How To Draw Manga

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 How to Draw Manga Manga  How to Draw Manga is a series of instructional books on drawing manga published

by Graphic-sha, by a variety of authors. Originally in Japanese for the Japanese market, many volumes have been translated into English and published in the United States. Of the wide range of manga-how-tos available for westerners, the series is seen as one of the more useful, both for its provenance and wide range of practical tips.[1] The English-language volumes in the series were co-produced by Graphicsha and two other Japanese companies, Japanime Co. Ltd. and Japan Publications Trading Co.

Contents List of books in the series How to Draw Manga How to Draw Manga: Ultimate Manga Lessons Ho How w to Draw Manga: Computones Ho How w to Draw Manga: Sketching M Manga-Style anga-Style Manga Ma nga Pose Resource Book 

The cover of How to Draw Manga: Bodies & Anatomy 

Ho How w to Draw Anime and Ga Game me Characters More Mo re How to Draw Manga Ca Cancelled/status ncelled/status u unknown nknown volumes

Cross-promotions External links

List of books in the series This is a list of books in the main HTDM  set  set and other sets that relate to the to  the main series.

How to Draw Manga Originally there were no volume numbers on the English versions, because the original Japanese version did not have them. Only volumes 1 - 8 were given numbers. With continued reprints and more books being released, all volumes gained a number number.. The dates given are the first printing. Several of these books have been discontinued, and are considered hard to find.

How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 1: Compiling Compil ing Ch Chara aracters cters (October  (October 1999) How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 2: Compiling Compil ing Techniques echniq ues (July  (July 2000) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 3: Compiling Com piling Applic A pplication and a nd Practice Pract ice (August  (August 2000) How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 4: Dressing Dressi ng Your Charact Ch aracters ers in Casual Casua l Wear  (May  (May 2001) How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 5: Developing Develo ping S Shou houjo Man Manga ga Techniq Techniques ues (July  (July 2002) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 6: Martia M artiall Arts & Co C ombat Sports Sp orts (June  (June 2002) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 7: Amazing Ama zing Effects Eff ects(June (June 2003) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 8: Super Sup er Basics Basic s (June 2003) How to Draw Manga Vol. 9: Special: ColoredOriginal Colored Original Drawing Drawing (May  (May 2001) How to Draw Manga Man ga Vol. 10: Getting Gett ing Started  Star ted (October (October 2000) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 11: Maids Ma ids & Miko (November 2002) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 12: Giant Gi ant Robots Rob ots(February (February 2002)


How to t o Draw Dra w Manga Man ga Vol. 13: 1 3: Su Super per Tone Technique Techniques s (August 2002) How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 14: 14 : Colorful Colo rful Costumes (January es (January 2003) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 15: Girls' Life Illustr Il lustration File Fi le (May  (May 2003) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 16: Guns Gu ns & Military Milit aryVol. Vol. 1 1 (September  (September 2003) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 17: Guns Gu ns & Military Milit aryVol. Vol. 2 2 (October  (October 2004) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 18: Super-Defo Super-Deformed rmed Characte Ch aracters rs Vol. 1 Humans Hu mans (August  (August 2004) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 19: Super-Defo Super-Deformed rmed Characte Ch aracters rs Vol. 2 Animals An imals (June  (June 2005) How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 20: 20 : Female Fema le Charac Cha racters ters (December  (December 1999) How to Draw Manga Vol. 21: Bishoujo PrettyGals Pretty Gals (November  (November 2000) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 22: Bishoujo Bishou jo Arou Aroun nd the World  Wo rld  (March  (March 2001) How to Draw Manga Man ga Vol. 23: Illustrat Illu strating ing Battl es (October es (October 2000) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 24: Occult Oc cult & Horror  Hor ror (June (June 2003) How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 25: 25 : Bodies Bodi es & Anato An atomy  (December  (December 2001) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 26: Making Ma king Anim Anime e (January 2003) How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 27: 27 : Male Character Charac ters (July 2002) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 28: Couples Co uples (January  (January 2003) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 29: Putting Pu tting Things Th ings i  n Perspective (October Perspective (October 2002) How to t o Draw Dra w Manga Man ga Vol. 30: 3 0: Pe Pen n & Tone Technique Techniques s (April 2003) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 31: More about a bout Pre Pr etty Gal Gals s (August 2003) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 32: Mech. Me ch. Draw Drawing ing(December (December 2003) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 33: Costume Costum e Encycloped Encyclopedia ia Vol. Vol. 1 Ev Everyday eryday Fashion Fashio n(December 2003) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 34: Costume Costum e Encycloped Encyclopedia ia Vol. Vol. 2 In Intimat timate e Appar Apparel  el (January (January 2005) How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 35: 35 : Costume Cost ume En Encyc cyclopedia loped ia Vol. Vol. 3: Sexy Sports Sp orts Wear  Wear  (May  (May 2005) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 36: Animals An imals (February  (February 2005) How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 37: 37 : Macromedia Macr omedia Flash T Techni echniques ques (February  (February 2004) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 38: Ninja & Samurai Portr Portrayal  ayal  (September  (September 2005) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 39: Creating Creat ing Manga Man ga: Stori Stories es (April  (April 2007) How to Draw Dra w Manga Vol. 40: Dressing Dr essing Your Your Character Cha racters s In Suits & Sailor S ailor Suits Su its(August (August 2006) How to Draw D raw Man Manga ga Vol. 41: Costume Costum e Encycloped Encyclopedia ia Vol. Vol. 4 Ki Kimono mono & Gowns G owns(April (April 2007) How to t o Draw Dra w Manga Man ga Vol. 42: 4 2: Dr Drawing awing Yaoi  (June  (June 2007) Note: this is abishōnen abishōnen how-to guide, not yaoi How to Draw Manga M anga Vol. 43: 43 : Drawing Draw ing Bishōn Bi shōnen (December en (December 2008)

How to Draw Manga: Ultimate Manga Lessons This set was printed in a smaller format of 15 cm x 21 cm.

How to Draw Dra w Manga Manga:: Ultimate Ultima te Manga Lesson Lessons sV o ol. l. 1: Dr Drawing awing Made Ma de Easy (April (April 2005) How to Draw Manga: Man ga: Ultim Ultimate ate Mang Manga a Lessons Lesson s V o ol. l. 2: The Basi Basics cs of Characters Chara cters and Materia M aterials ls(August 2005) How to Draw Manga: Man ga: Ultim Ultimate ate Mang Manga a Lessons Lesson s V o ol. l. 3: Draw Drawing ing Sensational Sensa tional Charact Ch aracters ers(November (November 2005) How to Draw Manga: Man ga: Ultim Ultimate ate Mang Manga a Lessons Lesson s V o ol. l. 4: Maki Making ng the Character Char acters s Come Alive(March Alive(March 2006) How to Draw D raw Man Manga: ga: Ultimate Ult imate Manga Lessons Lesson s V ol. 5: A Touch of o f Dynamism Dynam ism (2006) How to Draw Dra w Manga Manga:: Ultimate Ultima te Manga Lesson Lessons sV o ol. l. 6: Str Striking iking the th e Right Note No te(2006) (2006)

How to Draw Manga: Computones Each volume in this set includes aCD-ROM aCD-ROM for use with w ith W Windows indows onl only y.

How to t o Draw Dra w Manga: Man ga: Computones Comput ones Vol. 1 1:: Basic T Tone one Techniques echni ques (May  (May 2005) :0 How to Draw Dra w Manga Manga:: Computones Comput ones Vol. 2: Depicting Ch Charact aracters ers (September  (September 2005) How to Draw Manga: M anga: Comput Computones ones Vol. 3: Mecha (October Mecha (October 2005) How to Draw Dra w Manga Manga:: Computones Comput ones Vol. 4: Portrayin Portraying g Couples Couple s (June 2006) How to Draw D raw Man Manga: ga: Computon Co mputones es Vol. 5: A Aim iming ing For Action (June Action (June 2006)

How to Draw Manga: Sketching Manga-Style


How to Draw Dra w Manga Manga:: Sketching Sketchi ng Mang Manga-Styl a-Style eV ol. 1: Sketching Ske tching to t o Plan(February Plan (February 2007) How to Draw Manga: Man ga: Sketc Sketching hing Man Manga-Sty ga-Style le V ol. 2: Logical Logi cal Proportion Propo rtions s(April 2007) How to Draw Manga: Man ga: Sketc Sketching hing Man Manga-Sty ga-Style le V ol. 3: Unforgetta Unfo rgettable ble Character Char acters s(October 2007) How to Draw Dra w Manga Manga:: Sketching Sketchi ng Mang Manga-Styl a-Style eV ol. 4: All About Ab out Perspecti Per spective ve(Nov (Nov 12, 2008) How to Draw Dra w Manga Manga:: Sketching Sketchi ng Mang Manga-Styl a-Style eV ol. 5: Sketching Ske tching Props P rops(August (August 11, 2009) These books are no longer in print and the series has been canceled.

Manga Pose Resource Book  This set was printed in an over-sized -sized format of 21cm x 29.6 cm.

Manga Pose Resourc Re source e Book Vol. 1: Basic Po Poses ses (2002)  (2002) Manga Pose Resource Res ource Book Vol. 2: Animals A nimals (2002)  (2002) Manga Pose Resourc Re source e Book Vol. 3: Actions Action s S Scenes cenes (2002)  (2002)

How to Draw Anime and Game Characters This set is another Graphic-Sha publication that is shown alongside the main HTDM series on the dustjacks and in ads.

How to Draw Dra w Anime an and d Game Characte Ch aracters rs V ol. 1: Basics Bas ics for Beginne Be ginners rs and Beyond  Bey ond (August 2000) How to Draw Dra w Anime an and d Game Characte Ch aracters rs V ol. 2: Expressin Exp ressing g Emotio Emotions ns(March (March 2001) How to Draw Dra w Anime an and d Game Characte Ch aracters rs V ol. 3: Bringing Bri nging Daily Da ily Actions Actio ns to Life Life(August (August 2001) How to Draw Anime Anim e and Game Characte Ch aracters rs V ol. 4: Mastering Mast ering Battle Bat tle and Action Acti on Moves(April Moves(April 2002) How to Draw Dra w Anime an and d Game Characte Ch aracters rs V ol. 5: Bishoujo Bis houjo Game Ga me Character Char acters s(September 2003)

More How to Draw Manga Another set of manga-know-how with only four volumes, based in character creation. Note: Only three of the first printings for this series are below b elow..

More How to t o Draw Manga Ma nga Vol. 1: The Basics Ba sics of Character Char acter Drawing Dr awing(March (March 2004) More How Ho w to Dr Draw aw Manga Mang a Vol. 2: P Penning enning Characte Characters rs (March  (March 2004) More How to t o Draw Manga Ma nga Vol. 3: Enhancing Enh ancing a Chara Character' cter's s Sense of Presence Pr esence(August (August 2004) More How to t o Draw Manga Ma nga Vol. 4: Masterin Mas tering g Bishouj ishoujo o Chara Characters cters (September  (September 2004)

Cancelled/status unknown volumes These are volumes that were going to be released in English and even advertised for ordering, but they have been cancelled.

How to Draw Manga: M anga: Digita Digitall Comic Guide V ol. 1

Cross-promotions A special edition of the series titled  How to Draw Manga Special: Color Colored ed Original Drawing was produced detailing how to use Copic markers. It explains how to avoid blotches, use colorless blenders, sselect elect paper, paper, rrefill efill markers, changing nibs and the airbrush system.

External links (in Japanese) Manga related books on Graphic-sha website (in English) How to Draw Manga (in Japanese) Japanime Co. Ltd. (in Japanese) Japa nese) Japan Publicat Pu blications ions Trading Co.


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