How to Get Rich With an Autopilot Internet Business

May 26, 2016 | Author: bsorinb | Category: N/A
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TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ........................................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 3 SECTION 1......................................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 2......................................................................................................................... 9 SECTION 3....................................................................................................................... 11 SECTION 4....................................................................................................................... 14 SECTION 5....................................................................................................................... 17 SECTION 6....................................................................................................................... 19 SECTION 7....................................................................................................................... 22 SECTION 8....................................................................................................................... 25 SECTION 9....................................................................................................................... 27 SECTION 10..................................................................................................................... 29 SECTION 11..................................................................................................................... 32


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PREFACE This groundbreaking program is going to reveal how to get rich with an autopilot Internet business that generates cash month after month even if you know absolutely nothing about the Internet as a marketing tool, nothing about websites or anything about running a business. So please pay attention because this could easily be one of those moments in your life that you will always remember as the one that changed everything in your life and allowed you to finally live the dream life you always wanted.

Now in this program you will discover the greatest money making secret on the Internet and how you can actually have money deposited automatically into your checking account while you sit on your butt, go on vacation, or whatever! You can make these obscene amounts of money without any effort, without needing a single customer, without any products to sell, without any cash, and without computer or Internet experience. You will get money deposited into your account all by itself.


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INTRODUCTION Jeff Paul is the How to Make Money In Your Underwear guy whose infomercial you may have seen. Jeff has sold over a 140,000 of his famous How to Make Money Sitting at Your Kitchen Table in Your Underwear course, and has sold over 161,000 units of products on QVC. He has sold more than $40 million dollars and counting of his own products “sitting at home in my underwear” total. Nowadays much of that is from simple autopilot Internet businesses. Just last week, he had $57,365 deposited into his checking account. Over $57,000, all from an autopilot Internet system that generated the money while vacation with family in their vacation home on the lake in the woods. That money came in while out playing around on the lake, goofing off, and playing with his kids. He returned back and all that money was in his checking account from an autopilot Internet business. Now remember, that amount of money that was made in one week is more than most Americans make in a year! This was done in one week and done without even working, it happened all by itself.

Jeff lives the lifestyle in most people’s dreams, doing whatever he wants to do, whenever he wants to do it, without worrying about how much things cost. He has figured out systems that in the old-days were offline and nowadays almost done strictly online on the Internet that allow him to make more money in a week than most people make all year! Think about that!

Shawn Casey is Jeff’s friend, partner and associate. Over the last few years Shawn’s home based Internet business has generated over $10 million dollars in sales! Over $10 million dollars in sales from more than a 100,000 customers in 118 countries! Shawn is the best selling author of Mining Gold on the Internet, which sold just over 96,000 copies of that one book on the Internet. Now Shawn is a high demand speaker at Internet conferences all over the world, people pay as much as $5,000 just to attend his workshops and rave about the results they get from Shawn’s proven real world strategies.


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SECTION 1 Before we go into the details of this program, which is about something called Money Tree Sites, it is important to mention what this really is all about and what this program is stressing, which is your lifestyle. Or to be more accurate in most people’s cases, the lack of a lifestyle. No matter what you do in life, it really doesn’t matter unless you can live a lifestyle where you can do whatever you want to do and whenever you want to do it like be with your family, be with your kids, be with your grandkids, do your favorites hobbies or sports, whatever you want to do. You control your time, everyday when you get up in the morning you decide what you’re doing, and it shouldn’t be going to work.

It’s amazing how literally over a hundred million people in this country every day get up and go to work, and they have to commute somewhere and they have to go work in an office with some idiot boss or co-workers. They have to be controlled by the company and what time they have to be at work, and what they do at work. The worst part of course is getting paid such diddlysquat money for all the hard work and effort that they put in. There is no such thing as job loyalty or job security. You can work somewhere for 20 years working your rear-end off, giving everything you have to the boss and the company, and as soon as they decide to go overseas or they have a problem, they’ll can your rear-end in two seconds flat. The only way to live life is when you have your own business.

Nowadays the Internet is without a doubt the greatest business tool ever because we can do things now on the Internet that we could never do in the old days when selling products through direct marketing. Products had to be delivered and sent with UPS, and inventory had to be kept, and a large staff was needed. Nowadays you can run a giant, multi-million dollar Internet business all from your house with no employees, and no inventory. There’s no other way to live life. Jeff and Shawn live the same kind of lifestyle, they put in a few hours here and a few hours there working, doing stuff to make money but almost all of the money comes in when they are not working. They do exactly what they want to do, whenever they want to do it, and never worry about the costs.


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Another thing is that by having your own businesses and knowing how to do this is that you decide how much you’re worth when you get paid. When you work for someone else they decide how much you are worth. If you work for yourself then you can decide how much you’re worth, whether you want to decide you’re worth $10,000 a month, a $100,000 a month or more. You get to decide that if you get in charge!

Jeff and Shawn have spent years and years figuring all of this stuff out, and have figured out exactly what to do and what not to do to make money. In the very early days of the Internet Jeff was very skeptical and reluctant and barely didn’t get involved in the Internet for a long time because it was in the very beginning. It was almost impossible to make money on the Internet because the tools and the technology just weren’t there. And people weren’t use to buying things on the Internet. In the very beginning everything was free on the Internet. People were not use to doing commercial things on the Internet; it was mostly used to look up information. Now the Internet is as great of a commercial medium as direct mail, TV, radio, print ads in the newspaper, print ads in magazines. It’s up there with every other and any other medium as far as making money and the public completely accepts the Internet as a commercial place to go. People go to the Internet not only to look things up but also to find things they want to buy, things they want to do, and so forth. They spend money on the Internet, and there’s billions of dollars being spent on the Internet every year.

Which leads to the next point, which is the Internet is here to stay. There are hundreds of millions of searches on the search engines every single day. Hundreds of millions of people are searching every single day on the Internet looking for things and a lot of it is looking for things they want to buy.

With that said, a lot of dirty secrets and a lot of inside information here on this program are going to be revealed that people are not going to get to hear anywhere else because most people do not want you to hear this information.


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Also lots of people do not even know this information. Which is why this program was designed, to make sure that everybody reading does know exactly what is going on and what the truth is.

One of the biggest truths is that most people who do try to make money on the Internet don’t make money on the Internet. Most people have heard that you just get a website up and that people are going to come to your site and you’re going to make money and it just works that simple. Internet gurus teach that you pick some kind of a topic, you write a little book, you put the book up on a website and you get rich, which is untrue. So exactly what is the harsh cold reality of making money on the Internet and what people don’t know?

Well there’s a lot of it. First of all most people who tell you how to build a website or get online don’t actually know how to make any money. In particular all of these guys that whether they work for your ISP, your email provider, they’re a website builder, marketing consultant, these people don’t know anything about making money online. Some of them know how to do something specific like build a website or make pretty graphics but they don’t know how to make money. As a result, 99% of Internet moneymaking efforts suck! Suck is a marketing term used for things that basically suck.

You know exactly what we’re talking about; some of you have been out there and tried this stuff. You may be thinking, “well how come I don’t make money like all of those other guys?” That’s because you don’t know what they’re really doing. Most people that you’re listening to are not telling you how to make money. Because 99% of what you hear about how to really make money online is complete and utter B.S. It’s peddled and perpetrated by people who really don’t know what they’re doing, they just know enough to sell other people the same stupidity that they know.


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See 99 % of Internet money making, the reality is that it follows the same proven marketing selling principles from the old-fashioned offline moneymaking world. People keep trying to treat the Internet different. For years we heard those are old rules, they don’t apply to the Internet. Remember the big dot com bust? All of a sudden people figured out well these companies on the Internet actually have to make a profit in order to pay their bills. Like it was a big surprise!

You may have heard about the new economy; we just go out there, you build this big thing and magic stuff will happen later. Well no, the business rules still apply but yet because people just look at the Internet and say it’s new, they want to apply all of this baloney to it and not deal in the real world. We want to deal in the real world of what really works.

See the Internet is a marketing medium, it’s not a business by itself, it’s not a slot machine, it’s not a lottery game, it’s not something where you put a quarter in and a hundred quarters come out, it doesn’t work that way. Now there are tremendous short cuts you can take because you’re going to read about a few of those. But you have to know how to do them and you have to know what really works. Now as previously mentioned; webmasters, web designers, ad agencies, graphic designers, hosting companies, all of them, they have absolutely no clue how to make obscene but perfectly legal moral and ethical amounts of cash from the Internet.

What you will read about today is the real truth of what works versus what doesn’t based on empirical evidence of what works and what doesn’t work. Now empirical evidence means that Jeff and Shawn have gone out, tested, tried stuff, and found what works. That’s why they generate millions of dollars annually on the Internet. They couldn’t do that if stuff didn’t work, they would be broke and bankrupt instead of living and owning their great lifestyles.


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So you’re not just going to read theories or ideas. Jeff and Shawn are going to reveal the facts that are proven in the mean streets, the jungle of the real world where they eat their young for breakfast.


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SECTION 2 Previously it was mentioned that one of the things was that hundreds of millions of web searches are done everyday, people out there are looking for information and looking to spend money and to buy stuff. If there is one huge but dirty little secret it is about how people find these websites. There’s a whole community out there who call themselves search engine optimization experts, SEO for short. These experts go looking for people with websites and they say to them “listen, you have a website and you would probably like to be ranked really high in the search engine for your business so that when people are searching they’ll find you and come to your website and you can do business with them.” And that’s a great concept until we get to the part where they say “if you give us $5,000 we’ll work on your website, make some changes, get it optimized and then in 5 or 6 months we’ll be able to look back and see how good we did and you’ll be able to see some increase in traffic on your website.” There are huge problems with this, because despite all of Shawn’s Internet experience he has never hired a search engine optimization expert. First of all 90-plus percent of them are not experts; they just know how to get the five thousand dollars. Secondly Shawn doesn’t want to wait six months to see if $5,000 generates any cash. These guys will tell you at the end of six months “well it looks like it worked good and maybe it didn’t,” and you can’t even measure the results.

A good friend of Shawn’s does a lot of marketing and after he did something similar to this, but it wasn’t this, he told Shawn “wouldn’t it have been more satisfying Shawn to just get like ten crisp new hundred dollar bills and flush them one by one down the toilet because then at least you can see where your money went?”

Some of these guys will guarantee you results. Do you know how they guarantee results? Let’s say you have a wedding site, they don’t guarantee you get number one for weddings, or even in the top 10 for weddings, they’ll say “we guarantee top ten placement, which means you get in the first ten positions on the search engine.” What they’re really guaranteeing is top ten placement for keywords that they know they can get up there, and it won’t be weddings. It will be something like “wedding in the little white


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house in Peoria, Illinois in 2002.” Anyone can get number one for that phrase without even working hard because no one is searching on that. No one is clicking on that phrase, and no one is searching on it!

Many people search for weddings, if someone could really help get you in the top 10 search engine results for weddings it would be worth five grand. But he probably can’t and don’t spend 6 months to find out. The reality is that you can learn how to do most of this stuff that they do and certainly 80 or 90% of the effective part of what they do yourself and do it for free! If you do it for free then you have no risk except the little bit of time. You don’t have five grand on the line hoping something happens, and a lot of the short cuts and things that you’re going to learn about can speed up the process of finding and testing and getting these results out of a search engine, and now you don’t have to wait 6 months. This is one of those dirty little secrets that people don’t talk about, and a lot of people don’t realize. Of course like a lot of things you don’t know it’s a big mystery. However, some of this stuff there is not all that mystery to it once you understand how this stuff works.


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SECTION 3 Jeff and Shawn have a multi million-dollar Internet business. They both work from home; and don’t have an office to go to each morning. But really that is not what is important about all of this. What is important is that they have shown all kinds of people, thousands and thousands of people from all walks of life, most people with no computer or Internet knowledge how to get their share of these billions of dollars of Internet sales deposited directly into their checking accounts.

For example, Jeff and Shawn have a student named Carl, now Carl is a pretty lazy student. He’s about as lazy as they get, but Carl makes about $312 a month from his Money Tree Site, which we’ll be explained in a second. Carl only works, if you can call it work, 5 or 10 minutes a day because he’s really, really lazy. He could be making a lot more money but he doesn’t. He has Money Tree Sites up online, makes three hundred dollars or a little more than that a month and that’s it.

Now you can be a little more aggressive. Another student of Jeff and Shawn’s is a woman named Sandy, now she works about 20 to 30 minutes a day monitoring her Money Tree Sites. She makes $2,950 a month on average, just a hair under three thousand dollars a month on average. Sandy is very, very happy because she is a single mom. She was working at a dead-end job in a family restaurant, and was recently able to tell her boss that she quits. She was able to leave that miserable job and now she’s at her home with her family, making right around $3,000 a month working no more than a half hour a day on her Money Tree Sites.

Now you can be a really big go-getter like our third example, a student named Johanne. Johanne takes in $13,234 a month, as shown on his last statement that he sent over to Jeff and Shawn. All from this Internet business. Johanne is a twenty-year-old college student. He’s making more than most of his professors using these Money Tree Sites. He’s only


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working a few hours on his Money Tree Sites and he’s just going to get bigger and bigger and better and better.

Then you’ve got total capitalist pigs like Shawn, Jeff and their partner Jim Fleck who’s kind of an underground Internet guru. The three of them, for example, did a million and a half dollars from their web business over the last few months.

In fact Shawn had one month where he took in over $600,000 in one month. It was all online, over the Internet, and in the last year he did $2.1 million dollars with the stuff that you do with these sites online.

So now, does that sound interesting to people? It should, and basically it’s all because of this concept called Money Tree Sites. So let’s get right into the Money Tree Sites and what a Money Tree Site is.

A Money Tree Site basically is a website that is set up to suck in free search engine traffic. It was mentioned previously that hundreds of millions of people everyday are doing web searches. Well they’re looking for websites. You want to have your website be in their path so they come to your website. When they do we’ve got different things there that make can make money, different ways to make money like ads that they can just click on and you get paid without doing any work, without dealing with a customer or anything else. So you get traffic for free, and you get paid money without ever having to inventory a product, deal with a customer or anything else.

You may be wondering how did the name Money Tree Sites come up. Shawn’s mother always use to say to him every time he wanted to spend more money “well what do you think, that money grows on trees?” Well for a long time Shawn didn’t think it did but this is as close as he’s ever found money growing on trees. Literally you can create Money Tree Sites, they cost virtually nothing, pennies a day to have online. So this is as close


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you can get as Shawn has ever seen in his however many years marketing to money growing on trees. It’s almost that effortless.

Maybe your parents also said that money didn’t grow on trees. But when you were growing up the Internet didn’t exist, much less Money Tree Websites to make it this easy.

Now to make a Money Tree Site you do not need any special engineering degrees, computer knowledge or prior experience. You don’t have to know how to do all of that stuff. If you can get online, sign on to the Internet and open an email then you can get a Money Tree Site online yourself.

People come to Money Tree Sites from search engines, and search engines for example are,, and, and you type in some phrase that you want to search for. For example, if you type in ”the little white house wedding in Peoria, Illinois” and then you get those results on the page and you can look down through those and see the one that matches the interest of what you’re looking for Then you can go to that website and get more information. If you don’t like that website, you can click back and try the next result.


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SECTION 4 Now let’s discuss some of the dirty little secrets of search engines, which most people don’t know. The three biggest search engines in terms of order of the number of searches they get everyday are Google, Yahoo and MSN. Google is the biggest, Google’s has all of the hype and the popularity right now, and of course everybody is shooting to knock them out of the perch. Yahoo is a pretty close second, and MSN is more of a distant third. Now what’s important for that is that people, and a lot of people are talking about how to get search engine traffic and stuff, everybody says Google has the most searches, let’s all work on getting in Google and let’s ignore everything else. Shawn gets excited when he hears that, because Google is the hardest search engine to get into and get traffic from.

This is another dirty little secret because if you think about this, if everyone is telling all of your competitors that they should go work really hard to get into the really tough to get into search engine, it can take them months to get into and get traffic from, then that leaves you going after all of the easy traffic. You can go and get your website into Yahoo and into MSN and be getting traffic from those search engines, who have their own hundreds of millions of searches everyday, and do that in just a few days.

Shawn recently launched a website four days ago, and today he started getting traffic from Yahoo and MSN, in only 4 days! Google has come and visited that site, and they have these little robots called spiders that visit the websites. They visited that website but they haven’t indexed it yet, they’re not sending traffic yet, they might not send traffic for 2 or 3 months because there’s a huge difference between the way that Yahoo and Google, for example, look at web pages.

This is why Shawn loves it when his competition is focused on getting into the one that takes a long time. They’re spending all this time thinking, “I’m getting into Google, I’m getting into Google.” And Shawn is looking around thinking, “I’m getting traffic anywhere I can.”


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It’s a very important concept people don’t think about which is; do you really care which search engine sends you visitors? Does it matter if traffic comes from Google, Yahoo, MSN, WebCrawler, AltaVista or anybody else? The answer is no. They’re all the same; they’re all people looking to spend money online.

These are people, let’s say you have a wedding site, and they typed in wedding. They got wedding results, there you are. They’re coming and looking for wedding stuff and you’ve got wedding stuff on your website.

It’s kind of like the old Yellow Pages where people would go look up a specific thing and then they find all of the listings there. It’s pretty much the same thing. Let’s just use the Yellow Page example, everybody knows what the Yellow Pages are, maybe you don’t know. There’s more than one Yellow Page company. If you’re a business do you care which Yellow Page book they looked you up in? No, you just care they came to your place of business.

You want people to show up, especially when they show up for free. So what happens is that there are all these people that are being led astray. They’re getting led that since Google has the most traffic that’s where you should focus. Look at it and say “I can get into Yahoo in a week and be getting hundreds of people a day starting at the end of that week. Why do I want to wait three or four months and see what Google will do for me, not that I’m going to ignore them, but I’m going to go for the fast return because I want my business up and running quickly. I don’t want to launch a website and wait three months.”

So when you get your Money Tree Sites showing up in the results at Yahoo and MSN, for example, and get the traffic in a few days and getting money coming into your checking account in a few days, with what you’re doing though in 2 or 3 months those sites will also end up being in Google as well. Then your sites can make even more


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money once you get to Google. But that’s more like gravy money instead of waiting 3 months and hoping that Google will finally get you listed.

Jeff and Shawn have dealt with thousands, tens of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people, whatever the number is, of people who are starting and growing their own business. If you are somebody who is looking to start a business you don’t want to do something where you say “I’m putting up a website, I’m taking 3 months off and waiting to see what happens.” That’s not a way to start a business! That’s ridiculous!

You need something where if you’re going to do these kinds of things that you can start them and you can see results fairly quickly because that way you know that you’re on track and you can be proactively working to build your business. You don’t do something and wait 3 months to see what happened, that’s crazy!

In the back of Shawn’s brain he thinks “man it’s so good that all these people are getting led astray because they’re not competing with me, they’re leaving me an entire search engine all to myself, thank God for that!”


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SECTION 5 All right, and now of course some people reading this you may know this secret. You know that you can get traffic from everywhere, it doesn’t matter where, and it’s all created equal. But some of it you can get in a week, and some of it you can get in several months and you should be focused on getting the fast traffic because that’s going to get you the most return. Also, of course, it’s a lot more fun when somebody starts visiting your website than if you’re just sitting around waiting for stuff to happen. You can watch your account every day and see more money being automatically deposited into your account.

The first thing Shawn and Jeff do in the morning is look at their accounts, and see how much money they made yesterday. It’s addictive, it’s fun, and it’s the way people should live their life.

In fact when Shawn goes on vacation his wife laughs at him. They went to Costa Rica a couple months ago, beachfront hotel, everything else. First thing Shawn did when he got up in the morning on vacation is he went to look at the computer and see how much money he made yesterday while in Costa Rica at the beach in the Four Seasons. It’s a good problem because you’re sitting there on vacation thinking “I made money yesterday; let’s go to the beach honey.” He knows that he covered the room at the Four Seasons many times over from his Money Tree Sites.

So how do people make money on Money Tree Sites?

A Money Tree Site is optimized to get that traffic from a search engine. When people visit they see your listing in the search engine traffic, and the search engine results on the page at Yahoo or Google or whatever. They click and they come to your website. Now when they come to your website, what we can do is they can click on what Jeff and Shawn have termed “auto cash clicks”, the visitors click on these, and you get money


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instantly. You just get money because they clicked on an ad or a headline or a banner or something on your site that interested them that leads them off to somebody that paid you for that click. So literally, people come in, they click, you get paid, and you don’t have to do anything else. You’re done, and that was the whole part of the deal.

There’s no product being sold and not customer. If somebody comes to your Money Tree Site, and they simply click on one of the headlines on your Money Tree Site, using one of the headline ads, you get paid just because they click. You don’t have to deal with customers; you don’t have to deal with customer service, products, shipping, delivery, and inventory. So this is of course, perfect for running a business out of your home because you don’t have to worry about all of those business type things that people would normally associate with having a business.

It doesn’t cost the visitor anything to click on that ad, there’s no commitment there. They just click on it because they’re interested.

The person who put the ad up there is paying and then you get paid when the visitor clicks. So it’s a win-win for everybody, all you’ve had to do is put your Money Tree Site online and get it listed in the search engines and people come there right away.


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SECTION 6 So can anybody do this or do you have to have a lot of technical skills and knowledge to put up Money Tree Sites?

Anybody can do this. The Internet often intimidates people because they look at it and they think “oh my God there’s like servers and routers and there’s ISP’s and there’s all these technical jargon things and html and all this other stuff!” Shawn likens this to the ocean; all you got to know is a little bit of the ocean. For instance, if you were dropped off in the middle of the ocean hundreds of miles from lands, you were given a life raft and a paddle and were told “good luck” and left you alone, the ocean would be pretty darn intimidating, wouldn’t it?

But if you were taken to South Beach in Miami where you know there’s a couple hundred of beautiful sandy beach, lots of people all around, warm ocean breeze caressing you, sounds of the calypso band playing in the bar two hundred feet away and you were frolicking at the beach, the ocean would be a pretty darn fine place, wouldn’t it?

See it’s the same body of water but we look at it differently depending upon our circumstances. The way you need to look at the Internet is that all you got to know is that little piece of the ocean like being at the beach. All you got to know is your little piece of the Internet and how your little piece works. Maybe you don’t know much about building a computer, routers, and everything else, build a hosting company and you don’t need to know how to do that. For just a few dollars you can just go get what you need. Just pennies a day to have one of these sites up, and you can get what you need. You don’t have to know how it works; and you don’t have to understand the technical jargon.

Jeff likens the Internet to driving a car. You may have no idea how a car works, but you can put the key in the ignition and that’s all you really need to know. If it doesn’t work you can call the mechanic and they make it work.


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Money Tree Sites can be put up by anybody regardless of what background they have, if they have experience with computers or programming, it doesn’t really matter. You don’t need any specific technical skills, specific knowledge, you don’t need to go to school for 6 years to do this. Shawn’s background includes a degree in communications, he went to law school, he practiced law for several years, then he got good at it and was able to quit. Then he got into running his own businesses and things.

Now another question people often ask is “do you have to know how to build websites?” Obviously the more you know helps, but you don’t have to know how to do that, there are different people and software tools that you can use depending on how you’re trying to make your Money Tree Site look that can get this done for you.

Then the number one question, of course, because people tend to think of business is “do I have to open a store, buy products, put them on a shelf, and then customers come into my store, they buy stuff, they give me money, and I go buy more product.” Typical business thinking. The way the Money Tree Sites are structured you don’t need products and you don’t need customers. So we take two of the very hardest parts of the business out of business by doing that. The process has been streamlined very well.

It’s kind of like if you had a store, a horrible business like a retail store, which Jeff’s family use to own so he knows how horrible they are. You got to have hours, you got to be open all of the time, you got to buy all of that stuff, you have to pay for inventory before anybody even buys it from you.

If somebody walked into your store, if you had a store, and they came there for free without you spending any money advertising, they came there for free and they walked around your store and just looked at some stuff, and then you got paid for them just looking without them having to buy anything. But that would never happen in a retail store because you have to have the inventory and you have to make the sale and carry the products and then deliver the products or whatever. But with Money Tree Sites if they


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just come to the site and they just browse around the site and they click on something of interest to them, you get paid automatically.

You don’t have to talk to customers with Money Tree Sites, you don’t have to talk to them on the phone or have the salesperson or anything like that. They’re not even going to email you and ask you about products. That’s not your job. Your job, if it can be called that, it’s not really like having a job, is you create the Money Tree Site, you get it out there in the search engines, people come and visit, they click, you get paid.


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SECTION 7 There are some other things you can do to make even more money. It’s fascinating for Shawn to watch people online because as mentioned before they do a lot of training of people, but some people have seen some of the things what they’ve done with Money Tree Sites, and they try to copy them. They think, “I don’t need to learn from these guys, I’ll just copy them.” Well they copy little bits here and there and they get it about halfway right, which means they get about a tenth of the traffic they should get and it means they make about a tenth of the money they should get. So if you want to optimize your own website a little bit more, you can add more ways to make money into your website.

Here’s another dirty little secret of the Internet; there are tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of companies out there with great products, fabulous products looking for buyers. There are buyers floating around out there looking for products. A lot of these companies have programs where people can sign up and they could generate sales for these companies and get paid for them, get a commission.

But you see, here’s the deal, you probably heard of the old 80-20 rule; on the Internet people that sign up for these programs, it’s more like the 99.9% and the tenth of one percent rule. Because the 80-20 rule says 20% of the people do all of the work. In this deal, about one tenth of one percent of the people do anything because what 99.9% of the people do is, number one, they’re signing up to promote stuff and they don’t even have a website or they have a website without any traffic. If you have no traffic you’re not sending any customers over to somebody to make a check.

There are programs where somebody has a product and they have marketing materials and all of that stuff for the product but they want more people to sell it so they try to find people who have websites to put an ad for that product on their website. And if someone clicks on the ads they give you, they track the visitor and then you get paid when that visitor buys something.


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So let’s say you have a product and you put in an ad for a product on your website. If someone comes to your site, they click on the ad for the product, they come to the website, they buy and it’s tracked by a program electronically that they know that your site is the one the visitor came from to make the sale, and then you get paid commission from the sale.

Some people don’t even have websites to put these products on so they’re useless. You see people all of the time saying “we’ve got ten thousand people in our program.” What that means is they have eleven people that are doing anything. People either don’t have websites or those that do they get no traffic; they have no idea how to get traffic.

Having a website without traffic is the same thing as not having a website. You might as well not have it. You might as well not even have made the effort if you’re going to have sites with no traffic.

Or, one of the other things is that some of these program will say you can get a clone of a particular website. So you and 10,000 other people have the same exact website. That means that one of them might get traffic, the other 9,999 are going to get ignored. In fact, Google specifically has a rule in what they call the algorithm of their search engine that says they are going to ignore duplicate web pages because they don’t think they have any value to the people looking for stuff. So they’re going to pick one and show it and all the rest of the other 10,000 are going to be ignored. So having that exact same thing doesn’t do you any good.

But here you are, lets say once again we have people coming in for weddings. A guy visits, or a girl, whoever it is looking for information about weddings, there’s lots of stuff they’re going to buy for a wedding. There’s a wedding dress, there’s a honeymoon, there’s bridesmaids gowns, and tuxes, and wedding favors, and all this other stuff. Well it would be reasonable to assume that a percentage of the people coming to your website


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about weddings are going to be buying and therefore interested in one or more of those things when they come visit. If you went to one of these people, joined their free program, nobody charges anything for this. Again very low cost, it’s free, and you get an ad, you just copy the ad and put it on your website. Someone says “look cool wedding favors, let’s click here” and they go over there, and they buy wedding favors. Next month you get a check.

Again even though this time it was a customer and a product, it’s not your customer, not your product, not your activity. Your activity was simply getting someone to visit your website and click, when that person buys you get a check.

The dirty secret about all of these programs is that what they don’t do is they don’t help you get people to your website. They give you the product to sell but they have no idea how to get somebody to visit your site because their business is not helping you do that. Their business is selling their product.

So if you have the product on your site and nobody comes, you’ve got something absolutely worthless. It’s one of the big flaws in the way that people look at these programs and things. The programs are great when you have traffic. So when you learn how to create a Money Tree Site and you put that Money Tree Site online and you are generating traffic, now you can start feeding traffic to whatever source pays you the most money.


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SECTION 8 Here’s another dirty little secret of marketing. People think that marketing is really, really complicated because they don’t know what it is or how it works. But one of the biggest inside secrets of marketing is math. It’s a 4-letter word, math. Some people really think it’s a 4-letter word. But it’s simple math. Shawn get lots of people who come to his website, and he can put up an ad for wedding favors, and a week later he can look at how much money he made. Then next week he can put up an ad for a different wedding favor company, at the end of the week he can look at how much money he made. Here’s the tough math question, “how do I figure out which ad I should run in the future?” Whichever one made the most money. That’s the whole secret!

That’s a big secret though because people go out and hire marketing consultants and spend tens of thousands of dollars to get that answer. Or to never get that answer.

People talk about “well how do you optimize your website?” Well Shawn puts up ad number 1 and then puts up ad number 2, and whichever makes the most money is the ad running next.

This is one of the most powerful things about Money Tree Sites, it’s almost like the hidden secret of the Money Tree Site, it’s that you get traffic because you’re not spending money to go test ads and everything else. The traffic is coming in for free from the search engines.

Think about this; people are so worried about making mistakes. Jeff and Shawn hear people say “well what if I get online, and what if I make a mistake and I spend a $100, and no one shows up and I lose all of that money?” Well think about this, you don’t have to spend a $100 to advertise your Money Tree Sites, or $200, or a $1,000 or any money, it gets free traffic from the search engines.


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So now what if you put up an ad on your website, and no one clicks and no one buys? It doesn’t make you happy but you haven’t lost anything because you had no risk, it was free traffic. Nobody went there? Fine! What do you do with that ad? Well you can change the ad tomorrow and get rid of the one that didn’t work. When you run an ad and nothing happened, it’s fine! You just get rid of the ad and try a different ad. It’s called testing, but in this case testing is free.

In Jeff’s days of direct mail, TV, radio, and all of that, it wasn’t free. And in the old offline world, especially if you’re doing print media it took you days for like newspapers but months if you wanted to run a magazine ad test. Then many times you spend thousands of dollars to find out that nobody is interested. You get zero results.

With Money Tree Sites in a matter of 2, 3, 4 days you get the site up in the search engine. And you get free traffic from the search engines so you can test different ads and as soon as you find the ones that work and make money you leave those up and the ones that don’t work you don’t put them up. You can switch your ad instantly instead of waiting days or weeks or months like you would have to do with the offline world. It’s instantaneous, that’s the magic of the Internet.


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SECTION 9 You don’t have to have a high-speed broadband Internet connection for Money Tree Sites. You can do this on dial up. Anybody who is going to do a lot of Internet work is going to want to have high-speed if they can get it. And of course, if you say “well I don’t want to spend the extra money every month”, then you get some sites up, keep bringing in some extra money and then you can spend that other $30 a month or whatever it is to get high speed. But you do not need to have a high-speed connection to do this.

Okay, and you don’t need any other typical things for a business as mentioned before; you don’t need a store front, you don’t need inventory, you don’t need employees, you don’t need to keep hours, you don’t need a location in a mall.

Your website is online twenty-four seven, and it’s also on internationally. You can be sleeping here in the US, and a guy in Australia is wide-awake having coffee out there searching on the Internet. It’s global so it’s working for you, it’s working on holidays. Holidays are some of Shawn’s best days. The mall is closed, the stores are closed, people are spending time with their families but some of them are online searching for stuff and he is making money on his Money Tree Sites when they do that.

This does not need to be done full time, either. Let’s say you have a real job unfortunately that you have to keep for whatever reason, you can make money on Money Tree Sites in your spare time. Jeff and Shawn suggest people don’t quit their jobs to start with. They want people to start off and be comfortable. So they always suggest to people starting a business to start it part time and Money Tree Sites are perfect for that because you can work on them as your time frame permits, if you’re working around a job and taking kids to tee-ball and soccer and whatever else. You do this in the time that you have and because you don’t have the pressure of “oh my god the customers, I got to get back to them and I got to run and ship this thing and everything else”, you control your own schedule. When you have time you work on getting another site, getting it up in the search engines and those things. So it’s perfect for somebody to do in his or her spare 27

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time. Shawn’s Money Tree stuff is much more of a part time thing for him than a full time thing because he has his entire other part of his Internet business that is really his full time job, so to speak.


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SECTION 10 Maybe you are wondering if these are porn sites or multi-level marketing sites. These aren’t something you will be embarrassed to show your mom or whoever. In fact, Shawn’s mother who’s very active in her church has looked at his sites and blessed them, so it’s safe. But seriously, there’s nothing illegal, immoral, unethical, sleazy, underhanded, it’s not pornography, it’s not adult-only material. No gambling, no psychic hotlines, none of that kind of stuff. These are all legitimate things. These are things people are searching for on the Internet. This is what your fellow citizens are looking for. These are legitimate, there are thousands and thousands of topics, tens of thousands of topics people search for on the Internet that are legitimate and not sleazy, or immoral or anything. That’s not the kind of business Jeff or Shawn run.

In fact they strongly recommend people don’t even think about any of that stuff, just work with all of the normal ethical stuff.

And there are no multi-level marketing involved in this. Now there are obviously millions of people involved with MLM companies and network marketing companies and some of them do well, most people fail miserably with those companies, it’s just a fact. But one thing that you can certainly do is you can use your Money Tree Site to generate people visiting and find people that are interested in your MLM company or it’s products without having to spend a dime because you’re getting that free traffic in. You could get people that are interested in talking to you about those products or that company if you wanted to build that kind of a thing, but you don’t have to, it’s not involved, and neither Jeff or Shawn suggest any companies. Frankly, 99.9% of the Money Tree Sites out there have nothing to do with MLM or network marketing because their owners aren’t involved in those things. All of the Money Tree Site owners pick their own topics.

There are tens of thousands of topics that can be focused on for Money Tree Sites but you may be wondering about the competition. Actually, probably nobody truly knows how many Internet pages there are out there on the web now. Google says that they have 29

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over eight billion pages in their index and that climbs everyday, and estimates right now are at about 13 billion pages online. That’s a lot of web pages. That may make you think there is too much competition and saturation. There isn’t because here’s the thing, there’s more people online everyday, there’s more people doing searches everyday and getting more interested, there are more businesses everyday that are either getting online or increasing their web presence. Five years ago most people weren’t that familiar with it. Now this web is everywhere.

But see, the Internet is truly in its infancy. It is a medium that has been adopted the fastest because it’s so cheap to access it. When televisions first came out, if you go back historically it took a long time for TV’s to get adopted because it cost a lot of money for you to get a TV in your home. They were very expensive! Then depending upon the situation and the antennas and stuff, you’ve got some or very little signal. If you lived in a rural area it wasn’t there.

With the Internet you can go to a public library and get on the Internet. You can get a very inexpensive home computer and get on the Internet, people can do it all over the world and so it’s been adopted very quickly. It’s very accessible to everybody. But still we’re just very much in the beginnings of what we’re going to see with the Internet explosion. It’s estimated by the experts, there are consultants that do all of the analysis of the Internet, that currently they think they’ve reached the potential of about 10%of the business used that they think should be online over the next few years has now been reached. So that means we’ve got 90% more to go of business activity on the Internet. That’s businesses that are looking to pay you for the clicks, and pay you for the customers. These are all businesses with money looking to spend it with people like us creating these sites. So you’ve got this confluence of two things coming together, you’ve got businesses increasingly becoming aware of how valuable the Internet is for their business who want to spend money by the billions of dollars, and on the other hand you’ve got people looking for these businesses coming in by the additional millions in


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terms of additional use of the web. So you’ve got millions more searches and billions of dollars, all you want to do is be in the middle.

So the competition issue isn’t there because the web is so huge that everybody can get their piece of the pie. There’s billions of dollars everyday transacted on the Internet. As much as you may love to have your billion, you don’t need the billion everyday. If you get $500, $1,000, $2,000 a day you can live really well. It’s possible to do much more than that, but you don’t need a huge piece, there’s so much money! So you don’t need a huge piece for it to become a lot of money for you and your family. The competition and saturation issue is that we’re decades away from seeing that being a problem.


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SECTION 11 In conclusion, people should look out and see where they want to be. If someone is seriously looking at it and saying “I’ve tried Internet stuff, it didn’t work for me”, then they probably got the wrong advice, the wrong direction from people that didn’t know what they were doing because stuff works for Jeff and Shawn and it works for the people that they teach. That’s why Shawn has got over 100,000 satisfied customers in a 118 countries. These things work.

Last month Shawn did very close to $62,412 in one month. All from Money Tree Sites, on autopilot, money goes in his bank account whether he’s there or not; on vacation, playing golf, sleeping, it’s working.

If you want to get more information, just keep an eye on your email because Jeff and Shawn will be sending you notices about how you can learn more information. Specifically about getting your own Money Tree Sites so you can be getting cash deposited into your bank account automatically. This is the only way to go because if you want to really achieve the lifestyle and financial independence you’ve always dreamed about we can’t think of a better way to do it. Jeff and Shawn have never found any easier way, or a better way to do it, than Money Tree Sites. So keep an eye on your email, and Jeff and Shawn will be in touch with you very shortly and give you more specific information on how to get your own Money Tree Sites up and running for yourself.


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