How to Kiss - The Best Kiss -For Beginers

December 16, 2016 | Author: Sanjay Suresh Ambalath | Category: N/A
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How to Kiss by noahw on May 9, 2007

Table of Contents intro: How to Kiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


step 1: Pre Kiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


step 2: Practice the Kiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


step 3: The Kiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


step 4: Post Kiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


step 5: How NOT to Kiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Related Instructables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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intro: How to Kiss This is an instructable on how to kiss. Kissing can be a hard thing to do until you get comfortable doing it, and while nothing can fully prepare you for a kiss, this how-to will explain some of the basics of kissing a partner and explore some simple kissing do's and don't's. Note: I am by no means a kissing expert. The information in this instructable is based upon experience and some simple research on the subject.

step 1: Pre Kiss The lead up to the kiss can actually be the most difficult part of kissing. Figuring out whether your partner is ready to kiss you or not can be a challenge of its own. If you see one or a combination of these indicators, there is a good chance that your partner is thinking about kissing you. eyes become soft and heavy eye contact is made and sustained head turns slightly lips are licked or bitten your partner makes physical contact with you beyond what seems appropriate for normal conversation (e.g. he or she brushes your hand, touches you on the shoulder or leg, or fidgets with an accessory) easy conversation comes to a stop, but eye contact is not broken your partner smiles in conjunction with any of the above behaviors To give your partner the cue that you wish to kiss him or her, you can try one or a combination of these things. soften your gaze by relaxing the muscles around your eyes, somewhat like smiling but without engaging your mouth smile often, though make eye contact and allow it to linger for a few moments longer than you normally would find ways to subtly (but respectfully) touch your partner If you think you are picking up some of these signs, but are still unsure if the person wants to be kissed then there is nothing wrong with just simply asking your partner if a kiss would be all right. Granted it breaks the mood a bit, and sensing the magic is always nicer than asking if it's there, but better to be sure your partner is on board for the kiss otherwise you might be heading for an embarrassing situation. If you've assessed the situation, and it seems probable that a kiss is imminent, the next things to think about are timing and approach. The key to nailing the pre kiss is matching your partner's speed and intensity. The kiss is the first opportunity to physically connect with your partner, and so you want to meet him or her halfway. Here are some steps you could follow as you go in for the kiss. Keep in mind that the kiss you share with someone is as unique as your relationship with that person, so follow your instincts and use the following as a rough guideline. 1. Establish a physical connection by placing your hands on your partner's body. Placement depends on the dynamic between you, you can softly touch the face, the back of the neck or the shoulders. Be gentle with your touch if this is the first contact you are making. Stay away from "high risk" zones on your partners body, as you just want to indicate that you are interested in kissing them, not give them a full body search. 2. Establish and maintain eye contact from this point on. The eyes are often a clear indicator if someone wants to be kissed, or is thinking about kissing you. Try to look at your partner with a deep, yet soft gaze. Use your eyes to send them a message that shows how you feel for your partner, e.g., "I care for you, I am on fire when I look at you, I want to kiss you." 3. As you lean in, you may want to tilt your body and head to accommodate your partner's positioning. One partner will have to make room for the other, or both partners can just slightly tilt heads in opposite directions. Basically you are just trying to avoid a nose collision as you get closer, so just pick a side to turn to and don't give it too much thought. 4. Gauge how quickly your partner is leaning in and try to meet at the halfway point between you, so neither person is overextended. Over/under extension can make one person feel like they are not getting met and are either too aggressive, or not engaged enough. If you have come this far with your partner chances are you are going to kiss, or you have misread the entire situation and they are just leaning in to look at something stuck in your teeth. If the first is true, then read on because it's time to pucker up and get on with THE KISS.

Image Notes 1. Head is tilted to the side, lip is being bitten or licked, and eyes are focused on partner and soft. These are all signs that a kiss might be on someone's mind.

Image Notes 1. Eyes are staring deeply into eachother

step 2: Practice the Kiss Once you're leaning in, things start to happen quickly. If you are nervous about the actual kiss, why not practice beforehand to hone your technique? An arm or mirror could serve as useful tools to self monitor the feel and look of your kissing style. Rest assured, THE KISS is coming, but here it is broken down first, step by step so that you know whats going on when you see it at full speed with a partner in the next step. Here is a head on view of a kiss. I am just practicing here, so it might look a little funny, but once your partner is sitting across from you and your lips meet theirs, it's H, O, T hot.


Once Check out the pictures below for the step by step break down of the video. 1. You are in the pre kiss state described in step 1 - your head is tilted, there is lip activity, your eyes are in a soft deep gaze and maybe there is some light physical contact. You could open or close your eyes, though if you're nervous, closed could help avoid the deer in headlights look of fear. I like to start with mine open and close them just before lip contact. 2. Either you or your partner has shown that they would like to kiss. Start putting the pieces from step 1 together. Lean in and meet your partner halfway. Begin to pucker the lips by bringing them together, pushing them out, and applying just a faint hint of suction on your closed mouth to bring the cheeks slightly in. Now is a good time to lick your lips if they aren't already moist. Keep leaning in, remembering to tilt your head until you make contact with your partner's lips. Remember not to forget about hand placement! A gentle touch to the back of the neck, the shoulders or your partners head is all you need. This can also help in guiding someone into the kiss if they are lost or are having trouble meeting you. 3. Your lips come to a full pucker position. They are soft, but not floppy. They can be fully formed and firm, but certainly not hard. This is an ambiguous state for any solid to be in - but these are your lips were talking about here - they can handle it! Make contact with your partners lips. If this is your first kiss, you don't want to linger too long, but you also don't want to just peck them and retreat.

Count "one-one thousand, two-one thousand" in your head before relaxing the pucker in your lips and beginning to pull your head away. You can hold the kiss like this for longer, but after 5 seconds or so should start think about ending this kiss. If you would like to keep kissing after that you can always lean in again and follow up the first kiss with a second, third or fourth kiss. Remember to breathe through the kiss. It's all right to hold your breath for a short kiss, but for longer ones you are going to have to breathe while you are kissing. Since your mouth is occupied, you are going to have to use your nose. Just breathe normally and continue on with the kiss. To end the kiss begin to lighten the pressure your lips are applying to your partners' and relax your puckered lips. As your lips relax they will separate and a small amount of air will be sucked into your mouth. This will create the kissing noise, or "smack" that is identified with a kiss. At this point contact with your partner's lips has ended and its time to start thinking about giving them a little space and time to reflect about what just happened. 4. Move your head back slowly and begin to relax the muscles around your mouth. You can keep your eyes closed for a bit as you revel in the kiss and slowly return to your normal un-extended position. 5. You are now in the post kiss phase and if it was a good kiss, words won't do the feeling justice. If you and your partner liked what just happened you can follow up with more, or just enjoy what the two of you shared. If it was a bad kiss, you can try to make changes and give the kiss another go. If things can't be salvaged at that particular moment, don't force it - take a break and talk about it with your partner and try again after a few minutes or another day.

step 3: The Kiss Ok, it's time for THE KISS. Take all the elements from steps 1 and 2 and put them together. It's good to be methodical while practicing to kiss, but when it's time to do the real thing it should flow smoothly and come naturally. That means less step-by-step instructions, and more videos of the real thing. Just a simple kiss.


Put a few of them together.


You can also touch your tongue to your partners lips ever so slightly. (This is not a French Kiss - just one method of placing the tongue towards the front of your mouth so you can just lightly brush your partner's lips upon contact.)


step 4: Post Kiss The post kiss is a lot like the pre kiss state, but more warm and gooey. If you enjoyed the kiss show your partner that you liked it by smiling and/or holding their hand. If you are going to kiss again keep things energized by maintaining physical contact with your partner even though you have pulled your lips away. For multiple kisses its ok to do the same thing over and over, but it's better to change things up a little bit. Here are some variables to think about modifying: angle of approach speed of kiss length of kiss kiss firmness/intensity lip positioning (The first kiss is often a dead on approach, but offsetting one set of lips either up, or down can lead to a nice interlocking kiss where one partner's lips are nestled within the "lip valley" of the other partner's lips.) hand placement body placement If you are done kissing for a little while just stare into your partners eyes and enjoy what the two of you just shared. Hopefully it will be the first of many and the twinkle in your eye as well as the smile on your face should make you feel like you are on top of the world.

step 5: How NOT to Kiss Kissing "don't's" are just as important as kissing "do's". Just as doing all the right things can make for a magical kiss, doing all the wrong things could seriously throw a monkey wrench into your kissing future. So remember, don't: try to suck the face off of your partner. Kissing is exciting, and there can certainly be an urge to latch on and suck, but try to resist, as it will probably upset your partner. force your tongue onto the scene. The right time to use your tongue while kissing will present itself after a few kisses, a few minutes or a few days. Forcing it too early or being aggressive with your tongue before you or your partner is ready is not a good idea. kiss your partner with a mouth full of saliva. Remember to swallow excess spit before locking lips with your partner. While this is more of a problem with French kissing, if the saliva were to somehow find its way out of your mouth during a regular kiss, it could be problematic. kiss with bad breath or fuzzy teeth. Practice good oral hygiene before kissing and take a second to think about whether or not your lips and mouth are a nice environment to kiss. It's true that kissing someone who has eaten onions or garlic can be pungent - so watch out for kisses after meals, but often if both partners have had the same thing to eat neither of them will mind very much. miss your partner's face or misalign and hit noses. It's not the end of the world if this happens, but a simple turn of the head or glance to make sure you are properly aligned can help you avoid this potentially embarrassing situation. don't run into trouble with braces. Locking braces, cutting your partner, or just clashing metal is a real danger when you or your partner have braces. Kiss gently when you have braces and take special care not to link your braces onto theirs. Kissing with braces is most definitely possible and having them shouldn't keep you from being a great kisser. Even if you do make some of these mistakes none of them are unrepairable. Remember, kissing certainly is a big part of becoming close with someone, but it is by no means everything. If you do happen to have a bad experience just take a second to compose yourself, and try giving it another shot.

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Comments 50 comments Add Comment

loverboy22 says:

view all 392 comments Dec 10, 2008. 10:15 AM REPLY

ok well this really sucks i want a gf but when i was a kid i had my you know what cut off at birth. what can i do to please a girl

Nilhilustfrederi says:

Dec 10, 2008. 7:43 PM REPLY

Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful.

in4ad8 says:

Dec 8, 2008. 4:03 PM REPLY ok so. this girl likes me and i like her back EVERYONE telling me ask her out. ik i can hold off any longer. i will im not scared of that... im scared of the kissing her last boyfriend and her would like makeout and ik shes good and experienced at it! ive barely pecked a girl idk what to do! i dont wanna embarrass myself! specially cuz im the guy.... what do i do what do i dooooooooo :(

dcgirl says:

Dec 10, 2008. 11:26 AM REPLY well if you really like her you should talk to her. don't be scared take a deep breath your going to have to kiss someday why not try it out now and if she is experienced then she can teach you some girls like to feel in control so just go for it

Tay-Tay says:

Dec 6, 2008. 10:48 PM REPLY okay im 14 and my bf is 16 hes already done alot with a grl.. and ive never madeout with a guy only a grl.. and im not bi or lez.. but it was a dare and i really dont likw bAcking down from dares.. and i dont know what i should do any advice im openn

erickster says: um.... okay I'm thirteen and I have a girlfriend it seems that I've kissed my girlfriend so many times it doesn't feel like much but that's probably cuz I've done it so much how do I move up from "pecking" to a make out when they don't know how to make out keep in mind I can't teach for anything

Oct 27, 2008. 7:08 PM REPLY

shoobienoobie says:

Dec 4, 2008. 1:28 PM REPLY yea man i kno how that is. im 15 and my gf is 14. shes never made out b4 but i have a few times. christmas is comin soon so im just gunna wait for a special time to move on from the "pecking." If you never made out b4 just go for it when it feels right. since you both havent done it yet the more yous try the better youll both get at it.

sry says:

Nov 21, 2008. 8:28 AM REPLY

that how I feel about my boyfriend I kiss him some many time I don't wont to kiss him no more


Dec 10, 2008. 4:52 AM REPLY


RedBloom says:

Nov 15, 2008. 11:12 PM REPLY

ok what you need to do is. step 1: ask her to go to the movies step 2: when watching the movie tap her shoulder step 3: she will look at you with that awsome look step 4: put your hand on the side of her face, pushing it more twards your face (gently) step 5: go at her face sideways and you will both start making out. i know you dont know how to make out but do your best.. its kinda easy. anyway you learn from your mistakes. you wil get better.. you gotta start somewhere. the only tips i can give you is to move your tongue in a circle or figure 8. NEVER suck on her tongue or just poke it out like a lizard

dcgirl says:

Dec 10, 2008. 11:28 AM REPLY aww thats so sweet kind of wanna go to the movies with you lol yes but never do the suck on face thing. when you put a lot pressure on each others face not good :)

sry says:

Nov 21, 2008. 8:29 AM REPLY

that a good thing to do if you never kiss a boy or a girl

dalilahxo says:

Nov 2, 2008. 10:11 AM REPLY

when you kiss your gf tell her that you really love her and she will tell you i love you to trust meee and then kiss her with your heart not your mind

Hellosunflowers says:

Nov 6, 2008. 4:04 PM REPLY Um, okay. I just think that you shouldn't be telling ANYONE you really really love them at 13. I know I'm being hypocritical because I did it when I was 13, but I was a hopeless romantic. It's terrible that kids are like this - it truly just leads you down a path of destruction, I know from personal experience. "Eagle King" is right, he's only a year younger than I am - has never kissed a girl, and I proud of him for it. Please don't do anything until you're sure you're ready.

dalilahxo says:

Nov 7, 2008. 12:23 PM REPLY

well sorryy

hiyaninjatime!! says:

Nov 7, 2008. 11:28 AM REPLY ive known my gf for 4 years and im 12 i need to get my friends off my back because there all like"hey man did u kiss her yet?" i just think im to young and shouldnt be kissing at that age.

MissyMusic says:

Nov 10, 2008. 11:36 AM REPLY

btw, how long have you been going out? it could change things. thx :P

MissyMusic says:

Nov 10, 2008. 11:32 AM REPLY hi hiyaninjatime! (btw cool name xD) im in the exact situation, age and time and everything. my friends bug me about it too. if you think you're too young, dont let anyone push you into it! do things when you and your gf are ready to. its important to repect yourself and her; and who really cares what your friends think? you dont have to tell em anything. ;) byee hope this helps!


Nov 6, 2008. 11:06 AM REPLY Im 13 and me and my bf been dating for about a month. my friend brought it about when we were going to kiss. so she asked him. and he siad whenevr she wants. so today or tomorrow were meeting up a place. we both want to kiss but never kissed anyone be4. him too, im scared since i knew since 5th grade. IM SCARED ABOUT IT, WE TALK ABOUT ALOT. BUT ANY IDEAS ABOUT WHAT WE CAN DO? PLZ!

QuityMcQuitsfromQuitsvilleQuitsland says:

Nov 24, 2008. 1:46 PM REPLY HAHAHAHAHA! Wow! I didn't even know there was anyone these days besides children that haven't kissed someone before! Times have changed drastically! I vividly remember that all during nap time in K-5 I would sneak with the little girls in my class and kiss 'em! Haha first kiss when I was 5 years old! That was a while back though..... My how times change..... man..... I got a kick out of that, I'm sorry but I really did get a kick out of it! Haven't kissed anyone by the time you're 13? But in all seriousness don't worry about it, it's not like loosing your virginity or anything, it's more of just a mark in you life of your first kiss, just pucker 'em up and plant one! lol

Zulin says:

Dec 3, 2008. 4:12 PM REPLY Haha! I remember when I was in K, me and this one girl would share are animal crakers! She would take a bite, I would take a bite. Then at daycare I was alone with two girls so we kissed. Good times!

lOkadOmi says:

Nov 21, 2008. 12:24 PM REPLY i thiNk yOu gUySz shOuld taKe it slOw... i m3aN iF uR nOt r3ady then uR nOt reAdy...yOu'll nOe wEn iTSz th3 ryte mOment juSz be pAtient!

cool! says:

Dec 1, 2008. 9:34 PM REPLY

OmG i ThInK yOu JuSt GaVe Me A sEiZuRe Im GoNnA dIe I tHiNk. LOL

kevinskates12 says:

Nov 22, 2008. 3:00 PM REPLY ok so yeah im 15 my gf and i have been going out for almost 2 months now. last night we were walking around and we just stopped and started hugging, and then we tried to kiss and neither of us knew how so it was kinda funny, but we both had fun, we chuckled it off and hugged for 5 minutes straight. i sent the link to this instructable so the next time she and i are together we can do it right. we both utterly failed at the kiss but we still liked it. any advice?

Zulin says:

Dec 3, 2008. 4:04 PM REPLY Just hold her waist and tilt your head. Go slow. If you and her both like it then keep your heads close, look into each others eyes again, and kiss.

Softball04 says:

Dec 2, 2008. 4:09 PM REPLY Well I think you are off to a great start and you should keep it going. In the end you will kiss and when you do you will realize you both are still learning and you did great so far. :)

QuityMcQuitsfromQuitsvilleQuitsland says:

Nov 24, 2008. 1:48 PM REPLY Just plant one like I said earlier lol don't worry about it, your first kiss isn't gonna be your best kiss, just relax and go in there slowly and pucker up lol it's kind of like a natural human thing, nothing really serious if you don't get it right the first time or anything

kevinskates12 says:

Nov 24, 2008. 2:07 PM REPLY

well we did kiss actually that night, but it was a wierd kiss but we bumped teeth :B

pixy-stix says:

Dec 2, 2008. 8:21 PM REPLY ok well im 14 and ive like never really kissed a guy before *well if u count the lil 1st grader things then yeah i have* but any ways my boyfriend hasnt kissed me yet and from wat i heard *this is from his ex* he cant kiss wat should i do =(???

Zulin says:

Dec 3, 2008. 4:02 PM REPLY Well I'm 14 too. Me and my girlfriend were at lunch today and she was sitting on my lap, she looked at me, her eyes were soft and heavy, so I kissed her. And then started making out. We've only been going out for a day. The thing is, don't be afraid to kiss someone, its not like sex were if you f*** up your screwed.

b sand says: hey i tried the kissing tips. really good! thank you so much we are going on a second date next week :)

Dec 2, 2008. 9:42 PM REPLY

FukDosHaters! says:

Dec 1, 2008. 8:39 PM REPLY ok.. so dis guy.? me and him have been 2gether fo about while. we've kissed alot. i love kissing him cuz like. hes so sweet and its kinda.. well.. like passionate when we kiss. hes such a great person and i feel amazing being able to be in his arms and my lips on his. but wut is it im feeling?? can any1 help me out wit dis?? plz?

firsttime says:

Nov 30, 2008. 5:25 PM REPLY Im 11 and i have a gf- we've been going out 4 a year- i dont see her much and when i do i sort of lost. The only real communication we really have is texting. We might break up if i dont do something- pleeeease help me!!!

rokor says:

Dec 1, 2008. 3:42 PM REPLY I wouldnt worry too much, your not really old enough to have a REAL relationship, so just use your current one as kid of a learning block. When your around her just act normal and dont freakout.

city_girl147 says:

Nov 26, 2008. 8:02 AM REPLY my and my bf have been going out now for at least 7 months and and we tried 2 kiss but he was to scared to. He kissed me on the cheek but he wont do it on the lips.

QuityMcQuitsfromQuitsvilleQuitsland says:

Nov 24, 2008. 1:50 PM REPLY Hey! I too am in love with an awesome girl that I plan on asking to marry me, she's the best! Words can't describe her! But anyway, kissing is kind of natural, there is no level of kissing, you're either good, or your not..... not a big deal

bear7887 says:

Nov 23, 2008. 9:21 PM REPLY Hello everyone. I am an eighteen year old guy. I was googling "How to block someone on facebook" when this popped up. Having been with the girl I plan to marry for about two years, I thought I would get a kick out of people trying to define "the right way to kiss." While laughing at these instructions, I noticed the medley of posts. Many of the previous posts inquire upon when to kiss, how to make out, etc.... Here's the thing dudes: most of you are under the age of 15 and most of the advice that has been given absolutely sucks. I have been dating girls for quite a while as well as counselling a lot of couples. If any of you have sincere concerns regarding relationships, go ahead and e-mail me; I'll reply within 24 hours usually. I just came here to laugh, but my heart goes out to you all. My e-mail: ([email protected]) if you want advice that works.

irinazcona says:

Nov 21, 2008. 9:23 AM REPLY

nice nice very nice :)

drama_queen_dani says:

Nov 15, 2008. 12:41 AM REPLY i'm 13 and i have never had a boyfriend or been kissed. i REALLY like this guy and i talk to him on msn a lot, but he doesnt like me. he thinks i'm a stalker. :( what should i do? i really want him to like me coz he is really nice. i havent talked to him properly in person because i get really nervous. he has had lots of girlfriends and has kissed them all. my best friend has had lots of boyfriends in the past and her and her current boyfriend and her kiss and hang out a lot. please tell me what to do!!!

RedBloom says:

Nov 15, 2008. 11:04 PM REPLY hey.. i know exactly what you meen. this girl really liked me and i hated how annoying she was about it she just needed to accept the fact that i didnt like her. the only advice that i can give you is, dont cling on to him. let him like you first. if he seems like the perfect guy but he is more popular and seems like the right guy just wait till highschool there are guys there just like him that will like you for YOU.

RedBloom says:

Nov 15, 2008. 10:27 PM REPLY Ok.... there is this girl i am 14 by the way. she is the MOST popular girl in the school. I'm not, I guess i am in the upper middle popularity cuz i dont really want to be popular. all of the popular kids are either pot-heads or jerks. anyway, i heard her talking behind me to her friend and she said "I like somebody" so her friend said "who". now i didnt hear anything but when i looked back her friend gave me a weird look. i know im jumping to conclusions but cmon... ive gone out with plenty of girls before its not like im unexperienced or anything. but what shud i do?? keep in mind that she hasnt really gone out with a guy for like a year.

RedBloom says: i just dont know if she is just playing games or what.. cuz shes not a complete whore or anything.

Nov 15, 2008. 10:51 PM REPLY

RedBloom says:

Nov 15, 2008. 10:39 PM REPLY oh yea.. and my last girlfriend broke up with me because i acted like i didnt trust her or whatever.. but when i acted like i didnt care (my true feelings) she got mad at me for not caring.. i was screwed either way what shous\d i have done? please read all of my comments.

RedBloom says:

Nov 15, 2008. 10:35 PM REPLY

P.S Red bloom is my band... look up their myspace the flower is our symbol we dont have any music on their yet, but we will soon.. =]

westlifelover92 says:

Nov 14, 2008. 12:42 PM REPLY this was a really nice instructable! i enjoyed reading it very much. what a great couple you two are! awesome job! *thumbs up

in4ad8 says:

Nov 10, 2008. 8:26 PM REPLY im 15, i dont really need help with kissing all though i know im not the best. but this girl that ive liked ever sense i first layed eyes on. shes the nicest and kindest person ive ever met like a mother or something. she had a boyfriend but he dumped her recently. We are reallllly close friends she feels like she can tell me anything and i love it, ive never felt like that someone could come to me and say anything she knows i wont tell, and i help her. but now im starting to fall inlove all over again. only with her, but i dont know how she feels about me that way at all how can i show her that i want to be more than just friends? but i dont want to ruin a great friendship

sabresttotuuu says:

Nov 13, 2008. 10:29 AM REPLY

tell her u like her

in4ad8 says:

Nov 11, 2008. 6:10 PM REPLY

ive defintially flown waaay! too deep into the "friend zone" how can i get myself out of this hole i dug?

bcnr33skyline187 says:

Nov 10, 2008. 9:09 PM REPLY

same here

in4ad8 says: please help! i really need advice...

view all 392 comments

Nov 10, 2008. 8:39 PM REPLY

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