How to Move a Mountain

April 24, 2017 | Author: Roberto Pedetti | Category: N/A
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Devin Knight aka Jason Michaels

HOW TO MOVE A MOUNTAIN Digital Copyright © 2016 by Devin Knight Magic All rights reserved. No part of these instructions may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval now known or to be invented, without written permission from the author.


“Truly, I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20


PREFACE This release deals with a treatise that Al Mann released in 1995. It was only seen by a few magicians and most glossed over the information as not being practical or pipedreams. True, the information may not have been practical for most magicians; however, it was not a pipedream, as master magician Jasper Maskelyne used the same method described to move Alexander Harbor two miles during WW11! As most of you know, Al Mann was my mentor when I performed as Jason Michaels. I prided myself on doing most everything Al came up with. In fact, I was the only person he knew who actually performed being in two places at the same time 5000 miles apart. (I may release how this is/was done in a future release.) He mentioned this feat several times in some of his various publications. Unfortunately, one of the few things I never did was moving a mountain, although we discussed it a few times. The bottom line was that I didn’t have the time, money or resources needed to pull it off. That doesn’t mean the idea doesn’t work, but, for most magicians, this would be a very expensive publicity stunt that would cost several thousand dollars to pull off. Al Mann released this treatise hoping someday some super psychic would do it; unfortunately, it was not to be me. This is something I could see URI GELLER doing as he has the money to pull it off. On a side note, this could be the ultimate gospel magic demonstration. Andre Kole demonstrated walking on water in his shows. Imagine a gospel magician with the resources quoting the scripture 4

about if you have the faith of a mustard seed, then you can move a mountain…and then the magician demonstrates it! The information in this release is being released so Al Mann’s treatise will not be lost for future magicians. If nothing else, you will learn the real secret of Maskelyne’s feat of moving a harbor. There has been a lot of fiction about this, but Al gives you the real facts. Al’s suggestion about moving a small peninsula will work, but to do it, it would require hiring a surveying company which would cost a few thousand dollars, but the method will work. Moving a small peninsula would be a great effect for a magic documentary or television special and could seriously be considered by those magicians who have a budget for this kind of thing. Consider this eBook to be an interesting and educational read that will increase your magic knowledge and let you know how a great magical feat was performed. In the Appendix, I have given you the discussion that Al and I had about how it could be done nowadays, if you have the money and resources. Devin Knight Note: Do not confuse this information with what was printed in the book: The War Magician. Most of this book has been debunked by experts and they say the book is basically fiction.


TO MOVE A MOUNTAIN IN AL MANN’S OWN WORDS This is a reproduction of an Al Mann treatise. It is offered only as a historical document and should not be taken as anything more. The editor is not responsible for any factual errors, if any, Al Mann may have made.

I read with great interest the interview in the Psychic Entertainer’s Association newsletter Vibrations, Vol. 70 #10 given to John Gardner, author of the new James Bond Mysteries, by Robert Bluemle. Gardner tells about the great feat of magic that master magician Jasper Maskelyne did during WW11 when he moved Alexandra Harbor a mile or two up the coast. I was too busy assisting in the Pacific Theatre of War to have noticed such a feat in the newspapers. So the first time I heard of this was in Vibrations. As soon as I read it, I knew exactly how Maskelyne did it! This is the perfect illusion that can be proven. Just think of the crushing effect created in the imagination. The act of moving a harbor to another place is a once in an era effect that stands in the same place as the parting of the Red Sea by Moses. It cannot and should not be repeated for a few decades.


It takes a master magician to do it and even though the world will eventually discover the secret; the act has become fact and the news headlines will be heard around the world and take their toll creating a sensation and giving the uninitiated a peek at marvelous things. Joseph Dunninger made a battleship disappear for the U. S. A. Navy during WW11. Again, this headline getting effect was a once in an era effect. Conditions must be ripe for producing these illusions. The illusion can be created whereby an island, a mountain, a lake or shoreline can be moved a few yards or even miles from its charted position! The potential for world-wide headlines are there for an enterprising magician or psychic. Very few people are aware (especially magicians) that the Earth is mostly poorly surveyed or charted, if at all. Only the places that have commercial or military value have been accurately surveyed. Many shorelines, lakes and mountains on a map could be off by as much as two miles. Who cares? Accurate surveying is a costly task and no one will pay for it; unless there is a profit or a need for it. 7

Back in 1946, I was a third officer on a ship that was sent to the west coast of India to pick up a load of cargo. The captain had no accurate charts for the area. He did not know how deep the water was either. There were no docks, but the captain had to bring his ship as close as possible to the shore to load the cargo. So we did it the old fashion way. I was stationed on a small platform over the ship’s side with the hand lead, swinging and throwing the lead continuously and calling out the soundings until the captain dropped the anchor.

PHOTO OF HAND LEAD Many land parcels in the USA and elsewhere were surveyed under the King of England and the King of Spain. Believe it or not, many of these ancient surveys are still in use today. Many are in error. In Texas, many parcels of land are still recorded as grants from the King of Spain.


In Staten Island, NY, (1982) a piece of land was found that had no owner! There was no deed for it anywhere. No tax records. It was still owned by the Indians and they were nowhere in sight. I bought a nine-acre parcel in New Jersey that was actually eleven plus acres after it was accurately surveyed! A friend bought four acres of land right next to mine, but when it was surveyed, it contained seven acres! You have to love those old surveyors with their crude instruments. Devin Knight Note: I have found this to be true. A friend of mine had an old house with the survey. To sell it, she had to have it resurveyed. Turned out the new survey showed her property was 12 feet longer than the original survey showed. Just think of all the mentalism and psychic effects you could do with the foreknowledge of the above. One could claim to be able to increase the land! It does not take magic to move a mountain or an island. All it takes is to be well versed in surveying or have a friend who is, especially marine surveying. With our modern electronic and satellite position finders and theodolites to take star fixes; one can pinpoint the exact geographical latitude and longitude of any place. A small peninsula where people go for picnics is a good place to start. Secretly survey the point of the peninsula and compare the results with the charted position.


If you see that your electronic position is different by a few yards or even a mile or two from the latest charted position, then you have got yourself some headlines by moving the peninsula! A theodolite is a very expense instrument and so is an electronic navigator. However, you can do the same thing with a sextant. Shoot the stars all around you every night for a week and you can be sure that your position will end in a pinpoint. HOW MASKELYNE MOVED A HARBOR A FEW MILES


In the case of Maskelyne, England was at war. The war department needed accurate surveys for military purposes. Many places were accurately surveyed and many were found to have been in error by previous surveys; some going back to the time of the pharaohs. Maskelyne discovered that Alexandria Harbor was charted in error, two miles off its true position. All he had to do now was to announce to the press that he was going to move the harbor two miles up the coast, that night! He then invited the press to survey the harbor the next day and compare the results with the latest charted survey. This is the stuff by which headlines are made!

How To Make Small Islands Vanish


In the vast Pacific Ocean, there are small islands that do not appear on any map. These islands are the results of submarine volcanic eruptions that push the earth up to form an island. A few days after the island rises, plants with flowers sprout and birds nest. Insects and marine life breaks out everywhere. However, the tiny island soon disappears under the waves. If you can find one of these islands, then take credit for it. No one will believe you, but you will make the headlines.

AFTERTHOUGHTS Some years ago, I told magicians how to use a live cobra in their shows. One European magician actually bought a cobra! I told Jason Michaels how to appear in two places, at the same time, 5000 miles apart. He did it and got headlines. It would be nice if some master psychic moved a mountain today. Have Fun,

Al Mann


APPENDIX This website will show you how to locate old surveys and how to get new ones done: Find a local peninsula in your area. Most of these will have been surveyed over 100 years ago and will most likely contain survey errors. Using the information shown in the wikihow site, locate a copy of the original survey. Find someone to take a new survey of the peninsula, either do it yourself using a sextant or hire a surveyor. Be warned, this part can be expensive. If the new survey shows the old one is wrong, then you are ready to make headlines. If not, keep looking, you will find a survey that is in error. Once you have located a peninsula that is in error, it could be half a mile or two miles off, sit on the information until you need some really big publicity. When you are ready to make headlines, go to a reporter and tell him you are going to try to move the peninsula with your mind, say half a mile. You will attempt it overnight. Leave him the copy of the original survey. Go back the next day and tell him you have moved it. Arrange to have a DIFFERENT SURVEY company survey the peninsula AT YOUR EXPENSE. The newspaper will not pay for the survey. Let the new survey company see the original survey and compare it with the new survey. They will tell the reporter that the peninsula has moved. The reporter should give you a nice story in the newspaper about the miracle you performed. Take this article to other newspapers and show it to them when you do interviews and it will be mentioned in the new articles. It has become part of your magical history.


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