Download How to develop Power Brass Chops - Allen Sanders.pdf...
"Brass playing is very easy when it is done correctly. It is very hard when it is attempted incorrectly . . . It is absolute torture when the player is playing incorrectly and trying to do it by sheer force." - Claude Gordon
Hello fellow Brass Player! Congratulations for making a GREAT decision to further your musical training. I truly thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. Music is my passion, and it is a dream come true for me to be able to share this information on a mass scale. The Power Brass ChopsTM system is unlike any process you have ever studied before. The exercises in this manual would take at least 7 lessons to teach to a private student. At a minimum of $40 per lesson, that is at LEAST $280 worth of value that you have been able to get for just $47!! Make the best of this book and USE THE TECHNIQUES! My commitment to you is this: Your embouchure strength will dramatically improve over the next 60 days or you get your money back. No questions asked. Even if you print this book, lay it on your music stand, and MXVWGRQ¶WJHWDURXQGWRXVLQJLW,ZLOOJODGO\UHIXQG\RXU money during the next 60 days and you can keep the book just for trying my methods.
Power Brass ChopsTM Sometimes the best way to explain what something ³IS´ requires you to explain what something ³IS NOT´. This manual IS NOT: a replacement for one on one private instruction ± NOTHING can substitute for one on one teaching --- but it can supplement your lessons in a VERY big way. the only way on the planet to improve your playing and strengthen your embouchure ± EXWLW¶VDJRRGRQH a quick fix method, although you will see fast results if you implement the system. The distinction being that WORK and PERSISTENCE are required for this to benefit you, just like any other method book.
a theory or philosophy --- it teaches fundamentals that you probably have already been exposed to before, but in a VERY unique way. something you try for one day and say³7KDWGLGQ¶WZRUN´
The Power Brass ChopsTM system IS a simple series of exercises that will teach you how to do the following: 1) Eliminate the need to use mouthpiece pressure on your lips to play high notes or to compensate for fatigue 2) Build endurance that is shockingly consistent and reliable 3) Naturally develop a beautiful tone in ALL registers 4) Easily transition from low notes to high ones and back down without alterations in the horn angle and embouchure shape or placement 5) Play with tremendous power and clarity WITHOUT GETTING TIRED 6) Create almost effortless articulation (especially double and triple tonguing) 7) Solve the challenge of having BRACES as a Brass Player ± YES! 8) Relax while you are playing so that you can have a lot more fun!
Not your normal practice manual Alright, DWWKLVSRLQW\RX¶YHSUREDEO\DOUHDG\IOLSSHGIRUZDUGthrough this manual DQGVDLG³:KDWLVWKLVVWXII"´ ,NQRZLW¶VQRWDEXQFKRImusic staves full of all kinds of flexibility exercises and scales and long tones and articulation drills, etc., etc., etc.
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