen Hong A nh, Jli-A. in TESOL family member. Finally, we should contact local authorities if we feel we are in danger Again, chatting with others can be a fun and educational act careful. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP careful thinkir 1. consideration [kan.sida'reiln] (n): Ex: The proposals are still stili under conside consideration x. x r . __ -. Càc de xuat äy vàn con dang dircrc xem xét. u 2. acquaintance [a'kweintens] a person you know Ex: He has a wide circle of acquaintances. Anh ta quen biet rgng rai. local government 3. local authorities:

qUESTIO K S FO B M gO JSS jO N 1. Do you have computers? Have they been subscribed to the Internet? Do you know how to access the Internet? Do you spend much time on it? J p 2. Have you ever sent a message to your friends or lover by e-mail? 3. Have you ever heard of love online? What do you think about it? Do you think it is a kind of entertainment? 4. Can you fall in love with a person that you only know through the Internet? W hat are reasons for choosing a particular partner on the Internet? 5. W hat should you do to keep your love online alive? Do you think love on the Internet is romantic? Will it lead to a happy life? 6. W hat difficulties are there for Vietnamese to use computer and access the Internet? 7. Could you tell me the advantages and disadvantages of making friends on the Internet? 8. W hat problems do people chatting online have met? What should we do to prevent these problems? 9. What are the benefits of using voice or video chat for language learners? W hat safety measures should you use when communicating online this chat services? 10. W hat can you draw from today's discussion? 4P

Hoic To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong gyp P D F boi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu





Nguyên H ong A nh , M A , in TESOL

TO PIC 2 9 ; LOVTTVG AMO P ATTING W ays of dating vary from culture to culture b u ftj before people get married^ they usually date/or go out together/for a period of time/to see rf they are compatible.

: :


In the old days/ some people liked going out on group d a te ^w ith a num ber of friends/so they feel . less f rw l& w il and stress/kf trying to impress the other person. H o w e v e / th e y enjoy doing it them selves now. EvefrT some young people g o on that is, going out with a person that you’ve never met/6r just m et online. In m any cases jmost people try to date with those/' w ho have similar interests and vSftfes. If th ey have things in com m on, they are more likely * to enjoy each other's com pany. a However, w e should be careful w hen dating/because people sometimes don't show their truth/on the first or second date. Furthermore, although finding dates online has becom e very popular, it’s difficult to get to know someonefthrough emails or on line f think/meeting people in person along with a few friends/for the first date/ is probably a safe w ay/o get to know others. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP

C jT

1. to vary = to differ 2„ compatible [kam’paetabl} (a): suitable E x: They are never bosom friends because they are'never compatible. Ho chang bao gib la ban than cua nhau, v! ho chang bao gib hop nhau. 3. pressure {tr)y/ V k" if the farce Ex; I like to work under pressure 4. in com m on: a the same 5. com pany (n): friendship .0

t » lE S T H » S F O B M SC U SSIO N

D o you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? W here did you meet him/her? W hat does he/she look like? 2. At what age do most people in your country get married? At what age do you want to get m arried? A t what age did you get married?

Hoto To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen Bong Anh, M~A. in TESOL_______________________________ 3. Do women usually work after getting manned in your country? 4. Do you know what it means to Do you "go Dutch" when dating? Is it usual for people in your country to 'go Dutch’ if you go .out together? 5. Do older girls/boys have a problem dating younger girts/boys? Do younger girts/boys have a problem dating older girls/boys? 8. Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first time they meet? 7. Do you know anyone who has hacj an arranged marriage? o you know someone who has gotten a Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea? W hy or why not? What is ypyr opinion of arranged marriages? 8. Do you know the difference between love and like? Can you still love your partner and not like him/her? What characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend? 9. How often would you like to go out on dates? How old were you when you went on your first date? Where did you go? What did you do? Who did you go with? 10. Do you think a boy should pay for everything on a date?


1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. 7.

W hat kind of clothes do you often w ear? D o you like your w a y of dressing? W h y ? ^ Do you think that jeans now are popular everywhere? Do you know the reason w h y jeans are popular? A s a saying goes, “Y o u c a n ’t ju d g e a b o o k b y its c o ve rf". Please discuss this statement, especially in relation to fashion and personal good look. Do you follow fashidn? C an you tel! the reasons? Do you think that people need to follow fashion? W h y? W hat is fashion in you r opinion? W hat do think about shopping for clothes am ong the young in our city? W hat is the biggest problem when buying clothes? Do you think that new fashions are created solely for the commercial exploitation of w om en? M any people say that changing fashions are nothing more than the waste of time and money. W hat do you think? Does fashion contributed great deal to the development of society? W hat are they? Do you think that your being well-dressed can help you be m ore selfconfident? Do you think your w a y of dressing shows your personality? In your opinion, what is the most suitable fashion for students?

Hov> To S p e a k E n g lisk W eil D óng góp P D F b à i GV. N guyen Thanh Tti



w w w .f a c e b o o k .c o m / d a y k e m Iq u y n h o n

Nguyen Bông Anh, M A . in TE SOL 11.

What do you think about people who always follow fashion? Do you think it is a waste of time and money? W h y or w hy not?

T O P IC 4 6 s M O lffiY AITO IT S E F F E C T S Nobody can deny the fact that money plays an important part in our lives. W e need it to travel, to go to school, or to pay for healthcare and other services. A s money is so.important, m any people run after it T h e y can work hard and are willing to forget their families because of money. Being busy earning money, a lot of parents have no time to take care of their children or their life-partners; as a result, their children become corrupted or spouses get divorced. In addition, people try to get money by any means, even they sell their honor. For example, some high-ranking officers commit corruption or bribery; m any girts become prostitutes or get married to foreigners without (ove; and m any crimes such as burglaries, robberies, smuggling or deceits happen everyday. in short, money has really big effects on our life. However, w e should remember that money can buy a house but not a home, a bed but not sleep, medicine but not health, a watch but not time, sex but not love and food but not appetite. V O C A B U L A R Y T IP to play a part * : v to play a role corrupted (a) = spoilt by any means = by any cost honor [ T ns] (n): honesty ."fairness Ex: It's a great honour to be invited.' people of high positions 5. high-ranking officer dissolution 6. to commit corruption or bribery: a woman m sex for money stealing at night 8. burglary (n): trading illegally 3. smuggling: 10. deceit (n): dupery a desire for food or drink 11. appetite ['cepitait] (n):

1. 2. 3. 4.

B ow To S peak English Well D ong gop P D F b&i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu




Nguyên Hong A nh . M A . in TESOL

QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSION 1. What do you think of some marriages and dose relationships that are based on m oney? What do you think about a saying, “Money makes the m a re g o ? 2. Can we buy everything with m oney? According to you, how important is money in your life? 3. Is it right to say, “M oney is a m eans to get promotion”? Can m oney bring you happiness? W hy? 4. Do you sometimes borrow m oney from your friends? And do you pay it bade? 5. What would be your behavior when a beggar asks you for money? Do you think, “Money is the root of ail evils°? 6. It is said that, “M oney is power”, is it right? Do you think money control nearly all fields in our life now? 7. What do you do to earn your living? Whatis your income? Is it enough for you? Are you in debt? How deeply? 8. What are your fixed expenses {rent, telephone bills, school fee)? Do you think you spend too much? 9. After paying all the expenses in your daily activities, how milch can you save? W hat are you long - term goals to use your savings? 10. W hy do m any people now want to have a lot of money? Is success measured in terms of the money you earn? 11. Do you think that the more m oney you get, the more respect you have?

T O P IC 478 S i l l» V IN T. A BR O A D aC

)lTn thinking about attending a university in a foreign country. At first, I will enrol in an English program Singapore to improve m y English. After learning English for six months, I’m going to look for a program that will prepare me to enter a university. Furthermore, I'd like to join a program that organizes activities for students, so I can get to know people better from around the world.

want to choose Business Administration as m y major.; I prefer small classes between twenty and twenty five students which gives me opportunities to get more individualized attention from the teacher. Th e

Bfoic To S p e a k E nglish W e ll

D ông gôp P D F bffi GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii




Ngvyên H ô n g A n k , M A . in TESOL cost of tuition is important, but m y first priority is getting a good education. in conclusion, while studying abroad offers m e great opportunities for a better future, it also has challenges that i have to try m y best to overcome to m ake m y dream com e true. V O C A B U L A R Y T/P 1. to attend Jetend] to go to Ex: They had a quiet wedding - only a few friends attended it 2. to enrol: fin'roui]: to register Ex: / want to enrol in an in-service class. 3. Business Administration: business management 4. individual [Jndl'vidjusl] (a): person ‘ E x: _ Each individual person is responsible for his own study. Moi cà nhân chiu tréch nhiem vè viêc hoc riêng cùa minh 5. urtion = school fee 6. priority [praPOrati] (n) precedence Ex: Priority is given to developing heavy industry Wu tien phât triên công nghiép nàng 7. challenge pjælindü] (n): difficulty Ex: She likes her job to be a challenge 8. to overcome: to defeat, to conquer

Q U ESTIO NS F O B D ISC U SSIO N 1. W hat are purposes of education? Do you think that education is the best investment in our children’s future? 2. W hat do you think of our educational system at present? D o you think that children noto have to learn a lot? Learning a lot is good or not? 3. W hat d o you, think of W estern educational system s? W hat are the differences? W hich one do you think is better? 4. Do you tike studying abroad? If yes, w h y do you like it? Which country do you want to study in? 5. Is it cheap or expensive to study overseas? How m uch does it cost for a school year? W hat kinds of fee does a student have to pay w hen studying abroad? 6. Is it easy for you to adapt to a new environment? !f the weather changes, does it effect your health? W hat do you think about different cultures and custom s?

H oic To S p e a k E n g lish WeU D ong gop P D F bcri GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




N guy en H ong Anh, M A . in TESOL 7. W hat difficulties does an international student have to face every day? Do you think all students can overcom e those difficulties? 8. W hat are advantages to study abroad? W hat opportunities do •students have when they are in developed countries? 9. D o you think overseas studying offers students chances to discover new cultures, w ays of thinking, history, customs and lifestyle? Do these differences make them different when corning back to their homeland?




Since I was young, I have been interested in studying international relations. M y interest in pursuing this field stems from several factors which have affected me. First, l have been exposed international affairs throughout m y life. With m y father and m y brother in the Foreign Service, I have grown up under the shadow of international affairs. I am fascinated by the w ay they talk about international relations. Second, I am ^/ery interested in history, economies^ and diplomacy. I believe that I can effectively satisfy my curiosity in these fields through the study of international relations. Th e last factor affected m y interest in international relations is patriotism. Through the Foreign Service, I would not only have the opportunity to serve m y country, but also have the chance to help bridge gaps between my country and others. Besides, I could make the world know more about Vietnam. A z ­ in short, with m y situation and condition both in life and in study, believe that I will be a successful diplomat in the future.


. A

/A. to pursue = to follow to stem = to come from Ex: Discontent stemming from low pay and poor working conditions Sir bat m an'bit nguon tu tiin cong thap va cac dieu kien iam vie viêc toi té

Bou; To S p e a k E nglish W eü B ón g góp P D F b à i GV. N guyen ThanhJTiL...




Nguyen H dng Arth, M A . in TESOL 3. be exposed to ~ to be dose to 4. affair (n) = business 5. be fascinated = be attracted G. curiosity (n) [,kjuari'DSiti] (n ) desire to know about Ex: He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister No khong idem dupe tinh to mo va da m o buc this cua chi no 7. to bridge the gap to fill the gap

QUESTIONS FO R M SC IJSSIftK 1. W hich of the following jobs would interest you: secretary, engineer, cook, hairdresser, computer assistant, nursery teacher, manager, flight attendant, tour guide, receptionist, hotel keeper, bank manager, interpreter, translator; taxi-drive, o r nurse? W h y do you choose it? 2. H ow do you prepare for your future job? Can w e get a job without any preparation? 3. W hich job did you like when you were a kid? Which job do you like but you cannot do? 4. W hat is career orientation? W hat occupations do young people prefer nowadays? 5. Do you think social requirements affect one’s decision on his career orientation? H ow do they affect? 6. In the process of modernization and industrialization in our country, what jobs do you think are necessary? What jobs are dominant nowadays? 7. W hat factors do you often take into consideration when making decision to choose a job for yourselves? 8. W hat do you think about the situation of econom y in our country at present? D o you think ft can affect social requirements and your career orientation? 9. Otherwise, do you think our choices of career will influence on the development of our country?

II ou, To Speak English Well D ong gop P D F bai G l r. Nguyen Thanh Tit




Nguyen Hong A nh, M A . in TESOL

TO PIC 4 9 ; REASO NS TO l EAILV ENGLISH Th ere is no doubt that more and more people ieam English nowadays, and they lean it because of different reasons. However, to me, I Ieam it to prepare for m y job, to improve my knowledge, and to entertain myself. First of all, English is ve ry necessary for my future job. As we know, m any jobs now require applicants to prepare their personal files such as the C V or the job application, in English. If m y English is good enough, my file will make impression on the employer. Moreover, in the job interview, 1 will have to speak English. Therefore, it will be easier for me to pass it if I can speak English fluently. In addition, with good English, I may have more chances to work for a foreign com pany or I can be sent abroad for further training.

Then, I can improve my knowledge so.m uch if I am good at English. It can’t be denied that English is the most international language in the world. Therefore, m any professional or reference books of different subjects such as science, technology, tourism, economy, geology, politics and education have been written in English. H ow can i read and understand them if 1 do not know English? Moreover, the Internet is considered an information superhighway, and m any websites are written in English. Therefore, I dan take advantage of these websites to get information and improve m y English is good enough. Jp ) Last but not least, English will be able to help me entertain myself a lot. If I have a good command of English, I can completely enjoy an Englishspoken movie without the help of the subtitle which is sometimes incorrect Moreover, I can listen to m any fam ous or ever-lasting English songs sang by the most famous singers around the world. In addition, I can go travelling to any country without difficulties in communication. Besides, there are m any other w ays of entertainment that I can get if i am good at Englishshort, English is one of the best m eans that can help us approach m odem science, advanced technology, and the development of the 4 C y/ world. In other words, a lot of good opportunities are available for us

H otc To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ong g(\p P D F b o i GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyen Hong Anh. M A . in TESOL


once we have acquired fairly good English. So, try to improve English to integrate into the world.

1. doubt (n) =

uncertainty There is not a shadow of doubt Khong mot chut may may nghi ngo applicant (n) = candidate impression = to make impr tc get s.o’s attention (n) = geology fn) the study of the earth superhighway superhighway (n) very fast route to approach = to come up to E x: A Assyyou approach the city, the first building you see is the church to acquirei= = to


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

QUESTIONS FO R DISCUSSION 1. W hat do you expect from your English? Please tell me your main purposes and motivations. 2. W hat do you think about teaching ar aming English in our country now? W hat are advantages and disadvantages? 3. Have you got any difficulties when you are learning English? If yes, how do you overcome your difficulties? 4. Am ong four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, which one do you think is the most important and difficult? 5. Please share your own experience in learning English with me and tell m e the best w ay to improve each skill? 6. How do you improve your speaking skills? D o you think joining English Speaking Club is one the best ways to improve it? 7. W hat can you derive from your study? What is the importance of English language when it is used as an international language? 8. In addition to your professional qualifications, is it necessary that a certificate of English should be included? 9. How can the English ability help your work and your study?

tioui T o S p e a k English W ell B on g gop P D F b o i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tii





S g uyên H ong A nh, M A , in TESQJb

TO PIC 5 0 : TO EVTEK YO UR LIFE W e have to accept that m odem life has brought young people a lot of benefits and favorable conditions. N ow adays, it is very easy for the young to approach m odem science and advanced technology as well as to get up-todate m any kinds of information to enrich their knowledge. However, in order to have right orientations and right decisions for their future, they have to prepare them selves m any things. First of all, they must equip them selves with sufficient knowledge which plays a vital role in every success. Knowledge is0 6 key to open any door of life. Owing to knowledge, a m an has ability to reason as well as distinguish good things or bad things. F 6 r example, thanks to knowledge, Japan has becom e one of the most powerful countries in the world although it does not have m any natural resources. Besides knowledge, they should have moral principles. A person of good personality and moral gets success and respect easily. Morals of a person can be seen owing to his w a y of living. He knows how to five for everybody around him. F o r example, he is willing to help others when they are in need. Also, he should not be very selfish-just to think of himself - or he should not play tricks on others. Last but not least, confidence and communication skills are also very necessary for them to step into fife. T h e confidence helps them overcome m any difficult circum stances o r have timely decisions. Th en communication skills help them get along well with others easily. Th anks to these skills, they m ay have wide relations that can support them to get our success. „ In short, truly speaking, as young people, they have a lot of opportunities to prepare for their future. M oreover, they play very important roles in the development and prosperity of the nation. It is them who are future masters of the country. Therefore, they should have a good preparation for their career w hen they are still at college or university.


B ow To S peak English Well D óng góp P D F b&i GV. N guyin Thanh Tit




Nguyên Hong Anh. M A . in TESOL


2. 3. 4. 5.

6. Ex: 7. 8. 9. Ex:

10 .

favorable (a) = good, convenient to approach = come up to orientation (n) = direction A sufficient (a) = enough 4P to reason = to explain to distinguish = teU apart The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other. principle (n) code, rule to play tricks on s.o = to cheat s.o circumstance (n) = situation Circumstances forced us to change our plans prosperity (n) = wealth

v QUESTIONS FO B DISCUSSION 1. Are you a student or are you working, now? If you are a student, what is your preparation for your future? 2. What do you think of knowledge in modem time? Do you think students get enough knowledge when studying at colleges or universities? 3. Is it right to say that many people are just interested in money nowadays? Do you agree that money is everything in our time now? 4. Between earning money and getting knowledge, which one is more important to you? Do you think that m oney now is more required than knowledge? 5. W hy do m any people think that investing in education is the best way to get money later? Is it a good preparation for a person to step into his life? W hy? 6. Is it good to have so much knowledge? W hat can you do if you have wide knowledge? 7. What ambitions do students usually have nowadays? What are differences between the young of today and those of yesterday? 8. W hat roles do the young play in the development of the nation? What does our nation expect from the student? 9. W hat are the strong and weak points of the student? Are they wiling to think, to act, and to have responsibilities? 10. What do you think of spoilt teenagers, juvenile addicts and delinquents in our city at present? H ow can we help those people? What can you learn from this topic?

Horn To Speak English Well D ông gôp P D F bdi GV. Nguyên Thanh Til




Nguyen H äng Anh, M A . in TESOL

TO PIC 5 1 : S P E X D W 6 OR SA VW G M O A ÏY ? If I am asked whether I spend m oney or save it when I can earn it myself, I will answer that I will keep it for som e time in the future. I do that because I will have a lot of expenses in m y future.

wilt be future.

A s we know, learning nowadays is not cheap at ail. Moreover, m y parents cannot always support me during m y life. T o improve m y knowledge, 1 have to learn m ore and more. S o , the m oney I save now very important for me to spend on education in the

In addition, in the future, ! want to have comfortable life such as a nice house, fashionable clothes, and a luxurious car. W hen I get married, I want to have nice things too. Th is takes m dney. T h e best time to save money is now, before I have a family. Th e n , with m y savings, m y children m ay have good living conditions and chances to study at highstandard schools.

«4 PllOlf. ,.jc W4 Last, I cannot foresed what will happen to me and m y family in the future. F o r example, I could have an unexpected illness; m y brothers or sisters might need m y help, and I have to give them some money. Therefore, I need to save m oney now for these sudden things. Moreover, when I becom e old, I do not want to depend on m y children economically. y S * In short, it is not easy to earn m oney now, so I do not want to spend m y money carelessly. 1 have to be well-prepared for m y future. A re you of my opinion? Let’s share our ideas in today’s discussion.


expense (n) “ f to foresee “ unexpected (a) =

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D óng gâp P D F b à i GV. N guyen Thanh Tü

expenditure to predict, to forecast





Nguyén H ong A n h 7 M A . in TESOL

Q UESTIO NS FO R P ISC IJSSIO * 1- Are you a student or are you working now? Do you earn a lot of m oney yourself? 2. About how much do you usually spend each day? Are you good at saving money? A ,y 3. Are you saving m oney to buy something? If so, what are you planning to buy? H o w much will it cost? H ow much longer will you need to save before you can buy it? 4. W here do you save your m oney: at home, in a pig-bank or in-a bank? Do banks pay a higher percent of interest here or in your country? 5. Do you ever give m oney to charity? H o w often do you give to charity? How much do you give? S. Do you have a credit card? If so, do you have m ore than one? Do you have more than one bank account? Do you often put m oney in the bank? 7. Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need? If so, give some examples. 8. Do you sometimes give m oney to charities? Have you ever given m oney to a beggar? H ave you ever given money to a homeless person? 9 . How important is m oney to you? If you had no m oney, do you think you could be happy? 10.

Do you think saving m oney for the future is a must? If yes, w h y do you think so?

TO PIC 5 2 : A GUIDE TOUR W h e n the standard of living is improved, people pay more attention to entertainment. O n e of the most popular w ays is going traveling. Som e people like to hold a tour themselves. Others like going traveling with a tour guide. T o m e, I prefer a guided tour very much because of the following reasons: W hen w e are m em bers of a guided tour, we can understand ail things we see during our tour. F o r example, if you travel to a foreign country for your vacation, you m ay have trouble with the language that can prevent you from enjoying your trip. However, if you go with a tour guide, he will help you with his knowledge of fluent foreign language.

H oic To S p e a k E nglish W eti B ón g góp P D F b&i GV N guyen Thanh Tii





N g u y è n B ô n g A n h , M A . in T E S O L

Th e n , a guided tour is very informative to us. During the tour, the guide provides us with a lot of information about places w e visit, especially when we go to m useum s or historical vestiges. Th e re , the guide will help us be able to enjoy and understand the history of what being displayed or seen. A . In addition, w e will be able to cover all the sightseeing places if we are in a guided tour. W hen w e do sightseeing independentiy, we m ay miss a lot of chances to visit the most beautiful or interesting places. Without a guide, we need to plan our time accordingly. T h is causes lots of tension because w e are new to the place. A s a result, our trip might not be a memorable one. S o, I would say that while planning a vacation, one should definitely consider taking a guided tour. Do you agree with ro&?


4. 5.

6. 7.


to pay attention to = to care for to hold = to organize vestiges (n) = remains Ex: Vestige of an ancient civilization Di tich cua mot nen van minh c6 to show to display = accordingly = reasonably tension (n) = stress memorable (a) = unforgettable, certainly definitely (adv) =



1. W h y do people like going traveling? Do you like it? Do you think that travel is a m eans of education? 2. W here have you been to in Vietnam ? C a n you describe som e interesting places? Which one do you like best? W i y ? 3. In whibh season do you prefer to go traveling? W hen is it the best time to go traveling? explain w hy? you usually travel to som ewhere on your weekends? In your opinion, where are interesting places for weekends? How do you spend your holidays? W hen som eone wants to travel, what should he prepare? W hat should w e know before we start a trip to a new place?

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D óng góp P D F b â i GV. N guyen Thanh Tú




Nguyen HongAnh, M A. in TESOL___________________________ 6. What are the purposes of travel? W hat do you comment on the saying, “T h e m ore w e travel, the m o re w e leam !”? 7. How do you think about tourism in Vietnam these days? Could you please state some advantages and disadvantages of it? 8. Do you like going traveling with or without a tour guide? Do you think Vietnamese tour guides have good knowledge of foreign languages? 9. W hat will happen to us if we go traveling without a tour guide? Do you think a guided tour is very informative to us? 10. What can you draw from today’s discussion?

T O P IC 5 3 s WOW T O I K 4 P A H A P P It is hard to say what makes a happy life, for our definition of happiness is not acceptable to ali. This man’s idea of a happy life will be entirely different from another’s, and what the v third regards as a happy life may be j acceptable neither to the first nor to the second. Before trying to decide what makes a happy life, we have to be quite definite about what kind of happiness we want to achieve. For example, there is the kind of happiness aimed at by those who free themselves from all the world’s complications. Such people believe that the desire for wealth and material pleasures in life is the root of all troubles and depressions. T h e y say that this desire always makes people unhappy. In addition, to be happy, in my opinion, we should not be very ambitious or greedy. Som e people always want to get everything in their life, so they keep searching ways to do that. Because of changing all the time, they get nothing at the end. Th u s, we are happy when we know how to. appreciate and consciously to enjoy what we really possess. Also, we always keep in our mind th a t" The grass ¡s always greener on the other side of the hill” always makes us unhappy. T o lead a happy life, we should always set goals in life to keep us on track. I think alt of you agree with me that planning ahead is always good to achieve our goals. Thanks to our plans, we know what to do first, when and how to do it. Moreover, to reach our goals, we should also be risky and never stop our effort to get them.

£ ? o 1C

To Speak EngHsh Well

D ong gop P D F b o i GV. Nguyen Thanh Tu




Nguyen Hong A nh , M-A. in TESOL fn addition to our goals In life, to have a happy life, our health must be good. Do you feel happy when you are usually tired or sick? Nobody says yes. So we should do morning exercises regularly, be careful with our eating and drinking habits, take holidays sometimes, not overwork: worry a lot. Last but not least, developing a good sense of humor is a very good way to make us happy. A s we know, happy people usually overcome their troubles easily. When something wrong happens to them, they do not wait for too long to see its good side because it is said that, "A merry heart helps you overcom e m an y difficult cases” . And how is your conception of a happy life? Let's share your opinion in today’s discussion

VOCABULARY TCP 1. definition [.detTnifn] (n)= 2. entirely (adv)= 3. to regard as =

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

explanation completely to consider clear to get, to gain... intricateness want, need hopelessness

definite (a)= to achieve = complication (n)= desire (a)= depression (n) = Ex: Don’t drive me4o desperation Dung don toi vao canh tvyet vong/ the cung 9. greedy (a)= insatiable 10. to possess = to own 11. to keep s.o on trac| to go on the right way

QUESTION'S FOR DISCUSSION 1. W hat is happiness? What does happiness mean to you? What should we do to make ourselves happy? 2. Can money bring us happiness? Are rich people always happy? Do you think money is everything? 3. In your opinion, does happiness come to us by accident? It is said # that happiness is like a shy bird. Th e more we hunt it, the farther it flies away. Do you think so? 4. Do you agree that a happy man is the only man who.knows how to live with what he is possessing?

B oic To S p e a k English W ell D ong gdj) P D F böd GV Nguyen Thanh Til




Nguyên H ong A nh, M A . in TESOL 5. Is material comfort the only factor leading to happiness? If you have a lot of money, do you feel happy? 6. W ho is happier between a rich man without knowledge and a poor man with wide knowledge? 7. Which is more important, health or m oney? W hat should we do to have good health? Do you think the young usually appreciate their health? W h y (w h y not)? 8. How is a happy family? How would you do to build up a^happy family? W hat is the role of the husband and the wife in £ happy family? 9. W hat do you think of the saying, “Happiness is a struggle”? Do you usually struggle in your life? W hat do you usually struggle against?

TO PIC 5 4 ; COHABITATION W hen people have more personal freedoms, they seem to forget traditional morals one of which is not living together until they g çt married. Through press, w e know that more and more young people cohabit nowadays, especially am ong students and industrial workers. W h y do they do that? T h e first reason is free relationship. Usually, cohabitants are those who come to this city from provinces, so they are free to make their own choices. W hen asked, they say that they are not bound by their parents’ constraints, and theÿ are mature enough to make their own decisions. Th e second reason is that they can share living expenses. Because they come from provinces, they have to rent houses or rooms for their accommodation, which is not cheap in this city. However, the expense can be reduced if it is shared. Moreover, it is very convenient for a cohabiting couple in m any ways. W hen the male goes to school or is on his shift, tfre; female stays at home to cook their meals, to dean the house or to wash their clothes, and vice-versa. T h e last popular reason is called testing. Som e cohabitants think that they should test their marital life before really getting married. Th e y say they live with each other to see if they are compatible or not But Statistically, most cohabiting couples usually say goodbye to each other J Q when they graduate from universities. 1 myself do not think that compatibility has to be learned by cohabitation.

H ow To S p e a k E nglish W ell D ông gôp P D F bôd GV N guyên Thanh Tii




y guyên Hong Anh, M A. in TESOL Does anyone know what have happened to m any cohabitants? M any girts have to get abortion or stop their schooling, and very few couples get married after that. Th is is really ironic. In short, before we give ourselves away, w e should.think twice and be responsible for what we have done. Have a great day and stay out of trouble!

/§> °

V O f 4B U 1A R Y T IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

cohabitation = living like a husband & wife limited bound (pp) = limitation, restriction constraint (n) = grown up mature (a) = accommodation (n) = housing Ex: He wanted accommodation fora young married cot to work to be on shift = oppositely vice-versa = well-matched compatible (a) = numerical statistically (adv) = to kill un-bom baby to get abortion (n) = mocking ironic (a) = to think carefully to think twice = A v rru N rw n r A m T n

t . W hat do you think about the ways of Irving nowadays? W hat are the ways of living in the past? C an you make a comparison between the w ay of living in the past and at present? Which one do you think better? W h y? 2. W hat do you comment on the Western w a y of living? Do you think it’s good to imitate? 3. W hat do you think of the young now ? Do you think they love too early? W h y? W hat do you think about the w ay they love now? 4. W h y ;# ? m any young people cohabit now? W h o usually cohabit? W hat are advantages of cohabitation? D o you think it is the best w a y to test your partner before y o u decide to get married to him/her? 5. VVtry are there m any cases of getting abortion among the young now ? W hat is your opinion on it? Does it result from cohabitation? Should we focus on preventing unwanted pregnancies? W ould it be better to educate people at the earty age to use their com m on sense in love and seX?

H o ir To S peak Engiish WeB D ong gop P D F bed GV. N guyen Thanh Tii




Nguyên. Hong Anh, MA., in TESOL 7. W h y do w e, V ietnam ese people, feel em barrassed and uneasy w h e ne ve r taking about this subject? Do you think this is the reason leading to m ore and m ore abortions? 8. Is it right to terminate the p re gn ancy and to kill the b a b y? W h y is ft right or w h y is it w ro n g ? Should every w o m a n have the right t
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