December 26, 2016 | Author: divine ventura | Category: N/A
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sci dama rules...




( SCI = Science, DAMA = Pinoy checker board, MATHS = Mathematics )

This is intended for pupils and students who do not know how to play Sci - damaths or for those who need to review the rules.



Introduction 1

Rules of the Sci - Damaths 3

Special moves and score 4

What is Sci - Damaths? 5

Construction of standard Board Sci - damaths board and chips 6

Notation 7

Powers of the chips 8

How to use the board? 11

Sci-Damaths operation 12

Writing moves 13

Scoresheets 14

Notes 15

Chips 17

Counting Damaths 21

Whole Damaths 23

Fraction Damaths 25

Integer Damaths 27

Rational Damaths 29

Radical Damaths 31

Polynomial Damaths 33

Binary Damathan 35

Best move Water patrol Dama 37

Power patrol sci - dama 39

Electro sci - dama 41

Dama Sci - notation 43

THI Sci - Dama 45

Thermo Sci - Dama 47


Board games used for a number of educational purposes, as have been proven to help stimulate the minds of children in a fun and informative way. Learning things like conservation of energy, mathematical operations can be difficult for young children, usually depending on their age and the amount of attention they have received on the object. It has also been long proven that most children have a better time learning skills when they are presented in a fun, interactive format, and giving educational math board games on which to make their stand. Sci - Damaths ( Sci = Science, Dama = Pinoy game checker board, maths = mathematics) is one such board game which helps children to easily begin to master the skills of basic math and energy conservation. The game plays out across a table, much like Pinoy typical game DAMA . There are 24 chips in each set of the game, which come in editions for each basic math & science skill. Some set focus on addition, while others help players learn their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills. The easy format helps any player to adapt quickly to the game and with a fun, slightly competitive atmosphere; the learning aspect of the game may even go entirely unseen. Sci - Damaths can help children learn how to complete their math and science skills more quickly. This teaches children to think fast, trying to encourage them to learn how to complete the skills within a short time limit. However, players must be careful about the game, for if they end up with accumulated score in any turn. This game is incredibly popular, as it encourages quick thinking in an easy to learn, fun setting, and many children have greatly benefited from playing with it. Sci - Damaths is a great example of a game that gives children the chance to learn a number of basic math & science skills and the order of operations potentially without them even realizing it. Racing across a board made of different numbers, the players try to correctly solve variations. However, the game is not as simple as just taking chips by solving variations, for other players have the chance to either steal or swap chips, helping to complete their own and control another. This game raises the level of challenge, making the game excited, tough experience for any players participating. With such an exciting environment provided by the game, it is no wonder that Sci-Damaths game help players to learn their techniques so quickly. Teaching math and science to young children has never been easier or more enjoyable. Sci-damaths is a Mathematical board game invented by five time national awardee Jesus L. Huenda. It is coined from the Filipino checker board game “Dama”. It started in Sorsogon national High School. There were series of National Sci-Damaths competition sponsored by DepEd and other private firm. Sci-Damaths is a game designed for elementary pupils and high school students. It is a game of mind, which is governed by the moves of the players. It characterized a mental competition between two opposing players where the one with an alert mind and strength to achieve something, wins this battle of minds. It is a board game played by two players, with one player having 12 chips and the other player having 12 chips have individual uniqueness and can move only in a specific way. The decisive objective of the game Sci-Dama is to build up lesser points and for Damath game is to accumulate greater points. HOW TO PLAY SCI-DAMATHS?

1. Prepare the following:

a. Sci- dama board for science and damath board for mathematics

b. 24 chips


Player : _______________________ :

Move Score Total : _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________

_______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ Player‟ Signature:___________________ : Signature of Teacher/ Arbiter: ________________________ Win:_______ Lose: _______

c. calculator ( optional)

d. arbiter/teacher

2. Set the position of the chips according to the level of the game.

Damath MATHEMATICS Counting Damaths Whole Damaths Fraction Damaths Integer Damaths Rational Damaths Radical Damaths Polynomial Damaths Binary Damathan Sci Dama SCIENCE Water patrol Dama Power patrol sci dama Electro sci dama Dama Sci notation THI Sci Dama Thermo Sci Dama

3. Fill up the score sheet. SCI DAMATHS SCORESHEET

4. Follow the sci- damaths rules. RULES OF THE SCI DAMATHS TO BEGIN THE GAME… 1. Toss a chip/coin to decide who move first.

2. The two players alternately take turn in moving a piece. ( Pass is not allowed) 3. Touch move shall be observed in the game. A player who touches a chip is required to move unless it is illegal to do so. 4. After making a move, a player shall record his move in one score sheet only.


Player : _______________________ : Move Score Total : _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________

_______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ Player‟ Signature:___________________

Signature of Teacher/ Arbiter: ________________________ Win:_______ Lose: _______

5. Only one score sheet will be used by the two players in a game. 6. Each player is only allowed one minute to move including the recording. However in taking or capturing the chip or chips one minute rule will not use. 7. A warning is given to player by the arbiter if no move is made after one minute, and consequently, he is forced to move a chip. 8. Continuous violation of this rule # 7 will disqualify the player even if he is leading in the score sheet at the time of the violation, 4th violation means disqualification. 9. All moves should be in the forward direction except taking a chip ( forward or backward) of if a chip is already a dama. 10. A chip is declared a “dama” if it reaches and stops terminally in any of the following squares of the opposing player: (1,0) (3,0) (5,0) ( 7,0) similarly , the opposing player‟s chip is declared a „dama” if it reaches and stops terminally in any of the following squares: (0,7) (2,7) ( 4,7) ( 6,7)

11. Once a chip is declared a “dama”, it could slide diagonally forward in any vacant square provided no opposing chip blocks it. It could take a chip or chips and double the score. 12. Similarly, if any ordinary chip takes a “dama” or a “dama” takes another “dama” the score in both situations is doubled . ( x two ) x ( four) 13. A player can take one chip or more than one chips with the required option to take the greater number of chips. 14. Between a “ dama” taking a chip and a chip taking another chip, the former is obliged. Between a

“dama” taking a chip and a “dama” takes two or more chips, the later prevails. 15. “Dama” chip should be identified by encircling the chip in the score sheet. 16. The game ends after 20 minutes. 17. The game also ends if: a. the moves are repetitive. b. A player has no more move. c. A player has no more chip. d. A chip is cornered. e. A player resign f. Both players agree to a draw 18. The remaining chips or chip of player is added to his total score. 19. If the remaining chip is a “dama”, the value of the chip is doubled. 20. The player with the greater accumulated total wins the games except sci-dama. 21. If both players have the same score or tie is recorded as ½ - ½ , essentially half a point rather than the full point for a win. 22. The player may or may not use a calculator. 23. Only players are allowed to raise questions during the game through the arbiter and should be solved immediately. 24. Arbiter is always right in his decisions.

SPECIAL MOVES AND SCORES “DAMA” chip can move or takes a piece to any unoccupied square along the diagonal path. DAMA takes Ordinary, times 2. Ordinary takes Dama , times 2. Dama takes Dama, times 4. Dama remaining chip, times 2. Mayor tatlo or dalawa, mayor tatlo, prevail. Mayor tatlo, dalawa over dama prevail. Illegal or incorrect move-entries must be corrected. The „taker‟ chip is always the addend ( addition ), minuend ( subtraction ) multiplicand (multiplication), dividend ( division) and augend ( binary ). DRAWS Between evenly matched opponents, damath games will sometime end in draws. So what's a draw? That's when nobody wins. In tournaments, draws are recorded as ½ - ½, essentially half a point rather than the full point for a win. There are two kinds of draws to discuss briefly. 1. Draws by agreement This kind of draw is the most common. At any time in the game, you can offer a draw to your opponent. Be mindful of good etiquette, however. Don't offer a draw on every move! And be sure to offer the draw correctly. Make your move, offer the draw ("I offer a draw" is fine) and only then inform

your arbiter (assuming that you have arbiter. An offer of a draw without making a move is NOT a legal offer and can be ignored by arbiter. 2. Threefold repetition regardless of score You or your opponent can claim a draw if the same position occurs fourth times in the same game, all with the same player to move. Such repetitions can easily occur in endgames when one player is using DAMA chips. To claim such a draw, you need to have an accurate scoresheet and demonstrate to the tournament arbiter that the claim is valid. To claimed such a draw both players must be correct, agreed to the draw!

FOR TEACHERS Addition and subtraction of binary numbers When adding binary number A B . A is called the augend and B is called the addend. When subtracting binary number A, I, e. A – B = C, A is called the minuend, B is called the subtrahend and C is called the difference. When multiplying A by B to give C, i.e. A x B = C, A is called the multiplicand, B the multiplier and C the product. When dividing number a is called the dividend, B the divisor and C the qoutient.

What is Sci- Damaths? Sci–Damaths ( Sci = Science, Dama = Pinoy game checker board, maths = mathematics) is a line of attact and sound addition, subtraction, multiplication and division game between two players that is enjoyed by pupils and students, from classroom to home. Though the game of sci-damaths has taken many variations over its long time, today's form entered the digital age, as games and tournaments are played online and via email. Using a Pinoy checker board composed of grids and diagonal lines , the game against another's involves the use of strategic moves and techniques using the chips. Using the chips, players execute tactics to remove the challenger's chips thru mathematical operations. Its significance to dramatize the importance of Science and Mathematics using the typical game of Pinoy called DAMA. It is played by two players who move by turns diagonally.

How to play Sci-Damaths? Basically the rules in playing the Filipino checker board game DAMA will be used.

CONSTRUCTION OF STANDARD SCI DAMATHS BOARD AND CHIPS „The Board‟ the Sci-damaths board measures 32 cm x 32 cm with 8 x8 squares. It contains 24 chips in two colors ( 12 chips of each color). Each chip measure 2 cm in diameter.

Notation Sci- Damath notation has its own system. Each row of squares across the board is numbered as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 staring from left and right side of the board. Each column of squares running up the board is also numbered as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 starting from left to right side of the board. Polynomial damath has its own notation ( 0,0), ( 0,0 ) ( 7,7) , ( 7,7) for corners of the sci-damath board.


The first example illustrates how the chip moves. It can move to any square marked with an "X" The chips can move to any vacant square.

The chip can capture the opposing chip.

The chip can move or capture in a diagonal way unless it is obstructed by a chip.

The chip moves to square by going one square diagonally but not in a horizontal or vertical or form the square it occupies.

The chip can jump over other chips in the course Of its move ( Pass is not allowed.)

The chip can capture diagonally forward or backward to the left or to the right.

How to use the board?

Set the starting position of the chips.

Note that the chips must be arranged According to position and the level of game.

A move is the transfer of a chip diagonally From one square to another. A capture is the Removal of an opposing chip for the board; Mathematical operation will be used depending On the vacant square‟s operation symbol where The “ taker” chips land b jumping over the “taken” chip; it is accomplished by actually removing the “ taken “ chip. ( You cannot capture your own chip).

Sci-Damath Operation Used

Mathematical operations ( + , -, x , ) will be used.

Elementary Sci dama and counting damaths, plus and minus only. Secondary Sci Dama . THI only ( plus and minus).

WRITING MOVES Suppose in the diagram below the white chips at ( 5,2) moves ( 6,3 ). This would be written 2 ( 6,3)

Player : _______________________ : Move Score Total : _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ ______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________

_______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ _______:__________:____________ Player‟ Signature:___________________ Signature of Teacher/ Arbiter: ________________________ Win:_______ Lose: _______


WHICH OPENING IS BEST: There is no answer to that question, its all a matter of style and personal fancy, its just the same with choice of defense, whatever actual openings you choose you must have a deep understanding of the ideas behind the opening play. Learning opening principle is easy it is really just a matter of knowing what not to do. Learning in a series of opening moves wont make you better damath player. There is no point in studying the opening if you don‟t understand the middle game and if you don‟t understand he end game.

WHAT MAKES A DAMATH PLAYER? 1. The ability to calculate accurately and quickly will be useful. 2. A good memory will also be used. 3. The ability to think logically must help. 4. The ability to concentrate.

HOW TO HANDLE TIME TROUBLE? 1. Concentrate on the position alone. 2. Time spent writing can‟t be spent thinking. 3. Don‟t keep looking at the clock.

4. Don‟t panic.



The answer is to select one of the moves straight away, toss a coin if necessary! Check that it is good ,and play it.

TAKING YOUR OPPONENTS SERIOUSLY Remember , you may not think your opponent is good enough to beat you, but you can always play badly enough to lose him!

AVOIDING BLUNDERS To avoid making mistakes you should first understand why you make them. Blunders on the damath board are usually the result of carelessness or muddled thinking. You make mistake when you are tired or bored or when you have just win through the excitement of a complicated series of moves. Never relax and always stay calm.

GAINING EXPERIENCE At every sci-damath club and contest there will be players keen to help and encourage you so long as you play and behave sensibly. Join a club, play in every contest you can, and don‟t worry about losing

by playing you gain experience. With experience you gain knowledge and become a better players… good enough perhaps to become tomorrows champion!

ELECTRO SciDama ELECTRO SCI-DAMA Target Learners: First Year Students Science Concept: Electric Power Consumption

Playing Electro Sci-Dama (Refer to the General Rules in Playing SciDama below)



General Rules in Playing SciDama Basically the rules in playing the Filipino checkerboard game called „dama‟ will be used with some modifications in integrating mathematics and science as follows: 1. Set the starting positions of the chips 2. After the startting position of the chips have been set, the first player is determined by drawing lots. 3. A chip is allowed to moved diagonally forward only to an adjoining vacant square. 4. A chip has to take the opponent‟s chip diagonally forward or backward thus “pass” is not allowed. Mathematical operations (x,÷,+,-) will be used depending on the vacant square‟s operation symbol where the “taker” chip lands by jumping over the “taken” chip (the latter chip has to be removed from the board after performing the indicated mathematical operation and recording same in the score sheet).

5. In taking more than one chip, the “taker” chip is always the addend, minuend, multiplicand, or dividend as the case may be. 6. In taking a chip or more than one chip,the dama rules on „dama‟,‟mayor dalawa or mayor tatlo‟,‟mayor tatlo over dalawa‟,and „mayor dalawa or tatlo‟,over „dama‟ prevail. 7. A chip is declared „dama‟ upon reaching terminally on the following designated squares: For Red chips:

(0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7)

For Blue chips:

(1,0) (3,0) (5,0) (7,0)

8. A „dama‟ chip is allowed to take a chip or more than one chip,or move to any unoccupied square along its diagonal path.Moreover, a dama‟s score is doubled in taking a chip or chips,and quadrapled if it takes the opponent‟s dama chip.Similarly, an ordinary chip‟s score is doubled if it takes a dama chip. 9. A „move‟ (e.g. 2→ (6,3) is good only at the most for one minute including its corresponding entries in the score sheet; while the game’s duration is twenty (20) minutes. 10. The game ends when any of the following situations occur: 

If no show of one player is declared after ten minutes.

Repetitive moves of any or both players

A player resigns

A player’s chip is cornered

A player has no more chip to move

The 20 minute game duration ended

11. The remaining chips have to be added to the respective players‟ total score. 12. The player with a lesser total score is declared winner for which he/she is entitled to one point in the tally sheet of contestants or (0.5) in case of a draw. 13. Only one score sheet is allowed to be accomplished alternately by the two players whereby incorrect entries in the score sheet,shall be their responsibility. In case of incorrect entries in the score sheet,a player has to call the attention of the competition facilitator by raising one’s hand, that is, after stopping the time. As determined by the said arbiter/facilitator,the appropriate corrections will be done by the erring player in as much as the formers decision is final and unappeasable.

SCI-DAMA: As Teaching Strategy in Science? What's SciDama? With the objective to promote academic excellence and get the students interested in Science, the Department of Education (DepEd) has come up with an indoor table game that will now become a national contest - the SciDama. SciDama is a board game somewhat similar to "Checkers" of Americans. It is patterned to a Filipino Checkers commonly known as "Dama" and "Perdigana" and integrated with Mathematical Operations such as Multiplication, Division, Addition & Subtraction (or MDAS) and Science Concepts. Thus the name, "SciDama" is a combination of Sci (for Science) and Dama (for Dama, ma for Math). SciDama (as well as eDamath) was invented by1981 Presidential Gold Medallion Awardee, Juan L. Huenda. There are 4 Variations of SciDama for High School

1. ELECTRO SCI-DAMA Target Learners: First Year Students Science Concept: Electric Power Consumption

2. DAMA SCI-NOTATION Target Learners: Second Year Students Science Concept: Scientific Notation

3. THI SCI-DAMA Target Learners: Third Year Students Science Concept: Temperature Humidity Index

4. THERMO SCI-DAMA Target Learners: Fourth Year Students Science Concept: Thermodynamics (Heat)

General Rules in Playing SciDama Basically the rules in playing the Filipino checkerboard game called „dama‟ will be used with some modifications in integrating mathematics and science as follows: 1. Set the starting positions of the chips 2. After the startting position of the chips have been set, the first player is determined by drawing lots. 3. A chip is allowed to moved diagonally forward only to an adjoining vacant square.

4. A chip has to take the opponent‟s chip diagonally forward or backward thus “pass” is not allowed. Mathematical operations (x,÷,+,-) will be used depending on the vacant square‟s operation symbol where the “taker” chip lands by jumping over the “taken” chip (the latter chip has to be removed from the board after performing the indicated mathematical operation and recording same in the score sheet). 5. In taking more than one chip, the “taker” chip is always the addend, minuend, multiplicand, or dividend as the case may be. 6. In taking a chip or more than one chip,the dama rules on „dama‟,‟mayor dalawa or mayor tatlo‟,‟mayor tatlo over dalawa‟,and „mayor dalawa or tatlo‟,over „dama‟ prevail. 7. A chip is declared „dama‟ upon reaching terminally on the following designated squares: For Red chips: (0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7) For Blue chips: (1,0) (3,0) (5,0) (7,0) 8. A „dama‟ chip is allowed to take a chip or more than one chip,or move to any unoccupied square along its diagonal path.Moreover, a dama‟s score is doubled in taking a chip or chips,and quadrapled if it takes the opponent‟s dama chip.Similarly, an ordinary chip‟s score is doubled if it takes a dama chip. 9. A „move‟ (e.g. 2→ (6,3) is good only at the most for one minute including its corresponding entries in the score sheet; while the game’s duration is twenty (20) minutes. 10. The game ends when any of the following situations occur:

If no show of one player is declared after ten minutes.

    

Repetitive moves of any or both players A player resigns A player’s chip is cornered A player has no more chip to move The 20 minute game duration ended

11. The remaining chips have to be added to the respective players‟ total score. 12. The player with a lesser total score is declared winner for which he/she is entitled to one point in the tally sheet of contestants or (0.5) in case of a draw. 13. Only one score sheet is allowed to be accomplished alternately by the two players whereby incorrect entries in the score sheet,shall be their responsibility. In case of incorrect entries in the score sheet,a player has to call the attention of the competition facilitator by raising one’s hand, that is, after stopping the time. As determined by the said arbiter/facilitator,the appropriate corrections will be done by the erring player in as much as the formers decision is final and unappeasable.

Sources: Huenda, J. L. SciDama Inventor. Cudis, N. R., Sun Star. Checkers used as science teaching strategy. DepEd Memo No. 465. s. 2009. Juan Day Math Storytelling at the Library Hub. from,,%20s.%202009.pdf


Target Learners: Second Year Students Science Concept: Scientific Notation

Playing Dama Sci-Notation (Refer to the General Rules in Playing SciDama below)

Note: Odd numbers will have negative exponent, while even numbers will have positive exponent. *EQUIVALENT OF CHIP’S NUMBER IN* SCIENTIFIC NOTATION CHIPS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

SCIENTIFIC NOTATION 1.1 x 10-1 2.2 x 10² 3.3 x 10-³ 4.4 x 10⁴ 5.5 x 10-⁵ 6.6 x 10⁶ 7.7 x 10-⁷ 8.8 x 10⁸ 9.9 x 10-⁹ 1.01 x 1010 1.111 x 10-11 1.212 x 1012 *POSITION OF CHIPS* ...Cartesian Coordinate...

CHIPS COORDINATES (0,1) 1 (5,2) 2 (7,0) 3 (2,1) 4 (7,2) 5 (5,0) 6 (3,2) 7 (6,1) 8 (3,0) 9 (1,2) 10 (4,1) 11 (1,0) 12 First player

CHIPS COORDINATES (7,6) 1 (2,5) 2 (0,7) 3 (5,6) 4 (0,5) 5 (2,7) 6 (4,5) 7 (1,6) 8 (4,7) 9 (6,5) 10 (3,6) 11 (6,7) 12 Second player



General Rules in Playing SciDama Basically the rules in playing the Filipino checkerboard game called „dama‟ will be used with some modifications in integrating mathematics and science as follows:

1. Set the starting positions of the chips 2. After the startting position of the chips have been set, the first player is determined by drawing lots. 3. A chip is allowed to moved diagonally forward only to an adjoining vacant square. 4. A chip has to take the opponent‟s chip diagonally forward or backward thus “pass” is not allowed. Mathematical operations (x,÷,+,-) will be used depending on the vacant square‟s operation symbol where the “taker” chip lands by jumping over the “taken” chip (the latter chip has to be removed from the board after performing the indicated mathematical operation and recording same in the score sheet). 5. In taking more than one chip, the “taker” chip is always the addend, minuend, multiplicand, or dividend as the case may be. 6. In taking a chip or more than one chip,the dama rules on „dama‟,‟mayor dalawa or mayor tatlo‟,‟mayor tatlo over dalawa‟,and „mayor dalawa or tatlo‟,over „dama‟ prevail. 7. A chip is declared „dama‟ upon reaching terminally on the following designated squares: For Red chips: (0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7) For Blue chips: (1,0) (3,0) (5,0) (7,0) 8. A „dama‟ chip is allowed to take a chip or more than one chip,or move to any unoccupied square along its diagonal path.Moreover, a dama‟s score is doubled in taking a chip or chips,and quadrapled if it takes the opponent‟s dama chip.Similarly, an ordinary chip‟s score is doubled if it takes a dama chip. 9. A „move‟ (e.g. 2→ (6,3) is good only at the most for one minute including its corresponding entries in the score sheet; while the game’s duration is twenty (20) minutes. 10. The game ends when any of the following situations occur:

If no show of one player is declared after ten minutes.

Repetitive moves of any or both players

A player resigns

A player’s chip is cornered

A player has no more chip to move

The 20 minute game duration ended

11. The remaining chips have to be added to the respective players‟ total score. 12. The player with a lesser total score is declared winner for which he/she is entitled to one point in the tally sheet of contestants or (0.5) in case of a draw. 13. Only one score sheet is allowed to be accomplished alternately by the two players whereby incorrect entries in the score sheet,shall be their responsibility. In case of incorrect entries in the score sheet,a player has to call the attention of the competition facilitator by raising one’s hand, that is, after stopping the time. As determined by the said arbiter/facilitator,the appropriate corrections will be done by the erring player in as much as the formers decision is final and unappeasable.


Target Learners: Third Year Students Science Concept: Temperature Humidity Index

Playing THI Sci-Dama (Refer to the General Rules in Playing SciDama below)

In determining the TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY INDEX,use the tables below RELATIVE HUMIDITY %






























RELATIVE HUMIDITY % 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 F






Examples of taking chip:





 

50% - 25% = 25%




After adding the remaining chips, the player with the lesser temperature C) is declaredwinner.



General Rules in Playing SciDama Basically the rules in playing the Filipino checkerboard game called ‘dama’ will be used with some modifications in integrating mathematics and science as follows:

1. Set the starting positions of the chips

2. After the startting position of the chips have been set, the first player is determined by drawing lots.

3. A chip is allowed to moved diagonally forward only to an adjoining vacant square.

4. A chip has to take the opponent‟s chip diagonally forward or backward thus “pass” is not allowed. Mathematical operations (x,÷,+,-) will be used depending on the vacant square‟s operation symbol where the “taker” chip lands by jumping over the “taken” chip (the latter chip has to be removed from the board after performing the indicated mathematical operation and recording same in the score sheet).

5. In taking more than one chip, the “taker” chip is always the addend, minuend, multiplicand, or dividend as the case may be.

6. In taking a chip or more than one chip,the dama rules on „dama‟,‟mayor dalawa or mayor tatlo‟,‟mayor tatlo over dalawa‟,and „mayor dalawa or tatlo‟,over „dama‟ prevail.

7. A chip is declared „dama‟ upon reaching terminally on the following designated squares:

For Red chips:

(0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7)

For Blue chips:

(1,0) (3,0) (5,0) (7,0)

8. A „dama‟ chip is allowed to take a chip or more than one chip,or move to any unoccupied square along its diagonal path.Moreover, a dama‟s score is doubled in taking a chip or chips,and quadrapled if it takes the opponent‟s dama chip.Similarly, an ordinary chip‟s score is doubled if it takes a dama chip.

9. A „move‟ (e.g. 2→ (6,3) is good only at the most for one minute including its corresponding entries in the score sheet; while the game’s duration is twenty (20) minutes.

10. The game ends when any of the following situations occur: 

If no show of one player is declared after ten minutes.

Repetitive moves of any or both players

A player resigns

A player’s chip is cornered

A player has no more chip to move

The 20 minute game duration ended

11. The remaining chips have to be added to the respective players’ total score. 12. The player with a lesser total score is declared winner for which he/she is entitled to one point in the tally sheet of contestants or (0.5) in case of a draw. 13. Only one score sheet is allowed to be accomplished alternately by the two players whereby incorrect entries in the score sheet,shall be their responsibility.

In case of incorrect entries in the score sheet,a player has to call the attention of the competition facilitator by raising one’s hand, that is, after stopping the time. As determined by the said arbiter/facilitator,the appropriate corrections will be done by the erring player in as much as the formers decision is final and unappeasable.


Target Learners: Fourth Year Students Science Concept: Thermodynamics (Heat)

Playing Thermo Sci-Dama (Refer to the General Rules in Playing SciDama below)

1. The object of the game is to have the lowest possible score to be able to win. 2. When you capture a piece, the symbol on the spot where you landed will be used to perform the operation.(Example: You have 37 g. You captured 19 g and you landed on a spot with a + sign. Now you must add 37 g with 19 g. Your piece number is the one who is always first in your calculations. Example again: When your piece is 50 C and you captured a piece which has 69 C and you landed on a spot with a minus sign, you will compute 50 C - 69 C which is NS(No Score) since the answer is negative.) 3. The allotted time for playing the game is 20 minutes ONLY. Each player is given 1 minute to make a move. When the time is over, the remaining pieces will be tallied and diminished from the player who has the leftover piece/s. 4. The units used in the game are: g(grams), C(degree Celsius) and g.C(grams degrees Celsius). Scoring: Here are examples: When two different units have met that must be either added, subtracted or divided, you have no score.(An exception is g x C.When you encounter this you must multiply the value of your piece to your enemies' piece that you captured. Example: Your piece is 37 C and you captured a piece which is 10 g(which you would never do, given the opportunity.) Then you must multiply 37 C and 10 g. 37 C x 10 g

370 g.C) 5. When you and your opponent finish playing, make a table with three columns.(You can do this before the start of the game.) On the first column, write g(the symbol for gram). On the second one, write C(degree Celsius) and on the third, g.C(grams degree Celsius.) Everytime you capture a piece, record the value computed.Then place the computed values in the appropriate columns. Afterwards, add the total of the g and C columns and add their sum. Then, when you finish computing, multiply the total value with the g.C column(if you placed a value in this column. Otherwise, that is the total score. 6. The player with the lowest score wins.



General Rules in Playing SciDama Basically the rules in playing the Filipino checkerboard game called „dama‟ will be used with some modifications in integrating mathematics and science as follows:

1. Set the starting positions of the chips

2. After the startting position of the chips have been set, the first player is determined by drawing lots.

3. A chip is allowed to moved diagonally forward only to an adjoining vacant square.

4. A chip has to take the opponent‟s chip diagonally forward or backward thus “pass” is not allowed. Mathematical operations (x,÷,+,-) will be used depending on the vacant square‟s operation symbol where the “taker” chip lands by jumping over the “taken” chip (the latter chip has to be removed from the board after performing the indicated mathematical operation and recording same in the score sheet).

5. In taking more than one chip, the “taker” chip is always the addend, minuend, multiplicand, or dividend as the case may be. 6. In taking a chip or more than one chip,the dama rules on „dama‟,‟mayor dalawa or mayor tatlo‟,‟mayor tatlo over dalawa‟,and „mayor dalawa or tatlo‟,over „dama‟ prevail. 7. A chip is declared „dama‟ upon reaching terminally on the following designated squares:

For Red chips:

(0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7)

For Blue chips:

(1,0) (3,0) (5,0) (7,0)

8. A „dama‟ chip is allowed to take a chip or more than one chip,or move to any unoccupied square along its diagonal path.Moreover, a dama‟s score is doubled in taking a chip or chips,and quadrapled if it takes the opponent‟s dama chip.Similarly, an ordinary chip‟s score is doubled if it takes a dama chip.

9. A „move‟ (e.g. 2→ (6,3) is good only at the most for one minute including its corresponding entries in the score sheet; while the game’s duration is twenty (20) minutes.

10. The game ends when any of the following situations occur: 

If no show of one player is declared after ten minutes.

Repetitive moves of any or both players

A player resigns

A player’s chip is cornered

A player has no more chip to move

The 20 minute game duration ended

In case of incorrect entries in the score sheet,a player has to call the attention of the competition facilitator by raising one’s hand, that is, after stopping the time. As determined by the said arbiter/facilitator,the appropriate corrections will be done by the erring player in as much as the formers decision is final and unappeasable.

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