How to Make Barley Bread

April 2, 2017 | Author: Nikikhera | Category: N/A
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How to make Barley Bread ? Making barley bread is so easy once you get perfectly trained. Barley bread will never need your Chakla / Bailan, it needs your hands only. Knead barley flour, for additional taste; you may add black seed, sesame, powdered Thyme, Summac, fennel, dried lemon powder, cumin seeds, olive oil, etc. Make its dough & spread it a little with revolutions in your hands. Fire the pan (TAWA) & pour some olive oil, when the pan is hot, put the dough over it & flatten again by your fingers. Flatten the bread as much as you can. After few minutes, turn it over & it will never break Insha'Allah. Now you can add some olive oil once again. Turn over twice unless the bread is well cooked. I am not sure how barley bread disappeared from daily life of Muslims, & I expect now that you will bring it back & convince others to start it immediately. A healthy colon is Allah's blessing & to safeguard its health is your own responsibility. Throw the 2 smoking guns (wheat & rice) out of your house, they will cause numerous diseases. Return to Page TOP

While kneading the flour, add some flaxseeds, sesame seeds, fennel, black seed, cumin, Summaq, dried lemon powder, dried fenugreek leaves powder, pepper & finally the Pink Himalayan salt. You will be surprised to see the beauty of colors which Allah Will Fill in your bread, plus the magnetic taste & smell will hypnotize you. With this bread, you will never need a curry.

Barley bread by a Chapatti Maker Some people may find it difficult to prepare barley bread at their kitchen, because its flour is not as glutinous as wheat flour. For those who are not an expert for making barley bread by hand, an electric chapatti maker will be the best option. Switch on the device & wait for 5 minutes before it gets hot & ready. Place the dough ball at the center & close the lid, press with the handle & hold for 1 minute, heat & pressure will flatten the dough perfectly round & the bread will never break, after 3 minutes, open the lid & you can rotate the bread to have it cooked properly from all sides.

Today or tomorrow, within this year or during the coming years, you will have no option left but to adopt the bread chosen by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam as the total replacement of wheat & rice, you have already weakened your digestive system by consuming refined carbohydrates, which can cause blood pressure, diabetes, ulcer, constipation, bleeding piles, colon cancer, etc. May Allah Save us from all evils.

Barley Dough

Make a Round ball

Put some Olive oil on the pan (Tawa) & flatten the ball with your fingers

Flatten more while it gets heated

Turn over

Barley Water Praised by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, Barley is a miracle of my Allah's creations. As explained by Ibn al Qayyam, barley water is good for cough, roughness in throat, cleanses the stomach & it is a beautiful Diuretic, excellent for patients with kidney stones, Dropsy & water retention. Barley water is made by boiling the grains with water, but we tried it with barley's Saweeq (Sattu) which is more easier. After Isha prayer, add 4 ~ 5 tablespoons of Saweeq (Sattu) in a flask with 1 liter boiling water & close the lid. After Fajar, take out the water slowly without shaking the flask, by handling the flask carefully, you can avoid filtration, when it cools down, refrigerate & drink it throughout the day. A surprise was Saweeq's pulp at the bottom of flask, during 6 ~ 8 hours, it was well cooked by the hot water, making it thick like Talbinah, I poured it out in a dish & it was still hot, with some honey, it was so delicious & it served as a full breakfast. It is a blessing that should never be wasted.

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‫شعير‬ ‫ كان رسول الله للل صلللى الللله‬:‫ قالت‏‬،‫روى ابن ماجه من حديث عائشة‬ ،‫ أمر بالحسللاء مللن الشللعير‬،‫دا من أهله الوعك‬ ‫عليه وسلم ل إذا أخذ أح د‬ ‫ ‏)إنه ليرتو فؤاد الحزين ويسرو‬:‫ ثم يقول‏‬،‫ ثم أمرهم فحسوا منه‬،‫فصنع‬ ‫ ومعنلى‬.‫فؤاد السقيم كما تسلروا إحلداكن الوسلخ بالملاء علن وجههلا‏( ‏‬ ‫ وقد تقدم أن هذا هو مللاء‬.‫ ويزيل ‏‬،‫ يكشف‬،‫ ويسرو‬.‫يرتوه يشده ويقويه ‏‬ ‫ وخشونة‬،‫ وهو نافع للسعال‬،‫ وهو أكثر غذاء من سويقه‬،‫الشعير المغلي‬ ،‫ جلء لمللا فللي المعللدة‬،‫ مللدر للبللول‬،‫ صالح لقمع حدة الفضللول‬،‫الحلق‬ .‫ وفيه قللوة يجلللو بهللا ويلطللف ويحلللل ‏‬،‫ مطفئ للحرارة‬،‫قاطع للعطس‬ ‫ ومللن المللاء‬،‫وصللفته أن يؤخللذ مللن الشللعير الجيللد المرضللوض مقللدار‬ ‫ ويطبلخ بنلار‬،‫ ويلقلى فلي قلدر نظيلف‬،‫الصافي العلذب خمسلة أمثلاله‬ ‫ ويسللتعمل منلله مقللدار‬،‫ ويصللفى‬،‫معتدلللة إلللى أن يبقللى منلله خمسللاه‬ .‫الحاجة محدل ‏‬ Barley Water Ibn-e-Majah narrated that Aishah Radi Allaho Anha said: "When a member of the family of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) would fall sick, he would order that barley soup is made and then the ill person would be commanded to have some of it. He used to say, lit strengthens the heart of the sad person and relieves the heart of the ill person, just as one of you would wash the dirt off of her face with water". The remedy mentioned in this Hadith entails boiled barley water which is more nutritious than its flour. Barley water helps against coughing and throat roughness, relieves the irritant excess excrement, produces more urine, cleanses the stomach, quenches the thirst and extinguishes heat. It also provides comfort and has a decomposing quality. This remedy entails preparing a portion of a good type of barley and water as 5 times the weight of barley; placing them in a clean pot, and cooking under moderate temperature until only fifth of the water remains in the pot (example can be 1 kg of barley cooked with 5 liters of water till the water reduces to 1 liter only). It is then purified (barley grains separated with a sieve) and used as much as needed.

HAIS ~ A confectionary made with Saweeq (Sattu) and Dates ‫ فخههرج بههها‬:‫وفي حديث أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنههه قههال‬ :‫ فلما أصبح قههال‬.‫ فبنى بها‬،‫حتى إذا بلغنا سد الروحاء حلت‬ ‫ فكهههان الرجهههل‬،‫مهههن كهههان عنهههده فضهههل زاد فليأتنههها بهههه‬ ‫ حههتى جعلههوا مههن ذلههك‬،‫يجيء بفضل التمر وفضههل السههويق‬ ،‫ فجعلههوا يههأكلون مههن ذلههك الحيههس‬،‫حيسا ا في نطههع صههغير‬ ‫ فكانت تلك‬،‫ض إلى جنبهم من ماء السماء‬ ‫ويشربون من حيا ض‬ ‫صلى الله عليه وسلم على صههفية رضههي‬- ‫وليمة رسول الله‬ .-‫الله عنها‬ Narrated by Anas Bin Malik Radi Allaho Anh, that on the way when we were returning from Khyber (at Sadd-al-Rohaa'), Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said in the morning "Whatever food a person has, he should bring it to us". So a man brought some dates & Saweeq (Sattu). We mixed them together in a small pot & we ate from that Hais & we drank from the ponds around that had rain water, and that was the Waleemah of Safyah Radi Allaho Anha.

‫ أخبرنا سفيان بن عيينههة عههن وائههل بههن‬:‫حدثنا ابن أبي عمر‬ ‫ " أن‬:‫ عههن أنههس بههن مالههك‬،‫ عن الزههري‬،‫داود عن ابنه نوف‬ ‫النبي صلى اللههه عليههه وسههلم أولههم علههى صههفية بنههت حيههي‬ ‫بسويق وتمر‬ Reported by Ibn Umar Radi Allaho Anh that Anas Bin Malik Radi Allaho Anh said "Waleemah offered by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam (at his marriage with Safyah Bint Hayy Radi Allaho Anha) was a confectionary (Hais) made with Saweeq (Sattu) and dates. Hais is no doubt the miracle of my Allah's creations, & it is the most delicious confectionary of this world, it is the blessed sweet which was served to Sahabah at Waleemah of Umm ul Mo'mineen Safyah Bint Hayy Radi Allaho Anha. Recipe is as under (first 3 are the chief items, others are optional): 500 g pitted dates 500 g Barley's Saweeq (Sattu) 250 g of Ghee or Butter Seeds & nuts of your own choice (lotus seeds, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, ground almonds, fennel seeds, cardamom, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds). Fry pitted dates in ghee, when they change the color, add all the seeds & nuts, fry for few minutes, finally add Barley's Saweeq (Sattu) & mix well, your hands will get tired. Fry for 10 minutes more &strike with a wooden spoon so that all ingredients are homogenized properly. Hais is a blessed confectionery & you will love it Insha'Allah. Return to Page TOP

Fry the dates in Ghee or Butter

You may add nuts of your choice (optional)

Add Barley's Saweeq & mix well, your hands will get tired

The Blessed Hais, its most beautiful part is the fiber of barley

HENNA WATER The easiest method of making Henna water is to use a small plastic jug, with which you can skip filtration / separation of Henna leaves. After Isha, add half a grip of your hand, i.e. 8 to 10 grams of dried Henna leaves in a jug, fill 2 glasses of water and cover with the lid. (Never used the powdered Henna available in markets, as it has colors & contamination, always use dried / whole henna leaves) Next day Before Fajar : Rotate the cover of jug till you have the vertical openings on the pouring lip, water will come out; leaving behind the leaves in the jug. Drink 2 glasses of Henna water at empty stomach (some honey can be added) & wait for 2 hours before you take the breakfast. You will observe a dirty colored urine with impurities expelled out. Drinking Henna water (at empty stomach) is so beneficial, it removes toxins & impurities from the body, helps the kidneys to function properly, removes urinary tract infections, dissolves kidney stones, so profitable for patients having the internal wounds like Ulcer, Piles, Uterine Tumors (that cause excessive menstruation), Leucorrhea, skin disorders, etc. It also helps Diabetic patients against frequent urination, delayed wound healing & diabetic foot. Even the bacteria

in small intestine are killed (with Henna water) which are one of the causes of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Patients with Acidity problems will also improve with Henna water. Those who have never used Henna water previously, it is recommended to drink it daily for 7 ~ 10 days, after which it should be taken once a weak. And because Henna is cold natured; it is necessary to neutralize it with a hot substance, so always take Henna water with a teaspoon of ground Kalonji seeds (Habbatul Saudaa') or a teaspoon of Frankincense. Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that if a Leprosy patient drinks Henna water for 40 days, he will be healed Insha'Allah. Return to Page TOP

You can read more about Henna at ‫ حناء‬/ Henna

After Isha, add 8 ~ 10 grams of dried Henna leaves in a jug with 2 glasses of water and cover with the lid.

Next morning : Rotate the cover of jug till you have the vertical openings on the pouring lip

Easiest Filtration by the Jug itself

The Hidden Healing in Henna Water; Unknown to Ummat-eMuhammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam)

Juice Therapy for Gout / Uric Acid

Gout (Naqris) is caused by high levels of uric acid; the patient suffers with Arthritic pains in the back, knee joints & mostly in the heels. Spoiled mixtures in stomach are the dangerous invaders that release unnecessary chemicals, & the body starts attacking its own assets. Spoiled mixtures result due to some of the following mistakes:  Forgetting Bismillah before taking the meal  Having more than 2 meals per day  Filling the stomach to its full desire  Fast chewing (that is why we discourage eating rice)  To eat / drink while standing, walking or laying down on a support  Hot drinks like Tea, Green Tea, Coffee, etc.  Using more than 3 fingers while grasping the food (that is why we discourage eating rice)  White wheat bread, white rice, table sugar & all refined carbohydrates  Eating junk foods from the restaurants  False food combinations  Vegetable oils

 Improperly slaughtered animals (major cause of Uric Acid)  Taking animal proteins in excess  Sleeping after the meals, after Fajar & after Asar (it makes the heart brittle)  And finally, staying away from dietary principals of Tibb-eNabawi Avoiding the above will remove many of your health problems........ For gout & high uric acid, watermelon juice with its rind is such a beautiful therapy, when taken daily, gout pains will reduce within 10 days Insha'Allah. Remove the skin from watermelon's rind & juice it together with the red flesh, those colors were not Created without reason, they have the essential minerals & vitamins extracted out of the soil, watermelon juice (with rind) is alkaline & it definitely neutralizes the acids. Apart from this juice therapy, Hijamah above the ankles reduces the pain in heels; we have tried it for many patients & found it effective. Return to Page TOP

Juice Therapy for Hypertension More than 40 % of world's population suffers with Hypertension, the only reason behind this is wrong foods & wrong eating habits. The blood is over-loaded with toxins, & hence Hijamah is the best treatment for cleaning the garbage. Furthermore, nothing else is more suitable than Tibb-e-Nabawi foods, herbs & the eating habits recommended by Sunnah, with 3 meals reduced to 2 meals only, breakfast & dinner & skipping the lunch permanently. In addition, a simple juice therapy has shown quenching results for many blood pressure patients, we advised them to juice gourd (Yaqteen / Kaddu), Cucumber, Beetroot, a small piece of Ginger & adding some Vinegar, except parsley, all others are from Tibb-eNabawi. And it is our feeling that Yaqteen is the KING in this combination. A friend called & reported his pressure as 160 / 115, we asked him to take a glass of this juice combination 3 times daily. He came back & was excited that the pressure dropped to 90 / 60, so we requested him to reduce the dosage as twice or once a day. A very cheep medicine

brought quick results, & the medicine being natural, from Tibb-eNabawi, absolutely free of any side affects. This juice therapy will also help patients with blood impurities, skin disorders, digestion problems, urinary tract infections, water retention, etc. Return to Page TOP

Quantities of ingredients are as under: Yaqteen (Kaddu) : 1 ~ 2 pieces of medium size Beetroot : 1 ~ 2 pieces of medium size Cucumbers : 5 ~ 6 pieces Ginger : A small portion (as per your taste) Vinegar : 10 ~ 15 ml as per your taste The above will yield 2 glasses approximately, take one in the morning & refrigerate the other for the evening. You may skip Parsley, as its juicing is difficult for the normal carrot juicer.

Juices of Gourd, Cucummber, Beetroot & Parsley

Gourd Juice is a true healing

NABEEZ ~ Drink made with soaked resins or dates Nabeez was the favorite drink of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam. It is made either by dates or raisins, but raisin's Nabeez is more delicious. By the simple way of soaking raisins as it was practiced by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, you never know the blessings & benefits this drink carries & how it can bring for you the health & drain out the sickness. After Isha prayer, soak around 100 grams of raisins in 1 liter of drinkable / healthy water, & keep the utensil covered with a plate. (Manaqqa is the best variety for making Nabeez, but other types can also be used). Next morning, you can drink the water & eat the soaked fruit, OR just use your blender (water + soaked fruit) to obtain a beautiful / cloudy NABEEZ. And if you soak the fruit in morning, drink it at the evening. Nabeez should be consumed within 12 hours of soaking time, but if it is kept air tight inside the refrigerator, it will not spoil for 2-3 days Insha'Allah. It becomes more sweeter in refrigerator after 24 hours.

Serve cold NABEEZ to your guests; instead of tea, coffee, juices & sodas, & tell them the beauty of Sunnah. Return to Page TOP

Never mix raisins & dates together; their Nabeez should be made separately.

‫كتلللللللللللللللاب الشلللللللللللللللربة‬/‫سلللللللللللللللنن أبلللللللللللللللي داود‬ ‫ حدثنا عيسى بن محمد قال ثنا ضمرة عن السيباني عن عبد الله‬- 3710 ‫بن الديلمي عن أبيه قال » أتينا النبي صلى الللله عليلله وسلللم فقلنللا يللا‬ " ‫رسول الله قد علمت من نحن ومن أين نحن فللإلى مللن نحللن؟ قللال‬ ‫إلى الله وإلى رسوله " فقلنا يا رسول الله إن لنا أعنابا مللا نصللنع بهللا؟‬ ‫قلال " زببوهلا " قلنلا ملا نصلنع بلالزبيب؟ قلال " انبلذوه علللى غلدائكم‬ ‫واشربوه على عشائكم وانبذوه على عشللائكم واشللربوه علللى غللدائكم‬ ‫وانبذوه في الشنان ول تنبذوه في القلل فإنه إذا تأخر عن عصللره صللار‬ " ‫خل‬ From Sunan Abu Dawood ~ Book of drinks Narrated Ad-Daylami: We came to the Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) and said to him: O Apostle of Allah, you know who we are, from where we are and to whom we have come. He said: To Allah and His Apostle. We said: Apostle of Allah, we have grapes; what should we do with them? He said: Make them raisins. We then asked: What should we do with raisins? He replied: Steep them in the morning and drink in the evening, and steep them in the evening and drink in the morning. Steep them in skin vessels and do not steep them in earthen jar, for it is delayed in pressing, it becomes vinegar.

‫ حدثنا مسدد قال ثنا المعتمر قال سمعت شبيب بن عبللد الملللك‬- 3712 ‫يحدث عن مقاتل بن حيان قال حدثتني عمتي عمرة عللن عائشةرضللي‬ ‫الله عنها أنها كانت تنبذ لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلللم غللدوة فللإذا‬ ‫كان من العشي فتعشى شرب على عشائه فإن فضل شللىء صللببته أو‬ ‫فرغته ثم تنبذ به بالليل فلإذا أصلبح تغلدى فشلرب عللى غلدائه وقلالت‬ ‫يغسل السقاء غدوة وعشية فقال لها أبي مرتين في يوم؟ قالت نعم‬ Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin Amrah said on the authority of Aisha that she would steep dates for the Apostle of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) in the morning. When the evening came, he took his dinner and drank it after his dinner. If

anything remained, she poured it out. She then would steep for him at night. When the morning came, he took his morning meal and drank it after his morning meal. She said: The skin vessel was washed in the morning and in the evening. My father (Hayyan) said to her: Twice a day? She said: Yes.

For making Nabeez, Manaqqa is the best variety among all Raisins

After Isha, soak 100 ~ 150 grams of Raisins in 1 liter of water

After Fajar, blend the raisins with water & you will have a cloudy Nabeez, refrigerate & you can use it within 2-3 days.

Nabeez prepared with Black Raisins

‫‪QUINCE PRESERVE‬‬ ‫روى ابن ماجه فههي سههننه مههن حههديث إسههماعيل بههن محمههد‬ ‫الطلحي ‪ ،‬عن نقيب بن حاجب ‪ ،‬عن أبههي سههعيد ‪ ،‬عههن عبههد‬ ‫الملك الزبيري ‪ ،‬عن طلحة بن عبيد الله رضي الله عنه قههال‬ ‫دخلت على النبي صلى الله عليههه وسههلم وبيههده سههفرجلة ‪،‬‬ ‫فقههال " دونكههها يهها طلحههة ‪ ،‬فإنههها تجههم الفههؤاد " ‪.‬ورواه‬ ‫النسائي من طريق آخر ‪ ،‬وقال أتيت النبي صلى اللههه عليههه‬ ‫وسلم وهو في جماعة من أصحابه ‪ ،‬وبيده سفرجلة يقلبها ‪،‬‬ ‫فلما جلست إليه ‪ ،‬دحا بههها إلههي ثههم قههال " دونكههها أبهها ذر ‪،‬‬ ‫فإنها تشد القلب ‪ ،‬وتطيب النفس ‪ ،‬وتذهب بطخاء الصدر "‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫& ;‪Quince preserve (made in honey) is the plumber for heart patients‬‬ ‫‪it should be available in every house, after date stones & Talbinah, it‬‬ ‫‪is the 3rd Cardiologist from Tibb-e-Nabawi.‬‬ ‫‪Talha bin Ubaid Ullah Radi Allaho Anh narrated that I went to‬‬ ‫‪Rasullullah Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam & he had a QUINCE in his‬‬ ‫‪hand, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said to me:‬‬ ‫‪Take it O Aba Zar, Quince makes the heart strengthen, makes the‬‬

breath pleasant and relieves (removes) the burden of the chest. (Nesaai) Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that "When the quince is broiled, it will become softer and milder. When one removes the pips of the quince, stuffs them with honey, dips them in a paste and then broil them under hot ashes, they will become very beneficial. The best way to eat the quince is broiled or cooked in honey." We provide step by step procedure to make Quince preserve in your kitchen. 1. Wash the quince fruits, cut them carefully, they are hard & you need pressure on the knife, be careful to safeguard your fingers. 2. Remove the seeds & do not throw them, Quince seed is an expensive medicine; you may eat them later by boiling in milk. 3. Now take the sliced fruit over the stove and add some water 4. Boil for 45 minutes & the fruit will tender with heat, now smash properly with a wooden spoon. 5. Add honey (for 4 kg Quince, 1 kg of honey is enough). 6. To add a preservative, use 100 ml of pure home-made vinegar. 7. Boil again unless the fruit, honey & vinegar homogenize & you have a beautiful, crimson colored quince preserve. 8. To make it softer; I take the preserve to my blender & apply the pulse for 5 minutes, but it is not necessary. 9. Keep the preserve refrigerated. Return to Page TOP

That is all; your Quince preserve is ready to repair the damaged heart. ‫ تجم الفؤاد‬means that Quince pleases / strengthens the heart, & opens the coagulation (if available). ‫ والطخاء للقلب‬is meant for darkness, like clouds or a sand storm cover the clear sky which is then un-seen, so Quince will do the same job for the heart, it will remove blockage & the heart will be clear & healthy Insha'Allah.

Quince ~ A miracle of my Allah's creations

Cleaned Quince slices on the stove

Boil with some water & when they tender, smash with a wooden spoon

Add honey & Vinegar

Quince Preserve in Honey, ready to repair a sick heart

SAKANJABEEN (Honey & Vinegar)

Narrated by Abu Hurairah Radi Allaho Anh : "Whoever sips honey (at an empty stomach) three times in a month, will never be attacked by fatal diseases". (Ibn-e-Majah) Narrated by Umm Sa'ad Radi Allaho Anha that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said : "Vinegar is the best condiment, O Allah, Descend your blessings in Vinegar, because it was the food of Prophets before me & a house having vinegar (where it is consumed) will never face FAQR (poverty)". (Ibn-e-Majah) Poverty indicated above can be the poverty in actual, PLUS the poverty caused by diseases. Sakanjabeen is a popular drink in Indo-Pak subcontinent, pronounced with a distorted name of Sakanjwee; it is made by squeezing lemons in water (with sugar). It is mostly taken in Ramadan while breaking the Fast; furthermore, people drink it in summer for quenching the thirst. But the actual Sakanjabeen from the times of Ibn-e-Seena & Ibn Al Qayyam was quite different, & we can't understand how it changed with the ingredients mentioned above. Sakanjabeen is a Persian word, the combination of Sirka (Vinegar) & Angabeen, Angabeen is honey in Persian. Being so simple, Sakanjabeen is the drink made with honey, vinegar & water, ohhhhhh what a beauty. It has miraculous benefits. It is called Oxymel in English........... While eating ripe dates (Rutab), Ibn Al Qayaam said : "Ripe dates are the best types of fruit for the people of Madinah al Munawwarah specifically and for all others in general where ripe dates grow. It is a very beneficial fruit for the body. But ripe dates spoil quickly in the stomach (of those who are not used to eating them) and thus produce putrid blood. Eating excessive amounts of ripe dates causes headaches, produces the black bile and harms the teeth. Oxymel (Sakanjabeen ~ a drink made with honey, vinegar and water) helps neutralize the irritants that accompany eating ripe dates". Ibn Al Qayyam also wrote that honey does not have any side effects, except for those suffering from bile, who should take it with vinegar to neutralize its harm, it explains that Diabetic patients can have honey combined with vinegar, the rich experience of Ibn Al Qayyam takes you in a new world............... Bile disorder is the first cause of Diabetes, when liver is unable to

process excessive carbohydrates; causing the insulin to jump extraordinarily (which results in a damaged Pancreas). We prepare our Sakanjabeen with ZamZam, Honey and the Ruby Red Pomegranate Vinegar (it is born after thousands of years), ohhhhh you can't live without these divine cures of Tibb-e-Nabawi........ Add one tablespoon of Honey & 3 tablespoons of vinegar to a glass of water, mix well & it is ready. Return to Page TOP

In a glass of water, add a teablespoon of honey & 3 tablespoons of Vinegar

How to make THAREED ? ‫ ‏)فضل‬:‫ثبت في الصحيحين عنه ل صلى الله عليه وسلم ل أنه قال‏‬ ‫ وروى أبو داود‬.‫عائشة على النساء كفضل الثريد على سائر الطعام‏( ‏‬ ‫ كان أحب‬:‫ قال‏‬،‫ من حديث ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما‬:‫في سننه‏‬ ‫الطعام إلى رسول الله ل صلى الله عليه وسلم ل الثريد من‬ .‫ والثريد من الحيس ‏‬،‫الخبز‬ In the Sahi'hain it is narrated that Messenger of Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said "The Virtue of Aishah (Radi Allaho Anha) as compared to other women, is like the virtue of Thareed as compared to the rest of foods". Abu Dawood narrated from Ibn Abbas Radi Allaho Anh that he said ""Foods that were most liked & loved by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam were Thareed made with bread & Thareed of HAIS (dates blended with Saweeq which is Barley's Sattu)". Thareed is made with meat soup & bread. And among all the breads, the best is barley bread.

I have seen that some people make Thareed with their meat curry, but the wisdom of THAREED is that it should be easy to digest & it should be wet, so that the bread absorbs the soup & it is softened before eating. So instead of meat curry, a soup is preferred for Thareed. With half kg of mutton, some onions, a tomato, ginger, garlic & spices (as per your taste), add 3 liters of water & put all the ingredients together in a pressure cooker, soup will be ready after 30 minutes. Make small pieces of barley bread in a bowl & pour the hot / boiling soup over it, with some olive oil & pure vinegar. Cover the bowl with a lid for 3 ~ 5 minutes before eating, so that the bread absorbs the soup properly. This is the simplest method of making Thareed. It will be enough for the entire family Insha'Allah. Return to Page TOP

With our junk breakfasts composed of sandwiches, Parathas, etc. that induce acidity & flatulence, it is better to seek help from Tibb-eNabawi's foods & there is a lot of colorful variety that you can enjoy. We shall introduce at least 7 different breakfasts so that you can rotate them throughout the week. Your first meal of the day is the most important, it either builds or destroys your health, so wrong choices can be dangerous in the long run. One of the best breakfasts in this world is TALBINAH, the barley porridge made with milk & honey. Talbinah powder sold at some shops is nothing but barley flour with packing, they write the directions as boiling the flour in water & then in the milk, but if you have the Saweeq (roasted barley flour), you never need to boil it twice, just take 2~-3 tablespoons of Sattu (made by barley only, don't use wheat) & add to 250 ml of milk, mix vigorously so as to avoid any lump formation, once they homogenize, take the mixture on stove & boil, the porridge will thicken, pour it down into your bowl & add honey, that is all, your Talbinah is ready. TALBINAH is a cure for (1) Heart patients, and (2) Depression / sadness... And TALBINAH is the food for which Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam has SWORE by Allah, such a vital food should not be ignored.

‫فى الصحيحين من حديث عروة عن عائشة رضى اللههه عنههها‬ ‫ واجتمههع لههدلك النسههاء‬، ‫انها كانت اذا مات الميت من أهلههها‬ ‫ وصههنعت‬، ‫ثم تفرقههن أمههرت بههبرمه مههن )تلبينههة ( فطبخههت‬ ‫ ثم قههالت كلههوا منههها فههاءنى‬، ‫ ثم صبت التلبينة عليه‬، ‫ثريدا‬ ‫ التلبينههة‬..‫سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليههه وسههلم يقههول‬ ‫ أخرجه البخههارى‬.‫ تذهب ببعض الحزن‬، ‫مجمة لفؤاد المريض‬ ‫ وعن عائشة رضى الله عنها ايضا كان رسول اللههه‬، ‫ومسلم‬ ‫صلى الله عليه وسههلم اذا قيههل لههه ان فلنهها وجههع ل يطعههم‬ ‫ ويقههول والههذى‬، ‫قال عليكم بالتلبينة فحسوه اياها‬، ‫الطعام‬ ‫ انها تغسل بطههن أحههدكم كمهها تغسههل أحههداكن‬، ‫نفسى بيده‬ ‫وجهها من الوسخ‬ Following







Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) used to recommend talbina for the sick and for the one grieving over a dead person. She (may Allah be pleased with her) used to say, "I heard the Messenger (Sallallaahu

Álayhi Wasallam) saying, 'The Talbina gives rest to the heart of the patient and makes it active and relieves some of his sorrow and grief.' " [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5325)]. Aisha (may Allaah be pleased with her) said that whenever one of her relatives died, the women assembled and then dispersed (returned to their houses) except her relatives and close friends. She (may Allah be pleased with her) would order that a pot of talbina be cooked. Then Tharid (a dish prepared from meat and bread) would be prepared and the talbina would be poured over it. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) would say (to the women),"Eat from it, for I heard the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) saying 'The talbina soothes the heart of the patient and relieves him from some of his sadness.' " [Saheeh alBukhaaree (5058)]. Hisham's father (may Allah be pleased with them) said, "Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) used to recommend Talbinah and used to say,' It is disliked (by the patient) although it is beneficial.'' [Saheeh alBukhaaree (5326)]. The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "I encourage you to use that which is disliked but beneficial (Talbina) for by the One whose hand Muhammad's soul is in , it cleans the stomach of one of you just as dirt is cleaned from the face with water." [Mustadrak of Haakim (7455), Saheeh as Dhahabi mentioned in 'Talkhees' taken from Maktaba Shaamilah, See also Mustadrak (8245) whose chain is upon the condition of Bukhaaree as Dhahabi mentioned]. Return to Page TOP

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated, "If any of the Messenger's (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) family became ill, the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) would say, 'It soothes the grieving heart and cleanses the ailing heart just as one of you cleans dirt off his face with water.' " [Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah (3445), hadeeth hasan]. Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated that the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "You should eat the beneficial thing that is unpleasant to eat (Talbina), meaning broth. If any member of the Messenger of Allaah's family was sick, the cooking pot would remain on the fire until one of two things happened, either the person recovered or died." [Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah (3446) hadeeth hasan] Barley's Saweeq / Sattu ~ The basic ingredient of Talbinah

Add 2 ~ 3 tablespoons of Barley's Sattu in 250 ml of milk. Heat for 1015 minutes till the milk boils while stirring the porridge with a spoon continously.

Pour the hot porridge in a bowl & finally add honey as per your taste, your Talbinah is ready.

A wonderful breakfast, Talbinah with a glass of Saweeq / Sattu drink

reakfast # 2 : Olive oil, honey & barley bread are the beauties of Tibb-e-Nabawi, & when they are grouped together, they serve as a mild purgative, flushing out the debris & simultaneously, they provide the nutrition that is easily absorbed in the blood. Take a bowl & add olive oil & honey, next is barley bread & a sprinkle of pink Himalayan salt, mix them all so that the bread absorbs the oil & honey. You may add some boiled legumes such as kidney beans, corn, garbanzo beans & carrots, cucumber, etc. A powerful breakfast with which your heart will definitely feel the happiness & pleasure. Try to avoid 3 meals per day, only 2 meals are enough with some time management. Your breakfast should be healthy, skip the lunch, & your dinner should finish before the Azan of Maghrib & do not put the load on your stomach till the next breakfast after Fajar, with these time adjustments, you will be vibrant & many problems will start disappearing Insha'Allah.

Add some honey & the blessed Olive Oil in a bowl.

‫‪Now mix the salad with barley bread, your breakfast is ready‬‬

‫‪Make small pieces of barley bread & mix properly with honey & olive‬‬ ‫& ‪oil, also prepare a fresh salad of legumes, carrots, cabbage‬‬ ‫‪cucumbers.‬‬

‫‪Breakfast # 3 is combining barley bread with Quince preserve‬‬ ‫‪(Safarjal) cooked in honey; a very healthy menu for heart patients.‬‬ ‫‪Safarjal was praised by our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho‬‬ ‫‪Alaihe Wasallam. Ibn Al Qayyam wrote :‬‬

‫روى ابن ماجه فههي سههننه مههن حههديث إسههماعيل بههن محمههد‬ ‫الطلحي ‪ ،‬عن نقيب بن حاجب ‪ ،‬عن أبههي سههعيد ‪ ،‬عههن عبههد‬ ‫الملك الزبيري ‪ ،‬عن طلحة بن عبيد الله رضي الله عنه قههال‬ ‫دخلت على النبي صلى الله عليههه وسههلم وبيههده سههفرجلة ‪،‬‬ ‫فقههال " دونكههها يهها طلحههة ‪ ،‬فإنههها تجههم الفههؤاد " ‪ .‬ورواه‬ ‫النسائي من طريق آخر ‪ ،‬وقال أتيت النبي صلى اللههه عليههه‬ ‫وسلم وهو في جماعة من أصحابه ‪ ،‬وبيده سفرجلة يقلبها ‪،‬‬ ‫فلما جلست إليه ‪ ،‬دحا بههها إلههي ثههم قههال " دونكههها أبهها ذر ‪،‬‬ ‫فإنها تشد القلب ‪ ،‬وتطيب النفس ‪ ،‬وتذهب بطخاء الصدر "‬

Talha bin Ubaid Ullah Radi Allaho Anh narrated that I went to Rasullullah Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam & he had a QUINCE in his hand, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said to me: Take it O Aba Zar, This (Quince) makes the heart strengthen, makes the breath pleasant and relieves (removes) the burden of the chest. (Nesaai) Quince is cold and dry, constipates and benefits the stomach. Sweet quince is cold and dry and is somewhat mild. Sour quince constipates more than sweet quince and is colder and drier. All types of Safarjal quench the thirst, stop vomiting, help produce urine and constipate. Safarjal helps against stomach ulcers, hemoptysis (spitting up blood with cough), diarrhea and nausea. Safarjal prevents the ascending of gaseous material when one eats it after the meal. In addition, the ashes of washed Safarjal leaves and stems are similar to zinc in benefit. Return to Page TOP

Safarjal helps extinguish the yellow bile of the stomach. When the quince is broiled, it will become softer and milder. The best way to eat the quince is broiled or cooked in honey. The seeds of Safarjal help against dryness in the throat, the windpipe and several other ailments. Its oil stops sweating and strengthens the stomach. Safarjal jam strengthens the stomach and liver, and relieves the heart and the soul. ‫ تجففم الفففؤاد‬means that Quince pleases / strengthens the heart, & opens the coagulation (if available). ‫ والطخاء للقلب‬is meant for darkness, like clouds or a sand storm cover the clear sky which is then un-seen, so Quince will do the same job for the heart, it will remove the blockage & the heart will be clear & healthy Insha'Allah.

Quince (Safarjal) preserve in honey + Barley Bread, a nice breakfast for heart patients

Most of the people today are deficient in vital minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium & particularly Selenium. It is because we have forgotten the milk & whole grains, milk will provide the necessary Calcium & the rest of minerals are found in whole cereal grains, for which you have the magnificent BARLEY bread chosen by Allah for our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam. Talbinah covers all the necessary minerals & nutrients, as it has the milk, barley & honey. And when you talk about the milk, the best is Camel's milk or goat's milk. If it is easy for you, you should drink at least 1 liter of Camel's milk every week. Our breakfast # 4 is nothing but a liter of Camel's milk & that is all, it can be combined with barley bread. Camel's milk is the best remedy for Dropsy & water retention, very good for hypertensive patients & those with liver and renal disease. For such patients, if camel's milk is out of reach, they should take the wisdom of camels, which graze on Mugwort, Lavender, Daisy & Izkhir, (lemon grass is not the Izkhir, because Izkhir's taste is pungent & bitter). These herbs have the healing for dropsy & liver malfunction. Ibn Al Qayyam wrote :

Dropsy is a physical disease that occurs when a harmful cold substance penetrates the external organs of the body and the body organs, other than those that are used in digestion, causing them to swell. There are three types of dropsy, in body tissue (fleshy), which is the most serious of the three, in a body cavity, and in an organ (drum). The remedy required for this disease includes mild laxatives and diuretic medicines that help rid the body of fluids. These diuretic qualities exist in the milk of camels. Camel's milk is a mild laxative, diuretic, cleanses, removes the obstructions and soothes the body. This is especially the case when the camels graze on beneficial herbs, such as ‫ ~ شيح‬Mugwort (worm wood), ‫ ~ قيصوم‬lavender, ‫ ~بابونج‬chamomile, ‫ ~ أقحههوان‬daisy and ‫خر‬ ‫ ~ إ خذذ خ‬a kind of lemongrass. These herbs help against dropsy. Dropsy is usually symptomatic of an ailment in the liver, especially due to congestion in the liver. The milk of the Arabian camels helps in this case, because of its many benefits as mentioned and which help open the clogged passages and the obstructions. Al-Razi said, "The shecamel's milk soothes the liver and the effects of a spoiled constitution". Al-Israili in addition said, "The she-camel's milk is the softest, least concentrated and lightest milk. It is the best choice for moving the bowels, as a laxative and for opening the clogged passages and obstructions". What makes this evident is the fact that this type of milk is mildly salty, as a result of the animal's instinctively hot nature. Therefore, the she-camel’s milk is the best remedy for the liver as it soothes it, opens its pores and veins and softens the hardness of fresh food. Fresh, warm camel’s milk is beneficial against dropsy. The author of Al-Qanoon~ Ibn-e-Seena in addition commented, "Do not listen to those who claim that milk does not provide cure from dropsy. Rather, know that camel's milk is an effective cure, because it cleanses gently and easily, due to its other qualities. This type of milk is so beneficial that if a person substituted water and food with camel's milk, he would be cured from dropsy and other ailments" Some people tried this remedy and were soon cured.

Camel's Milk ~ The best medicine for Dropsy & Water Retention

Breakfast # 5 Olive oil ~ Honey ~ Barley Bread ~ Vinegar ~ Camel's milk ~ Goat's milk ~ Dates ~ Nabeez ~ Talbinah ~ Quince Preserve ~ Hais ...............ohhhhh what a colorful spectrum of wonders from Tibbe-Nabwi that can be altered every day for a healthy breakfast. Breakfast # 5 is to combine the goodness of Tibb-e-Nabawi with Hummus, you have barley bread, olive oil & milk from Tibb-e-Nabawi & sesame seeds provide the necessary minerals like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium & Phosphorus. Hummus + barley bread will keep you full for 10 ~ 12 hours & with healthy breakfasts; you can easily manage to shift your meals from three to two per day. Hummus is a very healthy food, with all the necessary fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins & minerals. Recipe :  Take 100 g of boiled chickpeas (Garbanzo beans), you can also use Black chickpeas (Kala Chana).  Dry roast 50 g of white sesame seeds OR if you can have fresh Tahini from the market, red sesame seeds can be the other option.  3 green chilies, 3 garlic cloves, & salt as per taste.

Add all these to your blender with some milk & grind till you obtain a thick paste, transfer to your bowl & add olive oil & refrigerate, this is the simplest Hummus that can be made in your kitchen, it should be consumed within 2 days, as the taste gets bitter thereafter. Some people also add lemon juice before blending, but you can use it as a dressing, even vinegar & hot sauce can be used. Return to Page TOP

Take boiled chickpeas (either white or black) & blend with sesame seeds (either white or red), garlic, pepper & milk

Top with the blessed olive oil, your Hummus is ready, enjoy with a barley bread

With Red sesame seeds

‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ضوضد‬ ‫م ذ‬ ‫( خ‬56:27) ‫ن‬ ‫خ ب‬ ‫في خ‬ ‫ب ال ذي ي خ‬ ‫ب ال ذي ي خ‬ ‫حا ب‬ ‫ص ي‬ ‫حا ب‬ ‫ص ي‬ ‫ر م‬ ‫ن ي‬ ‫ما أ ذ‬ ‫وأ ذ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫سد ذ ض‬ ‫مي خ‬ ‫مي خ‬ ‫ذ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ب‬ ‫وظ خ ل‬ ) ‫ب‬ ‫من ب‬ ‫م ب‬ ‫م ذ‬ ‫ماء م‬ ‫و ي‬ ‫م ذ‬ ‫ل م‬ ‫ح م‬ ‫سكو ض‬ ‫( ي‬56:30) ‫دوضد‬ ‫( ي‬56:29) ‫ضوضد‬ ‫( ي‬56:28 ‫وطل ض‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ب‬ ‫م‬ ‫ي‬ ‫و ب‬ ‫م ذ‬ ‫و ي‬ ‫ش‬ ‫مبنو ي‬ ‫قطو ي‬ ‫ع ض‬ ‫ع ض‬ ‫ة كخثيير ض‬ ‫ه ض‬ ‫فاك خ ي‬ ‫م ذ‬ ‫ول ي‬ ‫( ل ي‬56:32) ‫ة‬ ‫( ي‬56:33) ‫ة‬ ‫ة ي‬ ‫( ي‬56:31 ‫فبر ض‬ ‫مذر ب‬ (56:34) ‫ة‬ ‫فو ي‬ ‫ع ض‬ ‫م‬ )

The Companions of the Right Hand,- what will be the Companions of the Right Hand? (They will be) among Lote-trees without thorns, Among Talh trees with flowers (or fruits) piled one above another, and in shades long extended, and waters gushing, and fruits in abundance, never-failing and never out of reach. And [with them will be their] spouses, raised high. Bananas are a miracle of my Allah's creations, and our Salaf said that TALH ‫ وطلح منضود‬mentioned in Quran means a tree which grows the fruit in piles, & banana is one of the examples of TALH. Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that bananas help against the ulcers / infections of kidney & the urinary bladder; he also wrote that eating bananas with honey is the best combination. We tried this combination for patients with high uric acid (pain in the heels) & Masha'Allah the results were beautiful.

Goat's milk was so common in the times of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, it is mild & light, a laxative & it cures mouth ulcers, dry cough & nosebleed, it is easily digested by the stomach. So we compile the goodness of above in breakfast # 6 as : 1. Bananas topped with honey, with a glass of goat's milk 2. OR blending a milkshake of banana+honey with goat's milk You may take barley bread with these blessings. As milk is cold & wet, it is harmful for people with phlegmatic nature, it is better to take milk with some dried ginger powder (Soonth) or cinnamon to neutralize the cold effect. Return to Page TOP

Bananas topped with Honey

Goat's Milk, a blessing that is almost forgotten

Milkshake of Bananas with Goat Milk is a healthy breakfast

Breakfast # 7

Breakfast # 7 is a vegetable curry cooked in the blessed olive oil & eaten with barley bread. When prepared with correct ingredients & correct cooking procedure, a vegetable curry turns so delicious, but unfortunately, we are habitual for curries that are based on over burning the onions (in vegetable oils) as the first step. With olive oil & putting all ingredients all together in a non-stick pot (with a lid), & cooking at low heat yields a curry which preserves the moisture, texture, color, taste & nutrients. We have also seen that fully tendered vegetables are difficult to digest & create acidity; on the contrary, if the vegetables are kept half-tendered, they retain the goodness of nature & become so friendly for digestion. We cooked white radish curry in the same way & combined it with barley bread, it was a delicious breakfast. You may alter the vegetables at every next occasion, carrots, spinach+fenugreek, sweet potato, cauliflower, beans, beetroot, etc. Olive Oil increases digestibility of curries, it is the only OIL recommended by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam for cooking & massaging. Return to Page TOP

Put all ingredients all together & cook with Olive Oil at low heat for 30 ~ 45 minutes (in a non-stick pot)

Keep the vegetables semi-tendered, they are easier to digest

Barley Dough

The beauty speaks by itself

Fiber & Nutrition

Barley bread, I LOVE YOU

Beetroot Soup with Barley ‫م‬ ‫ى رسو م‬ ‫ل اللللهذ صلللى الللله‬ ‫من ذ‬ ‫ عن أ م‬،‫ى وأبو داود‬ ‫م ال م‬ ‫روى الترمذ ى‬ ‫ دخل عل ى‬:‫ قالت‏‬،‫ذر‬ ‫ فجعلل رسلو م‬:‫ ق الت ‏‬،‫ة‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ل معىلقل ة‬ ‫ ولنلا د وووا ل‬،‫عليه وسلم ومعه على رضى الله عنه‬ ‫ى معه يأك ملل م‬ ‫اللهذ صلى الله عليه وسلم يأك م م‬ ‫ فقللال رسللول الللله صلللى الللله‬،‫ل‬ ‫ل وعل ة‬ ‫ى فإن ى و‬ ‫ فقللال‬،‫سللللقا د وشللعيردا‬ ‫ت لهللم ذ‬ ‫ فجعللل م‬:‫ قللالت‏‬،"‫ه‬ ‫ك ناقذ ة‬ ‫م ل‬ ‫ " و‬:‫عليه وسلم‏‬ ‫ه يا عل ى‬ ‫و‬ ‫و‬ ‫و‬ ‫ قللال‬.‫ فللإنه أوفللقم لللك" ‏‬،‫ب مللن هللذا‬ ‫ىف ؛ فأ ذ‬ ‫صلل ل‬ ‫ "يا عللل ى‬:‫ى صلى الله عليه وسلم‏‬ ‫النب ى‬ .‫ث حسن غريب ‏‬ ‫ حدي ة‬:‫ى‏‬ ‫الترمذ ى‬ Tirmzi and Abu Dawood narrated that Umm Al-Munthir Radi Allaho Anha said, “The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) came by along with Ali Bin Abi Talib Radi Allaho Anh when he was still recovering from an illness. Then, we had some hanging clusters of dates. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) started eating from the dates and he (Ali) also joined him. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) then said to Ali Radi Allaho Anh: “You are still weak & recovering from your illness, so dates are not good for you at this instance, so Ali Radi Allaho Anh stopped eating the dates”. I then prepared a soup made with Barley and SILQ (beetroot) and brought it to them. Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) said to Ali, “Eat from this; it is more beneficial for you”.

The wisdom behind combination of Beetroot with Barley is the beauty of Tibb-e-Nabawi, & it is the best food for weak / sick patients. Either you prepare a simple beetroot soup & add barley bread later, OR you blend Beetroot & Barley's Saweeq (Sattu) before cooking. With a tomato & onion, blend a beetroot in enough water & then add Barley's Saweeq (Sattu), blend again & take the mixture on your stove. Add the blessed Olive Oil, herbs / salt as per your taste & cook for 20 minutes at low heat & you may fry some Cumin seeds (Zeera) & Curry leaves in olive oil separately as the Top Dressing. Return to Page TOP

With a tomato & onion, blend a beetroot in enough water

Add Barley's Saweeq (Sattu) & blend again

Cook for 20 minutes at low heat

Beetroot Soup with Barley's Sattu

Barley Soup with Black Chickpeas

Barley is one of the most beneficial foods in this world, & it is the grain Chosen by Allah for His beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam. Keeping this fact in mind, whoever adopts barley will stay healthy Insha'Allah. Barley soup can have a lot of variety, when you can combine it with various legumes & vegetables. Black chickpeas (Kala Chana) are the best among all legumes / lentils; they are low in saturated Fat, very low in Cholesterol and Sodium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein, Copper, Folate and Manganese. I tried Barley's Saweeq (Sattu) soup with (boiled) black chickpeas & it was a beautiful combination, overflowing with nutrition, & digestibility increased further by adding the blessed olive oil. Blending all ingredients (in water) before cooking makes the soup consistent & thick.

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Blend boiled chickpeas, Barley's Saweeq (Sattu), onion, tomatoes & green chili in water

Add the blessed olive Oil & Spices

Barley's Saweeq (Sattu) Soup with Black Chickpeas

Barley Soup with Mung Daal Barley is a miracle of my Allah's creations, & those who are not experienced for making its bread can still enjoy Barley's derivatives. Plain barley soup (with Saweeq ~ Sattu) is a beauty, & it can be enhanced in taste by adding flavors from vegetables & lentils. I prepared the soup with Moong Daal. Daal should be soaked overnight so that it is soft for the blender, OR if you boil the Daal before blending, it will be much better. Blend an onion, tomato, some ginger & garlic, green chili & boiled Daal all together. Add spices, olive oil & some vinegar, cook at low heat for 30 ~ 40 minutes, now add Barley's Saweeq & cook again for 15 ~ 20 minutes (stirring the soup continuously), you will get a creamy soup, consistent with all ingredients captured in balance by every individual spoon. If barley added was (suppose) 100 grams, Daal should be 50 grams. Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that Skin of the Adas (Daal) is hot & dry in the third degree & also works as a laxative, the benefit of lentils is concentrated in the peelings (skin), and this is why whole lentils are more beneficial than washed / peeled lentils, less heavy on the stomach & less harmful.

Always select lentils with skin & avoid washed / peeled lentils. Return to Page TOP

Those colors were not created without reason

Barley Soup with Arvi (Taro) You can add a variety of colors & tastes to your Plain barley soup. I tried it with Arvi (Taro) & it was a new experience. Boil 2-3 pieces of Arvi & in the same water (after it cools down), blend Arvi with an onion, tomato, peppers & Barley's Saweeq (Sattu). Take the paste on stove & add spices with the blessed olive oil, cook for 30 minutes at low heat. It will be a thick, creamy soup. Sweet potato & Arvi are far better than potatoes in nutrition, fiber & digestibility.

Home-made YOGURT Commercial yogurts are made in automatic machines, which throw out the thick yogurt in 5 hours only; it is a very short period for Lactic Acid Bacteria to convert all the lactose in yogurt; that is why that people with Auto-Immune disorders are always allergic to Yogurts. Home-made yogurt will have the maximum FLORA & almost all the Lactose would have been converted into Probiotic organisms. This Yogurt will never create allergies to you, and you will feel that the digestion has improved by 200 %, high Probiotic ratio will help you perfectly. Many friends were keen to see how Yogurt is made at the kitchen; it is a very simple process. Choose a glass jar (say 4 liters capacity), put 200 grams of any commercial Yogurt & fill the jar with fresh milk, they are already pasteurized so there is no need to heat the milk again. BUT IF YOU WILL BOIL THE MILK, add it to jar after it cools down & you will observe that boiled milk will give some hardness to YOGURT.

Cover the jar with a cloth & tighten the mouth with a rubber band (allow the air for bacteria to breathe), place the jar in a warm place, so your kitchen is the best. Wait for 48 hours, and the Yogurt will be ready with a mild Makhani (white butter) aroma, it will be a semi-solid curd, thin like a Lassi, but it will change your life, high in Probiotics & Whey Protein, totally free of additives, never creating any allergic reactions, inducing high digestibility & fixing many of your stomach problems Insha'Allah. For the next batch, use 200 grams from this Yogurt and never stop the process........ Return to Page TOP

I have totally stopped purchasing Yogurt from the markets, and I have also started cooking my curries with home-made Yogurt, those curries never create acidity, bloating, flatulence, etc. Home-made Yogurt is best for patients with Ulcer, food poisoning, Dysuria (burning urine), even Urinary tract infections will reduce Insha'Allah.

Whey Protein When yogurt is strained to obtain Labnah, its water separates which is Greenish, it is the Whey Protein, a delicious drink. You can enjoy it as you like, either sweetened with honey, or with some salt & black pepper, OR you can even add the whey protein to your soups & Rice Puloa.

Yogurt Soup with Heeng & Za'fraan Home made Yogurt with a curing time of 48 hours is the best for digestion, & its soup made with Turmeric & Olive Oil is so delicious. I made Yogurt soup with Heeng & the taste was so sparkling, igniting the digestive juices. Original Heeng has small pebbles that should be removed, so boil 10 grams of Heeng in water & filtrate, in a blender, add Yogurt, onion, garlic & blend them together, add this Yogurt to Heeng water with spices, Turmeric & Olive Oil. Start boiling the soup & before the final moments, add some Za'fraan & Khardal, boil for 5 minutes more & that is all, enjoy with a barley bread. With good digestion, you will feel mild & comfortable; laziness, morning lethargy & pains will reduce Insha'Allah. Return to Page TOP

Papaya Ice Cream Papaya is a miracle of my Allah's creations, the fruit grown on the stem, full of Digestive Enzyme (Papain), beautiful color for the flesh & green Papaya is added to curries as a meat tenderizer. Be careful for Papain enzyme tablets / capsules, we know that most of the extracts are made in Alcoholic medium. A milk-less / cream-less Papaya Ice cream will of course need Talh (Bananas) as an emulsifier, plus some mangoes and because Papaya is low in sugar, you may add some Jaggery (Gur), fortified by Date Stones powder, Citron Zest, Raisins and AnarDana. Fruits should be totally frozen, & then start with a low speed of your food processor, stop the machine, mix well with a spoon and switch on again at a high speed, the ice cream will homogenize with a dominant Papaya color. Top with some jaggery chunks & freeze again for 2 hours before serving.‫ ‏‬ Return to Page TOP

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BARLEY CAKE with Pomegranate We bring for you today the best Cake recipe of this world; it is the BARLEY CAKE with Pomegranate juice. Ingredients : Barley Flour with husk as 250 grams Sugar as 100 grams Olive Oil as 75 ml 3 eggs Fresh Pomegranate Juice (with minimum seed pulp) as 250 ~ 300 ml Baking soda as 1 tablespoon Milk is not required here. Prepare the Dough with Barley flour, Sugar, eggs & Olive Oil & finally add the Ruby red juice, blend again & bake in your oven. The color of Pomegranate cake is so beautiful, the taste can't be written in words.................only the tongue can explain, the SILK type softness for your stomach, high digestibility, these words are nothing to praise.

Cakes are more delicious when served with some fruit preserves, & I love "Mulberry" (Blue Shehtoot) Preserve the most. Please keep in mind that combination of milk & eggs is discouraged by Tibb-e-Nabawi, so always make your cakes as : 1. 2.

Either using milk only (eliminate the eggs) OR use water with eggs to make the dough

BARLEY CAKE with Mangoes Barley is the blessed grain Chosen by Allah for the Seal of Prophets (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam). Healing by Tibb-e-Nabawi foods is shared around 50 ~ 60 % by the blessed barley alone....... We tried to give an extra flavor to barley cake, so MANGOES were blended with sugar, barley flour, raisins, almonds, flax seeds, olive oil, red sesame seeds, fennel, some eggs & water. Cake dough is always kept thinner & moist. We just use the Baking Soda & we always avoid Baker's Yeast. A good quality cake will always puff over the mold's level, Barley+Mango cake had a beautiful color, excellent taste & you can even make its Custard with milk to name it as a kind of TALBINAH Ingredients list is as under : Barley Flour with husk as 250 grams Sugar as 100 grams Extra Virgin Olive Oil as 75 ml 3 eggs Fresh Mango pulp as 200 grams

Water as 75 ~ 100 ml Baking soda as 1 tablespoon Return to Page TOP

Blend Barley flour with Mango pulp, Olive Oil, baking soda, eggs, water & sugar in a food processor, cook in the oven & your house will fill with the aroma. Cut the cake & just watch the soft texture, the beautiful color & fragrance. Please keep in mind that combination of milk & eggs is discouraged by Tibb-e-Nabawi, so always make your cakes as : 1. 2.

Either using milk only (eliminate the eggs) OR use water with eggs to make the dough

Ice Cream without a Cream ~ A CURE Ice creams from the market are loaded with sugar, chemicals & artificial flavors, all of them have some E-numbers which are doubtful. Ice cream lovers should arrange it at their own kitchen, & some ice cream making machines are also available. But even for that version, you need a lot of cream whip which is not a healthy choice once again. But if you want an Ice Cream without a Cream, Tibb-e-Nabawi fruits are the best choice. We present a recipe which is free from chemicals, toxins, sugar & cream whip, & it is made with the most blessed fruits of this world. Major ingredient is TALH, the Bananas, with flavors of Pomegranate, figs, raisins, dates, Quince Preserve, Citron zest & finally honey. You will need a food processor, pasta maker OR a twin auger juicer for mashing the frozen fruits. Peel the bananas, seal them in plastic bags & freeze for 24 hours, you can also freeze other fruits OR use them very cold. In a food processor, mash the fruits one by one & you will have a thick puree resembling almost the ice cream. Mix the puree well & add

some honey on the top, freeze for two hours once again, that is all. You may use the mold cups for a serving size. If you need the milk in this ice cream, then you will have to use some home-made cottage cheese, which is purified & processed further to obtain Khoya / Mawa. For the ice cream shown in attached pictures, I used the Twin Auger Juicer. Return to Page TOP

Citron zest was the most wonderful taste, pomegranate seeds were crunchy under the teeth, Quince preserve was incredible, black raisins gave attractive color, dates were praise-worthy, figs spoke by themselves as Allah's Swear, Honey dressed the entire mixture, what else do you need ????????

‫‪HAIS ~ A confectionary made with Saweeq‬‬ ‫‪(Sattu) and Dates‬‬ ‫وفي حديث أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنههه قههال‪ :‬فخههرج بههها‬ ‫حتى إذا بلغنا سد الروحاء حلت‪ ،‬فبنى بها‪ .‬فلما أصبح قههال‪:‬‬ ‫مهههن كهههان عنهههده فضهههل زاد فليأتنههها بهههه‪ ،‬فكهههان الرجهههل‬ ‫يجيء بفضل التمر وفضههل السههويق‪ ،‬حههتى جعلههوا مههن ذلههك‬ ‫حيسا ا في نطههع صههغير‪ ،‬فجعلههوا يههأكلون مههن ذلههك الحيههس‪،‬‬ ‫ض إلى جنبهم من ماء السماء‪ ،‬فكانت تلك‬ ‫ويشربون من حيا ض‬

‫صلى الله عليه وسلم على صههفية رضههي‬- ‫وليمة رسول الله‬ .-‫الله عنها‬ Narrated by Anas Bin Malik Radi Allaho Anh, that on the way when we were returning from Khyber (at Sadd-al-Rohaa'), Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said in the morning "Whatever food a person has, he should bring it to us". So a man brought some dates & Saweeq (Sattu). We mixed them together in a small pot & we ate from that Hais & we drank from the ponds around that had rain water, and that was the Waleemah of Safyah Radi Allaho Anha.

‫ أخبرنا سفيان بن عيينههة عههن وائههل بههن‬:‫حدثنا ابن أبي عمر‬ ‫ " أن‬:‫ عههن أنههس بههن مالههك‬،‫ عن الزههري‬،‫داود عن ابنه نوف‬ ‫النبي صلى اللههه عليههه وسههلم أولههم علههى صههفية بنههت حيههي‬ ‫بسويق وتمر‬ Reported by Ibn Umar Radi Allaho Anh that Anas Bin Malik Radi Allaho Anh said "Waleemah offered by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam (at his marriage with Safyah Bint Hayy Radi Allaho Anha) was a confectionary (Hais) made with Saweeq (Sattu) and dates. Hais is no doubt the miracle of my Allah's creations, & it is the most delicious confectionary of this world, it is the blessed sweet which was served to Sahabah at Waleemah of Umm ul Mo'mineen Safyah Bint Hayy Radi Allaho Anha. Recipe is as under (first 3 are the chief items, others are optional): 500 g pitted dates 500 g Barley's Saweeq (Sattu) 250 g of Ghee or Butter Seeds & nuts of your own choice (lotus seeds, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, ground almonds, fennel seeds, cardamom, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds). Fry pitted dates in ghee, when they change the color, add all the seeds & nuts, fry for few minutes, finally add Barley's Saweeq (Sattu) & mix well, your hands will get tired. Fry for 10 minutes more &strike with a wooden spoon so that all ingredients are homogenized properly. Hais is a blessed confectionery & you will love it Insha'Allah. Return to Page TOP

Fry the dates in Ghee or Butter

You may add nuts of your choice (optional)

Add Barley's Saweeq & mix well, your hands will get tired

The Blessed Hais, its most beautiful part is the fiber of barley

Almonds Kalaqand Making confectionaries with Halal Cottage Cheese goes back to the times of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam & Sahabah, & they prepared the sweets mostly with DATES, the fruit that was abundantly available. And although Dates Hais (Kalaqand) is the best in this world, we can make the same HAIS with other fruits / ingredients as well, & recently we tried the Almond+Kaju Kalaqand. Preparation time is 2 hours Blenched & then roasted almonds : 500 grams Halal Cottage Cheese : 500 grams (obtained) from 3 liters of milk Honey as 150 grams Blend the roasted almonds with some Kaju, olive oil, date stones powder & honey, prepare the Halal Cottage Cheese & preserve its whey protein to be used later for making your curries. Combine the Cheese & blended almonds in a food processor, within few minutes, you will have a paste type Kalaqand that should be fried in Ghee for 20 minutes at low heat, the extra moistures will evaporate & you will have a thick Kalaqand, refrigerate till it solidifies more & cut either in cubes or make round balls. A perfect recipe that is rich in Calcium & Magnesium.

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Beetroot Halwah Beetroot is a miracle of my Allah's creations, praised by Tibb-eNabawi, it is the best nutrition for weak patients. You can cook beetroot soup with Barley Saweeq, or you may prepare its curry, and the other option is to cook its Halwah. Grate the beetroots & with a cup of milk, cook them at low heat for 20 minutes, once the beets get tendered & all the moistures have evaporated, add some Olive Oil, sugar & nuts of your choice, cook once again for 15 minutes and you will love this Halwah. How simply the food comes in front of you in a plate ? It is Allah's Command to His slaves that a human should look how the food is Created & from where the chain starts ?

‫و‬ ‫م و‬ ‫قونا‬ ‫ق ل‬ ‫ش و‬ ‫ن إ ذولى ط ووعا ذ‬ ‫سا م‬ ‫لن و‬ ‫‏( ث م ى‬25)‫صب با د ‏‬ ‫صب وب لونا ال ل و‬ ‫ماء و‬ ‫‏( أىنا و‬24)‫مهذ ‏‬ ‫فو ول لوينظ مرذ ا ذ‬ ‫و‬ ‫خل د‬ ‫ض و‬ ‫ش ب‬ ‫‏( وووزي لمتونا د وون و ل‬28)‫ضبا د ‏‬ ‫‏( وو ذ‬27)‫حب با د ‏‬ ‫عونبا د ووقو ل‬ ‫‏( فوأنب وت لونا ذفيوها و‬26)‫قا د ‏‬ ‫اللر و‬ ‫و‬ ‫و‬ (‫‏‬32)‫م ‏‬ ‫‏( وووفاك ذهو د‬30)‫دائ ذقو غ مللبا د ‏‬ ‫م وولن لوعا ذ‬ ‫ح و‬ ‫‏( وو و‬29)‫‏‬ ‫مك م ل‬ ‫موتاعا د ل ىك م ل‬ ‫‏( ى‬31)‫ة ووأب با د ‏‬ Then let Insaan (human) look at his food, (and how We provide it), For that We pour forth water in abundance, And We split the earth in

fragments, And cause the grain to grow therein, And Grapes and nutritious plants, And Olives and Dates, And enclosed Gardens, dense with lofty trees, And fruits and fodder,- For use and convenience to you and your cattle. Return to Page TOP

FIGS KALAQAND (HAIS) Praised by the Swear of Allah in the Heaviest Book of this world (Quran ~ Balaagh-ul-Lin-Naas), figs seen to you is not the fruit in fact, it is the inverted flower with immature fruits available as tiny pods inside. Foods & confectionaries prepared with Tibb-e-Nabawi ingredients will please your eyes & heart and Allah's Mercy, Noor & blessings will be seen Showered over your kitchen. Halal Cottage Cheese is the best for making confectionaries, Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that when it is heated, the fire makes it milder, softer, and better tasting with a pleasant scent. We prepared dried Figs Kalaqand with Halal Cottage Cheese (half kg figs & half kg of Halal Cottage Cheese),date stones powder & almonds, blend them all in a food processor & you may add some milk to soften the mixture and reduce the load on machine, once homogenized, fry in Ghee till all the moisture evaporates out & you get a thick / solid consistency, when it cools down, cut in slices & decorate with Cashew & almonds.

The color of Figs Kalaqand is beautiful, those tiny PODS will be seen over the surface, putting a stamp ofGENUINE over your Mitha'ee, Fig pods will be a fun under your teeth. 500 grams each of dried Figs & Cottage Cheese is a perfect combination, giving a Brix of around 35 to your sweet dish.

Mango Ice Cream Foods on the shelves are loaded with E-numbers, & it is better to use Tibb-e-Nabawi additives in your recipes. "TN" stays for Tibb-e-Nabawi, & we have designed the following TN numbers: 1. TN-Ho ~ Honey the cure 2. TN-Fg ~ Figs, Allah's Swear 3. TN-Ds ~ Date Stones powder 4. TN-Cz ~ Citron Zest 5. TN-Ra ~ Raisins 6. TN-Ad ~ AnarDana

7. TN-Ol ~ The blessed Olive Oil 8. TN-Vi ~ The blessed vinegar 9. TN-Bs ~ Barley's Saweeq (Sattu) With TALH (Bananas) as the emulsifier, we made Mango ice cream with AnarDana, Turunj Zest & black Raisins, freeze the fruits, slice them & with some "TN" additives, whirl them slowly in a food processor, stop the machine, mix well with a spoon & switch on again with a high speed, you will have the Talh+Mango ice cream, now it needs a honey T-shirt, freeze again for 2 hours & it is done. Recipes with "TN" numbers will bring Noor, Shifa & blessings in your foods, your eyes will watch the NOOR in reality, with "TN" additives, it seems like eating the foods of Jannah.............. Return to Page TOP

Kaddu Halwah with Cottage Cheese We present Kaddu Halwah made with Ghar Ka Paneer (Gourd's confectionary with Halal Cottage Cheese). Prepare cottage cheese by adding vinegar to boiling water, drain the whey protein & store it as a beverage to enjoy. Peel off the skin of gourd & separate the white cushions at the center that hold the seeds (they will be used later in a different recipe). Grate the Gourd nicely, we call it the Kaddu-Kush in Urdu, it brings joy & coolness to your eyes. Cook the grated gourd in its own water at low heat for 20 minutes till it tenders, now add Desi ghee, Halal Cottage Cheese, cardamoms & nuts of your choice, and in order to preserve the original color of Gourd Halwah, we added sugar instead of Jaggery or honey. Fry the ingredients all together till the moistures evaporate, Kaddu Halwah with Ghar Ka Paneer is ready, a Danedar / grainy texture. And if you need this Halwah as a Kalaqand/ Burfi, blend the ingredients in a food processor before frying.

When Halal Cottage Cheese is heated, it becomes as a PERFECT KHOYA. And you are probably unaware that sweet shops are making Khoya with dried milk powder, it should be avoided.

Halal Cottage Cheese Cheese even if Rennet was

on the commercial scale is made with Animal Grade Rennet, & they write vegetable rennet, it is doubtful. Vegetable Grade is produced by fermentation, & who knows if some Alcohol generated while fermenting the ingredients.

Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that un-salted cheese is good for the stomach, easy on the body organs, produces flesh and relaxes the stomach. Salted cheese, on the other hand, is less nutritious and is bad for the intestines. Salted cheese makes the body weak and causes stones in the liver & urinary bladder / prostate. It is also bad for the stomach, and mixing it with some other soothing ingredients (which some people think will probably make it milder) is even worse, because these substances allow the cheese an easy access to the stomach, making its job easier to spoil the digestion power. Because it creates stones in the gall-bladder & kidneys, & weakens

the stomach / intestines, you should try to avoid all brands of salted cheese. The only option left is to make your own Cottage Cheese at the kitchen, it is easy, neat /clean & the process is a fun for your children to watch. Boil full fat milk & add some vinegar OR lemon juice (I used my ruby red Pomegranate vinegar), the milk will start to coagulate, stir for a while & when you observe that the curd lumps are dense, put in a thin cloth (over a sieve) so that all the water (Whey Protein) is drained out. You may wash it again with cold water. Squeeze the Cheese more & let it dry for a while, it is ready. The fluffy texture of un-salted cottage cheese, the ultimate softness, the humble taste, the bright colors, the overflowing cure & the feeling of freshness will please your body Insha'allah You can eat it directly & it can be added to many diversified recipes like Kalaqand, Burfi, Khoya, ice-cream, Paneer Palak, Sandesah (a Bengali sweet), etc.

How to soften Cottage Cheese ? Always make your Cottage Cheese with fresh milk, a friend tried it with Long-Life milk & he had to add a lot of Lemon juice for coagulation, which can make the taste of cheese sour, more than you need it. Cottage Cheese has a Danedaar (grainy) texture, & you can't whip it on the bread, but there is a way to make it creamy. Return to Page TOP

Soon after you drain out the whey, pour some cold water over the cheese to remove acidity of vinegar / lemon, squeeze out the water properly & put in the food processor immediately, add some olive oil & blend, the coagulated Cheese will homogenize & you will get a creamy spread, it will totally resemble the Double cream cheese sold in markets, like the Brand KIRI.

MANGO KALAQAND (HAIS) We bring Halal Cottage Cheese recipes to you, because you should discourage the Salted Cheese from markets, salted cheese itself is injurious to your major organs, plus the commercial types are fermented with Rennet. Halal Cottage Cheese is the single choice, either to be eaten as RAW, added to confectionaries OR even cooked with vegetables. Halal Cottage Cheese gives a more pleasant aroma & taste when heated, on the contrary, those from the market spoil more when heated & release a terrible smell & taste.

The best quality Mangoes come from Pakistan, Chaunsa, Dosehri, etc. Melted snow from H-K-H ~ Hindukush, Karakorums & Himalayas travels down in the entire country with rivers & branched canals, that water is the most unique in this world for irrigation, it brings TASTE in grains, vegetables, fruits & even the fodder, our animals when eat that H-K-H powered fodder, the incredible taste is reflected in their meat & milk. Recipe for Mango Kalaqand is easy, 500 grams of Halal Cottage Cheese + 500 grams of Mango pulp with 200 grams of Jaggery, blend in a food processor with almonds and ..................... you can't imagine the healing induced by Date Stones powder, fry the mixture with cardamoms in Ghee or the blessed Olive Oil till most of the moisture evaporates out, put in a dish & give it few minutes to solidify, garnish with Sesame, Cashew and silver foils.

Za'afraani SANDESAH Sandesah is a Bengali sweet made with Cottage Cheese, at the shops; it is sold as 40/- Riyals per kg. But if you were a Bawarchee (chef) of Mughal kings, their Hakeem would ask you to make Sandesah with Ghazaal Kastoori, Amber, Za'afraan (Saffron), rose oil from their own gardens & sandalwood oil from their own forests, & the price could increase to 4,000 Riyals per kg. Za'afraan (Saffron) is a miracle of my Allah's creations, what you get at the markets is not a genuine Saffron, Ibn-e-Seena wrote that a good quality Saffron releases its color slowly, & you can try by pouring cold water over those cheep brands, they will release the color immediately. We use a high quality Saffron which is 15,000 ~ 17,000 Riyals per kg, it is a beauty, long~thick stigmas, strong aroma & releases the color very slowly. We prepared Sandesah with Halal Cottage Cheese, rose water, Za'afraan & Tibb-e-Nabawi numbers TN-Ds ~ date stones powder & Honey, (for half kg of Halal Cottage Cheese, add 300 grams of Honey), all should be fried in Ghee (at low heat) for 20

minutes, Za'afraan releases its color & you get a beautiful Sandesah, decorate with silver foils & enjoy the taste & colors that have come directly from the Hands of your LORD.

Pakoras with Beetroot Ibn Al Qayyam wrote :

،‫ق‬ ‫ السريع الىنضج وميقلل ضرره السل م‬،‫ن‬ ‫وأجومده البي م‬ ‫ض السمي م‬ ‫والسفاناخ‬ "The best type of Adas is the fat white Adas that digest faster, & eating lentils with beetroot & spinach will lesson their negative side effects". So based on these principals, we prepared a Pakora recipe that was never designed earlier in this world. After using whole Mung Daal flour & White Lobia Flour, I have almost forgotten the Black Chickpeas flour, both the Mung Daal & Black eyed peas Aataas are softer & better in taste. And regarding ordinary BESAN, it should be deleted from your kitchen. Prepare the dough with Kalonji, grated coconut, Sumaaq, coriander seeds, Zeera, dried garlic, onions, citron zest & the BEETROOTS, fry only in Olive Oil if you need to keep your Triglycerides below the limit, Corn Oil is 99 % Triglyceride & it will make you sick, Sunflower Oil is almost the same, overloaded with unhealthy fatty acids. Beetroot Pakoras with Black Eyed Peas flour & fried in Olive Oil, O my LORD, I had never tasted such a delicious food earlier...........

Which lentils to select for Pakoras ? Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that antidote for the harmful effects of lentils was Granted to their shell by Allah. He also wrote that White lentils are the best among all varieties. Besan is the ground Chana Daal which is washed to remove the shell, it is the most difficult Daal to digest & hence its Besan has the same defect, your Pakoras always create acidity & when you fry them in damaged vegetable oils, they become the worst. Among Daal varieties, we always recommend only 3 which are :

White Lobia (Black eyed peas) 2. Whole Mung Daal with green shell 3. Black Chickpeas (Bengal gram, also called Kala Chana) You should avoid all washed lentils, & even for those with the shell, avoid Mash, White chickpeas (Garbanzo beans), Masoor Daal, etc. 1.

Fava beans (Foul Mudammis) popular among Arabs is the worst, it increases Uric acid & it is the so hard to digest. Once in a while, you may be enforced to eat washed lentils, but never make a habit of consuming them regularly. So for Pakoras, our selection is to prepare Aata (flour) of Black chickpeas, White Lobia & whole Mung Daal. They are not available in the market, you will have to get them prepared as a special order from a flour mill. We prepared Pakoras with flour of whole Mung Daal (green shelled). Date stones powder & Kalonji were added to pull the healing of Tibbe-Nabawi, along with Summaq, Flaxseeds, Zeerah, coriander seeds, dried Fenugreek (Methi), onions & Hari Mirch, never add potatoes in Pakoras & replace them with sweet potatoes instead. Similarly, eggplant (Baingan), cabbage & cauliflower should also be avoided.

Barley Samosas We present this unique recipe that was never designed earlier in this world. My friends were asking for Samosa alternatives, so it was necessary to prepare Barley Samosas, & the best I understood was to bake them in an OVEN. Prepare barley Dough & never forget to add Olive Oil & a teaspoon of Baking Soda, make small balls for Samosa pastry, flatten the ball & add the filling, I used Camel Kebabs with some onions, etc. Seal the Samosas & put them in the oven tray, bake for 15 ~ 20 minutes till you feel that the Samosas are perfectly cooked. Serve with any kind of Chutney & we love the Coconut Chutney, prepared by blending grated coconut with spices in either water or Yogurt, fry a tablespoon of mustard seeds in olive oil & add in your Coconut Chutney. Barley Samosas are soft & Khasta like a Kaghaz (paper), both in your mouth & in your stomach, we may call themKaghazi Samosas. And the extra Brownish color exhibits the whole grain enriched with FIBER. Barley Samosas can be cooked easily even with a Sandwich maker, prepare the triangular bags of Barley Samosas & gently apply some olive oil on the surface, put them in the Sandwich maker, close the lid & turn over the sides after few minutes. Take them out when they are properly cooked from both sides. You may add Sumaaq to Barley Dough & the color will be reflected in Samosas.

The puff pastry that comes ready-to-use is made of refined wheat flour (Meda) and around the world, it is the favorite for Bakers & Bakeries, as they design a lot of items with it, out of which croissants are the most popular, the yeasted dough with a cheaper variety of damaged fats is rolled & folded several times in succession. Whole Barley flour will never allow you to make a puff pastry (as shown in the pictures), the fiber interferes & prevents the air to get entrapped inside. Every single BITE of white flour & white rice is destroying your health very slowly, it is like a single drop of water that strikes a rock & no one feels the damage which the rock suffers, finally the day comes when a hole is created. Return to Page TOP

When adopted for years, white wheat bread, refined carbohydrates, damaged fats, vegetable oils, pickles, salted foods, soda drinks, tea, coffee, improperly slaughtered animals, etc. damage the blood, the digestive system, the major organs like Liver, Pancreas, Gall Bladder, Kidneys & finally the heart.

Pakoras with Fenugreek ‫ حلبة‬/ Hulbah / Fenugreek

Hulbah (Methi) is a miracle of my Allah's creations; dried Methi leaves are added to many curries for the beautiful taste & aroma. Fresh fenugreek leaves are cooked as a curry itself with potatoes or spinach. I prepared Methi Pakoras with Cauliflower Achaar, instead of ordinary Besan, Kala Chana flour was used, and you can see the tiny brown dots in the dough, the outer shell of Kala Chana. The Pakoras were so delicious, with a slight touch of Methi's bitterness & a tart flavor from the pickle. For best results, fry Pakoras in the blessed olive oil, but for those who feel that Olive Oil is too expensive for frying; Canola Oil is the only alternative as its fatty acid structure resembles that of Olive Oil, and it is high in Mono-unsaturated fats. But for cooking the curries, you should only use Olive Oil, keep it as 50 ml per Haandi & it will be the cheapest.

Dates Molasses

Your Saweeq (SATTU) drink matches well with honey, molasses & jaggery (GUR). Following is the recipe for making dates molasses at your house. Take 5 kg of dates & 10 liters of water, take them on the stove & boil for two hours. For additional taste, you can add fennel seeds (Saunf) & cardamom. Because date stones are a cure for heart, you never need to take them out, during boiling; their oil & nutrients will come out. Sugar will be released & you will get around 30-35 % sugar, you may measure the Brix value with a digital Refractometer. Now filter out the pulp properly & you will have brownish syrup left behind. As a preservative, we add 200 ml of pomegranate vinegar, our dates molasses has a tart flavor, for you, 100 ml of good quality vinegar will be enough. Boil again for 60 minutes at low heat & Brix will rise to 70-75, strain out the impurities that float as a FOG on top. After boiling / filtration losses, you will have 3 kg of a beautiful dates molasses. Honey has 80 Brix, & dates molasses will be almost similar. When the molasses cools down, fill in dry bottles sterilized with boiled water. Return to Page TOP

To make one glass of Barley's Saweeq drink (Sattu), add 2 table spoons each of Sattu & dates molasses, for more sweetness, you can increase the molasses. We also add dates molasses to Talbinah, HAIS & cakes.

Barley Paratha with Blackstrap Molasses Barley is a blessed grain Chosen by Allah for the Seal of Prophets (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam). Healing by Tibb-e-Nabawi foods is shared around 50 ~ 60 % by the blessed barley alone....... And you can cook a sweetened Barley Paratha with Dates Molasses OR Blackstrap Molasses, which we make Jaggery (GUR). Prepare the dough in a food processor with barley flour, blackstrap Molasses, olive oil, fennel, flaxseeds, red sesame, black seed (Kalonji) and date stones powder, turn on the machine & add water slowly till you get a perfect BALL which does not sticks to the walls. Put some olive oil on TAWA & heat the oil moderately, now put the dough on the center of Tawa & flatten it carefully with your fingers,

you never need a Chakla Belan for barley's bread, some dough thickens on the corners, so flatten it with a plastic spoon to protect your fingers. Turn over and cook the top side; that is all, enjoy with some Quince preserve. Return to Page TOP

A perfect CARDIO breakfast; that will heal your heart, barley, date stones, olive oil, Quince Preserve in honey, flaxseeds, ohhh what your heart needs else than this ??????

Green Mangoes Chutney Green Mangoes are the capsules for your digestion; the famous "AMCHOOR" is the powder of dried Mangoes which promotes digestion. Green Mango Chutney is an old recipe, but they remove the rind, Green Mango rind itself is a beauty. Ingredients : Green Mangoes : 2 kg Honey : 750 grams Pure Home-made Vinegar : 50 ml Pink Himalayan Salt : A tablespoon Red chili powder : A tablespoon Kalonji, Khardal, Fennel : Half teaspoon each Cut dried Mangoes; remove the seed & chop the pulp (including) rind in a food processor. With some water, cook the mangoes at low heat, add spices of your choice, when the mangoes tender, add Honey & vinegar, cook again till you feel that all the moistures have evaporated. Green Mango Chutney (with rind) will please you Insha'Allah, perfect with rice & Kebabs.

Moongray Pickle in Olive Oil Radish / Daikon / MOOLI is a miracle of my Allah's creations.

When a mature Mooli is not taken out of the soil, it turns into root & the flowers grow on the plant, pods of these flowers grow like beans & they are called MOONGRAY in Punjabi. They are known only to people from Pakistan & India.

Moongray curry is so delicious, I hope that many of you have tried it.

I prepared MOONGRAY pickle in Heeng infused Olive Oil, trim the top & base of Monngrays & add salt, Mustard seeds, Kalonji & Fennel in layers one after the other, & the pickle will be ready after 20 days. Heeng induced a TASTE that was irresistible, high digestibility with complete combustion.

Because our pickles are low in salt (which is a strong preservative), they should be kept completely dipped in Olive Oil, any vegetable left over the oil will spoil with Fungus.

Carrots Pickle in Olive Oil Carrots are a miracle of my Allah's creations, & their pickle is a beautiful taste. Bring carrots & remove the skin, chop them in a food processor & add Kalonji, Mustard seeds (Khardal), Fennel (Saunf), dried red chili & the least salt, one after the other. Keep the salt as low as possible. Fill the jar with Heeng infused Olive Oil & wait for 3 weeks, the pickle will be ready. Such a simple pickle will aid in digestion. And with a Barley bread, the taste will be great. Because our pickles are low in salt (which is a strong preservative), they should be kept completely dipped in Olive Oil, any vegetable left over the oil will spoil with Fungus. While taking out the pickle, drain the maximum oil with a tea strainer, your daily intake of oil should be less than 5 tablespoons.

Beetroot Pulao Breads are better than rice, because they allow you some time to chew before swallowing down, but with rice, most of you swallow them quickly, carbohydrates necessarily need some contact with the saliva, and that is why slow chewing is recommended. You take rice as plain, or with meat, chicken & vegetables, but today, we present a Pulao that is a challenge for you & your ladies, if they can come to compete Tibb-e-Nabawi's beauty. The purpose of sending these recipes is not to make you feel hungry, but our emphasis is that you should stop wasting your valuable time & switch to Tibb-e-Nabawi for ever, permanently & daily. Beetroot with barley is praised by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam; for the sick & weak. And if the taste is not accepted by your naughty tongue, there are some alternatives. Beetroot Pulao is another miracle of my Allah's creations, the splendid colors & taste it exhibits are all Created by my Allah. The color tells that once consumed, it will convert into pure blood rapidly. We hope that someday, you will take a final decision of following Tibb-eNabawi.

Adding some vinegar to rice during cooking makes them puffy & fluffy and induces a mild tart flavor. Return to Page TOP

The beautifil colors

Beetroot Pulao

Red Cabbage Pulao in Olive Oil & Pomegranate Vinegar Red Cabbage is another miracle of my Allah's creations, how the dark pigment is TRANSFERRED in this vegetable (from the soil) can't be explained by a human. For digestion, it is tougher than the ordinary cabbage. We cooked red cabbage Pulao in olive oil & pomegranate vinegar, and Subhanallah the digestibility increased, eliminating the burps completely. The two blessed cures from Tibb-e-Nabawi (Olive Oil & Vinegar) should be the essential part of your daily cooking. The pigment of red cabbage imparted ITHMIDEE color on the rice, which is my most favorite color in this world. Kohl Ithmid is black, but when it gets wet in the eyes, the color turns to purple. Some interesting information on red cabbage is copied below. The red cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra) is a sort of cabbage, also known as Red Kraut or Blue Kraut after preparation. Its leaves are coloured dark red/purple. However, the plant changes its colour according to the pH value of the soil, due to a pigment called anthocyanin (flavin). On acidic soils, the leaves grow more reddish while an alkaline soil will produce rather greenish-

yellow coloured cabbages. This explains the fact that the same plant is known by different colours in various regions. Furthermore, the juice of red cabbage can be used as a home-made pH indicator, turning red in acid and blue in basic solutions. On cooking, red cabbage will normally turn blue. To retain the red colour it is necessary to add vinegar or acidic fruit to the pot. Return to Page TOP

pH Indicator Red Cabbage juice contains a pigment that is called anthocyanin. It is used to monitor levels of ionic hydrogen insolutions. It is pink in acidic solutions (pH < 7), purple in neutral solutions (pH ~ 7), blue in alkaline solutions (pH > 7), and colorless in very alkaline solutions where the pigment is completely reduced. You may read more at

Bitter Gourd (Karela) in Olive Oil Bitter Gourd (Karela) is a miracle of my Allah's creations, the famous vegetable that helps Diabetic patients; around the world, its dried seeds are added in many herbal formulations for Diabetes. When it is cooked as a traditional Indo-Pak styled curry, most of the benefit is lost by over-burning, and many people peel off the rind for reducing its bitterness. Best results will be achieved when the rind is included and then the curry is prepared in the blessed olive oil at low heat, adding some black seed & fennel seeds enhances the taste & aroma. The blessed Olive oil is the best OIL for cooking; you will justify it for sure, either today or tomorrow.

Cauliflower / Cabbage cooked in Olive Oil Cruciferous vegetables are difficult to digest for most of the people; who suffer with BURPING (Dikaar), belching & flatulence for many hours. They also complain for the release of gas from mouth, often with a bad odor. Broccoli, Cauliflower & cabbage are the trouble makers in this category.

We tried cooking cauliflower & Broccoli with olive oil, at low heat in a non-stick pan & the vegetables were kept 75 % tendered. Results were beyond the expectations, the olive oiled curry was so easy to digest, no burping, no belching, no problems at all Alhamdolillah. We also cooked cabbage in olive oil & there was no burping absolutely. You have forgotten that olive oil is from a blessed tree, & to bring it back in your cooking is so essential for your family's health. Mistake mostly done is choosing the wrong brand, select the one that is the lightest in taste & retains its fresh smell after it is put on the head, for this purpose, you will have to check 10 ~ 15 best brands from the market & the only ONE will be the final choice for ever.

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