How To Establish A True Slavery

February 27, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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How To Establish A True Slavery New Age Quest, Dominant-Submissive Lifestyle by Enter Author's Name

Contents Step 1. A Legal Foundation. .......................................................... ................................................. .................. ........... ..2 Background..................................................................................... ............................................................................................ .......2 2 Using the legal foundation ............................................................ ..................................................................... .........3 3 Step 2. A Psychological Foundation. Foundation. ................................. ........................ .................. .................. .............. ..... 4  The Six Lifestyle Dimensions Dimensions.......................................... ................................................... .................. .............. ..... 4  The Training Training Environment Environment..................................................... .............................................................. ................. ........ 4 Psychological Principles................................................... ............................................................ .................. ............. .... 5  The Key Needs Are Key Key Entries................................................ ......................................................... .............. ..... 6 Step 3. Building on Re Reality ality.. .............................................. ........ ............................................... ................... ............... ..... 7

 Note: This essay is addressed to a woman woman who is interested in becoming a true slave. This is a long essay (12 or more screens), so you might want to download it or print it  rather than reading it online.   How can true slavery be achieved? It is not easily done. I believe there need to be three dimensions which contribute to the best solution. This is a process of metamorphosis, in which you emerge like a butterfly from a cocoon, changing you from a  free woman into a true slave. 

1 Keywords:


STEP 1. A LEGAL FOUNDATION. Background  Sadly, true slavery can only exist in our real world under exceptional exceptional circumstances. circumstance s. In our "free society" legal slavery is not enforceable.  You  You can only belong to me thr through ough your free choic choice, e, or through highly illegal and coercive actions by those who want to enslave you. This latter alternative was in an older age commonly called "white slavery." Although this still does exist, it is comparatively rare, and the women are typically sold into bordellos or harems overseas. This is not the type of true slavery I seek, nor which you desire. No, true slavery here in the U.S. can only exist with your active consent, at least at the beginning. But, doesn't your consent deny the very thing it attempts to support? What can you do to enhance the value -- the reality -- of your enslavement without also taking it away? Well, We ll, there are basically only two ways in which you can "give yourself" into slavery to me. One way is by an interpersonal commitment, much like an engagement promise. promise. This kind of  commitment does not have the force of law. There is no coercive threat or promissory reward. reward. It is simply us joining our efforts together in a cooperative endeavor ("our relationship") simply by our agreement to proceed. This is not a very stirring beginning to the lifestyle you seek, but it can work.  The other way is by a quid pro quo. That is to say, I will give you something tangible for your slavery, and you go to me as my slave because you were "paid for" in a real way. For example, you can sell yourself to me for cash which you use for some purpose (helping a parent, an investment, or whatever else you wish). You You can also trade yourself to me for something of value, or specific promises of  deliverables in the future. For example, trips abroad, plastic surgery and other beauty enhancements, an education for a sister, and so on. (Note, however, that any promissory agr agreements eements must be very specific as to amounts and completion times, and should never include any contributions which you yourself may have earned and contributed towards my household.) A tangible commitment is clearly identifiable, and is also more amenable to the formalized documentation that is "normal" in the real world. (The idea of actually buying a slave with money is an extremel extremely y powerful one for both Masters and slaves, and a long essay on this is also available from the NewAgeQuest Loving: The Dominant/Submissive Lifestyle Index).

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Using the legal foundation  The legal foundation provides provides several ex extremel tremely y important functions in creating a condition of true slavery for you. The legal foundation includes typically a "Bill of Sale" giving title in you as a slave to me, and may also include supplemental promises and guarantees which I make regarding regarding your health, welfare, or relations with specific individuals. Most importantly, the legal foundation defines our identities, and formalizes the terms and conditions of your enslavement. In short, it "puts in black and white" the entire formal framework of our Master Master-slave -slave relationship. The fundamental, defining rules are enumerated here -- all of them. The idea is that anything not specified here defaults to being one of my rights. Secondarily, notarized legal documents, documents, such as a Bill of Sale, Sa le, can be used to give greater substance and reality to the transaction. Thus, having a piece of paper giving title to you as a slave to me is a good, firm beginning. However, using these documents adds value to the situation. For example, example, reading the documents out loud on anniversary dates, and having them framed and posted on the wall where they canalthough be seen the makes their presence In short, while legal system does felt. not support legalized slavery, you and I can in fact enter into a formalized state in which you are my slave, and legal forms can and should be used to define the existence and boundaries of this.



STEP 2. A PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATION.  The first step of establishing a legal foundation helps helps generate a good beginning, but it does not guarantee that you can be brought to a state of "true slavery." The development plan must take account of the different "dimensions" of your slavery. There are basically six lifestyle dimensions within which your slavery is developed -- deportment, body preparation, exhibitionism, sluttery, bondage, and 

rewards. These are the basic areas in which your training will be focused.

The Six Lifestyle Dimensions  The dimensions are: behavior.. This emphasizes "Deportment" means following rules of behavior knowing correct behavior as well as doing it to the satisfaction of your Master. "Body preparation" means how you daily prepare yourself, permanent decorations on your body, and even physical exer exercise cise routines. This emphasizes accepting the long term and permanent standards of your Master, as well as giving responsibility for your body to your Master. "Exhibitionism" means displaying your body (clothed or unclothed) in specified ways, including your sexually-intimate parts. This emphasizes knowledge of your sexual image and using it to please those around you, especially your Master. "Sluttery" means use of your body in sexual ways. This emphasizes arousing and gratifying the lusts of those around you, especially your Master. "Bondage" means the use of external restraints on your body. This emphasizes loss of control over your body as well as the developmentthe of patience and subservience in the service of your Master. rewards ds and punishments for feedback "Rewards" means the use of rewar and control. This emphasizes submission of yourself to your Master for both rewards and punishments, looking to Him for gratification of  your desires, and accepting His treatment of you as proper.

The Training Environment   The training environment environment is the "space" wit within hin which the training program is first begun. We can begin this by establishing a series of  rules and training ex exercises. ercises. There should be a Rul Rulebook ebook in which you H O W   T O E S T A B L I S H   A T R U E   SL A V ERY. D OC






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are given explicit explicit instructions. It should be given to you to study and memorize. The Rulebook details what is requir required, ed, what is permitted, and what is forbidden. It ranges from attire, to physical exercise, exercise, to food, to training exer exercises, cises, to behavior, to sex.  Training  Training ex exercises ercises could incl include ude such items as "floor exercises" (in which you assume a variety of specific positions), "dressage" (in which you are attired in especially sexy clothing and taken around),  "discipline" (in which you are ritually punished with a spanking or beating), "exhibition" (in which you are placed in bondage for entertainment purposes), and "obedience" (in which you are given specific submissive assignments to carry out). These are each specifically presented presented as a "training exercise," and as such will be evaluated later. Your performance on these should be rewarded or punished, as appropriate. A log book should be kept in which each exercise ex ercise is noted down along with your performance. This permits review revie w of past assignments with you and helps prepar prepare e you for the forthcoming one. Psychological conditioning is enhanced by use of mantras (prayer (prayer-recitations recitatio ns which help condition the mind). These are typically recited aloud at different timesetc. or in specific situations, fo r example, for risingain the morning, bedtime, These serve the purpose of  focusing slave's mind and reinfor reinforcing cing important concepts.

Psychological Principles  The following list of psychological psychological principles doesn't explain explain exactly "what" is done in your assignments, it merely enumerates the principles used in constructing your situation in terms of your assignments as well as your true-life slavery. Slave training must use all of these concepts in the appropriate way in pursuit of attainable, short-term goals. By using them I believe that "true slavery" can change from being an idea in a slave's or Master's mind, to being a learned manner of looking at and acting within the world.  The psychological principles principles used include the following: The Three Powers of Number, that is, repetition, mutual reinforcement, reinfor cement, and quantities a alter lter qualities. These a are re three basic concepts that relate to "how much" of "practice behaviors" can lead you to establish new "real behaviors." Repetition defines a task, reduces its challenge and difficulty, and so makes it easier each time you do it. Mutual reinforcement means that if you do similar tasks simultaneously (or close in time) they tend to support each other, making them all easier and benefitting them as a complex of  behaviors (however, this does not work if you are overburde overburdened ned with too much of something which is too difficult to do). Quantities alter  refers refer s to a component of the Hegelian dialectic, specifically qualities 9


that at some point if you do something enough (a quantitative qua ntitative change) it changes its fundamental funda mental nature (a qualitative change), and thus brings something new into being. All of these "powers of  number" are involved in how you should repeat activities to gain a more powerful response from them. The Power of the Positive refers to the fact that positive reinforcement, reinfor cement, that is, doing activities which encourage desired behaviors rather than punishing undesired behaviors, is the best way to bring about permanent changes in your behavior. behavior. This has been amply demonstrated in animal training, and works just as well with people. refers s to how baby steps can "The Power of Gradual Adaptation refer be used to bring you towards more difficult behavioral objectives. Even the most impossible-seeming task can be brok broken en down into small, easily achievable components. Taking Taking baby steps can still get you to the top. The Power of the Unconscious indicates that unconscious desires can have effects on your behavior, and also that your unconscious itself can be primed through conscious activity activity.. Thus, mantras, subconscious messages, and hypnotic inducements should be used to prime your conscious mind. The Power of Despair shows that when you are stressed and pushed to the edge, hidden strengths can come out and be utilized successfully to deal with the situation. This concept refers to how you can achieve breakthroughs in unexpected ways. The Power of Commitm Commitment  ent is the bedrock on which you and I will base our relationship. Without strong commitment on both our parts nothing great is possible; with it even miracles can be achieved.

The Key Needs Are Key Entries Psychological conditioning is optimally effective when it identifies a key need and always links gratification of it with a training goal through the appropriate reinforcing strategy.   Examples: (1) A high sex drive should be used as a key need so that when a slave's sex drive is satisfied, it should always be done through submissive or bondage scenes. (2) At times a slave will wish for the caring attention of her Master, and she should know that this is always available to her, however she should always be required required to abase herself in approaching Him. (3) A natural body function like peeing can also be used effectively effectively.. The slave can be requir required ed to ask for permission to pee and to do so only into a piss pot in front of her Master.. In this way she has her sense of privacy eroded, and she feels Master a real sense of loss of control over her body.

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STEP 3. BUILDING ON REALITY.  The true slave is an open invitation invitation to be dominated and used. This is also another way of saying that as a true slave you need  to be forced, need  to restricted, need  to be punished, and need  to be told you belong to me as my property. Why? All the preparation up to this point using the legal foundation and the psychological conditioning means nothing unless you truly experience living as a slave to me. It is real life reinforcement reinforcement which in the end counts for everything. Each tiny slip, such as treating you as an equal, granting you a privilege you haven't earned, or allowing you to speak your mind too freely, damages the net which I have been so carefully building up around you. Your slavery needs to be an omnipresent, ubiquitous awareness. You You need to see -- every day -- that you live in my home, serve my needs, and are a piece of my property. You need to understand that you are important to me as my slave, but not  as a freewoman. You need to accept that  I -- as your Master -- am the focus of your life, and this should make you happy. It is me as your Master, and me alone, who can turn you from a woman who agreed to be my slave into a true slave. Thus, a true slavery requires, by definition, a true Master. But, what makes a me a true Master? Basically two prime requirements are necessary. First, the unceasing desire to fully possess and Master you. This is like an addiction or a compulsion, driving my relations with you, so that I will not stop until I am satisfied that I have succeeded. Second, the ability to "see" you as a slave in my mind's eye and to treat you as such regardless of what you are wearing or where you are. As a true Master I should know in my heart that you belong to me, and I will treat you accordingly. How I treat you should be somewhat appropriate to the circumstances -- being in public for instance require requires s different forms of control -- yet my control is never lost. Keeping the vision of you as a slave always before me, I am able to maintain my control and make sure you never forget your role. Although only these two fundamental requirement requirements s exist, they are not sufficient by themselves to effectively achieve my goals. Indeed, there are a number of attitudes and orientations which I must adopt to help me in my quest. In a fashion akin to training you, repetition repetition and reinforcement are necessary to some extent to enhance my role of true Mastery. Thus, in a sense the training program of the slave is complimented by the training program of the Master in gaining and a nd keeping control over his slave. Note the following elements of the plan:



(1)Your initial commitment is only the opening I need. Thereafter I will work toward my goal of developing you into the slave I desire, taking into account your proclivities and potentialities. I will not discuss all my plans with you in detail, as this would be inappropriate. R Rather, ather, I will keep my goals largely to myself until it is time to reve reveal al each aspect of  your slavish life to you, training you to it. In this way I am able a ble to slowly bring you along until my goals are reached. The true Master does

not expect his slave to fall easily into the slavery he desires, and so he does not give her the opportunity to think about it. (2) Because it is impractical to control everything you do every minute of  the day, I must develop schedules and routines which guide you. For example, these can include time and chore schedules, dressing requirements, exercise and diet regimens, and observing obeisance (see #5, below). I will always be able to over-ri over-ride de these with immediate demands, but I must rely on a well-developed program for the bulk of  your training. The true Master understands that a critical part of 

his role is to set up routines for his slave and to monitor his slave's performance under them.   (3) Because my control cannot be compromised in any way, I must assiduously assert a punishment program for any and all infractions of  the rules. (As I noted above, however, positive reinforcement guiding and reinforcing the behaviors will be used to be the most effective part of the training program.) Punishment in this context should never be so cruel or painful that it destroys the positive bond between us as Master and slave. "Punishment" thus should be another link connecting Master and slave which provides some positive reinforc reinforcement ement to the slave, yet one tinged with more "dangerous" and stimulating elements of control. Spanking, for example, has been proven to be a highly effective means of administering punishment in a fashion that positively links the Master and other slave,more although slaves respond p punishing ositively tohis whipping and cruelsome forms. A true Masterhighly enjoyspositively slave, and you should be punished enough so that we both are comfortable with its use, yet not so much that it loses its effectiveness. Also, punishment needs to be ritualized (in terms of how, with what and when) so that its course of action can be anticipated and appreciated. Another approach for very minor infractions uses shame and embarrassme embarrassment nt (for example, having you to stand in a corner in an embarrassing fashion, requiring you to wear especially embarrassing "punishment" clothing in public, etc.). Finally, Finally, it should be emphasized that enforcing punishments like these should be enjoyable means of exercising control for me. The

true Master is always observant for infractions of his rules by his slave, and views such opportunities as a means improve his control over her through punishment.  H O W   T O E S T A B L I S H   A T R U E   SL A V ERY. D OC






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(4) Both "let's play slave now" and "let's be real now" behaviors by you are prohibited because they belie the reality I am building around us both. If they are inadvertently engaged in, they must never be responded to positively. As your Master, I have given you allowed avenues of expression which I expect you to follow. follow. I can allow an honest discussion of needs or real-life matters (discussions re illness, money, family matters, etc.) as long as permission is first sought and the discussion is held within allowed boundaries. Thus, even "real" issues can be approached and managed as a Master-slave couple. Also, note that permission can be given to you without compromising my control control to always deal with certain issues, such as a s calls from your family without having to obtain my permission first. Or, if you desire intimacy or reassurance, you must have defined avenues of behavior so that you can express these needs as well. I can benefit from these avenues as well. I am not an expert in everything, and at times I will need your advice or assistance in real life matters. I will use your abilities how and when I can, and I am willing to listen to your opinions and advice when offered in a suitable manner.  manner.  A A true Master must devise an

atmosphere in which both he and his slave can exchange information and seek a variety of needs which the defined  routines of their existence do not provide.   (5) Because I desire you to be a true slave, I require you to always treat me like a true Master by observing obeisance appropriate to the situation. Strangers shake hands when they meet; this is considered good manners. Typical Typical lovers say hello and kiss on meeting. Likewise, I will require require you to fo follow llow an etiquette which has as its purpose honoring me and my ownership of you. For example these (and other) situations need to be defined: addressing me in private versus in public, greeting me in private versus in public, how to behave in the presence of other Masters and slaves, saying goodbye in person versus over the phone, going to bed, rising in the morning, asking for a favor, etc. The idea is that you and I will develop a workable series of "exchanges" (defined in words, positions, and movements) which serve to remind us of our relationship with each other and to formally acknowledge it.  it.   A A true

 Master always expects and demands full respect from his slave.  (6) Because I view you as my property, gifts to you are different from the gifts of ordinary men to their women. First, I view my demands upon you as "gifts" for enabling you to show your love, commitment, and abilities, rather than impositions. Second, I will reward and compliment you for particularly well done service. I know it would be ungracious of me not to reward the excellence I seek. Rewarding it in turn elicits more, which I desire. And third, at times I will enjoy being able to give you treats and privileges simply for the pleasure of seeing you respond to my 9


generosity. However, I will only do so when I am feeling especially pleased with you. I will not feel any compulsion to give you presents because it is your birthday or Valentine's day. I will acknowledge such special days with a card or token, but you receive "real" gifts throughout the year based on your ability to serve and please. Such gifts can include items I wish your to wear, trips to events or dining out, or even "wild cards" which you can redeem from me to gain your desires. Thus, you know that your rewar rewards ds come through your service to me, and when I am especially pleased with you then you are most likely to be given rewards that you desire. The true Master not only uses his slave's

body and service to please him, he also gives her pleasure for  the purpose of bringing him joy.  In short, these six elements through conscious understanding and repetition repetitio n will help me build my use of you as a true slave so that our relationship is pleasing and comfortable for us both. both . I will be in control, yet will not need to be constantly managing you. I will enjoy not only the benefits of your performance to my standards, but enjoy "correc "correcting" ting" you whenever you don't satisfy me. I will expect you to come to me with real life problems and real needs, and I in turn will use your abilities to help me solve problems. I will requir require e you to acknowledge my ownership of you through extensive obeisance, and I will enjoy your ritualized submissions to me. Finally, Finally, I will view my dominance of you as a gift to me and an opportunity opp ortunity for you to earn rewards from me; I will use you in any way I can, and give you rewards as much for your benefit as for my pleasure. Note that this list is likely not exhaustive, and that with further reflection reflectio n I could add new elements, clarify, and further refine this as a plan. (Enough is enough, at this point, however however.) .) I will take care of my property, and I expect you to be happy in your role. I will expect you to try to serve me dutifully and well. I also will devote a great deal of effort to assure that you are suitably obedient and effective at serving me. That having been done, I will enjoy the fruits of our complimentary labors. I will both expect and demand more from you than an ordinary man would; of course, I will also have put much more attention and effort into you than an ordinary man will have. Such is the nature of the true Master and the true slavery he builds. Now, lest this reality sound somewhat oppressive, it should also be pointed out I also need to be attentive to your true needs. Y our true needs must be met, but not in a way in which you can demand them -or even in a way in which you need to demand them. And if these are all done, I believe it is possible to construct a life of true slavery for you. So, in a sense the lifestyle I propose is a grand experim experiment, ent, a thrilling

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challenge, and the realization of a fascinating dream. If you can accept this challenge, you will indeed be special. [Copyright © 1997 by New Age Quest]

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