How to Infiltrate High End Social Circles and Meet the Hottest Women v1

May 5, 2017 | Author: sandrojairdhonre | Category: N/A
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How to infiltrate high end social circles and meet the hottest women...









Access 9s and 10s – How to Infiltrate High End Social Circles and meet the Hottest Women. Version 1.0. Copyright 2011 Social Circle Training All Rights Reserved





Disclaimer Copying, sharing, emailing, posting, distributing, selling this work in whole or part, or creating derivative works from this book is strictly prohibited. Please see the terms and conditions at the end of this book for details.

This work is not to be considered professional, medical, psychological or legal advice. It is for entertainment purposes only. Social Circle Training our associates, or affiliates will not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences that occur from the use of any of the ideas contained this book.








A Note From the Author A Note From the Author Thank you for purchasing Access 9s and 10s: How to infiltrate high end social circles and meet the hottest women.

This book has been designed to give you a roadmap of how to specifically enter the social circles where you will find the most beautiful women in the world. The examples and details given in this book are just one method. It is not a be all and end all. There are numerous ways to get into different social circles, this is one of them. You can use the underlying principles in this book, and apply them to literally any social circle.

The most important thing to take from this book is that you should always be giving people positive energy. The principles and techniques you will learn are all based around doing good for people, and then enjoying the rewards.

Think of yourself as an agent of goodwill. You will have a new understanding of social circle dynamics; you must use that, not only to better your life, but to improve that of others also. People should be better off for knowing you and their lives will be improved by you being a part of them.

To best utilise this book, you need to be at a basic level of communication and people skills. You need to be able to dress decently and have sufficient finances to support yourself as well as time to put the techniques into practice. If you don’t feel you are ready to best utilise this




book, have a look at art of charm, they have programmes to help improve your people and conversation skills.

Most importantly you need dedication. I need you to commit to this book and put the teachings into practice. You have given me $97, now let me give you more than 10x that in value but in order for me to do that, you have to play your part. You know the saying, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Well, the same applies here. Writing this book has been a passion of mine, and through trial and error it has literally taken me years to discover what you now have in front of you. It is my hope that by using the concepts in this book you get a better understanding of social circle dynamics, and you are able to really meet the most beautiful women the world has to offer.

Thanks again for purchasing Access 9s and 10s: How to infiltrate high end social circles and meet the hottest women. I hope it get’s you the results you want, and ACCESS to the world that you want.

- Greg Greenway, Social Circle Training, June 2011              



Table of Contents Table of Contents   INTRODUCTION




THE RAPPORT LADDER ....................................................................................................................... 10   THE UTILITY GAME ............................................................................................................................. 13   PLAYING THE UTILITY GAME ................................................................................................................ 14   17  


NIGHTCLUB STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................... 17   TABLOID CLUBS ................................................................................................................................. 18   CLIQUE CLUBS................................................................................................................................... 20   NIGHTCLUB UTILITIES.......................................................................................................................... 21   PART 3 – BUILD A SOCIAL CIRCLE W ITH HOT W OM EN


STAGE 1: GETTING IN ......................................................................................................................... 25   STAGE 2: WORKING THE VENUE STAFF ................................................................................................. 27   STAGE 3: ADDING VALUE TO PROMOTERS AND SUB-PROMOTERS ........................................................... 29   STAGE 4: BUILDING YOUR “ENTOURAGE” ............................................................................................. 33   STAGE 5: THE TOP OF THE TABLOID SCENE .......................................................................................... 41   PART 4 - INFILTRATING HIGH END SOCIAL CIRCLES


THE SOCIAL HIERARCHY ..................................................................................................................... 42   STAGE 1: GETTING IN ......................................................................................................................... 46   STAGE 2: ADDING VALUE .................................................................................................................... 50   THE IMPORTANCE OF MOMENTUM AND HOW TO CREATE IT..................................................................... 57   GAMING THE GIRLS IN CLIQUES ........................................................................................................... 59   62  


MINDSETS ......................................................................................................................................... 62   INNER CIRCLE GIRLS AND OUTER CIRCLE GIRLS .................................................................................... 65   GIRLS IN YOU OUTER CIRCLE .............................................................................................................. 66   GIRLS IN YOU INNER CIRCLE ................................................................................................................ 82   90  


USING MONEY ................................................................................................................................... 90   CELEBRITY GAME ............................................................................................................................... 93   FINAL WORD AND NEXT STEPS ............................................................................................................ 95  





Introduction So how do you get 10s, super models, celebrities, actresses etc consistently? That's what every bloody Pick up guru harks on about, but few have ever put together a concrete method of how. There is a lot of theory on "10" game and how to use social circle to get hot women etc, but lets be honest, if you’re reading this, then like I did when I wrote this, a lot of you aren't buying into the literature that's out there. The main thing is that these “gurus” aren't seen out everyday with swarms of "10s" on their arms. Even if they were seen with a couple of 10s, then you and I may believe them. Most of them don’t even have their lives together, live at home and do not live some “rockstar” lifestyle filled with beautiful women and fantastic people.

How often do you see women like this:



Introduction More importantly, how often do you see Guru’s with women like this?

Not often right? That’s because none of them have learned the power of social circle. None of the so called Guru’s date or hang out with women of this calibre. I pulled these pictures off my computer; it took me about 2 mins to put it together into a collage like this. These are literally the first 10 or so pictures in my photo folder. These are the kind of women that I hang out with on a regular basis. If you had been following my emails you would have seen the pictures of Nicole (the Miss America contestant) that I went on a date with, and her super hot friends.


How do you get to this holy grail of game? The answer is access. It’s that simple. If you are around the best looking women, all the time, then chances are you will be having most of your relationships with the best looking women. "Game", seldom changes between a good looking girl, a hot girl, and a super hot girl. The main problem is getting access to these super hot girls. They are rare, but for some reason united in there rarity in certain social circles. The social circles of rock stars, celebrities, billionaires and the like.

My flatmate here in Hollywood, took me to a party last week, and it was full of the hottest women I have ever seen. Even the worst looking women in the room, would make 9s and 10s in many of our eyes. I don’t know why, so many hot women are in specific social circles,




and frankly I don't care. What I do know is how to get into those social circles, have a fast paced and entertaining lifestyle, and get access to these top of the food chain women.

You can obviously just pay your way into social circles, but many of you don't have the means (if you do email me [email protected]), or an idea of where to begin. And even if you did have the means, you would probably spend way more than what is required. The more practical way is to infiltrate these circles via virtue of the relationships you build with people.

The 2 main methods are; creating a social circle filled with hordes of beautiful women, generating social proof, status and a high profile, then being invited into a high class social circle. Or, going it solo, and concentrating on the relationships you cultivate and how those give you the access you want. I will describe both methods as I have done both, and I will also give pros and cons of each method. I'll give you a brief run-down on the basics of Social Awareness and Intelligence, so you can have a basic understanding of how relationship’s are built and nurtured and how to be a person everyone wants to know.

I'll breakdown the high end nightclub structure and industry, allowing you to get free shit such as entry, drinks, invites to other parties etc. I'll also give my take on Social Circle Seduction; the best ways to game the 9s and 10s in your social circles, without jeopardising the relationships you have built.  



Part 1 – Social Intelligence Part 1 – Social Intelligence The Rapport Ladder Before you can begin to get a handle on your lifestyle, and getting into the social circles that give you access to the women and the life that you want, you have to understand the basics. If at the base level you don’t know who you are, or how to interact with people, build relationships, and make people around you comfortable, you will never be able to master your lifestyle.

What I’m about to talk about is the bare minimum requirements. Make sure this is sorted out before reading on. The first stage, is understanding the processes of how relationships are formed. Your goal is to access hot women in a certain type of social circle.

To get to these social circles you are going to need people to help you and to accept you. You’re going to need people to not only want to hang around you, but to also want to introduce you to their friends. To get a handle on this, you need to have a handle on the RAPPORT LADDER.

Let me ask you guys a question. Do you have a friend that you enjoy hanging out with? You guys are cool, the two of you get along, and you can spend time together on a 1-on-1 basis. However, this same friend, you wouldn’t introduce he or she to your boss for example, or university friends maybe.




Have you ever met someone who always talks about parties or events they go to. They’re always telling you about the great time they had over the weekend, or showing you pictures of their adventures…

But this person NEVER seems to invite you along. Even though you guys hang out with each other and seem to have a good relationship. This is all due to the Rapport Ladder. It is a hierarchy of levels of rapport that dictate the social standing of one individual to another.

When you are meeting high value people in the social circles that you are trying to become a part of, you need to go from previously having no rapport with them to a point where you are at least casual acquaintances. This is the most common transition. It is the process of where 2 people meet and they're strangers; to those people forming a relationship.

Moving from level one to level two, on the ladder, is largely due to face time, and



Part 1 – Social Intelligence commonalities. The frequency of you seeing someone, will allow a simple 1on1 relationship to develop. The commonalities that you have with someone, also increases the level of rapport you have with that person, which is essential for moving from level 1 to level 2.

You’ll have enough rapport with an individual that they will be comfortable spending time with you on a 1on1 basis. Going for a coffee, having a quiet chat at the bar. Once at this level you need to move onto level 3. In terms of accessing the high end social circles you covet, this is essential you need people to not only want to be around you 1 on 1, but also want to introduce you to their wider social circles.

As you get to Level 2 of the rapport ladder, face time and commonalities will not be enough to move to the other levels.

These are the stages where you're utility to the individual must be demonstrated to move to the level of introductory rapport.

Utility is a way of subjectively appraising one person's arbitrary value to that of another person. I know that sounds a little confusing, but don't worry, we'll cover Utilities in more detail shortly.

You will only be at the level of "introductory rapport" with a person in your utility with them is high. This results in them introducing you to others in their social circles.




The Utility Game One of the most commonly suggested techniques for getting better with people socially is to “add value”.

This is much to simplistic as it doesn’t take into account the differences between the wide range of people that you will meet. What is of value to me may not be of value to you.

The things that you value in life will not be the same as the person sitting next to you. Too simply add value will not be sufficient in creating the lifestyle that you want, and making you into a social master.

This is where the utility game comes into play.

Let’s look into this a little deeper. One of my businesses is in luxury entertainment. If one of my siblings, friends or relatives phoned me and said they were opening a luxury service/goods business and they wanted pointers; I would be happy to help them and give them all the knowledge I’ve acquired working in that industry. I have a relationship with that person. Even a friend of a friend I’d help, but only if I wasn’t busy. Now, if someone I don’t know and have no connection to, asked me the same, I’d say “I charge x per hour”. If they didn’t have money I’d need a pretty good reason to help them.

I place a strong “utility” on relationships. This means that relationships are important to me and I am more likely to prioritise help to those based on my relationships with them. This is



Part 1 – Social Intelligence common for most people, which is why you get such terms as “mates rates” etc. I prioritize whom I would assist based on my relationship with that person, and then secondly on what that person can offer me. These are called utilities.

“Utility is the measure of relative satisfaction or gratification from any perceived outcome”.

Not everyone places a strong utility on relationships. Some people are highly driven by fame, or by money, or by power or women. Additionally a person’s utility may change over time and from situation to situation. This is the “Utility Game”. Understand what a person’s utility is and you will be able to move through the rapport ladder with ease.

Playing The Utility Game So a general rule of thumb is that the majority of people will place a fair amount of utility on relationships. The stronger the relationship, the more one is willing to give and for less. In the absence of such a relationship, there needs to be another incentive (or utility).

When 2 people meet for the first time, they generally don’t have a relationship. Obviously, the circumstances they meet in can affect this (e.g. in some cases if they were introduced through mutual friends), but, let’s say for example, there is absolutely no relationship between the two of you. If that person has something you want or access to something you want, chances are you’re not going to get it by asking straight away. It’s a social no-no (unless you live in Hollywood). Your chances of getting what you want greatly increase if there is an exchange of utility.




Take this example…

You meet someone at a bar and after talking to them you find out they want to get into law. From the conversation you see that they are highly driven and very career orientated. They place a strong utility on professional advancement. Say for example, you happen to be head of HR at a top law firm. Once this person realizes this, the interaction completely changes as your utility to them has increased. They are very likely to be receptive to you initially and will have more time for you in the beginning.

That is a crude example, but on the whole, the aim is to have really strong relationships with the people that you want to connect with. Without prior relationships or mutual friends, you have no rapport with these people so to get your foot in the door and you need to have a reason for them to be receptive to you, talk to you, and ultimately see them again.

Once you have provided some utility, the aim is to increase your relationship with the person, so that if you want something from them, you are more likely to get it. The initial utility can simply be good conversation or paying someone a genuine compliment. It can even be a fun personality. This can be viewed as basic human utility. I know it's not the best to think of people as utilities, but let’s face it, how do you expect someone to help you if you have nothing to offer them?



Part 1 – Social Intelligence Once you have your foot in the door, and you are building rapport with the individual, you need to start adding to their utility. You remember the example I gave earlier about someone you know, but you wouldn’t introduce him or her to certain circles you are in?

Well, that’s an example of someone who has little utility to you or your social life. They may provide you with human utility, so you spend time with them, but you fear that they could potentially not be a fit for your friends.

That’s just an example, but as your relationship with a person grows, you're in a better position to utilize their skills, contacts, connections, and social circle if you are providing them with enough utility. Sometimes, human utility is enough. Which is why I recommend, using it as a default to provide to everyone.

When human utility isn’t enough, make sure you listen. When people talk they give you tons of information about themselves that you can use to give them the most targeted value possible.

I'm not going to go into specifics tactics on how to cultivate each and every relationship. I will, however, in the next few parts, talk about the specific people you need to look for in certain social circles, and how their utilities work. How a relationship with them can give you access into "high end" social circles, and the women found in those circles.





Part 2 – Why Night Clubs Why the nightclubs?

Well, from my experience and trying different things out over many many years, the high end nightclub has the highest concentration of beautiful women in a universally accessible arena. There are other areas to operate, which I will discuss briefly later on, but the high end nightclub will be your primary location for building your social circle with beautiful women.  

Nightclub Structure If the “rock star”, “jet setting” lifestyle, is something that you covet; if you really want to be around 9s and 10s consistently, then the Nightclub will be your main environment for operating. My goal is to give you an understanding of high end clubs so you are comfortable and at ease in your surroundings. Even if you don't use this to gain access to social circles, a healthy understanding of your environment will make you look comfortable and confident, which doesn't hurt when attracting chicks.

Right, so where are we talking? I'm going to breakdown two types of nightclub, based on the type of social circles and women you'll find there. Also, because the 2 types of clubs are suited for different approaches. One type is better for building a social circle, the other is more suited to infiltrate the social circles already within. Both have slight differences in their structure, so again, you need to know exactly what your goals are so you can work efficiently. This is my own personal classification, based on what you normally find in western



Part 2 – Why Night Clubs cities. Obviously each country has different cultural differences, but to make it easier, this is a general view of what you'll be dealing with.

Tabloid Clubs Clubs you see in the tabloids, or gossip magazines, on the news and are generally better known. Frequented by athletes, reality TV stars, and anyone who you would read about in Heat, OK, US weekly etc. Types of girls are usually glamour girls; WAG wannabes; music video girls; hot secretaries and PA's; women in PR and media; etc.

These clubs require guestlists, but if you look good and turn up early you shouldn't have a problem. Large groups of guys aren't advised, but this isn't always enforced if you look well dressed and arrive early. I'll talk more about specific game tactics later on, but these clubs are VERY responsive to social proof. In these places, it's all about being seen, so if you know how to do social proof well, you'll make a killing. Entourage game is also very good here.

These clubs are heavily PROMOTER/HOST DRIVEN. There isn't much point knowing the owners of these places, as they don't stay good for long; and the nights at these club vary MASSIVELY depending on which promoter is doing the night. It doesn't hurt to know the management and bar staff, but to be honest the promoters run these places.

Hierarchy: Promotional Agency Head Promoter





These are the only people worth knowing at these places as they have all the pull. Obviously if you're a dick inside or turn up drunk, 10 guys strong at 2:30am there's not much the promoters can do. If you have a relationship with the promoters, you'll start getting free shit and I’ll go into that in more detail in part 3.

If WAGS, the girls you see in Maxim, FHM, you’re favourite rappers video etc, are what you're after. Then these clubs will be where you want to cultivate your relationships.



Part 2 – Why Night Clubs Clique Clubs I say "clique", because on first glance these clubs will seem very off putting to someone who isn't familiar with them. Lots of mixed groups crowded round tables, having their own miniparties oblivious to the rest of the room. Tends to be a classier crowd, but until "accepted" can be very pretentious. Socialites, jet setters, millionaires, traders, runway models, professionals, city boys and girls, and celebrities frequent these venues.

In contrast to the "tabloid" clubs, these are Club centric and HOST DRIVEN.

Guestlist is an absolute minimum at these places. Table bookings are preferred and even on busy nights be prepared to wait or not get in even if your names are down. Social proof is still important for gaming, but being in the Social Circle (or appearing to be), is much more important. Looking important, knowing the right people is more important than having a horde of girls around you, even though that never hurts. This is more the place where you will want to know the owners, and the hosts, as that's the kind of social proof that works well. Door people, also have much more power at these places, and so do the day and PR staff.

Hierarchy: Owner Head of PR Host(s) Door Person




If you like, beautiful and stunning, over busty and sexy (crude comparison), then these clubs are probably for you. European women, lots of Scandinavians and eastern Europeans, and we're talking runway look not glamour look.

Nightclub Utilities When dealing with nightclubs, there are 4 types of utility. These are Money, Women, Relationships (who you know), and Publicity.

I’ve previously mentioned the importance of knowing which utility is important to different people. This is where you want to take note of how utilities differ depending on which club you are at. You can walk into a tabloid club and spend $10k every week for 2 months and



Part 2 – Why Night Clubs other than dry your bank account, it isn't going to get you far (social circle speaking) in the long run. Go to a clique club, and start doing that, by the second or third time, the owner or managers will be joining you, inviting you to their private yacht in Monaco.

At tabloid clubs the most important utilities are Women and Publicity. If you can bring these to the clubs, it will help massively towards your goal.

At "clique" clubs, the utilities most coveted are Money and Relationships. Women as a utility still work and should be used, but that's more important when initially adding value, or when trying to get you laid. Further down the line, having women around you holds less sway, as there are another 10 rich Arabs Russians in there with just as many women, if not more, than you. The utilities don’t just apply to the club and the staff etc, but also on the most part, apply to the people in the club as well.

In the next part I'll breakdown how specifically to use each type of utility to add value to peoples lives. I'll also go into how your knowledge of relationship building and the “utility game” will be used to get access into each type of venue and how to build specific beneficial relationships. In the next chapter we’ll discuss one of the social circle methods of having beautiful women in your life, and that is building a social circle. I'll also talk about how to get free shit, and how you leverage your relationships combined with your value to get you to your goal.




The next few parts will be actionable steps you can take to start putting some of this into practice. Once you know which utility you are dealing with, the processes transfer to clubs anywhere in the western world.



Part 3 – Build a Social Circle With Hot Women Part 3 – Build a Social Circle With Hot Women One of the way’s to make sure your life is filled with beautiful women; the 9s and 10s of the world, is to specifically add them to your social circle. Build a social circle that actually has the exact type of women you want in it. The beauty of doing this is that you have all the Social Power in your group. You basically are the alpha male, the top dog. This is an attractive quality to women. We know that being a “leader of men”, is a powerful attraction trigger, this is magnified when all the men in that circle also have positive and attractive traits. This is the case in high end social circles.

To manage your own social circle, you have to be aware, that yes the rewards are great, but it requires a lot of investment on your part. You will be the main driving force for your social circle and group and you will have to have the personality type that is able to handle the task. Not everyone can be a Chief, some people are meant to be Indians, it’s just the way it is and in social circles and group dynamics, the position of each individual is very important in keeping the group together.

That being said, I’ll leave that decision up to you. What we will be discussing in this part is how to build your own social circle and fill it with 9s and 10s. The predominant tactic is to use the environment of high end night clubs as the “feeder” of hot women into your social circle. For this we will focus primarily on the Tabloid type of club, as this is the best environment to command a social circle filled with beautiful women. You can build a social circle as I am going to describe, in a Clique as well, however the process isn’t as straightforward.




Stage 1: Getting In The first thing is to identify which clubs you want to go to. A good way to find out, is to pick up a copy of any gossip magazine and make a note of where the paparazzi where the night before. Also make a note of any clubs that pro athletes or reality TV stars etc went to the previous night.

Once you know where you want to go, you need to figure out who is running that night. This is the hierarchy from the last part:

Promotional Agency Head Promoter Sub-promoter

Promotional agencies are mainly responsible for the PR, gimmicks, themes and events you'll see at a night. They also have the task of bringing the people that spend money, i.e. table bookings. Subsequently the Promotional Agencies and Head Promoter have less time to concentrate on the rest of the people in the club.

Regular Punters and WOMEN!!!

This is a responsibility for those lower down the line. Promoters and Sub-promoters are given a lot of incentive to bring bodies through the door especially WOMEN.



Part 3 – Build a Social Circle With Hot Women

Can you see where I'm going with this? Don't worry you will.

So, you need to figure out initially, which PROMOTER or SUB-PROMOTER is doing the night you want to go to. It's a much easier place to start from, and Proms and SProms are usually more accessible than those higher up the chain.

Method 1 - Social Networking Sites Use Facebook or Myspace. Type in the club you want into the search bar, and scroll through the people till you find someone who lists that club as a place they promote. Chances are you'll have a friend in common. This person will have details of how to get on the GUESTLIST of said club.

This Prom/SProm will be the first relationship you need, so it's best to pick a week night for your first time to go. Week nights are much quieter and it will be easier for you to strike up conversations when people are less busy.

Method 2 - Through the Club Call said venue, and ask to put your name on the guestlist. Turn up early (10ish), to the club you want. Ask the door staff who the promoters are that night. They'll usually be able to point you in the right direction.




Once you get on the guestlist. Turn up to the club early and well dressed, with a wing, but preferably on your own. I occasionally did this with a mate, but our relationship has a pretty good dynamic, where he knows the coup and we vibe off each other. If you have 1 other person that you can vibe with really well, then take them, otherwise go on your own. If you can go with a woman (just a friend) do this, as this always looks better. Just make sure she doesn't distract you, as your first time, you're out to do a job.

Stage 2: Working the Venue Staff So you're in the club for the first time. You've paid your $15-$20 entry (some clubs may have details of how to get on a free guestlist). You've gone on a week day. I recommend weekdays, because the first few times you go, you want to strike up a rapport with people and that is easiest when the clubs are less busy.

Bouncers and Door Staff ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS talk to these people. A simple, "Sup? How's it going? Is it going to be busy tonight?" Be that social, friendly person that talks to every body. It's never a bad idea to get the bouncers on your side; if you're friends with a bouncer, you can forget paying to come in ever again. Also when bouncers move to new clubs, you get sorted out there as well.

I'll never forget one particular bouncer Tony, who used to work at a club in London called Silver (now Jalouse). We became really cool over a few months. I remember trying to figure out how to get 8 guys into a Swarovski private party. I walked up with an elaborate blag



Part 3 – Build a Social Circle With Hot Women planned, only to see Tony at the red carpet. We jumped a shit long queue and all walked straight in. You can't fathom how much social proof this was, when you had celebs the likes of Ronan Keating and James Blunt stuck outside. I'll explain later how to really build a strong acquaintance with bouncers and really get them loving you.

Bartenders and Waitresses Once inside the venue, Go to the bar first and get comfortable. Talk to the bar staff, they'll still be setting up and are always very talkative. It's pretty obvious why these are good people to have rapport with. You get served faster, good social proof, free and stronger drinks. Like bouncers, bartenders always move around different venues so getting friendly with them goes a long way.

The technique I like using, is ordering an elaborate drink. Sometimes I make one up on the spot, but my usual is a Californian Iced Tea (same as Long Island, but substitute Gin for Blue Curacao, and coke with pineapple juice). 90% of bartenders, especially in tabloid clubs, have never heard of it. It's a great topic for conversation, and they always take a cheeky taste of it once it's made. I always banter back with "If you're going to steal my drink, you better give me one on the house." This works wonders if you ever day 2 a girl in a nightclub. You go to the bar and the bartender, say's "the usual mate?" Absolute money.

Waitresses can't usually get you free drinks, but they're HOT. They also always have hot friends and are usually working in modelling or something similar. Again, social proof from waitresses coming up to you and giving you big hugs etc can't be underestimated.




Both waitresses and bartenders always know where the after party is. Good for bouncing girls you bring out with you or just for continuing with the night. Obviously once you're an "insider" with the staff gaming "hired guns" is a piece of piss.

Toilet Attendants I have to mention these guys. Always talk to them. You never know, when you may need someone to look the other way for whatever activity you may want to do in a toilet stall.

Right, so you've worked the venue staff, and now you meet the promoter and sub-promoter. Here's where the understanding of utilities, and social intelligence really comes into play.

Stage 3: Adding Value to Promoters and Sub-Promoters This is the time you want to pay attention to the utilities I mentioned in the last part. Being friendly and talkative and a cool guy, like you are to the venue staff, will only get you so far with Proms/SProms. That “human utility” worked up until now, but isn’t enough. They have people being nice to them all the time. Some as thanks for getting them in thanks for arranging a birthday party, so on and so forth. To get into the social circles that are swarming with FHM model types, you need to add more value to the "gatekeepers" as it were, than simply being good conversation.

WOMEN and PUBLICITY. These are the utilities of choice in tabloid clubs. Publicity is a tricky one, and I will touch more on it later. What you want to concentrate on, are women.



Part 3 – Build a Social Circle With Hot Women

Shouldn't be too hard now should it?

Women are the driving force of tabloid clubs. The majority of all the clubs activities are trying to ensure that hot women come to their establishment. You will use this to your advantage. Hot women, are how you will initially add value to the Proms/SProms.

You're in the venue, you've vibed with the venue staff, and now you meet one of the promoters and you strike up a conversation. Knowing the value of women, and the power of them as utility; during the conversation you say something along the lines of:

YOU: "Your cool, I’ve met a lot of promoters who are dicks. What club do you do on night X? I've got these 3 really hot chicks who love to party so I'm going to take them out for some carnage."

Anyway, the above conversation does 2 things. It generates rapport with the Prom, while showing him that you can provide the desired utility. You are a person with access to hot girls, which to a Prom equals money. Remember Prom's get paid to bring in hot women, as well as being given incentives like free alcohol.




It's a good idea if day X; the first time is a weekday. Not essential if it isn't, but it's harder to get bodies into a nightclub on a weekday, so the value of you bringing in girls is higher. The Prom will happily oblige you and invite you to join him at the next night he's doing. Sometimes the promoter will go right out and offer you free entry, or to join their table. If this happens great, if not don't worry it will after a couple of times. The majority of tabloid clubs have a free period (usually before 11pm), when women can get in for free. So you may have to sort your own cover charge.

This first interaction with the promoter should be relaxed and cool. Shoot the shit for a while, but once you've established the invite your job is done. Don't walk out straight after, because it will seem insincere, but there's no need to hang about the club for hours, especially if you have work the next day or other commitments. Only stay if you're enjoying yourself and having fun.

Bringing out the girls. So you've got your invite. The next step is to get girls to come out with you. This is why I say this isn't for beginners. This is the next evolution of “game” and building a life for yourself. You shouldn’t have a problem getting at least one decent looking girl and 2-3 of her friends to come out partying for free. It can even be a good female friend, or a sister. Usually works better if you have a good level of rapport with the girls and can have fun together. What I don't recommend is going out and picking up a brand new girl. For this to work quickly and efficiently, the dynamic has to be good between you and the girls. The more fun, you guys can have together the better it works.



Part 3 – Build a Social Circle With Hot Women

Take the girls into the club, and find the promoter from before. Introduce him to the girls. The hotter the girls, the better this works, especially if the girls are good fun and party girls. If you haven't already received an invite to the table, you almost certainly will at this point. Promoters need their table/area to be vibing. They need it to look like this is where the party is. That's why your dynamic with the girls is so important. If you bring fun positive energy to the party, you have completed the part where you add value.

This is how you add value. Bringing girls to the club. From now on, as long as you bring 2-3 girls with you, you will always get into the club for free and get free drinks. Don't worry though; you only have to do this long enough until you have built enough rapport with the promoter that you are on level 2 an upwards of the Rapport Ladder. Once you have at least 1 on 1 rapport, you no longer need to bring girls to the club every time, and this can take about a couple of months max.

If you can't get 2-3 girls to come out with you, stop reading this now and keep working on your game. Go to, for resources on how to improve yourself to a level where you can get 2-3 girls out with you. This isn’t about you meeting 1 girl. This is about you building a life so that you are SURROUNDED by women.

Maintaining the Relationship Face time, commonalities etc. Every time you meet the promoter, treat them like you would any of your mates. Exchange email, facebook, myspace etc. Find out what they do when




they're not promoting. Talk about sports; women; cars. If one of your girls likes him, tell him. You basically run comfort game. You all know how to do that right? At this point, if you do the above, you should be now be getting into said promoters party for free and be drinking for free. It really is that simple.

Stage 4: Building Your “Entourage” You can get into Club X, pretty easily. Every time you go, you vibe with the venue staff, you're building rapport with everyone, people are beginning to notice you. It's now time to take it one step further. This is where you really build a BIG social circle with hot women. At the time I did this, I would have 10 – 15 girls every night I was out. I had established a base to work from by adding utility and building rapport with the Promoters and Sub Promoters. I then started adding more and more women that fit my standards to the circle. You could easily just keep going as you are…

But, what happens when you want to take things further. This is the advanced part, and the part that really requires work.

AFC Adam Lyons is a London based dating expert that talks a lot about building an “Entourage”. If you ever listen to him, you will see just how passionate he is about it and he cites it as his number one method of getting really hot girls. My take on this is slightly different. Most in the dating and seduction community, who have built entourages of women, have used it as a way to earn money from the clubs. As I mentioned before WOMEN is a



Part 3 – Build a Social Circle With Hot Women powerful utility for high end night clubs especially Tabloid clubs. This makes it an attractive financial opportunity for guys who do it well.

I however DO NOT endorse getting paid from your entourage. I have tried many different methods of building an entourage. I have worked for nightclubs making money from my entourage, and I can assure you it is not as beneficial for your dating life as it is if you leave money out of the equation.

My focus wasn't on using my "entourage" to make money. It was to create a fun atmosphere that women wanted to be in and men were jealous that they weren’t a part of. All social groups must have a purpose and when creating yours you should stick to making it about fun and partying and NOT about money. When I shifted my focus away from money, this altered the dynamic I had with the women and my results went through the roof. I believe this put me in a much better position than the guys running “entourage” style game in the conventional sense.

The side effect was, that the women were literally going crazy for my attention. Even the hottest ones. I rarely ever opened and if I bothered to muster up a casual "hi", it was met by enthusiastic smiles.

The Basics 1. Create a social circle with lots of hot women




2. Take them to clubs and party with them 3. Get free alcohol and other incentives to bring them back 4. Get into other clubs for free 5. Use your "Entourage" to game other girls in the venue 6. Gaming the girls in your "Entourage".

1. Create a social circle with lots of hot women This all depends on how you meet hot girls at the moment. If you're a big day gamer, obviously invite girls you game out with you when you're going out with the chicks you already know. That is real important as you can't get stuck with the promoters and some girls you don't know that well or it won't work your social circle will fall apart.

If you're not meeting hot women, then do what I did. Go to other similar clubs early and talk to the hot girls there. Between 10 and 11, most clubs operate a “get in free” period. At this time the club is literally crawling with women who want to get in for free before the free period ends because they don’t have any connections to the promoters at the club.

Perfect time to work.

Go there early, and conversations can be as simple as:

"Hey, you look fun, you should come to my party next week at x".



Part 3 – Build a Social Circle With Hot Women It worked every time for me. If you've got attraction, then bounce them there and then, just make sure they're hot.

The other tactic I used often was to go “recruiting” on the nights that I didn’t go out with my main social circle. Say you had cultivated a relationship to go to Club X on Saturday’s. Maybe one week go to a different club. Or go out on a different day. Just run through Stages 1 – 3 of this part again with another club, however when you meet girls and get to a good level of rapport with them, invite them out to your main night.

2. Take them to clubs and party with them Never tell the girls you have free drinks. Just say they should come find you at your table once they're in. Some guy’s prefer to walk the girls in with them. Only do that with the core girls in your social circle. New girls have to go through this compliance test, a mini-hoop if you will.

Tell them to ask for you at the door, or ask a waitress for where your table is. What this does, is that the door staff, bouncers and waitresses keep hearing your name over and over again. One night I did this, and the door girl at the club hit me on. I went outside to make a phone call, she waltzed over and started asking why so many girls were looking for me and wanted to know who I am.




Now this is why I said, DO NOT BECOME A PROMOTER. If you do, then in many situations, your pre-selection is negated. By just being SOME GUY that women keep asking for, it generates mystery and intrigue in on looking women.

Once the girls are there, party with them and have fun, but you MUST introduce them to the promoter that's your hook up. Do this to keep adding value, which helps push the relationship further.

3. Get free alcohol and other incentives to bring them back Once you've done this once, maybe twice at the most, if you're successful you'll be offered your own table with alcohol, to keep bringing the girls back. By successful, I mean at least 10 HOT girls HAVING FUN. You may be offered to share the promoters table, but you will be officially allowed to access to the promoters alcohol.

You are now established, have your own entourage, and you have SOCIAL POWER. Other than receiving payment, you are at the same level of the Promoter and Sub Promoter.

You can accept money if you want and it's offered, but in my opinion it's not worth the hassle. It also makes the next part, damn near impossible.

4. Get into other clubs for free Girls, who know the promoters, always want to go to other clubs. The promoters are usually bound to certain clubs on certain nights and as we all know, women are a sucker for variety.



Part 3 – Build a Social Circle With Hot Women You can use this to your advantage. You can only do this step once you have a good relationship with the promoters.

− Run Stages 1 – 4 in Club 1 and establish a relationship there. − Go to Club 2 and repeat “STAGE 1 - Getting in”. This time however, when you say you're bringing a few hot girls, say 5-10. − Tell promoter from Club 1, that next week you have to go to Club 2 from midnight, to see a friend. − On said night take your "entourage" to Club 1, but don't go mad on the free drinks etc. − Bounce your "entourage" to Club 2

Some of the girls in the promoter’s circle will go with you, as they will want to check out another club. If you're clever, you can also get the lower sub-promoters to go with you. Introducing a SProm to a new club = a new revenue stream for him, and again your adding utility. He will temporarily forget that you've just stolen his chicks.

This is advanced and you need to tread carefully otherwise you can fuck everything up. If you pull it off, you turn up to this new club with a throng of girls, looking like an absolute pimp. Think of the social proof as you walk into a club at midnight with 10 girls and you get escorted to a table. I used to do this systematically every few weeks, and within 6 months I was hooked into virtually every tabloid club on the scene and had an entourage of about 50 beautiful women.




Just keep repeating Stages 1-4 and before long you'll have literally hundreds of girls wanting to party with you.

5. Use your "Entourage" to game other girls in the venue This is pretty simple enough. I go into more detail in part 5. If you've got your entourage, then you have social proof and pre-selection. From this point onward regarding the girls in the venue, you have a couple of options.

You can have fun with the girls you are with and wait to get opened. Systematically put yourself in the vicinity of the hottest girls in the room and you will get opened. This won't happen often, but it will happen, and when it does closing is very easy. This was how most of my closes went down. The hottest girls would see me and be like "who's that guy?" Then when I'd walk past, by “accident”, they'd start talking to me. From there onwards it's not too difficult.

The other option is to go direct. You will have so much initial value, going indirect is a waste of time. Being extremely alpha with these girls’ works very well once you have the preselection and social proof. If you go direct make sure it works, and make sure the girls in your social circle see it working. This will become clearer in point 6.

No matter what you do, the most important thing is to LOCK IN. What I mean, is lean against the bar, wall, chair in a way that forces her to face you making you the main focus of the



Part 3 – Build a Social Circle With Hot Women interaction. Whether you go direct or indirect, or the girl opens you, it must look to everyone else in the room, like she is gaming you. It's just another re-enforcement of the super pimp that you are becoming.

6. Gaming the girls in your "Entourage" There are many schools of thought on this, but in my opinion the most effective way is to NOT GAME them.

Bear with me....

I mean game without gaming. I NEVER hit on the girls in my social circle; however, I've slept with the majority of them. When you have lots of hot girls around, all the girls think that I must be hooking up with the other girls and then get jealous as to why I'm not hitting on them. Common seduction theory is that not escalating is a "beta" quality. It is, but only if it comes from a place of weakness. You want the girls to think that you aren't escalating because they haven't yet met your high standards.


This is achieved when they see you going direct on other girls. It depends on your personality, but if you're qualifying heavily (which you should be doing as an alpha male) they'll be chasing you around trying to prove themselves. They see you obviously do have it in you, as you're hitting on other girls, but why not them? It's standard HOT girl psychology.




The reason I like this is because when women seduce you something very important happens. They tend to become DISCRETE. The biggest problem in gaming in your social circle is getting “player vibes” from girls. For some reason when women seduce you they are very discrete. I believe that this is the best way to game in your social circle. Obviously my personality type is very chilled and laid back, so this works well for me. Tailor this information to your own style and I will discuss more in part 5.

Stage 5: The Top of the Tabloid Scene Well, you're there. This is as far as the tabloid scene goes. Once you have a working entourage, and you're bouncing from club to club, keep your eyes and ears open for celeb parties. Believe me you will get invited. You will meet a lot of models etc, and as long as you are in contact with them, you will be exposed to parties held by the likes of FHM, Sunday Sport, Maxim, and Zoo etc. Once there game using steps 5 and 6 from above.

Make sure you're acquaintances with people in the tabloid press. You'll see them from time to time. They will make themselves available to you once they see you in a couple of clubs. They will want the lowdown on club gossip and due to your presence; they will believe that you can provide it. With all the totty you should be getting by now, and footballers trying to fuck the girls in your circle at every turn, you should have a lot of stories. Keep press contacts as they get invited to all the best parties, and if you throw them a bone every now and again (free drinks, entry, good times, or sex) you'll get into a lot of insider parties as well.



Part 4 - Infiltrating High End Social Circles Part 4 - Infiltrating High End Social Circles The Social Hierarchy We know that the hottest women are found in high end social circles, but which high end social circles are we talking about, and how do we access them? That’s the crux of this book. To meet the most beautiful women in the world, the 9s and 10s, you have to be in those social circles.

Let me breakdown the Social Hierarchy to give you a feel for what we’re talking about.

− Heads of State, Long Standing global uber celebs 

Sean Connery, Tom Cruise, Oprah, Paul McCartney, Bono, President Obama, Bill Clinton. At this level, you have the highest standing in society. Celebrities who have transcended their field and have become more than just celebrities, real global figures. You only get here by having not only Social Influence, but also Social Power.

− Social Elite, Aristocracy and Famous Businessmen 

The Royal Family in the UK; Aristocracy in Europe and North America; Richard Branson; Donald Trump; Paul Allen. Obviously individuals at this level are very private, however many of the younger members in this level have a prominent social presence. Princes William and Harry for example, are regularly out and about on the London social scene. Additionally some billionaires like Paul Allen and Richard Branson, jet-set all around the world enjoying the best events on




the social calendar such as the Cannes Film Festival for example. I go to the Cannes Film Festival every year, and I can tell you, the women you see there are phenomenal. − Charity Events / Gala Dinners / Private Functions 

These types of events will contain a mix of people of all the people described above. A perfect example would be the dinners and charity events held by Unicef, Amfar and The Clinton Foundation.

− Fashion (Haute Couture) 

High end fashion events such as the NY, London, Paris and Milan fashion weeks. It goes without saying that these will have some of the most beautiful women in the world.

− A-List Celebrities and most popular Athletes 

The Britney Spears, Megan Fox, David Beckham’s of the world. Famous musicians, movie stars and athletes.

− Marquee sporting events – Monaco GP, Ascot, Superbowl, High profile boxing fights 

High octane, high adrenaline sporting events attract the rich and elite in society. The most beautiful women also follow.

− Exclusive, high end holiday destinations. 

St Tropez, Turks and Caicos, Cabo St Lucas, Cannes, Aspen, Dubai. Sun, sea, sand and money. Beautiful women flock to these areas.

− Private members clubs 

Havana Room (NY/LA), Annabelle’s (London), Soho House (Global) etc

− High end clubs



Part 4 - Infiltrating High End Social Circles 

“Clique” clubs, which I will discuss in more detail later in this chapter.

These social circles are where you will find the most beautiful and high value women. The problem is however, how do you get into these social circles if you aren’t already part of them?

You can’t simply pick up the phone book, give Paul Allen a call and ask if you can join his yacht party at The Cannes Film Festival. You can’t just walk into a Victoria Secrets fashion show and expect to sit next to Megan Fox.

You simply don’t just ACCESS these circles, you need a strategy. The lucky thing is that in my years of practice and searching for the key, I found a link. Someway of being able to get into the right circles with all the beautiful women, without having to go straight to the top of the social hierarchy.

Have a look at the following diagram.




Looking at the diagram, you can see how each of the levels in the hierarchy can be linked to Clique Clubs. I’ll explain a little bit more.

You can’t directly access those at the top of the hierarchy so you need to concentrate on areas that you can access that those circles will also be present. Clique clubs are the starting block. Members from the social elite and aristocracy can be seen at many clique clubs. Princes William and Harry of the UK royal family are regularly seen out in nightclubs in London. I was introduced to billionaire Larry Ellison’s son David in a night club in Los Angeles, just by being in the right social circle.

The majority of high end Clique venues double up as after party venues for Fashion shows, marquee sporting events and some Cliques even have a presence at big events. Jalouse night club in London for example hosts a very exclusive yearly party at the Cannes Film Festival. So Cliques act as a link between the higher social circles and you. The best part of this is that Cliques themselves, are full of amazingly beautiful women. A bit of maths for you:

− The average clique club holds 400 people, − Of those 400 people, 75% will be women, − That means 300 people in the club will be women, − The club has a bias to make sure those women are the hottest. Women know this, so only the hottest women go. Only the 9s and 10s will go to these Cliques as they have the best chance of being allowed in.



Part 4 - Infiltrating High End Social Circles − 90% of the 300 women will be 9s and 10s, − That equals 270 9s and 10s in ONE PLACE, − Most cliques are open 4 nights a week, − 270 x 4 = 1080!!! − 1080!!! Hot women, 9s and 10s in one place every week. Just think about those numbers for a little bit. Stop reading and just contemplate that for a while.

Through clique clubs you can gain access to other high end social circles. Additionally, if your personality type is not suited to managing large entourages of women or people, then this is the part you want to pay most attention to.

Stage 1: Getting In As before, identifying which route or clubs you want to go to is a very good idea. As the title suggests, you tend to find the same people at specific nights, as they will follow they're "clique" from high end club to high end club.

Clique clubs are rather different. The main distinction is between the weekday crowd, and the weekend crowd. In most major cities in the western world, the mid-week crowd is considered the “cool” crowd. If you think, who are the people that can go partying during the week? Those who either have enough money to not have to go to work tomorrow, or those who have jobs that aren’t the regular 9-5; i.e. celebrities and models etc. The weekend




crowd is more made up of the high flying business men, and those that work hard play hard. The crowd is slightly more professional in a traditional sense.

This will take a little bit more trial and error than before, but the most important thing here is that you enjoy the crowd of the club you have chosen, and the social group you attempt to infiltrate is one that really suits you and that you can provide utility for.

If your planning on engineering your lifestyle using clique clubs, then I recommend going out on weekdays. If that is difficult for you, and the weekends are you're only option, then experiment with a few different venues.

Lets review the clique club hierarchy:

Owner Head of PR Host(s) Door Person

The owners, and the head of PR, are not generally accessible. Your point of access will have to be the HOST. Door people are good if you can meet them, but it's hard to find out who they are other than actually being at the club. Generally they get very busy and stressed, so attempting to use a door person as an in, without a prior relationship, is dangerous stuff; again more on this later.



Part 4 - Infiltrating High End Social Circles

Getting in is slightly different to before. With the tabloids, it’s easy to contact the club and they can help you and point you in the right direction. With clique clubs, unless you have the gift of the gab or are interested in spending a decent amount of money, the clubs will almost 100% of the time, tell you that they're "members only". At best, they will put you on the "house" guestlist, and being on the house guestlist, isn't worth the paper it’s written on. Your best bet to getting in, is to use social networking sites, to identify the hosts.

The hosts will not be as open as say promoters or sub promoters. Hosts have models, celebrities, and usually very big spenders to deal with, so a random person contacting them, gets put to the back of the list. You’ll have to have some sort of worth to them, to get your foot in the door.

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