How To Have Revival In Your Church by W. V. Grant, Sr

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A preacher who thinks he is important is usually impotent. We can't have a slot machine revival. We open heaven by prevailing prayer, as men did in Paul's day. We can't gear the Holy Ghost to this machine age. God is not geared up as machinery. Old-time revival did not come by wishing. Men of Bible days sanctified a fast and called a solemn assembly. A solemn assembly and television programs don't go together. Men bring revival by travailing with tears. It is the working of the Holy Ghost. It is not someone playing rock music. The old-time saints were not having a meeting to build their preacher or the reputation of their denomination. They had a single eye and a pure motive. No selfishness involved. Jealousy between denominations and pulpits will prevent revival. We must be jealous for God. Nehemiah was interceding because the house of the Lord was broken down and the gates were burned. This compassion touched the heart of God and put the Holy Spirit in action. Just being sound in doctrine does not always bring revival. Without the Spirit the letter kills. It would be hard for revival to last in some modern churches. Christians don't know how to lead sinners to God. There are no spiritual mothers and dads to care for the babes in Christ. We don't put new born babes in the refrigerator. They must stay in a prayer meeting and counsel room. If revival should come to some churches, the pastor's wife would take him on a two-weeks' vacation the next day after the two weeks meeting closed. The church and the prayer room would be locked tight. Babes must be cared for. They don't live on meat and bread. They need milk. "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." (Acts 6:4). Burden and travail precede the birth of children. Paul prayed night and day and travailed for the sinner. When Zion travails, children are born, (lsa. 66:8). Modern churches


know nothing of travail. They are concerned about numbers. Churches are filled with un regenerated children. Men cry, "Ye must be born again," but when a babe is born, it has no "father," "mother" or older "sisters" to feed and care for it. They may have ten thousand instructors, but no "fathers" to care for them. They may have preachers to proselyte them and prophesy over them, but not to "father" or "mother" them until they can walk alone. Paul prayed for them until Christ was formed in them, (Gal. 4 :9). He "fathered" them in the faith. To live the Christian life young converts must stay in prayer meetings rather than sit with a carnal mind for hours in front of a television. If we did not care for our natural babies any more than we care for our spiritual babies, the human race would soon end. Jesus said, "He that endures to the end, the same shall be saved," and "If you continue in my word, ye are my disciples indeed." "If you abide in me and my words abide in you ... " By their action and example most pastors believe "once saved, always saved." They turn the babes in Christ loose in the world as soon as they are born to care for themselves. There is never anyone to contact them. They are left to starve or for the wolves to devour. Should a shepherd do his lambs that way the flock would diminish to nothing. We have many hirelings, but few shepherds. "We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you," (Col. 1 :3). The convert is told to pray. Prayer is not merely a petition. Prayer is to worship. It is to yield to the Holy Ghost, so God can use us as He chooses. Where are the mothers in Israel that will teach the babes in Christ to pray in the Spirit and travail for more souls? When God created the earth all things that had life brought forth "after its kind," (Gen. 1 :11-12). In the church a convert must do the same. Carnal members don't "bring forth" spiritual children. We do have some mothers in Israel that pray. They get a child almost to birth. Then a "long-haired" evangelist comes by with a red suit on and an electric guitar. He screams and plays so loud he runs people off. He does not know how to fit into the Spirit and bring the babe to birth. Should one be


born, he takes the credit for it. He does not know how to fit into that travailing Spirit and bring forth babes! He does not know how to act as a midwife. Travailing, prevailing prayer is foreign to him. Some evangelists take credit for the babe when another travails and brings it to birth. He may be surprised when the rewards are handed out. The sermons we preached twenty-five years ago may not be sufficient to bring forth children. It takes travailing in prayer. Many preachers don't pray as much as they used to. Then they wonder why they don't have results they once did. Carnal television programs will do something to your prayer life. If you are too busy to pray, you are too busy to have revival. "We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers," (I Thess. 1 :2). It takes nine slow months for a child to form in the womb and be brought forth. Yet some people try to "railroad" a conert in without conviction, repentance, or travail. They do it in a mechanical way without any intercession. There has been no birth, only a decision. All children must be born. They are not adopted. They may be adopted after they are born, but we can't get around that birth. Someone must "bring forth" that child. Many don't want to suffer and travail, so they just proselyte and prophesy to get the children other people have brought to birth. The mourner's bench and prayer room have been taken from our churches. People are told to slip up their hand and make a decision. They are carried the "presto change," "slight of hand" route. There is no travail and no birth. True revival and soul birth does not come that way. It is a crying shame in our time to hear long-haired, Hollywood style preachers criticize our intercessors for tarrying with people around the altars. They criticize the way we pray people through to the Holy Ghost. These same "rock music evangelists" teach them to talk in tongues in a mechanical way, with no anointing and no Spirit. They are left confused just like converts who are "railroaded" through to a profession rather than a possession. 3

"I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers," (Phil. 1 :4). Where are the intercessors who used to travail night and day until Christ was formed in the convert? Where are the saints who will "mother" the babes in Christ until they become a healthy, happy worker for God ?-So they will become soul winners. The expectant mother often denies herself of some things and lies awake at midnight. Just before a true God-sent revival, you see saints interceding around the altars until the wee hours of morning. They deny themselves of food and sleep, looking forward to the time when new babes are born into the church. It seemed to be a disgrace for Rachel to be barren. Hannah wept and cried until she looked like a drunken woman. Then finally God worked a miracle and she brought forth a child. She cared for him until he was weaned. Why don't we have barren churches to do the same? They must be as concerned as Hannah. They must deny themselves of some things and pray until the carnal clergyman will wonder if they are drunk. When that babe is born, it must be cared for until it is weaned. Then, as Samuel, it must be brought to the house of God and let it hear God's voice for itself and minister before the Lord, (I Sam. 1). Can you imagine Rachel coming before Jacob with tearstained eyes, saying, "Give me children or else I die," (Gen. 30:1). This crying must have torn Jacob's heart. "Pray without ceasing," (I Thess. 5 :17). Rachel was beautiful. She had jewelry. She was Jacob's first love. Still she was mocked and reproached because she was barren. Her voice was hoarse from mourning. Her eyes were red from crying. Her sister had children playing around her feet, but Rachel was barren. Rachel was desperate with grief and shame. Her eyes were swollen from weeping. It brought results, for God was moved with compassion and opened her womb. Look at the barren churches, with no grief or tears! They have no crying babes or converts. There is no intercession around the altars. 4

Don't be content with degrees and diplomas. Don't be proud of your popularity. The books you have written won't keep you from being barren. You are unable to bring forth children. It is a DISGRACE. It is a reproach. Hammond organs, electric guitars, and fast singing won't atone for the barren altars. Decorations, carpeted floors, and painted faces won't atone for empty cradles and cribs. Rock music won't take the place of the soul travail that brings forth children. Pretty sermons won't take the place of tear-stained eyes where one weeps for the lost. Special songs are no substitute for scores of people in the altars praying through to true conversion and transformation. Wise-cracks won't bless the church and community and city like a general outpouring of God's Spirit. "I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers," (Phil. 1 :4). In the last days they that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits, (Dan. 11:32). This does not say that they shall sing pretty songs, preach popular sermons, or build high steeples. They shall do exploits. It is not the ones that sing and preach and shout about their God. It is the ones who know God. Preaching about wisdom does not make you wise. Talking about food won't fill the stomach. We can't shout too much when we see a marvelous healing, because there is another one close by that also needs healing. We see a sick world and a church full of Pentecostal professors. The professors usually try to edify themselves. Mere words will not deliver perishing millions that are in bondage. We must wait before God in fasting and praying until heaven opens and brings a transforming revival. Sarah was barren; yet she brought forth a miracle child. All the blessings of Abraham came upon Isaac. His seed became as the sands of the sea shore and as the stars in heaven. At one time Sarah became concerned because Hagar had children and she did not. God saw her concern and caused that barren woman to bring forth. Will the barren church realize that she is a reproach, and become concerned?


"If ye shall ask anything in my name..I will do it," (John 14:14). Rachel's cry was heard. God was moved with compassion. He gave her Joseph, who was used to deliver an oppressed nation. He brought revival to a dying people. Samson was born to a woman who had been concerned about her barren state. Samson delivered an oppressed nation for twenty years. They were revived again. Hannah's smitten soul sobbed in the sanctuary. She made her vows and paid them. She prevailed in prayer and overcame the scorn from the cold clergyman. Her sobbing caused Samuel to be born. This prophet brought revival to a wayward people. Ruth was a widow and had no children to raise up for her husband. She lay prostrate in prevailing prayer at midnight until God worked a miracle. She became the great grandmother of Jesus Christ. Elisabeth was barren. She tarried before God as her concerned husband sacrificed at the altar. The heart of God was touched. Out of this barren woman came forth John the Baptist. He brought revival to a people who had had no visitation from God for 400 years. The reproach of being barren caused these women to become concerned. Will not the barren churches of today become concerned? Will they not weep and cry until all heaven is moved? Look what precedes the outpouring of God's Spirit upon all flesh, just before the great and noble day of the Lord comes: "Gird yourselves, and lament, ye priests: howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcoth, ye ministers of my God; for the meat offering and the drink offering is withholden from the house of your God. Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord," (Joel 1 :13-14). Many churches have more adopted children than births. They are pregnant with propaganda rather than propagation. They have advisers and organizers, but few agonizers. They have broken the record in high attendance and in low rate of 6

spiritual births. The price of revival is the same as in the early days of Pentecost. At God's counter there are no "bargain days," no "cut prices." There is no price of souls marked down. Revival does not fail to come because God lacks power. It is because of the lack of power in the church. God is only able to work according to the power that works in us, (Eph, 3 :20). The lack of power is not God's fault, but ours. If God only sends revival in cycles when He takes a notion, then He is willing to get concerned so we will stir ourselves in prayer until we take hold of the horns of the altar. Then we will move the hand that moves the world. We shall receive power after the Holy Ghost anointing comes upon us. This is not merely power to preach, for the disciples preached before Pentecost. It is not just power to heal the sick, for the sick were healed before Pentecost. It is something more than power to sing, for David was one of the world's greatest singers. It is not power to build church houses, for Solomon could out-do us in building. It is not mere power to organize, translate the Bible, to have Bible schools, or to write books. The Holy Ghost gives us power to witness to every creature until they become believers. We have power to get others born into the kingdom, (Acts 1:8; Mark 16:16). "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, lieving, ye shall receive," (Matt. 21 :22).


Forget denominational differences and dogmas long enough to intercede for the lost. We must give ourselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the Word. Let us be shamed by the impotence of our preachers. Let's get stirred up because of the barrenness of the church. Let's travail in prayer until we see souls born into the kingdom of God-and those souls pattern after us until they become soul winners. Nothing short of this will please God and propagate Pentecost power. Away with impotent preachers and important Pentecostals. Away with barren churches and fruitless Christians. At one time Peter fished all night and caught nothing. After the apostle Peter received the Pentecostal power, he propagated Pentecostal prevailing prayer until he was potent.


TEACH US TO PRAY When a mind is stretched with a new idea, it can never return to its former size. When a man hears God's voice, He will never be the same old self. We won't be satisfied with less and we are responsible for more. Moses pled his inability. So did Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others. God put them all in a corner, a secret place with Him, and refused to listen to their excuse. God did not have to send His chosen men to a counsel chamber of human wisdom. They did not have to get other men to polish their personalities, or to sharpen their wits. We don't need less power than Daniel had. We need more power than ever to wake up slumbering saints and break the double portion of sin heaped upon the modern world. Just as the atomic power is greater than TNT, so our prayer power must be greater than that of Paul and Peter. Evil men and seducers have grown worse and worse in the end time. Only the prayer closet can produce victorious living and powerful preaching. If we live an overcoming life in our time, we must pray. We must live an overcoming life if we pray. Who can ascend unto the hill of prayer? It is he that has clean hands and a pure heart? (Ps. 24:3-4). The way L) learn to pray is to pray. You can introduce a boy and girl, but it is left to them to fall in love and get married. I can tell you about prayer, but prayer must be a personal relationship between you and the Holy Spirit. The secret of prayer is to pray in secret. You must cook to learn to cook. All the books can't help you to farm if you don't farm. You must plow to learn how to plow. You can die while you are reading' a book on health. You must eat to live. You can have a gun and ammunition, but yet fail to bring home the game. You must get your sight right on the game and shoot! Your teacher can't do it for you. It is a personal thing with you and the gun. The way to learn to swim is to jump into the water. People are spiritually dead for the lack of private devotion. "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not," (Jer, 33:3).


Why ring the door bell if you are going to leave before the door is open? To everyone that knocks, and keeps on knocking, it shall be opened (Amplified Edition, Luke 11:1013). Prayer is the greatest undiscovered resource. No one can even estimate the measure of the power of prayer. It is easier to count the stars or the grains of sand on the sea shore. Prayer is as big as God. It is as powerful as the Creator! You will walk in darkness if you are not illuminated in the prayer closet. A man or woman who does not have a regular time in the prayer closet will no doubt be embarrassed at the judgment. Prayer power will subdue fire, stop wars, change the elements, control demons, raise dead men, open prisons, stop the sun, divide Jordan, roll back the sea, move mountains, take the burn out of fire, stop the mouth of lions, make kings tremble, drive out sickness, defend cities, command lightning, and still the storm! Prayer taps the resources of heaven. It is an undiminished supply, a mine that is not exhausted, an unclouded sky, and the fountain of a million blessings. We are men of like passion as Elijah. He prayed and then prayed again. He altered nature, spoke fire into existence, slew an army, produced rain, and brought revival to nations. Prayer can bring rain to churches which are too dry to produce. It can bring rain to dry, tearless prayer rooms. Moses prayed and brought water out of a rock. Prayer can ignite the flint rock of unbelief, negligence and indifferences in our modern ministers and bring down the former and latter rain. "Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to everyone grass in the field," (Zech. 10:1). Prayer changes men. It can change your mourning to dancing (Ps. 30). Some want to dance when they have never yet mourned. If we go forth weeping, sowing precious seed, we will come again rejoicing bringing sheaves with us, (Ps. 126:6). Prayer will change a barren church to a fruitful one and change mourning to rej oicing, (I Sam. 1: 10; 2: 1) . Unto them that mourn God will give the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, (Isa. 61 :3). Some want to resist 9

the devil before they submit themselves to God in prayer. They want laughter without mourning. They want to be lifted up before they humble themselves. "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep; let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up," (James 4:7-10). Moses mourned and said, "Yet now if thou wilt forgive their sin; and if not blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written," (Ex. 32:31-32). Paul mourned and said, "I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart, (Rom. 9:2). Prayer will turn your mourning-into dancing (Jer. 31 :13). The man who prays gets understanding. The understanding man prays. A burden for souls produces prayer. Prayer produces a burden for souls. We need a prayer hungry man for this sin hungry world. Sin will keep you from prayer. Prayer will keep you from sin. Pray more and talk less. "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit," (James 5:16-18). When your knees knock, bend them. A man on his knees is taller than the trees. We can travel faster on our knees. The man who has bent knees has a straight business. A man of prayer can see further with his eyes closed than the best educator with his eyes open. PENTECOSTAL


Since Pentecost each revival begins in prayer, even though it be two or three that begins. If the church began with men agonizing, it must not end with men organizing. If it began in the Upper Room, it must not end in the supper room. If it 10

began in revival, it must not end in rival. If it started in the prayer room, it must not end in a play room. If it was born in prayer and fasting, it must not end in play and feasting. Misguided members need God-guided prayers. Timid Timothys need passionate Pauls. Men of name should be men of flame. In order to have knights of prayer, we need nights of prayer. False prophets must be warned by preachers with a flame. Metal is welded by fire. Weare welded together by prayer power. Without prayer power, we become icebergs. Icebergs sank the Titanic. Every preacher's study should become a power house of prayer, rather than a place to disect doctrine and develop dogma. A mere human flame will be blown out by the storm of sin. A storm of false religion can be calmed by persistent prayer. Men are so afraid of false fire, or fox fire, they throw the revival fire overboard. The real fire will swallow up wild fire as Moses' rod swallowed the rod of the magicians. A little wild fire is better than a lot of back fire. The power of prayer will dispel the night of blight and plight. Prevailing prayer will melt down man-made doctrine, cults, and religion. "Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour," (Acts 3:1). The evil powers will take the church if the watchman sleeps. A praying preacher is a watchman on the watch tower. If he sleeps on the job, men's souls will be required at his hands. Pastors must spend longer in prayer preparing the preacher than he does in preparing his sermons. Inspired men inspire men. We need prophets like Peter and Paul to lead us, into the promised land of prevailing prayer. The Israelites escaped Pharaoh and left Egypt, but failed at Kadesh-Barnea. The church left sin and the devil. Will it fail when it comes to intercession? The children of Israel said that the "giants" were too great for them (Num. 13:17-33). The slothful man sees a lion in the way (Prov. 22:13).


Lord, open the preacher's eyes that he may see that' they that are with us are more than they that are against us, (II Kings 6:17). The prayer power in us is greater than he that is in the world. The prayer power is manifested for this purpose that it might destroy the power of the devil. Prayer power will make Him the God of the present instead of a God of the past. Prayer power searches and scorches. "Therefore I say unto you, whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them," (Mark 11 :24). It is a crime to do nothing while a family perishes in a burning house. Prayer power prevents people from perishing. Will preachers wilt like men of straw before the fiery trials? Or will they be like the Hebrew boys that endured the fire because they prayed? The heroes of heaven are more powerful than the hounds of hell. Satan is mighty, but God is Almighty. The price of prayer is great but the prize for prayers is greater. "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty Godgive me liberty or give me death." When a preacher gets as desperate in prayer as Patrick Henry, we will soon hear the Liberty Bell. We pray because men face something worse than international Communism. Men will repent or perish in an eternal prison. Are life's comforts so great and home so wonderful that preachers will neglect prayer to purchase it? God forbid. We can't have peace without the Prince of Peace. We can't have the Prince of Peace without prevailing prayer! "By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness," (Acts 4 :30-31). People talk about jet power, white power and black power. We must have prayer power to propagate Pentecost.


CHAPTER II POTENT PRAYERS We need sincere men and women who are not afraid to pray for hours. It takes humility to kneel in prayer. These prayer warriors are seldom wooed, or loved, or envied. The intellectuals, glamorous, and wealthy are usually too busy to pray. Prayer doesn't inflate the brain. Usually the more talents one has the less he prays. It takes a spiritual man to pray. People don't have to be spiritual to build sermons, sing in the choir, play in the orchestra, or even to teach a class from the church quarterly. A man with a good memory, ambition, personality, self confidence, and a reputation, can get a pulpit in our time. Preaching moves men's minds. Prayer moves God's heart. A preacher touches time. Prayer touches eternity. Preaching makes men think. Prayer moves the heart of God. Preaching displays your talent. Prayer kills out self. It is wrong to preach with no anointing. That kind of preaching gives no life to dead members. The Word is dead without the anointing. I'd rather be ignorant with the anointing than to be witty without it. The letter kills. The anointing brings life. A sermon from the head reaches the head. A sermon from the heart reaches the heart. A spiritual preacher produces spiritual minded men. By prayer, the anointing can be here. It can't be learned in a Bible school. We don't win the battle in a pulpit as we shoot wise cracks, or intellectual bullets at people. We win the victory in the prayer closet. The anointing resembles dynamite. The anointing does not come by the hands of carnal priests. The anointing does not mildew while Paul is in jail. The anointing will sweeten our soul and soften our spirit. It opens the stony heart when logic, human zeal, and education fails. Altars in modern churches will never see men with oldtime conviction, without anointed preachers. Thousands of altars are empty year after year. The word will return void if we have no anointing. Would we dare keep sending shrimp boats out to sea if they always return empty?


Altar fires are gone out in many places. The Lord has moved the candlestick. Then men skip going to prayer meeting, using flimsy excuses and never feel condemned about it. Do you begin in the Spirit and finish in the flesh? Do you ask the pastor when he applies for the church, how long he spends in prayer? A minister should spend hours alone with God before he enters the pulpit. Degrees will not take the place of prayer. Without prayer a sermon is not worth ten cents with a hole in it.

"Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms," (James 5 :13). Preachers, we must fish for men rather than money. Many men preach and perish. Noone prays and perishes. Modern men substitute Far East religion for the old-time religion; Christian Science for Christian sense; anti-Christ religion for Christ's salvation; reincarnation for regeneration; being joined again for being born again; reformation for revival; witchcraft for the Holy Spirit; Church of Rome for Christ's church; Communism for Christianity; and preaching for prayer. Revival has been thrown out the window because men love play rooms rather than prayer rooms. The supper room has taken the place of the Upper Room. It takes determination to keep up your prayer time. THERE ARE TOO MANY SPINELESS PREACHERS. They have a potato vine for a backbone. They are afraid to declare the whole truth. Many are afraid to hold to the fact "There is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved," (Acts 4:12). A real revival usually brings riots or rails. We must propagate the gospel by prayer. Many poor preachers replace propagation with propaganda. The big convention I remember attending, I could not laugh and tlak with pussy-footing preachers. I was driven to a place to pray. The burden of the whole world fell on me. Preachers are feasting and playing, instead of fasting and praying. Church leaders present their opinions and views. They display their gifts. We hew to the line on doctrine, write a book to correct an opinion, but not many men change the world by intercessory prayer. Not many command the devil 14

in travailing prayer. It is easy to let the storm come, and then softly say, "We don't understand it, but we know all things work together for good." Jesus arose and rebuked the storm and saved the disciples. He set us an example. Preachers must deny themselves as well as lay members. Unless 'we deny ourselves and take up the cross daily, we can't be His disciples. If it comes our regular hour to pray, we must deny ourselves of good meals, company, and kinfolk. Put your prayer hour first. We keep our appointment with God. Make no appointments with people at the time of your prayer hours. Satan said, "Paul I know and Jesus I know." Can he say that of you? By prayer you can embarrass the devil, depopulate hell, set captives free, be a gazing stock for Satan, and leave a revival each trail you make. "And Lsay unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you," (Luke 11 :9). We must not touch the gold or the glory. As far as I can see, Gideon died away from God, because He coveted the gold, (Judges 8). He taught his converts to worship idols. Today men make idols of temples, denominations, and the works of their hands. They want to build themselves a name. They put their money into fine buildings rather than into the message. Jesus did not accept honor from men, (John 5:41). He said we could not be believers if we honor each other and not seek the honor that comes from God, (John 5:41-44). I want God to honor me with His presence and miracles. I'm not too much for backslappings on the platform and backbiting in the preacher's absence. Platform flattery will get us nowhere. Men talk about "my church," "my people," "my office," or "my television program." The early Christians counted nothing as their own, (Acts 4 :32). A stranger was asking about churches. A neighbor said, "Brother Jones' church is down this street. Brother Smith's church is over the hill. Brother Johnson's church is across the track." The stranger said, "Where is Jesus' church 7" "I don't believe He has a church in this town," said the neighbor, "I've never heard of it."


We would not know a preacher was "great" had it not been for the introduction given him before he preached. The preacher is usually pumped up. Jesus gets little praise. Aren't we privileged to have Jesus, too? Love seeketh not her own. Let's recognize Jesus and introduce Him to the people. Revival will follow. Crocodile tears won't bring in souls. Many ministers will weep for souls if the salary is large enough. One minister wrote in his notes, "Stop and weep here." We must have tears of compassion. Blush that you are not ashamed of sin. Weep because you have no tears. Groan because you have no burden. Be angry at yourself because you are not angry at sin. Be ashamed because no one gets angry at your message. Woe unto you when all men speak well of you, (Luke 6 :26). Do you have Pentecost in your church? Are liars slain at the words from the preacher? (Jer. 50:36). Is a man struck blind that hinders the altar call? (Lev. 19:14). Is your preacher cast in prison from telling the truth? (Acts 26:10). Do we have Pentecost or Pentecostalism? (Acts 7 :60). Too many ministers major on minors. Why hunt mice when tigers are tearing teenagers apart? If we cast out devils, we might ruin some liquor business or prostitute place and find ourself in prison (Acts 16). Let's trade our sickly sermonizing for Paul's preaching. Let's wrestle with principalities and powers, cast down strongholds, and say "I've fought a good fight of faith." "Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven," (Matt. 18:19). Many Pentecostal professors have gotten lost between Calvary and Pentecost. Suppose our excuses are not accepted at the judgment. In prayer no one waits in vain for God to move. We need more praying preachers. Jesus will spew us out at His mouth if we are lukewarm. No doubt a lot of lukewarm lay preachers will be spewed out at the judgment. Isaiah was lukewarm, but he did not remain lukewarm. After he saw Jesus, he saw himself. He saw himself lost and 16

undone. He realized he had unclean lips. No doubt he had been dwelling among preachers who carried on off-color jokes. He said, "Woe is me for I am undone. Woe is each preacher who remains in that lukewarm condition. He felt like another preacher who said, "Woe is me if I preach not the gospel." There is a woe pronounced on all who substitute witty jokes and funny stories for the gospel. The two-edged sword cuts both ways; it kills or cures. We will give an account of how we use this sword. You may break the record in attendance in your campaigns and reach an all-time low in spirituality and anointing. We must bring the power of heaven into each meeting to drive out the power of hell. We must preach like a man from another world, with our souls white hot with the anointing of God's power. Paul was not too big to stop and deliver one man, yet he shook cities and continents for Christ. He took time to preach to twelve, yet his sermons have reached the world. He knocked on doors warning men with tears, yet the unquenchable anointing reached millions. The story goes that a man was rolling a wheelbarrow across a river on a tight wire. No one believed he could do it, of course. A woman screamed out, "I believe you can do it!" The man turned around and said grimly, "If you believe I can do it, get into the wheelbarrow." Faith is a verb. You can't have faith without action. Faith without corresponding action is dead, (James 2: 17). The Bible is a book to be acted on. You may be embarrassed some day when someone picks up the Bible, believes it, and obeys it. Some people know the Word of God. Some know the God of the Word. The Bible says, "All things are yours," (I Cor. 3:21,22). God honors faith that honors God. The faith that believes God does, is the faith that God honors. Anyone can believe he can, or knows He promised. God does not honor wisdom or personality like He does faith. Faith, hope and charitycharity is the greatest. Some folks don't even have the least. Men talk about how "God owns all, the earth and heavens, too. I'm an heir to glory. I'm just as rich as you." Then they have to go buy a car on credit and pay the devil's crowd high 17

interest. They are rich, but live like paupers. Where is the prevailing faith? Where are the Elijahs of God? How can you brag about your risen, wealthy Lord and live in poverty? Why not let your faith come alive and put it into action? These signs shall follow all believers, (Mark 16:16-18). ''If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?" (Luke 11 :13). Men break the sound barrier. Why can't Christians break the doubt barrier? Doubts destroy faith. Faith destroys doubt. Jesus did not say, "Repent and explain the gospel" or "All things are possible to him that explains." It is not what you know. It is whom you know. I was told that a man wanted John D. Rockefeller to loan him $10,000.00. Rockefeller walked through the bank a few times with that man, and endorsed a check for the man a few times. One day the man walked up to the window and borrowed $10,000.00 without anyone signing his note. The banker knew that he knew Rockefeller. People fill books with what they know about God. But do they know the God of the Word? What we can be with Christ is one thing, and what we are in Christ is another. Why would we preach the Word if there is not faith for the signs to follow? Why preach about prayer and not pray? Why have an atomic bomb testimony and a firecracker prayer life? The people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits, (Dan. 11:32). These signs shall follow them that believe. Find one man that believes and knows God; then Satan is in trouble. Satan will contest everything a man of prayer does. He trembles when a man prays. Work is no substitute for intercession. Let your work go undone rather than omit your appointment with God in prayer. Praying church leaders are a break-water against evil powers. When prayer decays, revival delays. One little spark can burn down a city. One prayer may be so contagious, it ignites the whole church. There are no saints on the outside of Christ's church and no sinners within. God adds to the church daily. He sets the members in the body as it pleases Him. Jesus is 18

the door. He opens and no man shuts. Man does not keep the Lamb's Book of Life. The church exists through prayer. Prayer moves the recording angel that inscribes names in the Book of Life. There is atomic power in prayer that can move cities, and change the destiny of men. If we are moved of God, men will be moved to God. Satan will use any means to keep you from the prayer closet. Prayer links man with God. Satan is defeated in the prayer closet. Prayer is our secret weapon. It fights an offensive battIe. We don't pray for people we backbite. We don't backbite those for whom we pray. Why would you want deeper knowledge with a shallow heart? Learning will not take the place of mountain moving prayer. Why would you want more favor with men and less favor with God? Why would a minister bathe his body and keep a filthy mind? Prayer bathes the mind and Spirit. Why would a carnal man try to have religious piety? Your body may be strong enough to play golf, but your soul may be very weak. You can have a great bank account, but be a spiritual pauper. You may be well known in the city and a stranger to heaven and hell. Satan said, "Paul I know." Prayer is a spiritual chiropractor to give you faith adjustments. "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed," (Mark 1:35). Prayer will free us from the spiritual pride of our day. If you want to tune into the voice of God, you will find a solitary place. The spiritual mountain peak is reached in a private interview with the Creator of the universe. A man of prayer can't sit idle when he hears a drowning cry. He can't sit in comfort and let a sinner die. He won't sit idle and let his city burn down. He can't be at ease while men sink in the mire of destruction. A prayer warrior has a passion that burns like fire. He has a love that constrains him. He has faith nothing can stop. He has a hope that does not grow dim. He continually adds fuel to the fire of revival. He shines as a light on a hill. He is a light of the world. Men see his work and glorify the Father in Heaven.


Prayer is the master key that fits any lock, and lets the prisoners go free. "And stirreth thy face iquities,"

there is none that calleth upon thy name, that up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid from us, and hast consumed us, because of our in(Isa, 64:7).

Men love pleasures more than they love God. Men try to destroy the 'web without killing the spider. An old-time revival would kill the spider. Our laws deal with the effects of liquor. A revival would destroy liquor. Many times we have visited the wailing wall in Jerusalem. Men and women weep, cry, wail, praise, and beat that stone wall, crying for the Messiah to come. If the Gentile Christians wept like that, revival would be here. The Jews would find their Messiah. Suppose we return to Pentecostal power, practice, and apostolic possibilities. Suppose preachers would practice purging, prevailing prayer. Men seek happiness and holiness. Prayer would turn silliness into soberness. If we would get refilled, Christians would get filled. If "Christians" would repent, backsliders would return to God. How can "Christians" get sinners in the altar if "Christians" won't kneel at the altar? PROPHETS


John the Baptist was not qualified for a priest or a preacher, but had every qualification for a prophet. For four hundred years, there had been darkness without light of divine revelation. No one had a "Thus saith the Lord." They had a lazy, fat, slouchy, overfed group of priests that had never heard the voice of God. They had fame, popularity and publicity without power. Their anointing had given way to the handwritings of ordinances. They were buried in a formal grave of ceremony, sacrifices, and circumcision. John, a man sent from God, did in six months what many priests had not done in four hundred years. John had lived in a solitary place with God. He was God-filled, God-fired, and God-fashioned. John prayed before he preached.


Jesus said, "Go ye." He also said to tarry until you be endued with power from on high. No one is qualified to go until he is first endued with power. Try shutting yourself away with no visitor but the Holy Spirit and your Bible. God said that blessed is he that reads this book, speaking of his Word. John was in the Spirit on the Lord's day. John the Baptist, Moses, Elijah, and Paul were in God's school of solitary learning. They were Spirit-filled, desertbred, fire-filled men who had been with God. They had God's light in their eyes, God's authority in their voice, God's judgment in their Spirit, God's passion in their soul, and God's compassion in their heart. John didn't raise the dead, but he raised a dead nation. John had no priestly clothes, no winebibbing, ceremony, sacrifice, or credentials. Yet he so burned and shone until people repented when they heard his heart-burning message. The professing Pharisees' souls were so scorched that they seldom slept. Their life was blistered with this hot tongued prophet's message of repentance. Great lions walk alone. Great eagles fly alone. Great preachers many times pray alone. That's when God spoke to John, while he was alone. He was in long years of preparation and in short months of service. He stopped or stepped as the Spirit said. He declared Jesus as the Lamb of God. John was a voice instead of an echo. Most men only echo what others said. They don't hear God for themselves. They give good book reports, but seldom say, "Thus saith the Lord." It takes broken men to break men. He was dynamic instead of being dogmatic. He had revival rather than rattle. "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord," (Gen. 6:8). Thousands of sinners near our churches are unloved, unwanted, and unwon. We are responsible. Men are more concerned about souls across the sea than they are for souls across the street. God will never call us to go around the world until we first get willing to go around the block. Before the flood every imagination of men's hearts were evil continually. It is the same in our time. Today sin is glamorized and popularized. Sin is thrown into the home by television. It is thrown into the car by radio. When men walk in


the park, they usually take a cassette player along and hear sinful songs. You start to buy groceries and see sin in the magazine racks. We are tired of powerless sermons and passionless teaching. We need thousands of men like John the Baptist turned on our nation, crying, "Repent," "Be content with your wages," "I will not baptize you until you prove you've repented," or "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife." A burning bush turned Moses to God. A burning man of prayer will turn men to the same God. John preached repentance until men could not rest. Peter preached repentance until men cried, "What must we do?" Men today preach, "Sign a card. Pay tithes." At the judgment will someone say, "If you had had the Holy Ghost and fire, I wouldn't go to hell fire?" We have a cold church in a cold world when pastors are cold. If we have love for Christ, we also have love for souls. If we have love for souls, we will go to the prayer closet and intercede for souls. THE ANOINTING


The anointing of the Spirit is Christ within doing the work. A man working in the church without the anointing of the Spirit is like a battery without any fire, like a car without a battery, like an electric iron which is not turned on, like a vacuum cleaner not plugged in. There is something lacking. No revival comes. WE MUST BE ANOINTED TO PRAY We are no greater than our prayer life. If we are not praying, we are straying. We can show forth our talents in the pulpit, but not in the secret prayer closet. The man who does not have a prayer life is poverty stricken. We need less organizers and more agonizers. We need less players and more prayers. We should have 'clingers in prayer rather than singers in the choir. Wrestlers in prayer are more important than pastors in the pulpit. We need less fears and more tears.


"And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples," (Luke 11 :1). With the anointing you can pray an hour and it will seem like five minutes. Without the anointing you can pray five minutes and it will seem like an hour. Men of prayer need passion rather than fashion. We need intercessors more than so many interferers. We need fighters more than we need writers. Vision and passion that operates the church are acquired in intercessory prayer. This is a ministry that all of us may have. It is the highest ministry of all. Jesus is our intercessor, now. Satan is not afraid of our usual preaching as he is of anointed praying. Anointed prayer is where we get power to bind and loose. Not many people spend the night in solitary places in prayer as Jesus did. He is our example. Today men mistake action for unction and rattles for revival. We all know the secret of praying is praying in secret. Men may be bankrupt if they are not broken in prayer. If you are not at least bent, you will be sent. A man that is anointed in prayer is sent. All others just packed up and went. Someone has said that prayer is profoundly simple and simply profound. Jesus had groanings that could not be uttered, (Rom. 8:26). Paul did not know how to pray. The Spirit made groanings that could not be uttered, (Rom. 8). Jude built up his faith praying in the Holy Ghost, (J ude 20). Praying in the Holy Ghost builds up your faith, (I Cor. 14). Hannah's lips moved, but her voice was not heard. It is not words that count while we are in prayer. God can take your ABC's and put them together and make an intelligent prayer that takes things from God. Prayer to the anointed man is what capital is to the grocery man. People in our time are more interested in paying than praying. When they prayed, the place was shaken. In our time, the place is shaken when we pray. There is no substitute for prayer. The church prays or strays. We will cry or we will die. We need hell-shaking, world-


breaking prayer warriors who are anointed. That brings revival. Many people leave this to a few. If it took intercessory prayer to bring revival in the early church, it really does take more prayer today in the time that there is a revival of witchcraft, evil spirits and false prophets. We need a vision rather than television. Television kills the anointing for prayer. Vision brings a revival of prayer. It is better to pray through than to get through praying. A FAR


We have thousands of prodigal daughters today They are the lukewarm, Laodicean church. Prayer does not take the place of work. Work does not take the place of prayer. Daniel would rather spend a night with the lions than to miss a day of prayer. Praying church leaders can blockade the forces that try to tear down God's work on earth. God depends on prayer warriors and blesses them. When our praying delays, church work decays. We see intelligent preachers who sweat great drops expounding the Holy Scriptures. He will wax eloquent in his sermon as he rises to defend the inspiration of the scriptures. Then when that same preacher sees some verse that does not fit into his life or fit in with his denomination, he says, "That part is only for the early church." Too many "would be" preachers preach' about the Holy Ghost and don't have the Holy Ghost. It is not the sinner that limits the Holy One of Israel. Too many preachers pray for God's grace, but ignore the gifts. They pray without the unction. Even full gospel churches restrict and regulate the Holy Spirit. Some pray, "Lord, pour out your Spirit upon all flesh, but don't let the sons and daughters prophesy. Don't let our young men see visions." This kind of praying tends to grieve the Holy Spirit. This lukewarm praying, God will spew out of His mouth. If the Lord can't do something with the professing Pentecostals, He can raise up some Presbyterians. He can work miracles through Methodists. God will have a people fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army. 24 "~

Why have a conference room if the counselor's chair is vacant? Why have a check book without the man who signs the checks? God has given us salvation, the Holy Ghost, the gifts, the Sword of the Spirit, the helmet, the Bible, His only Son, and all the equipment for the church. He has nothing else to give. It is up to us to use the Sword of the Spirit and quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. This is done by prayer. "Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free," (Eph. 6:18). When Jesus said, "Behold I stand at the door and knock, He was talking to the church and not to sinners, (Rev. 3:20). Jesus is seeking to get into His own church. They quote the text, "Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst." He is usually at the door knocking for admittance. If you shut out prayer, you close Jesus out also. Why sing His praise and reject His power? The Lord has much patience with sinners, but how much more patience will He have with cold, cruel clergymen who are sleepy, sluggish, and selfish? When will a prodigal church arise from the pig pen of formalism and go back to the Father's house of plenty, power and prayer? Jesus said to the formal church, "Because thou say est, I am rich, and increased in goods and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor, and blind, and naked," (Rev. 3 :17). That is the condition of the church without a prayer room. Some boasting "believers" are blind and bankrupt. They wear hundred dollar suits and don't realize they are naked. They lack everything and say they have need of nothing. They are rich with fine churches, but are poor in prayer. They have equipment, but no enduement. They have nothing that the early church had. There is smoke, but no fire. There is no Holy Ghost anointing to convince sinners to fill the prayer rooms with conviction. Play rooms take the place of prayer rooms. Supper rooms take the place of the Upper room. The churches are air-conditioned, but are not prayer conditioned.


Because the churches have lost the Holy Ghost and fire. people go to hell fire. The sinner is going to hell fire, (Rev. 20:13-14). The Christian is going to a judgment of fire, (Matt. 25 :31) . We need the Holy Ghost and fire in the prayer room. Elijah called down heavenly fire. Moses was called into God's work by holy fire. John the Baptist spoke about Holy Ghost fire. Jesus came to bring fire on the earth. Our prayers must be fire baptized. John the Baptist spoke about water baptism and fire baptism. Millions of men covet water and reject the fire. It's the fire that burns out the dross. The chaff will be burned by unquenchable fire. The early Christians were fire purged and fire baptized. Then they preached the cross and the resurrection rather than their church and their denomination. "Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him," (Acts 12: 5). How can men win sinners at home or overseas without the fire? They must first tarry until they be endued with power from on high. We have many prophecy preachers, but not many prophetic prayers. We have predictors, but not many prayer warriors. Many men foretell; not many that forth tell. Men try to monopolize the Messiah. The Messiah must monopolize men. Every earthquake, tornado, or cyclone has some kind of sensation. So does the atomic bomb. Yet, some try to have a Holy Ghost prayer room with no sensation. Church doors were slammed in the face of Paul, Wesley, and every Holy Ghost filled evangelist that preached judgment on the hypocrites. Men could not stop the spiritual tide, because Wesley prayed. We can preach against corrupt politicians, open saloons, and road houses and keep our hypocrites. Try pulling the cover off hypocrites as Jesus and John the Baptist did. You may not live any longer than they did. True prophets denounce false preachers and false religion because God speaks to them in the prayer closet. It is better to die young and pull the cover off the "blind leaders of the blind" than to live long and compromise the message. A martyr's crown was better for Paul than degrees


and diplomas from doctors of divinity. If he counted all those things dung, I don't intend to spend seven years of God's precious time to get them. David did not have to put on Saul's armour to slay the giant. A sling shot with the name of the Lord is more effective than Saul's armour with enticing words of men's wisdom. "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them," (Acts 16:25). We need prophetic preaching that searches and scorches. Modern preachers go to the best of pulpits. Prophets went to the worst of prisons and modern men have soft raiment and soft speeches. They are more concerned with competition than with consecration. They love promotion more than prayer. They like propaganda more than propagation. Happiness takes the place of holiness. Men go to sleep hearing "sound doctrine." This doctrine must be set on fire with anointed prayer. All the preaching we have heard must be set on fire. Just as the burning bush attracted Moses and let him hear God's voice; so a flaming prayer room will speak to thousands of lukewarm professors in our time. We are still waiting for the prodigal preachers to rise from the pig pen of professionalism and return to the Prince of Peace and Pentecostal prayer power. I




When Ezekiel began to prophesy the Spirit of God began to move. Each dry bone came into place. There stood up a great army for God (Ezek. 9). This does not happen when preachers give dry book reports in the pulpit. This does not take place when there is a six-foot icicle behind the stand. It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save the world, not foolish preaching. The preaching of the cross was foolishness to the Jews, (I Cor. 1:18). God anoints us to preach about the cross. He will confirm the word if we tell about the crucifixion and the atonement. Occasionally you will see a conventional preacher rise above his fellow ministers and become a "jet propelled preacher" with power. He preaches like a man from another world. 27

The secret of his success is no secret. He catches fire in the prayer closet. People come out to see him burn. This preacher has done as Jacob. He has spent all night wrestling. He has come out broken and stripped. He has come out with a new name and power with God. He has prevailed as a prince. This anointed man has wisdom and passion for souls. This man battles carnal, clergical criticism from within the church, and dishonest unbelievers without. Between these two mountains, God gives him souls. In this plan he plants the cross of Calvary and presents Christ to carnal Christians. Some pretty preacher says, "You are so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good." The carnal clergymen are so earthly minded that they are no earthly good. To be carnally minded is to be God's enemy, (Rom. 8:6). If most preachers were as good in intercessory prayer, as they are in working over someone's sermons they would be devil chasers. They would be begging for food if they were as slouchy in earning a dollar as they are in contacting the anointing in prevailing prayer. "And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day," (Gen. 32 :34). Many preachers want to be merely saved, sanctified and satisfied. They say, "I have a hundred in Sunday School. That is enough to make me a living." They seem to be in this thing only for their bread and butter. They make preaching a profession just as a doctor or a lawyer chooses a profession. We must be in the ministry as a calling from God. Isaiah saw the Lord in the year that Uzziah died. An earthly vision had obstructed his heavenly vision. You may get a vision of Christ when you lose a friend or a career. Suppose God takes away the earthly vision that is blurring the vision of prayer, (Isa. 6). Isaiah first said, "Woe," (V. 5). Then a heavenly messenger said, "Lo," (V. 7). Then the Lord said, "Go," (V. 9). When preachers go that route they see results. "Woe" denotes confession. "Lo" denotes cleansing. "Go" denotes the great commission. A preacher must first see himself and see his inability. Then he must see Jesus and see His power. Then he must see


the needs of the people. He sees an upward vision. He sees an inward vision. Then he has an outward vision. When Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up that was a vision of height. When he saw himself, that was a vision of depth. When he saw the vision of the people's need, that was a vision of breadth. Preachers, do not substitute promotion for anointed preaching. Don't mistake competition for consecration. Don't trade propagation for propaganda. Don't trade prevailing for popularity. Where there is no vision, the preacher perishes. Preacher, you can never rise above your vision. Mere theologians can never break the iron curtain of sin that surrounds a congregation in our time. As a result, people are lost in hell, the mad house of the universe. When a million people die without Christ each week, we need unction in the pulpit and action in the pew. We need some more "amen" corners, street services and prayer meetings. Lord, give us more camp meetings instead of "campaigns," where people camp and leave a pain. If the sinner ever gets the vision of Christ, the preacher must have a vision of Calvary. "On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went upon the house-top to pray about the sixth hour," (Acts 10:9). The anointed preacher that fears God, fears not men or devils. If he does not get people saved or make people mad, he is a failure. If a preacher kneels before the Lord, he can stand before any devil. An anointed preacher is a great weapon in the hands of God. No devil can stand before him. There are three persons living in many preachers. There is the one he thinks he is. There is the one that people think he is. There is the one that God knows he is. Before Isaiah saw the vision of the Lord, he was hard on others and easy on himself. After he saw Jesus, He was hard on himself and had more compassion for others. The preceding chapters record him as pronouncing a woe on others. After he saw Jesus, he said, "Woe is me." After you see Jesus, and get the anointing, you will not want to be a hard preacher. You will want to preach men in, rather than preaching them out.


God said, "I sought for a man." Then he says, "Elijah was a man." You can be that man. When you are not anointed, you call the other man's action sin while you call your own action your "Irish nature." You should take on the nature of Christ. Don't criticize the other man's "devilish temper" while you call yours "righteous indignation." Don't say the other person is "feeble minded" while you excuse the same actions in yourself by calling it "a case of nerves." When the other man gains, you call it covetousness. When you gain, you call it "expanding your business." You may call the other man "stubborn" and say that you have "firm convictions." Don't say that you only have "a superior taste" while you call the other man "proud." Prevailing prayer kills out the old nature and gives Christ's nature. The anointing brings us out and lets the Spirit search our heart. He that has his sins covered shall not prosper. The anointing kills our spirit and puts the Spirit of Christ instead. Unless we have the Spirit of Christ we are none of His (Rom. 8:9). Can we say with Jesus, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives?" (Luke 4:18). He said this after He spent forty days in secret prayer. He is our example. "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none," (Ezek. 22:30). We see much advertising about this power packed age in which we live. We hear about black power, white power, red power, jet power and Indian power. What we need is powerpacked preachers and prayers. Many professing Pentecostals never have known what it is to intercede in the Spirit until the Holy Ghost takes over and prays through them automatically, until they don't have to turn it on and turn it off. My old car has power in it I've never used. If you have the Holy Ghost, you have power dormant in your body that you have never yet used. Stir yourself to take hold of God (Ps. 35 :23). Within you is a sleeping giant. You have been standing back and saying, "Lord, how can I get started? What is the will of God for me? What wilt thou have me to do?"


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